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A Day On The Web



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Chapter 1 – A New Discovery

Andy and Lynne were the kind of couple who liked to keep their weekends unpredictable. They were the ones you'd find heading to a remote beach on a whim or trying a new exotic dish from a recipe book that had just been published. They thrived on the thrill of the unexpected. Little did they know, their most daring escapade was about to begin without ever leaving their home.

Lynne owns a photography studio and she has a captivating appearance that blends elegance and approachability. She is 21 years old and her olive-toned skin gives her a natural allure, while her large, almond-shaped hazel eyes are the focal point of her face. Her long, wavy auburn hair is usually worn loose, framing her face beautifully. She is average height and possesses an hourglass figure that's accentuated by her firm-looking, rounded breasts. Her boyfriend, Andy, has an attractive appearance that perfectly complements his role as a salesman. He is 23 years old and his striking features, including his piercing blue eyes and tanned complexion, make him hard to miss. His well-maintained short dark hair completes his stylish look. He is on the leaner side, yet he carries himself with confidence thanks to his light musculature. His fitness is evident in his toned physique, adding an extra layer of allure to his appearance.

"You're going to love this," Andy exclaimed, to Lynne, holding up his laptop. His eyes glinted with excitement as he set it down on the coffee table. "I've been playing around with it and I found this amazing website where people perform live. It's like nothing you've ever seen!"

Lynne raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What kind of performances are we talking about?" she asked, leaning in to peer at the screen.

Andy smirked. "Let's just say it's not your typical Broadway show," he replied cryptically. He clicked on a bookmark titled 'Web-Cam Hotties'. The screen flickered to life, revealing a sleek interface with thumbnails of various live feeds. Each had a username and a brief description of what was happening in the room. Some had people playing instruments, others were painting, and a few looked suspiciously like they were in the middle of a yoga class, without any clothes on!

Lynne's curiosity piqued, she scanned the options, feeling a little scandalized but mostly fascinated. "So, what's the deal? Do we just watch?"

Andy's grin grew wider. "No, we can interact with the performers; or even perform too. We could show the world our talents and possibly earn some pocket money!"

Lynne's eyes widened. "Are you serious? What could we possibly do?"

Andy's confidence was infectious. "We could dance, sing, or even just chat. It's all about connecting with the audience."

Lynne bit her lip, contemplating. "Okay, but what if we're terrible?"

Andy chuckled, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Worst case, we're not entertaining and no one will want to watch us. Besides, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's all in good fun."

Lynne pondered for a moment, trying to think of what unique talents they had to offer. She had always thought she was a fantastic singer, belting out tunes in the shower that echoed through their apartment. Andy, on the other hand, had a knack for making people laugh, his quick wit often leaving their friends in stitches.

But it was when their eyes met that the realization dawned on them. With a wink and a mischievous laugh, Andy suggested, "Or, we could always do something that we are really good at; something ... a bit more intimate?"

Lynne's cheeks flushed as she processed the idea. "You mean ... sex?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the hum of the fan in the laptop.

Andy nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Why not; it's not like we're going to see these people again and we've always been adventurous?"

Lynne took a deep breath, feeling both nervous and exhilarated. "Alright," she said; her voice a mix of trepidation and excitement. "But only if we're both comfortable with what we do?"

Andy agreed wholeheartedly. "Absolutely; we're in this together," he said as he suggested that they should start by checking what other people were offering on line …



Chapter 2 – Let’s Explore

The room was dimly lit, the curtains drawn to create an intimate atmosphere. They sat side by side on the couch, as Andy scrolled through the live feeds. Some were wild and explicit, while others were more subdued, showcasing simple conversations or sensual teases. They watched for a while, trying to gauge what the different audiences were looking for from their performers.

Suddenly there's a ring at the door, as Sarah and Tom, their close friends, dropped by unannounced.

Tom is 30 years old, has shoulder-length, naturally blonde hair that falls in loose waves around his face. He has a medium build, with broad shoulders and defined muscles from regular outdoor activities. He has an adventurous spirit and a thirst for exploration. He's confident, charismatic, and has a knack for making others feel at ease in his presence. Sarah, his wife, is 28 years old, with long, flowing chestnut-brown hair that often falls into her eyes. Her physique is curvaceous yet athletic, reflecting her love for outdoor activities. She has an infectious laugh and a warm, approachable personality that makes it easy for people to connect with her. She's intelligent, creative, and has a natural curiosity about the world around her. She shares a passion for exploration and the thrill of bringing others into their world with Tom that only serves to deepen their love for each other and strengthen their bond.

"Hey, what's up?" Tom called out, stepping into the living room. Sarah followed close behind, a knowing smile playing on her lips as she took in the scene.

Andy quickly closed the laptop, a bit embarrassed. "Oh, we were just checking out some new online gigs," he said casually. "You guys want to join us?"

Sarah's eyes twinkled with curiosity. "Is it something we could all do together?" she asked, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Andy and Lynne exchanged a look. "Well," Lynne began, "it's a bit... unconventional."

Sarah's smile grew wider. "Oooh, now I'm really intrigued," she said, sitting down on the arm of the couch. Tom flopped down next to her, leaning in and opening the lid of the lap-top to take a look.

"It's a webcam site," Lynne explained, feeling her face heat up. "People do all sorts of things for an audience. And, well, we were thinking about giving it a shot."

Tom leaned in, his eyes lighting up with interest. "Performing, huh? What's the catch?"

Andy grinned. "The catch is, most of the shows are not exactly PG-13." He took a deep breath. "We were thinking of doing a... couples show, for a bit of fun."

Sarah's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Oh, wow!" she gasped. "That's wild! What do you guys need to do, to set it all up?"

Andy leaned back, crossing his arms. "Well, we have to make a profile, decide on what we're going to do, and then just... perform."

"You will probably need a better web cam", suggests Tom.

"Yeah, and some cool background lighting," adds Sarah, peering over Tom's shoulder at the naked couple on the screen.

Lynne's mind raced with the sudden turn of events. "Maybe we could use the money to upgrade our equipment," she murmured, half to herself.

Tom nodded, his curiosity growing. "I have an old webcam that we used for our podcasts," he said, standing up. "It's not top-of-the-line, but its way better than that built-in one you've got."

Lynne's smile grew more mischievous. "And I've got plenty of strong lights I use in the studio for photoshoots," she offered, her voice low and suggestive. "They're pretty bright."

“We'll bring our web cam round next weekend, if you'd like?” Suggests Tom “But in the meantime, let's watch some shows to get an idea of what kinds of performances there are?”

ImageAndy nods eagerly. "Sounds like a plan." He says with a grin.

Lynne's curiosity piqued, she scanned the options on the screen, selecting a young couple. Feeling a little scandalized but mostly fascinated, she asked "So, what’s the deal? Do we just click on the icon and watch them perform?"

“That seems to be all there is to it”, says Andy as he reaches over and clicks the mouse on the ‘ENTER’ icon.

The room grew quiet as the friends watched the scene unfolding in front of them. The two figures on the screen became the centre of their attention. Their camera was angled just right, capturing every intimate detail. The performers, a man and a woman, were both in their early twenties with a glow of youth and passion that seemed to radiate through the digital screen. The woman had a waterfall of chestnut hair that cascaded down her back, contrasting with the stark whiteness of the bedsheets. Her eyes were closed in ecstasy, as the man fondled her firm, rounded breasts. As the group of friends watched the couple on screen, the girl moved around as the camera followed her head kissing its way down the man’s body and her plump lips wrapped around the man's erect member, moving with a rhythm that spoke of both practice and pleasure. The man's expression was one of pure bliss, his hand gently cradling the back of her head as he guided her movements.

The man's hand tightened in her hair, his hips bucking slightly as he pushed deeper into her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed out with the effort, and she let out a muffled moan around his length. The sounds of her saliva and his skin slapping against her face filled the room, a symphony of carnality that had the four watching friends holding their breaths in anticipation. She looked up at him through watery eyes, her makeup slightly smudged from the exertion, yet the submissive look on her face was undeniably arousing.

Andy's gaze flickered between the screen and Tom, Sarah and Lynne's reactions, noticing the slight parting of Lynne’s lips and the way her pupils had dilated. He leaned back in his chair, watching the scene unfold with a detached interest. "Looks like they're really into it," he murmured his voice a low rumble in the quiet room.

The woman on the screen took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling dramatically, and then she redoubled her efforts, her head bobbing faster and with more vigour. The man's breathing grew ragged, his abs tensing as he approached climax. His other hand gripped the bedsheets, his knuckles white with the effort of holding back.

The woman's eyes watered, but she never broke her rhythm, her eyes still locked on his. The intimacy of the moment was clear for all to see, even though it was being watched on a small, flat screen display. The man's grip on her hair tightened, and with a final, guttural groan, he released himself into her mouth. She took it all, with a gulp that was clearly audible over the sound of their panting, as she opened her mouth to reveal the thick glob of cum resting on her tongue.

The friend's eyes remained glued to the screen, their breathing shallow. Andy felt a twitch in his pants and tried to ignore it, focusing instead on the way the light played off the sweat on the performers' bodies. Lynne's gaze flickered to him before returning to the screen, her own curiosity and arousal warring for dominance.

The man had pulled out of the woman's mouth, to show his cum on her tongue and now he was gripping her face firmly with both hands, his thumbs tracing the line of her jaw as he held her in place. His cock was still hard; and it glistened with the sheen of her saliva. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear, too low for the microphone to pick up, but the woman's eyes widened and she nodded eagerly.

With a grin on his face, he pushed his erection back into her mouth, his hips moving in a steady, punishing rhythm that made the woman's eyes water and her mascara run. Her mouth was a perfect 'O' around his erection, her tongue occasionally darting out to lick at his shaft as he slammed into her face. The sounds of wet, sloppy impacts filled the room, punctuated only by her muffled gasps for air.

The man's thrusts grew more erratic, his breathing more ragged. His eyes were locked on hers, watching her reaction to every stroke. The woman's eyes fluttered closed and she leaned into his touch, her body arching off the bed. The man's hand moved to her throat, his thumb resting gently on her pulse point as he began to pick up the pace.

Lynne's eyes were wide as she watched, her hand subconsciously moving to her own throat, feeling the echo of the woman's vulnerability. She could feel her own heart racing, her breath quickening.

Andy's eyes narrowed as his own desire built. He reached over and gently placed his hand on Lynne's thigh, his thumb stroking small circles on the soft fabric of her skirt. "Do you like this?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

The man on the screen was now in complete control, his hand on the woman's throat tightening slightly as he picked up the pace. Her face was red, her eyes watering and the mascara running down her cheeks, but she never once tried to pull away. Instead, she seemed to be pushing into his touch, her own hands clutching at his bottom as she took everything he had to give.

Her mouth was a wet, sloppy mess, her cheeks hollowed out with each powerful thrust. The man's cock was a blur of motion, disappearing into her throat and then reappearing with a pop. Her choking noises were muffled, but the way her body tensed and her eyes rolled back in her head spoke volumes.

Andy's hand slid higher up Lynne's thigh, his thumb now brushing against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. He could feel the heat radiating off her, could see the way her chest was rising and falling rapidly. He leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "You're so beautiful," he murmured. "Would you ever do something like that for me?"

The woman on the screen was now utterly at the mercy of the man's whims, her face a mask of pleasure and pain as he used her mouth like it was made for his pleasure alone. Her eyes were squeezed shut, and the watching friends could sense the pressure building in her core with every thrust, her body responding to the raw, animalistic nature of their sex.

The man's hips bucked, his grip on her throat tightening even more, cutting off her air for a brief moment. She gagged, her nails digging into the bed, but it only served to spur him on. His thrusts grew erratic, his body taut with the tension of his impending second climax.

With a roar, he pulled out of her mouth, the head of his cock glistening with her saliva. He stroked himself roughly, the muscles in his arm bulging as he brought himself to the edge. The woman watched him, her chin and chest shiny with wetness, her eyes glazed over with lust.

Andy's hand was now dangerously close to Lynne's panties, his thumb tracing the line of her wetness. "Would you?" he repeated, his voice a hoarse whisper. His eyes searched hers for an answer, his own arousal clear in the tension of his body and the bulge in his pants.

The group's gaze remained glued to the screen. The man had moved on to fucking the woman's face with a ferocity that was almost terrifying in its intensity. His cock slammed into her, her nose squishing against his pelvis with each thrust, her eyes bulging slightly with the effort of not gagging.

Her mascara had run down her cheeks in rivulets, mixing with her tears to form messy, black streaks. Her makeup was ruined, but she looked more beautiful than ever, her face a canvas of pure passion and desire. The man's hand was still on her throat, his thumb pressing into her pulse point, reminding her with every beat of his power over her.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and the watching group could see her orgasm building as her body responded to the brutal, intimate act being played out in front of them. The man's eyes were wild with lust, his teeth gritted as he pushed himself deeper and deeper into her mouth, his hips moving in a blur.

Andy's hand had reached the apex of Lynne's thighs, his thumb now lightly brushing against the damp fabric of her panties. She gasped at the contact, her eyes flicking to his before returning to the screen. She could feel her own wetness seeping between her labia and soaking into the gusset of her thong pants as the heat of her arousal grew with every passing moment.

The woman on the screen was now choking, her body beginning to spasm as she came, her throat constricting around the man's cock. He roared, his eyes squeezed shut as he erupted into her mouth. The sight was almost too much to bear, the sound of his release echoing through the room like a battle cry, as the screen closed, with a message saying that their free 20 minutes of access had ended.

Andy leaned in closer to Lynne, his hand still resting on her sex, his breath hot against her neck. "Would you ever let me do that to you?" he asked; his voice thick with need.

The room was thick with the scent of desire, the tension palpable as the screen went dark. Lynne's eyes snapped to Andy's, her pupils wide with a mix of shock and arousal. She swallowed hard, her hand unconsciously pressing against her own throat as she felt the throb between her legs.

Andy's eyes searched hers, his thumb still stroking her sex, feeling the warmth emanating from her core. He waited, his own heart racing, for her response.

Tom, who had been quietly observing from the side, shifted in his seat, his own arousal clear from the bulge in his pants. He licked his lips, his gaze flicking between Lynne, Sarah and the darkened screen and back again.

Sarah, who had been silent throughout the entire performance, let out a low whistle. "Damn," she murmured, leaning back in her chair. "That was... intense."

The silence stretched between them, the only sound the muffled thud of their hearts and the distant memory of the performers' moans.

Lynne's voice was a shaky whisper when she finally spoke. "I... I don't know," she said, her eyes never leaving Andy's. "But I can't deny that was... hot."

Andy's hand remained where it was, his thumb now gently pressing against the fabric, feeling the heat and wetness of her desire. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with," he assured her, his voice a low, steady rumble. "But I can't help but wonder."

Tom took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. "It's definitely... something to think about," he offered, his voice a little too high-pitched for his liking.

Sarah grinned, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, if you two ever need a foursome, for your web cam adventure, we’re just a text or ‘phone call away," she said, her tone light, but the offer was clearly genuine.


Chapter 3 – Let’s Go Further

The air was charged with unspoken questions and unexplored desires. Lynne felt the electricity in the room, her own heart racing as she watched the interplay between their friends. She felt that the evening was about to take a turn she hadn't anticipated, but she was ready to follow wherever the night led.

With a deep breath, Andy leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Lynne's face. "It seems we've stumbled upon something ... rather intriguing," he said, his voice low and filled with a hint of excitement. He reached for his wallet, his hand trembling slightly with anticipation. "What do you say we explore further?"

He pulled out his credit card and began to enter the details into the website's subscription form. The thought of what other couples might be sharing their most intimate moments on this platform was intoxicating. The thrill of the voyeuristic taboo, mixed with the raw passion on display had him feeling alive in a way he hadn't felt in a long time.

Andy completes the membership details for the site and the welcome screen flickers into life, as he clicks ‘accept’ for the terms and conditions and a page showing pictures of performers opens up, displaying in an array of thumbnails, with each promising a unique experience. Andy felt a jolt of excitement. "Looks like we have full access now," he said; his voice thick with desire. He glanced at Lynne, expecting a nod of approval or acknowledgment, but she remained focused on the screen, her eyes flicking from one image to the next with a professional curiosity that seemed almost predatory.

"So, what's next?" he asked, turning back to Lynne. His hand was still resting on her thigh, but the pressure had lessened. He was giving her space, allowing her to process the intense scene they had just witnessed and the implications of what they were about to delve into.

Lynne took a moment to compose herself, her cheeks still flushed and her breath coming in shallow gasps. She turned to look at Andy, her hazel eyes filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "I guess we just... pick someone?" she said, her voice a little shaky.

Her gaze swept over the thumbnails, each one more tempting than the last. The variety of performers was staggering, from the young and innocent to the mature and experienced. She felt a thrill at the thought of choosing someone to watch together, as if they were selecting a movie for a very private, very adult movie night.

"I've always had a thing for redheads," she murmured, her eyes lingering on a particularly striking image of a woman with fiery hair and a seductive smile. "What about you?"

As the discussion of preferences unfolded, Lynne felt her curiosity piqued. She hadn't anticipated the evening taking such a turn, but she was always prepared to adapt.

"You know, I've never been into the whole blonde bombshell thing," Tom mused, his eyes scanning the menu as if it were a gourmet selection of fine wines. "I've always liked brunettes with a bit of sass, someone who can keep up with my quick wit," he said with a smug smile.

Sarah, who had been quietly sipping her drink, set it down with a gentle clink. "For me, it's all about the eyes," she confessed, a playful twinkle in her own blue ones. "I want to see the passion, the connection. It's what makes it real for me."

Tom chuckled, his gaze shifting to her. "Sounds like you're looking for a bit of soul in your... entertainment."

Andy leaned in closer, his hand gently squeezing Lynne's thigh. "I'm easy," he said with a shrug. "As long as they know how to work it, I'm happy."

Lynne raised an eyebrow at him, her voice teasing. "So, you're saying you're not picky?"

Andy laughed, his hand sliding away from her leg. "I didn't say that. I just appreciate talent, no matter the packaging."

Lynne tapped her fingers against the keyboard, the clacking echoing in the quiet room as she scrolled through the preview images, each one more enticing than the last. As she swiped through the thumbnails, her heart was racing. "How about this one?" she asked, tapping on a brunette with smouldering eyes and a mischievous smile.

Tom leaned in, nodding his approval. "Now, she looks like she could give as good as she gets. I like that." His hand reached for his drink, taking a sip as he contemplated. "But I've got a soft spot for the athletic types, you know, the ones who can bend in ways that defy physics."

"So, let's see what she's up to?" she suggested, her voice a soft purr as she highlighted the live video stream. The woman in question had a mane of fiery hair that cascaded down her back, her eyes a piercing shade of emerald. "Her reviews are quite... positive," she added, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

The room was filled with a collective murmur of agreement as they all leaned in to get a better look. The anticipation was electric, and Lynne could feel the tension in the air as they collectively decided to take the plunge into this new realm of shared pleasure.

With a click, the new live feed filled the screen. The redheaded woman was lying on her back, her legs spread wide, revealing her bare, glistening sex to the camera. She was in a dimly lit room, the shadows playing across her body like a lover's caress.

Tom leaned back in his chair, a wistful look on his face. "Ah, the gymnasts of the industry," he said with a sigh. "They really know how to put on a show."

Sarah nodded, her gaze fixed on the screen. "There's something about the way she moves, like she’s dancing just for you."

Andy, ever the straightforward one, leaned in closer, his eyes narrowing in appreciation. "I like 'em confident," he said, his voice low. "Someone who knows exactly what they want and isn't afraid to take it or give it."

Lynne felt a thrill at his words, her own desires reflected in his. She reached for the track-pad, her hand hovering over the screen as she studied the woman's expression. "And what about you, Lynne?" he asked, his voice a gentle prompt.

Lynne felt a flutter in her stomach as she watched, her eyes unconsciously tracing the lines of the woman's body. She had never felt such a strong reaction to something so explicit before, but there was something about the raw vulnerability and desire on display that was utterly captivating.

Her hand hovered over the keyboard, ready to navigate the website's interface, her thumb occasionally brushing against the pad as if of its own accord. She was in her element, facilitating the evening's exploration, her professionalism never wavering despite the erotic scene playing out before her.

"What would you like to do now?" she asked, her voice a soft whisper that seemed to resonate with the intimate sounds coming from the speakers. She glanced at Andy, Tom and Sarah, waiting for their instruction, her eyes filled with an intensity that belied her neutral tone.

The redheaded performer on screen looked directly into the camera, a knowing smile playing on her lips as she greeted them. "Hi to my new viewers," she purred, her eyes seeming to meet each of theirs in turn.

Andy's grip on Lynne's thigh tightened imperceptibly, and Tom leaned in closer, his eyes never leaving the screen. Sarah, her cheeks a deep shade of crimson, cleared her throat. "It seems we've caught her attention," she murmured, her own pulse quickening. She felt a thrill of excitement at the direct interaction, her mind racing with the possibilities that lay before them.

The woman on screen began to touch herself, her movements slow and deliberate, drawing the group further into her performance. Lynne's thoughts drifted to the complex web of power dynamics at play here - the woman on screen, them as viewers, and the unspoken exchanges of control within their own group.

Without breaking her gaze from the screen, she reached over to adjust the volume, the soft moans and whispers filling the room like a siren's call to further indulgence.

Lynne reached over to the keyboard, her fingers gliding over the keys with a practiced ease. She typed out a greeting, her movements deliberate and precise. "Hi from Lynne, Andy, Tom, and Sarah," she sent into the chat box, pressing enter with a soft click.

The redheaded performer's eyes widened a fraction before she giggled, a sound that was both sweet and slightly wicked. "Hello there, Lynne, Andy, Tom, and Sarah," she cooed; her accent thick and exotic. "I'm so happy to have you all here with me tonight."

The performer began to stroke herself between her legs, caressing her clitoris as she teased her pussy lips apart with a finger to reveal her glistening entrance, her voice was low and sultry as she asked "what would you like me to do for you?". It was a scene of submission and dominance, one that seemed to resonate with the tension in the room. Lynne could feel the heat building between her legs, her arousal palpable.

"What do you think?" she asked, looking at the others. "Should we ... interact with her?" The question hung in the air, charged with potential. "And if we do, what should we ask her to do for us?"

As Lynne's hand hovered over the keyboard, she took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. The room was thick with desire, and she could feel it coiling around her like a living thing. She typed out a message, her fingers trembling slightly with anticipation.

"Why don't you show us how you like to be pleasured?" she sent into the chat. She knew it was a simple request, but one that spoke volumes about their desire to connect with the woman on the screen, to share in her pleasure and perhaps learn something new about themselves in the process.

The performer read the message, her smile growing wider. "Oh, I'd love to," she murmured, her eyes lighting up with excitement. She reached for a vibrator that lay on the table beside her bed; the toy buzzing to life as she brought it to her clit.

The room was silent except for the low murmur of the vibrator and the woman's soft moans. The air was charged with sexual energy and Lynne felt it crackling against her skin. She glanced at the others, noticing the rapt attention on their faces, the way their bodies leaned in, as if drawn to the flame of desire that danced before them.

Andy's hand on her thigh grew heavier, his breathing more ragged. She knew he was just as turned on as she was, and the thought sent a thrill through her. This was something they had never shared before, and it was intoxicating.

The redheaded beauty on the screen pressed the vibrator against her sex, her eyes never leaving the camera. She traced slow, tantalizing circles around her entrance before finally dipping the toy inside herself. The room was filled with the sound of her soft gasps and the steady hum of the vibrator, a symphony of pleasure that seemed to resonate within each of them.

Lynne watched, her own hand inching closer to the apex of her thighs. She could feel the heat emanating from her sex, the fabric of her panties growing damper with need. She was torn between the desire to touch herself and the need to maintain a professional façade, but as the woman on the screen moaned louder, she gave in, her fingertips sliding under the edge of her thong and lightly brushing against her clit.

Andy's eyes never left Lynne, his gaze intense and hungry. He leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "Do it," he whispered to her, his voice a command, finger fuck yourself".

Lynne typed with one hand, as she fingered herself with her other hand, she told the performer to "fuck your pussy hard and deep!" The performer took her cue, moving the vibrator down from her clit to her soaking wet entrance. She pushed it in slowly, letting out a long, shuddering breath as it filled her up. Her eyes closed and she began to fuck herself with a gentle, steady rhythm that mirrored the pulsing of the vibrator.

"Do you all like this?" the performer asked; her voice breathy, as she pushed the vibrator deeper, her hips bucking slightly with each thrust.

Andy leaned in, his actions heavy with lust. "Tell us what you're feeling," he typed in the message box, his hand reaching out to grasp Lynne's wrist, guiding her own movements to match the rhythm of the woman on the screen.

The performer's eyes snapped open, meeting Lynne's gaze through the monitor. "It's... it's so intense," she gasped. "I'm so full, and it feels... amazing."

Lynne's eyes grew wide, her cheeks flushing as Andy's grip tightened. She could feel her own orgasm building, the walls of her pussy clenching around her fingers. She watched the woman on the screen, her movements becoming more erratic, and she knew she was close.

"I'm going to come" the performer announced; her voice a mix of desperation and euphoria "for you ... for all of you, my lovely audience."

The performer's body arched off the bed as she reached her peak, the vibrator buried deep inside her, her cries of pleasure echoing through the room. Lynne watched transfixed, her own hand moving faster, her breaths coming in short, sharp gasps. The sight of the woman's unbridled passion was like a spell, casting a pall of desire over them all.

"Oh, fuck," Lynne whispered, her orgasm cresting, her hips bucking in sync with the woman's movements. The room was a cacophony of their shared ecstasy; the only sounds their ragged breaths and the insistent but muffled buzz of the toy, buried deep inside the performer’s vagina.

As the woman's cries subsided, she collapsed back onto the bed, her chest heaving. "Thank you," she murmured her voice thick with satisfaction. "You've all been so... amazing."

The chat box filled with messages of appreciation and desire from other viewers, but Lynne couldn't tear her eyes away from the screen. She felt a strange kinship with this stranger, a bond forged in the heat of shared pleasure.

"Would you like to try something new?" Lynne typed into the chat box. "Let us guide you through an experience?"

The performer's smile was knowing; "I'd love that," she purred, setting aside the vibrator. "What do you have in mind?"

The room was alive with the anticipation of what was to come, each member eager to explore this brave new world of sensuality and dominance together.

With the performer's eager consent, Lynne's thoughts turned to the unexplored realms of their shared experience. She glanced at the others, their faces flushed and eyes alight with excitement. The room was an electric storm of desire, and Lynne revelled in the power she held as the conductor.

"Let's see how submissive you can be," she typed, her voice taking on a dominant tone. "Lie down and spread your legs wide for us."

The performer obeyed without hesitation, her body a canvas of wanton need. She lay on her back, her legs spread wide, revealing the pink, swollen flesh of her pussy. The camera zoomed in, and Lynne felt a thrill at the thought of instructing this stranger to their collective whims.

Andy leaned in, his hand sliding down to Lynne's still-throbbing sex. "What's next?" he murmured, his breath hot against her neck.

Lynne's eyes met Andy's, a silent challenge passing between them. She turned back to the keyboard. "Use a toy in your ass," she wrote, "and tell us how it feels."

The woman picked up a small, sleek black dildo from her bedside table, her eyes never leaving the camera. She teased the tip against her entrance, painting it with her arousal before slowly pushing it inside herself. Her moans grew louder as she filled herself up, her movements tentative at first, then more confident as she found her rhythm.

The room was a symphony of desire, each of them lost in their own fantasies, yet bound together by the woman's performance. The line between reality and the screen blurred as they directed her, each stroke and gasp bringing them closer to their own release.


Chapter 4 – Let’s Go Private

The performer's gaze remained fixed on the camera, a playful smile curving her lips. "Would any of you like to go private?" she asked; her voice an invitation to more intimate pleasures with her in the darkness of the room. "We could play together, just us ..."

Lynne felt a surge of excitement at the proposal. The idea of having this beautiful, responsive creature all to themselves was intoxicating. She looked around the room, her eyes meeting Andy's, then Tom's and Sarah’s. They all nodded; their breaths shallow and their desire palpable.

"We'd love that," Lynne typed, "How much for some exclusive time?"

The performer's smile grew, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "For the four of you?" She paused, teasing them. "Let's make it a special price; just for tonight."

The numbers flashed on the screen, and Lynne's heart skipped a beat. At 4 credits a minute, it was more than she had expected, but the temptation was too great to resist and it was Andy who had bought the credits. She hit the button to accept, her hand trembling slightly with anticipation.

The screen flickered and suddenly they were alone with her. The performer sat up, her breasts bouncing slightly. "Now," she purred, if you turn on your web can, I will be able to see you all and we can decide what we do next?"

The room was a hothouse of need, each of them eager to explore this new dimension of intimacy. The air was thick with the scent of arousal, and Lynne felt a heady sense of power as she considered their next move.

With a flick of his finger, Andy toggled the switch on their laptop's camera. The light flickered on, and suddenly, their own faces were cast onto the corner of the screen, a quartet of eager participants in this digital debauchery. The performer's eyes widened as she took in the sight of the four of them, huddled around the glowing screen.

"Hello, my lovelies," she said, her voice a soft caress. "What shall we do together?"

The room was a tableau of desire, each of them poised on the edge of something new and thrilling. The performer's eyes searched theirs, looking for clues to their deepest desires.

Andy leaned in, his voice a low growl. "We want to see you do as we say," he commanded, his eyes never leaving hers. "We want to see you come, again and again, until you can't take it anymore."

The woman's smile grew wider and she nodded. "As you wish," she said, as she lay back down on the bed, "but I would love to see you all cum with me". Maybe you can all get naked whilst I start pleasuring myself?"

The private show began; a dance of lust and power played out across the digital divide. Each of them took turns giving instructions, their voices a harmony of want and need, as they all began to remove their clothes. The performer touched herself with confident, fluid and precise movements of her hands. Each stroke was a practised caress in a symphony of passion.

Tom's hand found its way to Sarah's naked breast, his finger and thumb holding her erect nipple and applying a gentle pressure as it became harder under his touch. She gasped, her eyes never leaving the screen. The room was alive with the sound of their whispers and gasps, a chorus of pleasure that seemed to crescendo with each new command.

As the performer began to stroke her clit in time with their commands, Andy took the opportunity to slip a finger inside Lynne's wet pussy. She let out a sharp breath, her body tensing for a moment before she relaxed into the sensation. Her eyes remained locked on the screen, watching the woman's every move, her own hand moving in sync with the performer's, as she stroked the tip of Andy's erection.

Tom watched, his eyes darting between the screen and the live action beside him. He couldn't believe the night had turned out this way, but he was too lost in the moment to question it. He reached over to cup Sarah's breasts, feeling how soft and firm they were beneath his touch.

The performer's eyes searched the camera, as if looking for approval. Lynne nodded a silent affirmation of their shared power. "Keep going," she murmured; her voice hoarse with desire. "Do as we say."

The woman's hand moved faster, her hips rising to meet her own touch. The room was alive with the sound of skin on skin, the sweet scent of arousal thick in the air. They were all caught in the throes of a shared fantasy, each of them a player in a game of desire that had no rules but those they made themselves.

"Turn over," Lynne said, her voice a command that echoed through the room. "Spread your ass cheeks for us and show us your bud."

The performer did as they asked, rolling over onto her stomach and reaching back to spread her cheeks wide. The camera angle adjusted, providing them with a clear view of her tight, pink asshole.

Andy's hand slipped away from Lynne's pussy, moving to her ass. His finger traced the outline of her hole, mimicking the scene playing out before them. "Do it," he whispered, pushing slightly. Lynne's eyes widened, but she nodded, her body responding to his touch.

Tom watched, his hands still cupping Sarah's breasts, as she leaned in to kiss him. He could feel her breath against his neck, her own hand finding its way to his erection.

The performer's breathing grew ragged as she played with herself, her movements becoming more frantic. "Fuck," she moaned; her voice a plea for release. "I'm going to cum for you all."

The tension in the room was almost unbearable, a coil of desire that tightened with each passing second. Lynne felt her own orgasm approaching, her muscles clenching around Andy's invading fingers.

Lynne's eyes glazed over with lust as she watched the performer's pink asshole pulse with each stroke of her own hand. She couldn't help but imagine the woman's warmth and wetness, and the idea of sharing that intimate act with the group made her feel a rush of excitement.

"Do it," Lynne breathed, her voice a barely audible whisper. "Finger yourself."

The performer complied, sliding a finger deep into her ass with a gasp. The sight was mesmerizing, and Lynne felt a thrill run through her as she watched the woman's pleasure unfold.

Andy's fingers pushed further into Lynne, the sensation bordering on pain, but she revelled in it. She could feel her own orgasm building, a crescendo that seemed to be in perfect sync with the performer.

"Now, I want to see you all do the same for me," the performer demanded, her voice strained.

Tom's hand began to move more urgently to finger Sarah's ass, her own breath hitching in response. The sight of the woman on screen being filled by her fingers in her ass was pushing all of them to new heights of arousal.

The performer's eyes met Lynne's through the camera, a silent challenge as Lynne leaned back, her body arching as she pushed back against Andy's hand, with his finger pressing inside her anus as her own hand now reached down to finger Andy's ass with a ferocity that matched the woman's.

The room was a symphony of sounds - the wet slap of flesh, the performer's moans, the heavy breathing of the friends. Each of them was lost in their own world of pleasure, yet bound together by the shared experience unfolding before them.

"Cum for us," Lynne breathed, her voice a mix of want and need; "cum now!"

The performer's eyes widened at Lynne's command, and with a final, desperate push, she reached her peak. Her body arched, a scream tearing from her throat as she climaxed, her ass cheeks quivering with the force of her release. The sight sent Lynne over the edge, her own orgasm ripping through her like a wildfire.

Andy watched as his own hand moved faster on his cock, as Lynne's body tightened around his fingers. He knew she was close, and with one final stroke, she came with a tumultuous climax. Her nails dug into his thigh as she stifled her scream, her body shaking with pleasure.

Tom and Sarah, caught in their own passionate embrace, watched as Lynne's orgasm washed over her. It was a moment of pure, unbridled lust that seemed to fuel their desires.

The performer collapsed onto the bed, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. "You are all wonderful," she said, her voice filled with satisfaction. “I want you all to cum for me”.

Their private show had reached its peak, but the night was still young and the group was eager to explore further. The digital divide had never felt so small as they all shared in their collective release with the distant performer.

Her words seemed to hang in the air, an invitation to all of their desires. Tom felt his orgasm building, his hand a blur as he stroked himself. Sarah's eyes were glued to the screen, her own hand moving between her legs as she watched the woman's body twitch with pleasure.

Andy's breath grew ragged as he watched Lynne, his finger still buried inside her ass. The sight of her in ecstasy pushed him closer to the edge. He could feel his own climax approaching, a pressure building at the base of his spine.

"Now," the performer urged; her voice a sultry whisper, "cum for me, guys."

Tom's hand tightened around his cock, and with a grunt, he spilled his seed over Sarah's stomach. She watched with a mix of fascination and arousal, her own climax just out of reach.

Andy's eyes rolled back in his head, and with a final, deep stroke from Lynn's hand, he pulled his finger from Lynne and came. His release spurted out, painting Lynne's fingers with hot streaks of white. She gasped, her body convulsing with the sensation of his warm seed against her skin.

The room was filled with the scent of sex, as they all took a moment to catch their breath. The performer on the screen, watching them with a knowing smile, brought her show to a close as the screen went blank, leaving the room in silence except for the sound of their heavy breathing. The reality of what they had just seen and done settled in, a warm, unspoken understanding passing between them.


That was a preview of A Day On The Web. To read the rest purchase the book.

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