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Hunting Danger - Book 2

E.A. Shanniak


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Hunting Danger

Dangerous Ties Book 2

E.A. Shanniak

Eagle Creek Books LLC

Book Two by E.A. Shanniak

Copyright © 2021 E.A. Shanniak

All rights reserved.

Cover Design: Harvest Moon Cover Designs

Developmental Editing: Brittany G.

Line/Copy Editing: Tiffany P.

Proofreading: Michelle F.

Published by Eagle Creek Books LLC of Coldwater, Kansas

This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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what is right, no matter the consequences.

"Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; that is your oath to suffice… Remember that." — Kingdom of Heaven


Alien Prince Reverse Harem – Ubsolvyn District:

Stalking Death - prequel

Securing Freedom

Saving Home

Bayonet Books Anthology:

Storming Area 51: Stalking Death

Slay Bells Ring: Stocking Gryla

Clean Fantasy Romance – Zerelon World Novella:

Aiding Azlyn

Killing Karlyn

Reviving Roslyn

Clean & Sweet Regency Romance – Bramley Hall:

Love At Last

Love That Lasts

Love Ever Lasting

Clean & Sweet Western Romance – Whitman Western Series:

To Find A Whitman

To Love A Thief

To Save A Life

To Lift A Darkness

To Veil A Fondness

To Bind A Heart

To Hide A Treasure

To Want A Change

To Form A Romance

Harlequin Fantasy Romance – Castre World Novel:

Piercing Jordie

Mitering Avalee

Forging Calida

Uplifting Irie

Braving Evan

Warring Devan

Hunting Megan

Shifting Aramoren – short story

Anchoring Nola – short story

Paullett Golden Anthology:

Hourglass Romance: Love At Rescue

Romantic Choices: Love Flames Anew

Slow Burn Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance – Dangerous Ties:

Opening Danger

Hunting Danger

Burning Danger

Slow Burn Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance – Wicked Ties:

Wicked Witch

Wicked Bonds

Wicked Ruin

Standalone Stories:

Winter Luna





I thought my body could ever possibly run. The backpack slapped against my spine and shoulders. Screeching resounded behind me. The rushing whoosh of air swept over me, and I ducked my head.

Evander fired shots from his rifle at kludde and goblins, which echoed in the suffocating stillness of the early morning. The growling wail of a creature getting struck down brought some relief to my on-edge nerves and rapidly beating heart. The perimeter of the forest came into view with promising concealing foliage offering some security. Somehow, even with relative safety within mere yards, it hardly brought much comfort. In my mind, we were still fucked.

“GO!” Evander yelled. “Move your tiny legs!”

“I’m running as fast as I can!” I shot back, over my shoulder.

Evander sped ahead of me, pausing on the outskirts of the forest to turn and shoot at an enemy behind me. Show off, I thought glowering at the fact his lycan blood afforded him supernatural abilities, whereas my human blood made me… well, fucked.

“Is the key safe?” he asked.

“It’s in my bra,” I huffed.

Catching up to Evander, I brought the rifle around that was slapping me from a strap across my chest and deftly loaded a bullet chamber. Taking a stance beside Evander, I lifted the gun to my shoulder. I knocked down the broken scope with the heel of my hand enough to aim down the iron sights and fired a shot at an oncoming green bulbous goblin. Orange eyes met mine. The overly large arms stopped swinging forward. The head of the creature imploded from the bullet like a rotting pumpkin.

Six kludde circled from above, letting the goblins do their dirty work. Kludde came straight from nightmares. They were large creatures resembling a horribly deformed upper half of a wolf and bottom of a human with large ebony bat wings that protruded in a broken and, what I suspected, painful way from their backs; bear-like claws, and an eagle beak, with teeth, added to the perverseness of these demonic creatures. Green glistening dragon scales covered the kludde’s entire body in between broken patches of fur. A chain wrapped itself around a left ankle, rattling as one of the kludde stalked forward. Dark maroon eyes stared into mine and I just about pissed myself, for the second time this week.

Eight more goblins were gaining ground on us; orange eyes scowling at us as their green arms propelled them forward and under-bitten jaws with pointed teeth gnashed together. I put another well placed bullet in the mid-cavity of a goblin, watching in awestruck horror as the beast imploded on itself.

“Creepy,” Evander commented, firing another round.

I fired off three more shots, hitting my targets each time. “Reloading,” I said, frantically grabbing ammo from the shoulder strap.

“You weren't ever in the military,” Evander commented.

“Uncle Syrus,” I replied, believing it a sufficient enough answer at the moment as I racked the lever-action and shoved another bullet into the chamber of the 30-30.

I slammed the rifle to my shoulder, firing off a shot at a goblin mere yards from me. I spun on my heel, taking aim at the last goblin close to Evander while he dealt with his rifle jamming. The goblin imploded, it’s head sucking into its body. It was abominably disturbing to watch because it was so unexpected. I thought it would explode or just drop the creature all together with a hole through the cranial bones, but no, it had to be creepy like the creatures themselves.

Kludde circling overhead descended on us now that the goblins were taken care of. I fired off a round, striking the closest creature in the left shoulder. The beast screeched, whirling to the ground and tumbling over itself, wings tearing in its tumble with the ground. Evander grabbed my arm, pulling me deeper into the forest.

Maple tree and birch branches, along with giant rhododendron bushes practically punched my face and arms, ripping at my body and the backpack. I gripped the rifle close, waiting for an aerial attack from the kludde should the seven of them try to penetrate the branches.

“This way,” Evander hollered over his shoulder. “We need to head west.”

“I agree. And to the Vidis Forest,” I answered affirmingly.

Evander paused and I ran headlong into him. He didn’t even budge. “Why there?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I replied huffily, picking myself up off the ground. “I just have a feeling Elohi is there.”

Lightning crackled across the sky, lighting up the small dense wooded area we found ourselves in. It made my skin crawl as thunder boomed shortly after.

“Vidis Forest then, yeah?”

I nodded. “If it sounds alright with you.”

Evander grabbed my left hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. “Fine with me. There are two wolf packs we can stop at along the way. The next one would be just outside of Maluhia.”

“Would they help us?”

He dropped my hand and nodded. His emerald eyes took in the scene around us. The seven kludde hovered overhead, trying to figure out how to get their bulky bodies inside the compact forest. An exploding crash from behind signaled a kludde who dared to enter the wooded area and risk ripping its wings.

I spun on my heel, placing a bullet in the middle of the hulking creature. Unphased it’d been shot, the kludde snapped it’s wolf jaws, gnashing it’s crooked teeth. The kludde’s maroon eyes met mine and it howled, a low hair-raising sound. The others in the air dive-bombed in, breaking branches and tearing their wings to shreds to get to us; falling in behind the kludde I shot.

“Run Zuri!” Evander called.

I couldn’t. My feet were glued to the moss and moldy leaves covering the ground. Lifting the butt of the rifle to my shoulder, I fired blind. The bullet connected with the shoulder of the same kludde, staggering it backward twenty feet from me. It howled, taking several steps forward and swiping its massive pawed claws at me, hitting air as I dodged out of the way. I stepped back, firing another shot.

The six remaining kludde surrounded me, all focused on me and not the wolf stalking in between the bushes. I kept my eyes on the two kludde in front of me, not wanting them to know something else was closing in for a kill.

Holding the butt of the rifle snug against my shoulder, I sent off another bullet, smacking the same creature in the right shoulder. I had no idea how many bullets it would take to drop this horrendous creation made by hell itself, but I would fight until I died.

I fired another shot at the kludde, killing it with a head shot. Evander, in his magnificent wolf form, lunged at a kludde beside the one I shot, tearing into its neck. I watched Evander out of the corner of my eye, ripping back and forth, tearing a huge chunk out of the monstrosity. Blood spurted from open veins in its neck, gargling. The kludde dropped to the ground - dead.

Four still surrounded us. One of the hell-beasts howled into the air. I lifted the rifle to my shoulder, staring down the iron sight and pulled the trigger.

“Fuck,” I yelped as it clicked empty.

The kludde screamed. My eyes enlarged, dropping to the ground to get the bullets from the shoulder strap of my backpack. I glanced at Evander who had one kludde by the thigh. He whipped his head back and forth to tear into the creature. The kludde seeing their fellow in distress, afforded me a quick reprieve to get what I needed. I quickly grabbed the bullets on the shoulder strap, loading them into the rifle. Chambering a bullet I got to my feet, staring down the iron sights and putting a bullet in one’s head.

Out of the corner of my eye, a kludde charged at me, knocking me to the ground and pinning me down with its massive claws on my chest. His claws sank into my clothes, tearing at the flesh beneath the fabric. The kludde lowered its head, jaws snapping to take my face off. Bringing the rifle up, I used it to block the space between its biting jaws and my body.

“Evander!” I squeaked out.

Evander’s dark gray-black fur lunged at the kludde attacking me. The demon from hell didn't even budge at the weighty power of Evander. I fought to turn the rifle barrel up at the creature’s chest. The kludde’s claws dug further into my skin and I screamed. Evander lunged again, grabbing hold of the kludde’s shoulders, though Evander did not drop the kludde to the ground. The distraction Evander provided afforded me the opportunity I needed.

I quickly pivoted the gun to my shoulder and racked a bullet. I fired. The creature wailed, falling backward, dead on top of me. The warmth of the blood mingling in with the rotting pungent stench of the creature itself made me gag. Evander snarled. The noise of flesh ripping from fur resonated in my ears. I glanced around trying to see him, but couldn’t.

“Evander,” I hollered.

Not being able to see what was happening made my body tense and tingle with anxious nerves. I wriggled; trying to free myself of the weight of the beast on me. My chest tightened. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I set my rifle to the side so I could pull myself out. I fought to get out from underneath the beast, grabbing onto an exposed tree root and wriggled out.

Getting free of the dead monster, I staggered to my feet. Leaning down, I picked my rifle up and racked another bullet. Evander faced off with the final monster. Putting the butt of the gun to my shoulder, I took a moment to aim precisely. Firing off a shot, I got the creature in the head; entering through the left temple and exiting right.

“Fuck,” Evander said, shifting, his eyes wide. “I almost lunged for its face and then you pop one off.”

I made a worried face like the emoji with the awkward teeth-showing smile. “Sorry,” I squeaked.

“Nice shot though. You hurt?”

I let out a breath, letting the rifle drop to be supported by the sling and shook out my arms free of nerves. “I’m ok,” I breathed. “A kludde’s claws got me but I’m fine.”

“You’re not bitten or scratched?”

I scowled, looking at my scratched left shoulder and chest and shrugged. Blood stained a bit of my chest. I peeked inside my dress, looking at the half dozen small, pen cap sized puncture holes the kludde created. My shoulder felt and looked more like a bad road rash and the puncture marks had an achy hurt but it wasn’t terribly painful. Since my hands were dirty, I dared not touch it. “Scratched and got punctured with claws, but not bitten.”

Evander nodded, running a hand over his face and pulled at the skin on his neck. He came over, pulling my dress shirt down and exposed one puncture on my chest. I pursed my lips, not sure what to think about him seeing my chest.

Evander gazed at me worried. “It looks like it hurts. Let’s get you somewhere and get it taken care of,” he said, taking a step back and blowing his lips. “I was worried about you.”

“I was worried about you too.”

Evander ran his hands through his hair and breathed. “Fuck.”

I glanced around at all the dead bodies of our enemies. Not once did it occur to me that I was going to die. And I believed it to be, in part, Evander being there. I counted on him and I hoped he did the same for me. I spied a dead kludde, my lip curling at the rapid and pungent odor it gave off.

My eyes met Evander’s, spying the relief in his emerald orbs and I smiled. He was alive and so was I. A fear I didn’t know I had swirled inside of me. Even though for most of our relationship we had been at odds, I feared losing him. But here he was whole and sound in front of me.

I strode up to him, standing toe to toe and wrapped my arms around his waist. Resting my head against his chest, his heartbeat soothed my remaining nervousness. I didn’t want to let go. I snuggled up closer to him, relishing the silent strength of his arms encompassing me. And this time, compared to when he saved me from the fae, he embraced me back.

Glancing up, I stared at the bottom of his jaw and the stubble. Hesitantly, I reached up, putting my left hand along the bottom of his jaw. Evander closed his eyes, breathing out. His hot breath tingled my nose. I pulled him toward me and kissed his lips. I held him there with my hand on his jaw. His soft lips parted. Being bold, I inserted my tongue, making it dance with his. He returned the same hunger for me, grabbing my body and lifting me onto his waist, holding me under my butt like my weight was nothing even with the backpack on my shoulders and the rifle in between us. I wrapped my legs and arms around him, lacing my fingers together behind his head. I leaned my forehead against his, kissing his lips and relishing the power of his hands on my body and the starvation of his kiss.

Evander smoothly set me down, his fingers weaving in through my hair and pulling me toward him. His tongue roved mine for a hot moment, then he pulled away to sensually bite my lower lip. His hot kisses trailed my cheek, making his way over to my ear lobe. He licked and sucked the lobe and I couldn't help but melt into him. My body tingled, loving the sensation and wanting something more that involved no clothing and a few hours of solitude.

“Like that do you?” he whispered huskily, pulling away.

I pulled at the back of his neck, bringing him down to me. I put my cheek on his, giving the space close to his ear on his jaw a soft sensual kiss. His body shuddered and I grinned; continuing my kissing along his jaw.

“I do,” I replied, my voice sounding faint.

My eyes, heavy lidded with lust slowly opened, taking in his labored breathing, noticing how I affected him and how his body seemed to crave mine. I craved his too. I wanted him as the moon wanted the stars.

Evander kissed the top of my head. “The first pack house we come to, I’m claiming you.”

I stood in awestruck silence. My heart stilled, ceasing its repetitive beating for what felt like a minute. I had desired for so long, as far back as I could remember, wanting someone, something to love me wholeheartedly. And I was dumbstruck. My heart and mind couldn’t decide whether to be ecstatic or befuddled. I tingled with the confusion of it all. Evander wanting to claim me was more than I could express – it meant I had a family – him and I together.

My eyes bore into his deep emerald greens and I found myself bursting with the realization that I was alright with being his. We hadn’t known each other long. Hell, we had been through more in a few weeks than most couples had in their lifetime, yet in my gut, it felt completely right being his. And like my Uncle Syrus used to say - trust your gut, kiddo. It knows more than you think it does. Tears sprang into my eyes and I couldn't help but cry. Evander wrapped his arms around me, weaving his fingers through my hair since my back was blocked by the backpack.

“I don’t want you to feel forced. You don’t have to say yes to me,” he said, trailing off.

I shook my head, inhaling deep. “It’s not that,” I choked out.

He lifted my chin, drying my tears with a swipe of this thumb. “What is it then?”

“I always wanted someone to want me and maybe... love me,” I sniffed. “I believed myself too broken and horrid to be lovable… So, thank you for wanting to claim me and give me a family.”

Evander kissed my forehead, holding me close. “Thank you, for not giving up on me,” he whispered. “I have never been the easiest person.”

“I’ll make you a promise: I won't ever quit on you, if you don’t quit on me.”

Evander leaned down, kissing me on the lips then my forehead. The hot softness of his kiss sent warmth through my body. I never felt giddier or elated.

“Deal,” he whispered.

I wiped my eyes and grinned. “Look at us, romancing on a battlefield.”

He chuckled. “This is so us.”

Evander strode away, picking up his pack and hefting it and the gun on his shoulders. I adjusted my backpack, and reloaded the rifle. I racked the lever-action, stuffing one last bullet into the chamber on the right side. Checking everything once over, I strode over to him.

“Off to Lojza Pack,” Evander said, advancing through the quiet forest.

Birds began chirping again, bringing back a peaceful stillness to the woods. Looking at the sky, the darkness of Diomedes was spreading, blocking out the sun. Ominous clouds spread out like a blanket, bringing chills down my spine with it. I grimaced at the weather. Please don’t rain. I didn't mind being outside, but outside and wet sucked.

Taking a peek at Evander, I smiled. Even if the world went to hell, which it seemed like it was happening rather quickly, I at least had him; and it felt good.



shoulder to see if Zuri followed. Her bright honey eyes and smile met my gaze as she adjusted the pack on her shoulders. The rifle in front of her dangled from the strap. Her dark indigo dress was wadded up in some fashion to allow her legs to move and it looked stunning on her, showing off her lithe legs.

I inhaled sharply, sucking in the drool I felt escaping from my lips. I waved Zuri ahead, checking behind to make certain no kludde or goblins followed. The corpses sizzled, igniting where they laid and erupted into a cylinder tube of flames. I heard Zuri gasp, spinning back around with narrowed eyes at the dead creatures behind us. As spontaneously as it began, it stopped, leaving nothing behind.

Zuri’s body pressed up against mine. “What was that?” she whispered softly.

“Kludde going back to hell where they belong.”

She nodded, walking forward quietly out into the opened wooded area. Birds flew over her head, making her appear like a fairytale movie princess. Catching up to her, I held out my hand and she took it, lacing her fingers with mine. I mindlessly rubbed my thumb over her knuckles and savored her soft warmth.

And to think I tried to kill her, I thought, shaking my head. Even when I tried to have her killed for what her parents did, she was still loyal to me, tried to get me to see the good in myself. She never cried, or pleaded, or begged. She remained her vibrant, witty self. Out here, facing the kludde and goblins, she had my back. She was trusting, truthful, and above all else loyal.

It was out here, facing the kludde and goblins, and hearing her worriedly call my name that made me realize just how much someone like her meant to me. My former wife wouldn’t have cared. Hell, not a lot of wolves in the pack would’ve cared. But Zuri, this small, fierce woman did and never faltered.

Even before this moment, it felt like something between us shifted. I couldn't figure out what it happened to be, only that it did and it was spontaneous. It was like my inner wolf and myself decided she was the alpha I needed and craved. I was grateful for it, for Zuri. She was the woman who made me feel whole; even the broken parts didn’t feel so desolate like a ruined patchwork quilt.

Prior to the current mess we found ourselves in, back at my apartment, I had compared Zuri to my former wife, Catronia. There were so many glaring differences between them, but the biggest one I loved the most, was how much Zuri fought for me. This tiny human never gave up on me, even when I was being cruel, prideful, and a monster. I was wrong, acting the way I did and saying horrible things. I was a dick. Despite my repulsive actions, she accepted me, my asshole-ism, my feelings being all over the place – torn between avenging my family and being courteous to her, everything, and never said I shouldn’t have felt a certain way, only that I didn’t need to be so cruel and take it out on her. Whereas Catronia was just an all-around cunt; never caring how I felt, or for my needs, only herself. Zuri was a woman of tolerance. And I didn’t know how much I needed it, or her, until now. Being with her, a human no less, felt right to me. Zuri forgave me and my dark parts, the ones that tried to have her killed and the vengeful side. She accepted and forgave the entirety of me with no questions, and desired no explanations.

I snuck a glance at her, swiping her golden sunflower strands out of her cream-colored face. Her large light brown eyes alert and focused on the forest around us, even though there wasn't anything for a half-mile radius that I could sense. I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed the back of it, eliciting a smile from her. My heart skipped a beat.

“What’s the matter?” Zuri asked, breaking me from my thoughts. “You’re breaking my hand.”

I let go with an apologetic smile, picking up the butt of the rifle instead. “Thinking.”

Zuri shook out her hand, smiling as we traveled along a faint path through the woods only a wolf could sense. To any other, it was a leaf littered ground. “Are you all right? Thinking is supposed to hurt you, not me,” she smirked.

“Yeah,” I began, unsure of how to tell her about my previous wife. Zuri needed to know about her. I didn’t want there to be any secrets between us. Not that I think it mattered to Zuri but out of respect for her, she needed to know.

I sighed, pulling at the skin on the back of my neck. I’ll tell her soon, I decided, not truly certain of when ‘soon’ would be. For so long, I blamed Zuri and her family slaughtering my pack for all my problems from my job, to my life, to my relationships. Zuri wasn’t the problem at all; it was my reaction to the problems. I stared at my feet as we walked quietly.

“Do you like sushi?” she asked, breaking me again from my troubles.

“No,” I replied, glancing at her surprised at the interruption.

She gasped, acting like she was about to faint. “How are we ever going to work now?” she smiled.

“Easily. I’ll get you sushi and I’ll get myself a pizza.”

She raised the rifle to her shoulder, staring down the iron sights. “I can live with that,” she paused, lowering it. “I saw movement.”

I smirked at her vigilance. There was nothing around save for birds. “You should have been in the military.” I said genuinely.

Zuri shook her head. “No thanks. I can’t serve a false queen. Never liked her, even before I knew she was my mother.”

I nodded, taking the lead down the faint forest trail. Her eyes scrunched together and her lips pursed as if she was trying to see the invisible threats I somehow missed. It was cute, almost comical like the old school cartoon where the funny bald guy always hunted the rabbit.

I smiled softly at her, admiring her beauty and fierce tenacity. I sighed, knowing what I had to tell her. Better now than later, I thought, deciding ‘soon’ was now. I stopped walking and turned to face her. “I was married before,” I blurted. “We divorced.”

Her eyes snapped up, meeting mine. She stopped walking, coming to stand in front of me. Zuri’s head tilted to the side and her eyes pinched together, meeting mine. “Ok,” she said, lacing her fingers in with mine.

“Ok?” I questioned with a perked brow. “I expected more.”

“Like what?” she asked. She squeezed my hand and smiled. “I don’t care who you were married to before. It was in the past. Past is called so for a reason. It doesn’t belong in the future. I just feel bad it ended that way for you. And I didn’t know wolves got divorced. I thought it was for life.”

I squeezed her hand back. “It is supposed to be. However, divorce can be done easily like humans.”

Zuri nodded, dropping my hand and going ahead of me, twirling, eyes closed to the forested sky. “Lucky me then. If you were still married, I wouldn’t be able to call you mine,” she stated matter-of-factly, her cheeks heating to a beautiful crimson.

She looked ethereal amongst the changing foliage. Leaves fell down around her, floating softly to the forest floor. Zuri held out her hands to her sides and smiled, closing her eyes and breathing deep. She was a seductress. In all my days, I’d never seen a more beautiful woman. The bulge in my pants started growing, stretching tight and I groaned, awkwardly adjusting myself while her eyes remained shut.

Her arms slapped down to her sides and her eyes opened with her head tilted at me and the noise I made. She glanced down and smirked. “How far away is this next pack? And are you going to tell them I'm your mate? Or the daughter of the killer queen?”

I shook my head. “About twenty miles. Once the forest opens up, I’ll shift and you can ride on my back. To answer your second question: no. They aren't as open as Orlin and Resi are. And finally: no.”

She nodded, her eyes giving hints to her moroseness of the situation we would be heading into. I took the lead, sensing no threats. With the Lojza pack territory in a few miles, the last thing I wanted was for her to be the first thing they saw.

The Lojza Pack weren't known for their friendliness like my pack, Bardou, or Orlin’s pack, Ylva. However, there were a few wolves within the pack that wouldn’t pose an issue. I was hoping this larger threat of Diomedes would curb their ferocity toward those they deemed unimportant. Lojza liked to fight, had prejudices against most paranormal races in Quivleren, especially humans, and loved to prove their mettle and power. Zuri being a human complicated things a touch as they would want to challenge her, but claiming her as mine in front of them shouldn’t be a problem and prevent a fight; or at least I hoped it wasn't. If it came down to it, I would kill for her.

I paused, sniffing the air. Zuri’s scent hit my nostrils first; I pushed her alluring scent out of my head, searching for the smell that seemed off to me. There was molding leaves, moss, and every appealing fall forest aroma that candle companies tried to replicate but missed the mark on. There was something else though. Something I couldn’t place.

Scowling, I signaled with my hand and mouthed to Zuri to stay put. She nodded and I went forward a touch, sniffing. The scent was foul like puke and old gym socks that molded inside of a rotting banana. Zuri fired a shot from behind me.

Whipping my head around, I glared at her. “What the fuck?”

Her pale face stared up toward the sky; honeyed eyes wide and the rifle clutched close to her body.

“That!” she shouted. She dropped the rifle barrel and ran forward, grabbing my hand, “Come on!” she urged, sprinting forward.

I took off behind her. Glancing to my right, I finally saw what she’d fired at. A massive horde of bulbous goblins barreled through the forest toward us.



in the world to be able to take on a horde of fifty plus goblins. Even though Evander said back at Orlin’s these creatures couldn't see us, it felt like they could. Their warty jaws were working up and down, gnashing their teeth together while their clawed, overly large arms propelled them forward. Horrendous sounds emitted from them, a mixture of deep barks and sharp throaty inhales, sending shivers up my spine. For being half my size and deformed they moved agilely through the forest after us.

The backpack banged against my back, throwing me off balance a little. Evander ran ahead, turning every so often to fire a couple shots at the oncoming horde. Grabbing the backpack straps on the sides, I tied them around my waist in hopes of keeping the cumbersome thing against me a little more stable.

“Run, Zuri!” Evander encouraged; worry laced in his voice.

“Does it look like I'm walking?” I snapped.

Evander chuckled at my response, tilting his head to the side, suggesting that I was indeed walking and not running for my life. I followed him as quickly as I could as he led me through the open unencumbered spots in the forest clear of branches and rocks. Eventually I passed him, and I knew he allowed it to happen. There was no way in hell or heaven I could outrun him.

Making it to the opening of the forest, I peeled to the left and took the open clear area south. Evander caught up to me like it was nothing more than a cute fall jog and went past me. He sped to the right.

I dared a peek over my shoulder. The goblin horde continued their chase. Stopping, I brought the butt of the rifle to my shoulder, aiming down the iron sights and sent my bullets flying toward the goblins. The lead bullets seared through my enemy, imploding the goblin. Others tripped over the dead creature, continuing to try to get to me and Evander.

“Horrible place to defend,” Evander said, grabbing my arm. “Let’s go.”

“Well, Mr. Military,” I began condescendingly.

Evander shot me down with a wolfish glare.

“I was kidding!” Turning on my heel, I followed Evander. The land around us spread out to a low grass meadow with birch and maple trees dotting the outside of the area. The unnatural darkness of the sky thanks to Diomedes hadn’t reached here yet so the sun of the morning bore down warmth on my back. Birds in the trees scattered away from the chaotic ruckus of the goblins.

I made a bee-line straight through the dark green grass meadow. The grass struck against my legs, coming past my knees. Evander kept pace beside me, protecting me and ever vigilant to the open and un-concealing area.

The goblins behind us slowed pace slightly, wary too of being so vulnerable in the open. I stopped, turning and firing a blind shot. With the creatures being so compacted together, I’d figured my bullet would strike something. And it did.

“Zuri!” Evander growled.

I grinned. “Just a few more.”

The goblins howled with rage, creating a cacophony of sound that echoed in the meadow. They stopped, waiting for the stragglers to join back to their growing horde hinting at an intelligence their appearance didn’t give way to. Birds at the other end of the meadow flew away from their perches at the sound. Any animal that was in the meadow bounded off for the safety of the tree line.

Goblins sprinted toward us. I fired off a few more shots before being forced to reload. I loaded three more bullets into the chamber of the rifle, then realized the shoulder strap was out of ammunition.

Spinning on my heel, I sprinted across the meadow with the first creature within yards of me. My heart raced, fearing the worst if it got a hold of me and bit me. I didn’t want to be poisoned or changed into a goblin. Wolf howls emanated from somewhere nearby, tingling my skin. My mind cautioned me to run away from the goblins but also the wolves whose howls were more sinister than I had ever heard before.

Eleven wolves, blacker than death itself, stalked out of the woods with their heads down. Bright emerald orbs stared fiercely into mine. The silent power of these creatures promised enemies a swift and terrible end.

“Lojza,” Evander said beside me, relieved at the wolves bounding into the meadow.

I couldn’t merit any kind of response. I was too winded to even try. A large wolf, who I assumed was the alpha, to my left howled and charged at the goblins like they were something fun to give chase to. The other wolves in the forest, charged with their alpha.

Quickly, I unfettered the backpack tied around my waist and dropped the backpack to the ground. I dug through the pockets, trying to feel for a rectangular box. My eager fingers enclosed around it, yanking it out through the spare change of clothes. Opening the box, I set the ready ammo on top of the backpack with a smile.

Looking back to where the wolves battled, they fought with such ferocity I couldn't help but be awestruck for a moment and watch. Black fur collided with green warty flesh; wolves tore into the goblins and severed limbs from bodies. Orange goop spurted into the air and ground.

Evander’s wolf form went out amongst them. A smile split my lips. Getting to see Evander in action made me proud and horny. His muscles, even under all the fur were defined and moved seamlessly with his body. He was broad, but not overly so like he’d done serious roids and skipped leg day. He was proportioned. And his golden eyes shone vibrantly. His muscular body collided with a goblin. He bit, tearing into the monstrosity with vigor. I smiled wider.

Pushing the illicit thoughts aside, I took aim, firing off my three shots quickly, all striking true. The wolves didn’t pause to look at who was firing bullets around them. It was like they didn’t care. I reloaded, taking aim at one goblin who tore away from the horde and barreled straight for me. I dropped it within feet of me. Shoving more ammunition inside, I quickly pressed the butt of the rifle to my shoulder and took a few more shots.

Goblins broke apart and ran back to wherever they were coming from. Grabbing the ammo box, I chased after them. Evander’s wolf form blocked my path.

“Then hold still so I can shoot off your back,” I demanded of Evander.

Evander perked an adorable furry brow and I giggled. Moving around the side of him and propping the barrel on his furry wolf butt, I squatted down, aimed and let out a breath, sending a bullet flying. It got the creature just below its neck.

In rapid succession, including another reload, I dropped the remaining four goblins. Again, I reloaded, grinning at how well I shot for not having had practice in a few months. I slung the rifle over my shoulder. Evander shifted and stood beside me like he was doing nothing more than crouching down.

“Nice shooting,” he complimented with a hand around my waist.


Wolves stood around us in a semicircle with ears forward and sniffing the air. The large wolf who led the charge trotted toward us, shifting mid stride and jogging the rest of the way. The large male had long black hair past his shoulders and dark green eyes like a fir tree in winter. He dwarfed Evander in size by at least a foot in height and in body mass as well. In all, the man was practically a mountain.

Evander stood in front of me, offering his hand. “Bertok.”

“Evander,” Bertok greeted, taking his hand. “What brings you to these parts?”

Bertok’s deep raspy alpha’s voice matched his mountainous appearance. His dark green eyes took in Evander then me and narrowed.

“A human pet?” Bertok asked. “Did not think you would own one.”

Evander shook his head, scowling. “She’s not a pet. Zuri is my mate,” he ground out.

The werewolf leaned forward, inhaling deeply and shrugged, dismissing me and I was grateful for it. I stayed by Evander’s right side, not moving a centimeter.

“Bertok,” Evander continued like nothing was amiss, “I came to talk to you about preparing for war.”

The hulking man nodded, his neck popping with the movement. I attempted to refrain from swallowing hard. Bertok put a hand to his chin, rubbing it. Even his hand was bigger than a freaking dinner plate.

What does this wolf eat? It took everything in me to not step closer to Evander or voice the question aloud.

“What kind of war?” Bertok’s deep voice boomed.

“A war Diomedes is bringing. Royan Pright opened the portal to the underworld. We need to prepare before we all are eradicated.”

Bertok nodded. “Let’s go to my territory and talk more there. Your pet stays outside the pack house,” he stated with a smirk.

I should have been deeply vexed by the comment. Instead, I would gladly stay outside for it seemed safer, even with kludde and goblins, than inside with wolves like him. Glancing around, all ten wolves were huge and black in color. In short, I was intimidated.

Evander’s brows furrowed, going to make a move to protest. I grabbed his hand; staying the pointing finger motion he wanted to thrust into Bertok’s face. His head whipped in my direction, brows furrowed and eyes furious.

“It’s ok,” I said with a small grin. “This needs diplomacy and that’s your area not mine.”

“Listen to your pet,” Bertok quipped over his shoulder with a smug smile.

Evander’s face heated, hairs bristling over his arm. “Shut the fuck up, Bertok!” he seethed at the wolf then rounded to me, “And you’re not my pet.”

Keeping my face passive, I said nothing else. I didn’t want to dig the hole any deeper than it already might have been. I wouldn’t come between him and his need to protect me. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to say something that would degrade him and put him in a weak light with Lojza. And since I was human, it would be even more insulting if I begged him not to do whatever it was he was planning in front of these wolves.

Evander growled low. I took two steps back, keeping my eyes on Evander and the shift he was about to do to protect me. In an instant, he shifted, shaking his giant body as his paws dug into the rich soil. Evander crouched, limbs ready to spring on his opponent.

Bertok grinned, also shifting; even his wolf form towered over Evander. The rest of the pack circled in, creating a ring, and forcing me to the middle in a mocking fashion. Turning my back, I forced myself through the ring and went to where our backpacks were and removed the rifle from my shoulder.

I began reloading rifles and the shoulder holster. Snarling echoed in the stillness of the meadow. I looked back over my shoulder unable to see anything, but what I heard irked my ears - biting and yelping, paws digging into the soil and large bodies colliding with thuds. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to watch the fight or prepare for the outcome. I opted for the latter and felt immensely guilty.

If something were to happen to Evander, I had to prepare to defend us, if he wasn’t dead from this challenge. From what I knew, wolves fought to the bitter end or damn near. Shoving a bullet into the chamber, I racked it and loaded the last round that would fit.

My skin prickled, heading back to the fight. Evander’s body lunged at Bertok’s clipping him in the shoulder with outstretched claws. Bertok swiveled, getting Evander by the tail and flinging him to the ground. Evander laid on the ground, still as stone and breathing heavily. Bertok threw his head back to howl in victory. My blood ran cold.



eyes on me. Her heart rate, beating frantically, pulsated in my ears. I waited for the opportune moment to lunge at Bertok. The beefy wolf assumed he had the upper hand, but I had been feigning weakness for the first part of the fight.

Bertok and I used to scrap as teens. The meaty wolf always thought he could use his brute force and weight to manipulate the outcome. Mostly, he was correct, but he always forgot when it came to me, and clearly he forgot now, years later - I was quick.

The swift movement of Zuri lifting the rifle to her shoulder elicited an internal smirk. This tiny human would fight for me to the end of Quivleren, even if I told her to stay behind, or to not interfere. She was the type of woman, the type of alpha who would stand by me to the end of time. Warmth spread throughout my body. Never have I had a female ready to stand by me like Zuri. The shoulder strap was loaded with bullets, and I knew she would use every one to defend me. It made me feel appreciated; something I never had felt with Catronia.

Since Zuri assumed this battle, I knew Bertok started this for old time’s sake, was something to be taken seriously, and with Bertok distracted with her, it afforded me a moment to reflect on her, and how wrong previously I had been about her. My growing feelings for her kind of felt like a slap in the face with karma for how I treated her to now reflect on how much I was coming to greatly admire her. Zuri’s ferocity and tenacious personality was captivatingly alluring; I found myself choking on her inner and outer beauty and craving more.

“Human,” Bertok rumbled, his voice low.

Bertok took a step over me, completely ignoring me now. Carefully, slowly, I rolled to my stomach. The other wolves around the ring, hopped from paw to paw and whined.

“Yeah,” Zuri replied, challenging him with her firm and aggressive tone.

Seizing my moment, I sprung from the ground, my body colliding with Bertok’s as the giant wolf fell to his side. Keeping low, I got behind him, sinking my teeth into the back of his neck and wrenched back and forth.

Bertok threw me off. I rolled away, leaping to my feet and latched onto Bertok’s tail before he got his mountainous body spun around. He twisted, trying to bite at me. Letting go, Bertok bounced up on his back two paws and I lunged for his throat. The force of my impact put Bertok on his back and my teeth clamped down on his throat.

“You’ve gotten better, Der,” Bertok quipped with a grin.

I backed off, matching his expression. “You’ve gotten slower.”

“It’s what happens when you’re a mated wolf.”

Zuri shoved herself through the ring of wolves, rifle raised and level with Bertok’s head. The wolves around her growled, nipping at her heels in hopes of scaring her away. Zuri would not be swayed.

“Zuri,” I said, shifting back into my human form.

Her eyes didn’t move from the target. She stared down the sights, ready to do damage.

“Zuri,” I snapped.

She shook her head, glancing at me but kept the rifle tucked tight against her shoulder. “Yeah?”

“Bertok was just giving me shit.”

Zuri blinked. She opened her mouth to say something then snapped it shut.

“Put the rifle down,” I said softly.

It took her a moment to release her white-knuckle hold on the rifle. Her face contorted, the corners of her lips pulling down. Putting my hands on her shoulders, I ran them up and down her arms, trying to rub warmth into her cold clammy skin.

Zuri slung the rifle behind her, resting her head on my chest and breathing deep. She inhaled sharply, her nose sniffling and her body shivered. I kissed the top of her head, wrapping my arms around her. She didn’t embrace me back; simply leaned on me, relieved.

“Come,” Bertok grinned. “Back to Lojza. We can discuss war in privacy.”

The hulking black wolf turned on his heel and jogged off. The other wolves of his pack joined him, forming a single file line with the two last biggest wolves at the back.

Kissing Zuri’s head again, I pulled her back from me and wiped her tears with my thumb. “You ok?”

She nodded. “Yeah…” she whispered softly.

“Come on,” I said, taking her hand. “Let’s get to Lojza, get hot meals, and plan our next move.”

Zuri stumbled behind me, wiping her eyes and inhaling deeply. I kept my eyes forward, not wanting to pry or press her for emotions she couldn't process at the moment. This morning had been a lot for us both. Yesterday, I wanted her dead and today, I wanted to claim her as mine.

I found myself wanting to wrap her in my arms and console her and confess my earlier feelings for her. I found my once battling heart and mind, in unison about falling in love with her. I was startled. It had been so long since Catronia, and it had also only been a day with Zuri on good terms, yet in my gut, and with my wolf, it all felt inexplicably right.

Scowling, I scanned the area around us; sniffing the air for any more threats. Finding none, I proceeded toward our backpacks that we dropped. Zuri followed at a lumbering pace, releasing her hand from mine to wad her hair up on top of her head in some weird womanly messy clump.

Cold air struck my skin from where her warmth had just been. I flexed my hand now devoid of hers. It felt strange to me to miss holding it; to want the warmth back.

Zuri’s honied eyes met mine and smiled. Wispy blonde strands floated out of her hair-do in the light breeze. The dress she wore accentuated her long neck and now with her hair up, I felt my dick strain against my pants.

How crazy can I get?! Maybe two weeks, three at best of knowing her, and me trying to bring her to justice, and I find myself falling in love… I snorted, facing forward and continuing toward our bags. Is it love? Lust? What in the fuck?! Yet I want her as mine and not just a fling... I ran my hand over my face and pulled at the skin on the back of my neck.

I took a quick peek over my shoulder to find Zuri watching the Lojza pack at the edge of the meadow, slowly heading through the trees. Her eyes narrowed on them briefly then met mine and morphed into scared confusion.

“Will they be receptive to what we tell them?” she asked.

I nodded. “Lojza likes war, battle. They keep this side of Quivleren safe from trolls, goblins, and other creatures.”

“Am I safe?”

“Always with me,” I replied, offering a comforting smile. “I will die protecting you.”

I hoped the answer would be enough to satisfy her. I was still apprehensive about Zuri being human posing an issue to the pack since they would want to kill her; their distaste for humans was sickening. Bertok being the heir to the current alpha should have some weight in our favor, but one never knew with the Lojza alpha, Kuno. However, Kuno's wife Theda was sweet and loved everyone. The two together were an oxymoron.

Glancing to my right, Bertok and his patrol waited for us. Zuri shuffled, catching up to me and walking on my left side, fiddling with her backpack straps and gun. Tucking stray hairs behind her ears she glanced at me, lips pursed and face drawn.

“What is it?” I asked, concerned.

She swiveled the rifle around, holding it in her hands. “I’m not sure. I’m unsure…” she breathed.

“I will protect you,” I vowed.

“I know.”

Her declarative, firm answer brought a light smile to my lips.

“You will have to ride me.” I cringed when I said it, knowing she was going to be stunned by my statement. I quickly added. “On my back, so we can make it quicker to the pack house.”

She perked a brow, grinning at me mischievously. “I can later… and not in front of an audience.”

I snorted, smiling at her. “I’m not objecting to that.”

She giggled and then her expression sobered, “I know what you meant. I just don’t -” she cut herself off and stared at the pack ahead of her.

I stopped and faced her, wondering what she was getting at but already had an inkling. I handed her my backpack which she put on her chest. She slung our rifles over her shoulder, paying attention to them and how they sat on her body while I shifted.

Sitting in my wolf form, I stared at her, waiting for her to continue. She didn’t and wouldn't meet my eyes. “What?”

She sighed, grabbing her right arm with her left hand. “I don’t want you to feel degraded by carrying me.”

I couldn't tell whether my heart lurched or swelled, but it did something. My wolf lips grinned. My inner wolf wanted to prance at how she made me feel. She took care and consideration for me and how it would appear. Her thoughtfulness made my heart burst.

“I’m not embarrassed by you, if that’s what you're getting at.” I said, articulating my words since speaking in my wolf form was different.

Zuri nodded. “It is.”

Standing, I nudged her with my nose. “Hop on.”

Brows furrowed, she did. Her hands slid up to my shoulders and dug into my fur. My body shivered from the sensuality she put behind her touch and the light squeezing of her legs.

This better be a quick trip otherwise, I’m gonna have to make a pit stop to claim her. I shivered again as she wriggled and pressed against my back. Fuckkkk.

“You ok?” she asked.

I couldn't respond, instead opting for a brisk lope toward the pack and Bertok.



iron fence, twelve feet high, surrounded a massive two-story wooden log mansion. I swallowed, staring at the guards dressed in black jeans and shirts with a crimson wolf head on the left front corner. Black potted planters filled with marigolds lined the outside of the mansion home. Black lantern style lights dotted the outside in perfect symmetry to the potted plants. In all, this place looked like something out of a dream homes magazine with a ginormous price tag attached.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered.

Evander glanced over his shoulder at me, remaining in his wolf form. “Yeah,” he said.

I blushed and looked away. In the weeks we had been associated, we had gone from being at each other’s throats to now being claimed to each other. And him wanting to claim me was like a dream come true. I wanted to be loved. I wanted to be the only one a person needed. And having Evander decide to claim me was everything, yet absolutely terrifying because he was a wolf and I was entering deeper into his world and I knew it might cause complications for him with me being a human. I had vowed no more wolves. I vowed to myself after Lazaro to never fall in love so easily again.

And here you are, falling for Evander… Crazy woman. I shuddered, leaning into him.

To make my heart even more befuddled, it kept reminding me of Evander’s hurtful, angry words back when we were running from the fae after I’d escaped my mother - you’re easy and willing to take love however it comes. And it made me worried I might be repeating the same mistakes again. But my gut remained firm that I didn’t feel that way. Being with Evander felt right.

I can still be open minded and optimistic but with a hint of wariness, I decided. There’s nothing wrong with being cautious. After all, we are still learning about each other.

I let the topic in my head stop before I made myself crazy. Gazing around, this place was crawling with wolves and from the look on their faces, me being here was a huge problem. The two guards glared at me as Evander and I passed through the gates. Everyone seemed to stop and stare at me. I forced my shaky hands deeper into Evander’s fur.

“It’s ok,” he whispered loud enough for only me to hear. “Hop off. I need to shift.”

“Do I need to look away?” I asked, wanting to be respectful to him in this new territory. I didn’t want to commit a social faux-paus and have it ruin anything for Evander.

“No,” he replied, with a look stating he felt a touch of anguish at me having to ask. “You never need to look away from me.”

I carefully slid off of Evander’s back, waiting to his immediate left. I kept my eyes wide open to watch Evander shift, having never fully seen it before; even when dating Lazaro, and other wolves, I was never around or allowed around when they shifted for some reason. Evander pushed off the ground with his front paws while his fur was sucked back into his body like a shop-vac quickly sucking up crumbs. The clothes he was wearing appeared and hugged his frame. It all happened so quickly, my brain couldn’t process it fast enough. It was magical. Sexy.

Sexy… I purred to myself. Yup, mega sexy and the way he looked at me after… Ugh, be still my heart.

Pushing my mind in a different direction, I said, “I thought your clothes would tear and be tattered like in old vintage movies and then magically disappear from the scene,” I teased.

Evander rolled his eyes. “Hardly.”

“Hmm… Wanna see if I can make them disappear later?”

Evander took the ammunition pack from me. His hands delicately touched the bare skin next to my neck and I shuddered. He hefted it onto his shoulders, smirking down at me.

“Absolutely,” he growled softly.

Evander took his rifle from my shoulder. He kissed the side of my head quickly and turned around, heading toward the front porch with the rest of the Lojza patrol. Two wolves waited outside on the porch, sitting in white wicker lounge chairs with orange and white patterned cushions. Evander made straight for them and I followed.

The older man with dark ebony hair and a fixed, hard blue-eyed stare, glared at me, then softened when his gaze shifted to Evander. A nice gray suit and blood red dress shirt adorned his old, pudgy, body making him appear like a man of importance. The woman with mousy brunette hair flipped through a magazine, completely uninterested in what was transpiring. She daintily crossed a baby blue pressed pant leg over the other, leaning back in her seat while her cream-colored blouse fluffed around her. I strode beside Evander on his left.

“Fix your face, dear,” the woman admonished the old wolf sitting next to her, her eyes never leaving her magazine.

The man glared harder. “Evander Akselsen,” the man’s deep voice, like Bertok’s, thundered. “What brings you and your…” he perked a brow at me, eying me up and down and curled his lip in disgust. “What brings you to Lojza?”

“My mate and I,” Evander stated firmly, then began expressing details of our presence that were lost on me.

My mind swirled at the word: mate. Mate? I thought, giving it a long pause. Mate… Mate Me? What? Before my face could scrunch and my lips purse in concentration, I fixed it and made it passive. I didn’t want to embarrass Evander with my confusion and surprise. I made a mental note to ask him later if he was one hundred percent serious. After being left so often as a child, and as an adult, I hoped he was serious about me. I don’t think I could withstand another heartbreak of not being wanted.

Evander finished whatever he was saying and crossed his arms.

“Ah,” the man stated, rising from his chair. He eyed me over again, the expression of disapproval never fading from his face. “Clearly your… mate is having a hard time comprehending her new position. In all, taking a human is… well… disgusting,” he said with a shake of his head and his left hand pinching the bridge of his nose. “Disclaim this human, and take my daughter, a fitting alpha’s mate, as your own. She’s more suitable for an alpha of pack Bardou.”

“Kuno!” the woman smacked him on the arm with her magazine. “That’s enough.”

I refrained from dropping my jaw at the insult. It was clear to me this pack despised humans, which was fine with me. I was used to it. But it was insulting Evander since he just claimed me as his mate in front of this alpha, whether for real or just protecting me didn’t matter. He’d still done it and this old man just disparaged Evander and his judgment. And I’d be damned if I stood by and said nothing. Whether it was all pretend or not, I had to be the alpha Evander needed me to be.

“Theda,” the man replied. “An alpha needs an alpha, not…” he motioned to all of me.

I scowled, rolling my eyes. “Excuse me, but you must have confused me for a mirror.”

The woman put a hand to her mouth. I couldn’t tell whether it was from horror or amusement. Evander shot me a glare. The pack patrol surrounding us waited in tense silence. I stared at the man, Kuno, or whatever his name was. I didn’t fucking care at this point. His help or not, he wouldn’t insult Evander like he was.

“Get your thing under control!” Kuno shouted, his face turning red.

“Goodness, I bet you even fart rainbow butterfly sparkles,” I replied, taking several steps in front of Evander. “I’m not here to enter a battle of wits with a clearly unarmed person. I’m here to warn you Diomedes is here. Royan Pright, idiot that he is, opened the portal to the underworld and we are all gonna be screwed if we don’t work together and get it closed. So, are you going to do something or are you going to keep running your mouth and hope you get in shape from it?”

Kuno seethed at me, pointing a finger and walking toward me. Knowing I was about to be challenged, I beat him to it and met him in the middle of the space between us, keeping roughly a foot between us. My heart raced and whether he heard it or not remained to be seen.

A female with the same dark complexion and blue eyes saddled up alongside Kuno. Her hair was braided in twin braids tight against her scalp and went down the back of her head. Her eyes narrowed on me, roving me up mockingly and let out a long, hard laugh.

“She will be easy, Father,” she said to Kuno.

Thing, this is my daughter, Gisli, a true alpha for Evander,” Kuno introduced smarmily. “Unlike yourself. Your quality is degrading. But if you’re determined to mate a wolf, I’m sure we could find a runt from another pack for you.”

I kept my stance open, refusing to cross my arms over myself. I was uncomfortable, but I dared not show it now. I wanted to quip about how only a dog would know about quality and papers, however, I kept it to myself. There were moments when silence was the best option. Unfortunately, when riled, I hardly remembered it.

Kuno shifted on his feet, and I closed in the distance again, standing literally toe-to-toe with him. The alpha smirked, towering over me with a constant glare. I kept my face as impassive as possible, not wanting them to know how truly scared I was. It wasn’t the fact I was insulted; I could take it all day long. It was the fact that they were insulting Evander and seemingly unwilling to help destroy Diomedes that got me bothered. Evander was a good man, trying to do right by the lycan blood like him and his pack. To insult him pissed me off. I glanced over my shoulder, spying Evander’s darkened expression and clenched fists as he glared at Kuno.


That was a preview of Hunting Danger - Book 2. To read the rest purchase the book.

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