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The Chauffeur - Book One

Pablo Diablo


The Chauffeur - Book One

By Pablo Diablo

Description: 40 years old, divorced, bills becoming mountainous, David, an ordinary man, embarks upon a journey that leads him to a pinnacle that us mere mortals only dream about. Surrounded by beautiful and talented co-workers, he ascends quickly through almost unimaginable sexual adventure with incredible prowess and determination, culminating in "sexcess" at the highest level. Non-stop romp de Beauchamp!

Tags: consensual, romance, adventure, workplace, sharing, groups sex, orgy, swinging, exhibitionism

Published: 2018-11-09

Size: ≈ 149,983 Words

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The Chauffeur

by Pablo Diablo

©Copyright 2018 Pablo Diablo

Introduction by ahorsewithnoname: A number of years ago, a writer by the name of Pablo Diablo appeared at a website that I run. I noted the name and initially thought, hmmm, Pablo the Devil, wonder if he might be trouble. Turned out, far, far from the truth. Paul, PD's first name, was a gentle soul. We ended up having many conversations, some about writing, some about illness, but by a large margin, the most we had were about baseball. Paul and I were both very passionate about the New York Yankees. He was very fortunate to live near the spring training complex for the Yankees. He'd tell me of his visits, the players he'd meet and watch, and yes, I was jelly (jealous). During the season, though, that was when our discussions heated up. We both had our stories, our managerial ideas, and high aspirations for the team. Paul was ill, his wife too, both with cancer, and a number of years ago, Paul no longer came to the website. Patiently, we waited, me, his fans, hoping that he didn't get hit with COVID to exacerbate things. To date, no one has heard from him for years. As per our terms, I'm publishing this to honor Paul, his love and support of the website and friends there, and I hope he is smiling down upon us.

Chapter 1

I never thought that at 40, I would be divorced. I have a great son, who I don't have much time to see. I have the usual bills like mortgage, car payment, and now, child support. Somehow, it just doesn't seem fair that the innocent party in a divorce gets raked over the coals by family court.

I have no objection to paying child support. However, in my state, men almost always lose.

To keep up my bills, I was forced to look for a part time job. I work 40-50 hours a week as a restaurant manager. Yet, that money was no longer enough to keep my financial head above water.

I called several friends inquiring if they knew any part time jobs that I could take on. Everyone said the same thing to me that 'times were tough'.

I went online looking for part time work and ran across an ad for drivers needed. I waited until Monday to call the number listed inquiring about the position. To my surprise, a delightful lady answered the phone with a slight southern drawl to her voice.

"Thank you for calling Happy, Happee Limo. This is Tina speaking. Do you need a limo for pickup or airport service?" Her voice just seemed to 'smile' over the phone.

I hesitated for a moment before answering, "Neither. I'm calling about a position that I saw your company post online for a driver."

"Oh, that's handled by Sasha. Please hold while I connect you," Tina replied.

I waited for what seemed like an hour but, most likely, just 5 minutes or so. Finally, a woman with a deep Eastern European accent answered. My head quickly thought of the old cartoon "Boris and Natasha" as Sasha's voice sounded just like Natasha.

"Um, hi there, my name is David and I'm calling about the driver position that you have advertised online."

Sasha's reply was that the position was to drop off and pick up people as directed by the dispatcher. In the slow times, the driver is to either patrol the airport arrival area or wait outside one of the half dozen top end resort hotels that they have contracts. The position revolves carrying their clientele to whatever destination they requested for a flat fee.

In my head, it sounded like a decent job. I asked what the working hours that would be required of me. Sasha told me that I needed to meet with her at the limo office Tuesday about 8 pm. She also went on to tell me that I needed to wear my best dress suit, so she could make sure that I would be dressed appropriate if they were to offer me the position.

On Tuesday, I showed up at the address she gave me about 15 minutes early. I parked my Toyota Corolla, got out, checked my suit, and sprayed a mint spray in my mouth. The suit I wore has black slacks and a black dress suit coat. I wore my favorite cobalt blue long sleeved dress shirt with a muted maroon tie with a matching maroon handkerchief. I made sure to polish my black belt and black dress shoes just to impress.

I was nervous, to say the least. I had not been on a job interview in several years. My heart was pounding as I looked at the tall office building. I rang the buzzer on the front door, and a rather large bald black man answered. I introduced myself, and he replied, "Oh, you're the one here for the job. C'mon in. Take the elevator to the 8th floor, and you will see the signs for the limo company. Good Luck."

To me, the elevator ride seemed short, but then again, there was no one else using it. When I arrived at the 'Happy, Happee Limo' door a hand-written sign taped to the door read "knock loudly" which I did.

A cute, mid-20, slender black woman answered. She had long legs, small but pert boobs, and a beautiful smile. I asked, "Sasha?". She chuckled at me and said, "No, I'm Tina. You must be David. Come on in and follow me, but please be quiet as our phone girls are talking to customers."

I did as I was told and followed her silently. While we were walking through the large conference area, there seemed to be lots of college aged women on the phones. Since my heart was pattering about a thousand miles a minute I really didn't pay attention to the phone conversations.

Tina and I arrived at a beautiful set of double doors. I noticed that they seemed to be out of place for an office. They had the appearance of something from a church or castle. Big thick heavy wood doors with what appeared to be an old iron knob complete with a skeleton keyhole.

I smiled to myself, thinking that this place was becoming more interesting by the minute.

Tina knocked and walked right through the doors. I followed and to my surprise there was a very tall statuesque woman with waist length straight blonde hair. She was dressed in a black leather corset with matching black shorts and thigh high leather boots. The air in the 'office' had the distinctive scent of cloves from some sort of incense burning in the corner of the room.

"Sasha, this is David, your 8 o'clock interview. Shall I wait, or would you like me to go back to the phones?" Tina inquired.

"Stand by the doors until I call you," Sasha replied.

I'm sure that my face was covered with bewilderment. I stood silently with my hands starting to perspire.

Sasha began to speak, "Mr. David, you appear to follow directions well. We expect our employees to be able to follow directions specifically. We also expect that whatever you see and hear in your limo remains a secret from everyone except me. Is that understood, Mr. David?"

"Yes, Ma'am," I replied, beginning to worry about how drop-dead gorgeous Sasha and Tina appeared, which got my cock stirring.

"Okay, Mr. David, showtime. Please drop your pants," Sasha directed.


"You get one more chance, Mr. David; DROP YOUR PANTS," Sasha demanded.

In my head, I wondered if this was even legal to ask, but needing the job, I complied. I unbuckled my pants, undid the clasp, and unzipped, letting my pants fall to the floor around my ankles.

Sasha used her index finger to beckon Tina to come over to her. Tina came over to her and stood silently.

"Tina, check out Mr. David. I want to make sure he 'measures up,'" Sasha said with a wicked grin.

Tina walked over to me and inspected the bulge in my boxer briefs. Nervously, I just stood there.

She reached out her hand and caressed my now mostly erect cock. In doing that, she turned her head and smiled a big smile back at Sasha. Then I felt soft, delicate fingers inside my waistband and a forceful tug, putting my boxers on top of my pants around my ankles.

Now, I was completely naked from the waist to my ankles with my fully erect cock pointed up towards the ceiling. I remained silent and still.

Tina grasped my hard manhood along the shaft with one hand and 'weighed' my balls with the other. I heard a low guttural moan, barely noticeable.

"Mr. David, do you like sex?" Sasha asked.

Trying to clear my head enough to answer a coherent sentence, I replied, "Sure, doesn't everyone?"

"Mr. David, that was a yes or no question," Sasha snapped back.

"Yes, Ma'am. I do enjoy sex."

At this point, I was trying to stifle a moan since Tina was now stroking my cock and rubbing the pre-cum up and down the shaft.

My head was spinning! Between Sasha's interesting appearance and Tina's grasp of my rigid cock, they really had my brain in overdrive.

Tina bent over at the waist and began to lick the head of my cock. She swirled her tongue around and around the thick purple head. She lifted my cock and licked the underside of it, beginning at the base. Her other hand kept gently squeezing and massaging my balls.

I was trying hard to remain quiet. Tina licked and sucked my cock like someone who obviously had done this many times before. To my surprise, a low moan escaped my mouth.

"Mister David, are you enjoying my Tina?" Sasha inquired.

"Yes, absolutely!"

"Tina, would you enjoy Mr. David fucking you?"

"Oh yes!" Tina squealed.

"Good then, Mr. David, please bend my Tina over my desk. Remove her shorts, and please begin fucking her. We need to make sure you can do the job," Sasha said with a big smile.

Tina stopped sucking my cock. She stood up straight, walked over to an empty 1/3 of her desk, and bent over, putting her head on the desk facing Sasha. As I started to follow her, I remembered my pants and boxers were still around my ankles. I debated in my head for a moment. Should I pull them back up or kick them off? I chose to pull them back up, but only enough to be able to walk over to Tina. When I reached her, I again dropped my pants and boxers.

"Mr. David, you are to fuck my Tina with no condom. You understand?" Sasha asked.

My head did not even question why Sasha made that statement. I was on sexual overdrive at that moment. It has been several weeks since I had sex. I grabbed my rock-hard manhood and put it at the entrance to her honey hole. I began slowly pushing the head in gently. I whispered in her ear, "Are you ok? I'll go slow."

"Mister David, this is NOT making love. It is sex. If you can not make her orgasm in less than ten minutes, then your interview is over. DO YOU UNDERSTAND MISTER DAVID?" Sasha said in a loud, drill sergeant-like tone.

"Yes, Ma'am!" I answered, not wanting this to end.

Never in my wildest dreams had I ever even considered a 'job' interview such as this.

I put both of my hands on Tina's hips and thrust my cock into her. I used force, but not so much that I would hurt her. She felt warm, wet, and very tight.

Her pussy was grabbing my cock with some force. I could feel her womanhood as I penetrated her until my pelvis bone reached her ass. I began thrusting in and out with purpose. This 'interview' was NOT going to end on a poor performance note.

Tina was moaning, but not with the intensity that I was anticipating. I began to get worried thinking about the clock that I was under. I kept thrusting harder and harder into her. I felt something hitting the head of my cock a couple of times before I realized that it was her cervix.

I just kept up the furious see-saw motion in and out of her tight, wet woman hole.

I picked up the pace and began to pound her with everything I had. Finally, I started getting the moans and cries that I was expecting. My cock was finally bathed in her wetness. I felt her body tense up, and she let out a loud scream of pleasure.

I kept on fucking her, bringing forth another orgasm. This one obviously had her head spinning and her gulping for air. I felt her woman juice splash against my groin as I continued to fuck her.

"Mister David, you may stop now. Have you orgasmed yet?" Sasha inquired.

"No, Ma'am."

"Good, then you will come over to me and finish your fucking with me. You will fuck me as hard or harder than my Tina. Do you understand? If you cum first, this interview will be over. Do you understand?" Sasha said with authority.

Once again, I answered, "Yes, Ma'am".

I stood up with my pants and boxers still around my ankles. I decided that they needed to come off and thus gave my cock a moment to reset. I was worried that I would cum first, and that would make me very disappointed. So, my plan was to fuck Sasha as hard and as fast as I could physically handle, all the while thinking of things that had nothing to do with sex.

I kicked off my shoes, took off my socks, and stepped out of my pants and boxers. I kicked them all over to the side, away from the desk.

While I was doing that, Sasha ordered Tina to go clean herself and get back on the phone. Tina complied.

Sasha then got out of her black shorts. I noted that she was completely shaved and thought to myself that Tina was also shaved.

I could smell the delicious odor emanating from Sasha's bald pussy. I asked Sasha to lie on her back in the same place on the desk that Tina was using just minutes before.

Sasha complied but noted that even though my cock looked big enough, she may be more difficult to make orgasm.

Although I was somewhat apprehensive, I stepped forward with all intention of completing the assignment or challenge as it were.

I took each of Sasha's ankles and put them over my shoulders. I grabbed her hips and slid her toward me on the desk. My cock was now hard and ready to go again.

"Remember what I told you, Mister David!" Sasha reminded me.

I put my hard cock up against her fuck hole. I didn't enter her slowly or with gentleness. I pushed my entire 9 inches into her as fast and as hard as I could. Sasha's pussy was so very wet that it made sloshing sounds with me going in on the first push.

I heard a loud grunt from my new fuck partner. I was balls-deep into her. I pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into her again and again. Harder and harder, I kept my pace as fast and as furious as I could.

In my head, I was trying to think of inane things like getting my car's oil changed next week, what groceries I needed to buy, and when is my next dental appointment.

Slap, slap, slap was the sound my balls were making as they kept hitting Sasha's ass. Sasha was moaning loudly, but I wasn't convinced she was close to cumming yet. Sweat was now starting to form on my forehead and drip onto Sasha's tight belly.

It dawned on me that I was forgetting something.

Her clit!

With that thought firmly in my head, I reached both hands out to her sloshy pussy and began rubbing her clit with my thumbs simultaneously. As I rubbed her clit in circles, she really began moaning and squirming underneath me.

After just a couple of minutes of pussy pounding and hard clit rubbing, her breath became stuttered, and her moaning got louder.

All at once, I felt my cock and balls get splashed with her wetness. She let out a scream in some Eastern European language that I didn't understand. However, I assumed it was curse words since that seems to be what many, if not most women, do when cumming that hard.

As she started to wind down after a few minutes, I just kept hammering away at her pussy with my steel-hard cock.

Again, she splashed my entire groin area with her lady cum. I kept rubbing her clit. Forcing her to again curse in another language.

Finally, I said to her, "Sasha, do I have the position? Do you want me to keep going?"

Tina came running into the room along with two other beautiful women, only to see me making Sasha cum again and again. Tina ran over to Sasha while the other two women just looked at me with their mouths open.

I was now as bold as I could ever be, making both Tina and Sasha cum multiple times and yet, not cumming myself. I smiled a big smile!

As Tina pulled my handkerchief out of my coat pocket to wipe Sasha's forehead, I felt that familiar twinge. My balls began to tighten up. I knew that I was passing the point of no return, yet I was continuing to hammer away at Sasha's love hole.

"Sasha, I going to cum!" The moment that the last word left my mouth, I felt my cock grow inside of her, and my cock emptied inside of Sasha. The first couple of spasms shot my sperm into her belly since the head of my cock was passing her cervix on each entry thrust.

As I started to cum deep inside of her, she splashed me once more. My cock and balls were now actually dripping with her love juice. Her breathing became very erratic, and her foreign cursing began again.

As I began to run out of steam and my cock finished emptying into her, Sasha said in an almost breathless voice, "Mister David, Mister David, please stop. PLEASE, PLEASE STOP!".

I did not pay attention to one of the beautiful young ladies at the door, leaving for a moment to get 2 warm wet hand towels and two dry hand towels to clean us up. Each woman at the door came over to us as we were uncoupling. One woman began wiping my now semi-erect cock with the warm wet towel. She made sure she cleaned my cock, my balls, my entire crotch area, as well as down the front and inside of my legs. Taking the dry towel next, she first wiped the sweat off my face, leaning into me and giving me a delicious kiss, whispering in my ear, "No one has ever done that to her. I think you're hired."

I smiled again with that knowledge. As I was standing there getting cleaned up, the other woman was cleaning up Sasha.

Sasha finally began to speak, "Mister David, obviously, you passed your interview. I will now offer you employment in our company. How much pay would you need to make this your one and only job? Clearly, you have the necessary skills. So, I ask again. How much do you need to make this your only job?"

I sat down on the chair to put my boxers and pants back on. I tucked my now sweaty shirt into my pants before buckling my belt. I was trying to delay the answer, thinking about how much I currently made and how short I was every month since my divorce.

"$175,000 a year," I replied.

I currently made $125,000 managing the restaurant but, that included my usual annual bonus. If this job was going to be my only source of income, then I needed it to handle all my expenses as well as what I am behind.

Sasha sat quietly behind her desk. She looked at me with an intensity but, I didn't think she was angry just in deep thought.

"No! Mister David, you will make a minimum of $200,000 a year. After 30 days, you will become eligible to collect tips and get our monthly bonus. Our company will require that you sign a 5-year contract. You will work when we need you to work. Some weeks, it may be only 35 to 40 hours, and some weeks, it may be as much as 80 hours. Our deal will have the usual boring benefits, such as medical and dental benefits. However, there will be other special benefits that we will discuss at another time. Do we have a deal, Mister David?".

I sat in my chair in stunned silence. My head was screaming to take the deal, take the deal, TAKE THE DEAL!!!

I smiled. I turned around to face Sasha and politely said, "Yes, that is an acceptable offer. However, I have two questions. First, what will my title be? Second, when would you prefer me to begin?"

Sasha, now happy that I accepted her offer said, "You will start next Monday Mister David. Your title will be the Chauffeur. Mister David, my Tina will see you out. Have a good night and please drive home carefully."

Chapter 2

It was Sunday night. I was watching Sunday Night Football, not really paying attention to the game as I kept thinking about Monday. Tomorrow would be the start of a whole new career for me, a real big throw of the dice.

I made sure my best suit had come back from the dry cleaners. I picked out a shirt and tie, polished my shoes, and buffed the belt again.

I certainly was intrigued by what could lie ahead of me after such an over the top ‘interview’. My dick started to get hard just thinking about Tina and Sasha.

Suddenly, my cell phone rang, startling me back into the present.

“Hello?” I answered

“Hi David, this is Tina from Happy, Happee Limo. Do you remember me?”

“Of course, I remember you. How can one forget you?” I said with a bit of flirtatiousness in my voice.

“Sasha wanted me to call you and ask several things. First, did you have your attorney look over the contract? Second, are you ready for tomorrow? Third, and quite possibly most important, do you have a backpack?” Tina said in her smiling voice.

“Yes, my attorney looked over the contract and he pointed out an error. I was intending to discuss it with Sasha tomorrow. Am I ready? Well, quite frankly, I’m not sure. The job interview was unique, to say the least. And you, my dear, were delightful. I certainly understand why you are Sasha’s personal assistant. Finally, yes, I have a backpack. What do I need that for?” I answered.

I could hear Tina chuckle a bit. “Well, thank you! You are so sweet. I have been excited all week thinking about you starting tomorrow. Sasha says to be here by 9am sharp. No need to wear a suit as the first part of the day will be office time. Dress jeans and a white dress shirt should do just fine. The second part of the day is when you will need a suit again. The agenda is: Sasha will discuss various ‘other’ benefits you will receive. There will be paperwork that has to be filled out, like tax stuff. You will be introduced to the ‘day crew’ and we will go to lunch. After lunch, you will go home until 8pm. When you return at 8, you will look your best. Sasha and I will introduce you to the night group and you will ride with one of our best and most successful drivers. She gets to ask for personally ALL THE TIME. Any questions?”

“She?” I noted.

“Yes, Jill. She has been with us for a year now. She is THE MOST sought after driver that we have. You will ride with her on your first night. Monday nights are usually slow and steady, so you will have lots of opportunity to talk and ask Jill questions. Oh, and she likes to be interviewed too!” Tina said with a big smile and a small chuckle in her voice.

“What about the backpack?” I asked.

“Just bring it with you in the morning. Security downstairs will check it to make sure you are not bringing a weapon or drugs into the building. I will give you a list of items you will need to have in the backpack to bring with you for the night shift. Got it now?”

“Absolutely! Thank you, Tina, you have eased my mind about tomorrow. Sweet dreams and I will see you tomorrow at 9AM sharp!”

I hung up my cell phone. Turned off the TV and headed in to take a shower. Just hearing Tina’s voice made me horny. I stripped down and turned on the water to get it warm. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that I needed to do a bit of manscaping. I reached under my vanity and pulled out the electric shaver. I plugged it in and turned it on.

I wondered to myself if I would get another chance with Tina. She was hot. Not that Sasha was an old bag of socks but, Tina certainly influenced my libido.

I finished my manscaping, stepped into the shower and felt the now hot water running over my shoulders and down my back. I wet my hair and shampooed it up. I soaped up my body, including my cock and balls. The warm water, the soap, and thinking about Tina got me hard quickly.

I turned and leaned back against the wall and used the liquid soap as a lubricant for me to masturbate.

I stroked my hard cock, slowly at first. I moved up and down the shaft. I closed my eyes and relived the ‘interview’ with Tina and Sasha. I found myself working my cock faster and faster, yearning for a reasonably quick resolution.

Finally, after a few minutes, I felt that tightening of my balls and that point of no return feeling.

“Oooooohhhhh”. I moaned out loud as my orgasm erupted. I shot several ropes of cum onto the shower floor. I kept stroking my cock until I knew that I was finished. I tilted the showerhead towards my spunk to make sure it all went down the drain.

I stayed under the water for a couple minutes more, making sure I didn’t forget to wash everything.

I got out of the shower, dried off, and headed to bed. I set my alarm for 6:30AM making sure I wasn’t going to be late on my first day.

My head hit the pillow and off into dreamland I went.

When the alarm went off, I opened one eye thinking what the hell was I thinking setting the alarm so early. I debated in my head, get up or take a few minutes more to sleep. My conscious wouldn’t allow me to go back to sleep. I got up and went to pee, thinking about seeing Tina and Sasha again.

Even though I masturbated before going to bed, I knew I had to, at least once, masturbate before I got dressed for my new job.

I sat down on my desk chair with a towel underneath my naked body. I reached over and coated my left hand with baby oil. I cursed to myself, wondering why they put ‘childproof caps’ on baby oil bottles.

I began to stroke my now hard cock. I closed my eyes again thinking of that wonderful interview and Tina’s tight, wet, delicious womanhood. I began stroking my shaft up and down with the baby oil coating my cock and making it feel so wonderful.

Using my other hand, I began tickling my balls. I ran my hand around the purplish head of my rock-hard cock. Faster and faster, I jerked my manhood. I kept going and going until I felt that wonderful twinge letting me know the end was near. My cock swelled and cum spurted out. My cock spewed 5 ropes of jism, all of it landing on the floor.

I held onto my cock for a couple of extra minutes until I felt myself getting soft. I looked down at the mess I made and shrugged, hoping that there would be more to come (or cum) at the new job.

I got up and got some paper towels to clean up the mess before I jumped in the shower again to prepare for work. I looked at myself in the mirror, realizing that I had not shaved yet. I was still nervous, thinking about the first day ahead of me.

I did the triple S (as my dad would say: Shit, Shower, and Shave). I did as Tina requested and got my best jeans and a white long sleeve dress shirt out. While in the closet, I picked out another shirt and matching tie for the night shift to go with my suit.

I dressed and put on cologne and headed to the kitchen to eat a bit before heading out to my new job. Since I hadn’t driven to the office building during morning rush hour, I was unsure of the amount of time it would take me to get there. I decided to leave at 8am, giving me an hour travel time.

After eating a simple meal (Froot Loops and milk), I rinsed out my cereal bowl and spoon but left them in the sink.

I grabbed my back pack, the contract, and my cell phone and headed out.

Traffic, as expected, was horrible. I arrived at the office building at 8:41, but parking during the day was not like the night time parking situation. Thankfully, I saw a parking garage connected to the office building. I went in the garage entrance, pulled the ticket to get the ‘arm’ to raise, then whispered to myself to hopefully find a parking spot quickly.

I climbed 4 floors to eventually locate a parking spot. Thankfully, I was parked next to the elevator. I took it down one floor to the ‘crossover’ bridge to the office building.

As I entered the office building, I immediately ran into the security desk. They politely asked to look inside of my back pack. They took a quick peek and sent me on my way.

I took the elevator back to the familiar 8th floor, nervous as hell.

Lots of people in the elevator, not like the interview night when I was alone.

The bell rang for the 8th floor and the doors opened. I got off the elevator and headed to the doors of Happy Happee Limo. No handwritten sign on the door this time, I noted.

I reached for the door latch and to my surprise, it was easy to open. I went in and stopped at the door, looking around for a familiar face. A short red-headed woman approached me saying, “Welcome to Happy, Happee Limo. What brings you to us?”

“Um, it’s my first day. I’m supposed to see either Tina or Sasha.” I replied.

“Oh my, you must be the new guy for the night shift. David, right?” she said with a devilish grin.

I was stunned. I stood there for a moment before answering, “Yes, yes, sorry. I didn’t expect anyone to know my name.”

“Are you kidding? After your ‘interview’? Everyone in the office knows. You’re becoming a cult hero already.” She said with a chuckle to her voice.

I was stunned. A what? Did she say, ‘cult hero’? As if I wasn’t nervous enough before, now I’m bordering on nauseated.

“Let me take you back to Sasha’s office.” She said with a wink to me and more of that devilish grin.

I followed silently, noticing a few ladies peeking up from their computer screens and whispering to their neighbor. I just smiled back and chuckled to myself, ‘cult hero?’.

The short red head knocked on the castle doors and walked right in. I saw Tina first. She came over to me and squealed with delight.

“DAVID!” she exclaimed.

“Hello, my darling,” I said, with an air of flirtatiousness in my voice. I smiled and gave her a kiss while she was hugging me hard.

“Sasha stepped out for a meeting and will be back in a few minutes. I’m supposed to give you the five-cent tour to meet everyone. When Sasha returns then we will start the boring paperwork and go over other stuff. At noon, we’ll go for lunch. Like I told you on the phone last night, you’ll go home after lunch and come back at 8 tonight for your ride along with Jill.” Tina went over with me in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Are you ready for your tour?” Tina inquired with a big smile on her face.

“Before we start, may I ask you a couple of things?” I said sheepishly.

“Of course, if I’m not allowed to answer the question, I’ll defer it to Sasha. She will answer all your questions. Fair enough?” Tina replied, still smiling.

“Um, ok, fair enough. First, how does ‘everyone’ know about my interview? Second, what have I gotten into here? Third, and finally, are you single?” I curiously asked.

Tina, now smiling her beautiful smile, “Yes, I’m single, but Sasha frowns on employees dating, if that is where you were going with that. We can have sex, but dating requires ‘permission’. As for your interview, of course everyone knows! The girls who came in to clean you and Sasha up that evening are big gossips. They are twin trouble. I’m guessing you didn’t even realize that they were twins, did you? As to your second question, I’m afraid I will have to defer that one to Sasha. When you ride with Jill, ask her after Sasha tells you her answer. Why Jill? She is former military and is very plain spoken, almost blunt when chatting with other employees. She’ll give you her opinion without any political correctness. Does that answer your questions?”

“Mostly. Can you give me an idea of who to avoid saying anything to because they are such gossips, like the twins?” I asked.

“Of course. When I take you around and introduce you, I’ll introduce them as the ‘friendly, chatty type’ so you’ll understand. Fair enough?” Tina replied.

Clearly, she is smart as a whip. We left the office for Tina to be introducing me to the day staff. The very first person I meet is a lady who is probably reaching her mid-40s. Petite, short blonde hair, cute smile and small athletic type chest. She had the appearance of someone who works out regularly. She was introduced to me as Paula.

Paula stood up, took off her headset and reached out to shake my hand. She made some small talk after saying hello. Tina reminded her she needed to get back on the phones. Paula smiled and excused herself and went back to work.

Tina took me around to everyone in the room. As she told me in the office, she introduced me to only 3 more ‘friendly, chatty types’ which gave me a sigh of relief.

Just as we were finishing the round of introductions, Sasha walked back into the main room. She came over to me and asked me to follow her back to her office, which I did without a word.

“Mr. David, it is such a pleasure to see you here. My, don’t you look less, hmm, what’s the word? Stuffy. You clean up and look much more relaxed today versus your interview.” Sasha said in her strong accent.

“Tina texted me with information that you have questions. So, please ask. I want any objections out of the way right from the start.” She continued.

“Wow, ok then, I have several questions. Most of them are just curiosity, but a few of them are concerns. If you don’t mind, I will start with the concerns first.” I said in a non-emotional tone.

“Go ahead Mr. David, please.”

“Let me start with the contract. My attorney pointed out that the dollar figure in the contract is not what we discussed. In my interview, you offered me a sum of $200,000 annually. Yet, in the contract it says $300K. Did I miss something?” My curiosity quite peaked.

“Mr. David, the $200,000 is your ‘guaranteed minimum’ with the $300,000 figure representing what we ‘expect’ you to make annually. The better you do, the more you’ll make,” Sasha said with a grin.

“I’m sure my Tina told you that you will be with one of my best drivers, Jill. She is our most requested of the entire drive staff. With tips, bonus’, and other ‘perks,’ Jill will make in excess $600,000 this year. I expect you to make that much and maybe even more, depending on what you’re willing to do to service our clientele,” Sasha continued saying.

“And?” Sasha questioned.

“Well, let me just lay all of my cards on the table. In no particular order, here goes: 1. Why are employees forbidden from dating? 2. What have I gotten into here? 3. What is the list of stuff I need in my back pack? 4. Why did you request ‘no condoms’ when Tina, you and I had sex? 5. And finally, (looking at the clock seeing that it is a little past 11am) What ‘service’ will I be performing and on which of the clientele?” I said with a bit more authority in my voice.

Sasha sat pensively for a couple of minutes before inviting me to sit with her on the long red leather couch against the wall. She said that being behind her desk always made her feel too much like a corporate whore.

I walked over to the red couch and stood there until Sasha joined me.

“Please sit, Mr. David.” She directed.

“Now, Mr. David, all of those are reasonable questions. It’s good to see you have a bit of common sense by the questions. Not everyone does, I assure you. To answer your first question: Employees are not ‘forbidden’ from dating. We just strongly discourage it. Why? Mostly because of our history. We’ve had people in the past that once they start dating, everything changes. One partner wants the other to quit working here. Feelings are hurt easily and usually one of the dating couple becomes jealous, which causes much tension here at work. Second, my favorite of your questions, you have gotten into one of the most lucrative limo businesses ever in the history of the United States. We pay our staff top dollar and our drivers make more money than the combined sum of any 3 drivers of other limo companies. As you probably suspected by our interviewing technique, full service is what we provide to certain clientele. Before any customer steps into your vehicle, we will know all about them, for your safety as well as ours. We don’t necessarily break the law, but we bend the hell out of it.” Sasha said in a matter-of-fact tone.

She continued saying, “Mr. David, you are worried about ‘no condoms’? It has more to do with Tina being allergic to latex. Her wonderful pussy swells up, and she gets a rash inside of her. I don’t want any of my staff to suffer because of the job. Make sense, Mr. David? Finally, what service you will be performing will determine what you are willing to do for the clientele.”

“Um, Sasha, I apologize for interrupting, but can we head to eat as I am famished and really didn’t eat much breakfast before showing up here?” I said.

“But, one question….do you need food or me?” She said with a very wicked grin,

“BOTH! And Tina too, if she’s allowed.” I shot back.

“TINA, come in here.” Sasha bellowed.

The door opened. Tina walked in with that cute lady Paula accompanying her.

“My Tina, Mr. David, asked if you could join us for lunch?”

“Absolutely! Am I allowed to bring Paula with us?” Tina inquired.

“That will be fine. Is it ok with you Mr. David?” Sasha asked.

“That would be great.” I answered.

“Well then, why don’t we go eat in my private dining room? My Tina, call Luigi’s and get our usual order. Paula and Mr. David, what would you like for lunch?” Sasha was asking.

Paula was the first to speak up. “Maybe some spaghetti, so I can show off my sucking skills to our new employee.” A huge grin came over her face as she said that, looking directly at me.

“An Italian salad with grilled chicken on top with ranch dressing. I don’t want to get on carb overload.” I said cheekily.

“Tina, go order the lunch. Mr. David, Paula, and I will be in my private dining room with the electronic lock on. You will need to use your electronic badge to get in. Be sure to bring some towels to clean up with. Have someone buzz us when the food arrives.” Sasha directed.

As the three of us went to the private dining room, I marveled that the damn thing was nicer than my apartment. 4 large leather couches, 2 leather loveseats, 2 reclining leather rocking chairs, and a huge pecan conference table that I’m sure seats 8-10. There was also a kitchen (fridge, freezer, ice maker, beer tap, sink, dishwasher, a small bar, and lots of cabinets).

Jokingly, I asked, “Hey, this is nicer than my apartment. May I move in here?”

“Of course, Mr. David, but I’m not sure you could pay the rent and keep up with your duties here.” Sasha said, laughing, which was the very first time I had heard her laugh.

“You two need to get naked.” Sasha directed us.

I watched Paula begin to strip down while I was also removing my clothes. She was completely tan, not one single tan line anywhere. She had a beautiful yellow lace bra with matching yellow lace panties. As she got more and more undressed, I became more erect.

When Paula was completely without attire, she walked, no maybe sauntered over to me and knelt.

My cock was at full mast, pointing up at the ceiling. Paula began licking the underside of my cock. She took the pre-cum droplets into her mouth, letting out a moan of approval. With her right hand, she grasped my shaft and began stroking from the base to the underside of my thick, bulbous head.

She kept flicking her tongue all around the head, occasionally putting the head between her lips. Her left hand began playing with my balls. Without warning, she inserted her pinky finger in my anus (Something I was not expecting). That move made my cock harder than ever before.

As I gently face fucked her, I felt the familiarity of the back of her throat. I knew if she kept this up, I would be done rather quickly.

I looked over at Sasha. She was also completely naked, sitting on the large conference table, fingering herself. I heard the squish of her own fingers plunging in and out of her very wet pussy.

Paula really had a talent. Possibly the best blow-job that I had ever had.

Without warning, the door to the dining room opened and Tina walked in. While she was taking her clothes off, she quipped to Paula, “Well, what do you think?”

Thankfully, Paula stopped for a moment to answer Tina. “Damn Tina, where did we find him? He is very tasty!”

“He called us looking for a job and Sasha decided to interview him.” Tina replied with a sultriness to her voice.

“Paula, come over here and use your tongue on my pussy.” Sasha directed.

Paula removed her face from in front of my very hard cock. As she stood up, I kissed her on the lips, whispering in her ear that I was happy Sasha requested her since I wasn’t going to last much longer.

A big smile came across her face. “Really?” she asked.

“Of course, why would I lie?” I said to her.

Now she bounced over to Sasha. She put her head between Sasha’s legs and began her assault on her womanhood. I could hear the lapping and sucking on Sasha’s very wet pussy. It was a beauty to behold. I always loved seeing my x-wife go down on another woman. To me, that is just hot!

I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Tina, “Remember me?”

“Absolutely. I have been thinking of you all week.” I said with a huge smile on my face.

“Can we do it like the last time?” She asked sheepishly.

“Anything you want. Just bend over somewhere it will be comfortable for you.” I replied.

Tina walked over to the table. She bent over it, putting her face next to Sasha’s face and began French style kissing her. Her right hand began pulling and tugging on Sasha’s right nipple.

That was my cue to begin some hard fucking. I got up behind Tina’s beautiful ass. I rubbed my cock up and down her slit, making her moan loud. Teasing her, I wet my index finger and pushed it against her asshole flower. It gobbled my finger right up, much to my surprise.

“David, please, please fuck my pussy. I’ve been waiting for you all week. Thinking of that magnificent cock of yours. Please darling, fuck me with that hard cock.” Tina was asking in a very submissive tone.

With my other hand, I grabbed my cock and put the head in first. Slowly, I pushed into her, not wanting to hurt her.

“FUCK ME DAMN-IT. FUCK ME. DO IT NOW!” Tina now spoke with a sense of urgency.

I slammed my cock into her as hard as I could. I felt her cervix hit the point of my cockhead. I pulled out and again slammed into her. I kept thrusting in and out as hard as I could. I was picking up speed and strength. As I hammered her from behind, her hips kept hitting the edge of the table. She had to stop kissing Sasha as her head was moving forward and back, not able to focus on Sasha’s mouth.

“Oh, my gawd.” I heard Paula say, watching Tina and my animalistic lust.

I was pounding Tina as hard as I possibly could. Tina was moaning, screaming, and balling up her fists as wave after wave of pleasure came over her. Suddenly, she squirted my cock with her lady cum. That didn’t stop me. Instead, it only encouraged me to continue.

I kept pounding that tight little pussy. Tina, in a wave of pleasure, stopped moving.

I freaked. Never in my life had any woman done that before. I was worried that I had hurt her. I stopped and started calling her name. “Tina…Tina…Tina talk to me. Tina, are you okay? Tina, please talk to me.”

Sasha sat up, spun around to face Tina, and slapped her across the cheek. Suddenly, there was a big gasp of air from Tina.

“Oh, my goodness. What happened?” Tina quietly asked.

Paula piped up chuckling a bit, saying, “Tina, he fucked you unconscious. Sexiest thing I have EVER seen!”

I held Tina’s face, kissing her and asking forgiveness. I told her that I thought that I had really hurt her. She smiled back. She said, “David, your cock is like cocaine. I’m addicted to it and want more and more.”

Sasha piped up, “Mr. David, if you’re done playing kissy, kissy with my Tina. I want to be fucked as well.”

Just then, the phone rang. A speaker came on. “Tina, you lunch just arrived. Should I bring it to the private dining room or will someone come out to get it?”

Sasha spoke up, “Deborah, I’m sending Paula out to get the lunch. Thank you, that will be all.”

Paula stood up from between Sasha’s legs to begin putting her clothes back on.

I walked over to Sasha. I stepped up between her legs, rubbing my still hard cock against Sasha’s very wet pussy. My cock slipped right in. I did not start slowly. I started to hammer away, remembering the last time we fucked.

I hammered away for several minutes. Remembering the last time, I brought both of my hands up to start playing with her clit. I rubbed it. I pinched it between my index finger and my bird finger, not being gentle at all.

Rather quickly, Sasha began her shuttered breathing. Breaths were heavy with deep guttural moans and her body began tensing up. Her hips were moving to meet my pounding of her womanhood. My cock was fucking her hard and my fingers were twisting and pinching her swollen clit. I kept fucking her harder and harder.

Suddenly, Tina climbed up on the table, squatting her freshly fucked love hole down on Sasha’s face.

“Lick my cunt.” Tina ordered.

I saw Sasha’s tongue come out of her mouth, trying to reach Tina’s wet wanton pussy. Her tongue was flicking back and forth as if it was out of a snake. Sasha lifted her head to begin sucking Tina’s clit and puffy outer lips.

All at once, Sasha began that all too familiar foreign cursing. She tensed up and came all over my cock and balls.

I just kept pounding that delicious pussy, going harder and harder with each thrust.

Tina leaned into me, kissing me with some force. Our tongues intertwined. She tasted and smelled delicious. I believed that I could look at that face forever,

Sasha’s eastern European cursing began again. Her body tensed up yet again, and she splashed my entire crotch with her love juice. My legs were now dripping with female cum.

“Mister…. Mister…. Mister David, stop please. I can’t breathe. Mr. David, please stop!” Sasha tried to say with limited oxygen.

I was grinning from ear to ear, knowing full well that I again made two women cum multiple times and I had not yet cum.

I slowed down and finally came to a stop. I released her clit. Her arms were hanging by her side. I gently grabbed each one and lifted her up to face me. She had a look of curiosity. I cupped her face gently and leaned in to kiss her. It wasn’t a romantic kiss. Instead, it was more of a ‘thank you for a great fuck’ type of kiss.

Tina jumped down off the table and went to get the towels to clean up. Just as Tina brought each of us a clean towel, Paula re-entered the room with our lunch.

“So, how did the ‘new guy’ do?” Paula asked.

“You can try him for yourself, Miss Paula.” Sasha said breathlessly.

“I’m not sure he wants an old gal like me. Let him rest.” Paula replied.

“Um, do I get a say in this?” I inquired.

“Of course you do, Mr. David.” Sasha replied.

“Well, if Paula is willing, I would be honored.” I said.

“And he’s a gentleman too!” Paula said with some excitement.

All three ladies were smiling. Obviously, I said the right thing.

Paula asked if I could do her while she sat in one of the straight-back chairs at the other end of the table. I readily agreed. We walked down to the other end of the table with Paula seated in one of the hard, straight-back chairs.

I gently lifted each leg one by one, draping it over each arm of the chair. Paula’s pussy was clean shaven. She had nice pert boobs and a flat stomach. She was tan all over with no hint of tan lines. I made a mental note that she obviously sun bathes nude.

I stroked my cock making sure it was fully hard. I spit on my hand and reached for her vagina. Before I even touched it, I could see her pussy glistening with woman juice. I apologized and walked over to a towel on the table to wipe my hand off, getting rid of the spit.

As I walked back to Paula, I asked, “How do you like to be fucked? Hard, soft what?”

“Hard if you still can. I know you must be pretty wiped out. I’ll take whatever you can muster. Remember, I’m the old gal. I’m just happy to be included.” Paula said with a disappointed tone.

“Paula, you’re a beautiful vibrant woman. Don’t put yourself down, at least not with me around. I have plenty of energy. Let me do what I do…. to you!” I said with enthusiasm.

I looked over to see Tina smiling that beautiful smile. Even Sasha was smiling.

“Tina, Sasha can I ask you to assist me please?” I asked.

Both Tina and Sasha came over to where Paula and I were standing.

“Tina, please kiss Paula and keep kissing her while I fuck her. Sasha, please lick, suck, and nibble on Paula’s beautiful boobs. Is that ok with everyone?” I asked.

I got a unanimous agreement from all three women.

Seeing all three women naked got my cock very hard again.

I placed it at the entrance to her womanhood. I pushed the head in slowly. Tina leaned down to begin kissing Paula. I saw Sasha’s face lower down to Paula’s beautiful chest,

I thrust into Paula with my rock-hard cock. Paula gasped through Tina’s kiss. I began sliding my cock in and out of her warm and very tight pussy. I slammed it in again and again, and again. I saw Paula’s eyes begin to glaze over. Her breathing became short and shallow.

I just kept fucking her harder and harder. In and out. In and out. Watching Sasha work on Paula’s breast and Tina continuing to kiss her passionately had Paula really worked up.

All at once, it was if her entire body shut down. She stopped breathing. Her arms went limp. Her eyes were closed. Sasha stopped working on Paula’s chest. She stood up and slapped her cheek. All at once, there was a big gasp of air, again. I breathed again. This time knowing what I had done, but still worried none the less until she came around.

“David, that’s what happened to me?” Tina asked.

“Yep” I replied.

“Oh, my gawd, Paula was right, that is so very sexy!” Tina exclaimed.

“Ahh, what happened?” Paula asked.

Tina smiled and said, “David fucked you unconscious.”

“WHAT? You’re telling me he did to me what he did to you? NOOOO WAY!! That’s so cool.” Paula exclaimed.

Paula stood up, a bit wobbly to lean into me and kiss me. Tina came over and joined in the kiss.

Sasha stood there smiling. I spoke up saying, “Sasha, why don’t you come over here and join us?”

“No, Mr. David. But my girls will make you cum if you let them.” Sasha replied.

“WHAT? You haven’t cum yet? You just fucked three women and yet you haven’t cum. What the hell are you taking for that?” Paula asked completely floored.

Tina and Paula both knelt to begin sucking me. I stepped in between them to sit in the chair as my legs were now getting tired from the standing and fucking.

The gals spun around to face me. Tina began licking my very wet cock. I was still covered with woman juice. Paula began sucking on my balls. I put a hand gently on the back of each ladies’ head. Not trying to force them but more to steady them in what they were doing.

Sasha suggested that they kiss with my cock between their lips. I thought that was a great idea.

Tina released my cock from her throat and put it between herself and Paula’s mouth.

I slid forward on the chair thrusting my hips making my cock move up and down between them.

“Tina, would you mind if Paula finishes me off?” I gently asked.

“No, that is fine. That’s her specialty anyway,” Tina replied.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt your feelings. I just felt like I ‘owed’ her for not getting to finish with the earlier blowjob.” I said with a bit of tenderness in my voice.

Paula grabbed the base of my dick. She swirled her tongue around the head of my cock. I felt her warm mouth glide over my rigid cock. The head of my cock passed her gag reflex all the way into her throat. She began to bob up and down licking, sucking, and swallowing my cock. She made loud slurping sounds which turned me on even further. She reached under my balls and inserted a wet finger into my ass.

That got me there. I felt my balls tightening up passing the point of no return.

“I’m going to cum.” I emphasized.

Paula pulled me down her throat even further and held on to my hips with both hands.

“I’M CUMMING. OH GAWD, THAT FEELS SO GOOD!!” I said almost out of breath.

I shot about 8-10 heavy ropes of cum inside of her mouth and throat.

Paula smiled at me and winked. She swallowed every drip not letting any escape her warm cum filled mouth.

She licked my cock clean. Then she stood up and kissed me passionately. Our tongues intertwined with me being able to taste my spunk on her tongue.

“Ok everyone, let’s sit down and eat lunch. Everyone agree? Even you Mr. David?” Sasha said.

“I’m starving, let’s do some grub.” Tina exclaimed.

We all went back down to the other end of the table to fill our plates and enjoy each other’s company and a fine meal.

“Oh yeah, before I forget Mr. David. Miss Jill wants you to meet her in the parking garage on the 12th floor at 6:30 not 8. I think she wants to ‘interview’ you. HA HA HA!” Sasha bellowed loudly.

We ate until we were stuffed. I got up, got dressed, and kissed everyone before I left.

Tina walked me to the exit. We stepped into the hall. I spun around and kissed her as passionately as I could. I kept kissing her until she broke the kiss. This woman affects me. I think she knows it.

She leaned in and kissed me gently and whispered in my ear. “You are a passionate and wonderful lover. Under any other circumstances I would be happy to spend the rest of my life with you. But, that is not the cards that have been dealt. I’m an assistant and you’re the chauffeur. I’ll see you later tonight.”

She turned around and went back inside, the door closing behind her.

Off I went to get the items for the back pack from the list that Tina had given me earlier.

Chapter 3

I picked up all the items for my backpack from the list. The back pack was stuffed full. I put it in the car, so I wouldn’t forget it.

I decided that I was hungry but needed a quick shower before I start dressing for the night shift. Once again, I felt nauseated. I took a slug of Pepto to help calm my stomach.

While I was in the shower, I decided to not masturbate. Not enough time, I thought to myself. I needed to dress, eat, and get over to the office by 6:30pm.

After the shower, I put on my navy-blue suit along with muted yellow long sleeve shirt. I had picked out a tie and handkerchief earlier but was now rethinking that choice. I decide that I was just overthinking something as simple as a tie. I put the tie on and grabbed my wallet and keys to head to work.

All the way to work, I wondered in my head about Jill. Former military-what branch? Plainly spoken-to what extent? Most requested-why? I trusted Tina and, to a certain extent, Sasha. Yet, I knew that Sasha was management and Tina was staff, so ‘trust’ was like an egg, fragile yet sturdy.

I arrived at work. I was able to park on the first floor of the parking garage and was happy about that.

I debated on just going to the 12th floor to meet Jill or should I go to the office first? I opted for the office (quietly hoping to see Tina). Just the quick thought of Tina made my cock stir a bit.

I grabbed my backpack and headed to the elevator to ride up to the third floor for the crossover to the office building.

When I got to the crossover, I took a deep breath, still trying to calm my nervous stomach.

“Well, here I go.” I thought to myself.

The security guy remembered me from a week ago. He congratulated me on getting the job. He didn’t even look in my backpack, which I found odd, but none the less I got on the elevator.

At the 8th floor, I got off the elevator and headed over to the Happy Happee Limo office doors. Again, no handwritten sign, so I just walked in.

Tina saw me first and sprinted across the phone room. When she got to me, she leapt into my chest and kissed me passionately. I dropped my backpack and put my arms around her and kissed her back, intertwining my tongue with hers. I could feel her wonderful body pressing tightly against mine. My cock was at full mast with her in my arms. Gawd, she always smells so delicious.

“Is that hard-on for me?” Tina seductively asked.

“Absolutely!” I replied with a smile.

“No, it’s not. It’s for Jill, isn’t it?” Tina asked with a pouty tone.

“Tina, how can it be for Jill? I haven’t even met her. I have no idea what she even looks like. So, stop worrying, it is because of you and for you if you choose.” I replied.

Tina let herself get down off me. She stood in front of me, telling me that Sasha and Jill were waiting for me in Sasha’s office. My heart began to skip a beat. My head asking too many questions as I followed Tina and her beautiful body to the castle doors.

Tina knocked and walked right in to the office. I followed. I looked up to see Sasha sitting on the front edge of her desk chatting with a woman on one of her leather couches.

“Ah, Mr. David. I would like you to meet our best driver, Jill Morgan. Jill, this is our new employee, Mr. David. I have a few things to go over with Mr. David. Should take me about 10-15 minutes. Then he is all yours for the rest of the night. Sound good to you, Jill?” Sasha asked.

“Yes, Ma’am, sounds wonderful. David, I’ll be in the breakroom on my laptop when you’re finished with Sasha. Please come find me.” Jill said as she was walking out the office door.

I thought to myself, “HOLY FUCK!” She is drop dead gorgeous. 5’9”/long black hair with straight bangs above her eyes/clearly an overly endowed chest 36EE minimum/flat stomach/tight ass/athletic legs/ and she smelled like roses as she walked by.

I felt self-conscious thinking about Jill in front of Tina. I looked over at Tina to see her chatting with Sasha about something. Tina finished her conversation with Sasha and walked by me, squeezing my ass as she went by.

“Mr. David, we have to do a couple of things before I turn you over to Jill. We need to make you an ID card and code it for our electronics. I need you to sign your contract. You left without signing it earlier today. But the most important item is we need to discuss how to ‘service’ our preferred clients.” Sasha said to me.

“Well, let’s get started then.” I replied.

“Put your backpack on one of the couches and follow me to the computer room to make your ID badge. Oh, no, no, no. Stop. Let’s sign the contract first since you’re right here,” Sasha said.

I walked over to her desk, where she handed me the contract. I looked it over, just making sure it was the same contract. Sasha handed me a Montblanc pen. I held the pen for a moment, looking at it. I thought to myself that this pen probably cost more than half a million dollars.

I leaned down to the desk and signed my name. Sasha took the pen and signed her name. She buzzed her phone and asked Tina to step into the office.

She came right in. Sasha asked her to sign the contract as the ‘witness’. Tina took the pen, signed her name, kissed me, and welcomed me to the team. Then she left the office.

“Now, with that done. We can go make your ID badge. Follow me,” Sasha directed.

Sasha picked up the contract and headed for the castle doors. I followed and said nothing. When we stepped back into the main phone room, I realized that it was less than half full of young ladies on the phones. Clearly, not as busy as last Tuesday with I came in for my interview.

I followed Sasha to the computer room. She had me stand in a spot and the machine took my picture. We stood waiting for the machine to spit out my new ID. Sasha picked it up out of the tray, waived it over some sort of computer reader waiting for a green light to appear telling Sasha that my ID card was now coded properly for the specific places I would be allowed to enter.

Sasha clipped the ID card to an all-black lanyard and handed it to me.

“Place this around your neck until you leave the building. Then put it in your suit coat for safe keeping. If you lose this, you need to notify me immediately. This way, we can deactivate it so no one can breech our security. Do you understand Mr. David?” Sasha asked.

“Yes Ma’am. Since we need to talk about my service to our clients, should we talk as we walk back to your office or wait until we get there?” I inquired.

“We’ll wait until we’re back in my office.”

I followed her back to her office. She invited me to sit down on the leather couch that held my back pack. I sat after she sat down.

“Mr. David, let us talk about what you are willing to do and not do for our clients.” She said.

She asked me about how liberal my sexual appetite may be. She asked if I was straight, bi, or something else. (I said ‘bi’ but also explained that not since college have I done anything with a guy). She asked about whom I would not have sex. (Young children and animals). She asked what age, will I no longer be willing to please a woman? (I told her that really depends on the woman). She inquired if I was willing to have sex with multiple women or even a couple. (Yes, and yes). She wanted to know if I had ever participated in a threesome, foursome, or an orgy. (Yes, to all three). Would I be willing to stay late or come in early, if a client asks for me? (Yes). If I was offered a drug or alcohol no matter how little, would I partake? (Not while I was working and certainly not if it would affect my ability to work). She ended the questions with would I have sex or please a handicapped person (don’t know since I’ve never tried).

Sasha thanked me for my honesty. She buzzed for Tina and thanked me for my time and reminded me to take my back pack. Tina entered the office, took me by the hand, and lead me to go see Jill.

On the way to Jill, she pulled me into an unoccupied office.

“Did I hurt your feelings today when we were out in the hallway?” Tina asked sheepishly.

“Um, no. I understood what you meant. Was I a bit disappointed? Of course. Did I understand? Absolutely! Tina, you mean a lot to me. Your beauty, your charm, and your amazing smile make my heart flutter every time I see you. I know we’ve only known each other for two days, my interview and today. I don’t want to make anything difficult for you here. Nor do I want to screw up what appears to be a great job working here.” I said with my heart in my eyes.

Tina smiled, kissed me passionately, and asked if I had been given a schedule yet.

“No, not yet,” I replied.

“She said that she has already seen my schedule and ‘lucky us’ we both have the same days off on Tuesday and Wednesday.” She said with excitement in her voice.

She went on to ask if we could get together on our off days, away from work, to see how well we click away from work. IF, that is ok with me.

“Absolutely!” I responded immediately.

“Great” She kissed me hard, intertwining our tongues.

I reached around her and grabbed her beautiful ass.

“Do we have enough time for a quickie?” I asked.

“No, not really. I’m supposed to be getting you over to Jill.” She said in a depressed tone.

We stopped hugging. I collected my back pack and off we went to meet Jill.

While we were walking to Jill, I had an idea.

“Hey, since we both have tomorrow off and Wednesday off, maybe I could pick you up after work tonight?” I asked.

“Are you sure you want to do that? It might be late.” Tina replied.

“Tina, I will get to you no matter what time it is. Ok?”

“That would be wonderful.” She said excitedly.

“Where do you want me to pick you up here at the office or do you want me to come to your house?” I asked, hoping she said the office.

“Right here at the office. I usually get off about 8 on Monday. I will go home and pack an overnight bag and be back before you get here.” Answering, still giggly.

She hugged me and kissed me again. She opened the door to the breakroom. Jill looked up from her computer, smiled and asked if my time with Sasha was over for the night. I told her it was.

Tina wished me well and excused herself, closing the door behind her.

“So, you’re the new cock in the hen house, I hear,” Jill said with a mischievous grin.

“Huh, what?” I was lost.

“Don’t worry about it. It was a bad joke,” Jill answered.

“Can we go somewhere private to chat a bit before our ride?” I asked.

“Sure. How private are you looking for, big guy?” She said, smirking.

“Anywhere we won’t be disturbed for a bit.” I replied as deadpan as possible.

“C’mon, follow me. I know where we should go.” Jill responded.

We walked out of the breakroom and down a short hall, around a corner, around another corner, down a long hallway to a lone office. Jill used her ID to unlock the electronic door, switched the light on, and invited me in.

I sat down in a traditional office chair with Jill sitting in another one about 3 feet from me, facing me.

“Well? What do you want to talk about?” Jill asked.

“This job and you.” I replied, surprising Jill.

I started by asking her what she had heard about me.

“Well, you apparently know how to please a woman. The gossip is that you’re packing a 9 inch cock. You made Sasha cum so much she had to beg you to stop fucking her, which, by the way, has never happened before. You have fucked two girls, Tina and Paula, into unconsciousness. You are polite and a gentleman, which seems to make you the target for virtually every woman working here to want to have sex with you………Oh, and you have shown great affection towards Sasha’s assistant, Tina,” Jill said, smiling the whole time.

I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. I should have known that I was being too obvious about my feelings towards Tina. Now, everyone knows our business, or at least they think they do.

“What have you heard about me, David?” Jill asked.

“You are the number one most requested driver here. You are former military. You will make an excess of $600K this year. You have been employed approximately 14 to 15 months. You are clearly Sasha’s favorite employee and you’re generally known for keeping your mouth shut. Am I close?” I said, kind of feeling like the cat who ate the mouse.

“Well, you don’t seem to know much about me sexually, though.” Was her reply.

“So then tell me.” I replied in a smart-ass tone.

“I’d rather show you,” Jill said.


We both stood up and wrapped our arms around each other, pressing our bodies together. Our lips met in a slow, gentle kiss. She leaned in and cupped my face gently, all the while kissing me. She gently bit my bottom lip.

My hands began to roam over her body. She let go of my face and began unbuckling my belt. In one deft move, she unclasped my pants, unzipped me, and had my pants around my ankles.

She knelt in front of me, putting her fingers inside of my boxer shorts and pulled them down to lay on top of my pants. I’m sure I looked silly. Suit coat, long sleeve dress shirt, tie, socks and dress shoes.

She took a firm grasp of my cock. Licking the underside of the shaft started my cock to awaken. She swirled her tongue over and around the bulbous purple head. Her other hand started stroking my balls gently. After my cock finally sprang to full attention, Jill parted her lips and lowered her mouth over my entire cock in one move. She licked, sucked, and slurped my cock. I felt my cock go past her gag reflex of her mouth and into her throat. She swallowed my cock head without incident.

I gently caressed her head. It suddenly crossed my mind that I had not masturbated before coming to work and thus I may not be able to hold out very long. Jill had an exquisite technique for giving a blowjob.

I decided to change tactics. I reached down and lifted her up by her arms, forcing her to abandon the blow job.

She looked quizzically at me, as if to say ‘what, I’m not doing it right’? I leaned in to kiss her again. I began unbuttoning her white dress shirt, unclipping her bow tie, and reaching inside of her shirt to put my hands on her amazing chest. I thought to myself that I have never had a woman who had such an endowed chest.

Thankfully, she had a front clasp bra on. I flicked the clasp, and the boobs were unleashed. I bent my head down and began licking and sucking on her tits. While I was doing that, I slid her blouse and bra off her.

I spent a large amount of time licking her nipples and areolas. I heard a soft moan escape her mouth. Her hands were now massaging my hard manhood. I felt her rub the pre-cum drops up and down the shaft, making me feel even more horny.

I moved back up to kissing her. She seemed to really respond by the kissing. I gently licked and kissed her neck, nibbled on her ear lobes, and gave her small little kisses across her forehead and nose. As I was kissing her, I felt her tense up and shudder.

I thought to myself, “did she just orgasm”? I had to know, so I leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Jill, did you just orgasm?”

“Oh yes, did you feel that?” she said, looking into my eyes.

I kept kissing her. Softly at first, then a bit harder, till finally we were French kissing with force and passion.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door. We froze. It was Sasha.

“Jill, is Mr. David in there with you?” she queried.

“Ah, yeah. Why? Do you need him for something? We were having a private conversation,” Jill said, lying through her teeth.

I was rushing to put myself back together. I had my boxers up, my pants back up, my shirt tucked in when without warning, the electronic lock clicked and the door flung open. There stood Sasha, smiling.

Jill hadn’t quite reconstructed herself. Her bra was back on and her blouse was on, but only two buttons had been re-buttoned.

Sasha walked in and flipped the door closed behind her.

“Jill, dah-ling, you find Mr. David acceptable?” Sasha inquired.

“Well, actually, we didn’t get very far.” Jill said matter of fact.

Sasha spoke up again, “Jill, you and I enjoy sex completely different. I prefer to be taken, like a conquest. I want my vagina driven home like the cock is a giant spike and my pussy is the board. You, on the other hand, my dear, enjoy all that kissy, caressing crap. I never understood how anyone gets off on that.”

“Well Sasha, some people like the hard animal lust and some like the emotional lust…. I see you don’t understand…. let me try this way: We both like a sandwich, let’s say Peanut Butter & Jelly. You might like yours with crunchy peanut butter and grape jelly but, I might like smooth peanut butter and strawberry jelly. Both sandwiches are still PB&J, just different. Make more sense now?” Jill asked.

“Well, Jill, I came in here to include myself with you and Mr. David. I had an idea of getting fucked by him once more before you two get out on the road,” Sasha said with a grin.

“Well, how about he just fucks you, gets cleaned up and we head out with the limo to start the night?” Jill replied with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

“That would be just fine, Jill.”

“Mr. David, take off your clothes quickly and come to me and fuck me as you know how,” Sasha said with a gleam in her eyes.

I took off my coat, loosened my tie, took off my shirt, kicked off my shoes and socks, dropped my pants and stepped out of my boxer shorts. By the time I had done all that, Jill was fully dressed, sitting in her original chair and Sasha was naked, sitting on one of the leather couches.

Her hand was rubbing her already wet pussy. She beckoned me to come to her. I did as was requested.

My cock was again pointing up at the ceiling. Sasha was leaned back on the couch with her head resting on the arm of the furniture piece.

I grabbed my cock and thrust into her very wet womanhood. Yes, I remember this pussy from earlier today. As I thrust in and out of her hard, I could smell her musky scent. It smelled delicious but, I was more focused on pounding her, making her cum more than once but not cumming myself until after her 2 or 3 orgasms.

I turned my head to check on Jill, only to see her filing her fingernails with a facial expression of annoyance.

My brain was in overload. Jill was obviously mad. Sasha was obviously using her position of authority to get more sex from me.

I kept pounding away on her wanton pussy. I grabbed her clit roughly and pinched and twisted it, causing Sasha to yelp loudly. I heard her breathing become erratic. She was pinching her own nipples and pulling them/stretching them.

I reached up with my free hand to slap one of her nipples very hard. This caused Sasha to begin cursing in that Eastern European language. I also felt my cock and balls get very wet as she splashed my groin yet again.

I just kept banging her as hard and as deep as I could. I reached over, leaving her clit for a moment, to grasp her ankles and fold them back to be placed by her ears.

I heard Jill giggle softly. Yet, I kept pounding my cock hard into her.

Again, Sasha began that foreign gibberish with another splash of orgasm all over my mid-section. Yet, I kept hammering into her. I shifted a little so that I was now at more of a 10-degree angle, pounding into her.

Again, she began yelling her foreign words and again, she splashed me with her warm, wet love juice.

“Mr. David, you may stop now. I think I have reached my limit.” Sasha said breathlessly.

Still, I kept pounding into her.

Jill piped up, “David, you need to hurry up now, so you have time to get cleaned up before we get on the road……David……. David, do you hear me?”

I slowed down and came to a stop. I withdrew my rock-hard cock, realizing that I still had not cum yet.

I just walked away from Sasha without saying a word. Jill pointed to a cabinet telling me there were cleanup towels in them.

I walked over to the cabinet, opened it, and took out 4 towels. I walked back to where Sasha and I were coupled and handed Sasha two towels.

I began to clean myself off. Jill asked if I needed any help. I just shook my head no.

Sasha wiped herself down, tossed the towels on the floor, got dressed, and left.

I finished cleaning myself up and got dressed. It was now that the items in the back pack made sense. I reached into my back pack, pulled out a small bottle of cologne, spritzed some on and told Jill I was all ready to go.

Jill and I walked silently to the limos parked on the 12th floor of the parking garage. I was amazed by the number, type, and color of limos they owned. I counted more than 50 vehicles. Long ones, super stretch, town car, Humvee, stretch SUV, as well as an open back super stretch with a hot tub in the open spot.

Jill walked over to one of the town cars. She popped the trunk. We both put our back packs on the far edges of the trunk. Hers’ on the driver's side. Mine on the passenger side. She unlocked the doors and we got in. She started the car but, before she was able to put it into gear, I reached over and turned the key off.

“Jill, I’m sorry.” I said.

“For what? You did nothing wrong.” Jill replied.

“Well, I FEEL like I did. You are clearly upset, and I feel as if I was the cause of that.” Looking directly at her as I spoke.

“It is HER! She knows how to push my buttons. She knows that I’m not going to quit. I’m a Marine, dammit. Marines do not quit. We do not back down, and yet we’re prepared and willing to fight if need be.” Jill spoke, clearly not annoyed, but angry.

“Well, I’m sorry anyway. I thought we were going along wonderfully before we got interrupted. Don’t you agree?” I said, looking into her eyes still.

“David, after what I heard about your performance, I was expecting the same thing with my pussy getting pounded. However, you read me correctly. I truly enjoy the soft, sensual, caressing, touching, and KISSING more so than the fucking. Don’t get me wrong, I like…no, I love being fucked, but I prefer the emotional side more than the physical side of sex. Let me also give you a nickel’s worth of advice: watch yourself. You have done something to Sasha that few, if any, have done before. You have given her multiple orgasms and have caused her to squirt. You, my friend, now have a target on your back. She is going to keep you under a microscope for a while. So, if the rumors are true about you and Tina, you need to keep it out of the office. Whatever is or is not going on with you two, keep it completely professional at work. Got It?” Jill said in a plain tone.

She had given me a lot to think about now.

Jill restarted the car. Put on her ear piece to the mounted cell phone and dialed in that we were leaving the garage and will be available in about 5 minutes or so.

As we pulled out of the garage, Jill suggested we hit a Starbucks for a coffee. I agreed, even though I really don’t care for coffee. I figured that I’ll just get a bottle of water instead.

We sat in silence until we reached the coffee shop.

“Ok, this is going to be a very long night if you don’t start talking.” Jill advised.

“Well then, I’ll order 3 bottles of plain water, none of that fizzy stuff. Jill, how busy will we be tonight?” I asked.

“Hold on for a second.” Jill said at the same time the speaker asked for her order. She placed the drink order and told us to proceed to the window.

After we got our drinks, Jill answered my other question. “We should be dreadfully slow tonight. I would be surprised if we even make seven hundred dollars in fares tonight.”

“Um, if that is bad, what then is a good or even a great night?” I asked, out of curiosity.

“Well, our average drive to ‘regular’ customers runs about 1200-1500 a night. However, that does not include the ‘clients’ who pay lots more for our personal touches.” Jill explained,

“Jill, I feel like I still owe you. We didn’t get to finish what we started in that back office. I would like to at least pay my debt.” I offered.

“Really? You think that you ‘owe’ me? No, Hun, you don’t owe me. But, if you would like to finish what we started, then I’m in. However, you really got to stop thinking you owe people or feel like you need to be submissive to Sasha. This place will tear you up if you don’t toughen up a bit. Remember what I’m sure Sasha has already said to you……. (mocking Sasha in an eastern European accent) {Mr. David, this is not making love. This is sex.}” Jill explained to me in a matter-of-fact tone.

She went on to tell me that when we log out for our lunch break, she knows a few nice hotels that will give us a room for up to three hours at no charge for us to get some shut-eye during a long shift. Of course, I found out that if you ‘service’ a manager or night manager now and then will help things along too.

The first part of the night was dreadfully slow. We kept patrolling some of the upscale resort hotels with only one fare for a measly $200.

About 4 hours into our shift, Jill asks if we should take our lunch break.

“Um, sure, why not? I’m a bit hungry,” I said.

“So, you don’t……” her voice trailed off.

“Oh, my gawd, I thought you were asking a real question about food. Of course, I want to finish what we started. Damn, I’m so stupid sometimes!” I said, hoping she understood.

“GREAT!” she answered, smiling now.

We drove about 3 blocks away to a very nice upscale resort known as the McCall. Built more than a hundred years ago but updated into a top end resort hotel about 3 years ago.

“Hello Jill. Welcome to the McCall. Are you here for the night or just a short nap?” The valet asked.

“Just a nap James. We’ve been working since noon and won’t get off shift until about 4am. We are already bushed. Oh, by the way, this is David. He’s new, and tonight is his first night.” Jill explained.

“David, sir, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m James. I run the valet service here at the McCall. If your first night is with Jill, then you are riding with the best!” James said, in a bit of a flirtatious tone directed at Jill.

“James, please don’t call me sir. David is fine.” I corrected him.

“Yes, sir. I’ll call you David, but please excuse me if I slip and call you sir. It is a habit from my training.” The valet said.

Jill popped the trunk and grabbed both of our back packs. She tossed mine to me and we went inside. Jill went straight to the front desk and a stunningly beautiful lady stood behind the check-in counter, named Donna.

There was some small talk between Jill and Donna.

Donna handed over a plastic key and offered to have a bellman carry our bags to the room for us. She declined, saying we only needed a couple of hours of sleep before getting back in the limo to finish our shift.

Donna came from around the counter and walked right over to me and introduced herself.

“Hello, welcome to the McCall. You must be Jill’s FNG. I’m Donna. Jill and I go way back to the days of being Marines.” She explained.

She then gave me a quick smooch on the cheek and went back behind the counter.

“C’mon, this way. She put us one floor below the Penthouse floor. Real nice suites. They’re barely used.” She explained as we waited for the elevator.

As we rode the elevator up, Jill explained that I should keep close tabs on Donna. She’s hardworking, dependable, keeps her mouth shut, and most of all….is fun in bed.

Yep, she shocked me.

“Tonight, we will visit some places and I will introduce you into some key women you need to take care of from time to time. These women are important to your financial success with this company. You see, if a client’s hotel plans crap out and you provide them alternate upscale accommodations, you could easily get a tip somewhere between 5 and 10 grand! This is the reason, it is very important you keep in close contact with those who I introduce you to tonight. Got it?” Jill explained.

“Absolutely! However, what is an FNG?”

Jill chuckled and said, “Fucking New Guy.”

The bell rang for our floor.

“27th floor…. power tools, lingerie, and ME!” Jill said with a cheesy grin.

We left the elevator. I only saw 4 doors on this floor. ‘Nice’, I thought to myself.

We went to our left to door 27A-2. Jill inserted the key card and opened the door.

When I stepped inside, I was stunned. Never in my entire life had I seen such lavish luxury.

“Don’t get too excited, this is not the best that they have. This suite ‘only’ goes for $2500 a night. The penthouse floor above us, only has two suites to the floor and they each go for $15,000 a night” Jill told me seeing me flabbergasted.

Jill flipped the door closed behind us. Before I even had the opportunity to set my back pack down, Jill had her arms around me, kissing me passionately. I dropped my back pack where I stood. I put my arms around her and pulled her in tight. I could feel those wonderful breasts push against my chest.

As I was kissing her, I began unbuttoning her blouse. With some deftness, I got her blouse unbuttoned and pulled it off her working on her bra next.

Jill whispered in my ear, “I’ve thought about you all night.”

My cock was hard waiting for Jill. She knew it too. Her hand began tracing the outline of my manhood through my pants.

I kept kissing her, working my way from her lips to her neck. I licked from her collarbone back up to her ears. I nibbled on her earlobe once again. I worked my way around to the back of her neck, wrapping my arms around the front of her.

I kept kissing her neck. I let my hands gently caress her beautiful EE chest. I pinched her nipples all the while I was rubbing my hard cock in her ass crack. I was still wearing my trousers. Jill reached behind her and unbuckled my belt, unclasped my pants, unzipped me and pushed my pants and my boxers down.

I stopped playing with her wonderful chest for a moment to take her pants and undies off.

She took my hand and walked me over to this huge bank of windows. She hit the button and opened the drapes. The view was utterly beautiful. You could see across the city all the way to the water’s edge. I was stunned to say the least.

Jill, bent over at the waist, offering me her ass.

I asked, “Are you sure?” as I wanted to be sure she wanted ass sex and not to just do it ‘doggy style’.

Jill whispered back, “Yes my dear. Only a few select people have been allowed. Please take me, but be gentle at first until you’re all the way in.”

I was worried about what to use for lubrication. I stopped for just a moment and went over to my back pack where I reached inside and pulled out a small tube of lubricant. I hustled back to a waiting Jill.

She saw the lube and smiled. She was rubbing her delicious wanton pussy the few moments I was gone. I took those wet fingers and put them in my mouth and sucked them clean. She tasted wonderful.

I popped open the flip top cap. I squirted some on the crack of her beautifully shaped ass. Using my free hand, I rubbed it deep inside of her crack lubing up her anus rosebud before sliding my finger inside of her. She let out a gasp, since she was not expecting me to do that.

After a couple of moments, I put in another finger causing Jill to begin erratically breathe. Without any warning, I put in my two remaining fingers leaving only my thumb outside of her ass. I moved all 4 fingers in and out rhythmically. Jill reached her first orgasm. I could feel her whole body shake and spasm. The sphincter tightened around my fingers.

I squeezed more lube out on my cock and dropped the tube onto the floor. Using my now free hand, I rubbed the lube all over my steel hard cock.

Slowly I removed my fingers from her anus. I whispered in her ear that I was now going to begin fucking her.

“Oh yes, take me!” Jill breathlessly replied.

Chapter 4

With my free hand that was just in her ass, I grabbed the base of my cock and gently pushed the head inside. I didn’t really need to be that gentle as her ass was in gape mode. I pushed my cock all the way inside until my balls were against her pussy.

I started slowly fucking her. I knew she would want me to be steady and not just ‘pound away’. I kept up the in and out motion.

I felt her body tense up, her breathing very erratic, and all at once I felt wetness on my shins. Oh, my goodness, this raving beauty just squirted! I kept fucking her ass.

Now, I was getting cockier by the minute. I began to pick up speed on her anal plundering. Breathlessly, Jill begged me to go deeper and harder into her.

I picked up speed and began hammering her ass with all that I could muster. In and out, in and out, over and over. My hips were in a blur going as hard and as fast as I was fucking her rear hole. Much to my surprise, I felt a new amount of pussy cum hitting my shins and feet.

“Oh, my holy gawd. David…. ahh…. ahh…. David…. you fuck my ass like no one else has ever.” Jill yelled while cumming yet again.

I leaned over her back. “Jill darling, I’m close” I whispered in her ear.

“I want you to cum in my ass. Please, please, please…cum inside my ass. Please David” She responded.


As we slowed down, her breathing became more regular. Her body more relaxed. It took all my remaining strength to not collapse on Jill’s back. My cock was now deflating, I stepped back withdrawing my cock from her ass.

I spun her around, stood her up, and kissed her hard. I whispered in her ear that we should probably shower and get dressed as we only have about 25 minutes left of our dinner break. I offered her to shower first. She accepted and grabbed her back pack, her clothes and shoes to head to the bathroom.

While she was in there, I messed up the bedding on two of the beds. That way, it would look like we did sleep.

I heard the shower turn off. I grabbed my back pack, my clothes, and left my shoes by the couch to put them on when I was dressed.

I heard Jill come out of the bathroom. She walked right up to me and planted a long passionate kiss. After our lips separated, I hurried into the bathroom for the fastest shower ever.

4 minutes to shower, not bad, I thought to myself. I opened the bathroom door and stepped out to dress. Jill was already dressed and waiting on me. I hurried through dressing, going out to the living room couch where I left my shoes and socks.

Once I finished and was ready, I asked Jill, “Anything we need to do before we leave?”

“Not really. Just make sure you have everything because the key card is single entrance only. Once the door closes behind us we are locked out.” She informed me.

I glanced around the room. Jill commended me for mussing up the beds to make it look legitimate that we slept. I pushed the button for the drapes to close and spotted the tube of lube on the ground by the windows. I picked it up and stuffed it in my back pack.

Jill and I took the elevator back down to the lobby. I offered to return the key card to Donna which Jill thought was a very good idea.

I went over to the counter. Chatted with Donna for a minute or two. I got her ‘business card’ complete with her personal cell phone written on the back. I smiled at her knowing that there were customers waiting to check-in behind me. I blew her a kiss from across the counter and headed out to the valet.

The limo was waiting at the front door. I saw Jill give James a light kiss and hand him some money. We both got in the limo, Jill put on the cell phone ear piece and checked in with the dispatcher.

“Oh, thank gawd you’re back. We’re in a bind. Mr. and Mrs. Paxton are landing in 15 minutes. Their usual driver, Denise had an accident tonight. Can you pick up the Paxtons?” the dispatcher asked in desperation.

“Sure, but you do remember I have David with me tonight.” Jill reminded.

“Sasha said that it doesn’t matter. They are long time clients and we can’t drop the ball on them. So, please get your gorgeous ass over to the private part of the airport. You won’t be able to miss their Gulfstream 7 jet. It’s painted purple. Pull up to their plane, aid them off the plane, if needed. Put their luggage in the trunk and take them to their hotel, the Pinetree.” Dante, the dispatcher said as if Jill had never taken clientele before.

“Dante, I’ve done this before, not with the Paxtons, but I know the drill. Oh, and by the way, you do know that have a town car not a limo?” Jill asked.

“Yes, Sasha told me you were scheduled to drive a town car tonight. Please just explain to them that their requested driver, Denise was in a serious accident tonight and that you and David were asked to step in. There will be no charge since they are not getting their requested driver, nor the proper car. They are usually reasonable people.” Dante said in a panic-like voice.

We had already left the McCall and were pulling into the airport entrance way to the private field for high-end aircraft when Dante hung up.

“Oh shit, I forgot to ask about Denise. They’ll want to know. I’ll just tell them that she was taken to the hospital and there is no word yet.” Jill said out loud clearly thinking the scenario through.

“Jill, may I handle this for you? You can easily step in if you don’t think that I’m handling the issue properly, please?” I asked.

“Um, I’m not sure. It’s your first night and all. But, you got to learn how to handle things like this at some point. So, I guess it would be alright. If you get in over your head, ask me and I’ll take over for you. Deal?” Jill said.

“Deal. Hey, there’s their plane. When we get to the plane, just pop the trunk and let me handle them.” I said smiling.

We pulled up to their plane before the aircraft door opened. I hopped out and stood waiting for the aircraft door to open.

When it opened the steps folded out, I stood at the bottom of the steps. Mrs. Paxton was the first to come out and head down the steps. She looked at me quizzically.

I put my arm out to offer her assistance with the steps introducing myself. “Hello Mrs. Paxton. I’m David. Your requested driver was in a serious accident a bit ago. Jill and I were asked to make sure you and Mr. Paxton have a safe journey over to your hotel, the Pinetree.”

I was walking Mrs. Paxton over to the car, opening the door for her when Mr. Paxton appeared at the top of the Gulfstream’s steps.

Before he could even ask, his wife let him know that Denise was in a serious accident and the limo company sent them instead. Mr. Paxton seemed to relax knowing what happened to Denise.

I offered to get their luggage which the steward from the plane was lining up at the bottom of the stairs. I took one look at their luggage seeing it was the Rimowa brand luggage, which goes about $1500 per piece.

I loaded the luggage in the trunk. Got into the front with Jill and asked her to head to the Pinetree.

“Yes, sir.” Jill replied.

As we left the airport, I turned around and explained to the Paxtons that on behalf of the Happy, Happee limo company we will not be charging them for tonight because they are such preferred clients and we apologize that neither their preferred driver nor their requested limo showed up to transport them to the Pinetree.

Mr. Paxton spoke, “Is it David? Things happen. You have taken ownership of the issue and it was very responsible of you to show up to pick up my wife and I.”

Jill spoke up, “Mrs. Paxton is there anything you need? We are only about 5 minutes from the Pinetree.”

I thought to myself, ‘nice touch’.

“No, my dear. We just want to get to our hotel since we hit lots of turbulence on the flight over here. I’m ready for a long soak in a hot tub then bed, with my sexy hubby, of course” Mrs. Paxton said with a wink to Jill.

We pulled into the valet area, popped the trunk. I jumped out to open the doors for Mr. and Mrs. Paxton. The bellman was waiting for the Paxtons with a hotel cart and he began unloading their luggage from the limo.

Mr. Paxton waved me over and handed me three sets of folded up bills.

He said to me, “This one is for Denise. Please tell her from us, that we hope she is ok. Please call my secretary when there is word on her. The second one here is for your driver. She was pleasant, and it was a very nice touch of her asking my wife if she needed anything. And, David, this is for you. It was nice to see a manager take charge and take care of their clientele. I will be calling Sasha tomorrow and telling her what a wonderful manager you are.”

“Mr. Paxton, thank you, but it is more important that we keep our clients happy. You don’t need to make any fuss about me to Sasha. She knows me, since she is the one who hired me.” I answered.

“David, one more thing. If you EVER need a job, please call me. I can use a top-flight manager like you in my company.” Mr. Paxton said handing me his personal business card with his private number on the back.

“Mr. Paxton, I’m honored. Thank you. Please have a good night.” I replied.

As I turned around, I saw Jill standing outside the driver’s door with her mouth hanging open.

I went over to the car and got in. I asked if there had been any word about Denise. She told me that Denise was shaken up, but the limo is totaled. She said that Sasha would explain to us later.

I gave Jill the folded bills that Mr. Paxton gave me for her. She unfolded it and saw that there was, seven $100 bills. She asked about the other two folded money packets. I told her one was for Denise. I unfolded it and saw that there was, five $100 bills. Which made me curious about the packet he gave me as it seemed thicker. I unfolded it and Jill’s eyes got as big as saucers. I counted all the bills up and there was, a total of twenty $100 bills……he gave me a $2000 tip!


That was a preview of The Chauffeur - Book One. To read the rest purchase the book.

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