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My Pandemic Summer: Lilly's New Love

L.R. McCormack


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The Magic of theCinema


The movie theater had played all the previews, and the lights in the room were fading slowly to make it almost pitch black, besides the massive screen. My date and I had taken residence in the back of the theater, as was our tradition. We had selected a movie that we both wanted to see. However, the movie had been out for quite some time. We were one of seven patrons in the theater, scattered among the rows. From our seats in the back, I had my arm around Lilly's shoulder, and she nestled into me. There was no one remotely close to us, with all eyes facing forward. Our casual dating had become more and more serious as two years had passed since we had started hooking up. But, we were not boyfriend and girlfriend. We were not even close to being exclusive. Lilly was my fiance's sister after all.


Lilly smelled and looked wonderful for this afternoon matinee. When I first met her, she always wore an over sized t shirt and shorts with no bra. It suited her, and when she wore more restrictive clothing, her chest had nipples that would be outlined by the fabric she wore to leave little to the imagination.

Her chest was not large, but it suited her frame. She recently had changed her hair color to a very dark shade of silver. She had cut it so it was parted like a boys haircut. She was almost as tall as me, and slender. I am 5 foot 10, so she was not short. She was surprisingly athletic too. This was not always the case.


Two years ago, I was betrothed to Lilly's sister, and everything was perfect. Her name is Lauren, and she is the love of my life. She is model actress hot, with long blonde hair, and the most seductive eyes. She has a body that could sell hundreds of potato sacks if she put one on and posted it on her social media accounts. She chose me, and I have felt like the luckiest guy in the world since that day. We are still very much engaged, and in about a year's time, we will walk down the aisle and become husband and wife.


Some of you might be wondering why her older sister, who has just recently placed her hand on my leg, is in the movie theater with me right now. Her actions were to make sure my mind was thinking about fucking her when she deemed it time to happen. She had on a short black skirt and a red thong that would basically cause no restriction or access to her private areas. Up top, she had worn a tank top with no bra. I could see her upper torso as if she wearing nothing at all if she bent over at anytime. She normally quipped that clothing was just a barrier, and preferred to be naked most of the time when I came to visit her.


Lilly had been part of a summer that I partook in during the pandemic that saw me throwing all monogamous traditions for my relationship out of the window. I was to stay in my fiance's house when the pandemic started since I could not leave. I lived across the Canadian border in the states, and the border was shut down during a visit to Lauren's. This caused me to have a unique situation that had me learning a lot about myself, my fiance, and her sisters that were stuck with me in the house for those couple months.


Part of that summer is why Lilly was removing my arm from her shoulder. She was then taking it and opening her legs so that it rested on her bottom leg. It then got sandwiched there as she put her other leg on top of it. That summer is also why Lilly then started kissing my neck in that theater, and started moving her hand on me. It found the bulge in my shorts that was getting ever larger because of her efforts to have my undivided attention. That summer is why Lilly was making it blatantly obvious that


her hand had found a home on my now very hard cock. It had no intention of stopping its grabbing and rubbing for at least the next 90 minutes, or until she made me cum. Whichever transpired first. Lilly turned her light kisses into sucking as she encouraged my hand to travel farther up her legs to a destination that was only partially blocked by some red silk lace.


Some of you might be wondering what my soon to be wife Lauren thinks of me being out on a date, and getting fondled by someone related to her. The short answer is that Lauren told me to have a good time, and not to get her pregnant. She was not being sarcastic. The long answer is that Lilly and I started something over the pandemic that we both came to an understanding about. It was fun, we both enjoyed it, and with Lauren's blessing, we were allowed to continue to the present day. Presently, Lilly got tired of just feeling me over cloth. I tried my best to breath shallow, so that I didn't moan when Lilly very aggressively shoved her hand into my shorts after unzipping them. She had fumbled to get it past my boxer briefs, but seemed satisfied when she grabbed onto my shaft and sucked hard on myneck.


My face must have been three shades of red as I looked down to see my entire dick exposed to the world. Lilly was now stroking it and leaning her entire body into my arm that was having contact with different parts of her body. The part that Lilly seemed to be most anxious to spring to life were my fingers, that were now lightly teasing her clit over the panties, but each time I rubbed, they would move the fabric more out of the way. A very appreciative suck on my neck and squeeze on my dick followed when I started to rub her bare clit. I looked around, and even if the two girls that were the closest to us had discovered what we were doing, they seemed to be more interested in the female protagonist on the screen. I had positioned the tub of popcorn, that neither of us had touched, in front of my exposed genitals, but it wasn't really doing much to conceal our current make-out session.


Lilly was very dominant by nature. She was in her 20's before she had her first sexual encounter. It just so happened to be with me, during that summer, and it happened by random circumstance and boredom. Since that time in the summer had ended, we had always remained close. Anytime that we were in close vicinity of each other, she would find a way to fuck me in a way that would have me sore and begging for a break. I was not complaining, as it seemed that having a hyperactive sex drive was a family trait. Lauren had it too. I also deduced I must have a high sex drive by default. It is also why having Lilly attacking me and jacking me off faster and faster in the movie theater felt so wonderful I almost moaned like we were alone, forgetting where I was.


Lilly was sounding short of breath in my ear, as she knew that was something I loved to feel and hear. It motivated me to rub faster, and Lilly's reaction to me was instant. “Oh fuck James. I don't care where we are . I need you bad. Like, right now.” She was now moaning in my ear. To me, it sounded like she was moaning so loud the whole theater could hear her. However, the music in the movie was drowning out anything we were doing, so no one even noticed that I was exposed. Lilly was so far into my seat that she was practically straddling me. She was paying no attention to the current production on screen. I was growing more appreciative and even harder in her hand.


I shook my head yes, which Lilly took as full consent to be Lilly. I say that with some sarcasm because we both had very long conversations to set boundaries for how things happened sexually. She once tried to initiate a schedule to fuck me, but forgot that I needed to sleep from time to time. She then made a list for us to check mark off about any fantasies that she had and I had. She thought it would take us a couple years, and we knocked it out in a matter for 4 months, all while still dating Lauren and satisfying her needs. However, Lilly had a tendency to take leaps in logic when she was horny. She would fill in large gaps of consent with me based off a very horny affirmative from me. Sometimes I


think it wasintentional.


So, with very little actual surprise from me, I was panicked to find Lilly abandoning her place of allowing my hand to fuck her. She took another position that was definitely not something I would have said yes to if she blatantly asked me. Her mouth traveled south at a speed that didn't give me much time to say anything or object. It replaced her hand on my very erect dick, and forced my entire length into the back of her throat that caused pleasure and panic sensations to merge within my brain. She wasn't kidding about her timeline, and she made the decision that here and now is where I must fuck her mouth. My head darted to the other patrons looking from side to side, as Lilly's head bobbed up and down. She was eagerly requesting for me to erupt at my next earliest convenience.


We were about halfway through the movie by the time Lilly took matters into her own mouth, and my cock was ready to throw in the towel. Lilly and I both what were aligned in wanting me to finish.

However, I wasn't going over the edge because each time someone shifted in their seat, I was convinced we would be discovered and kicked out. However, Lilly just kept going at a very steady pace. Her tongue was licking the under shaft while my hand was on her back. She was milking me with her mouth in such a way that she was determined to make me cum.


I was finally starting to let myself actually focus on Lilly expertly sucking me off to completion, and something happened. I saw one of the two girls start to turn her head, our eyes met briefly, and thenshe turned her head back to the screen as if it was snapped back into place by a magical force. Lilly immediately felt me tense up as we had been discovered. She stopped moving, and slowly got up. I could almost hear a pop from her mouth as she allowed my cock to feel air again. I was breathing hard, and Lilly looked around. To her, initially,we were in the clear. But then she saw my eyes and followed them over to the 2 girls in the other row. They were watching the screen. Lilly turned to look at me and was asking with her eyes if they had saw. I shook my head yes, and Lilly sat back in her seat.

With some effort, I got my dick back in my shorts. Lilly's face was bright red, but she still had a look of I need sex in her eyes.


We sat there watching the movie for about 10 minutes, and our heart rates started to return to normal. Lilly reached for my hand and I started holding hers. We were still very sexually charged, but Lilly had made the decision for both of us that getting caught and escorted out was not on our to do list. We had just started a five day weekend, and it had been over three months since the last time we saw eachother. There was no doubt that we both wanted to continue, but the movie theater was feeling very claustrophobic. That was, until the girl who caught us turned around with what we thought was her friend. She smiled, gave us a wink. So did her friend, and they turned back around. To say it was a shock to our nerves would be an understatement.


Lilly immediately switched gears. She went from panic to “work” mode. I don't know how to describe it. Other girls that I have seen get horny seem to have a mood change. Their eyes get more seductive, their voice lowers, and they touch their body and yours in only the way that lets you know they want to fuck you. Lilly could do that, but it wasn't her natural setting. She loved sex. I had no doubt that she would be fucking in the retirement home later in life. So, for her, she treated sex like having a meal, and you required it to not starve. Lilly took our onlookers approval as consent. She immediately started to unzip my shorts with both her hands as if she was getting a steak out of the fridge.


I was instantly turned on by her pressing play on what was temporarily paused. I was soft, but Lilly was not deterred. She immediately found a home for my cock back in her mouth. Her tongue did not have to work very hard to get me erect and hard. This time, she was going to not let anyone stop me


from cumming. My face was immediately flush, as the blood rushed to my head and to my lower torso. We were both treating the last 10 minutes as a bad dream. I was right back in Lilly's clutches, willingly. She was going to get her reward, which was my release. It still amazed me, even after 2 years of fucking, that she wanted me to orgasm often and it brought her so much happiness. Obviously, I felt like the luckiest man alive.


I was getting very close, as Lilly almost sounded like she was gagging. I wanted her to be quieter, but the “work” mode was all encompassing for her. She knew I would never reject her, or ask her to stop before she got me to the finish line. She really loved getting me to cum, and I felt like our sexual encounters were extremely lopsided. She didn't see it that way, and I always felt like at some point I would spend a year reciprocating. I had a lot to do to make up for that first summer together. Lilly doubled her effort, and I could feel the orgasm building . Lilly was licking every inch of my tip and shaft as she came up, and diving back down. She was not giving me any chance to take a breath. She knew she was going to get me to cum. Spectators be damned.


As if on cue, the other two girls turned around, and watched us. The looks in their eyes was very much one of curiosity, excitement, and arousal. They were both younger than me, but not by much. I was guessing they were Claire's age, Lauren's younger sister. I looked at them briefly, and when I did, they both gave me a thumbs up and rock on sign, respectively. I smiled back at them before Lilly demanded that my attention be on her, her expert mouth, and her fucking my dick with it. With a cheering section, Lilly seemed to know she was performing, and as she felt me about to explode, she deep throated me for the final moments. It forced me to eject a very large load into the back of her throat.


The girls looked around to make sure that no one else in this very empty theater was watching besides them. They both did a golf clap as I smiled at them again. They both knew what Lilly had done and gotten out of me. She came up and wiped her mouth, and immediately saw the two girls winking and giving her a clap. Lilly's face was immediately red. However, these two females were doing nothing but giving her accolades and encouragement. Lilly adjusted herself and acknowledged their praise.

They turned around after the acknowledgment, and focused back on the movie. I had to admit they were both cute, from what I could see of their faces and features. However, I didn't get to think about them long. Lilly grabbed my hand, and started to stand up. We were leaving the movie before the end, or the credits had rolled. It didn't matter, I had no clue what was going on in the movie anyways.


As we opened the door, we saw the two girls wave one last time as Lilly held my hand and lead me out of the theater into the hallway that had much more light. I could see that my shorts had a little wet spot in them. That was all I noticed, because I became hyperfocused on Lilly. She was looking in both directions, and the hallway was empty. She pinned me against the wall and kissed me so hard and passionately, I had a hard time taking a breath. Lilly stopped kissing me and smiled briefly.


We hadn't said much to each other, as she had picked me up from the airport, and we had driven right to the theater. The airport was packed, so she had to pull up quickly. I dove into the car, and we made it right over to the theater before the movie started. Hindsight would have let us know that making it for the opening credits didn't matter. The blowjob was only the precursor to the beginning of a weekend that was all about being physical. Lilly had only gotten 3 sentences out since we had seen each other since she hated driving, and always had to focus when she did. What she said next would be her 4thsentence, and I kind of loved that she said it.


“Fuck James, I missed you more than I care to admit. I mean I haven't been celibate since the last time I saw you. But fuck, does fucking you hit different. We need to get into the nearest bathroom, like


now. Just give me a moment to scope it out ok?”


I didn't say anything, but shook my head in the affirmative. I found very early on and over the last two years, that Lilly's vibe was always my first and best option. She might not try to seduce me or flirt with me like other girl's I had relationships with, but it didn't matter. She would get right down to sex, and in it's own way, was so much more intoxicating then the buildup other women craved. I loved the buildup too, but Lilly didn't care about foreplay most of the time. At times, I couldn't help but think of her. What also made this so much fun was the fact that what we were doing today was not cheating.

The woman I loved most not only approved, and I was celebrated when I got back. It wasn't like Lauren wasn't having her own weekend with one of her girlfriends. I could only imagine how tired she would be. Her current girlfriend was a beast.


Lilly ducked into the nearest women's room, and after about 30 seconds, came out and beckoned me with her hand. Just her pinning me, kissing me, and now sneaking me into the bathroom had me semi erect again. Between Lilly, Lauren, and our polyamorous lifestyle, my recuperation time had me hard more than half the day. I could orgasm multiple times, and get hard again rather quickly. I was never lacking for physical affection.


I remember there was a Christmas season where a family member had won a lifetime supply of chocolate milk, and had way too much so that they ended up giving a bunch of it to us. Even after we went through it where we had several glasses a day, we started to enjoy it more than we should. Lauren and I had both put on some extra pounds because of it. After it was gone, it was only a week later that we had chocolate milk in the house again by our own choice. To this day, we still drink a few glasses around the holidays, but I think about that the same way I think about my abundance of sex. I don't think that I would be as addicted as I am now if it wasn't for the constant attention by women I am attracted to.


I never hesitated to be anywhere alone with Lilly. The minute the swinging door shut, Lilly pounced on me like she did so many times that summer in her parents house. That summer was so fucked up in what we did. There were times Lauren and Lilly fucked me at the same time without fucking each other. But I have already written that story. Lilly was more than enough for me in this bathroom, and she kissed and pushed me into the largest stall. I did take a moment to marvel at just how much nicer the women's room was than the men's room. The stalls were like mini bathrooms themselves. They smelled much nicer, and the stalls did not have gaps underneath the doors or the sides. No one could see what was going on in any of the stalls from outside them.


Lilly stopped kissing and pushing me long enough to turn around, close the stall door, and lock it. In a public theater, Lilly had found a secluded area where we would not be bothered. She never surprised me at her creative ways of finding what she wants. As she pushed me back onto the toilet that had the lid down and closed, she was already pulling her tank top off. Immediately after she exposed her tits to me, the panties and skirt were on the floor next to it. She was buck naked, and she was making sure she was not going to be alone. It took her less than 20 seconds to have my shorts, shoes, socks, button down shirt and under shirt off. They were in a messy pile next to her clothes now. She was staring at my body as much as I was staring at hers. “James, I am sorry. But I have to fuck you. Now.”


I went to say no apology necessary, but Lilly wouldn't have heard me. She had already turned her back to me. I felt her tug at my legs with her hand so that I was leaning forward on the seat, and immediately, I could feel why she was rushing to have me inside her. When she sat down, I felt almost no resistance at all as her pussy claimed by dick. I was being fucked by Lilly again. Lilly was already


soaked down there. She immediately started to bounce up and down. I also could tell that she was fucking me for her. She could care less if I came this time. I was in heaven as Lilly abused my dick for her orgasm purposes, and I was along for the ride. I moaned softly, as I couldn't almost help it.


Although I could focus on Lilly's back, I could see one of her hands was on the wall. She steadied herself as her legs expertly raised and lowered her pussy onto my shaft. Her other hand was rubbing her clit something fierce. It felt really good, and I just kept thinking about Lauren's request. Lauren was to be my wife, and we would have no way of explaining a baby with Lilly to anyone. However, Lilly told me she got birth control. Even with that, when she was fucking me with little regard, she knew when to get off even if I didn't warn her. Luckily, it felt great, but I was not getting close. Lilly, on the other hand, actually sounded like she was getting close. It was amazing, because as much as she liked sex, Lilly had a history of difficulty cumming. I don't think that she was having that problem right now though.


Lilly's legs started to shake, and it felt like maybe she was getting there. However, I did know that the best orgasms for Lilly made her so tight that was unable to get another thrust in when it started. She had gotten tighter, and wetter, but she was still able to fuck me. I was biting back my moans so I wouldn't distract her. Lilly impaling herself onto me was something I would welcome on my death bed. I kept getting harder, even after my initial orgasm, and I wanted Lilly to reap all the benefits. She got off of me, turned, and smiled. I was confused, but then she leaned down and kissed me with a large amount of passion, making sure to massage her tongue with mine. She then stood back and was beaming. “Well, I think that took the edge off, but I don't know if I am going to get the big one in thisbathroom.”


It was like she was reading my mind at times. She is very perceptive. “Also, I don't think we are going to be alone much longer. The credits should be rolling anytime now.” I knew she was right. I went to go grab my clothes as she did, but then we heard the bathroom door open. It sounded like 3 or 4 women had entered the bathroom. We left our clothes on the floor as we both had an onset of panic.

Lilly immediately checked the lock, and made sure we would not be disturbed. So, it seemed like we were in the clear. We just had to be quiet. Lilly actually looked a little excited for a moment, as we heard someone go into a stall, and the other ones seemed to be by the sink. Two girls were talking to each other and commenting about how the first movie in the series was better. I was still hard as a rock, and Lilly walked over. She started to jack me off excitedly. The look in her eyes was reading can I stay quiet.


I wanted to match this energy, but she was stroking me so fast and intentionally to make sure I didn't have time to think, just react. This was not gentle, or trying to keep me hard. She attacked it like she always does. I tried to shoo her hand away, as I did feel a twinge of anxiety. However, that started to go away when Lilly leaned down and kissed my lips quietly. She whispered in my ear, “Come on James. Where is your sense of adventure?. Can you imagine if we got caught, and they wanted to join in? Just like that summer, right?” I nodded my head, and she mouthed the words to be quiet as she dropped down to her knees. She used our clothes to sit on so she wasn't on the floor, and yet again, her expert mouth inserted my cock into it. It was a lot of sensations all at once. I wanted to cum, but I also desired to be quiet. They were in direct competition with each other.


This went on for a few minutes, and as eager as I was to release, my body wasn't getting there yet. Lilly had me under her spell, and even though she was deep throating me, it was still holding out. I could feel every inch of her tongue licking every inch of my cock. It started to feel like the room had finally emptied. I was about to moan, but then I heard two voices start a conversation.


Meet Our NewFriends



“So, you think it's just us in here now?,” this voice saidquietly.


Lilly paused for a moment, but then just shrugged, and went back tosucking.


“I think so. Ok, we can talk about it. How fucking hot was that??” This was a different voice altogether, but they both sounded younger than us.


The original voice seemed to be in agreement though. “Oh yeah, super hot. I mean, he for sure came in her mouth. I mean, fuck. That girl has mad fucking skills.”


Lilly didn't take my dick out of her mouth, but she looked up. Was this the two girls from the theater? And were they talking about us?


Logic would suggest they where. However, Lilly decided to listen, but at no time, did she stop bobbing her head up and down on my very appreciative dick. I tried to stifle moans.


“She looked downright feral blowing that guy. Like, I mean that in the best way possible. You think most guys would like that?” I wanted to answer her question with the biggest yes, but Lilly was making sure if I tried to say anything it would be followed by the loudest moan. I kept my mouth shut.


The other girl answered for me. “Are you fucking kidding me? If a guy or girl attacked me with their mouth like that girl did, I bet you I would be tapping out in minutes!” They both laughed, and for some reason, them talking about Lilly that way, made me almost go over the edge that second. I tried to hold out now. Lilly was in her own world. It seemed she liked hearing what they had to say while she was going to town on me.


“Deb, that is bullshit. I know all your buttons, and how to get you off better than anyone. You don't fucking tap out.” I heard that girl kiss Deb, and immediately the air felt like it would erupt from the sexual energy outside our bathroom stall.


“Vickie, seriously. Here? Now? Can't we wait until we get home?” I didn't hear any response from Vickie. What I did hear is a lock for the main bathroom door get clicked into place. I heard them start kissing and it sounded like one of them got lifted onto the sink counter. What I heard next I couldn't decipher who it came from, but it was very much a moan that got stifled by what I guess were lips of the other girl who wasn't moaning yet.


The minute Lilly heard that moan, she stopped sucking. She looked at me and turned to stare at the door. It was apparent we weren't the only ones that had public sex on our minds. It wasn't like we had the corner on the horny market. However, Lilly was distracted by what she heard. She put a finger to her mouth telling me to be quiet, but I didn't need to be reminded. It got eerily quiet, and it almost felt like maybe the girls had left. However, that only lasted for a brief moment.


The girl on the sink had let out a moan, and I think it turned on Lilly more than it did me. It was high pitched and broke the silence. That kind of moan felt like it could only come from some fun parts of her body being kissed, licked, or sucked on. Not seeing them only let our imaginations run wild. The first moan was followed by some subsequent stifling moans, and it appeared that this girl was getting her world rocked by the other girl. Lilly turned to me and looked concerned. I was trying to understand, but I got it. They thought they were alone. Lilly took a deep breath, and before she thought about how we were both lacking in clothing, she opened the door to the stall.


The scream that came out of these two girls should have had the manager knocking on the bathroom door. However, it didn't appear that anyone was passing by at a matinee show to check on this bathroom. The scene played out quite differently for all of us. The girl on the counter had her pants on the ground and was covering her private parts with her hand. The other had lowered her top down slightly but, that was immediately rectified. She was in front of the girl on the counter, blocking her from this new danger. Lilly was not covering anything, just standing there as naked as the day she was born with a red face and apologetic eyes. I was on the toilet, using both my hands to cover my junk, and just as red in the face. Lilly was the first to speak.


“Hey, so uh.      we were going to try to sneak out after you two left the bathroom. But, we also,uh..

didn't want to …. be perverts and didn't think.... that you would both be.... ya know      


The standing girl, who we discovered was Vickie, was the first to speak. She seemed to be less aggravated after Lilly spoke. “You didn't expect another couple to be doing what you two were doing? Obviously?” Lilly shook her head yes, and I did too. I decided to say something, and probably not my best or more eloquent moments.


“Yeah, we would have felt insanely guilty if we let you continue, and you didn't know we were here.” My face was bright red. Counter girl still looked horrified, but standing girl was staring at Lilly and her naked body in a cross between concern and turned on.


Vickie was the one who caught us first in the movie theater. I was sure of it. She was much more curvy then the rest of us. She had a large chest, but even larger ass. She had on this one piece summer dress and a jean jacket. It was green in color, and It showed off her hourglass figure. She was just as tall as Lilly. Her hair was long and had a twinge of red to the auburn color and green eyes. In my opinion, she was stunning.


Deb was tiny. She had shoulder length black hair, and looked like she was half the size of I assumed was her girlfriend. She had these freckles and brown eyes that made her look almost as if she was younger than all of us. However, as you looked at her more, you could tell that they were both the same age. She had on a hoodie and jeans. My guess is that she got colder at the movies just because of the air conditioning that is always pumping at these places. Those jeans though still happened to be on the floor, along with some pink panties that I was guessing was part of a matching set.


Deb's red face matched the one Lilly and I had, but Vickie was not red at all. After a few moments of awkward silence, she started to laugh. Lilly looked up her with confusion. I was still holding my junk, but I oscillated my gaze between Lilly's naked body, standing girl's smirk, and counter girl's bare legs. We all just waited for her laughter to subside, and hoped she would clarify.


Vickie luckily did. “Ok, can I just be honest. You, silver hair? Fuck you are hot! You realize that you are completely naked right now, right?”


Lilly, apparently taken aback, gained her composure, and just shrugged. “Yeah, fully aware of that. It turns James on, so I am naked whenever I can be when I am around him. It is just my body to me.”


Vickie got a wild look in her eye, and looked back at Deb. “Fuck this girl is something else. James, is that your name, James? You are one lucky dude.” Lilly blushed and I started to beam. I even lowered my hands for the moment. I nodded, “I am the luckiest guy I know.” Counter girl forgot she had no pants on and gave me the aw look, while putting her hand to her mouth. Somehow, the situation was not as tense as it was a few moments ago.


Lilly stood there for a moment, and started to pivot between looking over at me and the two girls making out on the sink. Counter girl had started to take more notice of Lilly too, and I couldn't help but think these two girls wanted to fuck her almost as bad I wanted to. She finally spoke up.


“Well, I don't want to ruin any intimate moments between you two. We can get out of here because technically, we have less right to be in here than you do.”


Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, but Vickie looked more excited than just a moment ago. “Ruin our moment? Fuck, it was watching you two that made us come into here in the first place.

Technically, we were trespassing on a bathroom you already claimed. We can get out of here.”


Lilly nodded, but still looked like her anxiety was going to get the best of her. I don't know why I said it, but to this day, I am so glad I did. “Or, we can just leave the door locked, and whatever happens, happens?” I had just looked at three very attractive women, made an assessment, and a proposition.

The worst they could say was no. However, I didn't get a no.


Our guests looked at each other, and back at us. “Well, fuck it. I am game.” Deb looked nervous while her partner had a look that dared us to get back to business. Lilly, who didn't show as much emotion, turned back around, and nodded at me. Before anyone could say anything else, she watched Lilly join me back in the stall keeping the door open. She straddled me, and made sure my cock disappeared inside her as our two spectators stared at us. I let out a very satisfied moan that I had been stifling for a while, but then got quiet thinking that the moan could also alert movie staff of ourtransgressions.


The other members of this party were not as quick to join the fun. I put my hands on Lilly's ass, as I had other times in my life when I was performing for others. I thought they would like it. Lilly wasn't having it though. She took my hands off her butt and pinned them over my head. She started to go faster and harder, and it made me moan even more. That was enough to have the other girls decided that was the time to start making out again. I thought about how this was definitely not part of our date weekend, but a bonus. That thought was immediately silenced by Lilly's sexy ass body pounding her pussy down hard onto me. She was showing no mercy about trying to get me to hold out in front of our new friends.


That was a preview of My Pandemic Summer: Lilly's New Love. To read the rest purchase the book.

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