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Stolen Innocence #1: Catch and Keep

R.R. Ryan


Stolen Innocence #1: Catch and Keep

By R.R. Ryan

Description: In a quiet Denver, Colorado suburb, with her parents away on a camping trip, 16-year-old Tina is itching for a taste of freedom. They banned her from inviting her boyfriend to the house in their absence. She rebels against her parents’ rules, only to find herself in a heated argument that hangs their relationship by a thread. When a late-night decision leads Tina to take her father’s car to see him, her spirits are high. But the night turns unexpectedly. As she navigates through the shadowy night out of the city, she encounters Deputy Sheriff Rick Mansard. A man whose authoritative presence hides a dark agenda. What begins as a routine traffic stop spirals into a nightmare. Tina is thrust into a harrowing encounter with danger threatening her virtue and possibly her life. Like many girls whose bodies are maturing, she flaunts her innocence, and Rick is one of those who loves to destroy that very thing.

Tags: Ma/ft Coercion Reluctant, Fiction Crime, DomSub MaleDom female sub, Humiliation, First Oral Sex, Small Breasts

Published: 2024-09-06

Size: ≈ 5,684 Words

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Stolen Innocence #1:

Catch and Keep

Some girls flaunt their innocence…

Some men enjoy destroying it…


© Copyright 2024 by R.R. Ryan

NOTE: This work contains material not suitable for anyone under eighteen (18) or those of a delicate nature. This is a story and contains descriptive scenes of a graphic, sexual nature. This tale is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously-any resemblance to actual persons, whether living, deceased, or real events, is entirely coincidental.

Catch and Keep

Arvada, Colorado, Friday, June, 26th 2015

The musty scent of pine and the clatter of camping gear filled the air as Tina’s parents bustled about, finalizing preparations for their weekend escape to nature. Her father, a rugged man with calloused hands that spoke of his love for outdoor adventures, paused in his methodical packing to flash a warm, cautionary smile at her.

“Tina, have fun, but don’t go inviting Jason over while we’re gone,” he said, hoisting a cooler into the trunk.

“Of course, Dad,” Tina replied, rolling her eyes playfully. She knew her father’s warnings were only half-serious; he liked Jason well enough.

Her mother, more meticulous and with a keen eye for detail, emerged from the house, double-checking her mental list of necessities. She stopped before Tina, fixing her with a stern look that softened at the edges.

“And no parties, young lady. You can watch TV or a movie-nothing racy-or you know we’ll find out,” she added, her tone implying an arsenal of maternal surveillance even when absent.

“Promise, Mom,” Tina said, crossing her heart in mock solemnity. Her parents exchanged knowing glances, not truly concerned. Tina’s capacity for mischief was limited without a driver’s license.

Their camping adventures were really getaways to a retreat for swingers. It was one of many things that Tina hadn’t a clue about her parents.

Once the car disappeared down the driveway, the silence in the house seemed to amplify. Tina didn’t take long to reach for her phone, so she swiped rapidly before pressing it to her ear. The ringtone echoed in her ear until Jason greeted her with a less-than-cheerful salutation.


“Hey, babe! Guess what? I’ve got the house all to myself for the entire weekend,” Tina said with an excited chirp, hoping her enthusiasm would be contagious.

“Ah, that’s awesome, T, but I’m grounded. My parents are also heading out, but my baby sister’s staying, and she’s on snitch duty.”

Jason’s tone and spineless response instantly deflated her buoyant mood.

“Seriously? Jus’ sneak out; she won’t notice.” Tina’s words carried a hint of challenge, prodding him to be daring for once.

“Can’t risk it,” Jason sighed, “you know how it is.”

“God, you’re such a wimp, Jason! Afraid of your 7-year-old sister.” Tina’s frustration surged, bubbling up like a geyser. Her hand tightened around the phone, knuckles whitening.

“I’m not a wimp. I’m just... stuck,” he protested weakly.

“Whatever, Jason.”

The line went dead with a swipe of her finger. Her patience evaporated. Now alone with the weight of a squashed plan and untamed teenage indignation, Tina felt the sting of resentment as she tossed her phone onto the sofa.

“Great,” she muttered to herself, “jus’ great. And I was going to let him play with my boobies and give him a hand job with lotion. Stupid jock.”

Turning on the TV, Tina backed away, using the remote to flip through channels. Stopping on one, she watched as she edged closer and closer to the divan. Tina sprawled on the couch. She moved on to another channel and another. The flickering blue light of the television cast ghostly shadows across the room.

She flipped through channels aimlessly, letting sitcom laugh tracks and dramatic music scores wash over her in a meaningless cacophony. With a huff, frustration sat in, and she abandoned the remote.

Plugging earbuds into her ears and letting her favorite playlist shuffle. The familiar beats did little to ease the gnawing boredom. She watched a movie with the sound off, taking in the sights while listening to music.

“Boring,” she said to no one. Tina shut the television off and tossed the remote on the end table. She stared at a blank screen, thinking about her boyfriend and getting angry all over again.

An hour slipped by, then another, and the music became dull as Tina picked up a novel from the coffee table. The words blurred together, and sentences failed miserably to capture her wandering attention. She tossed the book aside, a yawn escaping her lips as she glanced at the clock.

“Ten pm, on Friday night, and I’m stuck at home. Why?”

With resignation, she plodded toward her bedroom, the day’s disappointments dragging her down like a heavy cloak. Undressing, she gazed at her body in the mirror. She loved her body, caressing her breasts, now fuller than they’d been two months before.


That was a preview of Stolen Innocence #1: Catch and Keep. To read the rest purchase the book.

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