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Summer is Over



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Mary's body trembled with ecstasy as the young cock mercilessly pounded her dripping pussy. The overwhelming pleasure of countless orgasms washed over her, but she couldn't let go of the bittersweet realization that this would be their last encounter.

“Mary, you’re great!” he said, his body still covering her.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Mary whispered “Mikey, would you like to fuck my ass?"

His face showed both surprise and arousal. “for real?” he asked.

“Yes, dear. I’ve prepared myself for you, and I know you will enjoy it.”

“Well… okay, then.”

Mary's hand reached out, fingers wrapping around Mikey's manhood. She knew that it was smaller than she was used to, but in this moment, it was perfect for her desires. She leaned in and kissed the tip, her eyes fixated on Mikey's face, watching his expression change with each touch.


That was a preview of Summer is Over. To read the rest purchase the book.

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