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The Plane Crash - Book One



The Plane Crash - Book One

By CrackedJaguar

Description: After a plane crash strands them on a small island, the group struggles to survive. Soon, their sexuality shines through, and all the women want to get pregnant. A lone guy, a nice guy, is charged with mating with them all. A traitor among them is discovered, and some sexual vigilante justice ensues, much to the lone dog's delight. Non-stop adventure!

Tags: Consensual, Incest, Bestiality, Cheating, Dom/Sub, Rape, Group Sex, Interracial, Teen, Pregnant

Published: 2018-07-05

Size: ≈ 40,053 Words

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The Plane Crash

by CrackedJaguar

©Copyright 2018 by CrackedJaguar

Standard Disclaimer. The Author does not support or suggest that anyone do any of the acts described herein.

Agent Note: I met CrackedJaguar over in what we referred to as Blue Hell. He was quite easy to get along with, always up for some conversation. I remember one day he asked me to proof a story for him. It was for a writing competition. I said sure, grammar is my friend. Well, I was not prepared. The man had an excellent imagination, and loved to tell stories, but grammar? Um, no. It took me hours and hours and hours to proof the story for him, and when I was done, I sent it back to him. Next time we chatted, I explained how long it took. He said, "Well, yeah, I suck at grammer (sic). Why do you think I asked you to look at it?!" We both had a great laugh over that. He love my writing website, and had some very good friends over there. Unfortunately, cancer got the best of him, and he passed in early 2021. It was, truly, a sad day. So, I'm bringing forth his longest work, The Plane Crash, in two novellas. I have proofed it, and while I think I did a pretty good job, I may have missed a few. I think he'd be okay with that. :)


The aircraft traveled over the open water, twelve passengers: a pilot, a co-pilot, and the stewardess. Naomi, the 28-year-old stewardess, was a mocha cream goddess of African decent, standing 5’ 10” tall with a busty hourglass figure, and had been working for a private airline for 8 years after finishing flight school. She couldn’t get anyone to take her seriously because of her physical attributes.

In the first row are Joe, Anabell and Sunni. The next row is Pricilla and Rose, then Rachel and Gary, then Nicole and Shannon, and finally Jeremy, Tiffany and Sara.

Joe is the Heir to a fortune. His father owns a bank syndicate. Joe is about 6’ tall, well muscled, wearing fashionable clothes name brand, tennis star, racketball going to Harvard for a business degree. Blonde haired, blue eyed, he graduated in the middle of his class but was known to have threatened several teachers and those he hadn’t, he’d bribed or blackmailed to ensure his graduation. He, at his father’s prodding, had hired Anabell to do his dirty work for him. He has been dating Sunni for about six months, and at that time had cheated on her at every opportunity. He loves nothing more than humiliating women and would do so whenever he could. The only reason he hadn’t been with Sunni was because it was much better to sponge off her than bump her.

Anabell is his personal assistant, stepping and fetching for him, whatever he likes or wants. Anabell is a 23-year-old high school drop-out. She is lightly tanned with brown eyes and platinum hair. Standing 5’ 8”, she is slim, busty with a bubble butt. She is attractive. Her boyfriend had left her with a huge pile of debt. She was jobless with no real skills, except some taste. She had answered Joe’s add in the paper for 20K a year plus room and board. It had sounded too good to be true. It was, when she discovered Joe’s dark side. But by then it was too late, and she had signed a 5-year contract and non-disclosure agreement.

Sunni is the would-be girlfriend of Joe and the daughter of a Diamond trader. Sunni is dumb as a bag of hammers, but sweet and tends to be a bit of an exhibitionist because she likes the attention. Blonde hair with brown eyes, busty with a tight body, 5’2” tall, and really rather pretty with golden skin.

Pricilla and Rose are twins. Their father owns one of the major hotel chains. Pricilla, the charismatic one of the two twins, 5’ tall and athletic legs that go all the way up. She tends to dress in tight clothes and designer jeans, but also has affections for tube tops and skirts.The twins have blonde hair, and green eyes. Pricilla is a little more imaginative, though she tends to obsess on things, especially animals. Their copper complexion is probably from Indian heritage. Rose, the mirror image of her sister, tends to be the risk taker in flaunting the rules. Usually draping herself in designer clothes, she is better grounded than her sister. The two are very close.

Rachel and Gary both come from old money, brother and sister. Rachel 5’9”, thick and busty with a big booty, her hair is straw blonde with brown eyes, and porcelain skin. She enjoys nothing more than manipulating people. She dresses nicely but not too fashionable, brand name, but middle of the line stuff. She tends to dress provocatively, short skirts and belly shirts, plunging necklines and half-cup bras, and thong underwear.

Gary stands about 5’10’, built like an offensive lineman, brown hair, and white as a bag of wonder bread, his face a little on the round side. His favorite things to do are terrorizing the neighborhood kids and playing video games and eating, not necessarily in that order. He whines when he is at a disadvantage, but typically takes whatever advantages he can get from anyone. Rachel and Gary had the same father but different mother’s, their father had apparently impregnated two sisters a few days apart.

Nicole is Sunni’s best friend and has been since they started school together way back in kindergarten. Nicole, 4’10”, plays down her intelligence. She is ugly as sin to look at but her body is very closely comparable to Sunni’s, and has often been a body double for Sunni when her friend has gotten into compromising situations much to her own delight. her skin is sort of orangish-brown.

Shannon, Tiffany, and Sara are best friends and Jeremy is a friend of Sara’s family.

Sara’s father had mentored Jeremy for many years, and Sara’s family had paid his way for this end of school vacation. Jeremy’s father and uncle had brought him up. Jeremy’s father was a genius mechanic. If it has an engine he could fix it; his Uncle on the other hand, was ex-special warfare. The two of them had teamed up in the worst sort of way after Jeremy’s mother had left when he was three. They had trained him on engines and close combat and martial arts and half a dozen other things, including a large degree of self control.

The only reason Jeremy was there was that Sara’s fathe,r Arthur, has insisted and paid for him to go. Jeremy’s family certainly couldn’t afford it. Jeremy was only going to the exclusive private school, “The Conservatorium”, because he had gotten a scholarship and he had actually graduated 3rd in his class. Jeremy, 6’2”, brown hair with gray-green eye,s well toned and built, dresses very practically, and is very quiet about himself. He has a special relationship with both of Sara’s parents, and golden brown skin from being outside a lot.

Sara’s father was a tenured professor and Sara was pale-skinned with a farmer’s tan, 5’3” tall, generously busty, spoiled, snooty, and overall not the nicest person. She always wore the nicest and latest fashions, sometimes working on new looks. She was cordial at least to Jeremy, and that was only because Jeremy acknowledged her, but ignored her, for the most part. She found him quite infuriating. Sara also thought that Jeremy was very cute, though she would never admit it. Her fashion sense tended toward the conservative, highlighting, but never revealing, much of her bountiful figure. She has fiery red hair and cool green eyes.

Shannon is Sara’s best friend. She has a lithe, athletic body, standing 5’3”, with a generously curvy body. She tends to be over protective of her friend, whom she secretly lusts after, and she usually follows Sara’s sense of style albeit a little less expensively. Shannon has medium length blonde hair, and an olive complexion with blue eyes.

Tiffany is Shannon’s other good friend, the daughter of an advertising executive and is completely uninhibited when it comes to sex, and has relieved Shannon’s desires on more than one occasion. She's outrageously flirtatious, but very self-conscious about her body, or lack there of. She is very close to Sara, who looks at her as comic relief. She stands 5’5”, with alabaster skin and reddish brown hair.

Chapter I

Ten of these eleven passengers were spoiled brats, always insisting they get what they wanted. This is why they were on a special graduation trip into the south Pacific.

The plane reached a cruising altitude as it traveled west towards a stormy horizon. Soon the plane was buffeted by the strong winds. The Captain announced that every one buckle up because it was going to get rough.

The craft was rocked by a downdraft at 12000 feet as hail hammered the fuselage. Lightning lit the sky as another microburst dropped the plane to 9000 feet. The crew fought at the controls. A bolt of lighting exploded through the craft, which was quickly followed by a second and a third. The light blinded the crew, and the plane lurched again 5000 feet. Winds whipped at the craft, sending it further and further off course. The captain, fighting the wind, tried to bring the nose up. The Master alarm wailed as the plane stalled. He gave it more power as the plane plummeted out of the sky. The engines screamed against the wind as the nose dipped below the horizon, 3000 feet, 2000 feet, 1000 feet, the co-pilot called out a distress on the radio “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday…”

The world exploded as the port wing sheared off and the plane tumbled; the pilot did his best to right the plane with the remaining control surfaces. The plane twisted against him at 80 feet and he brought the nose up and it fell again. At 50 feet he struggled, the nose hit the water breaking the cockpit off from the passenger compartment, the remainder of the plane skipping across the surface of the water at 200 miles per hour, jolting against the water. Once, twice, three times, and then slowly gliding to a stop with a sucking noise. The lights were out inside the passenger cabin and the craft rolled on its axis.

Jeremy shook himself. He moved as quickly as he could to the emergency locker containing two inflatable rafts and some rope. He picked up the rafts and ran to the front of the plane. It was sinking quickly. He inflated the first raft and tied the long rope to his waist. Everyone was unconscious, so he loaded Joe, Anabell, the stewardess, Sunni, Pricilla and Rose. He then inflated and loaded the rest into the second raft, secured them to each other, and paddled away from the doomed aircraft.

The morning dawned bright and clear; and only a few miles away was an island. Jeremy paddled toward it as best as he could with no real paddles and two rafts full of unconscious people. Caught in the current, the two rafts were pulled into the barrier reef. The reef capsized both rafts, but with the beach only 40 yards away, many of the survivors were deposited by the tide on the beach. Jeremy rushed to pull the rest of them up on shore.

He pulled them up onto dry sand. Everyone was still breathing, and he could be happy about that at least. The stewardess, whose nametag read Naomi, had a nasty bump on her head.

Sunni had been happy the day before. Joe had unknowingly fucked Nicole to his heart’s content and hadn’t said anything nasty to her afterwards about anything. Of course, Nicole and she had had a nice little 69 later, after Joe had fallen asleep, to celebrate. There had been occasions when she had had to put out, and Joe had bitched about why she couldn’t always get it right. That was, of course, because Nicole had been doing the putting out, but she had always said that it was because “she wasn’t comfortable.”

Later that day the two of them had gone to the mall, and she bought Nicole some new clothes as a thank you, the sales girl whose name she couldn’t remember had been very nice and had spent a lot of extra time in the dressing room with Nicole. The girl even offered to use her discount on the clothes. But strange things happened when she was with her BFF.

Later that day, four boys were harassing her and Nicole at the park. Nicole went and talked to them. Nicole walked away with them, and then disappeared for a little while. Later she came back with a big smile on her face. It was funny how Nicole was always happy when she was around her.

The night before the flight they had spent it together. Sunni had put some special clothes in Nicole’s bag so that she would look extra nice on their vacation. A few thongs, and some bikini tops that would make the boys drool. Sunni loved to make boys drool, and it worked on everyone except Jeremy. Gary had almost pushed her in a corner once at a house party but again Nicole had saved her. Gary ended up going into a dark bedroom later with someone who she didn’t know, but she had had the hardest time finding Nicole.

She often wondered why Jeremy didn’t drool for her; it seemed he was always busy with schoolwork. He even tutored her the last few years. She always wore her most revealing outfits for him too, short skirts and tank tops with no bra, but he never gave her a second look even when she tried to give him a look.

It wasn’t like she was cheating. She just wanted to know that she was desirable and well, Jeremy apparently didn’t desire her. Maybe he liked boys, she decided, or at least that is what she hoped because she couldn’t bear to think that she wasn’t the hottest thing in school.

Oh sure, there were other hot girls, Sara for one, but she never said a word to any boy ever. Rose and Pricilla were hot too, but she could never tell which was which, though they would always flirt but they never had a real boyfriend, at least not that she noticed. Shannon was cute too, not super hot or anything, but she was always with Sara, and Tiffany.

Tiffany, on the other hand, would not date boys a lot, but sometime she would go out. Sunni didn’t understand. Wasn’t it supposed to be a girl’s job to drive boys crazy and then, well, not everyone had a friend like Nicole, she guessed. Maybe that was the problem?

Sunni had only given Joe a blowjob or two in her time with him and never had sex. She was a little afraid of what a big dick like Joe’s would do to her. At least it looked big to her, though Nicole said it was barely sufficient. She was beautiful, and she knew it. Maybe she would someday pay to get Nicole’s face fixed. Plastic surgery could do wonders even for dogs like her. Maybe that was why she kept her around, she wondered.

Sunni opened her eyes and coughed. "Where are we?” she asked, looking at Jeremy.

“Not sure,” Jeremy said, “but I don’t think it’s Australia or even Borneo."

“Why? Australia is an island right, with a beach and hotels and everything."

“Yes it is,” Jeremy said patiently. "We can talk about where we are later. Right now, let’s move everyone to those trees over there,” Jeremy indicated with his hand.

“Uh no, poor boy, you move them. I have to go to the bathroom. Do you know where it is?"

“I haven’t found them yet,” Jeremy said shaking his head and trying not to laugh. “Wait here I’ll go look after I’m done with moving everyone to the shade.”

It took a good half hour to finish and Sunni, by that time, was doing what can only be described as the pee-pee dance. Jeremy looked around. There was a mangrove swamp in the middle of the island and a cliff on the west side and only a few trees to the east.

“Sunni, over there in those trees is as good a place as I can think of.”

“There is no toilet over there!” She screamed, “How am I supposed to pee with no toilet?”

“Sunni,” Jeremy said patiently, “there are probably no toilets for one thousand miles, just go over to those trees squat down and pee."

“I can’t,” she cried.

“Why not?”

“Not in these shoes.”

Jeremy saw her point. She could barely stand in the loose sand in 5 inch stilettos. He shook his head.

“Could you help me take them off? I think if I bend down you know… Please?”

Jeremy looked at Sunni. She was wearing a simple cotton blouse and a micro mini skirt. He knelt down at her feet.

“Just please don’t look up”

He unfastened the first shoe and as quickly as she could she kicked it off. He started on the second.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god!” Sunni cried as a stream of yellow liquid started down one leg and then the other.

He finished with the second shoe, and she kicked it off, and ran down the beach to the trees. Jeremy decided that most of the women could probably do without their impractical shoes. He took them all and put them in a pile. Sunni returned a few minutes after he finished.

“Um Jeremy, what should I do? My clothes smell like piss and no one is here to wash them for me?”

“Uh, why don’t you go and rinse them off in the ocean?”

Sunni headed down toward the water.

“Sunni, don’t go in too deep. There might be urchins or stone fish out there.”


“Sharks. There might be sharks out there,” was probably something Sunni was familiar enough with to inspire the right amount of caution.

“Oh, um, I should probably take this off, promise you won’t be naughty and look?” Sunni said, smiling brightly as she tugged at her skirt.

“Sure I promise,” Jeremy replied. He didn’t really care. Right now he was exhausted, but he still had things to take care of. He checked everyone. It appeared that Gary had a broken arm. He would deal with that later. What concerned him was the goose egg on the head of the flight attendant.

“You didn’t peek, did you?” Sunni asked as she returned.


“Not even a little?” Sunni asked, somewhat disappointed.

“No, I was busy,” Jeremy said as Sunni pouted. He looked at Sunni.

“Wait here I’ll be back in a bit.”

He walked over to the mangrove and found a few limbs that he could break off. He went back to Gary, peeled off his shirt, looked at Sunni, and shook his head.

Chapter II

Someone moaned. “Oooh, I think Rachael is waking up, that’s good, right?” Sunni asked.

“Yes,” Jeremy said. Tying the four green branches to Gary’s elbow he ripped two more strips from the bottom of his T-shirt. “Sunni can you tie these to Gary’s arm, right here at the wrist?"

“Uh yeah, I’m not stupid, you know."

Rather than arguing, Jeremy said, “good, real tight when I tell you, okay?”

“Okay!” Jeremy put his foot against Gary’s upper arm and grabbed his wrist and pulled. Gary screamed and there was a pop as the bone slipped into place.

“Tie now, Sunni,” he said, looking at the girl who looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming train. “Sunni, now,” he yelled, and that broke her out enough that she tied the two strips of cotton onto the splint.

“You didn’t just kill him, did you?” Sunni asked, alarmed.

“No, he had a broken arm. I set it. Trust me, it was better this way.” He put his shirt back on.

“Is everything okay? I heard a scream,” Rachel asked, hurrying over.

“So did I,” said Sara, who sat up a few yards away. “Where are we?”

“It’s an island, but its not Australia, at least that’s what Jeremy says,” Sunni supplied.

“What island it is, I have no idea,” Jeremy said. “Look, you girls stay here. It looks like everyone is waking up and I need to look around some more.”

Sara remembered the week before she left quite vividly. She had come home early one day and heard voices in her parents’ bedroom. It was too early for her dad to get home, so she called out. Her mother answered and quickly exited her room. Sara asked who was there with her, and she said that Jeremy was fixing a leaking pipe in their bathroom.

Jeremy came out a few minutes later; something was odd. She just couldn’t put her finger on it. Jeremy, of course, went home shortly after that, her mother handing him some money for the work that he did. She was a little worried about her mom. She had been sick a lot lately, in the morning, but she usually got better by the evening.

She called Shannon to talk. It was a pretty good conversation even if not much was said. Shannon kept on about how good she had looked that day in volleyball and wanted to know if they were going to go to the mall or the movies or something that night. It was decided that the movies would be best, and she picked up Shannon and Tiffany at Shannon’s house.

After the movie, they went and ate burgers and continued back to Shannon’s house. Sara called her mom and told her that the three of them would be staying there that night. Shannon’s parents were hardly ever around, and it wasn’t unusual for her to sneak some of the box wine from the fridge. This night was no exception. She had a small refrigerator in her bedroom that she had stocked with a box before she left and the girls drank wine and talked until Tiffany suggest that they play a game.

Sara asked what game, and Tiffany suggested truth or dare. Sara remembered asking if they were twelve again and in middle school. Tiffany then said okay how about this? We play truth or dare, but we can’t leave the room. Again, Sara admonished her friend. We could always take pics of our dares for posterity, Shannon suggested, holding up a camera. “Oh, hell no!” Sara remembered saying, but somehow they talked her into it.

She had started with truths, mostly, was there anyone she liked, yes. Had she ever thought of doing it with a girl? No. Then the dares came, pictures of her and tiffany half clothed, her and Shannon half clothed. She must have blacked out at some point. It was pretty fun. In the morning, while they were nursing their mutual hangovers, she asked Shannon about the pictures. Shannon had replied that the camera hadn’t worked for some time. The flash worked so it looked like it, but it was all for show, for Tiffany really, and to add some risky excitement to the game.

She arrived home that afternoon to find Jeremy working in the yard and her mother in bed under the covers. She inquired if she was all right. Her mother said that she was fine, just a bit of something and it would soon pass.

She watched Jeremy working in the yard through her window, and for a while he wasn’t wearing a shirt and his tight shorts made him look oh so good, she thought. She sat down in a chair away from the window and watched him through the blinds, her hands lightly touching herself where she longed him to touch her. She didn’t know why, there really wasn’t anything special about Jeremy. His dad was weird and his uncle was even weirder; with his all-night parties some nights and it was those nights that she didn’t see Jeremy.

She slipped her hand inside her shirt and caressed her breast as she watched his strong, muscled back work in the sun, the sweat beading on his skin. She gasped and stopped herself. It wasn’t the first time that she had fantasized about him, but it was just too much, he never really said much more than was cordial.

Why wouldn’t he talk to her? Tell her how he felt about something, so there could be a connection? So he could touch her, kiss her? She turned and lie on her bed to call Shannon. She didn’t answer. She shrugged and wrote a bit in her diary, then went through her clothes, and finally her eyes fell on a dog-eared magazine at the back of her closet. She had had that for years. It was a Penthouse and it showed everything. She liked that, of course, when she was younger and sillier. She would fantasize about herself and various boys and then it was she and Jeremy. It was maddening. She finally got up and went to the kitchen where her mother was cooking dinner. She got herself a glass of milk and after some chatting with her mom, she returned to her room.

Her dad came home a few hours later. He was late, and he explained that he went by Jeremy’s house to ask his father if it was okay if he go on the trip with all the other rich kids from school. He said that Jeremy’s father had agreed and that Jeremy would be going. Sara was both delighted and horrified, and she ate her dinner diligently, trying to make it sound that she was very happy about it. Did Jeremy like her? The thought that he might not tortured her, that he would never touch her in a special way.

The next day she had asked Jeremy about it. He seemed fairly unenthused about the whole deal. It seemed like he was annoyed to go, and she wondered if it was because of something she did, or because of her. After some casual interrogation, he seemed more annoyed at the other people who were coming, which cheered her up a bit.

She packed her clothes and repacked and thought of things that Jeremy might like or tossed out what he might not like. She wondered if some Aussie girl would steal his heart. At that thought, she said, “I’ll tear her eyes out if she does, dammit!” She was angry there for a while, but then she went back to packing and planning the time that she would spend with Jeremy.

She wondered what Shannon and Tiffany would do while she was spending time with Jeremy, hopefully not tagging along. God, she hated that Tiffany was so flirty and flamboyant, and would Jeremy prefer her? Shannon didn’t seem all that interested in boys, but there was a possibility that she too would steal him away from her. If only she wasn’t so damn awkward and inexperienced, she thought. No, Jeremy is all the experience I need, she smiled at herself. I’ll get him and he will be mine, all mine.

She kept saying that to herself and smiling even as she boarded the plane that fateful day.

Chapter III

Jeremy explored the island, first following the beach, then up to the top of a volcanic pillar. He could see the whole Island. It was maybe a mile long and he figured and about half of that wide. Near the basalt pillars was a stand of cane, and there looked like six or seven mangroves and some bread-fruit trees as well. Palm trees dotted the island everywhere, most likely coconuts, which was good.

At the base of the rocks was what looked like a cave or maybe a lava tube. He fished in his belt pouch, his uncle believed in being prepared, and inside the pouch was a flashlight, a few yards of nylon string and a small ceramic folding knife and a hat; para military style with a soft, wide brim.

Jeremy crawled into the hole and turned on the light. There were several pools of water as well as what appeared to be a spring. Near the upper end of the tunnel was an outcrop of very shiny black rock that he recognized as obsidian.

He climbed back out of the hole and followed the beach around the island. It was only a few minutes later when he turned a corner and saw a large, black shape on the beach. It was moving if only slightly and Jeremy cautiously approached. He saw that it was a large, black dog, a lab. He examined the dog briefly and it soon was awake. It stood and walked with him along the beach. He returned to the survivors. All of them were now conscious except for Naomi. the stewardess.

Joe remembered back to a few days before when he had made Sunni blow him in the movie theater. That was so much fun, he had thought. And then when he’d flashed her tits at the guy behind them, the look on his face was priceless. Never mind the blush that it had caused Sunni. He’d taken her home after that and had gone home himself. He went out to practice tennis, which was his norm. His parents were never home and so he had Anabell out watching him. She had commented that he hadn’t done too badly.

“Not bad? That was great,” he’d said.

“Of course,” she had responded.

“Then you play a match with me. Every time you score, I’ll take a year off your contract. Every time I score, you have to take off a piece of clothing and keep it off for the rest of the day."

She, of course, hadn’t scored a point and had to spend the rest of the day naked. He invited a few of his tennis buddies over and made her serve them drinks and snacks. The other boys ogled and stared at her and he had ordered her to give one friend a blowjob because she was making them all hard with her body like that. She reluctantly had complied and when she was getting into it, Joe had come around and stuck his cock in her ass.

It wasn’t the first time he’d done that to her. He’d made her suck his cock for her interview. He loved the feel of his cock in a girl’s ass. And he would fuck a girl in the ass before he would plow her pussy. Besides, it was so much more fun when the girl whined about it.

After he blew his load in her ass, he made her suck off his other two friends and they had all blew their loads on her face and tits. His friends thanked him for the good time and they left. He made Anabell stay like that until the next morning.

He had called Sunni that morning, and while he was talking to her, he had Anabell blow him again. Later that evening, because Sunni was busy, he watched a movie and had Anabell watch it with him. He made popcorn for her and jacked off into her bowl of popcorn before bringing it from the kitchen to her. She ate it without comment.

What bugged him was that Sunni was always with her friend Nicole, the dog girl. She was so unappealing. Yeah she had a nice body and all, but who would want to fuck that face without a bag? Sunni was always trying to get her a date, and it never worked out of course. What was with girls? There was always a dog with the pretty ones and she wouldn’t go away.

Well, after this trip he’d make her go away one way or another. Sunni was his girl, and she would just have to stop being friends with doggy Nicole. If Nicole didn’t get the hint, then he would show her, humiliate her in ways he would enjoy immensely.

“Look,” Joe explained, “We are alive and I’m sure we will be rescued very soon. No doubt someone noticed, so we just sit here on the beach, catch some rays and relax. I’m sure someone will come soon.”

It was still early morning and Jeremy walked up, overhearing the end of Joe’s explanation of things. “Look Joe, everyone, we should at least try to start making a shelter and gather supplies.”

“Oh my god, it’s Norman!” Pricilla screamed.

“Norman, where have you been?” Rose asked.

“You found Norman,” Pricilla exclaimed, leaping up and hugging Jeremy. He was attacked on the other side by Rose, and they kissed him, squealing, and then returned their attention to the dog.

“Look, poor boy, you do what you want; I’m not wasting my time when we’ll be rescued in a few hours,” Joe said defiantly.

“You think so, Joe?” Jeremy asked, a slight edge in his voice. He was tired of Joe even before the trip and having to deal with him now was pushing the limits of Jeremy’s patience.

“Of course I’m sure, they are out there looking for us right now. They will be here in a matter of hours,” Joe responded.

“I’m sure they are Joe, the trouble is, they don’t know where to look. Sure, they have a general idea, but we are talking about a search area the size of Texas, but never mind, I don’t know what I’m talking about. Did you totally miss the whole Castaway movie? Same scenario, different characters.”

“When did that movie come out?” one of the girls asked.

“Isn’t that the one where the boat sank?” another asked, and Jeremy shook his head.

“Who’s in it”? Rose asked, pulling away from Norman for a second.

“Was it that one where that guy from that show, you know, showed his butt?”

“Oh, you know, I met him."

“Brown hair, nice butt…”

“Yeah, he was making out with my friend Joyce and we…”

“Look, all of you, do whatever it is that you do. I’ll be down the beach if you want to talk to me,” with that Jeremy moved away and walked toward the western end of the Island.

Shannon remembered the days before this trip started. She and Tiffany had been over at her house. She had really wished that Sara were a little more interested in the same things that she was, which were eating pussy and girls. But all she would talk about was Jeremy and how she was too scared to make a move on him, and Jeremy was, if nothing else, difficult to talk to.

Maybe she could get them into a threesome one day, she had thought, though Jeremy didn’t seem to be the least interested in sex or girls or, well, anything except work. Sara, on the other hand, really seemed to be interested in sex and boys and well, that was about where it stopped.

She and Tiffany had spent a night with her, a sort of slumber party, a few days before the trip was scheduled to leave. They had gotten drunk, or at least Sara had, and she and Tiffany had imbibed a little. Once Sara had gotten well lubricated, they had played truth or dare and it had ended with Sara passing out with her mouth on her nipple and the three of them naked.

She had dipped her tongue into Sara’s sweet honey pot while she was unconscious, but it really wasn’t that interesting with her not responding. She wanted to hear Sara moan her name. She wanted Sara to want to eat her pussy too. She had gotten a few very nice pictures of Sara naked. She had looked at them later and masturbated, and she looked at them again when Tiffany had eaten her out on the following days. Tiffany was great. Even if she preferred cock to pussy, she loved sex any kind, and any kink.

It was the day before they left and she had caught up with Tiffany at the mall. She had just finished something nasty in the parking lot and they had sat in the food court. Over ice cream, they talked about their upcoming vacation. Tiffany had reached under the table and scooped some cum from her pussy and dripped it onto Shannon’s ice cream. She had been annoyed by that and had taken her into the bathroom after that and made her eat her out in a stall. She loved Tiffany because she was so submissive about things as long as she got some pleasure.

Chapter IV

Jeremy cut some vines and roots off one of the mangrove trees, and started moving some fallen trees, rolling them until he’d worked out a small and rather primitive lean to. It was big enough that maybe five people could squeeze into it.

Jeremy thought back to the days before this trip, when Sara’s father had made him promise that he would look after Sara. The whole reason he had gone on this trip was to look after her, and it was quite annoying. Sara was a nice enough girl most of the time but, there were complications, the fact that he had been sleeping with Sara’s mother for most of the last semester of school made him a little more nervous about starting something with Sara.

The bad part of that was, he was attracted to Sara, and he’d only started the affair with her mother because she had nearly raped him the first time they were alone together, and after that it just got to feeling comfortable. She was a nice enough woman. It seemed that her husband had been neglecting her for some time. She had assumed that he was boinking one or more of his students or teaching assistants. She had met a few of them; she had explained, and she was quite annoyed by the fact that they were all quite young and hot.

So the day she had made a move on Jeremy, he was more than a little shocked. Never mind that he gave her a full service. He had been mowing their lawn and trimming their hedges, doing general gardening for a little extra money, which was fine. They paid well enough. He’d never made a move on Sara, mostly because his studies and work had kept him busy, too busy to try. Not that he thought he had much chance, given the talk he had overheard at school.

His Uncle had helped him pack, he had been with special operations had had taught him more than a few things over the years. Between his demanding school work and his uncle’s demanding training at his father’s insistence, he had learned basic survival skills, as well as some botany, and hunting with primitive tools, how to respond in emergencies, things that his uncle felt might serve him well in the future. He had hooked him up with some guys at one of the local military hospitals to observe and learn; he learned a lot from those guys. Some of them were crazy and, others, well others were damn well out of their minds. He said a little silent prayer of thanks for all the training his father and uncle had forced on him.

Every Tuesday and Friday he would drop by Sara’s house and see if there were any chores, or anything to be done, and if there was time after the chores he’d have an interlude with Janna, Sara’s mother. On the weekend, his Uncle and father would throw parties and he would be expected to do things like rebuild motors or rebuild a car at least as far as he could be expected to do. He’d learned mechanics early, both automotive and aircraft and marine motors. He was a mechanical wiz kid.

At these parties there was drinking and debauchery, the friendly kind and the girls who came to the parties loved teasing Jeremy, often flashing him or groping themselves while watching him, but never touching him.

His father had a pot on the table, a big mason jar rather. The girls who came to the party were expected to put in ten dollars and they could do anything they wanted to try to distract Jeremy from his work, and if one ever did, she would get the pot. If they didn’t distract him from the work, then he would get a hundred dollars from the pot the rest would go back in so the amount would increase incrementally. It was his “College fund” or so his Father joked. There was easily ten thousand dollars in it, so there were always plenty of girls willing to have a try at the pot.

The day before the trip, Janna called him and asked him to come over, “I have to tell you something,” she had said. “I’m pregnant and it’s yours. I’ve known for a few weeks now, but I thought I should tell you. Don’t worry, I’ve made sure that I have had regular enough sex with my husband lately that he won’t be the wiser. I just felt that you would want to know. I hope it doesn’t upset you or anything. You don’t have to worry about it, and I want you to have a good time on vacation.” Jeremy was a more than a little shocked, but he took it in stride and the next day Sara’s family and his father and uncle saw them off at the terminal.

Jeremy got a piece of cane, and after examining it, discovered that it was not bamboo like he had originally thought, but sugar cane. He set that aside and went back to the swamp and gathered up some sticks. By the time he returned to his lean-to he decided that the design was bad and not very useable, and what he really needed was an axe.

Nicole walked up and he glanced at her briefly. She looked overdressed in stockings and a miniskirt and white blouse with a vest jacket.

“Did you like the show?” she asked.

“What show?”

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you didn’t look at Sunni. She said she bared everything in front of you.”

“I was busy, I still am,” he responded with an edge of irritation in his voice.

“Do you like her?” Nicole asked. Jeremy shrugged. “Do you think she’s pretty?” Again Jeremy shrugged. “You do like girls, don’t you?”

“Yes, of course,” Jeremy sputtered.

“But you never had a girlfriend that I know of, unless you count Sara, and we all know she’s an ice queen, won’t give any boy the time of day. So what kind of girls do you like?”

“Girls” Jeremy said.

He had seven logs now about two feet wide by six feet long. He moved three of them into a rough u shape and piled sand against the outside, and then moved three more, and repeated the process. He cut some cane and covered the top loosely with a cane mat. Some of the cane he wedged between the logs, making a simple arc. Now his shelter was 25 square feet he figured, and he climbed the nearest palm tree and pulled down 10 or so leaves. He piled them by the shelter and got more. He carefully laid them on top of the shelter, making a thin thatch roof, and covered the whole thing over with a layer of sand.

“Oh, it’s like a little playhouse,” Nicole squealed, as Jeremy worked diligently making a door of woven leaves. He crawled into the cool, dark shelter and went to sleep on a thin bed of palm leaves.

“Jeremy…” A hand shook his shoulder.

“What?” he asked, slowly opening his eyes.

Chapter V

“There is something the matter with, well, almost everyone, Joe and Sunni and Nicole and Shannon,” Sara said.

He crawled out of his shelter and looked at Sara, her face and arms and legs were glowing red.

“Sara, you get inside here and rest. I’ll go see about the others."

The sun was starting to sink toward the horizon. He walked the quarter mile down the beach to where the others were located. Six of them were getting sick, and Joe was obviously passed out. Nicole and Sunni and Anabell were on their knees puking their guts out. Rachel and Tiffany and Shannon were lying on the ground clutching their stomachs. Pricilla and Rose seemed okay. Gary was sitting in the shade near Naomi, the stewardess. Aside from Gary and Naomi, they all appeared to be suffering from some sort of heat casualty or another.

“Rose, you and Pricilla help me move everyone into the shade where it’s cooler.”

It took almost half an hour before everyone was moved, then Jeremy began to gather coconuts. There were many of them all over the ground and he worked on husking as many as he could on a large stone. Then when there was a dozen or so husked and the light was starting to fail, he punctured them in short order and gave everyone a drink.

“What the heck happened?”

Sunni who seemed to have recovered for the most part said “Well, Speedo boy was hot and said we should drink something, so we all got a drink from the surf, but that didn’t stop it, it just got worse the more we drank, the thirstier he got then he staggered onto the beach, burped, and passed out.”

“Wonderful! It’s bad enough that you guys are already dehydrated from the sun, but Joe adds insult to injury by drinking sea water. Too much seawater will kill you, dry you out even worse than you are,” Jeremy scolded Sunni, who cowered at the presentation of the new information.

“You saved us, didn’t you,” Shannon said. “When the plane crashed, you got us all here alive. You really are trying to keep us all alive, aren’t you?”


That was a preview of The Plane Crash - Book One. To read the rest purchase the book.

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