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Summer So Hot - Book 2



Summer So Hot - Book 2

By Moran

Description: The sexual bacchanal continues in this 50% larger volume as Kev's world of sexuality grows larger and far more complex. As more and more become involved, it becomes more difficult to keep things under wrap. Cracks form in the facade, and things become more desperate. Who will break first? Who will fall off the cliff and bring all others into the sexually-abyssal whirlpool that is forming.

Tags: Incest, Virgin, Teens, Coercion, Masturbation, Coming-of-Age, Bisexual, Blackmail, Oral, Anal, Sex

Published: 2017-05-13

Size: ≈ 121,518 Words

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Summer So Hot - Book 2

by Moran

©Copyright 2017 by Moran

Intro by ahorsewithnoname: This story was one of the most popular in its time over in "Blue Hell". There were literally 500+ comments on it, with many, many followers. The author, Moran, disappeared on the day of the Japan tsunami! A hundred more comments went up, hoping for her safety. She eventually came back, we had a conversation, and she said she was not planning on writing erotica further, etc. I told her that this story had been tagged for removal for under 18 content, back when Blue Hell was really strict but that I was starting a site and hoped she'd allow me to post it there, and that she would have an account. She approved of this. It was the last conversation that we had. As per my site's rules, I'm posting this here. I hope she is well, and that she's still writing, something, somewhere.

Note: This epic is over 200,000 words, spread across 60 chapters, to be posted every 5 days. The two volumes are also available now, at Bookapy.com. Moran had a unique writing style. I have not edited it whatsoever.

This is Book 2 . . . and the story continues!

Part XXXI - Instincts So Base

Veronica "Vee" Nortelli, Punker ideologist and able hacker-slash-telecom phreaker, lay across the old fainting couch in the center of the old tool shed's attic, staring across at the man who had just rescued her virtue.

Her savior, thirty-six year old contractor and former star high school and college quarterback Steven Ricardo Jalone, stood like a titan of myth, seventeen inch biceps bulging in rage as he held his hated prize aloft.

The prey in question was Kevin Heterson, Kev to his friends and enemies, a sixteen year old amateur blackmailer and trespasser upon Steve's property, and he hung by his shock of dirty blond hair, sputtering in agony.

"Son, I am going to KILL you!" Steve's furious roar assailed Kev's twisted face, accompanied by a rain of angry spittle, and the enraged father's free arm swung back and high, forming a deadly fist, and he made to PLUNGE it into the boy's gut in what would very probably be a mortal blow but the bull of a man could care LESS because despite the fact that the girl he'd caught Kev assaulting hadn't turned out to be his precious daughter Tia, he had still been assaulting a girl, that much was certain, so that made Kev a DEAD MAN in Steve Jalone's books.

So down sailed the fist like the hammer of Thor himself and

"STOP!" shouted Veronica so loudly that it rattled the stainglass windows and actually managed to freeze Steve for a second and his throttling fist halted a foot from Kev's stomach.

It hung there in the air, quivering, so eager to finish it's flight and turn the boy's internal organs into the consistency of mashed potatoes.

"Wh...What?!" the big man managed to sputter out.

"Don't!" said the blonde girl with the spiky pink tips who lay propped up on her elbows upon the fainting couch that had belonged to Steve's dearly departed wife.

Jalone still didn't get it, "But..but he...he was-"

"I know what he was doing, sir. But...don't hurt him."

"He was raping you!"

"I w-wasn't!" rasped Kev as he scrambled madly against the bull of a man, to no apparent affect.

"Her torn underwear!" Steve shook him, "It's on the fucking floor, you little shit!"


"No fucking buts! She's barely older then my Tia! She's like sixteen or seventeen!"

"S-So am I!"

"That's no excuse! I'm gonna POUND the living shit out of you!" and up went his fist again.

"Wait!" Kev waved his own arms defensively.

"You can't." said Veronica.

Steve whipped his gaze to her, "And why not?!"

"Because he's just a kid and you're liable to kill him. Or maim him at the very least."


"So...you'll go to jail for a very long time. Again, he's just a scrawny little kid and you're a big adult."

Scrawny little--what! Despite his terribly precarious position and the agony lancing through his scalp, Kev was deeply insulted.

Steve on the other hand was blinking and looking thoughtful for the first time since he'd been in the back yard checking on his daughter's yard work and heard the female shouts of distress coming from his tool shed and gone charging like a maniac in and up the back steps to the attic. How Kev had failed to detect his approach was a mystery challenging the Bermuda Triangle itself, but he must have been THAT wrapped up in his attempt to take Veronica's last remaining and most precious virginity that his ears had somehow malfunctioned. Perhaps it had been all the downwardly relocated blood, who knows.

Steve was nearly sputtering in annoyance now, "But--But--But he needs to be-"

"-put down." Veronica finished gently and so with a sigh the man did as she told him and lowered the struggling boy until his feet touched the floor.

"Good..." smiled Veronica softly, "...now, release his hair."


"Mr. Jalone! You can't win here, trust me in this! You have no choice."

His jaw worked for a long moment, then he shut his eyes and opened his hand.

Kev gasped and gagged at the sudden, blissful release, and stooping he grabbed up the jeans that had fallen to his knees and pulled them up, belted them closed and spinning on his heel took off like an Olympic starter pistol had been fired. Without a word he was gone like the wind down the rickety stairs and blurring past the rows of tools and old boxes, soaring out the exit, and no force in the galaxy was ever going to bring him back into THAT tool shed, no sir!

Back up in the attic Veronica breathed a sigh of deep relief and slumped, all the stress pouring out of her in a rush. That was so damn CLOSE! And I'm not talking about my fuckin hymen, though that too! Tia's Daddy was gonna actually KILL that stupid fool, and yeah, he deserved it, well sort of, I did kind of lead him on and I never should have let him fuck my ass that time in the pool house, he's just sixteen and definitely loaded with impulse control problems, so going up here with him I should have known what was going to happen. If he'd been nicer about it I probably would have let him have my ass anyway, he just got greedy and he will definitely pay the price for that later, oh yeah! But now I have a mess to clean up.

"Uh...perhaps...perhaps you should cover up." said Steve and Veronica glanced down at herself and realized that her skirt was bunched around her waist, leaving her buck naked from the waist down with her legs wide spread, showing off her well shorn pussy and the long cleft that lead to her ass.

"Oh! Sorry!" and she slapped her knees together and tugged down her skirt.

He picked up her panties and moving closer offered them to her, she plucked them from his fingers and frowned at their tattered remains, "These are useless. Guess I'm going comando, heh."

"Did he...did he-"

"No. He didn't." she stood and smoothed down her rumbled clothing, "Thanks to you."

He frowned for a second, "I don't know you. Are you one of Tia's friends? How did you get up here?"

"Um...I am one of Tia's friends. Veronica Nortelli? She hasn't mentioned me?"

"I don't know. She might have. Tia has a lot of friends."

"Yeah, she does."

"Are you on her soccer team?"

"No. We're in classes together, math and chemistry."

"Right. Okay, you come along with me, young lady, you can get cleaned up in the house and borrow a pair of...of underwear from my daughter's drawers. Then I'll call your parents."

Parents? Call my parents? Hah! Vee fought not to laugh out loud at that nutso idea, but she still slipped up beside Steve and wrapped a pipecleaner arm around his Stallone-esque one and allowed him to lead her down the steps and back to his house.

"You're my hero." she beamed up at him as he walked her up the steps to the second floor.

Steve smiled and patted her arm, then opened the door to Tia's bedroom and gently prodded her inside with his palm on her back, "You'll see, everything will be all right."

"Oh, it already is, Mr. Jalone, all thanks to you." and hopping up on her tiptoes she kissed his cheek.

He blinked in surprise, then she shut the door, leaving him standing there bewildered in the hallway.

Inside Tia's room, Vee twirled in place and clenching her stomach laughed silently. Ohhh, this is rich! And best of all, thanks to all that trauma in the tool shed I now remember EVERYTHING that little bitch did to me! She made me think she wanted to have sex with me, and when I was distracted she actually dared to HIT me! With a bat! Ohhh, Tia is going to PAY for that, oh yeah! She is definitely going to pay, and I think I know JUST how to hurt her the hardest!

* * * * * *

Steve was sitting on his bed when a knock came at the door.

"Yeah?" he looked up as it opened partway and the blonde girl leaned her head in.

"I got all cleaned up, thank-you, Mr. Jalone." she said with a soft smile.

"Good, Veronica. Now, I'll call you parents-"

"Oh, it's just my mom, my dad left a long time ago."

"Oh, sorry." he frowned.

"That's okay. I'm over him, he was a major loser, not a cool hero of a dad like you, sir."

"Uh...yes. Very nice of you to stay. But your mom-"

"-is out of town, it turns out. Heh, I'm sorry, Mr. Jalone, but I tried calling her and found a message waiting on my cell, she suddenly had to go help my granny who has the flu. So now I have to find one of my school friends to stay with."

"Oh, that's too bad."

Veronica chewed her lip, "Um, hey, I was wondering, where is Tia?"

"She's at a soccer game, last one of the season. I was supposed to be there but I had a work conflict. She should already be back, but maybe the game went into overtime, it happens."

"Oh..." Vee hung her head sadly.

"What is is?" asked Steve.

"Well, it's only...my closest friend in all the way on the other side of town, and since I'm already here I was kinda going to ask Tia if, well, I could...um..."

Steve smiled, "I'm sure Tia will be thrilled to have you stay over, Veronica. Consider yourself our guest."

"Oh! Thank-you, Mr. Jalone! Okay! I'll be right back!" and she shut the door.

He frowned at it for a long moment. Right back? What does she mean by that? What an odd kid...

Steve didn't approve of her appearance one bit and at the first opportunity he was going to speak to his daughter about her choice of companions, because what if she started dressing like this strange girl Veronica? Short skirts, pink hair and piercings?! No way in hell was any offspring of him ever going to go around looking like...like trash!

But her nose stud...it does kind of look...hot...

He scowled internally, what the heck am I thinking! She's barely seventeen, she isn't attractive, I'm an adult and she's a child, it ends there, no discussion. Damn right...

But Steve couldn't deny it, that despite her youth and complete lack of curves, the girl seemed to ooze sexuality, it was in her every movement and that husky voice of hers. Every time she called him "sir" or "Mr. Jalone" it made the dick jerk in his shorts, there was no denying it. He would bet a year's worth of government contracts that she wasn't a virgin.

She's slutty, you can see it in her eyes, no matter how she tries to hide it with that innocent little girl routine. No, unless she shapes up fast, she isn't going to be hanging around with Tia. But I know what I'm going to be thinking about later when I'm jacking off, heh-

He jerked back to reality as his bedroom door swung back and Veronica stepped back into the room. And his jaw nearly hit the floor.

The girl had changed into a set of his daughter's sleep wear, and her selection was...flawed, to say the least. Yes, that was the most apt description Steve Jalone's shocked mind could come up with. Her outfit was composed of a sheer pink halter top held up by the slightest of spaghetti straps tied off in wide bows, while the bottoms were boy shorts that would have been a bit tight on his slight daughter, which left them nearly painted-on with them stretched bikini-like over Veronica's lower half.

"This is the best I could fine, sir, I hope Tia doesn't mind." and she crossed the thick shag carpet and plopped down in Steve's lap.

What the...!

She cuddled against his chest and hugged his broad shoulders, "My hero. Thank-you, sir!"

"That...that's okay, Veronica. I did what any man would do-"

"No!" she looked up at him, her emerald eyes wide and shining, "Most men wouldn't have cared, but not YOU! You saved me from that awful boy! You are my white knight and I'm your damsel in distress!" and straightening up she planted a big kiss on his lips. And before he could react she encircled his neck with her arms and pressed into him, began to neck, her moist lips working atop his, her quick little tongue plying at his clenched teeth, searching eagerly for a way into his mouth.

God, he smells so good, like vintage leather and bar fights, Vee thought in breathless excitement as she kissed him, and he's so HUGE! I bet he's got a MONSTER c-

"Wait!" Steve broke the kiss and pushed her bodily back, "I think you are...are confused..."

"No! Far from it!" she wrapped her legs around his thick waist and pressed her groin against his abdomen, started moving up and down against it, while hanging off his neck with her hands, "I told you, sir, you're my hero, and heroes get special rewards when they save girls."

"Veronica...please, I-"

"But I want to, sir." she told him balefully, "I'm grateful. Sooooo grateful." she had dropped her groin until it was in his lap and her dry stroking against him was pressing into his rising erection. Bingo! Vee grinned. And yep! He's hung like a horse, I knew it!

"But I'm an adult and you're a child-"

"I'm not a child." her bottom lip pudged out, "I'm a big girl. Let me show you, Mr. Jalone." and letting go with one hand she tugged the bow open on first her left shoulder, then her right.


"Ohhh, but Daddy, I wanna. Just for you." and with a shrug of her narrow shoulders the halter fell to her waist, leaving her chest bare. Steve's mouth fell open, his eyes narrowed with lust as his gaze travelled down across her small breasts and alighted upon her hard little nipples. Her ribs poked through her pale flesh below and he longed to run his tongue up-and-down them, to take Veronica's nipple in his mouth and bite--Daddy? Did...did she just call me...Daddy?

"Mmmmm, Mr. Jalone, do you like what you see?" she ran a finger down between her breasts and began to circle the right nipple lazily, "I know they're not too big yet, but I'm a growing girl and I bet someday they will be nice and plump."

"Uh...I--I..." he held her by the shoulders now and for the life of him Steve could not decide whether to push her further way or haul her back to him and start sucking on those cute little baby tits.

So Veronica made the decision for him.

"Oh, Mr. Jalone!" she levered herself up and grasping his shoulders pressed her chest against his face, her left breast pushed against his open mouth and before he could stop himself Steve was sucking it all in and his tongue was working against the nip.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhh, yes! Ohhhh, sir!" Veronica thrust her torso against him while she clawed at his thick wavy hair and worked her groin against his barrel chest, "That feels soooo good, Mr. Jalone! Don't stop! Suck them! Suck my nipples off! OFF!"

He was doing a good job of it, she wasn't faking her response, Tia's father was quite skilled and the feelings spiking though her breast were driving her crazy! Shiiit! That tongue of his is like a separate living th-thing!

His hands slid down her body and under her ass, each big palm cupping a junior-sized buttock and as he dug in with his fingers Steve was amazed at the strength of her groin, she was working it like a professional, he could barely hold on as her vaginal muscles churned like a racehorse rushing toward the finish line.

What would it be like to have that little twat wrapped around my dick? Holy shit! ...Wait, what the hell am...am I thinking?!

I have...have to stop this...

But he didn't want to, he really didn't. This kid was turning him on in ways he'd never even DREAMED, she was a right slut and totally knew it, she was like a machine designed to fuck, her every atom begged for it, and he wanted to be inside of her SO much!

He pulled his mouth from her tit and lowered her down onto his bulge, began kissing her without abandon, Veronica's eyes flew wide at the assault of his mouth, then they closed and she lost herself in kissing him back.

Never encountered a guy like him before, oh my god! Forget about those stupid teenage boys I've let manhandle me all those times before, this guy's a REAL man and gawwwwd, I want him! I w-was just gonna get him worked up a bit, let him grope me for a few minutes and maybe suck his dick, just enough to destroy Tia with, but n-now, shit! I...I want him to fuck my ass! I bet he'd friggin DESTROY me!

I gotta see it!

She pushed off him roughly and moved back to straddle his legs, placed hands on his chest and pushed him down onto his back. Not that she could have actually done it, but Steve went down willingly.

"I wanna take a peak at what you're packing."

"W-Wait..." he gasped, knowing what was coming and fighting to regain control of the situation. But he was almost too far gone as it was.

She parted his legs and settled down between them, hands on his thighs and ass high in the air, the borrowed boy shorts obscenely pulled down in her butt crack, leaving her jutting cheeks bare. Steve raised his head and stared up her lanky length to them and felt his nuts grow hard at the thought of mounting that ass. I want to fuck every one of this little slut's holes!

Vee pealed down the front of his jogging pants and gaped at the massive lump she had revealed, jeez, how big IS this guy, anyway?

She tugged down his underwear and his cock sprang free, rising up before her eyes.


It swayed before her like a cobra, her jaw sagged and she literally began to drool.

"Oh my god! Mr. Jalone! H-Holy crap! You--You're HUGE! I didn't know one c-could be so...so BIG!"

She seized it with her hand and marvelled, "I can barely get my fingers all the way around it! Ohhhh..."

"Ohhhh..." he echoed as she began pumping it, her dainty little hand rising and falling upon the tall, fat shaft. Sweat beaded upon Veronica's forehead, she was panting now, giving him a handjob was a colossal effort!

So forget about the handjob then, she decided and placing hands on his hips she rose up over the cock and lowered her lips onto it's tip.

"V-Veronica!" begged Steve, his head swimming, eyes blinking open and closed at a fantastic rate, "D-Don't...it...it's...you can't. It's--wrong!"

"Mmmmm, yum!" she slurped and licked, "Y-You bet it's wrong, sir! And I--glom!--I like it wrong!"

Her spiky head was bobbing fast now, she had managed to get the top third of his cobra dick into her mouth and was convinced that was all she could managed, I mean he was just so huge! Her little hands took hold of the lower part of the fat shaft and gripped it for purchase as she began to suck like crazy.

Steve groaned deeply and thrust his hips up at her, the inside of her pert little mouth felt AMAZING! So mossy and wet, her contracting cheeks rubbing up against the sides of his jerking cockhead as her dextrous little tongue rolled across it. The tip of her tongue found the little jutting slit at the top and worked valiantly to push it's way inside, an impossible task to be sure, but Steve was going CRAZY at her desperate attempts to do so!

Veronica is a grade-A cockmaster, that's for DAMN sure! Awww, shit!

She was sucking and slurping like mad now, loving every second of it, and she had moved her lower half to straddle his right leg and was industriously dry humping his kneecap, her little ass moving up and down at nearly a blur.

I--I'm so fucking WET! This guy is AMAZING! I hate men, I truly do, they're all fucking PIGS! One tried to rape me today, for shit's sake! But Tia's Daddy--I wanna make him MY Daddy, I wanna...I wanna...



I--I want him to fuck ME!

She raised her head from sucking his cock, her lips popping free of the mushroomed head with a soft smucking sound, and with a long strand of ropy saliva mixed with precum hanging from the side of her mouth she stared down the length of the huge man to his face as he raised his head to stare back at her.

"What...what is it?" he asked.

But she only stared at him, eyes wide, while inside she fought to come to turns with this new impulse. But there was no denying what she wanted now.

Forget about my ass and forget about my fucking OATH! This is the king of cocks waving below my dimpled chin and girls or no girls, I have just GOT to get this in me!

"M-Mr. Jalone? Will...will you fuck me?"


Veronica settled back on her haunches and pulled the halter off, hooked thumbs in the sides of the panties and pointing her toes at the ceiling slid them off, tossed them away, leaving herself completely naked.

She lay back and spread her legs wide, "I don't want to be a virgin anymore. Oh please, Mr. Jalone, won't you fuck me?"

He rolled off the bed in a rush and pulled up his pants, "O-Okay, this has already gone way too far! I--I think you need to leave!"

"I will! I will go away! I will never breath a word, sir! But please, won't you fuck me first? And fuck me HARD! I know you can! You're a real man and that's what I want! I want your cock--YOU to be my f-first!"

"You...you have to g-go..." he licked his lips and stared lustily down at Veronica's oh-so pale naked body, his gaze hungrily devouring her shaved pussy and what he knew lay within. I...I've never had a virgin before...

I can't! I can't! She--She could be my daughter! She could be...be Tia...

Vee raised her legs to her chest, then to Steve's amazement bent them back and hooked them behind her head.

Holy crap!

"I'm very flexible, Mr. Jalone. What do you think?"

He gaped at her cunny, it was splayed wide open with nothing in the way, her upturned buttocks pointing it right up at his face. Vee slipped hands down onto it and gripping her own lips pulled them back, revealing the bubblegum-pink hole beneath.

Fuck it!

And he tore off his shirt and pushed his pants down, stripping naked, and climbed back onto the bed, seized her narrow hips and pulled her to him, putting the head of his massive cock against Veronica's splayed lips.

"Are...are you sure?" he hesitated for a split-second, the last shred of his principles waving a shredded flag desperately.


God forgive me!

And he pushed forward, the head of his cock pressed into her, easing into the narrow confines of her little pussy, Veronica's eyes bulged as she felt her insides stretch and stretch. Uhhh! Oh shit! Ohhhh shit!

Steve grunted loudly as he worked his way into her, inch-by-inch, she was so unbelievably tight, it was un-fucking-believable! And wet! So hot and wet and tight and mossy and he LOVED it!

Veronica gripped the ankles plastered to the sides of her head and grit her teeth at the titanic pressure violently forcing it's way inside of her.

"It--It's soo big! S-So BIG! T-T-Too big! I--I can't take it!"

"Well you're gonna take it, you little slut!" growled Steve as he gripped her sides tightly and pushed HARD!

"Oh my dog-fucking GOD!" gasped Vee as her legs popped free and levered up and down to slap onto Steve's shoulders. Her desperate hands sought the foot of the bed and took tight hold as he raised her little ass completely level with his kneeling groin and literally dragged her onto him like the index finger of a too-tight glove.

"Aw shit! Aw fuck! Aw DAMN!" her head whipped back-and-forth and tears coursed down her pale cheeks, then her head shot up and she stared at him wide-eyed, her mouth a big 'o' as she felt the head of his cock at least reach her hidden barrier.

This--This is it! He--He is going to p-pop me!

And suddenly she felt fear and a bit of revulsion. Oh no, what the h-hell is wrong with me?! What the heck am I doing! I--I'm actually letting a MAN fuck my p-pussy?! I--I swore never to do this. I--I have to stop th-this!

"W-Wait...Mr. Jalone..." she panted, her face dripping with sweat, "I...I think I've ch-changed my mind-"

"Too fucking BAD!" and with a roar he TORE through her hymen like it was tissue paper and forced the rest of the way into her, SLAMMING up against her cervix!

Veronica threw back her head and howled in agony, she writhed against his invasion as he gripped her sides nearly hard enough to fracture her ribs.

"Ohhh-OHHH! Ehhhh! Wh...what have y-you...what h-have I...ohhhhh!"

Steve was grinning like a maniac at the tremendous feeling of having this incredibly tight vagina wrapped around his monster cock, the girl was so hot and wet inside, and there was a new feeling too, he looked down his length to where her vaginal lips were wrapped obscenely about his throbbing organ and watched as thick rivulets of crimson blood oozed forth.

I did it! I popped this little bitch! I'm her first!

"Um...okay...uhhhh..." Vee raised her head lazily, looking dazed, "You d-did it. You popped me. Thanks. But can we p-please stop? I...I don't think I can t-take much more-"

"Shut your smart mouth, you little whore!" growled Steve and she stared up at him fearfully.

"But...Mr. Jalone-"

"Daddy! You call me Daddy!"



"Yes!" Vee gasped, "Um, Daddy! Please-"

"Oh yeah! Fuck yeah!" and he dragged halfway out of her, then thrust back in, Veronica's eyes nearly popped from their sockets as he slammed up against her aching cervix again, then Steve was fucking her, he was pounding in and out, accelerating fast, and she started moaning and screaming, it felt so...damn...fucking...GOOD!

"Ohh shit! Ohhh, Daddy! Ohhhh!"

"You little whore! Gonna fuck you stupid! Gonna pump you full of my cum!"

He levered back into a sitting position and brought her with him, and then she was straddling his waist and he was raising and lowering her narrow body on his cock, using her to fuck himself silly. Vee was panting and grunting madly now, eyes clenched shut and jaw hanging wide as her arms flailed and her little tits jiggled like jello on her chest. Steve was smacking her down onto his groin over-and-over, forcing his huge cock up into her splayed-open vagina like a stevedore, coring her out like the slut she was and Veronica started screaming and she threw back her head as she came like NEVER BEFORE, the monster orgasm tore through her and blew off her tits and made her fart like an elephant and her head FUCKING EXPLODED!

And with a savage roar Steve thrust his hips upwards and speared into her with all his strength and "FUUUUUCK!" he came so HARD he thought his cum would come rocketing out the little blonde's upturned mouth!

"Oh-Oh-OH, Mr. Jalone! Ohhhh! D-Daddy! GAAAAWWW!" Vee threw back her head and swore every bad word she had ever learned as she felt the hot cum jet up through her punched-through cervix and into her thirsty womb.

Steve let go of her and fell back onto the bed gasping. She leaned back with her palms on his upper legs and riding him like the horse he was she milked every last drop of cum out of his jerking cock.

Then he was spent and so was she and with a long groan she rolled off him and dragged herself free of his rapidly deflating member and with a huge satisfied smile settled down in the crook of his arm to sleep for a week. Steve sighed and pulled the big bed's comforter overtop them, Vee burrowed under it and began to drift off in her hot, cozy cave of cotton and man flesh.

Steve made to shut his own eyes too, but a question gave him pause.


"Yes?" he asked Veronica with a yawn.

Under the blanket Vee's eyes snapped open, "I--that wasn't me!" she hissed.

And Steve's head cranked up and gaped across his bedroom to the door as it swung back revealing his


Part XXXII - Truths So Revealing


From deep within the Jalone household the shocked cry sounded, and kneeling beside the pool situated in the back yard of the home next door Kevin 'Kev' Heterson was brought up short in his assigned chore for a moment.

What the heck? ...was that a scream? Sort of sounded like it came from Jalone's house. Tia? ...Huh?

The sweating teen looked up, panned his gaze around, but failed to decide if it actually was the reluctant object of his extremely dark desires who had cried out. Maybe the shout hadn't even come from Tia's place after all. There were lots of houses within earshot, the anguished cry could have come from any one of them, right?

Especially in this neighbor hood, Kev grinned darkly, then he shrugged and pushed it all from his mind, returned to skimming old leaves from the curving expanse of blue-green fluid stretching out before him.

Naw, it probably wasn't Tia. Pretty sure I'm the only one who can get her that annoyed, and then she's more for shocked silences then screaming horrifically. Wish I had the ability to sneak over then and give her a surprise visit (as long as her Dad is out, heh...), but nope! I'm busy, stuck here doing whatever Mom orders me to in order to get the place ready for Dad's stupid welcome home party.

Lucky fucking me-

"KEV!" rang out his taskmaster's harsh chords, making him jerk in his crouch for the second time in as many minutes.

Jeez, what does she want now? Stupid drunk bi-

"Kev! Where are you!"

"In the back yard, Mom! You told me to clean the pool, remember? Instead of going out on this awesome day and doing something constructive like going to the arcade or breaking my ankle skateboarding!"

Heather Jalone's annoyed rasp hissed out from inside the house, "Speaking of constructive, sarcasm is not."

"Gosh, thanks for the food for though, Mom!" he rolled his eyes and tried to scoop up another bobbing leaf.

But his mother wasn't letting him off that easy, "Kev! Pay attention! Mrs Robbins is here!"

Kev sighed and dragged a palm across his forehead, wiping the beading sweat before it could sting his eyes some more, "So...what? You need me to serve you two drinks? Should I put on my butler's uniform?"

"My, but you've got a smart mouth today, kiddo." his invisible matron's sardonic tone echoed from inside the house, "Watch it, pal, or you're gonna get a swat."

"Look, Mom, just tell me what new job you need me to do so I can add it to the ten meter long list you jammed into my hand over Fruit Loops this morning. 'Kay?"

Okay, he scowled and bending lower finally managed to scoop up the elusive next leaf.

"I just need you to entertain our other guests while Mrs Robbins and I plan the party catering. So quit your crying and just be friendly."

Kev's gaze narrowed. Entertain? Entertain who-

"Hiya, Kev." purred a soft voice from directly behind him and he jerked for a record third time and nearly dropped the skimmer. He scrambled up onto his feet and spun around and


* * * * * *

Omigod! Omigod! Gotta...find...Kev! Gotta...tell'em!

Heavy pack bouncing against his shoulder-blades, Randy Blavin pounded down the grey concrete sidewalk as sprinklers cast a rainbow mist overtop a green lawn on his left and steam warped the air above the black asphalt on his right.

Panting heavily now, crook-mouthed Randy rounded the bend and his target house rose up before him, he vaulted a grinning lawn gnome and dashed down the narrow trench between Kev's place and the tall hedge that separated it from his left side neighbors the Ullengill's. A moment later he burst free of the tepid shadows and into the backyard, shot past the pool and made it to the cabana that his unfortunate friend had been banished to for the summer.

"Kev! Dude!" Randy twisted the knob and pushed in fast, a shit-eating grin painting his lips, "You aint gonna BELIEVE it! But it's true! I fuckin ate out Kat-"

But his friend had bolted forward from the bed the moment he'd burst in and slapped a hand over his mouth, cutting off the end of his excited declaration.

"Shush!" Kev hissed, eyes flashing.

Randy blinked in confusion, pushed the hand off his mouth, "Dude, what the heck is wrong with...you..." but he trailed off at the sight of the two purses sitting on Kev's bedside table. His sharp ears pricked up and he could just make out muffled female voices coming from the closed shower room door, and he gaped at his friend.

"Dude...you got babes in here?" he whispered as he unslung his backpack and set it down heavily upon the desk.

Kev grinned and nodded.

"What, like Tia?"

"Jalone?" scoffed Kev, "Forget that bitch."

"Hard to, seeing how I recently saw her topless." beamed Randy.

Kev shrugged, "Get in line. Who hasn't."

The taller boy scowled, "Jeez, is Jalone just stripping down randomly in public now? But wait, then who is in there?"

Kev puffed out his chest, "Randal my friend, prepare yourself."

"Who! Oh shit! Who!" Randy's eyes were dancing now, "Did your Auntie bring home a pal from the strip club I assume she headlines in, and--and they wanna do a nasty four-some?"

"You're an idiot." scowled Kev, "And Auntie Dale isn't a stripper, she's a librarian."

"Not when I jerk off, Dude." his friend waggled his eyebrows.

"TMI, Randy, shit."

"Well then, who is it? Spill it, asswipe! Who!"

And Kev waggled his eyebrows, "Lacey Robbins."

Randy glared at him and folded arms across his chest, "Dude, quit being an asshole. Lacey Robbins? Hah! I'm not going to fall for that shit, how dumb do you think I am?"


The door swung back and a girl poked her head out, "Kev? Do you have any towels?"

Randy's stomach flipflopped like he'd been pumped full of helium. He rotated around 180 degrees without seemingly touching the carpet and stared in slack-jawed amazement at Danover Junior High School's head cheerleader.

"...Lacey...Lacey Robbins..." his mouth went dry as the shingles baking on the roof of Kev's pool house.

The tall girl finished pinning down the long braid of dirty-blonde hair wrapped around her head like a tiara and shot Randy a smile that made his nuts stand up and cheer inside his thankfully baggy basketball shorts.

"Oh, hi! Kev said you might drop by. Randy, right?"

"Uh-huh." he nodded dully, "That...that's my name. At least I'm pretty sure it is."

Kev pulled a pair of big white towels from the cupboard and handed them over to Lacey, "We always keep a supply in here. It's just another way this place isn't actually my bedroom."

The pale girl giggled, "Aww, poor Kev, banished to the backyard. Thanks!" and she vanished back into the shower room with a slam of the door.

Randy held out a shaky hand, "That--That was...Lacey Robbins. Lacey!"

"Yep, in the flesh." nodded Kev.


"Her mom is catering my Dad's welcome home party."

Randy licked his dry lips, "And Lacey, primary source of my masturbatory fantasies until your Auntie Dale came along, comes with the package?"

"Well, sort of. She'll be serving food. Hey, and quit the dick-talk while the girls are here."

"Don't know how that's going to be possible--wait, girls? As in more then one?"

"Uh, yeah. What, you thought Lacey brought two purses? Are you stoned or something, Randy?"

His curly-haired friend's mind spun rapidly. Wait...if Lacey Robbins is here and she brought a friend then that means--NO!

"Yes." nodded Kev and the door swung open again and a tall girl with shoulder-length chestnut hair sauntered out, clad in a powder blue short-shorts and a green tube top.

"Need my hair band." she made to knife between the two boys to get to her purse, then paused for a moment, scowled, "Ugh. What's he doing here?"

Holy fuck! Randy gaped, I knew it! Krista Wittes!

Their school's most outstanding scholastic achiever, and Student Body President, planted hands on her round hips and glared at Randy through her horn-rimmed glasses, "Blavin?" she nearly spat, then looked to Kev with a glare, "I thought you were just making a rude joke when you claimed this dork was going to be stopping by."

"Oh, so you two know each other?"

"Sadly, yeah." and Krista looked back to Randy and found him ogling her rather impressive swell of cleavage. She snorted and narrowed her eyes, "We used to be lab partners in Honors Chemistry."

"I don't believe it!" gaped Kev.

"Stop that." Krista poked Randy in the chest roughly to stop him from staring at her rather large seventeen year old tits, "Why don't you believe we could be partners, Kev?"

"Not that." he looked to his friend in disbelief, "Randy, you were in Honors Chem?"

"Just for ten minutes." he forced his gaze up from Krista's rack, the poking was starting to smart. "It was an administrative error."

"Your whole existence is an error, Blavin." huffed Krista and she shouldered past him and scooped up her purse, strode back into the bathroom and slammed the door.

Kev stared at his friend, "Okay, what did you do?"

"Did you SEE the ass on her!"


"What? Oh, Honors Chem, right. Yeah, heh, I wasn't there long, 'cause

* * * * * *

Six months earlier...

"Randy, hand me the base."

Bent low over the impressive array of beakers and test-tubes, Krista held out a hand as she stared into her bubbling creation and stirred carefully with a glass rod.

"Wha...what...?" Randy sat on a stool on the opposite side of the high lab table, his gaze buried in the deep channel her cleavage was making. Thank fucking GOD for v-neck t-shirts! Shit, so round and plump! Ohhhh...

"Randy! Give it to me now!"

Ohhh, I so fucking want to, right in the shitter-


"What?! Oh, sorry!" and grabbing up a bottle at random he handed it over.

"You're an idiot, Blavin." Krista muttered and poured in the measured amount. Then she frowned and dragged her eyes to the bottle's label, "Wait, this isn't the base-"


* * * * * *

"You burned off half her HAIR!"

"Yep." sighed Randy.

"Damn, you aint shitting me?" stared Kev.

"Nope." the curly haired would-be lothario shook his head.

"So that is why Krista suddenly got her hair cut short halfway through the semester?"

"Uh-huh." frowned his pal forlornly.

"It got scorched? Because of you?! But her hair--it was fuckin awesome! It went all the way down to her butt!"

"Don't I know it..." and visions of Krista lying on his bed covered only in long wisps of her hair danced inside Randy's cranium while the dick throbbed painfully inside his shorts.

Kev's jaw worked, "Uh...maybe you should go. No offense, but I don't want to miss out on swimming with them in the pool."

"They're gonna SWIM?!" gasped Randy.

"Hello, bud, it's deep summer, we're in the middle of the heatwave to end'em all, and they were justasking for towels. How many clues do you need, Watson?"

Randy's eyes drifted toward the changing room and his jaw sagged, "Wait--They're in there...changing?! Right now?"

Aw fuck!

He tore his lusty gaze from the oaken portal and fixed Kev with a pleading stare, "You gotta let me stay! Dude! You just HAVE to!"

"I dunno, Randy, I don't think it's a good idea, what with you torching Krista's head and all-"

"Dude! Please! Hey, I'll split it with ya!"

Kev frowned, "Split what?"

Randy caught up his backpack and unzipped it, pulled out a large bottle of Vodka.

His friend gaped, "Where the...how'd you score that?!"

"Cost me fifty bucks!"

"Randy, no fake idea ever made could get you past the cash at the 7-Eleven."

"Duh, yeah! That's why it cost me fifty! I bribed this college dude, he kept the change."

"Randy...where the heck did you ever get fifty dollars? Your allowance is half of mine and no offense but only an idiot would give you a job."

"I snaked the cash from this vag-doctor's safe." grinned his pal.


"Long story, pal, tell ya later." and he gestured with the bottle, "So...we got a deal?"

"Kev? Do you have any sun tanning lotion-" Lacey popped out of the shower room and broke off her question, her eyes went wide, "Hot damn!"

Kev paled, snatched the bottle from Randy and tried to hide it behind his back. But Lacey was fast and she zipped up and caught it, yanked it from him, held it up and appraised the label, "Jeez, this is the good stuff too." the blonde looked up excitedly, "Who owns this?"

"Uh...I do!" beamed Randy proudly.

"What does the idiot own..." scowled Krista, stalking out of the shower room, "And why hasn't he taken it and gotten the hell out of here?"

Lacey waved a hand, "Oh, he's not going anywhere. Right, Randy?"

He shook his head fervently, "Uhhh...nope!"

Krista gaped in confusion at her best friend who had apparently gone insane, "What the heck is wrong with you--wait, is that alcohol?"

"Uh-huh." grinned Lacey, "And he's going to share it with us, aren't you, Randy?"

"You betcha." he replied fast.

Kev was fidgeting now, "But...aren't we going swimming? I'm pretty sure they told us in Health Class that drinking and swimming don't mix, so-"

A heavy knocking came from the door, all four kids started violently, eight eyes flew to the bottle and a blurring game of hot potatoe suddenly took place, ending with Randy dashing for the bed and thrusting the bottle under the spread and then sitting in front of it just as the pool house's door swung back and Kev's mom stepped inside.

"You kids are behaving yourselves, right?" she smiled.

They all nodded in unison, eyes wide, expressions neutral.

"Good! Okay, Mrs Robbins and I are going party shopping for a few hours, we've left pizza money on the kitchen counter, make sure you eat it after you swim, not before, okay?"

"Gothca, Mom." replied her son, fighting desperately not to gulp. Or throw up.

Heather Heterson nodded and then was gone, the door clicked shut and in unison the four teens exhaled in relief.

"That was too close!" breathed Krista and she threw up her hands, "I can't take it! I'm leaving!"

"Don't be such a loser, Kris." Lacey rolled her eyes, "You can't leave, your house is on the other side of town. You're stuck here. Plus it would be suspicious if you were gone when my Mom got back. Nope, you're staying, and we're cracking that magnum." she pushed Randy out of the way and hauled out the bottle.


"Discussion's over." scowled Lacey, "Or shall we tell the boys about you and a certain quarterback after Homecoming-"


The blonde giggled, "So we're in agreement. Oh, don't be such a prude, Kris. This is going to be fun!" and she cracked the bottle and looked to the other three, "Well? Get in position."

"P-Position...?" Randy's eyes spun.

Hers rolled, "On the floor I mean. We're going to play-"

"Oh no." Krista shut her eyes.

"-Truth or Dare?" ventured Kev.

Lacey nodded, "It's always better with booze, heh!"

* * * * * *

"Okay, the door is securely locked and the windows are curtained." Kev plopped down onto the carpet, forming a square with Lacey directly across from him, while Randy sat on his right looking across at Krista who snorted in annoyance and folded arms across her impressive chest.

"So...how do we do this?"

"It's easy." smiled the head cheerleader, "First we all take a swallow." and she raised the bottle to her lips and downed a big gulp, then handed it to Randy.

He held it uncertainly for a second, then took a deep breath and raised it, glugged down his portion. He gasped and coughed, "Yow! Dude! That's g-got...wow!"

He handed it off to Kev who fought not to refuse it. Gingerly he stared at the big glass bottle. This is nuts! I don't want to drink! Mom's a drunk and because of it she got in two car accidents and sort of sexually assaulted me. No way, I'm not drinking! But, wait...who sez I have to actually do it?

And concealing a sly smile he wrapped lips around the bottle, lifted it horizontal and stuck his tongue in the mouth before the vodka could reach him, then mimed taking a big swallow.

Lacey clapped her hands, "Lookit the kid! He knows his stuff!"

"Damn right I do." Kev wiped his lips with the back of his hand and pushed the bottle into Krista's reluctant hands.

The brunette brain's frown deepened, "I don't want to-"

"The quarterback, Kris." hissed her friend.

"Oh, shut-up, Lacey." and with a final sigh she drank down a mouthful, then sputtered and gagged, "Guhhh! Tastes like--guh! Super yuck!"

"Our school's best and brightest, boys." chuckled Lacey as she took the bottle from her friend and set it down on the carpet in the center of the square, "Okay, now that everybody's blooded, let's do this. Kev, you're up."

"Me?" he swallowed, for real this time.

"You're the host."

"You're making this up." he scowled.

"Maybe," Lacey giggled, "but are you refusing?"

"What? No!"

"Good. 'Kay: truth or dare?"

He licked his lips, "Uhhh...truth?"

"Coward." Lacey winked, "Okay, let's see...have you ever done it?"

"Heh!" laughed Randy, "He sure has, and with his-"

"Randy!" snapped Kev and his pal clammed up, then he looked back to Lacey, "Well, I guess he answered for me."

"Details!" demanded the blonde.

"Nope." he grinned darkly, "You'll have to wait for my next turn."

"Oh poo, you're no fun." but she shrugged and nodded, "Okay, you passed. Next up...Krista!"

"I hate you Lacey."

"Pick, dummy."

"Whatever." the brown haired girl shook her head in exasperation, "Truth."

"The quarterback!" blurted out Randy, "What did you do with-"

"Dare!" Krista quickly shifted gears.

"You gotta take a drink when you refuse!" cackled Lacey. Krista puffed out a laboured breath and seized the bottle, drank, then thumped it back on the carpet. And burped.

"What's the dare!" she demanded, "Let's get this over with"

"Kev picks." said Lacey.

Their blond host scratched his tow head and then made up his mind, "Lose the tube top."

"What?! No!"

"Kris!" snapped Lacey, "You can't refuse."

"But--oh, whatever..." and grasping the bottom of the tight shirt she tugged it up and off, chucked it away, leaving her large chest exposed, clad only in a purple bikini top that seemed to be practically straining at the seams.

"Oh yes..." grinned Randy, breathing hard.

"Oh jeez." groaned Krista, "I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Randy, you're at bat!" declared Lacey, "T or D?"


Lacey kicked off a sandal, leaving her right foot bare, "Suck my big toe for an entire min-" he sprang forward and enveloped all five of her toes and grasping her ankle started hoovering them.

"Gross!" blanched Krista, while her friend moaned and writhed in her seat on the thick shag carpet.

"Uhhh...I love having my t-toes sucked. It...it's the b-best!"

"You're a big perv."

"L-Like you're one to talk, Kris."

Randy's hands were sliding up her leg, past the knee, and reaching for her thigh and beyond, Lacey slapped them back and kicked free of his slurping lips, "Okay, that's enough! But shit! You got power, boy! I think I'm missing a nail!"

Randy crabbed back to his place and grinned widely, "Glad to be of service!"

Kev leaned forward, "It's your turn, Lacey."

"Uh-huh, yep. Let's see...truth? Yeah, truth."

And Kev grinned slyly, "Have you ever made out with a family member?"

The cheerleader's eyes went wide and her mouth froze halfway open for a second.

Krista's eyes narrowed, "Wha--Lacey?!"

"Um...dare." and the blonde reached for the bottle.

"Awesome." breathed Randy as they watched her take a drink.

Bingo! grinned Kev, and he opened his mouth to say the dare, but Krista beat him to it.

"Let Kev lick your naked asshole."

All eyes flew to her in shock.

She shrugged, "Girl wants to play hardball, then let's play hardball."

Lacey fixed her with a glare, "You think I won't do it."

"Oh, I know you will. Rules are rules, remember? You--urp!--have to."

The blonde hesitated for a moment, then shrugged and climbed to her feet, and as the boys watched slackjawed she unbuttoned her shorts, bent and pushed them down, leaving herself in a ivory-colored clamshell g-string. She knelt and got on her hands and knees, crabbed around backwards and backed up toward Kev.

He stared at the creamy heart-shaped butt rising for his face and gulped, placed hands on the firm cheeks. Ohhh, so firm!

Lacey clenched her eyes shut and pressed her face down onto her balled fists as Kev pulled her cheeks apart and sank his face between them. He extended his tongue and used it to push the white string out of the way, then stuck it in her brown spot, began swishing.

"Ohh! Ahhh!" Lacey gasped and squirmed, "Holy--j-jeez! That feels--odd!"

"Go, Kev! Dude!" Randy was on his knees grinning madly as his friend gave the cheerleader's bung a thorough cleaning, he slurped and lapped, hands digging into her ass cheeks. His tongue went up, then slipped back down and kept on going, Lacey's eyes snapped open as Kev found her pussy lips and pushed his tongue past them.

"Wha--SHIT!" she jerked and tried to pull away but Kev had her firmly by the hips now and held her in place as he clamped his mouth over her cunt and began knifing his tongue in-and-out at a fantastic rate.

"Uhhh--OHHH!" Lacey writhed and shot out her hands to fist the thick carpet, "St-Stop! D-D-Don't!"

"Holy fuck he's eating her out!" laughed Randy.

"Give it to the bitch!" Krista growled and slapped her friend's flexing ass, "That'll teach you to tell people secrets I revealed to you in confidence!"

"Uhhh! Ahhh! Shiiiit!" Lacey bucked and her head rose, her face twisted into a paroxysm of shock as a hard orgasm cut through her body from her violated vagina and slapped her brain senseless.

She slumped to the deck moaning and Kev released her pussy and settled back on his elbows, a slimey grin on his face that actually involved real slime.

His eyes glinted mischievously. And that's round one...

Part XXXIII - Dares So Devilish

Inside the Heterson pool house...

Moaning like a spent whore, Lacey Robbins, head cheerleader for Danover Junior High School, rolled onto her side then clumsily scrambled up into a hunkered over sitting position.

Wha...what h-happened? I...blacked-out for a sec there, uhhh...

Then her groggy eyes saw the boy sitting across from her, leaning back on his elbows and grinning at her triumphantly, and she remembered.

"You...you bastard!"

Kev shrugged, "I've been called a lot worse."

"He has!" chuckled Randy Blavin on Lacey's left, "I can witness for him."

On the blonde's right her "best friend" Krista Wittes guffawed and snatched up the bottle of vodka that had been the catalyst for what had eventually transpired between Lacey's pussy and Kev's dextrous tongue.

"Kris!" hissed Lacey, her cheeks glowing red as she fumed, "I can't believe you were a part of this! He--He just RAPED me with his mouth!"

"Yeah he did!" laughed Randy.

"Shut it, slut," grunted Krista, "you loved every second of it, I could tell." and the school's best student up-ended the bottle and started drinking it down like a champ.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" urged the boy across from her, pumping the air with his fists.

She sputtered, vodka splattered free of her lips and flowed down her chin and neck to pool on the broad slope of her upper breasts. The alcohol soaked into the cups of her purple bikini top, the only thing Krista wore on her upper half, thanks to their invigorating game of Truth or Dare. Krista lowered the bottle and coughed, "Sh-Shut up, R-Randy! Guhhh, I frigging hate that taste."

Lacey snatched the bottle from her rapidly numbing grip, "It's vodka, dummy, it's tasteless. Yeesh!" and she took a gulp, then tossed it across to Kev.

He caught it evenly and raised an eyebrow, "What, you're rewarding me?"

"Hardly! You cheated. So you gotta pay the price. Two swallows."

"Okay..." and he raised the bottle to his lips and like before he slyly stuck his tongue in the mouth so that he wouldn't have to actually drink--Lacey blurred forward and punched him in the gut hard! Kev jerked and doubled over, his tongue fell back and down the hatch went the colorless liquid.

Hot fire filled Kev's throat as he gargled and gagged, his stomach erupted into a pit of lava!

Sh-Shit! Holy f-fuck!

Lacey grabbed the bottle before he could drop it and returned to her seat on the carpet with a victorious grin upon her face, "That'll teach you to cheat with the bottle, boy. And now you have to do the next truth or dare."

Kev raised up, face pale and eyes unfocused, "F-Fuck you."

"Wouldn't you like to, heh!"

"Yeah. I would. Let's go."

"I can film it!" Randy reached for the camcorder on the desk behind him.

"Shut-up Randy!" growled all three of them in unison.

He sat back on his haunches and scowled, "Nobody ever let's me have any fun."

"Kev!" snapped Lacey, "Truth or dare!"

He rolled his eyes and squared his shoulders, "Okay, I'm game. Let's see...truth?"

And Lacey matched his former sly grin, "Have you ever made out with a family member?"

He fixed her with a glare, then shrugged once more, "You're a fuckin copycat, Lacey. But sorry, you can't embarrass me. So sure, whatever, I've done it, made out with somebody I'm related to. What of it?"

"I did it too!" piped up Randy.

"There's a shock." snorted Krista as she hooked her shoulder-length brown hair back over her ears, "I just knew you had to be born of incest."

"No! I mean I made out with one of Kev's family members!"

"Which one?" asked Krista, "His Dad?"

Lacey and Kev laughed as Randy's jaw dropped. His friend slapped him on the shoulder, "Hah! You just got owned, pal!"

"It was his Auntie Dale!" Randy glared, "And she's major-league hot!"

"Suuuure she is." Krista was wavering back and forth, a shit-eating grin upon her freckled face, "I bet she's the most attractive member of her retirement community."

"Dude! She's not old! Dale is like in her early twenties!"

Kev and Lacey were laughing so hard now they had to hold their sides. Randy fumed and looked to the ceiling.

"Ohmigod! I--I think I'm g-gonna die!" Lacey braced herself against the carpet with the half-empty bottle and giggled profusely.

"What a dork, he's way t-too easy!" cackled Krista, her big boobs heaving mightily against her overly-abused bikini top.

"And you know easy, Kris!" grinned Lacey, hand to her mouth, fighting to stop her laughter, "Okay, you're up, girlfriend. Truth or dare!"

"What? It...is it m-my turn?" her eyes crossed behind her glasses as she tried to recall, but Krista's memory was well-fogged from the amount of vodka she'd downed.

Huh, I guess it is...

"Dare." she said.

Time for revenge, grinned Lacey. "Okay, you have to let Randy here take off your top and suck on your bare tits for two minutes."

"Wh-What?! No fucking WAY!"

The blonde cheerleader shrugged as the braid wrapped around her head sagged loose and plopped down between the high breasts well-displayed by the tight powder-blue baby tee wrapped around her torso. "Fine, Kris. Then you gotta do truth and you can't refuse. So spill every last detail of what you and the quarterback did at homecoming. And make the descriptive terms as dirty as humanely possible."

"Oh baby!" grinned Randy.

"No!" rebuked the A++ student, "I'm not telling!"

"Then prepare for a good tit-sucking from Blavin here."

"Oh baby!" grinned Randy.

Krista stared at her possibly former friend for a long moment, then sighed and leaned back on her palms, pushed out her formidable chest and glared at Blavin, "Whatever. Go for it, you fucking idiot."

Nobody needed to tell him twice! He scrambled forward across the square and moved in, eyes buried in her tight cleavage as he slipped hands onto her sides and behind her. Krista blanched and clenched her eyes shut, gritting her teeth as Randy's dumb fingers fumbled with the clasp behind her back.

"Jeez, stupid thing!" he pulled on it with all his strength, Krista's eyes flew open and she gagged in pain.

"What the f-fuck are you doing to me, d-dork!"

"It's a fuckin combo lock--wait!" and the clasp sprang open, it flew free of his fingers and the top TWANGED! and burst upwards off of Krista's heaving breasts and they were FREE!

"Holy fucking shit!" gaped Kev, and Lacey's mouth was an 'o' as well.

"Duuuude...!" Randy sank back onto his haunches and stared in abject amazement at the melon-shaped perfect breasts. They were easily dee's and had absolutely no sag, they just hung there like gravity was only a fantasy, with big strawberry-red nipples jutting forth from wrinkled brown areolas. Krista gasped at the cool air from the A/C as it wafted around them, making them jiggle mightily.

"So beautiful..." marvelled Blavin, drool forming on his lips.

"Enough gawking, moron." Lacey prodded him forward, "Get to it!"

"W-Wait!" stammered Krista, nervousness growing, "Look, I've never let a boy-" but then she HAD as Randy gripped her sides and dropped his mouth onto the left one. She squealed as he sucked in her tit and his tongue made contact with her nipple.

"Ohh fuck!" Krista arched her back and the eyes rolled back into her sockets.

Randy's tongue was swirling round-and-round her big nip as his mouth sucked and slurped on the beyond-firm mound of her perfect breast. His left hand slid up and took hold of her right one and began kneading it like doe. Krista's eyes cracked open for second, like she was going to raise an objection, but then she didn't and she closed them again, began panting as the boy who had burned off half her hair six months ago ravaged her boobs like nobody's business.

Holy crap! Kev was grinning widely as he witnessed his pal going to town on Wittes tits. Heh! That should be her nickname! Boobs that great, they certainly deserve to be immortalized!

He glanced over at Lacey and was shocked to see the blonde was staring enraptured at the "reluctant" lovers, her mouth open with lust and her hand down the front of her g-string. The white clamshell concealing her privates was bulging obscenely with her flexing knuckles as she jiggered herself.

Hot damn! Look at her go! I love vodka! Hey, well, when in Rome...

And unzipping his shorts he pulled out his dick and began stroking it. It wasn't like any of the other three seemed to notice, they were all much too busy, Krista was groaning loudly now as Randy nuzzled her left tit like a cow and twisted her right one with with his desperate fingers. His groin was up against hers now and both pelvises were grinding madly against each other, while across on their left Lacey was two fingers deep in her own cunny, little fitful rasps escaping her half-open mouth.

Damn! I so want to fuck her!

Kev was pumping his cock hard now, gaze skipping back-and-forth between the gasping couple and the masturbating cheerleader. But he settled on Lacey firmly as she levered over onto her back and slid a hand up under her t-shirt and began twisting her own right breast like crazy.

I just can take it anymore! and stuffing his dick clumsily back in his shorts he crawled forward and up between her legs.

Lacey pulled her fingers free of herself and looked up, eyes hazy with both lust and drunkeness, "Kev? What...what are you d-doing?"

"Just shut-up." and he tugged the string ties free on her hips, pulled the g-sting off and then dropped his face down and clamped it onto her pussy lips again.

"Ohhhh!" Lacey moaned and she dug fingers deep into his wavy hair that was the exact same dirty-blonde shade as her own. She pulled him tighter to her cunny and hooked legs over his shoulders as his lips started working on her as hard and fast as Randy's were working on Krista's breast. His tongue stabbed into her vagina but instead of finding a tight corridor not expecting his invasion like last time, Kev found a hot and mossy core overflowing with eager juices that seemed to pluck desperately at his eager tongue. He gulped and slurped with happy relish, began tonguing Lacey's jerking core like crazy.

"Aw, shit! Awww, shit! OH!" her abdomen flexed and her ass smacked against the carpet over-and-over, Kev held onto her hips for dear life and clamped his mouth tighter just to stay in place.

It's like r-riding a bull!

Lacey arched her back as far it would go, thrusting her flat belly high into the air and slid hands up her torso and pushing back her tee she flipped up the cups of her bikini, took firm hold of her dome-shaped tits and began strumming her rock-hard nipples like guitar strings.

"Oh yeah, f-fuck me, Kev! FUCK me with your m-mouth!"

Krista was on her back now too and she looked over in amazement at the two entangled teens, then looked back to the boy assaulting her breasts with abandon, sopping his drooling mouth from one-to-the-other as he gripped them tightly, his fingertips sinking into the ripe, creamy flesh.

Shi-it! How...how did th-this get l-like this?! We're...it's an or-or-orgy!

It was then Krista realized her shorts were open and halfway down to her knees, her panties with them. Okay! This has...has to stop--Now!

She gripped Randy's shoulders but he was way ahead of her, his hands let go of her tits and dropped to the shorts, thrust them down past her knees, then reached up and began pushing down his own shorts.

"Wait! I d-don't want to-"

"Quit lying." he grunted as he got a knee between her legs and pushed her shorts the rest of the way down. They fell off her right leg foot and hung off her left ankle like a droopy flag, then with his ass showing Randy slid up her body til their faces were level and slapping palms to the carpet he

"St-STOP!" grunted Krista, but then her fingers dug into his shoulders as Randy was suddenly inside of her, his cock buried to the balls in her hot, mossy cunt!

"Duuude!" Randy gasped as the head of his cock pushed up against her cervix, "So you DID let that quarterback take y-your cherry! Heh! I'm getting sloppy s-seconds!"

"We...we c-can't..." moaned Krista, but her pleas were fading fast as he started pumping hard into her. Oh nooo...what...wh-what...not h-him...I...I hate...Blavin...ohhh! His c-c-cock! Sooo big! Splitting m-me....ohhhh...

And that was the last coherent thought she would have for the next twenty minutes as Randy started sucking her tits again as he fucked her hard and fast.

Lacey was grinding her cunt against Kev's face, sticky and stained from her creamy juices, while she squealed and thrashed her head from side-to-side, "Oh fuck! Oh christ! Oh shit!"

His tongue was a blur and he dug fingers into her sides while Lacey's own hands ravaged the tits inches above his grasping digits. Then the girl's face twisted and her eyes clenched, her lips pealed back from pearly-white teeth and she screamed out like a banshee!


Juices gushed into Kev's mouth in a torrent and her heels beat a crescendo upon his shoulder-blades, then the cheerleader slumped down onto the deck, her arms fell prone to her sides, leaving her exposed breasts heaving and bruised.

"That...that w-was so fuckin good..." she beamed, a silly smile painting her face.

Kev slid up her length and his cockhead pushed against the lips of her vagina. But she caught his sides and halted him, "No...I'm a virgin. And I'm staying th-that way."


"I'll give you a handjob."

"Blowjob?" he upped the ante.

"Ugh! Gross, no!"

He looked over to Randy and Krista, his balls throbbing madly, "But they're fucking."

"Good for them. Krista needed it badly, trust me. Look, Kev, let me give you a handjob while I do myself again. We can get off together."

"I dunno..." he frowned sullenly.

"Am I really the one you want to lose your virginity with?" she asked softly.

"Well...no, not really. I've got plans to give it up to my neighbor." Or my Auntie, just can't decide, heh...

"Then hand me the vodka and let's do this, 'cause I got one last orgasm in me and I want it fuckin out of me."

He scrambled for it and then laid back with her on the soft carpet and after she drank heartily from the dwindling bottle they began to french while she slid a little hand down and took hold of his rising erection, began to stroke it. She let go of the bottle and slipped her other hand to her cunny, but Kev reached it first and her fingers fell away as his thumb stole inside her and began to thrust. She moaned into him as their half-open mouths worked feverishly against each other.

Randy meanwhile was having the time of his life fucking the ever-living-shit out of Krista, she was completely gone now, just a hump machine writhing and groaning as he thrust his cock into her like crazy. She had already cum once and that had barely given her pause and together they were working on cum number two as Randy industriously motorboated her big tits.

Three! Three girls! I've done THREE of'em now! Dude! I'm a motherfucking STALLION! And this one is the best yet, this chick, she HATES me! She's the smartest girl in school, going to probably Harvard or some other ivy-league shit school, while I'm the fuckin class clown and she doesn't give a SHIT right now, she's just a big SLUT and I'm the one fucking her, YEAH!

"Ohhhh!" groaned the wanton slut that had spiritually swapped places with the egghead, "Awwww, R-Randy! Feels s-s-so good! Harder, you fucking idiot! Fuck me!"

"Oh yeah, babe! That's what I'm doing!"

Gonna cum in ya too! Gonna blast you deep as I can, just like I did with Auntie Dale and then maybe there will be two chicks carrying my kids! And who the fuck cares! I'm seventeen, they can't hold me too anything! Heh!

"I--I'm getting close!" gasped Krista as she bucked beneath him, "Oh, Randy! Cum with me! P-Please! Cum inside of me! I'm on the pill, it's o-okay! Cum in me!"

Shit. Well, whatever. Still feels like it's the royal SHIT though!

And he redoubled his efforts and pumped her with abandon now, his hips moving like pistons, Krista's eyes flew wide, she gagged and clawed at his back as the orgasm ripped through her and her cunt gushed like pierced hydrant, Randy growled and PLUNGED deeper then ever before then his nuts let loose and he was filling her like a goddamn fire hose.

"Ohhh! Awww fuck, Krista!"

"Guuhhhh! Gawww! Oh, you fucking stupid bastard, YES! YES!!"

Across from them, Kev and Lacey didn't hear a thing of their climax, they were much too wrapped up in doing their own thing. They were both buck naked now and Kev was pressed up against her side as she lay on her back with her legs wide, his hand buried in her snatch as he sucked on her little right tit and her fist blurred on his dick.

"I want y-you to cum on my tits!" she gasped.

Cum on a cheerleader's tits? Well, if I have to, he grinned as his teeth clamped onto her little nipple, making her squeal. His eyes flicked to the vodka for a second and a dark thought occurred to him. Hells, why not...

He pulled his hand out of her, making her groan in wanton annoyance, "Awww, don't stop, Kev!"

"Easy now." he grunted as he pushed the bottle down and between her legs.

"Wh--What are you-" then she her eyes flew wide and she gave off a wordless cry as he slid the mouth of the liquor bottle into her wide-open pussy.

Lacey's body spasmed madly as he penetrated her with the smooth, alien object, she blinked like crazy as she felt the glass top split her insides, the walls of her vagina clamping onto it's cool, slick surface.

Oh my god! He can't--he shouldn't--it's....it...holy crap, it feels so fuckin AMAZING!

The mouth of the bottle reached her hymen and Kev halted at the spongy resistance. "I'm in far enough I think. Okay, now fuck it."

"What?!" she gasped.

"Ride the bottle, dummy. Cum on it."

"I--I can't!"

"Sure you can. And you'd better, or..." he pushed the bottle deeper, making her purity barrier stretch!

"Oh, please no, Kev! Don't--Don't pop my ch-cherry!"

"Then you'd better get fucking, Lacey." and he eased the bottle back a little.

Nervously she began to work her pussy on it, flexing and contracting it. She gasped at the extremely odd feel of it. So...s-so weird! Ohhh, but in a n-nice way...

Kev grinned down at her little pussy as it fluxed and clamped down onto the bottle, he kept his hand at the base while the other gripped her shoulder, keeping her firmly pinned. "That's it, Lacey, ride it. Fuck that bottle, you dirty cheerleader slut. Make it your bitch! Come on, Lacey, dirty whore! Come ON!"

"Ohhh! Ohhh fuck m-me!" she grunted, sweat beading her brow as she worked the bottle penetrating her, her hips grinding and her thighs flexing again the fat object between her legs. Her mouth was a wide 'o' now and her pumping was a blur, Kev sank his mouth down onto her tit and sucked it all the way in, while she took firm hold of his cock and power stroked it like crazy and "AWWWW FUCK!" Lacey came HARD and the vodka sloshed madly and then her juices were pumping down into the bottle to mix with the broiling alcohol. Her vag clamped down onto the mouth of the bottle as Kev thrust his dick hard against her hand and ejaculated, sending hot creamy white cum spraying up her belly and onto her free left breast, painting it nice and thickly.

Lacey pushed the bottle out of her and rolled up against Kev, pulled his head off her tit and kissed him deeply as his dick finished emptying onto her taut belly.

"Beautiful..." chuckled a voice above them and the couple broke their kiss and peered up at the interloper.

Randy stood over them, Kev's camcorder whirring.

"Way to screw that vodka bottle, Robbins." the perverted boy grinned crookedly.

"Wha--did you FILM it?!" the naked cum-stained girl gaped up at him in shock.

"Every creamy second, yep! I finished off Krista and now she's napping."

"You dick!" she staggered up onto her feet as Randy backed away fast. He up-ended the camera and popped it's flashcard out, tossed the recorder on the bed and held up his prize triumphantly.

"Thanks! I'm gonna watch this over-and-over!"

"Gimme that!" she darted for him but he whirled and took off for the door, threw it open and dashed outside.

Oblivious to her stark nakedness, Lacey raced after him as Kev staggered up onto his feet and pulled up his shorts. He went to the window and parted the curtains. She'd better catch him 'cause I'm on that vid to...

But he didn't have to worry as Randy's already tired physique was no match for the head cheerleader's muscled body and she charged up on him and springing into the air tackled him and together they torpedoed into the swimming pool, vanishing beneath the water in a high splash!

Kev laughed as he watched the blue-green liquid churn, and then ten seconds later Lacey surfaced and splashed to the side, climbed the ladder with the flashcard clenched firmly between her teeth.

Jeez, she's gonna break it, isn't she. She'd better not, scowled Kev, then all worries vanished as Lacey climbed out of the pool and stalked back toward the pool house in all her hot, wet naked glory.


And behind him he heard a disgusted gurgle and looked around to see Krista sitting up with the vodka bottle in her hands. She spit out her mouthful and gagged, "What the fuck?! It's gone bad!"

Kev's laughter could be heard for blocks and blocks...

Part XXXIV - Pressure So Powerful

Her slim five-foot-two frame splattered from head to toe with dry mud and grass stains, Tia Jalone shouldered open the front door to her house and staggered inside, huffing mightily. She felt like pounded crap and looked ready to collapse right there on the Moroccan carpets of the foyer, but she was still grinning like an idiot.

We won! I won! Victory, oh yeaaah!

Letting the heavy gym bag thump to the floor and hefting her gleaming MVP trophy, it's glimmering faux gold a match for the Championship medal hanging around her neck, she skipped off down the hallway, eager to get to the study and place it on the center of the mantle piece with her other totems of victory, nestled between the one's her beloved father had won back when he was a high school and college football superstar.

Oh, Daddy is gonna be so proud! I wish he could have been there to see me get it, but his work is important, I'm not angry, nope! Plus it's all on video, and he and I can have a party and watch me score the winning goal over-and-over, yes!


But, as she passed the stairs leading up to the second level, the bruised and battered brunette paused, because she could suddenly hear...voices?

No...not voices, though the sounds echoing down from above were definitely coming from human beings. But while there were words mixed in with the grunting, squealing and moaning, the two people upstairs were definitely not having a conversation. At least, not one worthy of public consumption.

Tia's shocked face tipped upwards, big brown eyes rolling wide and mouth hanging open.


He wouldn't...he couldn't...he...he said he was going to--to--he said he had to WORK, that they needed him at the construction site or-or-or...or his big project...would all fall...

...fall apart...

LIES! He LIED to me! Daddy--oh! Oh, you dirty, dirty...

"...bastard!" she spat the nasty word out loud, the acid in her mouth vanishing down her rasping throat as hit rage poured through her sixteen year old frame and with fists raised before her she charged up the stairs.

I'm gonna KILL him, I can't believe he would blow off my final game just so he could--could--ooooo!

Teeth gnashing she reached the closed door to the master bedroom and gripping the knob made to throw it open and dash inside, mouth thrown wide as she screamed and screamed bloody murder at her tawdry father and his latest housewife conquest.

But...Tia made herself pause for a moment, she forced herself to wait, just for a second.

L-Look what he's done t-to me! I was having the greatest day, and in one fell swoop Daddy has ruined it--tried to ruin it, TRIED! Because I won't let his bad behavior succeed. Nope! I won't!

As of late she had been diving into the large collection of old self help books her mom had amassed, in search of ways to empower herself against the increasing enemy forces that seemed to strangely be rising up around her formerly sublime existence. And one of the prime rules she had digested was that you couldn't take the mistakes of those close to you so personally, lest you come to shoulder the guilt that was rightly theirs and not yours.

Right! Daddy is the one destroying his social life by messing around with all these floozies, his sins are his and not mine, and I will not let him bring me down. I am a good person, and how I comport myself must stand as an example to him, so perhaps he will see the error of his ways and rise above his low behavior.

She needed to release her rage before she confronted him, yes! That was what she had to do, so turning around she marched back down the stairs and opening the back door she shut it carefully behind her so nobody inside would hear her scream "DADDY!!!"

Gasping and sweating, she slowly shut her mouth and unballed her fists one finger at at time.

Okay, yes, that feels a little better. Not a lot, but it'll have to do, 'kay...

She took a deep breath and counted backwards from ten and when she had reached zero she felt much calmer and even somewhat composed. Anger had faded away to be replaced with disapointment in what her father was doing, as well as a little fear at what she was about to confront, but the books had been firm on that point as well, she needed to look the problem in the eye, face it down, she couldn't pretend whatever Steve Jalone had just finished doing in his bedroom hadn't happened. That would be a big mistake.

No, I need to catch him in the act and display my dismay and sadness at what he's been doing to our family. It's the only hope for us getting past this.

So squaring her narrow shoulders she went back inside the house and as calmly as she could muster she climbed the steps again and stepping up to her father's masterbedroom paused for a second, then called out loud enough that her voice would penetrate the thick oaken door separating them.


And a moment later her father's tired voice responded, "Yes?"

Huh, I bet I know why he sounds so wasted, the dirty old bastard. And that's what he is, so I have every right to call him that. In my mind of course, heh...

She gripped the knob again and twisting it swung the door inwards and stepped into the room. Light poured in from the tall windows on the left, cutting through the mote-dotted haze to spotlight the twisted and lumpy comforter that covered the king-sized bed. Her father's head was raised up from his pillow, eyes wide and gaping at her in shock.

"Daddy..." she frowned, "What are you doing home? You told me you had to work."

"I...I...uhh..." Steve Jalone licked his dry lips and swallowed against the rising lump in his throat.

Tia cast her gaze to his right side where the unmistakably outline of a woman barely larger then Tia herself lay cuddled up beside him. She couldn't see any evidence of who it was, but who cares, they were all the same. Yet another bored housewife cheating on her husband. She probably has children, young ones. Tia shook her head and clucked her tongue in dismay.

"Daddy, I am very disappointed in you. You have broken your promise to me again."


Tears formed in her eyes, not at all feigned, "You missed my final soccer game for...for her, so I hope she was...was worth it."


"No!" she held up a hand, silencing him, "I don't want to hear it, Daddy. This day was very important to me and if you don't understand that then...then I don't think you ever will."

She turned away and left the room, pulling the door shut behind her. She stood there for a moment, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand, then she exhaled to try and settle her rapidly beating heart. Okay, I said my peace and all I can do now is hope he finally takes it to heart...

"Forget him and his sleazy conquest." the little brunette whispered to herself firmly, "I'm a winner and they're losers, and winners deserve a victory ice cream float with root beer, yep!"

So with a satisfied smile upon her face she headed back downstairs, eager to get to the fridge, she needed that cool desert NOW!

* * * * * *

Back in the bedroom...

"Holy shit!"

Steve Jalone sat up fully and threw back the covers, sending the blue-white comforter flying across the carpeted floor away from the bed like an angry ocean wave. He looked down aghast at the seventeen year old pixie stick of a girl he'd just deflowered and a shudder ran through his bullish frame.

Aww crap, what the fuck have I done!

Vee was of a different mood though, entirely so.

"Heh-heh! That was a close one, hah!" she sat up cackling, oblivious to her complete nakedness, "Daughter dearest nearly caught you in the act of popping my cherry, now didn't she? Yeah, the little bitch nearly did."

Steve gaped at her, suddenly very aware that he knew absolutely nothing whatsoever about this girl he had just entrusted his reputation to. Who exactly was this Veronica Nortelli anyway? Come to think of it he was now wondering if she was even an actual friend of his daughter's. With all his pressuring for Tia to walk the straight and narrow path aside, this bleached and dyed punker seemed to be the last kind of person Tia would hang out with. No, come to think of it, Tia was very particular about her friends and had always demonstrated a dislike for any sort of Grunge culture. Steve knew his young daughter quite well, it was impossible not to considering their two-person family arrangement, and he would feel safe in stating that Tia was a bubblegum preppy type, deeply into sports and academic achievement, and while she wasn't a snob there were definitely some kinds of people she wouldn't want to associate with.

And I should held myself to her standards, her father scowled as he climbed out of the bed and hurriedly dressed. Then I wouldn't be in this mess, and it's really is a mess, because who knows what this kid is capable of? She's not like the other women I've screwed around with since my wife passed, they were all far more desperate then I was to hide what we did, they had husbands and children and cushy lives to protect. But this...this girl. She's white trash if I ever saw it, with nothing whatsoever to keep her mouth shut.

So I had better give her something to seal those lips, yep...

Veronica had left the bed and had bent over to scoop up the discarded panties she'd borrowed from Tia's underthings drawer, and rising up she twirled them like a juggler around her index finger, "I'm not surprised little miss tight thighs completely failed to realize what was really going on in here."

"Oh yeah...?" muttered Steve as he stepped into his loafers and began prowling up behind her.

"Yeah!" laughed Vee as she turned slowly around, a naughty smile upon her triangular face, "Tia may be sorta book smart, which mostly amounts to being good at sucking up to the teachers at school in order to get the top grades, but when it comes to the real world her instincts are duller then-"

"-duller then what?" snorted Steve as he suddenly loomed over her much smaller form.

Veronica's eyes went wide and she shrank back, "Uh...I-"

"You sure talk a lot, you little bitch." he growled down at her.

The blonde teen backed up fast and he stalked after her keeping pace until she banged up against the wall.

"Um, I better go-" Veronica tried to go to the right but he threw up a hand and slapped a palm to the burgundy wallpaper, barring her passage.

"What, so soon?" he asked with a dark smile.

She turned and tried to dash out the other way but his other arm was faster and now she was pinned between his massive biceps. Her stomach was twisting into knots and a cold chill had gripped her spine.

Steve leaned in and sniffed at her throat like a curious animal sampling it's prey's scent, "...You know what, kid?"


"I think you've been lying to me."

"Huh? N-No! I haven't. About...about what?"

"You aren't Tia's friend, now are you?"


"Don't waste my time with lies, girl."

She licked her lips and fought the rising panic, "Um...no. Not really..."

Steve smiled, but it wasn't a happy grin, more like the lecherous expression of a great white shark.

"I knew it. You came here to fuck with her. To mess with her life. Admit it."


"Yeah, that's exactly it. Tia, she pissed you off somehow, probably beat you scholastically because she's so smart and you, well, just aren't, and it dug into your little white trash craw so you found out where she lived and came here for some payback. Admit it."

"I-I-" her teeth were chattering.

"Yeah, I can see it written all over your whore face. And when you found I was here you decided the best way to get back at my daughter was to have sex with her father and then rub her face in it."


His hand blurred across and caught her by the throat, "But that's not how it's going to play out, now is it, girl?"

Vee's eyes bulged and she tried to swallow again, found she couldn't. Couldn't speak either. Not that Steve needed her to, as he read what he needed in her terrified expression.

Time to compound the fear...

He let go of her neck and gripped her shoulder instead, "I may have let you fuck me, girl, but you won't be fucking with my daughter."

"I--I wouldn't--not ever-"

"Oh, you definitely would, I know your kind well." he dug in with his fingers, making Veronica hiss in pain. She raised a hand to try and push him away but his other hand blocked it then slapped her firmly across the face.

"Uhhhh...!" Vee's head twisted away from the blow.

"You're kind is always fucking with your betters. You're a disease." and he slapped her again, harder, though he pulled the blow just enough so that it wouldn't leave a mark. Steve was an expert on doing that, it was one of his many lesser known skills.

Vee was doing her best to shrink back into the wall and vanish but nothing doing, she wasn't going anywhere, not until Steve had made sure she got the message.

Need to express my feelings in just the right way...

"But you didn't count on me guessing what you were up to, now did you, girl." and pulling her away from the wall he thrust her back across the room. She staggered and fell down onto the bed halfway, feet still on the floor while her wet face mashed down into the convoluted covers and her ivory ass jerked up into the air like it was begging for what was about to come.

Steve came up behind her, unbuttoning his slacks, and he took firm hold of her nonexistent hips, dug in HARD with his fingers.

"I'm going to explain to you, girl, why it's in your best interest to forget about my daughter and never come back to this house."

"I won't!" Veronica propped herself up on her hands and looked back at him, face amazingly pale and eyes beseeching, "I-I'll go! I swear!"

"Oh, I know you will." he growled softly as with a twist of his hips he maneuvered his rising cock into position, "I know you will."

"What are y-you doing?!" she asked, tried to squirm free, but the massive hands gripping her sides dug in even harder, sending pain shooting through her stomach and up her spine, "Owwww! L-Let go! Mr. Jalone--Daddy!"

"Don't...you...call me...THAT!" he snarled and with one massive THRUST forward his titanic cockhead popped into Vee's anus like a cork back into a champagne bottle!

The punker girl spasmed madly and threw back her head, jaw hanging wide with wordless agony...

* * * * * *


Tia looked up glumly from her half-eaten root beer float as a distant knock-knock came from the front door.

Ugh, who is it now? She scowled and swallowed down a final lumpy spoonful then dumped the frosty mug in the sink and trooped off down the hallway. It's probably the tart's hubby tracking her down with vengeance in mind, looking to pop a cap in Daddy's big butt...

But when she pulled the door open it wasn't a seething soon-to-be ex-husband standing at the top of the steps, but the diminutive form of Stingray Crescent's resident papergirl.

"Oh, hi Kat." Tia smiled wanly, "What's up?"

"Nuthin but the rain." grinned the pumpkinhead, then she giggled, "Heh, I wish!"

"You and me both." the slightly older Jalone girl puffed out a heady breath and glanced up through squinted eyes at the ever-present pulsating tangerine orb of the sun, "Guh...will this summer ever end? I wanna make snow angels at ten below zero."

"Ooooo! That would be so totally awesome!" nodded Kat as sweat beaded on her brow. She scratched absently at an itchy pit and stared longingly into the shadowed depths of Tia's house, "I bet it's nice and cool in your place, huh?"

"Uh-huh, yep. I completely forget about the heatwave after a few minutes inside."

Kat chewed her bottom lip, "We don't have A/C at our place, just whatever secondhand fans Mom finds at ReSell-Mart."

Tia laughed and grabbed her arm, "Quit being a dope and get in here. Me Casa es su Casa, dontcha know." and she tugged the other girl in and shut the door.

"Wha--really?!" the bucket-cut redhead gaped around in surprise, "You're so nice! Just for a few minutes though, 'cause...I...ohhhhh..."

"Yeah, exactly." nodded Tia, her smile broadening, "Feels nice, huh?"

Kat raised her arms and let them hang there in the icy-cool atmosphere, "Jeeez... This is heavenly. Better then the movie theatre, so niiice..."

"I'd offer you some ice cream, but I just finished it off."

"So I noticed." replied Kat.

"Huh?" blinked Tia, and the other girl pointed to her nose and crossing her eyes Tia saw a white dab of French Vanilla sitting on the tip. "Hah! Oops, you got me!"

"Greedy guts." Kat swiped it off her pug with a flick of her index finger then jammed it in her own mouth, "Mmmmm! Still tastes good."

"You just ate food off me!"

"Yep, I'm a kinky kid." giggled Kat.

Tia's eyes flew wide, "Hey, I got a great idea! Come with me!" and turning on her heal she headed off down the corridor.

The papergirl trooped after her, curiosity filling her, "What? Hey, I only came here to collect this weeks money."

"Yeah, sure, I'll get it for you." Tia reached a door and pulling it open revealed a set of stairs leading down into the basement.

"Oh?" frowned Kat, "You will? Um...not your Dad?"

"He always tips you big, huh." chuckled Tia as the two of them descended the steps to reach the cement floor at the bottom.

"Uh...well, sort of. Not always-"

"Always." Tia rolled her eyes, "Hey, I get it, he's helping to pay your allowance just like he does mine, and I'm not above guilting him out of a double week every now and then. Heh, no worries, Kat, I'll just snag it from the petty cash in his den. You can have your tip, no worries."

"You're the best." grinned Kat, "Heh, sorry to sound like I was begging, but you guys are like my best customers and I've got a bunch who hardly ever pay."

She scowled for a second. And one of them is friggin fruitcake mad doctor whose goal seems to be to bleed me dry. Yeesh, maybe I shoulda just taken that c-note like Randy Blavin told me to. Oh well...

Tia lead her deep into the subterranean portion of the house, which turned out to be bigger then Kat had imagined, and a moment later the grainy-grey cement floor was replaced with blue tiles decorated with little pink cherubs. Tia pulled open a heavy door and gestured like a car show model, "Ta-dah!"

Kat gaped in awe, "Wow! What a set-up!"

A hot tub rose up on the left, and a pair of tanning beds stretched out on the right, while in the center of the Jalone's personal spa there rose up the brown wood panels of a sauna.

"Sooo cool!" grinned Kat, "You guys got everything! All I have is a leaky Elmo kiddie pool that I have to duel my dumb brothers for."

"Yep, we got it all." nodded Tia as she escorted her guest in and shut the door, "Well, except for a pool. But the Hetersons next door let us use theirs."

"That's nice of them."


Tia frowned for a moment as unwanted memories of why it actually wasn't so nice to have access to the Heterson swimming hole after all. But she pushed the unpleasant trip down memory lane back down a moment later, as lately she was getting pretty good at kicking that avoidance reflex into gear with nary a thought. She produced a smile again and headed for the door to the little bathroom, "Okay, get undressed and grab a towel from the shelf, I'll meet you in the sauna in a sec. Gotta tinkle first."

Kat blinked, "Wait...you wanna beat the heat by sitting in a really hot box? I don't get it."

The brunette laughed, "That's how you do it, you have yourself a steam, then hit the jacuzzi. Trust me, it will do us both a world of good."

"Um...okay." Kat gave in as Tia shut the door.

Chewing her lip again for a second the papergirl shrugged her shoulders then kicked off her battered sneakers, tugged off her tank top, then undoing her cut-off jeans pushed them down with her undies, kicked it all in a heap. Then she eepep! as she realized she was suddenly naked in a house not her own. Though it was a little thrilling, she grinned guiltily, and as she jogged over to grab a puffy white towel off the shelf little butterflies zipped and zoomed inside the sixteen year old's tummy.

Tia's so cool, and so nice. She's part of the popular crowd at school but unlike the other preppies and jocks who act like kids like me don't even exist, she's friendly and stuff. She barely knows me and yet she acts like we're best friends whenever I see her. She's pretty too, I wish I had her hair, yeah, that would be wicked...

She wrapped her torso with the towel, marvelling at how soft the Egyptian cotton felt, then peered at the sauna controls. Let's see, pretty simple, I guess I just twist this knob. Ten seconds later the little window in the wooden door had fogged over and as she pushed it open a gust of hot mist wafted out to dance around her ankles.

Guhhh! So warm!

Stealing herself she plunged into the chamber and shut the door behind her. Her jaw sagged and she swayed in the dim interior, as the intense heat plied at her flesh and washed down her throat like a desert wind.

Holy...holy cow...!

She sat down on one of the soft wooden benches and spreading her knees she hung her head and panted. There was a rush of movement and the door opened and shut, then a towel-clad Tia was plopping down beside her.

"Heh! Bet you think I'm crazier then a bald Britney, right?"

"The...the th-thought had...had occurred to m-me..." rasped Kat, "I don't know if--if I can take this..."

Tia patted her knee, "It's a different kind of heat from outside, give it a minute, it'll open all your pores and clean you out like you won't believe. Sweat out all those toxins, heh!"

"If...if you say so." Kat leaned her head on Tia's shoulder, "But s-seriously, I'm dying here..."

"Then maybe this will help." and her host raised a fist from which protruded a pair of long, paper-wrapped objects.

The redhead's mouth fell wide, "Oh my god! Are those--popsicles?!"

"Yep." Tia tore off the wrappers and handed her a pink one, "Fresh from the basement freezer, they're the Super-Slow Melt kind so they will actually last long enough to eat in a tepid atmosphere like this."

"Yum!" Kat was sucking on hers fast, and within seconds her eyes were rolling back into their sockets, "Gulp! Uhhh, so tasty! Thanks, Tia!"

"No problem." the other girl slurped at her purple one, then licked it slowly up and down with her tongue, "Mmmm, grape is the best."

"Mines strawberry."

"Yeah, that's good too, but I like mine sticky, and grape is the stickiest of them all I think."

Tia pulled off her towel and dropped it on the floor. Kat's eyes went wide as she sucked on her popsicle, because even in the dim light she could still see quite well and the other girl was now buck-naked.


That was a preview of Summer So Hot - Book 2. To read the rest purchase the book.

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