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1,000 Words - I am addicted

Shady Lady Julie


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I managed to resist for most of the first half of 2023 but the itch was there and after my discussion about writing for enjoyment I decided to dip my toe back into the water of 1,000 word stories.


The theme for May 2023 was Flowers and in a change to the usual format it was post your own story, so people knew it was you from the start.


To be honest that almost scared me off but taking a deep breath I penned this story. I will admit freely it is based on an old urban myth that has been floating around for years. No sex but a little bit of tongue in cheek humour.




Just A Simple Rose – May 23


Harry and Bill sat in the church staring at the coffin that contained their best friend, George. They had always joked that two out of three of them would mourn the other's passing but none of them expected it to be George. He was the baby of the group being nearly five years younger than the other two men, but cancer respects no age, and it was this that took George at the tender age of 62.


They had served together in the Army for 12 years and built up a bond and friendship that was cemented when they worked in the confined space of their Challenger tank. When they had gone home on leave Harry stayed with George at his parent’s house, where he met George’s older sister Sally. Romance blossomed and within a year Harry became George’s brother-in-law.


In a strange turn of fate Bill ended up dating Harry's sister and once again George was the best man as Harry had to walk his sister down the aisle as their father had run away many years before.


After the Army, the three set up a haulage business and were very successful on a modest scale. Every Saturday night the three of them would go out drinking and Harry and Bill would end up roaring drunk with George being the sensible one who would make sure they all got home safely.


George never married, in fact he never seemed to have any girlfriends and Harry and Bill would often wonder if perhaps he was gay. One night in a drunken stupor they asked George who just tapped the side of his nose and winked as he said, “I do OK boys so don’t you worry about me.”


The pair’s fond memories were interrupted by the click of stiletto heels on the stone floor. Looking round they saw a woman dressed in a black micro-mini dress and thigh-length leather boots. When she got to the coffin she laid the single red rose she was carrying on it, then reached to the nape of her neck beneath her lips no flowing hair. This position caused her breasts to strain against the tight material as she unfastened the leather collar from around her neck. She then placed this alongside the rose before transferring a kiss from her lips to the coffin via her over-elbow black leather gloves. Finally, with a sad sigh, she turned and walked back down the aisle ignoring the stunned faces of the onlookers.


Bill and Harry stared at the mid-twenties blonde stunner, her eyes concealed behind large dark glasses, but her ruby-red lips screamed sex.


“Bloody hell,” Harry exclaimed softly.


“Bloody Hell indeed,” echoed Bill as they both craned their heads around to admire her swaying hips.


When they got outside the pair moved quickly to the woman and Harry held out his hand. “I’m sorry, I am not sure we have been introduced. I’m Harry and this is Bill. We were close friends of George...were you family?”


“Rose,” she replied demurely.


“That's a beautiful name,” said Harry, his eyes glued to Rose’s breasts that were barely contained by the top she was wearing.


“My mother was a big fan of the film Titanic which came out at the same time as I was born so she called me Rose.” Rose paused for a moment then wiped a tear from the corner of her eye, “Master...I mean George always called me his English rose.”


Bill realised what the significance of the collar now meant and although he had never dabbled in BDSM in person he had seen many pictures and read stories online. He had a sudden vision of an almost naked Rose kneeling, and he could feel a stirring in his groin that he hadn't felt in a long time.


“So how do you know George?” Harry said wondering if she was perhaps a gold digger looking to get some of George’s estate.


“After my father passed leaving me a very wealthy woman,” Rose said quietly, “I was a little lost in my life but then I met George at the club, and he looked after me.”


“The club?” Harry said looking a little confused.


“It’s a special club where like-minded people can meet and...” Rose blushed, not the full-face flushing but the pink tint of someone who is remembering something intimate and personal, “...get to know each other better.”


“Will you join us at the wake?” Bill said trying not to drool as he imagined those long legs wrapped around his head.


“I have a prior engagement but thank you for the offer,” said Rose softly as she turned and made her way to a waiting taxi.


The two men stood and admired the way her pert ass swayed from side to side and Bill muttered, “Trapped between those thighs...what a way to go.”


“Got to hand it to George, he was a dark horse alright,” Harry said as he watched Rose climb into the car, “Never thought he was into all that kinky stuff, or that he could pull such a stunner.”




Walking into the pub Rose was greeted with a loud cry of, “Hey girl how’s it going? Why the urgency to meet you in the pub?”


Rose just laughed and said to her best friend Jackie, “How do you fancy a night out on the town?... It’s on me as just come into some money.”


“Who did you have to fuck for that?” Jackie laughed loudly.


“Cheeky bitch I didn’t have to fuck anyone. Some old guy called me up six months ago and paid me two grand to turn up at his funeral acting all sad, and put a rose and a collar on his coffin. Then I had to make sure his mates got a good eyeful and then leave.”


“Looks like it's your round,” Jackie laughed.


Once the drinks were in their hands, they clinked glasses and Rose said, “To George, that's the best practical joke I have seen done in years.”




It came 4th which was OK I guess but I was back into the swing and looking forward to June.


The Theme was set as: -


The Good News is, you don't have to write a story for this month

The Bad News? You have to write TWO


I want you to write TWO stories about the same topic. One revealing the resulting Good News, and one revealing the Bad News.


You know how this works.


The Good News? We're going to name a disease after you.

The Bad News? You have a brand new unnamed disease.


The Good News? You've won the Powerball Jackpot!

The Bad News? So did everyone else.


It was still post your own and my ‘go to subject’ is bestiality so I started to pen a complete story that switched from Good News to Bad News that I could then split later into the 2 x 500 words required. The tricky part was making the stories stand on their own which I am not sure they did but they did hit the theme and requirements.


Both parts are extreme.




Lockdown Love – First the Good News – Jun 23


When lockdown started no human contact was allowed and Lucy wasn't sure how she would cope with working from home and living alone but it turned out it was the best thing that could have happened. It was just her and Mason, her four-year-old Doberman as her boyfriend had stormed out a few months before.


His parting words still stung, “Your trouble is Lucy you are a frigid old cow.”


Lucy knew that she wasn’t old at 28 and kept herself in very good shape, but perhaps his barb about being frigid had some truth. She never really enjoyed sex with her ex and he never seemed to satisfy her. She had peeked at pictures online and wondered if perhaps he was small and that was the reason.


For work, everything was kept on a shared drive and most communication was done by email. Once a week they would have a team Zoom call where they would all talk about what they had achieved and their goals for next week. Lucy was bored rigid during the meetings as people droned on about baking banana bread and how they found it 'liberating and refreshing' to have freedom. “It’s alright for you," Lucy thought to herself as she listened to them talk about how supportive their partner was, "at least you have a partner.” Afterwards, she would be depressed and would get drunk before crying herself to sleep.


After one call where one woman had droned on for 15 minutes about her and her husband finding a renewed love for each other, she lay slumped in the lounge, her laptop discarded on the table with an empty wine bottle next to it. The second was half empty with the level getting lower by the minute.


"You still love me don't you Mason," Lucy slurred, and although the doberman didn’t understand his mistress's words he laid his big head in her lap in sympathy as she ruffled his head and stroked his fur.


“Are you having naughty thoughts?” Lucy giggled as Mason’s red cock emerged from its furry sheath and as it grew and dripped pre-cum Lucy could feel herself getting wet. Perhaps it was the alcohol or maybe because she had not had sex for 4 months but when Mason pushed his snout under her dress to her naked pussy her attempt to stop him was half-hearted at best.


The sensations were immense as his long pink tongue lashed her pussy into a froth, sending her into raptures. She screamed as she arched up off the floor urging him to lick her cunt as orgasms tore through her body. After cumming on his tongue what seemed like a dozen times it felt the most natural thing in the world to roll onto all fours and present herself.


Mason mounted her quickly and drove his red cock deep into her body, pounding her hard as she orgasmed over and over. In her delirium, Lucy knew that at last, she had found true happiness.




Lockdown Love – And Now the Bad News – Jun 23


Lucy had her head pressed to the carpet as Mason drove in with a speed she could never have imagined. His cock seemed to touch parts inside that she didn’t know were there as it took her breath away. Sex had never been this good with her ex or any of the men before. She could feel something banging against her pussy lips and knew that this was his knot which she had seen when she took his to stud before. It seemed so much bigger and he seemed determined to get it inside her. Suddenly with a massive thrust, it went in and Lucy lifted her head from the carpet and howled as her pussy clamped around it.


It was when she lifted her head that she saw it, the telltale green light on the laptop’s built-in webcam that showed it was broadcasting. She realised that in her annoyance with her team members, she couldn’t have left the Zoom call correctly leaving herself live.


As Mason’s knot started to pulse and throb inside Lucy couldn’t stop the orgasm that ripped through her making her shout out in pleasure. This must have been loud enough to trigger the screen and she found herself staring at herself being fucked by Mason.


By chance, the camera angle was such that it showed the pair in half profile and when Mason moved his hind leg there was a clear view of his knot embedded in her pussy, but her face was only visible if she looked back towards the camera.


Glancing at the display she realised that the record button was on which meant the whole of her perverted display was being captured. Trying to concentrate through the orgasms trembling through her wasn’t easy but she had in her head that for the recording to happen the meeting organiser had to action this. That meant that her boss, Brian, must be watching and recording the whole thing and to confirm his face appeared as she heard his voice.


“A very nice show Lucy, I can see you are a woman of hidden talents.”


Lucy tried to hide her head in shame but couldn’t help the moan that escaped her lips as Mason spurted yet more cum into her body.


“No point in hiding away Lucy,” Brian said standing, showing his cock in his hand, wanking himself slowly. “The bad news for you is your face… and orgasms… are captured perfectly on camera from earlier.”


“What are you going to do?” Lucy said in a small voice.


“I could send them to the police or perhaps show them at the next team meeting.”


“Please no,” Lucy sobbed.


“I won’t if you agree to put on this show every evening, and when lockdown is over I will be round to watch it live.”


“I will,” Lucy said quietly as Mason tugged his knot free from her pussy. As Mason’s seed and her juices poured out, she saw her boss’s cock spurt as he came.




Well blow me down...1st & 1st I was ecstatic.


As a little aside my next-door neighbour is called Lucy and she did have a Doberman called Mason before she bought Hector. As to whether the story is true or not, I have no idea, but it is fun imagining it.


Onto July and the theme was Beach Party, and in addition anonymous posting was back.


The one thing I was determined was to write a non beast story as I was getting/have a bit of a reputation so wanted to throw the readers of the scent.


What came out was a very explicit sex romp set at a beach.




Beach Break – Jul 23


Abigail, or Abby as she preferred, and Helen had known each other since university and although they took different subjects, they became good friends. It seemed pretty natural after leaving the halls of residence for them to rent a flat together near the university. Whilst neither of them could ever be classed as ‘easy’ they both had healthy sex lives, often bringing men back to the flat. Many a night Helen or Abby had come home to see the upside-down plant pot by the front door indicating that the other had company. If one of them didn’t have a man of their own that particular night, they had often laid in bed listening to their flatmate being fucked and masturbated at the visions the noises conjured up. The walls were pretty thin and Abby soon learnt that Helen liked anal sex and Helen learnt that Abby gave excellent blow jobs.


Abby had studied politics and Helen Sports Management but both had ended up joining a high street bank on their graduate program and they had remained firm friends despite them working in different parts of the country. Once a year would meet up for a girl’s weekend away, which was more of an excuse to get very drunk on Prosecco and catch up on each other’s juicy gossip.


At Abby’s insistence this year they had rented a seaside Airbnb for a weekend and after unpacking Abby announced, "Let's go to the nudist beach,” giggling at the look on Helen’s face.


“The what?” spluttered Helen, “I am not getting my tits out for some old perv to ogle over.”


“Come on,” laughed Abby, “It’ll be fun and you might even pull.”


When they got to the beach there was a sign, ‘No Clothes beyond this point” in large letters and then a list of rules in smaller print, including ‘no sex on the beach.’


Abby laughed as she pulled her top over her head revealing her nakedness under the shirt. Then she wriggled out of her shorts and tiny panties leaving just her sandals as protection against the hot sand.


The pair walked along the beach, with Helen insisting they found a more isolated spot. Eventually, they found somewhere that was to Helen’s liking and put down their towels before laying naked.


Somewhere into the second bottle, Helen asked slurring slightly, “How’s your love life?”


“Same as this Prosecco bottle...empty,” Abby replied equally as inebriated.


“What would you do if someone came along now?” Helen asked not letting on that she was sure she had seen movement in the bushes.


“I would put on a show for them,” Abby stated.




“Like this,” Abby said as she began to tease her pussy lips with the mouth of the bottle.


Helen had one eye on Abby’s performance and the other on the undergrowth where she was now certain there were shapes moving about.


“Do you know one of the things I always regretted that I never did when we shared the flat together?” Helen said softly.


“What’s that?” Abby said as her breathing became heavier as she started to fuck herself with the neck of the bottle.


“That I never licked your cunt,” said Helen as she leaned over and kissed one of Abby’s nipples before moving her tongue downwards to where Abby was pushing the bottle in and out, moaning as she did so.


As Helen took over moving the bottle a shadow fell over them and stopping with a start, they found themselves looking at a naked man who looked slightly odd with a cap and a clipboard but nothing else.


“You do know that sex is illegal on nudist beaches,” he said in an officious voice, “But if you carry on with your show, I may be able to let you off with a warning.”


Helen said nothing but twisted the bottle into Abby making her moan deeply. What Helen had not mentioned to Abby was that although she dated men from time to time, she was much more of a lesbian these days.


Straddling Abby’s body Helen placed her pussy over Abby’s mouth and pulling out the bottle bent her head and started to lap at Abby’s open pussy.


Abby was no stranger to licking pussy herself and inhaled deeply before letting her tongue run over the wet lips of her best friend. Freeing her hand, she opened Helen’s petals before running the tip of her tongue up and down, feeling her juices flow.


Both had forgotten the officious man as they were more concentrating on each other as their excitement grew. Then Abby heard a grunt and looking up from between Helen’s legs was hit in the face with a jet of seed erupting from the man’s cock. Looking around she could see that half a dozen men were standing around watching her and Helen and most men were working their cocks in their hands.


She smiled and opened her mouth in invitation as the man moved forward, she took a long slurp on his cock getting as much saliva on it as possible before pulling Helen’s ass cheeks apart. Before Helen could register what was happening the man pushed forward burying most of his cock into Helen’s ass. Abby continued to devour Helen’s pussy as the man drove into Helen's anal passage.


Helen had stopped licking her and instead was using her fingers to great effect pushing three, then four into Abby’s soaking pussy. The man pulled out of Helen’s ass and worked his cock for a few final strokes sending spurts of cum into Abby’s face and over Helen’s ass.


Before the afternoon was over all six men had fucked either Abby or Helen at least once, leaving the pair full of seed before the men wandered away.


“That was fun,” giggled Helen.


“Yes, it was,” laughed Abby, “But now we need to clean up.”


The pair moved into a sideways 69 position and began to lap the seed dripping from each other's battered holes.




It came 4th which was a bit of a surprise as the story was not what I wanted. I had in my head a grandiose plot went to a beach house and then went to a party. They both cheated on their absent husbands and witnessed each other’s unfaithfulness. It then transpired that the two women, who were previously straight, decided to enjoy each other.


All that in 1,000 words...I must have been mad as it ended up being too cramped. Consequently, vast amounts of the plot fell to the cutting room floor. It did remind me of a valuable lesson when writing to a condensed format, KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) . A lesson I should keep reminding myself of.


The August theme was All's Fair!


So, the theme is anything to do with "The Fair." It can be State Fair, Town Fair, County Fair. Anything "Fair" or "Carnival." The kind that sets up for a few weeks in summer and then either moves on to the next town or closes down until next year.


I had a few ideas so penned a couple of stories and entered one and put the other in as a non-entry.


The first contains sex scenes between both male and females as well as between males.






Fairground Attraction - Aug 23


"I saw you sucking his cock," Edward said to his older sister.


"Don't you dare tell Mum or Dad," Anne said blushing.


"Will you suck mine?" Edward responded ignoring his sister's embarrassment, feeling his cock twitch in his trousers. At 16 he was still a virgin but suddenly could see how to change that, and it involved his 18-year-old sister doing what he had witnessed at the fairground.


"But you're my brother," Anne protested half-heartedly.


"That's not all I saw you do," Edward pressed, seeing his sister waver.


He remembered the events vividly from last night. He had followed his sister around the traveling fairground that had come to the town for the week. Behind the dodgems, she had sucked the cock of the operator in return for a free ride. From his vantage point in the darkness, just outside the glare of the lights, Edward had watched her wrap her hand around his cock before starting to work it as she sucked. Edward's own cock had strained inside his trousers leaking pre-cum as he heard her gag as the man grabbed her head and fucked her mouth.


After a few free rides on the dodgems she moved to the Waltzers and like the dodgems, she whispered something to the operator who leered and whistled over to one of his mates. Edward was too far away to hear what was said but when his sister and the men vanished behind the caravans, he scrambled his way around to spy on her.


By the time he got into position, he could see his sister bent over sucking one man while the other had her skirt over her waist, fucking her from behind. He couldn't quite see details as although the flashing lights from the rides kept illuminating them it was just for a few seconds before they became shadows again. Dropping his trousers Edward freed his cock and started to work it as he watched the big hands on the fairground operator pull his sister onto his cock. He could feel his balls tighten as he heard the man at the front grunting with pleasure as he forced his fat cock into his sister's mouth. Edward had to bite his lip as he spurted his seed high and onto the grass, as the two men pumped their own seed into Anne.


"I watched the two men fucking you," Edward said as he dropped his trousers to reveal his erect cock, then folding his arms he looked at his sister expectantly.


"You have no proof," Anne said in a desperate tone.


Edward just smiled as he said, "That new phone Mum bought takes great night pictures."


Anne knew she had no choice, "OK but not here, Mum or Dad might catch us, tonight by the Waltzers at ten."




Edward could hardly contain himself as he waited near the Waltzers, feeling his cock straining in his shorts, relishing the prospect of getting his cock sucked for the first time in his young life.


“Eddy,” Anne hissed from the open door of a caravan and Edward hurried towards her voice. On entering the caravan he was grabbed by two heavyset men who he recognised as the pair that had spit roasted his sister last night.


“So you want cock sucking?” Said one undoing his jeans and letting his cock flop out.


“Not this,” Edward tried to protest but the man pushed him to his knees, forcing his cock into his mouth.


As the man fucked Edward’s mouth the second man pulled off Edward's shorts to reveal his smooth white ass and erect cock. “I bet he is still a virgin,” he laughed as Edward gagged on the cock in his throat. Then he smeared gel on two of his fingers and pushed them brutally into Edward’s ass.


Edward vaguely knew he should be protesting but the reality was he was enjoying the sensations. Wrapping his hands around the man he pulled on his buttocks, encouraging him to fuck his mouth. At the same time, he pushed back to the second man’s fingers groaning in pleasure as his ass was opened. When the man behind pushed his cock into his ass Edward could feel his own cock twitching and despite the pain rocked back onto the cock.


“Seems like your brother likes this,” The man said forcing his cock deeper into Edward’s ass loving how it was gripped tightly.


Anne continued to take pictures of her brother being spit-roasted. She knew he would enjoy it having found his secret cache of gay porn that Edward watched and then hid away in shame. His vocal dislike of all things gay was what had made her think he might be gay and his cock spurting seed on the floor as he took two cocks confirmed he probably was.




Liz smiled as she looked at the pictures on her phone and nudged her husband Phil lying next to her, "You should see what our son is doing."


What she hadn't told her children when she bought them new phones was that their pictures and location automatically streamed to her phone.


"Looks like he is a good little cock sucker," Phil laughed as he looked at the pictures of his son choking on a man's large cock, with another in his ass.


"He looks just like you did all those years ago," Liz laughed as she remembered how they had met at the same traveling fair 20 years before. That day it had been her on her knees sucking a fairground worker's cock when Phil appeared from the darkness and knelt beside her. Together they took turns sucking until the man had spurted his load into Liz's mouth which she shared with Phil, sealing the start of a loving relationship.


Phil laughed, "Maybe we should go to the fair this evening for old times' sake."




It came 3rd which was OK


People sometimes ask about where do you come up with names for characters from. There was Royal inspiration in these names with the parents being Elizabeth and Phillip, perhaps I should have worked in their other children of Charles and Andrew.


The non-entry actually got some favourable comments which made me wonder if I would have been better served switching round the entry and the non-entry.


Contains descriptions of sex between a male and a female.




The Tree by the Ferris Wheel – Aug 23 (Non-Entry)


Pete passed over his entry ticket to the bored-looking lad at the fairground ready to board the Ferris wheel.


"Would it be OK if we shared?" said a shy voice by his side.


Pete turned to half look at the young girl who stood there nervously, trying to smile, "It's just I am afraid of heights," she added in a small voice.


Pete nodded and like the gentleman he was, stood back, making a slight bow allowing the girl to get on first.


When they were both seated he turned his head slightly and laughed as he introduced himself, "Hi I'm Pete, 84 years old and perfectly harmless."


"I'm Sharon but everyone calls me Shaz," she said blushing before falling silent.


"Sharon what a sweet name," Pete said, "My wife was called Sharon."


Pete glanced at the young girl and realised she looked a lot like his Sharon, the same dark hair that bobbed naturally on her shoulders held in place by an Alice band. She was wearing much more demure clothing than most of the youth of today with a dress that covered her knees. Her profile reminded him of his wife though it was 10 years since she had passed, and he missed her every day.


“Every year I come here as it was here where we first met,” Pete said with a tear in the corner of his eye.


Back then he was a bit of a tearaway and worked on the waltzers. He would spin the young giggling girls until they begged him to stop, which of course he would only do if they agreed to a kiss. It was that night he kissed his wife to be the first time, a kiss that led to them meeting after the ride had finished for a different type of ride. To the sounds of the fairground and the flashing lights, he had taken Sharon's virginity as he fucked her against a tree, her legs wrapped around him as he pumped his seed into her young body.


They fell in love that night and Pete waved goodbye to the travelling fair, deciding he wanted to try to settle down with his Sharon. When she started to show signs of the consequences of that night under the tree her parents arranged a quick marriage and a few months later young Billy was born. Much to everyone's surprise, they had a long and happy marriage together, raising three children and Pete becoming a successful shoe salesman, rising to manager before he retired.


With the children gone and grandchildren starting to pop up they had looked forward to a happy retirement but sadly Sharon died not long after her 70th birthday leaving Pete broken-hearted.


"...and I am 18...today," Shaz said jerking him back to the present.


"Why on earth aren't you with your friends having fun or with your boyfriend?" Pete said looking at her in shock.


That was a preview of 1,000 Words - I am addicted. To read the rest purchase the book.

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