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Mr Bigg and Miss Little

Charla Mayne


Mr Bigg and Miss Little

By Charla Mayne

Description: Getting short on acceptable applicants, Farley Bigg, Esq., Attorney at Law, finally finds an associate lawyer for his firm. In doing so, he also finds happiness and plenty of company.

Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Romantic, Polygamy/Polyamory, Trans

Published: 2023-02-09

Size: ≈ 40,248 Words

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Chapter One - Mr. Bigg and Miss Little - Charla Mayne

The interview went well. Miss Little was punctual, eloquent, highly knowledgeable of current legal precedent, and, well, to tell the truth, extremely attractive. Her voice was steady and sure, and I felt if she were in front of a jury, it would be commanding enough to win the day. She wasn’t exactly a ‘little’ girl, either, if you get my drift. Her size and stature would not be a negative and she would not be perceived as small or weak. I saw no reason not to hire her for the associate position I had open. The last two people I interviewed were both weak in at least a couple of areas and tried to make up for it with bullshit. That’s the LAST thing a fellow wants to do in a job interview.

“You’re hired, Miss Little, that is, if you want the position. I can’t pay much yet, but as we grow, I’m sure we’ll do much better. You’ll receive a percentage of your billable time, on top of fifty-two grand guaranteed annually. Does that sound reasonable?”

“Yes, Mr. Bigg, and, may I add, since we’ll be working together, and in close quarters, Shara will be fine.”

“Sounds good. Most of my close friends call me Buster, so you take your pick. Mr. Bigg, Farley, Buster, or ‘hey, you’. It’s up to you, except in court, then…. It’s Miss Little and Mister Bigg, or just counselor.” She nodded, letting the cutest little giggle escape. She truly was not a little girl, and having that sensitive, soft, adorable giggle out in the open, emanating from this large, beautiful form, told me I’d made the right decision. She could be compassionate and feminine yet had a commanding voice and the knowledge of the law on her side.

“Hours are from nine to five, however, you’ll find that your actual time will be a bit more radical, kind of like in law school. Late nights preparing briefs, research late into the evening, up early for interviews, and afternoons off after court to celebrate, or find a place to be alone and cry in your martini. I’m not kidding about that, by the way. Afternoons after court are just something we have to deal with. I highly recommend you let your secretary know where you are at all times during office hours. It’s important. We’ll share a secretary and a para, for now. I hope to have two of each within a year, but that will depend on how we do. Your office is the one over there off the reception area. Yes, you have a window,” she giggled again, “and there is enough room outside of your office, in the reception area, for two more desks. The reception area is pretty big, as you can see, and I plan on having the new paralegal across the open area from Rachel, and your secretary next to Linda. That will put them just outside each of our doors. When fully staffed, we’ll have the conference room as well as the two work rooms if we need quiet space to work with our paras or just to let them have quiet time for prep or research. Questions?”

“No, sir. I just want to get to work. I already have a case and I want to get it going now that I am part of an actual legal firm. Can I ask your secretary to help me get some letterhead up and altered so I look like I belong?”

“LINDA!” I yelled. She was there in seconds, smiling, as always. Linda was about fifty, very outgoing, beautiful, and was once married to my uncle. “Linda, can you bring up our letterhead and get some fixed up for Miss Shara A. Little, J.D. I just hired her as an associate counselor. Please treat her with all the respect and kindness you can muster. She seems like a keeper, and I’m tired of looking.”

“Yeah, Buster, can do. I don’t blame you. The last two looked and acted like used car salesmen. I’ll bet they’re chasing ambulances by the end of the month. Probably working for Goldweiss on commission only. That guy and those losers working for him would sue a rock for laying in the wrong place. Shara, I’m Linda Bigg. In addition to helping as your secretary for a while, I’m Buster’s…. Sorry, I’m Farley’s aunt. I was anyway. Come on out when you’re done in here and we’ll get you some template documents together.” Shara started to rise. “Can I have her now, Buster?”

“Yes, Linda. Go. Shara, welcome. Thank you for coming in, too. Seriously. The pickings were looking really slim out there.”

“Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Bigg. Farley. Buster. Let me get used to all of them, please. I know what you want me to call you will vary, and I will vary it, depending on the circumstances.” She smiled at me and left with Linda to get to work.

The case she had was a discrimination suit against a local manufacturing plant that belonged to a much larger company in Chicago. The company’s executive staff and board of directors in Chicago found out way too late about the local manager treating an otherwise beautiful and wonderful person badly because he found out she wasn’t born a she. Well, one thing led to another, and he let her go. Shara thought the employee had a pretty good case, so I let her run with it.

She picked up another case shortly after that, a criminal thing where someone was being accused, but wasn’t in town at the time. The only way to prove her actual whereabouts was with the testimony of the person’s boyfriend, and they were on the outs at the time. Shara had her work cut out for her.

I had my own cases going. I was working on a divorce case and an assault thing where this guy’s wife beat the crap out of him and threw him out of the house. His neighbor called him and told him some big dude left the house about an hour later. Not really what a guy wants to hear after his wife punches him about the head and shoulders, but it explained a lot. I guess I was actually working on two divorce cases.

Shara asked if we had a private eye on call, and when I explained that we didn’t, but that we should probably find one, a good one, she asked if I minded if she looked around for one. I didn’t mind a bit, but I asked her not to spend a bunch of money until we were sure of them.

The next morning, she came in a few minutes late, being followed by a gorgeous little redheaded wonder. It was just a bit funny watching Shara, a big, five eight or nine-ish tall, well-built, and attractive woman, being followed in by the little five-foot nothing pixie behind her. Don’t get me wrong. The little pixie was built like a really little brick shithouse, and prettier than… Think about one of Tinkerbell’s faerie buddies. That kind of cute.

“Farley, this is Wanda. She’s a licensed private investigator. I met her last night at… I met her last night, and we talked a bit. She’s looking for work, has a reasonable expense rate, and has some experience with what I need, and one of the things you’re working on.”

“And just what those might be, Shara?” I asked her, giving her a questioning look.

“I need her to sweet talk a certain boyfriend into either admitting my client was with him or at least out of town, as well as getting a certain plant manager to admit he’s a dork. You need her to find a big brute that was hiding in a closet while your black and blue client was getting his head batted in. I think if she can prove herself on these three jobs, we would do well to keep her around.”

“If she can pull three for three, and we can maximize the return on her information, then yes, I agree. Y’all check with Rachel on exactly what we’re looking for, then go to it. Wanda, it’s nice to meet you.”

Wanda surprised me. “Nice to meet you, too, sir. May I ask how you got so lucky as to have not one, and not two, but three beautiful women working around you?”

“Not to come off like a dolt, but it’s four now, and I have no damned idea.” Linda and Rachel laughed. Shara giggled.

Wanda’s eyes lit up. “Thank you,” she said.

I touched my finger to my brow and went back into my office. This was going to be hard to deal with. Literally.

It wasn’t a week later I heard through my open door that Miss Little was seen at a club with a man, then the next night seen with another woman, dancing and having fun, then left with the lady.

I asked Rachel if that was any of her business, and laughing she said, ‘yes, and no’. “Not specifically, but I’ll need the address if I have to go pick her up again!” She and Linda both laughed openly, not even caring that I was questioning the basis for the joke.

“Help me a little here, girls?”

“Wanda is out of town working on the ‘boyfriend in Hamilton’ case, so your associate was out on the town. I’m just relating that the last time this happened, I had to go get her at the woman’s house in the morning and take her home so she could get ready to come in. She was completely sober, boss, don’t go there, but it’s fun trying to keep up with her. She’s a wild woman. I don’t think the man got that far with her. She probably wasn’t all that interested.” Rachel was evidently the one keeping up with her, but…

“Plus, according to your directions, she’s let me know where she is at all times. Not just during work, but at ALL times. ‘Linda, I’m going to The Stockinged Lady’ or ‘Linda, I’m going to Denny’s with Wanda’. She’s having fun with it. Buster, I’ll tell you something funny, if you promise to keep it between the three of us.” I nodded. “Sometimes she asks where you are. ‘Is Buster out and about tonight? We could run into him if he’s out on the town, Linda. What about it?’ I think she wants that, Buster. Just sayin’.”

“Sounds to me like a party waiting for someplace to happen. Not my style, ladies, and you both know it.” They did, too. I’m not a party animal. I like to go out and dance and all, on occasion, but frolic is not a word in my personal dictionary.

“Don’t worry, Buster, she’s not like this either, I don’t think. She’s blowing off steam. Same as you did six years ago when you left Stanford. It was all anyone could do to find you alone, sober, and, well, you know, calm. I’ll bet she’s just like you deep down inside. An incurable romantic with a heart the size of the Sphinx.”

“Well, I’m over all that, and I hope she gets that way, too. If she embarrasses us, she’s gonna have to go.”

Both of them giggled, causing me much consternation. I was as serious on that topic as that sounded.

“Just go out and be seen once in a while, Buster. If you run into them, you might have fun. Seriously. It wouldn’t kill you to have a good time some evening.”

It was a setup. Wanda was back and had the boyfriend on tape admitting that the client spent the weekend with him. They had been arguing the whole time because he cheated on her and she was breaking up with him. “No, there was no way she could have been in town to commit the burglary. It was a two-and-a-half-hour ordeal, and he distinctly remembers that night. At ten o’clock, she slapped him and told his new girlfriend she was stupid for falling for such a two-timing putzball. He remembered her using the term ‘putzball’. They both, the old and new girlfriends, yelled at him until midnight thirty when the client and the new girlfriend left his house together. It was funny. Just before I left, he said, ‘She was probably a carpet muncher anyway. How ‘bout you, Red, wanna ride Herschel the Wonder Pony?’ I told him I was a carpet muncher, too, watched him start to boil, and then hightailed it out of there. I watched them leave from my Jeep, and the new girlfriend was still reading him the riot act for being a dumbass. I’m serious, people, it was funny.”

Wanda was a hoot. She had it all on tape, though, so our client got off Scot free, and the accuser was countersued and had to pay the legal bills. They had known the whole time and under cross examination, Shara pulled out an unintentional confession to that fact. She was marvelous. Three hundred an hour and we spent a whole bunch of hours on it.

In any case, I was talked into meeting the ladies at a bar, or a ‘club’, mostly attended by lesbians, I found out soon after walking in, and had an absolute ball. Wanda had me dancing with not only her, but several other women. I danced with Shara, and another woman I found out later was our client from the manufacturing facility. Her name was Elenore, and she and Shara were trying to settle out of court, but Shara was holding out for a bit more money, and a promise of a good letter of recommendation for employment elsewhere.

I had one too many drinks in me and told the girls I was going home. I called an Uber, and in a moment of failure, said, “If you’re coming with me, get on the train.” Good thing the Uber guy had a soccer mom van.

I woke up the next morning with Shara, Wanda, Elenore, and some cute little blonde with a cute little bobbed haircut all in bed with me. None of us was naked, thank God. Shara was in her blouse, bra and panties, Wanda was in a bra and panties, Elenore was in just panties, with a little bump in them, and the cute little blonde I later found out was Sierra, was in just a bra. She was smooth as a baby’s butt from the neck down. A gorgeous little girl to say the least. I say girl, but she was at least twenty-five and probably more. Fantastically beautiful, though.

I groaned and was told to stay where I was, that no one had been injured during the filming of the movie, causing the others to giggle, and that I would be taken care of to insure no one was sued, went to jail, or had to blow a judge to stay that way. Laughter filled the room.

It was Wanda that brought me coffee. “Shara has a coffee maker like yours, so she figured it out pretty quickly. Buster, are you OK? We all had a good time last night, and seriously, no one got hurt, physically or mentally. We just had fun. I hope you did.”

I nodded. “Wanda, I don’t think I’ve had that much fun in quite a while, but it’s not my normal. I’m normally pretty quiet.”

“We know. I talked to Rachel and Linda. So has Shara. We know. Stay. Have some coffee. Breakfast will be up in a bit.” She moved to leave.

“Wanda, what’s really going on?”

“Can you keep a secret?”

I nodded.

“Shara thinks she might like you. I like Shara. A lot. Elenore says she likes me. Sierra’s just a cute little slut that wanted to see what Elenore looked like with no panties on.” She let loose a little giggle. “There is a little more to the Sierra and Elenore thing, but who knows.” She smiled at me after she finished.


“Yeah. Oh. Just be yourself, Buster. Please. None of us knows anything yet, but that’s what it looks like to us. If you want to run, run, but wait until after breakfast. They’re trying to make it a good morning for you.”

“OK,” I said, then smiled at her and watched as a perfect size zero ass walked out of my bedroom. I knew I could reach all the way around her waist with my hands, touching my thumbs and fingers. She was that small. Why I would fantasize about that, at that moment, was beyond me, but I did.

We ate breakfast with the girls all sitting on the bed with plates of eggs and toast. A few had bacon. Sierra didn’t. She just had eggs and toast. She smiled at me a couple of times, getting me to blush a bit. The crowd laughed at that, making fun of the little lesbian slut, not me.

Work on Monday was a bit different. Shara was very formal and maybe apprehensive, even. She appeared to be creating space between the two of us. I didn’t push the issue. I wasn’t looking for companionship. She evidently wasn’t either.

Nothing was said, and nothing was done, for weeks. Shara went out on several dates, from what I heard, and after Elenore’s case was decided, out of court, with about two years’ salary and a glowing letter of recommendation for her future employment, Shara even went out on a date with her.

Wanda stopped in the office late one night looking for Shara but found me, alone, researching a case I was working on involving a property dispute.

“Buster, have you seen Shara?”

“No, Wanda, I haven’t. I haven’t seen her all day. I don’t think I saw her yesterday, either. What’s up?”

“I guess maybe I thought we had something going. Maybe I misread her.”

“That may very well be true, Wanda, but I doubt it and seriously, hon, I’m not the one to ask. I know nothing about women. I’m not looking for one, and I don’t imagine I’ll find the right one, or that she’ll find me, unless we accidentally trip over each other someday. I just don’t… I’m not looking, Wanda.”

“Buster, what are you getting at? You mean you’re not looking for a woman, or not looking at all?”

“I’m not gay, Wanda, if that’s that you’re asking. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s not me. I’m not looking at all. I went there once, and I don’t want to go there again. I was hurt. Badly. Terribly. I was… I’m not looking.”

“Oh. Well, I am, Buster. I like her. I think she’s the cat’s ass. If she… Never mind. Thanks, Buster. If you see her, let her know I’m looking for her? I guess you still have me on file for work?”

“God, I hope so. Three for three was the deal, and you laid that out in spades. I had no idea you’d get that plant manager to cave like that and admit he let her go because he was afraid of transsexual people.” She started to explain. “No, stop. I don’t want to know. I just want to know you can do it again if we need you.”

“You said ‘we’.”

“Yeah? So? Me, Linda, Rachel, and Shara, if she ever shows up.”

Wanda giggled. “Tell her I’m looking for her, Buster. Please?” I nodded.

I had no idea what was going on with Shara’s love life, and I didn’t want to. Wanda would be good for her, though. She was at least an adult. Acting, not just in age. Wanda had a fun side, but when she needed to be, she was serious as a heart attack, and deadly, from what I understand. Her mental state was made to fit. She could be playful, but when it came to work, she was hard as stone. I came to understand she was a master in a few forms of martial arts and self-defense, including Kung Kahr and Beretta Fu. She packed accurate weapons and was a good and quick shot.

Shara entered my office very early two days later and told me what was happening. I could have asked Linda at any time and gotten the same information, so it wasn’t like I was put out or anything. She had travelled to Cincinnati to interview a former neighbor of a client who was accused of cheating during a divorce case she was working on. The neighbor actually had footage of the spouse, the accuser, not the accused, having the affair. It was going to turn a million-dollar case upside down. We stood to make a bundle and were told by the husband to drag it out as long as possible and work all the billable hours we wanted. Now, we had the footage, we had the lies, we had the deceit, and we had the witnesses in the bag, he told us to take her for everything we could. They had a prenup, so he wasn’t getting a whole lot of his wife’s family’s wealth, but if he wasn’t the one that cheated, he got a fairly substantial settlement. He told us to get the rest for ourselves in exchange for our trouble. She was a wicked bitch and super rich.

I told Shara to call Wanda in. Shara acted as if she’d just found out her puppy had been kidnapped. “Oh, God! Wanda! I haven’t seen her for days! Damn!” She ran to her office and a half hour later, Wanda went straight in, smiling and waving to Linda, then to Rachel, then finally, to me. I smiled back.

It was two weeks later when I saw Shara and Wanda out at a restaurant downtown. They had that little girl, Sierra, with them. I shouldn’t say little girl. She was small, petite, like Wanda, but she wasn’t a child. She was Shara’s age, if not older. Mid to late twenties, if a day.

“Hey, boss!” Wanda yelled. That was kind of funny, considering she owned her own LLC, and I wasn’t really her boss. Contractually, maybe, but not factually. I walked over to the table, standing behind the one empty chair at the four-person table.

“Good evening, ladies.” I was trying to be polite, at a minimum. Sierra jumped on it.

“Buster, is your hot tub always running? I hate to be rude, but I have some sore muscles in my legs, and I would kill to be able to sit in that thing tonight if it is.”

“Yes, Sierra, it is, but are you sure that is what you really need? Physical therapy might be a better choice.”

“No, if you don’t mind, just that and a good night’s sleep, and I’ll be out of your hair after I make you coffee in the morning. Please?” At that point, she was almost begging.

“Yes, Sierra. I’ll check with you on my way out.”

“Thanks.” Neither Shara nor Wanda said a word the entire time.

“You ladies have a good evening. I’ll see you Monday. Sierra, if you all… Never mind. You know what you need to do.” She giggled and nodded.

I went back to the table where a woman I’d met the week before was sitting waiting for me to come over. We’d set the date up after meeting at a conference dealing with legal software for small firms to keep their practices online and running smoothly. We were standing in front of a table, both listening to a cute blonde salesgirl, obviously sporting a really nice pushup bra, pitching her software, when we both asked the exact same question at the exact same time. We thought that was a sign. It was, but not the right kind.

The more we talked, the more we realized she was topically and politically opposite me. Completely, one hundred and eighty degrees out of sync. She was opposed to every stance on every item of the platform of the party I belonged to. The planks I considered to be the basis for my moral beliefs. The date ended with a cordial agreement to disagree, then she told me if I ever went back to law school, to try not to take any of her classes. “Thank you for the warning, Nancy,” I told her. “I appreciate your candor.”

I sat there for twenty minutes, steaming. I had failed my own guidance. Don’t go looking. Don’t fall for the shit. Stop when they say ‘Hi’. Just say ‘Lo’ and walk away. Women suck. No, not that kind of suck. They just…

“Didn’t go well, huh?” It was Sierra. “Sorry. We saw from over there. Hey, it was pretty obvious. It looked bad enough that I sent Shara and Wanda off to do their thing. Can I ride with you? I’m not here to make your life worse, Buster. I promise. I just want to soak my legs in your hot tub. I really have a problem. I’m doing some exercise stuff and was working in the yard the other day, interestingly getting ready to have a hot tub installed, when I think I may have over done it. I promise not to be a dweeb and make things worse.”

“Not a problem, Sierra. I’m just not good around women. I can’t believe this happened. We said the exact same thing at the exact same time when we met. I thought maybe…”

“Not too farfetched. Nothing worked after that?”

“Nothing. Complete opposites. Vehement opposites. Not the kind that attract and mesh, the kind that repel.”

“Oh, that sucks. Hey. Take me home, I’ll make you a drink, put you to bed, jump in your hot tub, and after I wake up and make you coffee, you’ll not see me again for days. Like I said, I need help, but I don’t want to be a pain. I love Shara and Wanda. Elenore, too. They’re a gas. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt them, and hurting you would do that, so…” She stood and held her hand out. I took it.

We soaked for an hour after we got home. I wore trunks. She was naked. Sierra was truly a beautiful little sprite. Very pretty, cute, vivacious little girl. Her short blonde hair was quite different now than the first time I saw it. It was tapered now, still feminine, but shorter still, reminding me of the original Peter Pan.

Our conversation covered a hundred subjects from car safety ratings to why steaks had to be raw to be considered cooked correctly. She wasn’t a vegan; she just didn’t want bacon that morning. Interesting. She liked her steak just before medium. I told her to make sure the next time she was out at my place for a steak dinner to make sure I did it just right. She giggled and told me she’d help as much as she could.

She went on to thank me for soaking with her. She wanted me to know she was being honest about needing the soak and the bubbles, but also wanted to tell me that Shara was quite smitten with me, that Wanda was quite smitten with us both, that Elenore was madly in lust with Wanda, and that she herself thought Elenore was the cutest tranny and one of the nicest girls she’d ever met.

She held her index finger up with her thumb on the second knuckle and said, “Can you believe, her dickie is only that big when she’s excited? It’s true. She’s a doll. I really like her. She’s honest. True. Genuine. Not a deceptive bone in her body. Especially not that one!” She started laughing and slapped at the water. “Oh, sorry. I just thought about that and…”

“No problem. I’m going to bed, Sierra. You’re welcome to join me. I like you. I think we can be friends. I don’t see anything happening tonight. Later, maybe. That would be up to you, but I wouldn’t mind being close tonight.”

She looked at me like I was a four headed chicken. She cocked her head, cracked a small smile, then she stood, got her towel, dried herself off and I found her in my shower rinsing herself off. I did the same, we dried again, then we climbed into bed. She kissed me, snuggled back into me and we fell asleep.

Just as she threatened, there was hot coffee on my nightstand, and I heard the entry door to the garage close and she was gone. Uber? Taxi? Who knew?

Monday morning, Shara and Wanda asked if they could meet with me for a few minutes. The million-dollar prenup case was paying dividends and they wanted to keep me up to date with the information the soon-to-be ex-husband and witnesses were providing, and where it could all go.

There was no end to it. One hint of cheating had created a trail leading to another, then another, and so on, then we decided we had enough. The state didn’t need all that evidence for the divorce, and we had enough to do a civil suit to make sure his prenup offer was completely filled and a bit more for inconvenience, displacement, and other living expenses.

Shara set a precedent in the state with that one, getting him half again what the prenup authorized and a huge amount for us. Following all the leads through all the rabbit holes, one boyfriend after another, until she was shamed into moving, proved just enough for the client, and made sure that Shara tripled her minimum reimbursement for the year, just in that one case. She was happy. Very happy.

She kissed me in the bar we retreated to for a celebration after we adjourned. In front of Wanda. In front of Elenore. In front of Sierra.

“Let’s go see if the hot tub is hot! I’ll make the drinks and the snacks and get towels and…”

“Sierra, stop. Come on all, let’s take this to my house if you want. I’m good with it. Sierra showed me something the other night.”

“I did?”

“Yeah. You proved to me that your gender is not completely comprised of bitches, witches, whores, sluts, cheaters, beaters, and worthless pieces of shit.”

Sierra was surprised at my outburst. “Oh. Is that what you were thinking before that night?”

“Pretty much.”

“Good God, Sierra, what did you do?” Shara asked.

“Nothing. I mean we soaked, I was nekkid, he wasn’t, then we rinsed, and went to bed. He snuggled me to him, getting me to sleep in about three point five seconds, then I made him coffee in the morning and left. Nope, nothing happened.”

“Oh, my Lord. You are so freaking smart! You did exactly what he wanted. Not to mention exactly what he needed. You used him for a soak and didn’t soak him afterwards!” Wanda shared, laughing.

“Thank you, Sierra. Let them laugh, but Farley’s a nice guy. You showed him nothing. That is certainly and specifically what he needed. He needed nothing. I’ll bet he loved it,” Elenore said.

“I did. She’s soft and warm. I went to sleep in seconds, too,” I told them.

We wound up at my house again, this time with me completely sober and watching four completely naked women floating in my hot tub. I was aroused, to say the least.

Shara was a big girl. Five eight or better, if an inch, and every pound of one sixty and probably a few more. Her legs were beautifully shaped, athletic, and long, her waist thin, her bottom supple, and her bust ample.

Wanda, the gorgeous little redhead, was small, very petite, and couldn’t have weighed in at over a hundred. She was a pixie faerie, tiny, just like Sierra, only Sierra’s hair was short and blonde versus Wanda’s thick, long, red mane. Both of them had pretty little bubble butts, cute long legs for their height, small waists, and breasts big enough to look large on them.

Elenore was a gorgeous sample of femininity in her own right. Her breasts were smaller but very adequate for her shape, certainly, and she also had a small waist. Her bottom was a little less ample, but she made up for it with longer legs.

I noticed that none of the women sported any hair on their bodies below their necks. That was something I really liked seeing.

I asked about it and Wanda filled me in. “It’s all the rage now, Buster. There is absolutely no reason for keeping it. Once a girl reaches puberty, and has some hair to prove it, it’s in the way from there on out. Lez or straight, it just gets in the way.” All five of us broke out laughing. “We’d feel the same way about yours, if you ever decide to do it. It just traps sweat, is worthless as dental floss, and is a pain in the ass to maintain. If a woman says she wants to keep it because it makes her feel like a grown woman… Never mind. Not this grown woman!”

“Hear, hear!” came from the others.

“I’ll let you know,” I told them. I had considered it, actually. Being without the hair, supposedly, keeps the sweaty body odors down, creates less chafing, and solves other issues as well. I was being honest. I’d think about it.

I took in the sight before me. I wasn’t in the market for a woman, and yet, none of the women in the hot tub with me, especially the last one in the line, Sierra, were females I would mind having around. I decided at that point to stop looking at them like the enemy, especially Shara and Sierra, and think seriously about what was happening.

“Ladies, I’m going to bed. I’m hoping I’m not going to be alone, but I’m not asking for trouble, either. Sierra and I already know we can get along without any problems. I’m scared to death of the rest of you. Please, though, if you’d like to join me,” Sierra reached out her hand for me to take. “If you’d like to join US, please do. It’s a big bed. Come on, Sierra, I need to rinse off. I’m getting a bit tired.” It was two in the morning at that point, and we’d had several cocktails, thanks to Sierra’s excellent hostess skills. I wasn’t being a drama queen.

I took her hand, pulled her out, took her in my arms and carried her to the shower. No towels, just a couple of naked bodies, one sporting a bit of an erection, that would have been me, and the other giggling. The other three women followed us. In towels, thankfully. My carpet and padding were going to be drying for days at this rate. Five of us fit in the large shower enclosure just fine, and since Sierra knew how to use the wand, she helped rinse all of us off. I also noticed that she had hands on each of us, washing me a bit, then all of them.

“Hold this,” she’d say, then with a bit of body wash in her palms, run them up and down an entire body. Shara’s took a little longer and got a few giggles in return. Shara’s giggles did not fit her body size or her personality unless she was in a situation like this. Shara was cute. She was beautiful. She was gorgeous. She was even glamorous at times. She smiled at me as Sierra rubbed her body. Sierra went under her middle just a bit and may have rubbed and soaped her bottom area, hitting some rather sensitive and sensual areas. I was pretty sure from the visuals that Shara’s labial folds and pucker did not go unmolested.

Shara smiled, then laughed. “Stop it, you little slut! Rinse me. I want to take Buster to bed while you three finish cleaning up. Take your time. Jesus, Sierra, I can’t believe you did that. Thank you, though. It felt really nice. Come on, boss, let’s vacate this wet den of debauchery.”

We dried in the bathroom, then naked as newborn babies, she took my hand and led me to my bed. She knelt then sat on her heels at the foot of the bed while I laid down and pulled the sheet up over me.

“Buster, do you ever notice me?”

“Shara, I notice you all the time. You’re a beautiful woman and really hard NOT to notice. What are you really asking?”

“Would you ever want to take me to a movie? To dinner? To the hospital gala next Friday? Do you notice me THAT way?”

“I could, I think, if you want me to notice you that way, but first, I have to know…”

“Buster, Sierra told me. Wanda told me. I’m not like that. What I want is someone like you in my life for a long time. To share ourselves. Our lives. Forever like. Not for this year, not up until next year. If I do that, if I share myself with a man, for me it’s forever.”

“You’ve never…”

“I’ve not had vaginal sex with a man. No, I’ve never. I’ve also not had willing penetrative sex of any kind with a man. Different definitions, but I’ve not ever had a man in my cunny and I’ve never invited one into any other part of me.”

“I had no idea.”

“Buster, I’m a lesbian slut. Totally. Admittedly, I thoroughly enjoy the company of likeminded female human beings. I’m a heterosexual virgin, however, and I’ve been looking at you since I went to work for you. There’s something about you that draws me. Entices me. Enchants? I’m…”

I sat up and reached out for her, pulled her to me, fell backwards, and was covered by a wonderful sensation. “Yes, hon, I think the gala would be in play, if that’s what you want.” Shara was long and warm and full bodied and beautiful. She blanketed me with that body, kissed me, and put her hands on my hips, then my sides, then my cheeks. She held me there while we kissed. We shared wonderful, warm, deep kisses.

The bed moved and I felt three other people surrounding us. Wanda rubbed Shara’s back. Elenore rubbed her legs. Sierra was playing with Elenore’s hair and my chest at the same time. Full circle.

“Ladies, I need to sleep. I’ve told Miss Shara I’d take her to the hospital gala next week, and I need plenty of sleep to prepare.”

Laughter broke out, we all laid down, and with Shara in front of me, then Wanda, then Elenore, then Sierra, we spooned, sighed, almost in unison, and slept.

Again, I woke to coffee on the nightstand. This time a large strawberry blonde woman was sitting next to me wearing my flannel robe.

“Good morning, counselor. Are you still planning on asking me out to dinner or a movie or maybe a hospital gala next weekend?”

“Yes, to all the above. Tell your minions it worked. Especially the little blonde one. I want you to keep her, Shara, and I think you should keep the ones in between, too. I think they are a love chain. I’m pretty sure I know for a fact that Wanda loves you. Elenore evidently thinks the sun rises over Wanda’s shoulders. Sierra is enamored with Elenore, and infatuated with me, I think, but I may be wrong about that.”

“You’re not wrong at all. She’s a total lesbo, too, but you snuggled her that night and hit a spot no one has ever touched. She told me about it. She said to me she’d never felt more comfortable. Never safer. Never more cared for. She said it was weird. I told her what it was, the early sprouting of a loving relationship, and she almost pooped her pants. She didn’t think she’d ever feel that way about a man.”

“I like her, too. A lot. Maybe even more than that. I feel comfortable with her in my arms. I felt that way with you last night, too. Shara, is it possible, do you think, for us to be…? Could we…?”

“Yes, Buster. It takes time, though. Let it happen. Don’t push it. Let it… Let the feeling pull you. Please. It’s that important to me. I want to do this right and make sure. I’ve thought it might be possible for weeks now. Maybe since you interviewed me, possibly months ago, I think I saw my feelings for you start then, but now, I think it’s very possible.” Shara leaned down and kissed me lightly, then started to walk softly back to the kitchen.

Thinking to myself, I pondered all four of them. “SHARA?” She stopped and turned to me, smiling.

“Yes, Buster?”

“Would it be inappropriate for all five of us to go to the gala together?”

“Not to me, certainly not, and I doubt to the others. The society pages may have a field day with it, but I don’t care if you don’t. Should I ask them?”


“MINIONS! COME HERE, PLEASE!” Interestingly, they did. They lined up looking around the door, first Sierra’s head poking around, then Wanda’s over hers, then Elenore’s cute face on top.

“Yes, Shara?” Wanda asked.

“Buster wants to know if you would like to accompany us to the hospital charity ball Friday night.” Three smiles and three nods. “Cocktail formal. Nothing longer than mid-thigh, or there will be repercussions. Nasty consequences for heels less than four inches as well.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Elenore said for all of them as they giggled themselves back to the kitchen.

“Done and done.”

“Shara, are you…? Are they…? Do you…?”

“Stop. I think I know what you’re asking. All three of those girls are a bit, umm, to use polite terms, submissive. They like being my minions. Put it that way.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Don’t worry about it. Please. It’s not a whips and chains thing. Maybe feathers and silk scarves.” She smiled, kissed me, and followed her minions to the kitchen. She didn’t see the look of surprise on my face, thank God.

Chapter Two - Mr. Bigg and Miss Little

Friday night, I picked each of them up at their homes, set back completely by what I was finding as I travelled the city. Sierra was first. She was dressed in a little blue halter minidress with silver stiletto sandals. Diamonds set off her neck and her ears. She was absolutely stunning.

Elenore was in a short red shiny A line dress, rubies adorning her gorgeous chest and ears, and black patent leather, strappy, high heeled sandals were holding her up.

Wanda, oh, my God, Wanda, was in a green strapless lame wrap with emeralds in her earrings as well as in a necklace just in the hollow of her neck. It could have been a collar as high as the necklace was sitting. Green dyed-to-match five-inch platform pumps finished the outfit.

Shara, though, made the evening for me. She was in a black silk fitted cap sleeved shirtdress. It was short. Very short, and even as high as it climbed up her thighs when she entered the car and sat in the front seat next to me, there was no indication of the welt of her stockings. She had to be wearing sheer to waist pantyhose. She was wearing onyx jewelry, the center stone of her necklace surrounded by diamonds. She had matching earrings, as well. Stunningly gorgeous. Her shoes were four-inch black kidskin peep toe pumps with an instep strap. She came to dance.

Each of the ladies asked me to pop the trunk when I showed up, then they threw a little satchel or equivalent into it, and only then entered the car as I held the doors for them. None of the items was very big, seemingly about the size of a small grocery bag. We left for the gala after Shara was seated and I’d gotten back in.

“Ladies, I will admit to you now that I have never seen four women, so beautiful, so attractive, so enticing, in the same place at the same time. I feel blessed to be honored with your companionship this evening. Please don’t take that with anything but a serious note of thanks, and awe. I meant, and mean, every word. Shara, dear, you are stunning. Wanda, you’re gorgeous. Elenore, so very attractive. Sierra, simply wondrous. Please, girls. I mean it.”

I got a thank you from each of them and pretty much let them run the discussion until we reached the ballroom of the Marriott where the event was being held.

I was a native of our town, so I knew quite a few of the people there. Shara was from Northern California, got tired of it, and hoping to make her way in the mid-west, came out here to answer a couple of Indeed ads, one of which was mine. Wanda was from the Kansas City area, Elenore was from a small town in the bootheel down south, and Sierra was from Oklahoma and wound up here after finishing her degree at Stevens College in Columbia. She decided a suburb of St. Louis was much better scenery than her native lands.

I introduced them around, not giving job titles, except for Shara and introducing her as an associate lawyer in the firm. Sierra whispered, ‘among other things,’ once, getting a bit of an ass tapping from Elenore. Wanda giggled as we were talking to a couple of influential donors, causing a bit of a stir, but we recovered from it nicely.

“I’m so sorry, ma’am, sir, but my friend made a funny earlier, and I just now got it. I apologize for my rudeness.” The couple acknowledged with smiles, and we meandered on.


That was a preview of Mr Bigg and Miss Little. To read the rest purchase the book.

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