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Burning Danger - Book 3

E.A. Shanniak


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Burning Danger

Dangerous Ties Book 3

E.A. Shanniak

Eagle Creek Books LLC

Book Three by E.A. Shanniak

Copyright © 2021 E.A. Shanniak

All rights reserved.

Cover Design: Harvest Moon Cover Designs

Editing: Tiffany P.

Proofreading: Michelle F.

Published by Eagle Creek Books LLC of Coldwater, Kansas

This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Thank you for always believing in me, having my back, and putting up with my crazy, hair-brained ideas. I love you so much, forever and always.


Nuff Nuff


Alien Prince Reverse Harem – Ubsolvyn District:

Stalking Death - prequel

Securing Freedom

Saving Home

Bayonet Books Anthology:

Storming Area 51: Stalking Death

Slay Bells Ring: Stocking Gryla

Clean Fantasy Romance – Zerelon World Novella:

Aiding Azlyn

Killing Karlyn

Reviving Roslyn

Clean & Sweet Regency Romance – Bramley Hall:

Love At Last

Love That Lasts

Love Ever Lasting

Clean & Sweet Western Romance – Whitman Western Series:

To Find A Whitman

To Love A Thief

To Save A Life

To Lift A Darkness

To Veil A Fondness

To Bind A Heart

To Hide A Treasure

To Want A Change

To Form A Romance

Harlequin Fantasy Romance – Castre World Novel:

Piercing Jordie

Mitering Avalee

Forging Calida

Uplifting Irie

Braving Evan

Warring Devan

Hunting Megan

Shifting Aramoren – short story

Anchoring Nola – short story

Paullett Golden Anthology:

Hourglass Romance: Love At Rescue

Romantic Choices: Love Flames Anew

Slow Burn Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance – Dangerous Ties:

Opening Danger

Hunting Danger

Burning Danger

Slow Burn Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance – Wicked Ties:

Wicked Witch

Wicked Bonds

Wicked Ruin

Standalone Stories:

Winter Luna





fell off the castle wall, hoping the impact in my wolf’s form would be enough to deter the damage my human body would’ve taken. All around me wendigo climbed the sheer rock castle walls. Their gnarled, taloned hands scraping into the stone, while hefting their twisted bodies to the wall-walk. Demons flew in the moonlit sky, picking up my people, inhaling whatever it was they were taking from them like a vacuum, and leaving a skeleton covered in leathered skin in their wake. The demons dropped their dead corpses to the ground as if they were nothing more than a ruined shirt.

My back hit a tree branch, sending me spinning, ass over face to the ground. My right side hit the cold, loose dirt, knocking all the air I had in my lungs completely from me. My eyes watered. I fought to suck air into my body. Finally, it happened, and it made me cough from the crisp sharpness of the fall air. I stood on shaking legs, growling. My head felt dizzy from the impact, and it took me a few seconds to regain my bearings.

My mate screamed from the castle wall, though not in fear. I smirked. She was fucking pissed, bellowing orders for our people to get the children to safety while others shifted to fight back against the sudden attack. Her bright turquoise blue magic poured out of her hands, ripping out the heart of a wendigo as she kicked it over the side of the castle wall. The wendigo burst into flames and ashes as it fell.

“Go for their hearts,” I ordered, charging straight for a wendigo heading toward the castle not far from me.

I leaped at it, sinking my claws into its chest and knocking it on its back. It tried to rise on its clawed, cat-like feet and gore me with its broad elk horns. I dodged the blow, biting deep into its chest and tearing its heart from its body. The wendigo became a pile of ash.

I charged at another creature as I picked my way back to the castle. Black as night demons swooped down at my people and those who gathered to march on Diomedes. They cried hollowly, like they were inhaling air in a high-pitched manner. I could not see any eyes, or any facial markings; only rows of sharp teeth, open and exposed, like a shark. Their long claws and horn covered bodies made a grab for me and I dodged it.

I caught flashes of the bright blue magic of my mate out of the corner of my eye. Zuri’s magic illuminated the darkness, bringing down demons and wendigo easily. I leaped at wendigo, but was quickly knocked on my ass by another coming from behind me. Scrambling to my feet, I charged again, this time aiming true and getting the beast in the chest. I jumped from the beast I killed to the other wendigo, easily bringing it down.

I headed to the castle’s outer gates to protect those fleeing inside. Ogres swung their clubs and axes at the demons, catching some in the head where the demon burst into dust upon impact. Bears shifted, emerging from the castle roaring furiously. They caught demons and vampires out of the air with a swipe of their massive paws or sharp snatch of their long teeth. The sky once swarming with enemies became quickly less occupied with everyone working together. Enemies were dropping like moths in a bug zapper.

The small silver sprites zoomed around healing allies' wounds quickly. Their tinkling wings fluttered by me with one landing on the bridge of my nose. The tiny creature stood maybe four inches tall with delicate human features. The only difference I could tell were the pointed ears and the cat-like slanted blue eyes. The sprite woman tilted her head to the side and smiled broadly at me. She touched my nose with the palm of her hand. Immediately, the pain in my side from falling off the castle wall felt immensely better and I sighed with relief. The sprite nodded her head, taking off to help some others.

I made my way toward the beings on the outside of the castle gates, battling with a few wendigo trying to get through. Zuri’s bright blue magic caught in my peripheral. I found her up on the wall-walk, using her magic to create a shield around those trying to escape while wendigos slowly crept up the castle walls and demons swooped down at her.

“Evander!” she bellowed, her voice worried and panicked.

“I’m here, babe,” I answered.

A vampire rushed at me from the right and I caught his hand, biting it clean from his body. Spitting it out, I leaped at his flying, pale, wingless backside, landing on his back. The vampire bared his teeth at me as he tried to turn over mid flight to fling me off. My claws dug into his spine for purchase while my jaw snapped into the back of his neck, ending his life. I vaulted from him as his body crashed, dead, to the ground.

The assumed feud between werewolves and vampires was null. We didn’t hate each other, and often found ourselves gathering together. Though, this time, they fought on the wrong damn side and I had no problem terminating them.

Fredek, the cyclops, launched a giant boulder from the side of the castle wall, taking out two vampires coming toward me. I loped away from the scene, shifting mid run and ushered those still lingering outside the castle walls, in and toward the safety of the stone surroundings. Sprites fluttered their little wings, zooming and dodging bodies of allies and enemies alike as they retreated inside as well.

“They’re retreating!” Deryn bellowed.

I glanced at the sky, seeing demons and vampires flee back east to where Diomedes was gathering his horde. I grimaced, and growled under my breath. They weren’t necessarily attacking to kill us, but to see what we would do, to see if we would rally and work together or crumble. They were spying on us for what and who we had available to fight back with.

Now, they had an idea of what we were all capable of. They knew Zuri had powers and would be using them against Diomedes. A light touch pressed against my arm and I grinned softly at Zuri’s warm presence.

“Evander,” she said gently, weaving her fingers in with mine. “Come inside.”

I turned, kissing her on the forehead while I inhaled her raspberry-vanilla scent with a relieved sigh. I pulled back, my eyes scanning over her entire body to ensure she was sound and whole. Save for a few bruises and cuts, she was fine. Her dark, teal blue gown was torn at the hem and around her midsection. The sunflower and winter berry crown she wore was now gone. Her hair, once curled, now tangled and straight. Even with her rugged appearance, she had never looked more beautiful to me.

I kissed her soundly on her lips, my mind wanting to make certain she was truly fine. She kissed me back fervently.

“This wasn’t how I imagined our mate-bond to end up, let alone the night,” I whispered.

Zuri smiled brightly at me. “I don’t care what comes at us, so long as I have you,” she replied, kissing my cheek. “We need to pack and head to Maluhia faster than I think we anticipated.”

I nodded my agreement. Kissing the back of her hand, and tucking it in the crook of my arm, I took us further inside the castle. Some children were crying, clinging to their mothers and fathers with their arms tightly wrapped around their parent’s necks.

My people and those here to rally and fight, walked into the castle courtyard sullenly. The previous merriment of Zuri and I’s mate-bond was lost in the crowd. Set jaws and firm eyes met my observant gaze. Ogres, cyclops, and werebears walked in amongst my pack. Where before they would have kept segregated, it seemed now this looming war brought all sides together. Equally. It made me happy despite the circumstances.

I made my way toward the courtyard, dropped Zuri’s hand, and got up on a stone flower box. Terrified anxious faces met my steady gaze. Children were cooed to silence by their parents, turning their tear-streaked cheeks toward me. Glancing down at my mate, she nodded at me to continue whatever I was about to begin. I squared my stance, rolled my shoulders back, and took a deep breath.

“Tomorrow we march for Maluhia to gather the rest of those wanting to fight against the fast rising darkness of Diomedes,” I began, my voice ringing out over the tense silence while beings nodded in agreement. “I implore all women and children to head into the Vidis Forest where the old magic of the forest nymphs will protect you if the valor of Quivleren should fail and Diomedes should rise to power. There, you’ll be protected and safe. I won’t force you to go. It’s your choice.”

I paused, my eyes scanning the crowd. Couples glanced at each other, uncertain of what to choose. Husbands kissed their wives, speaking softly for them to go into the forest. I hung my head, wishing my own wife would go with them, but getting her to would probably cost me my own life.

I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. Her face was firm and jaw set. I refrained from swiping a hand over my face. I was worried about Zuri fighting, about losing her. I knew she was capable and her skills have pulled us out of terrible situations, it just terrified me to lose her. And I was also concerned about Diomedes going after those left behind while the majority of our forces were in battle.

Zuri peeked up at me, understanding in her eyes. I winked at her, eliciting a smile and a faint blush to her cheeks.

I cleared my throat and shuffled my feet a bit. “Thank you all for fighting valiantly and for the sacrifices being made to end what so wrongfully began. Let’s get some rest and food, for tomorrow we march.”

I jumped off the platform, taking my mate’s hand in my own. She gave it a squeeze, walking in tandem with me toward the castle doors.

“Alpha,” Molner began, coming to stand on my right. “Where do you want the women and children to gather tomorrow should they want to head into the Vidis Forest?”

“Outside the castle by the large willow with the clematis vine in it. I’ll lead them into the forest myself before we march to Maluhia.”

Molner dipped his head. “Yes Alpha.”

Zuri squeezed my hand and I turned to look at her. “Yes, Babe?”

“Why Maluhia?”

I tilted my head to the side, wondering if she was in the meeting for that topic of discussion. Seemed I had forgotten she was with the werelion cubs. “It’s the closest big town we can get to with food and housing for everyone without being too close to the impending battle. And it’s relatively close to the Vidis Forest should we be forced to retreat.”

Zuri nodded. “Sounds good,” she said, tucking hair behind her ear. “I’m going to find the cubs.”

I reached for her hand, pulling her back to me. “I would love for you to go with them.”

She blew her lips. “Nope. You don’t tell me to sit and stay.”

I rolled my eyes and smirked. Her and her damn dog jokes would be the death of me before Diomedes could kill me. They were funny as hell, but a bit much at times too.

“Alright. But if things get bad, I want you to go there,” I said.

She took her hand from mine, crossing her arms over her chest and leaned back to give me that womanly challenging stare. She pursed her lips, eventually nodding her head side to side. “I will agree to that.”

I couldn’t help but blink at her. I was expecting more of a fight, for her to turn blood red and get all huffy while explaining to me how much I would need her. I looked down at my feet, feeling immense relief. If it got too bad, if it looked like we would fail, at least she would be safe.

I ran a hand over my face and released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. For a moment, I caught myself staring at her stomach, wondering if I would get the chance to have children with her, to see them grow and turn into amazing people. My heart constricted with the unknown. I hoped to be able to return home, to see my mate and create a family. But war was uncertain.

I shoved my hands in my pockets, my eyes still on her stomach. I knew she would be able to defeat Diomedes. She was strong and capable. I just feared the unknown, if I wasn’t able to be there and protect her as I should. It was my biggest fear.

“Evander!” Zuri shouted, eyes narrowed at me. “Hot damn, should I get a dog whistle? I’ve been saying your name for a while.”

“What would a dog whistle do?”

She perked a brow and hid a smirk. “Would you like to find out?”

I shook my head. Knowing my mate, it would probably be humorous, but hurt. “What’s on your mind, love?”

“Has anyone stepped forward to claim the cubs?”

Again I shook my head. “Not that I’m aware of.”

“If no one does, after this war, we’re gonna keep them.”

I pulled her close to me, kissing her forehead, and letting my lips linger for a moment. She sighed contentedly and I felt her smile against me. I loved the fact she was protective over the children, that she desired to do right by them and give them a loving home. She would make a fantastic mother and that fact made me proud.

The cubs were still non-communicative to other pack members, but I didn't expect much else after all they had lost. I needed to ask the pack if anyone was a counselor so they could check in with them and help the werecubs process that terrible event.

I kissed my mate, “I agree,” I said. “If no one steps forward, we’ll be their home.”

Zuri pulled back, smiling wanly at me while her gorgeous brown orbs sparkled in the moonlight. “I’m gonna head in and find them; tell them what’s going to be happening. Maybe I can learn their names.”

I smiled, watching her go inside the safety of the castle walls. I glanced over my shoulder at the moon, watching it slowly wane to the west. It was only a few more hours until daylight. Come then, we would be marching to battle. I could only wish I would live to see old age and my future children.



the castle. Even despite our ceremony being interrupted with the sudden attack, I couldn't help the soft smile on my face. I was mate-bonded to my best friend. I was now his wife, his soul-mate, his forever into eternity person and him, mine. In his arms and by his side was where I belonged.

I sighed happily. For so long, I was searching for a place to belong, wanting to be somewhere where I was accepted and loved. Since coming to know Evander, he wanted the same things I did, and it brought us closer together. We’re so similar and in that similarity; we found grace and love.

I passed a pack member, side-eyeing at me and my grinning-like-a-fool face. I coughed, sobering up. I fixed my face to resemble a stoic and observant leader, wanting the pack to see I took this sudden attack with all the gravity it deserved. It was hard though, as I wanted to smile and be merry about being mate-bonded. But seriousness needed to happen until everything was under control and settled.

Biting the inside of my bottom lip helped to keep the smile off my face as I passed worried pack members in the hallway on my way toward the werelion cubs. I stopped mid-stride, peeking over my shoulder as I felt a presence at the nape of my neck. Evander was right behind me, smiling and walking toward me.

He jogged lightly the rest of the way and caught up to me. “I want to do this with you since Molner and Errol are handling the clean up and the others are getting items situated for tomorrow’s march.”

“Thank you for coming with me. Is there anything else that needs to be done before tomorrow?”

Evander shook his head. “No, between your schedule spreadsheet and lists for items, I think we’re all set or as prepared as we can be,” he said, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head. “Do you feel our mate-bond yet? I’m curious how it would be for you since you’re a zaglis.”

I laced my fingers in with his and squeezed his hand. “I feel pressure on my chest like when you were away and when you came to my side… Gonna be kinda hard now to spot a heart attack.”

Evander snorted, pulling me to his side as he kissed the top of my head. “I’m pretty certain you’ll be fine.”

“Until I inhale all the bacon and get high cholesterol.”

Evander grinned at me, continuing to hold me close as we went down the hallway toward where the werecubs were staying. We paused in front of the door, his hand on the knob.

He turned to me, eyes widening in a hopeful, soon-to-be-father manner and glancing at my stomach again. “I take it you’re craving bacon?”

I blew my lips, sliding my hand under his to open the door. “Yeah. No matter what time of day, it’s always bacon-time.”

“I wish my name was bacon,” one of the cubs said as we came into the room.

Her bright red, curly hair fell a touch past her shoulders. Her sparkling chartreuse eyes met mine, and she smiled, clinging to a doll she had when we took her from the fallen lion pride village.

I bent down, scooping her in my arms. “Are you ok, sweetie?” I asked.

The little one nodded. When the attack began, all kids were ushered inside and placed under guard until we could get a handle on what was happening. Whatever those demonic things were, along with the wendigo, freaked me out. I could only imagine what the kids were feeling and I needed to speak to Evander later about getting them some mental health care. Since their horrid ordeal of losing their parents a couple days ago to the attack today, they needed some guidance on how to process it all beyond what I could readily give them, which was kindness, support, and love.

I kissed the side of her head and she smiled slightly at me. “I need to tell you all something,” I began, coming into the room and sitting down on a couch. I kept the little girl on my lap. A boy about her same age plopped down on my left and the other little girl on my right. “But first, I need to know your names.”

The little girl on my lap snuggled against my chest. “I’m Lona. Do you wanna know my age too, because I think I’m five?”

“You are five,” the teen boy stated, keeping an eye on the boy standing beside Evander. “I’m Alesar and I’m thirteen. And the boy right beside you, Alpha Zuri, is my little brother Griff, who’s also five. Over by Alpha Evander is Leon, and he’s ten. He doesn’t speak.”

Evander’s brows furrowed, putting a hand on Leon’s shoulder. “Like refuses to, or at all?”

Alesar shook his head. “He’s a mute.”

I nodded, feeling bad the poor child had been through so much and was unable to express himself. Evander caught my eye and nodded. Instantly, in this unspoken way I could only contribute to being our mate-bond, I knew we were going to do whatever it took for Leon to help him process the ordeals befalling these werelion children.

The one girl beside me on my right leaned against my arm. She smiled brightly up at me. All the little freckles on her face added to her beauty and adorableness. Whenever she got older, I believed I would be in trouble. I would want to keep her and Lona under lock and key, but it wouldn't be fair or right. But I would happily be a hovering step-mom.

“My name is Kefira. I’m eight.”

I smiled, reaching my arms around to snuggle them all as best I could. I wanted to give them all my love, to keep them, and hold them close so they would never know another hardship.

“What’re you going to tell us, Alpha Zuri?” Alesar asked.

I glanced up at him, watching him straighten his back and round his shoulders. I smiled softly, appreciating how he took his duty to his juniors seriously. Even though the teen boy held his expression stoically, like the alpha he was coming to be, his eyes betrayed him. He was scared like we all were. Not knowing how this war was going to end was enough to make the most brave falter.

“You all are going to head into the Vidis Forest tomorrow to be under protection of old magic.”

Alesar tilted his head. “What old magic?”

“There are nymphs in the woods, older than God Elohi, who are going to protect you all if there is a chance we fail.”

“So what will happen to you, Zuri?” Lona asked, spinning herself on my lap.

I brushed her curls off her face and kissed her cheek. “I’m going to fight, but if things go awry, I’m coming back to you. I won’t leave you.”

Even though these cubs weren’t mine, I couldn't help my throat constricting from emotion. I wasn’t going to leave them. I was going to fight my best and if it became too much, I was going to abandon the fight and make it to these kids. Whether locked in the Vidis Forest with old magic or here at Toan Castle, I would never leave them - come hell or highwater.

I wriggled back on the leather couch. Lona leaned up against me while Griff and Kefira leaned into my arms. In all, I was squished, but I wasn’t about to complain. They needed me and my comforting touch as much as I needed them.

Leon scooted closer down the couch, getting beside Griff, and turned on the television. I told Leon to turn on whatever movie he wanted to watch. His face brightened and immediately began surfing the channels.

I kept my eyes on Evander, who was speaking softly to Alesar. I checked on the kids before I gave Evander my full attention and tuned into whatever was being said. All the kids were glued to a movie called Tangled. Satisfied, I focused on Evander. No matter what I tried, my ears refused to be supernatural and badass, and pick up words. Even though I was this so-called, amazing, one-of-a-kind zaglis, I still couldn’t hear.

Fucking human bullshit, I grouched, snuggling a child closer. Lona wriggled her little bottom on my lap, eyes focused on the movie, while the others commented on the funny horse tracking the outlaw like a dog.

Evander motioned with his head for me, and I rose, putting Lona in my spot. “I’m going to get us some snacks,” I explained to four sets of worried eyes. “I’ll be right back.”

Evander and I exited the room, heading for the dining hall. I laced my fingers with his and waited for him to tell me what he was talking with Alesar about. He blew out his breath, pulling at the skin on the back of his neck.

“Those poor kids have not heard a word from other prides,” he began. “No phone calls, texts, letters, nothing. It bothers me greatly.”

My face scrunched as my lips pursed. “Do you think they were taken out by Lyvia, or Diomedes, or would they have possibly joined Diomedes’s ranks?”

Evander shook his head. “No, the latter option would never happen. Lions are much too proud. I fear the former. Lyvia damn near wiped out all the lions near Aiolos. There are some in the Pamola Mountains, but I haven’t heard from them. We need to get these cubs to the Vidis Forest as soon as possible tomorrow. They very well could be the last of their kind.”

I nodded, squeezing his hand. “We’ll have to be their guardians until Alesar is ready to be king of pride rock.”

Evander snorted, rolling his eyes. “Are you onto cat jokes now?”

“I very well could be. I mean, their ears do hear better than yours.”

Evander took my hand, swung me around, and pushed me against the wall. He gazed at me mischievously, hands roaming my body as he growled low in his throat. He kissed my neck lightly, moving his lips up to the side of my jaw and finally to my lips. I let out a breath. I loved his tender kisses, his caresses; craved them, in fact. And this sensual moment was turning me on quicker than a water faucet.

“Yes Alpha?” I asked seductively.

Evander grinned, pressing his forehead against mine. “I will always hear you better, see you better, taste you better,”

“Are we going to role play tonight? If so, we gotta find a granny and picnic basket.”

Evander sighed, closing his eyes while his mouth tried to hide the smirk forming on his lips. I grinned. I leaned up on my toes, kissing him on the lips. My tongue played with his as Evander’s hands roamed my body and pulled me closer to him.

“After this movie with the kids, I’m going to tell them that they’re ours,” Evander said, kissing me on the lips softly in a way he knew was making me hungry for him. He smirked at me, knowing full well what he had done. “Then, it’s us time.”

“Yes Alpha,” I replied.

Evander growled low in his throat. He pinched my bottom, grinning as he did so. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I took his hand, heading down the hallway toward the dining hall. I glanced at the clock on the dining hall wall, noting the time being almost three in the morning. We were going to head out at first light, around six-thirty in the morning. Knowing Evander, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep. With the inevitable so close at hand, I don’t think I could either.

Evander loaded snacks in his hands while I grabbed drinks. All around us, pack members slept on cots or wherever their heads happened to fall, be it another being, the table, or the wall. Cyclops, ogres, bears, and wolves banded together and slept intermixed. It made me wish I had a phone to take a picture and remember the moment. It was true camaraderie, how it was all supposed to be anyway.

I spun on my heel, heading back to where the cubs were. My palms began to sweat. The impending break of dawn was inching ever closer, where I would have to say goodbye to the cubs in the forest. I could only cross my fingers that the next several days would prove to be beneficial for our side.

Evander leaned over, kissing the top of my head. I grinned, opening the door for his laden arms. The cubs were asleep, all cuddled on the couch. The movie wrapped up its cute little song in a tavern while the long-haired blonde went through a tunnel.

“We should probably do what they’re doing,” Evander suggested.

I nodded. Leaving my drinks on the side table, I went around and kissed each kid on the head. Evander gently dropped his load on the table too, following in behind me as he tucked them in with blankets off the back of the couches. I waited for him off to the side, watching him affectionately. He smiled, coming to my side, and I laced my fingers in with his. I smiled maternally at the sleeping kids. My heart constricted as the thoughts of tomorrow and the future invaded my mind with uncertainty. I wanted to have evenings like this - cuddled on the couch, watching movies and eating popcorn or being outside with a campfire and s’mores. I wanted to make it back to them to be able to have that. I wanted that life, but with war… I could only pray to see the next moment.

I leaned against my mate’s shoulder. “We’ll make it back to them and then begin our own family.”

Evander wrapped an arm around me, kissing the top of my head. “Yes we will.” He spun me around and threw me over his shoulder. “Come on, wife. Time for bed.”

I grinned mischievously.



idea what to do with her. She kept me on my toes and all I could think of was she made my life infinitely better. I was torn between laughing my ass off at her and spanking her cute little bubble butt. I was probably going to do both. This was next level funny and sexy, though for me, it was a touch funnier than I think she intended for it to be.

“Come on, wear the ears,” she whined.

I shook my head, snorting a laugh. She stood in the doorframe of our bathroom wearing a one piece, lacy red sexy lingerie outfit complete with a red cape. Her beautiful blonde hair was curled and loosed around her shoulders. The red silk cape graced her shoulders while a wicker basket was looped over her left arm. She kicked her hip out like all women did when they crossed their arms over their chests and perked an expectant brow. I found it sexy. I wanted to see how it all looked from behind where the lace went up and parted her butt cheeks in a way I knew would make me drool like the wolf I was.

“Wear the ears,” she asked again. “Pleaseee… It’s part of the role play.” She lowered her long lashes, fluttering them at me while she pouted. “It’s just so you can hear me better.”

I snorted, putting a hand over my eyes, and shook my head. “Fine.”

She skipped over to me, beaming from ear to ear, and thrust the fuzzy ears in my face. I took them from her, planting a kiss on her cheek as she sat on my lap. I loved her spontaneity. I loved her with all of my heart.

Zuri giggled, “I know you can hear me better now,” she laughed.

I held her close to me, putting her legs over mine. She snuggled closer, dropping her basket to the ground.

“My, Alpha,” she said softly, “what big eyes you have.”

I snorted. “All the better to gaze at you, my beautiful mate.”

She turned in my lap, straddling me. “My Alpha, what kissable lips you have,” she said, her lips on mine as her tongue danced playfully with mine.

I picked her up by her bottom, spinning her around to sit her on the bed so I could gaze at her and appreciate the time she took to make herself sexy for my sake. The red lace of her lingerie came up in a narrow strip up her belly button and flared out at her tits, where the lace of the red push-up bra held her up. I took her hands, making her stand so I could appreciate how that same lacy band came down to accentuate her hips and became booty undies. I spun her around and was pleasantly surprised the undies accentuated her full plump butt. In all, it was the sexiest, drool worthy lingerie I had ever seen, made even better by my gorgeous mate.

I spun her back around, caught her in my arms, and dipped her low. Her lovely brown eyes shone bright and full of lust under the low lighting of our bedroom. My hands caressed her body, loving the soft, supple warmth of her skin on my fingertips.

“My Alpha,” she began.

I didn’t give her a chance to continue. My lips claimed hers as I helped her back onto the bed. She scooted back, leaning up on her elbows, and wriggled a finger for me to come to her.

I quickly shucked all my clothes, doing her bidding. I grabbed her by the bottoms of the lingerie, yanking her to me, and ripped them off of her.

“Damn it, I liked this one,” she whined.

I hovered over her delicious body, grinning. “I would happily buy you thousands more, just to rip them off your sexy body, again and again.”

“It had a hole in it for your dick.”

“Not big enough for what I’m going to do to you.”

In a rush, I claimed her. Hearing her whimper at my entrance was the most euphoric sound. My cock slid happily inside her wet pussy. A dulcet moan escaped her. She brought her legs up, increasing the pleasure I was bringing her as I moved my hands down to her ass to drive myself deeper into her supple form.

I rocked inside of her. Each thrust of my hips sending her slightly up the bed. Her wet pussy made my dick glide and hit that sweet spot inside of her that begged for me to release, yet I would make her scream first. I promised myself to always make her cum first.

Zuri panted, her breath hitching in her throat. Whimper after whimper came from her full pink lips. My lips claimed her as I built up speed and drove myself deeper inside. She arched toward me, moaning into my mouth. Her tongue danced with mine. Her fingers dug softly into my skin as I felt her toes curl behind me.

Zuri screamed my name. My wolf howled in response to her, thrilled to claim her again as mine, but this time as my true mate. My lips descended on hers, tongue dancing, tangling together and raising our passion tenfold.

I couldn’t get enough of her. I couldn’t get deep enough into her. My body, my cock, and wolf wanted to make every bit of this woman form to me forever. To be a part of me for life and beyond. It felt like it wasn’t enough to just call her - mate, even though now she was. I had to have every piece of her. I had to have her beyond the term. I had to have her forever.

Zuri moaned, writhing beneath me as she came. Her slender neck arched back as she gasped at the euphoric wave.

“Evander,” she breathed.

I wouldn’t allow another response, kissing her fervently in my own climatic need. Her whisper of my name sent me over the edge and I found my blissful release. I pressed my body against hers, loving the feel of her skin on mine as my need was finally satiated for a moment. I could keep fucking her all night. I couldn’t ever seem to fulfill my need for her. Zuri was just so intoxicating.

She kissed her way along my jaw to my lips, biting my bottom one gently and giving it a little pull. “Are we going to sleep tonight or play?”

“We’re going to sleep. Even though we have a few hours until it’s time to leave and I would love nothing more than to continue this, we need some rest.”

Zuri sighed. “I love the rational side of you, but come on.”

I chortled. “I love you. And I’m happy that you’re now forever mine,” I said, laying beside her.

Even though my lips burned to plant kisses all over her body, I controlled myself. We had maybe three hours until it was time to wake up, gear up, and head out with the children. I sighed, snuggling myself against Zuri’s back so she couldn't see the troubling thoughts furrowing on my brow.

I was nervous, terrified of losing her, yet she was the centerpiece to ending a God. This entire war focused around her. We were just the distraction needed to lure Diomedes and his soldiers out so she could destroy them.

“I love you,” she whispered, pulling away from me.

“I love you too.”

She slinked off her lingerie, heading to the bathroom. I watched her backside sway across the cold stone floor until she shut the door and the shower turned on. I closed my eyes, rolling to my back and putting my hands behind my head.

My mind kept replaying the plan we all made in my head. Tomorrow morning we were taking the women and children to the Vidis Forest. From there, we would march to Maluhia where all would gather. On the following day, we would go to war. I had maybe two days left with my mate until we would be separated on the battlefield - with me creating a distraction and her heading off to kill Diomedes.

I sighed, pushing myself off the bed and headed to the bathroom. I knew full well we weren’t going to get any sleep. I shut the bathroom door behind me and locked it. Zuri smiled at me through the shower glass door as she rinsed out her long blonde hair.

“Alpha,” she said.

“There will be no sleeping tonight,” I growled, stepping into the shower and entering her from behind.



the werelion cubs up tight and, after my efforts, handed them each a to-go cup of hot chocolate. Bright chartreuse eyes met mine, full of worry and terror. I tried my best to soothe them, hugging them close and kissing the tops of their fiery red heads; but I couldn’t keep my hands from nervously shaking.

I had my rifle slung over my left shoulder, complete with extra ammo in the sling and a box in my backpack. Two pistols were strapped to my legs and clipped at the top of my belt for extra support. I had extra magazines, complete with knives and a taser on my custom made belt. Even with having magic and being a zaglis, sometimes lead bested magic.

“Alpha Zuri?” Lona began softly.

“Yes, babe?” I replied, fixing her hair into a ponytail.

“You’re gonna come back, right?”

Once done with her hair, I got down on my knees to her eye level. I put my hands over hers since she was holding her hot chocolate. “Yes babe. I will come back to you. I won’t ever leave you.”

Lona set her hot chocolate down on the stone steps outside and flung herself at me. Her little arms were wrapped around my neck. I held her close to me, kissing the side of her head.

“I will always come back to you, Lona.”

Lona nodded, pulling apart and wiping her eyes. “You’re all I got.”

I wiped her tears with a stroke of my thumb. “And you’re all I got too.” I didn’t have anything special on my person to give her to hold on to like a necklace or an earring. I didn’t have a special toy, outfit, or something personal of mine to give her. I could only hope the power of my voice meant something to her.

“Trust me,” I said, imploring her with the tone of my voice to believe me, “I will come back to you. And we’ll live here at Toan Castle as a family, together. I promise you this,” I said, staring straight into her beautiful eyes. I got up, looking at each cub, “I promise you all this. I’m gonna take you somewhere where you’ll be safe and protected because I don’t wanna lose you.”

Lona wrapped her arms around my leg and sat on my boot. “And when you get back, can we have a bacon party?”

“Absolutely. We’ll make donuts, cover it in maple icing, and put bacon on top.”

Lona’s eyes brightened. “Bacon donuts are real?”

“Best donuts of your life!”

Lona pushed on the back of my legs, trying to get me to head for the portcullis. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”

I laughed, turning around and picking her up. Kefira handed Lona her hot chocolate, not wanting to meet my gaze. With one arm, I held Lona while the other lifted Kefira’s chin. I kissed her cheek.

“I will be back,” I promised.

“It’s just scary,” she whispered, tears tracking down her cheeks.

I hugged Kefira close with my one free arm. “I know it is. I’m really scared too. But what’s scarier to me is losing you all. I have to protect you the best way I know how.”

Kefira nodded, hugging my side close. Griff hugged my other free side while Leon hugged my back. When they felt content enough to let go, I hugged Alesar.

“Ready, Alpha?” I asked him.

His chartreuse eyes shone bright, glistening with unshed tears. Alesar nodded, grabbing his backpack and taking Griff by the hand. I put a hand on his shoulder, planting a kiss on his forehead.

“It’ll be alright,” I assured.

Alesar nodded, sniffing. I adjusted Lona in my arms while I glanced around for Evander. He was coming out the double doors with Molner and Errol behind him. Two members held the double oak doors open while the pack poured out of the castle and into the courtyard.

Evander dipped his head as he strode past me to the portcullis, leading the pack out of Toan Castle. He waited off to the side, while the pack, bears, sprites, ogres, and cyclops came striding out. I fell in step behind a group of ogres, watching as everyone carried or had the hands of their children.

My skin prickled from the gravity of the situation. It felt like a movie. I kept my eyes forward, not wanting to glance around and see those I may know be struck down. Not only that reason, but I wanted to show these children, I was strong, that everything was going to pan out.

Once outside the castle, I waited to the side until all had gathered. Someone slammed the portcullis gate shut. I glanced behind me, seeing ogres and cyclops pull wagons of weapons from guns to more primitive like swords and shields. In all, we prepared the best we could. Now it was time to fight with the best we had in us.

“Lead the women and children to the Vidis Forest,” Evander whispered to me, kissing the side of my head.

I smiled wanly, taking the lead as he said toward the Vidis Forest. Soft footfalls and rustling jackets met my ears. Not even the birds sang this morning. Clouds and dark skies hung in the heavens. I bit my bottom lip, hoping this wasn’t a sign of how this was going to play out.

Male pack members fell in stride around us as protection, spaced out every ten feet. Guns were held in their hands, or they had other weaponry means upon them like an ax, sword, or dagger. I glanced over my shoulder to the left, where Evander led the main force on the road by the easiest, most direct route to Maluhia. I caught his eye before the trees and brush thickened ahead, and smiled. Evander raised his hand to me and howled.

I smiled and shivered as the pack responded in a howl, so long and lonesome. I closed my eyes, feeling the forsaken angst of the howl crawl on my skin and settle its uneasiness in my heart. This was their goodbye. I swallowed, choking back tears of their final goodbye as they howled again to their mates that I was leading to safety.

I bit my bottom lip, heading deeper into the Vidis Forest, where we were supposed to meet; where there would be a birch, cedar, oak, and pine in a straight line. The pack followed me in utter silence. All the children did not make a sound, save for a sometimes contented sigh from their hot chocolates.

We rounded a bend to the right and up ahead were the trees in a line. I glanced at the sky, noting that now, under the ancient protection of the nymph’s, the skies immediately changed to blue. A tall, blonde nymph stepped out from behind a tree. I dipped my head, recognizing her from Evander’s description, and from meeting her before, that she was the queen of the nymphs.

“Lady Oilell,” I greeted.

The nymph guardian, queen lady, dipped her head to me. “Alpha Zuri.”

Oilell’s pale blue dress adorned her figure with silver stitches and accents of beadwork. Her blonde hair, braided in a crown with dark indigo hydrangea flowers, added to her regal appearance. Her silver eyes narrowed on me, her chin tilting up.

“Are these beings whom you wish to protect?”

I nodded. “Please.”

Oilell dipped her head, moving her left hand to the side like she was opening a door, yet it looked like she was swatting air. A pale pink door was revealed, opening inward. I caught a glimpse of blooming flowers and a flowing creek. It looked like a slice of paradise with the vivid colors and the allure of safety.

“Please enter,” Oilell commanded.

I ushered the werecubs in first and stood off to the side by the nymph. The children glanced at me, waiting for my approval. I nodded, waving goodbye with one hand, and blowing them a kiss with the other. The cubs stepped through, not looking back.

In tandem, pack members, bears, some sprites and too many more creatures to name quickly passed through into protection. Oilell took several steps back from the open pink door and I went back with her.

“Diomedes grows stronger,” she commented softly. “I fear greatly for our world.”

I pursed my lips. “He’ll fall, Lady Oilell. I’ll do all I can to ensure this.”

She smiled wanly at me. “I admire your tenacity, Alpha Zuri. I hope it proves you correct.” She handed me a dark green gem, the size of a coffee mug bottom but surprisingly light given its size, and enclosed my hand around it. “Should the power of hell prove too much, break this gem. It will create a portal to our land where you and others can escape through. Once through, say beigas and the portal will close.”

I embraced her, holding her close. Her skin was cold, feeling almost like sandpaper. My brows furrowed on their own. “Thank you, Lady Oilell. You’re very kind.”

She nodded, taking my hands and covering them with her own. “I have seen lifetimes, but none who I’ve met are quite like you. Stay safe.”

I pondered her statement for a moment, wondering whether to take it as a compliment. With the lightness in her eyes and a faint smile on her lips, I took it as such.

Oilell turned on her heel, heading through the portal after the last werebear mother and child passed through. In a soundless blink, the portal snapped shut like the powering off of a television. I let out a breath I held and hung my head. I spun on my heel, ready to jog to the meeting rest stop where Evander and the others would be.

Raising my head, I found the steeled, stoic faces of wolves and bears alike. Some eyes glistened under the darkening skies and my heart constricted. Where we parted to say goodbye, yet again, hung heavy on us all.

Shit, I thought. I had nothing encouraging to say. Nothing worth saying. Some of these men might not make it back to see their families and I didn’t want to spoil their reflections with mediocre words.

I sniffed, choking back a few tears. I led these warriors out of the Vidis Forest and toward the spot where the rest of the march to Maluhia would begin.



right, watching the rise and fall of the dark swelling sea. The light gray sky of dawn was trying to crack the blackness of the cloudy sky with daylight. Tapping into my senses, I saw the ocean below clearly enough. Gulls called overhead. Mermaids, whiter than snow, poked their heads above the waves to watch us. It made my skin crawl with their bright red eyes and hair. The contrast made it seem the mermaids were sickly and evil. I disliked water to begin with, but upon seeing those creepy mermaids, my hairy man feet wouldn’t touch a damn stream now.

I held Zuri’s hand, basking in her presence just for a moment until the rest of the beings gathered here. So far, the werebears, ogres, cyclops, some witches, and sprites, came here for the final planning and push for battle. We were still waiting on the remaining minotaurs, centaurs, elves, dragons and the last known lion pride from the Pamola Mountains. It had me a bit on edge waiting for them all to arrive, making me wonder if some were captured or slaughtered.

Zuri kissed the back of my hand and put her other one over top. “It’s going to be fine. We’re ready.”

I smiled, kissing the side of her head. I really appreciated how she did her best to calm my nerves and remain stoic. She shivered and I couldn’t tell if it was from the biting wind or from her own nerves. I took off my thick black jacket, draping it over her shoulders. She smiled, pushing her arms through it, and turned away from the swelling sea.

I refused to turn my back on the mermaids, wondering if they could crawl to shore and grab me, or even climb the cliff we were on. I shuddered. No more ponds, lakes, streams, or rivers for me. Fuck that. Even with the cliff separating us and the mermaids, I still wasn’t taking any chances.

I watched the small town of Maluhia come alive as the pinkish-red announcing daylight finally broke the darkness of the night. The clouds, once black, became vivid in color. All that was once silent and sleepy became a humming town as beings went around preparing themselves and their weapons for the impending march tomorrow on Kadia Castle or OKimma; wherever Diomedes happened to be.

“If that’s not a promising sunrise in our favor, I dunno what is,” Zuri whispered.

I laced my fingers in with hers and held her close to me. With the uncertainty of outcome for tomorrow, I wanted to spend as much time by her side as possible.

“I believe we’ll be victorious,” I replied.

“I know we will. My concern is for those in the forest if their loved one happens to not make it back.”

I nodded. “We’ll take it in stride as it comes.”

Zuri whipped her head to the left and her eyes narrowed. “Bertok,” she whispered. “These zaglis powers are weird. I’ve been keeping the werewolf powers open so I can sense whatever’s around us after you showed me how. My wolf hearing, or the zaglis part of it, isn’t worth a damn though. But Bertok sure got here quickly.”

I smirked, appreciating how she took my lesson to heart. Always keeping the wolf sense open. “This could come in handy if you can sense things from such a distance. I can't sense Bertok yet. And he went back to Lojza to get the remaining wolves.”

She nodded, pressing herself into me. Her zaglis powers were still undetermined, for the most part. From what I understood of it all, Zuri was the first zaglis created, made, however she came to be in hundreds of years. It made me wonder more. What she could, or couldn't do and how different powers affected her. I wondered what her limit would be, if there was a limit at all. What she could and couldn’t utilize from absorbing the powers of different beings. Elohi gave her part of his power, so she should be just as powerful as him, I would think.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Zuri stare to the left, where she sensed Bertok. We spent an hour daily since we found out what she was, trying to piece together her powers and test them. She could turn on and off her sensory powers now. She was quick with summoning magic to her hands and firing off projectiles of whatever she desired, be it from ice shards to fire. Her shielding and defensive powers needed work, but it was too late to pause and fine tune it. But even with her powers still in progress, she was the most powerful out of all of us here.

I held her close to me and kissed her head, feeling the tension in her shoulders dissipate, and breathe a heavy sigh. I held her longer still, knowing she felt a lot of the burden on her shoulders in the meticulous planning and preparation for this coming battle.

“I love you,” she whispered against my chest.

“I love you too,” I replied. “Everything’s going to work out.”

My inner wolf perked his head, finally sensing Bertok coming. I sniffed but could not catch anything more than salty air, the pungent aroma of dead fish, and the ogre camp to the north of me. It has to be her zaglis powers, I thought. I’m strong to sense others, but she beat me to it.

“Is Bertok alone?” I asked, wondering if she could sense it.

“No idea. I just sense him for some reason.”

“It’s because he’s an alpha,” I explained. “Alphas sense other alphas.”

She nodded, pulling away from me slightly. I laced my fingers in with hers, watching her pink full lips pull down in a pout and her honey brown eyes narrow again. Since the last encounter with the Lojza pack, I understood her hesitation. Even back at Toan Castle, she was leery of the pack, keeping everything professional and to the point. She had nothing to worry about regarding Bertok.

Her lips pursed to the side. I smiled at her, thinking about how lucky I was that she was mine and how she was the most beautiful woman in the world to me.

My head turned slightly to the west and my eyes narrowed. I spied Bertok making his way down the paved street toward Zuri and myself. Members of his pack were behind him, but not many, like I assumed there would be. I scowled, wondering why there were so few when Lojza was a huge pack compared to others I knew. Even before the death of my parents and pack by Zuri’s mother, my pack paled in comparison to Bertok’s.

Zuri pulled her hand from mine, taking a small step to the left. Her blue magic swirled in her hands, upper lip curling. I put a hand on her arm and her magic simmered. She shot me a doleful gaze, a cross between sorrowful wariness, and an apology for summoning her magic. I understood her hesitation regarding Lojza, but Bertok was nothing like his father or sister. Bertok skidded to a stop a few feet from me and shifted into his human form. The others in his pack stopped well behind Bertok and shifted out of respect.

“Evander,” he said, leaning forward with his hands on his knees.

The man was winded, as were the rest of his pack behind him. Wolves could run for miles at their top speed, but could lope along for even longer with our impressive stamina. For Bertok to get here as he did, he would have had to have left the pack last night to make it here this morning.

Bertok took a deep breath and stood. “Evander, we’re here to help.”

I clapped him on the shoulder. “Thank you, my friend. I appreciate it.”

He locked eyes with Zuri and smiled. “Alpha Zuri, it’s good to see you again,” he said.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again as well, Bertok,” my mate replied.

Bertok smiled, turning toward me with a dip of his head. “Evander, may we join your pack?”

I blinked while Bertok stared at me and awaited my answer. The Lojza pack were fierce, they were warriors, bordering on being murderers, with how vicious and unrelenting they were in the pursuit of dominance and submission. Having Bertok on my side in this battle was incredible. I was thankful and grateful for his help, but it made me wonder what happened to Kuno. And what might happen after this war was over?

For me to be the sole alpha of Goda Vilki was one thing. I was the only dominant wolf. Bertok also being an alpha could pose an issue. I pushed the thought to the side for the moment. The more pressing matter was the war.

“So what?” Zuri’s eyes narrowed with her hands on her hips. “You can challenge Evander and take over? I, for one, will kill you before it comes from your lips,” she threatened, her magic sparking in her hands.

Bertok pushed back the black hair off his face and shook his head. His green eyes held a sadness I had not seen in the man. “No, and I can make a blood promise should you wish for it. After you left Lojza, my father refused to rally wolves. My father also received your missive for help and tossed it in the trash. These wolves behind me are who want to fight for Quivleren. I rallied them myself - the different packs and those in my own pack. The others want to see it fall.”

I nodded. It hurt to see Bertok upset. We’d been friends since childhood, and he had never shown a modicum of sadness, always remaining impartial and stoic. This spat with his father, I knew, was hurting him deep. Knowing Kuno, this may have ended their relationship. I went to my friend, embracing him. It hurt me as well, thinking that Kuno refused to help us due to our disagreements a few weeks ago regarding my choice in mate. It was like Kuno to hold a grudge. I just hoped he wouldn’t do so when Quivleren was in dire straits.

I glanced at my mate. Zuri crossed her arms over her chest and kicked back on her hip. Her face remained stoic, but her eyes held a wariness. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, breaking her from the uneasy look.

“Then, welcome Bertok,” I said, offering my hand. “We would be happy to have you be a part of Goda Vilki.”

Bertok grinned. “Thank you Alpha. It’s good to be a part of this pack.” He turned his attention to my mate and smirked. “Still fierce as ever, Zuri.”

Zuri smiled softly. “Good to have you with us, Bertok.”

“My sister still favors her backside from the wallop you gave her,” Bertok offered, hands in his pockets.

Zuri tilted her head to the side, eyeing Bertok. “How are you gonna be when we cross paths with her, or anyone from Lojza pack, in this battle?”

“They are no longer my pack,” Bertok replied, staring straight into her eyes. “I promise you that.”

She held out her hand. Bertok’s hand practically swallowed hers while they shook on their agreement. I watched the rest of the new pack members while they were having an exchange of words. While what Zuri said meant no disrespect since she was plainly asking where his loyalties lied, I expected someone to bristle. None did. Whatever happened at Lojza pack was well and done. Goda Vilki gained thirty new pack members.

“Alpha,” Molner called. “The centaurs and minotaurs arrived. They are on the east side of town in a clearing. The elves are just now arriving. I haven’t heard a word from the dragons, but a Syrus Barsotti is here,” he finished on a confused note.

Zuri’s head whipped around. “Uncle Syrus?”

Molner shrugged. “Yeah. He’s waiting at the little white inn on the corner of Shell and First.”

Zuri beamed. She turned to face Bertok and the other pack members. In an instant, her face morphed from elated to the alpha she was and became poised. “Make yourselves comfortable. We have tables at the covered park,” she said, pointing in the direction, “laden with food. Beds and tents are being set up there too. Thank you for coming and being a part of our pack and family. Molner will take you to food and rest,” she said hurriedly and took off in the direction Molner said her uncle was in.

“Thank you, Molner!” she yelled over her shoulder.

I chuckled at her fast moving short legs and the surprising distance they covered. “Thank you again, Bertok. I’m happy you’re here,” I added.

“Her little legs just go so fast,” Bertok replied, chuckling.

I grinned, watching her disappear around a corner. “It’s cute.”

Molner laughed, “I’m not commenting.”

I clapped Molner on the shoulder. “Let’s meet at the warehouse at noon. Spread the word, if you don’t mind, please.”

Molner dipped his head. “Yes Alpha. Good to see you, Bertok,” Molner said, shaking Bertok’s hand.

I dipped my head, taking off after my mate.



Molner said my Uncle Syrus would be. Even with my stumpy legs running as fast as I forced them to, and putting a trickle of magic behind the movement, Evander easily caught up to me. I grinned, happy he came with me to see my beloved uncle. I reached the little white inn on the corner of Shell and First and huffed triumphantly.


That was a preview of Burning Danger - Book 3. To read the rest purchase the book.

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