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The Obsessed Sister

Moa Nilsson


The Obsessed Sister

By Moa Nilsson

Description: Amelia knows she shouldn’t want what she does. But that doesn’t change her feelings, her desires, her thoughts. No matter how much she knows she shouldn’t… he’s still there, at the forefront of her mind. Her brother. And who knows… maybe today will be the day Amelia finally gets what she wants from him?

Published: 2024-10-09

Size: ≈ 3,330 Words

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The Obsessed Sister

Copyright© 2021-2024 Moa Nilsson

All characters are entirely fictional and above the age of 18

Another day done. Another day that had been thoroughly decent in every way possible… aside from the fact that Amelia still hadn’t gotten what she wanted, that she hadn’t come any closer to getting what she wanted, and that she still seemed to be far from getting what she wanted.

The one thing Amelia actually wanted.

But that she didn’t have. That, no matter how out of reach it seemed, she was yearning for while lying in bed on her own.

For now, she had no choice to make do with the things her own mind could conjure up. Memories, imagination, fantasies. Pieces and fragments, small glimpses of what the real thing may have been like.

Amelia remembered, remembered every time they had hugged. Daily, or maybe more than that. She had taken every chance she could get to hug him, to jokingly poke him, to touch him in any way she could, as often as she could, every single time she had an even remotely valid excuse.

But ultimately she didn’t have any choice but to settle for only that, to know that she was doomed to never get anything more.

It wasn’t even like Amelia thought she couldn’t have had a chance. At least in an alternate world, where it hadn’t been forbidden. She wasn’t ugly. As arrogant as it may have sounded, she was frankly speaking quite convinced of the fact that she was quite cute.

The attention she got - from guys and girls alike - was confirmation of that much.

She was irresistible, to almost everyone. She could have almost anyone she wanted.

Only problem?

The fact that she was his younger sister, and he was her brother. That the one she really wanted was the only one that in all likelihood never would want her back.

Which meant she was limited - restricted, forbidden from ever acting on her desires.

But that didn’t make them go away. So Amelia settled for the one thing she could have, that being her own fantasies.

Perhaps they hugged a lot, perhaps she had gotten a lot of chances to touch him - however briefly - but what she wanted was more than that. Amelia wanted kissing. To feel his lips against hers. To taste his tongue in her mouth, for him to take her breath away.

And she wouldn’t want it to stop at kissing. Perhaps she already took every opportunity she had to touch him, but she wanted him to touch her too. To feel his hands wander across her body. To touch all of it. To feel it on her breasts, grabbing them, squishing them, stroking her nipples.

And then, once he had touched her all over, Amelia would be trembling in excitement, feeling like she wasn’t quite ready for the final step yet, but he would ignore his pleas and thrust his dick inside her, and she would realise that she wanted it more than anything else.


That was a preview of The Obsessed Sister. To read the rest purchase the book.

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