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R.R. Ryan



By R.R. Ryan

Description: A young cheerleader has an uncomfortable encounter with a rapist in the back of a bus. Horror of horrors, he follows her when she leaves the bus. Aurora is a popular and attractive cheerleader in her school. After cheerleading practice, the cheer coach, Mrs. Albright, holds her back to criticize her efforts. She’s given a long verbal tongue-lashing. Mrs. Katherin Albright keeps her for so long that she misses her ride and is forced to take a public transit bus. A strange man sits next to her at the back of the bus. Things get weird and turn bizarre, and when she finally gets away from him and exits the bus, he follows, and everything goes sideways.

Tags: Ma/fa/Fa, Rape, Heterosexual Fiction BDSM, Male Dom Female Dom Female sub, Humiliation Sadistic Cream Pie, First time Facial, Transgressive Fiction

Published: 2024-09-25

Size: ≈ 3,454 Words

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A sexy cheerleader sits beside a rapist

what could go wrong?


© Copyright 2024 by Rapist Ryan

NOTE: This work contains material not suitable for anyone under eighteen (18) or those of a delicate nature. This is a story and contains descriptive scenes of a graphic, sexual nature. This tale is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously-any resemblance to actual persons, whether living, deceased, real events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

The Cheerleader

Not so long ago, or far away!

Maybe only yesterday‽

I need to be honest with someone, and I feel I can trust you. It happened when I was 16, and I kept my secret close. In truth, I’ve told no one about it until now. The weight of what happened was suffocating me, so I needed to confess. The cheer coach, Mrs. Albright, held me back and complained I wasn’t showing enough spirit. She berated me, humiliated me, and seemed to take great pleasure in doing so.

She prattled on and on and just wanted to get out of there. I knew Cindy’s mom wouldn’t wait long for me. When the old bitch finally told me I could go, I ran to the parking lot. There were no cars, and my school bus was gone as well. This meant I had to take public transportation.

Desperate, I reluctantly went to the bus stop, still wearing my cute cheer uniform. The bus ride from the gym to my area took a long and winding 55 minutes. Exhausted and drained from my encounter with the coach, I retreated to the back of the bus. Craving solitude in the crowded vehicle filled with at least twenty-seven other people. Though I wasn’t really counting them. My mind was too consumed by the events that had just transpired.

Also, this was a big bus and only half full.

Lost in the digital world, I was engrossed in my phone as the bus rumbled along and made stops every few blocks. A man stepped into the bus, and my gaze flickered up from the bright screen to take note of him.

He appeared a late 40something, with a rugged exterior. He wore dark sunglasses hiding his eyes, a black leather jacket hugging his broad shoulders, and dark-gray dirty sweatpants on his hips. With plenty of empty seats, this creeping-looking man approached the one next to me, wedging against me despite many other open spaces.


That was a preview of Cheerleader. To read the rest purchase the book.

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