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The Reckoning

R.R. Ryan


The Reckoning

By R.R. Ryan

Description: For those readers out there, who enjoy some violence served up with side order of rape, you should enjoy this tale. In The Reckoning, three desperate criminals are entangled in a web of betrayal and ambition in a world where greed knows no bounds. Hired to carry out an audacious kidnapping, they target Andrew and Morgana, the affluent couple known for their financial empire and nasty, underhanded tactics used to expand it. The mission? To break their spirits and pave the way for a man they wronged to snatch control of their company. The means of breaking the couple, rape, torture, and humiliation. But one of the three men has a tenuous grasp of sanity. He’s younger than the other two, and they are none too happy the boy has come along for the ride. They treat him, at least in his mind, disrespectfully and exclude him from the fun. As the plan progresses, Sonny snaps, and all hell breaks loose. WARNING: You must be 18 or over to read this story of rape and nonconsensual sex. If you do not like such stories, please turn back. I don’t promote rape or non-consent sex. Rape is a heinous crime, and the penalty is many years in prison. There is crude language in the story, violence, and torture. This is only a story, just fiction, and the characters are fictional. If you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. All characters are 18 or older.

Tags: Multiparters Rape Crime, Wimp Husband Humiliation, Rough Sadistic Torture, Gang Bang Interracial, Black Male White Female, Anal Sex Cream Pie, Transformation

Published: 2024-09-27

Size: ≈ 16,352 Words

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The Reckoning

Karma is a bitch

But so is Morgana


R.R. Ryan

© Copyright 2024 by Rapist Ryan

NOTE: This work contains material not suitable for anyone under eighteen (18) or those of a delicate nature. This is a story and contains descriptive scenes of a graphic, violence and rape. This tale is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously-any resemblance to actual persons, whether living, deceased, real events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

The Reckoning

The TV screen flicked to life, and a beautiful woman’s face took up most of the widescreen; it panned out, and she was holding a bottle of perfume.

“Ladies, I use Clive Christian’s Number One, the perfect Feminine fragrance. Why? Because I’m worth one of the most expensive perfumes in the world. Aren’t you?”

The picture froze. The man behind the desk tossed the remote on the blotter and turned to the two men sitting across from him. The men gazed at the screen, mesmerized by her beauty. Sam Hardy turned from the television and returned his gaze to his current employer. With great reluctance, Ezekiel Smith broke away from the vision.

“That’s the bitch that cost me 68 percent of my company. While I wined and dined her, in Paris, Rome, and Madrid, her future husband took me to the cleaners. My lawyers were out of their league and couldn’t reach me. My company is private, and we’d leveraged ourselves pretty badly. He bought up all the debt for a song and then forced them to accept half of what half my company was worth,” the man stopped talking and looked down at something on his desk.

“I didn’t know she was his fiancée. I never even got inside the cock-teaser’s panties.”

“Sir,” Zeke said, “We know the score. At your behest, we’ve been following them for over a month. I’ve remotely hacked both laptops, one tablet, have hacked into his personal banking accounts, and cloned their phones.”

“We’re ready to wreck him,” Sam said. “It will hurt your company.”

“I understand you boys like to fuck-up bitches.”

The two men smiled and nodded.

“Well, I want her fucked-up but good. And I want the bastard to have to watch it. Once you’ve got their minds in a well of darkness, I want to enter the picture. So that Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Williams know who it was that fucked them up. At that point, he and I will talk while you, Mr. Smith, devastate him financially but not my company. At that point, maybe Andrew gets to watch Morgana die, and I let him live. Or it could be she’ll live, and he’ll die. Or it’s possible I’ll have y’all free the world of their misery.”

“Oh, yes, sir,” Sam said.

“Yeah,” Zeke said, “we can do that. Today’s Saturday, expect a call from us on Tuesday or Wednesday telling you to come up and claim your prize.”

“I’ll transfer the second two hundred fifty thousand into your account today. Once you let me know the two are at the location, I’ll put the third payment in.”

“And the final payment?” Sam asked.

“I’ll put that in after we do whatever we do to them in the end. I have a third man for you. He’s not as experienced as you men but very eager to learn, and I’ll cover his cost. We’re having a bash at my company’s main building tonight. They’re staying in my penthouse, River House, 435 East 52nd Street. Any cash they have there is yours. Any personal items of theirs you want are yours. All I want is his laptop and for you to transfer all his personal funds to my Cayman account, minus your finder’s fee, of course.”

“Can we have some fun in the penthouse before we move the pair?”

“Yes, and it is probably a good thing if you do. That way, you can take them out early tomorrow morning so other residents won’t see them. Here’s the key card for the door and penthouse elevator. It only runs to the penthouse; it opens on the first story of the 3-floor apartment. Now, I can’t tell what time they will be coming home. You need to send the elevator back to the first floor. Don’t want them to have a clue that…”

“Sir, we know our job,” Sam said, more than a little irritated at the man. He treated them like amateurs.

“Sorry. Where and when do you want Sonny to meet you?”

“I’d rather it was just Sam and I.”

“Well, Mr. Smith, his father and uncle want him to learn the ropes from men like you. Sonny has potential.”

“Five pm, Pier 16, the decommissioned ships. He’s to sit on a bench. You need to text me what he’ll be wearing. He’s to have no weapons. Only Zeke and I are to be armed. How old is he?”

“Twenty,” the employer said.

“God help us,” Zeke said.

“There ain’t no God,” Sam said, “or folks like the three of us wouldn’t exist. You gonna want a go with her when you come out, Boss?”

“Hell, no, she won’t be fit to fuck once you two are done with her. Teach young Sonny the right way to do this kind of work.”

Sonny Barzini seldom shaved. He’d been made fun of throughout high school for his small stature and girlish face. He had a scraggly attempt at a beard. It wasn’t a good beard, but it hardened his appearance.

Most women considered him handsome.

Sonny Barzini woke early. His new woman lay on the bed, bruised and battered. The newly divorced woman had been an easy conquest. Celebrating or mourning the loss of her marriage, she’d been vulnerable.

When the good-looking man, at least half her age, hit on her, she felt flattered. She hadn’t had sex for more than a year. Her now former husband hadn’t wanted her when he started fucking his executive assistant. He moved out, but they argued over every little detail. With no children to use as a battering ram, they used every piece of furniture, china, jewelry, and every other possession to clobber the other person with.

Friday night, plied with wine and kindness, she yielded and spent the night with Sonny.

But Sonny was a sadistic son-of-bitch and pounded every one of her holes with a ferocity she’d never encountered. While he was shorter than her, and she probably outweighed him, he was strong, mean, and demanding.

It was the most dangerous, exciting, and wild night of her life.

She woke up while Sonny was in the shower. Rising, she dressed quickly, eager to get away before he finished. She put her dress on, picked up her underwear, stuffed them into her bag, and slipped on her heels.

When she reached the door, to her shock, she discovered it was a key lock, with no key in sight.

“Hey, Bethann, where you headed in such a hurry. We aren’t done yet.”

Bethann’s purse slipped from her hand and landed with a thud on the floor. The sound, she imagined, was like a cell door banging shut.

“Please, I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m a 45-year-old woman. You’ve worn me out, Sonny.”

“Well, you dried up, old hag, I’m a 20-year-old man, and you should feel privileged to get fucked by Sonny Barzini.”

Oh, dear god, she thought, he’s that gangster’s son.

When his fat cock entered her pussy, she worried he might not just fuck her. There were rumors about what this boy did to women. He forced her to the floor and raped her pussy and ass. When he’d had enough, he flipped her over and sprayed his seed on her sexy black dress.

He got up, looking down at her, contemplating making her the third. But people had seen him with her.

“Get out,” he said.

“Can I clean this off first?”


Bethann left, thankful to be alive. For one brief moment, she considered going to the nearest police station. But Bethann wasn’t that brave or that dumb.

It was a pleasant day, and the smell of the river wasn’t overpowering. Soon Sonny stared at the sailing ships, wondering how many men on long voyages fuck the ass of another man. If he had to have a piece and no woman was available but a pretty boy was, he’d fuck that guy’s ass.

And he wouldn’t ask permission either.

“Sonny?” Zeke asked.

“Yeah, they told me one of you was a nigger.”

“Little advice,” Sam said, “can that crap, Kid.”

“He doesn’t bother me. The louder the jabber, the emptier his words.”

“Sorry,” Sonny said, but no one believed the apology.

Hayden Thomas made a big show of his gratitude for Andrew Williams, who saved his company. He wondered if Andrew had bought his lie. Could the bastard be so unaware that he’d believe that? How could Andrew believe using his own girlfriend, now wife, to lure him away while he decimated the company Thomas had spent his life building was anything he’d be thankful for?

Andrew Williams was a narcissist, so maybe he did believe what Hayden had said.

The gala was alive with the pulse of a string quartet, their bows caressing strings in an intoxicating waltz that seemed to make the air animated. Amidst the throng of gyrating bodies and the brazen display of wealth, Andrew Williams, his frame fit and poised, held Morgana close to him as they danced. They were still on their honeymoon but stopped in New York City to lord their takeover of Thomas’s company over him.

Hayden got the message; they were his masters. But he had a message of his own, which would be delivered to them later that night. His gaze fixed on the lovely newlyweds. The warm glow of chandeliers cast a golden hue over Morgana’s blonde hair, her locks spilling like fine threads over Andrew’s arm.

Their movements were a choreography of intimacy, a dance not just of bodies but of two souls entwined in the eyes of the envious world. Her blue eyes locked onto his, a silent language flowing between them, one of love laced with something darker, something only they understood. She rested her head against his chest, the rhythm of his heart a steady drumbeat to the music’s cadence.

“Look at them,” whispered voices tickled the edges of perception, “the perfect couple.”

“Must be true love...”

“Or a masterful performance,” Hayden said.

But Andrew paid them no mind. At this moment, he was the consummate actor in life’s grand play, scripted in the duality of a tender husband and cutthroat businessman. His hands, which had manipulated many a deal to his favor, now cradled Morgana with feigned gentleness and possessiveness.

Morgana, ever the siren, drew eyes and whispers. Her beauty was undeniable, her allure palpable, even as she played the part of the adoring wife. She moved against him with practiced ease, her body language flirting with scandal yet never crossing the line. It was a game they both enjoyed, a public display of affection masking the machinations that lay beneath.

“Andrew and Morgana,” someone sighed, “they’re like royalty.”

“Never seen two people so in love,” another muttered.

As the waltz reached its crescendo, Andrew drew Morgana closer as if to reassure the voyeurs of their passion. Yet within his embrace was a tension, an unspoken understanding of the power they wielded together. A fusion of desire and dominance.

The room spun around them in a blur, but in the eye of this social hurricane, Andrew and Morgana stood firm in their devotion and deception.

The dance floor was a stage for the macabre ballet, a grotesque masquerade where predators and prey whirled in an endless chase. Hayden Thomas took Morgana into his arms with eyes that betrayed predatory intent. They moved to the haunting melody that filled the opulent ballroom.

“You still can’t have me, but it’s adorable you still want to. After everything that happened, I mean.”

His hands, emboldened by desire and entitlement, traced the contours of Morgana’s body with a possessive eagerness. There was an unsettling intimacy in his touch, as if he claimed ownership with every lingering caress. Morgana, a creature who reveled in the complicated web of attraction and repulsion, did not resist his advances.

A smile played on Morgana’s lips, a seductress’s call, inviting yet treacherous.

From across the room, Andrew watched. His jaw clenched with each step they took. The sight was a dagger twisting into his heart. Not out of love, at least not completely, but out of possession. A savage reminder that what was his could be so easily coveted by another. His facade of composure fractured, revealing the jealousy boiling beneath the clenching of his fists.

As they danced, Hayden leaned close to Morgana, his breath a scorpion’s sting in her ear.

“You’re nothing but a cheap whore,” he said in a whisper, the venom dripping from his words, “and you’ll pay for what you’ve done to me.”

The music warped into a discordant resonance at his threat, and Morgana’s façade crumbled, her face turning pale as death itself. She pulled away abruptly, and the illusion of their dance shattered like glass under a boot heel.

“You’re not such a good sport after all, are you?”

“No, I’m not. I will hurt the two of you very… very badly.”

She walked away, her white, floor-length sleeveless dress ruffling as she rushed to her husband.

“Andrew,” she said, her voice trembling, “we need to leave. Now.”

He saw the fear etched onto her features, a rare crack in her polished exterior. Without a word, they retreated, slipping out into the night.

The city outside was indifferent, its noise swallowing their escape as they settled into the back seat of a taxi that smelled faintly of old cigarettes and desperation. The address rolled off Morgana’s tongue with urgency.

“Take us to 435 East 52nd Street, the River House.”

The driver nodded, pulling away from the curb.

“Enjoying his hands on you?” Andrew spat the words out, his tone laced with accusation and bile.

“Stop it, Andrew. It was nothing,” Morgana said, her voice sharp as a knife’s edge.

“Nothing? You expect me to believe that?” His words were rapid-fire, a verbal onslaught fueled by wounded pride.

“Believe what you want,” she shot back, her temper flaring. “We have bigger problems than your fragile ego. Hayden threatened us.”

“Threatened?” He laughed, a hollow sound devoid of humor. “They all threaten when they lose. But none of them ever follow through.”

“Let’s hope you’re right,” she said in a sharp mutter, staring out the window as the city lights streaked past, a blur of hidden dangers.

Their battle of words faded into a simmering silence. Both lost in their thoughts as the taxi carried them closer to the River House, unaware of the nightmare that awaited them in the shadows of their borrowed penthouse.

Erstwhile: The penthouse loomed like a silent predator, its luxurious appearance contradicting the darkness within. Sam Hardy’s keen, blue eyes surveyed the grand space with calculated indifference. His sandy blond hair caught the dim light as he circled the living room. He was the conductor of chaos, orchestrating every move with sadistic precision.

“Kid,” Sam’s voice was gravelly, each word heavy with threat, “remember, we start gently. Just a little scare to keep ‘em in line.”

Sonny Barzini, jittery with a toxic mix of adrenaline and anticipation, nodded. However, his wiry frame vibrated with the urge to unleash his rage.

“Yeah, yeah, I got it, Sam,” he said in a barely audible mumble, sharp knives of eagerness hidden in his tone.

“Restrain the man first,” Sam continued, his gaze never leaving the sliding doors through which their unsuspecting prey would soon enter. “And then... well, you know what comes next.”

Ezekiel Smith, known as Zeke amongst this trio of shadows, chuckled-a sound as deep and ominous as rolling thunder. His near-black eyes were fixed on his laptop screen, where numbers and names danced obediently at his command. The transfer of funds from Andrew Williams’ empire into their untraceable accounts was a symphony of clicks and keystrokes.

A prelude to the night’s twisted performance of sadistic desires.

“Zeke, you take our commissions out of every transaction. Don’t give the Boss a nickel more than the amounts agreed on. We’re hurting them, not taking everything.”

“I know my job, Sam.” Turning his attention to Sonny, “Hey, Keep it together, Kid,” Zeke said. He boomed the words at their new third wheel without looking up, his fingers deftly navigating the digital labyrinth. “We’ve got all night for our fun.”

Sonny paced like a caged animal. His gaze darted to the assortment of ropes and restraints that lay coiled on the floor. Serpent’s waiting to strike. This was his chance. After this, his daddy and uncle would have to bring him into the family business. But Sonny’s sanity teetered on the edge.


That was a preview of The Reckoning. To read the rest purchase the book.

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