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Dog Dreams - Volume 2

Shady Lady Julie


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1. Sindy’s Stress Busting Saturday


This was written for a very good friend call Sinfulsindy. She has always confirmed that I have done her story justice and know I took a few artistic licences (but not as many as some might imagine.)




Sindy walked into the Grand Rapids Brewing Company on Ionia Avenue Southwest and scanned the vast vaulted bar scanning the room for her friend Kelly. She heard her before she saw her as the loud whoop of "GIRLFRIEND," was clearly audible over the noise of the drinkers. The place was packed with customers already two-deep at the bar, all the bar stools taken and people standing in between. Turning her head in the direction of the waving hand Sindy smiled as she saw Kelly frantically gesticulating for her to join her at her table. Threading her way past the drinkers Sindy smiled at a couple sitting holding hands, both of whom on noticing her presence looked a little embarrassed. Sindy chuckled to herself wondering if they had shared with each that she had fucked them both on separate occasions, though the female was far better in the sack than the male. Deciding not to spoil their night out she moved past to stop at Kelly's table before shucking off her coat as she was embraced in a tight hug.


The two women were very similar in both looks and background. They were the epitome of modern businesswomen dressed in their smart tailored suits that gave them the veneer of respectability that was required in their occupations. Kelly worked in CWD Real Estate Investment looking after the financial management of their wealthy clients while Sindy worked for nearby Beene Garter LLP accountancy firm. Both were in their mid-thirties, their hair kept blonde by artificial aids though both would deny the fact if asked. Regular workouts at the nearby gym kept them both trim and in shape and it was perfectly feasible that they could share each other's clothing at 5'6" with just a few pounds between them.


They had known each other since their University of Michigan days when they had shared an apartment along with each other's outfits as well as sharing boyfriends from time to time. On more than one occasion they had shared the same bed, either with or without the boyfriend one of them might have had at the time. It was well known throughout the campus that the pair were always up for a threesome, foursome or more some. Though they would consider themselves bi they both admitted that their love of cock was a far greater need so it was no surprise when they both decided they would get married and had a double wedding.


Things seemed to go well for them both for a few years and then one fateful day they returned to their neighbouring homes to discover that their husbands had run away with each other. Divorce and a generous settlement of the house plus cash had left them both comfortable but still with the need to work to maintain their standard of living. They had talked about moving in together but in the end, they decided to remain 'friends with benefits' whilst enjoying the life of single women to the full.


The Friday night ritual had become a regular thing where they would meet up, drink and either pull or end up in bed with each other or sometimes share Thor, Sindy's Italian Mastiff to Kelly's Great Dane Duke.


"Hey you, Earth to Sindy, over," Kelly laughed snapping her fingers in front of Sindy's face,


"I'm sorry hun, just work is being a pain and have deadlines lining up all over the place. Life is just so darn stressful at the moment."


Kelly laughed and pushed a pint glass of what looked like red sludge in Sindy's direction, "Get your chops around that and then maybe you can get your chops around Kevin the barman's lovely piece of meat later."


Sindy sipped the beer which had a weird blood orange taste and pulled a face but still kept drinking as she looked at the new bar staff. She and Kelly loved this place though with Kelly it bordered on more of an obsession. Every new beer they bought in Kelly was there trying it out and insisting that Sindy join her in drinking it to excess. Every time they got a new member of staff Kelly would try to fuck, whether they be male or female, and often with a high degree of success.


"So Kevin was good then?" Sindy said as she looked at the guys serving, wondering which one was Kevin and hoping it was the one who looked like a blonde surfer that had somehow lost his way from Honolulu.


"Hung like a fucking horse and stayed hard for hours," Kelly laugh making a gesture with her hands at the size. "See him just pulling a pint for the guy in the red check shirt."


Sindy raised her eyebrows in mock shock and disbelief as she realised Kelly meant a weedy-looking guy who hardly looked strong enough to pull the handle of the pump to fill the glass.


"You had better believe me, sister," Kelly roared as she downed the pint and indicated to Sindy she should drink up as well as she waved for two more.


As the evening progressed the pair became increasingly drunk though if anything Sindey seemed to be a little dispirited as she was clearly worried about work, Even when Kelly managed to introduce Sindy to Kevin her responses were almost distant as she had other things on her mind.


"OK girl what you need is some Kelly magic to bust that stress," Kelly said firmly as the pair split their tab. "Clear your diary and I will be round at 9 am sharp. One rule, whatever I say goes OK no questions."


Sindy looked at Kelly and smiled inwardly at her friend's efforts. Kelly always had been the more outgoing of the pair and no doubt she had something planned so Sindy decided to go along with it,


"OK from 9 o'clock in the morning to 9 o'clock at night I am yours to do with as you wish."


"Oh and one more thing," smiled Kelly almost wickedly as she leaned close and whispered in Sindy's ear, "No fucking with Thor or Loki tonight but you must blow them both when you get home."


Sindy giggled and at the same time cursed, she had been looking forward to a session with her Italian Mastiff, Thor when she got home. As her sister Samantha was out of town she was looking after her sister's Doberman, Loki, and he was going to be second, but Kelly had just stopped that.




The next morning Sindy was up but still dressed in a robe when Kelly knocked on the door at exactly 9 o'clock.


"Morning slut," Kelly laughed as she breezed past Sindy into her apartment, "Time to get you de-stressed. did you do as you were told last night?"


Kelly already knew the answer as Sindy was pacing up and down, clearly full of sexual tension while Thor and Loki sat and watched her, a little confused as to why they had been denied the opportunity to breed her last night but at the same time happy their balls had been emptied.


"Yes!" snapped Sindy feeling more stressed than she had been when she had left the bar last night.


Kelly smiled as getting Sindy to focus on nothing but sex was part of her plan.


It was at that point Sindy realised that Kelly had bought her Harlequin Dane Duke with her as well a pair of boxers she had never seen before.


Kelly laughed as she followed Sindy's gaze, "Stop drooling slut you will get them soon enough, but before you sample the delights of Jack and Brewtus," waving her hand at the pair of boxers who were sitting on their haunches with their tongues hanging and their red lipstick cock just starting to show. "And of course Duke, who you already know, we need to get you ready."


Sindy was confused as she could feel her juices running down her thighs so as far as she was concerned she was ready enough and the thought of Duke was making her wetter.


"You must have a spare collar for Thor around here somewhere," said Kelly as she looked in the storage box near Thor's basket, and then with a triumphant cry held up a studded leather collar.


Walking over to Sindy she fastened it around her neck before clipping on a lead she had picked up and then pulled off the short robe Sindy had on leaving her naked. Pushing her to all fours Kelly laughed as she said, "Walkies," then she slapped Sindy across her ass cheeks with the end of the leash leaving a red mark.


Strolling through the ranch-style house Kelly led a naked Sindy on all fours followed by a procession of the five dogs, all of their nostrils were twitching as they picked up the scent emanating from Sindy. Leading Sindy onto the patio surrounded by a 7-foot privacy fence, Kelly attached the leash to an ornamental post. Walking across the paved patio Kelly sat on one of the chairs next to the glass table and looked at Sindy who was panting with desire as the dogs surrounded her and began to sniff at her weighing up who was going to be first.


Sindy was whimpering as she switched her gaze between the dogs, watching their red cocks grow and start to drip precum onto the flags. Kelly gave a sharp whistle and Duke the Dane along with the two boxers trotted and sat down next to Kelly observing the spectacle with as much interest as Kelly herself.


"It's only right your Thor should be first," Kelly said and almost like he understood Thor rose and started to prod at his mistress's ass. Sindy wiggled from side to side to help Thor's aim and then let out a loud moan of satisfaction as he found the spot and slammed himself home. Like a foot sliding into a comfortable slipper, Thor grabbed Sindy's hips and pulled her backwards as he started to power fuck her.


Sindy had momentarily closed her eyes and when she opened them her vision was filled with Loki's angry red cock dripping in front of her. Opening her mouth Sindy swallowed as much of the cock as she could and was rewarded with Loki thrusting into her filling her belly with his pre-cum.


Sindy heard the gasp of admiration from Kelly and the click of a picture being taken as she was spit-roasted by her two favourite dogs and pushed back to meet Thor's powerful thrusts. Reluctantly she released Loki from her mouth as she wanted him to cum inside her after Thor had filled her though she continued to lick at the tip as Thor forced his knot into her and started to fill her full of cum.


As Sindy felt Thor relax on her back, his cock still spasmodically spurting inside she felt Kelly reach under her and start to massage her belly encouraging Thor to pull away. She was about to protest but it was too late as Thor pulled away with a loud plop, but instead of the splatter of liquid on stone she had expected to hear, it was the sound of fluid hitting the bottom of an empty pan. Looking between her legs Sindy caught sight of a large stockpot that had been placed between her legs to catch the fluid escaping her pussy. Then she saw it being moved away quickly to be replaced by the sight of Loki's probing cock that was seeking her sweet spot.


The fact that he had to wait had made Loki more excited and he drove into Sindy with a ferocity that surprised even her, his claws digging into her hips as he fucked her at high speed. Sindy yelled and moaned as she orgasmed and felt Loki drive his knot into her already open pussy. As the first spurt of hot seed hit her cervix to mingle with Thor's seed already in there, SIndy climaxed again, shaking her head from side to side in ecstasy. Already any other thoughts were starting to slip away as the only focus in her head was the spurting cock filling her full.


Once Loki had finished Sindy felt the stockpot being returned as this time she squeezed her muscles to assist in expelling the fluid.


"Good girl," Kelly laughed slapping Sindy's ass, "This will make a fine cocktail for us this evening."


Sindy knew that whilst Thor and Loki both had wonderful recovery powers they were sated for a moment so it was the turn of Duke to step forward. Sindy had been with Duke before but had forgotten just how big he was at a good two inches longer than either Thor or Loki. As ready as she was after the hard breeding both of the dogs had just given her, Sindy's breath was driven from her body as Duke rose and after a couple of preliminary jabs buried all 11 inches fully into Sindy's willing pussy.


"Oh my fucking god," Sindy gasped her eyes flying wide open at that exact moment was captured on Kelly's phone who was clicking pictures from a variety of angles.


Duke didn't fuck at the same frenetic pace as either Thor or Loki, his was a more measured, almost sedate pace, though faster than most humans. Each time he thrust Sindy could feel the tip bouncing off her cervix causing her to wince in pain yet moan with pleasure all at the same time and the knot that was banging against her pussy lips felt as big as a baseball. When he did eventually force it in Sindy almost lost consciousness and then exploded in orgasmic bliss as her pussy clamped around the base of his cock as he pumped his seed into her.


Kelly had bought a plastic glass with a straw that she held to Sindy's lips allowing her to drink the cool refreshing water and gently stroked a wisp of hair away from her forehead. She was busy talking into the phone at the same time and by the looks of it was on facetime.


"Yes, Sally she is here now... just been bred by her pair and Duke with Jack & Brewtus patiently waiting their turn... Why don't you see for yourself and ask her."


With that Kelly turned the phone around so that Sindy found herself looking into the eyes of Sally, a butch lesbian friend of Kelly's who Sindy had met on a couple of occasions and she knew was a demon with a strapon.


"Looks like Duke is still in you," Sally laughed as she saw the waves of pleasure running over Sindy's face. "Well show me then," shouted Sally to Kelly who moved the phone under Sindy's body and from the noises of appreciation coming from the phone Sally was getting a good view of Sindy's full cunt.


Sindy could see that Sally was grinning widely as the phone was returned to in front of her face, "So I have seven dogs that are all breeders and need servicing... are you the slut for the job?"


Sindy could feel her head spinning. It was well known enough that although Sally was a lesbian she enjoyed the sight of a woman taking one or more of her dogs for her entertainment and would often put on shows for her friends. "Yes," she replied quietly still reeling from the waves of pleasure running through from Duke's pulsing knot.


"Can't hear you?" Sally laughed down the phone.


"YES, YES, A FUCKING THOUSAND TIMES YES," Sindy roared as she felt herself cum again on Duke's knot throbbing warmly inside her body.


Sindy could hear Kelly still on the phone giving instructions to Sally about how to enter via the side gate, explaining that the big spruce would give some cover though unless the neighbours were stone deaf they would know that sex was happening on the patio.


Kelly managed to catch the majority of Duke's seed that gushed from Sindy's open pussy as he pulled away and she only just managed to get the stockpot out of the way before Jack the boxer was up and thrusting. Brewtus wasn't helping Jack as every time he thrust and missed and partially dismounted he would shove his brother and mount himself. This would then be repeated when Brewtus missed and Jack shoved him out of the way. The pair continued swapping leaving a panting Sindy moaning with frustration until finally Bretwus found the spot and slammed home.


He set off at a fast pace, his shorter legs causing him to have to scramble around, stepping on Sindy's calves as he fucked her ferociously. At one point Sindy yelped and tried to move her legs away and Brewtus saw this as a sign his bitch was trying to escape. Doing what any dog would do in the circumstances clamped his teeth down on Sindy's shoulder, not hard enough to break the skin but firm enough that she knew not to move.


He had barely finished knotting and pumping his seed in before Jack barged him out of the way and took his place. So quick was the changeover that Kelly didn't even get a chance to get the stockpot under before any possible spillage was driven back in by Jack's thrusting red cock.


"Guess it will be mixed inside," laughed Kelly as she swirled the white fluid around in the stockpot, "not that it matters much as it will all be mixed in the end."


Sindy could just stare with bleary eyes as she was already exhausted from the five dogs that had already fucked her and as Kelly placed the stockpot under her she felt the glutenous substance slide from her body.


"I need to pee," Sindy said through cracked lips as she was parched and heard her belly rumble as she realised how hungry she was.


"Well don't me stop you," giggled Kelly as Sindy relaxed and let out a weak stream that joined the five loads of dog cum already in the stockpot.


Kelly disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a selection of dog bowls that she put in front of the dogs as well as a pair in front of Sindy. From a jug she had found in the kitchen she filled one each for the dogs with water as well as one of the pair in front of Sindy.


"Well you are their bitch," said Kelly and watched as Sindy bent her head down and began to slurp the refreshing water from the bowl. For the other bowls, she added dog food for each dog, but for Sindy, she added some unwrapped energy bars. Then she paused and stared at Sindy's battered pussy which was swollen and puffy. "You look a little sore to me hun." With that, she leant and pushed two fingers deep into Sindy's wet pussy then smeared some of the remaining seed mixed with juices over Sindy's anal star.


Kelly worked her two fingers deep into Sindy's ass, wiggling them, drawing loud moans from Sindy. The noise caused the dogs to look up from their bowls and Thor wandered over to sniff at Kelly's fingers that were finger fucking Sindy's ass. As soon as Thor mounted Kelly removed her fingers quickly and grasped Thor's quivering cock, presenting the tip to Sindy's ass.


"I am just going to go and give Sally a hand so keep the boys entertained won't you, should only be 15 minutes or so," Kelly said as she released her grip on Thor's fat cock. Now unconstrained he jerked his hips forward and within a couple of thrusts had buried his cock fully in Sindy's ass hole and was hammering away with the same savage ferocity as he had fucked his Mistress's pussy earlier.


The dogs took turns on Sindy getting more and more excited as they used whatever hole their cocks struck, fucking at pace before knotting or on many occasions trying to know they were unseated before they had time to finish their mating.


When Kelly returned with Sally the pair stood at the patio gate regarding the scene of Sindy panting with her head down, the dogs squabbling over who was to be next and her ravaged holes dripping fluid. The dogs that Sally had bought with her were still safely in the big panel van parked on the drive as the two women had decided it would be better not to let the two sets of dogs mix in case there was real fighting.


As Kelly led her own dogs and Sindy's pair inside Sally knelt down next to Sindy and looked at her flushed face, which was plastered with strands of wet hair.


"Wow you have taken a good fucking," Sally laughed as she inspected Sindy like she would a bitch about to be covered as all her dogs were known breeding dogs.


Inserting three fingers deep into Sindy's pussy Sally wiggled them in and out fast as she commented, "Still enough tightness there to give my boys some pleasure I think." Then she held her fingers out to Sindy who sucked on them like it was a sweet lolly until they were clean of any juices.


"Now I like to have my girls guessing when they are fucked, makes it more interesting," Sally laughed as she pulled a bandana from her pocket and wrapped it around Sindy's eyes cutting out any form of light.


"You might need this to help," Sally said as she manoeuvred a large sack under Sindy's upper body to help support her weight.


Sindy stared into the darkness for a moment trying to remember all the dogs she had heard Sally talk about previously as she was determined to try to make some educated guesses though if she was honest with herself she was past caring who or what fucked her next, her whole body was just a mass of nerve endings.


Sindy felt the first of Sally's dogs mount her and drive home with little effort as she was so wet and open. The dog felt light on her back and the cock was not as substantial as others she had in the morning but still big enough to cause her to orgasm as to force it knot inside and began to swell to lock itself in.


"I don't know," moaned Sindy as she felt the spurt of seed inside, "a Labrador of some sort perhaps"


Sally laughed as she watched the Labrador collie mix pull away and its seed slide from Sindy's distended pussy as Kelly moved forward to keep the stockpot topped up.


"A labrador collie mix so will give you that. Let's see how you get on with this one."

Sindy felt the next dog mount and this was a much heavier set dog and she was grateful for the sack that Sally had provided to stop her from having to take the full weight of the dog. After a couple of jabs and the dog found its mark and thrust home, setting off at a steady pace as its powerful body drove his cock deep into Sindy's cunt. The air wooshed from her lungs as she was slammed against the sack, but managed to gasp out.


"A Rottie."


"Two from two not bad girl," Sally said as she watched the heavy-set dog drive in and out in a determined fashion until finally, it was able to pump Sindy full of its cum. It slipped out with ease and before the next dog could take its place Kelly placed the stockpot under Sindy's pussy to catch the fluids that poured out.


The next dog mounted and Sindy could feel that it was about the same weight as the last dog but also that Sally had remained in a crouching position. As the dog thrust, Sindy felt Sally grab the dog and the tip probed at her asshole. As soon as the cock detected a home the dog thrust forward penetrating Sindy's ass with speed and power.


"ANOTHER ROTTIE," Sindy screamed into the air as the dog's cock buried deep into her bowels.


Although she had already been fucked in the ass by her own dog she still felt the burning sensation and the thrill as her anal ring was distended to take the pounding cock. White lights flashed through her head as it forced its knot into her followed by a flood of hot seed spurting deep.


After the second Rottie had finished and the fluid duly collected Sally led the fourth dog to in front of Sindy.


"To be fair you will never guess this one as there is a whole bunch of everything in its mix. The great thing about him is he loves having his cock sucked and will remain still while you suck him."


Sindy blindly opened her mouth to accept the dog's cock and at the same time felt another dog rise up into her back and start to thrust. The soft belly hair that was caressing her back felt longer and softer and Sindy knew instantly it was the beautiful pure white Samoyed that Sally had only recently added to her kennel of breeding dogs.


Sindy couldn't speak for her mouth was full of dog cock and the dog on her back drove into her deeper, its cock was not the longest or fattest she had ever had but it felt perfect. The dog in front of her remained still and as the dog on her back thrust, Sindy swallowed the cock in her mouth until it touched the back of her throat. Relaxing she allowed the dog's cock to penetrate deeper until it was in her throat and she kept moving her head back to allow herself to breathe.


Sindy half-heard the click of a camera phone and Sally whistled softly in appreciation, "Will you look at that, she is deep-throating the dog."


"God I know it's so sexy watching my friend get spit-roasted but please don't stop what you are doing with your tongue and fingers, it feels fucking amazing." Kelly gasped in reply.


As Sindy felt the Samoyed lock in for a cum Sindy heard Kelly scream out, "Oh my fucking God you have your whole hand in there," followed by slurping sounds and further nonsensical noises from Kelly as Sally fisted her. As the first jets of seed spurted deep inside Sindy felt the dog in her mouth twitch followed by jets of cum spurting into her mouth making her cough. The dog didn't seem to notice and kept spurting as he pumped more and more into Sindy's mouth.


"Spit," Sindy heard Sally say right next to her and she could smell the juices on Sally's hand as she held the stockpot for Sindy to deposit the dog seed. Sindy could sense that Sally was holding the dog cock close and working the last of its cum into the pot and licking blinding she was rewarded in finding the hand. Lapping at she was able to lick Kelly's juices along with the dog seed that had coated Sally's hand.


Sindy let out a long moan as she felt the knotted Samoyed start to pull away and the hand she was licking vanished as the cum started to pour from her now open pussy. The splash of fluid hitting fluid told her that Sally had managed to get the stockpot there in time to collect the mixture.


"That was your new Samoyed," Sindy said from parched lips.


"Four from four," Sally laughed, "just two to go now remain still for the next as he can be a bit of an animal... well you know what I mean."


Sindy heard a deep growl as the dog mounted her and started to thrust. Another growl told her the dog was becoming frustrated and Sindy reached between her legs to guide him home. The dog slammed deep and began to fuck hard and fast so Sindy moved her arm back from between her legs to support herself. The dog must have seen this as a movement to escape and growling he gripped the nape of Sindy's neck to keep her still.


The bite wasn't hard enough to draw blood but was firm enough to leave Sindy with the message she was a bitch and simply there for the dog to breed as he wished. The thought of being reduced to an animal for breeding drove all other thoughts from Sindy's brain as she orgasmed for what seemed like the 100th time.


"German Shepherd," Sindy gasped as the dog slammed in and out with such ferocity Sindy thought the cock would drive through the top of her skull.


The teeth never left her neck until the dog had finished filling her and then tugged itself free leaving Sindy gasping for air.


"And now the finale," Sally said proudly.


Sindy felt the dog almost straddle her rather than just mounting, telling her it was a huge dog. The belly fur was copious and soft and Sindy felt something jab a few times before the tip found her opening and then the dog thrust hard.


"IT"S A HORSE," Sindy screamed as she felt the long fat cock drive deeper than anything she had ever had inside her before. The tip was slamming against her cervix and she almost tried to crawl away but her escape was impeded by the sack leaving her with no choice but to accept the brutal pounding.


"It's a St Bernard," Sindy heard Kelly say, "and its cock is huge."


"13 inches to the knot," Sally said proudly, 'and it looks like he has got most of it in you already."


Sindy wanted to scream with pain and pleasure, but all that emitted from her mouth was a squeaking wail as the St Bernard fucked her like a steam train. Powerfully lifting her up and against the sack supporting her, he ploughed into her, driving his cock head against her cervix and on occasions inside. Sindy was delirious, and when the dog finally managed to get his knot inside and start breeding her she passed out in orgasmic bliss.


After the St Bernard pulled away Kelly quickly put the stockpot in place to catch the final concoction of fluids that poured from Sindy's very open pussy. Swirling the liquid round and round until it was fully mixed Kelly produced two flat champagne glasses and poured generous measures into both before setting them down on the side of the hot tub that was bubbling invitingly. Kelly helped Sindy into the tub who sank into the warm water with a contented sigh letting the bubble dance over her aching flesh.


Kelly divested the last of her clothes and slipped into the water next to Sindy and handed her a glass of the dog seed mixture as she took one for herself.


"Hope this has helped your stress," Kelly said as she clinked glasses and took a sip of the cocktail.


"Very much so, and you must let me return the favour one day," Sindy said contentedly as she took a large gulp of the liquid before smacking her lips with pleasure and then after draining the glass, holding it out for a top-up.




2. Stray's Bitch


Julia peddled furiously down the road her eyes scanning left and right looking for her target. Her long straight brunette hair streamed behind her and as she raised her pert ass out of the seat to peddle faster, her 35b breasts pressed against the thin material of her top, showing off her hard nipples in absence of a bra. She knew that she would be drawing admiring glances from the men walking down the side of the road as well as the odd honk from passing cars, but Julia wasn’t interested in men, nor women for that matter. She had more than a few offers but had never been with another human, yet she was very much not a virgin, and as she cycled along the road Julia recalled how she lost her virginity to a dog on her 19th birthday.




Julia had a hard time growing up finding it difficult to relate to other children due to her heavy Polish accent meant she was teased and taunted so became very much a loner, spending hours cycling around every road and path where she lived.


That was a preview of Dog Dreams - Volume 2. To read the rest purchase the book.

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