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Valerie - Where it all began



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Chapter 1)

Valerie gasped as I slid into her, a low moan of pleasure and desire made all the more intense by the fact that she and I knew that this was something that would get us into a great deal of trouble if we happened to be caught. Yet it was something that had become almost inevitable in the course of things, though I’m getting ahead of myself here...

My name’s John, and I live in a small town in southeast England. I work shifts as an engineer in a small paper mill and have a wife and two kids. I’m getting on a bit; I’m in my late forties and just starting to feel at a loose end. My wife Jan also works in our local ‘ASDA’, and occasionally, it seems as if we’re ships that pass in the night, though neither of us had cause to complain. The money coming in gave us a good life, and if our closeness wasn’t as good as it could be, the benefits we gained made it worthwhile. We had good friends, and the kids were grown up, too. Matt had a job at the local McDonald’s, and Ginny was at university racking up massive student debts but otherwise happy.

With all the commitments and working shifts, I was often in the house on my own. I tried to keep busy with DIY, but the nature of my work, which was quite physical, usually left me needing to relax, so I’d go on our PC and chat on debate boards and with family members on Messenger or Facebook. Occasionally I’d read a bit of porn on sites like this, but mostly I led a dull life and didn’t go looking for ‘trouble’.

We were out celebrating Jan’s 45th birthday with friends in our local when life started to get very interesting, for me at least. We were all sat around a table; Jan was trying hard to drink for England, as were Ted, Gemma and Roger, our friends, though I was going pretty easy on the beer, as was Valerie, Roger’s wife, who more often than not was the designated driver if we were further from home. It’s odd just how much you notice about friends and family when they’re getting drunk and you aren’t. I saw Roger’s attitude towards Valerie in verbal abuse, seemingly hilarious to him and Ted but rarely funny to me or Valerie.

Valerie was Jan’s oldest friend; she knew her before we met. She’s quite pretty on the large side, not fat; Junoesque is possibly the correct term, curvy another with a very impressive bust, almost the opposite of Jan, who’s quite petite. I had the feeling that Valerie was supposed to be the ‘not so pretty’ part of the partnership that some girls do to make themselves look good in front of men. Though admittedly, those days were a few years ago.

I’d never really considered Valerie in a sexual way before this night, save only for the odd fantasy, and it probably would never have gone further save that events conspired to change the nature of our relationship.

I’d slipped off to the loo to drain the tanks, so to speak, and on the way back, bumped into Valerie in the narrow corridor leading back to the bar.

“Enjoying yourself?” I asked.

“It’s ok; I wish Roger would stop teasing, though,” she replied.

“Drink brings out the worst in him.”

“Tell me about it.”

“You look nice tonight.”

“Thanks, new dress, though Roger doesn’t appear to have noticed.”

I glanced down to take in the view, only to find my eyes straying over her impressive cleavage.

“How could he not notice you in this?” I murmured.

“Naughty boy!” she giggled. “Your eyes aren’t supposed to be looking down there.”

“Well, it’s too nice to be kept to yourself,” I laughed.

“Thank you, but you should get back to Jan before she sends out a search party.”

“Chance would be a fine thing,” I said. “She’s already very tipsy and will probably regret it in the morning, assuming she even wakes up before noon.”

“No Birthday nooky for you then?” Val laughed.

“No chance, not now anyway.”

“Shame,” she said. “Nothing nicer.”

“True, but not much I can do, not as if I could force the issue.”

“Shouldn’t have to,” she grinned. “Still, at least you’re willing and able. Roger has the desire, but drink robs him of the capability.”

“Hah!” I exclaimed. “You’d not find me incapable if I thought I was on a promise.”

“Some promises are hard to keep,” Valerie laughed. “Now, be a good boy and return to your wife.”

I wandered back to the table to find Jan looking much the worse for wear, though Roger and Ted were keeping her good company in that regard. Gemma was only mildly tipsy, but we figured that it would be best to get our respective spouses home before they became incapable. Valerie rejoined us at that point, and we set off for home, all following the same path to the estate where we lived. We said bye to Ted and Gemma as we reached their house first and then set off to our house as we lived just a few doors along. I said bye to Valerie and the very drunk Roger and helped Jan into the house, almost carrying her upstairs and getting her undressed and into bed.

I had just wandered downstairs when a knock at the door found Valerie waiting there.

“John, can you help? Roger’s collapsed, and he’s too heavy to get into the house on my own.”

“Sure,” I said and followed her down the street to find Roger slumped down and leaning unconscious against a lamppost. Together, after a struggle, we had him picked up and semi-carried him into their house up the stairs and onto his bed.

“Just leave him; I’ll sort him out later,” Valerie said. “Fancy a coffee?”

“Ok,” I replied. “Jan’s practically comatose, too, so I doubt I’ll be missed.”

Within a few minutes, we sat on the sofa with mugs of steaming coffee in our hands.

“Thanks, John; he’s getting far too heavy to haul around these days.”

“No problem,” I replied. “Just glad I was able to help.”

“Shame you aren’t ‘helping’ Jan, though,” she laughed.

“She often doesn’t get the chance to binge,” I said. “It will be a while before she does it again.”

“Yes, but there are nicer things to do than get drunk,” said Valerie.

“True,” I said. “But her birthday, her choice, her loss. There’ll be other times.”

“Lucky Jan,” said Valerie with a grin. “Still, it’s a shame that it’s going to waste at the moment.”

I glanced over at Valerie, a little startled to see her gently smiling at me with a twinkle in her eye.

“Would be a shame to waste it,” I said, swallowing.

My thoughts exactly,” said Valerie as she leaned over to kiss me. “Will have to be our secret, though; no one will ever have even to suspect.”

Our lips met, and our tongues entwined as the kiss became more passionate in nature. I put my coffee down and reached across with my arms to draw Valerie in closer. Our bodies moulded together, and the kiss continued for several minutes as we held each other tightly, simply enjoying the physical contact of another human being of the opposite sex. Becoming bolder, my hands started roaming Valerie’s lush body, and I enjoyed the softness of the curves under the silkiness of her dress. Slowly, I reached up, drew down the zip at the back of her dress, and ran my fingertips up and down her spine, feeling her arch gently at my touch.

“Mmmmm, nice,” she sighed, slipping her warm hands under my shirt to caress my skin in return.

Desire overtook caution as our hands wandered freely over each other’s skin, driving us to further passion. I drew the shoulders of Valerie’s dress forward to expose her breasts, marvelling at their 38DD magnificence held firmly in place with a sheer black silky bra. She stood quickly and stepped out of the dress, allowing it to flow down her body, displaying her soft curves to my lustful gaze. She looked simply wonderful, standing artfully in her underwear, her luxurious body practically glowing in desirability to my eyes. Almost automatically, I started to unbutton my shirt, but my hands were trembling too much, and I finally settled for sliding it off over my head. As Valerie reached behind her to unclip her bra her large well-rounded breasts sprang free, still firm and utterly delightful with pale pink areola and already hardening nipples.

We both nearly jumped out of our skin as we heard a crash from upstairs and froze, trying not to even breathe as we waited for any other noises. Fortunately, there was nothing, and we sighed in relief.

Yet the moment had been spoiled; we both knew it, though it was obvious that the desire to complete the journey we’d started on was still there.

“I’ll be in touch,” Valerie said.

“Soon, I hope.”

“Oh yes, probably when Jan’s on the opposite shift to me, and you’re home.”

I could hardly wait.

As it was, I had to wait for a while; Valerie worked at the same store as Jan, and my shifts, as ever, didn’t quite mesh with days off and weekends. Still, a fortnight later, when Jan was at work, there was a knock on the back door, which was unusual as it was pretty secluded and not easy to find your way around there.

Opening it, I found a smiling Valerie.

“Going to invite me in, John?”

“Er, come on in, Valerie,” I said, almost at a loss for words.

“Thank you,” she said, and then she kissed me soundly on the lips as we moved into a hug.

“Jan said you were home this week when we chatted at work. Roger’s at work too, so I thought you’d like to continue that conversation we were having two weeks ago,” she said, smiling at me.

“Oh yes, that was definitely a conversation I wanted to get in to,” I murmured.

“Good,” she replied. “Now take me somewhere we can get to grips with the subject at hand.”

I led her by the hand to our guest room and closed the blinds. Valerie slipped out of her jacket, leaving her in jeans and a tee shirt, which she filled almost to bursting. We swiftly moved into each other’s arms. We kissed, sliding our tongues into each other’s mouths, twining them around each other whilst our hands roamed over each other’s bodies, slipping under clothing where possible, exploring the hidden delights and treasures to be found.

Valerie almost took my ears off as she dragged my shirt off over my head in her eagerness to get to grips with me, whilst I was a bit gentler in removing her tee shirt to expose her heavy, firm breasts in a silken bra. I swiftly reached around to undo the straps and allow her magnificent breasts to spring free. I reached out to cup them firmly before reaching up to tweak her nipples with my thumbs and fingers, making her groan in pleasure and expectation. She was so utterly unlike my Jan body-wise, yet equally as desirable as my straining cock was telling me. Valerie, meanwhile, had slid her tongue down my chest to swirl it around my nipples whilst her hands frantically struggled with my belt and zip on my jeans, finally releasing them and pulling them down along with my underwear to expose my erect cock to her view.

“Oh my, he’s lovely,” she sighed and enveloped me in her hot mouth, cupping my balls in one hand and stroking the shaft with her other when her lips lifted to the tip.

In this position all I could do was gasp in pleasure and fondle Valerie’s breasts and watch the top of her head and light brunette hair bobbing up and down as she enjoyed fellating me. Finally, though, I lifted Valerie up, and we lay down on the bed as I undid her trouser buttons and slid her pants and panties down to expose a well-trimmed luxuriant bush glistening slightly at the base where her excitement at being sexually stimulated was showing. I moved my lips over her engorged nipples and began to suckle them and slipped my hand down to her pussy to finger her, feeling heat and wetness around a very prominent clitoris which I proceeded to rub gently with two fingers, hearing Valerie gasp, moan and twitch with each movement until with a squeal of delight she orgasmed under my ministrations.

“Oh my God, I needed that!” she sighed, her voice trembling with emotion. It was so much better than my vibrator, well, more personal anyway.”

“Best is yet to come,” I grinned at her.

“Oh goody!” she replied.

Kissing her softly, I moved my body on top of her as she parted her chunky thighs to accommodate me. Reaching down with her hand, she guided me to the entrance of her pussy and gasped in ecstasy as I slid into her hot, wet, tight welcoming depths.

“Oh God, I’ve been thinking about this for so long,” she panted as I began to move in and out of her pussy in a steady rhythm.

“Me too,” I said. Beads of sweat formed on my brow as I enjoyed the feel of forbidden fruit in my relentless pounding of her lush body.

Valerie’s legs hooked over my own and slowly drew up my body as her gasps and moans became ever more frantic as she met every stroke with an upward movement of her hips to gain the maximum penetration of my cock into her body.

“I’m going to cum!” I gasped and began to withdraw.

“I’m on the pill,” Valerie squealed as a massive orgasm ripped through her body, causing her legs to clamp over me and hold me tight within her, which was just the cue I needed to blast my own adulterous seed deeply within her spasming body.

“Yesssss! Oh yessss!” Valerie cried out as waves of pleasure rippled over her body, and she felt my cum exploding in a series of spurts inside her pussy. “Oh, John, that was so wonderful.”

“Been a long while since I’ve felt this good, too,” I said, my body cooling under a gentle layer of sweat. “We should have done this years ago.”

“Mmmm, yes, but the timing had to be right,” she replied.

Already, I could feel the stirrings of another erection building, something I would have thought impossible in the not-too-distant past. It seems variety was quite the spice, after all, and Valerie was very different from Jan.

Valerie reached down to squeeze my cock, still coated in our juices and gently massaged me further back to life.

“We’ll have to be damned careful,” she said. “But I want this as often as possible.”

“Easy enough, as we know pretty much where our partners are,” I said.

“Even then, we’d best make sure they don’t decide to pop home unexpectedly,” Valerie said.

“True,” I murmured, reaching out to turn Valerie over onto her knees and positioning my cock at her slippery entrance. My hands gripped her hips as I drew her back whilst pushing forward, and I was back within paradise again as I began to thrust vigorously into her. We were both lost in the sensation of fucking someone new, and other than gasps, moans and groans, little was said over the next half an hour as my stamina was tested almost to the limit. I can’t be sure how many times Valerie came; one orgasm just seemed to stretch into another until finally, with an excruciating groan, I unloaded my second batch of cum into her hot pussy.

We both collapsed onto the mattress; my heart was pounding ninety to the dozen, but boy, did I feel good.

We eventually cleaned up after several kisses, and Valerie had a quick shower. She departed with a glow to her cheeks that I hadn’t seen for years, promising to get in touch the next time our shifts matched.

I wandered around the house, making sure nothing was out of place. Finally, I sat in front of the PC and composed a few emails while idly musing to myself over the day’s events. There’s definitely something to be said about making love to someone you shouldn’t, and I wondered about Gemma, Ted’s wife. I’d noticed a few glances over the last year or so and some cryptic comments and wondered if she was fantasising about me as I was now wondering about her.

Until Valerie and I had broken the ice, I’d never have considered straying, but thinking about it, I had several female friends and neighbours who were definitely worth thinking about. All I needed was to find a way to drop a hint in all innocence just to see who’d bite.

I could see I would have to think about this as I’d now tasted forbidden fruit and knew there was no going back.


Chapter 2)

My chance with Gemma came sooner than I expected. I needed to pop around their house to pick up a number of tools that Ted had ‘borrowed’ over the last month or so. So, the following day, after I’d enjoyed Valerie’s charms, I found myself ringing Ted and Gemma’s to arrange to get them back. As it was, I got lucky; Ted’s a civil servant who works Monday to Friday in Westminster, London, so I knew he wouldn’t be in. However, Gemma is a nurse at our local hospital and works shifts; if the phone was engaged, she was in bed; if it kept ringing, she was at work; as it was, she picked up the phone after a couple of rings.

“Hi, Gemma. It’s John here. I was wondering if I could call around and pick up my tools,” I asked.

“Hi John, no problem,” she replied. “I’m in all day.”

Half an hour later, I knocked at their door. For all we lived on the same estate, Ted and Gemma lived in a much larger house than Jan and me, though their kids had flown the coop, like us.

Gemma answered and let me in. “Hi John, I’m afraid you’ll have to hunt down what’s yours; I’m not sure whose is whose,” she said.

Ted is a DIY fanatic; unfortunately, he’s not very good at it and, in some cases, downright dangerous. He also has a tendency to abandon a job halfway through to start on another grand project. Frankly, I don’t know why Gemma puts up with it, but she does.

I followed Gemma into their dining room, where tools were strewn all over the floor, half the floorboards were up, and several power sockets were exposed.

“Bloody hell, Gemma, what’s he doing now?” I asked in amazement.

“He was supposed to be fixing squeaky floorboards, but he managed to cut a power cable when he cut through. I’m running the fridge freezer from an extension upstairs; we’ve no power downstairs,” she sighed.

“Ok, let me have a look; I’ll see what I can do,” I said.

“Oh, thanks, John. I did think about asking you, but thought after the last time you’d refuse point blank,” she said.

The last time was when Ted decided it would be a good idea to fit a shower and ended up flooding the bathroom and nearly electrocuting me when I came around to help, as he hadn’t thought to turn the power off.

“If it was Ted, then no,” I replied. “But for you, anything,” I said with a smile.

“Careful, John, you don’t know what I’d ask for,” she joked in return with another of her cryptic hints.

“I can always dream,” I flirted back at her, hopefully letting her know I might be interested. “But let me sort this out first.”

I swiftly saw where Ted had cut the electrics. I also saw where he’d tried to repair a ring main but left one end disconnected in his rush. Going outside, I ensured the power was off and reconnected the cable with a spare junction box lying in Ted’s toolbox. I then sorted out the ring main to ensure all was correctly connected and no polarities reversed. I then ensured the cables were kept from lying where they could be cut or damaged by the floorboards. After that, it was a case of relaying the floorboards after repairing any supporting joists where the central heating pipes went through, using woodscrews rather than nails and a tightening strap to ensure the tongue and groove slots were in fully. It took a couple of hours, but there were no more squeaky floorboards, and the power was back on downstairs.

Gemma helped me roll the carpet and underlay back over the exposed floor; it was a case of job done.

“Thanks, John. God knows when he would have sorted this out,” she sighed. “There are times I could strangle that man and his big ideas. He’s cost us a fortune getting tradesmen in to repair the damage his little schemes have done, and most of our male friends refuse to help out any more.”

“Just glad I could help,” I said.

“Nice to watch a man who’s good with his hands and equipment,” she replied with a smile.

“It’s not the equipment, but the skill with which it’s used,” I teased, certain she was flirting with me. “Mind you, some don’t care to share others’ equipment. Jan wouldn’t care to see some of my equipment being used by anyone else.”

“Ted’s like that, too. He’d hate the idea of someone using something he regarded as his alone,” she smiled.

“I usually find the best way is not to tell anyone,” I grinned. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

“My thoughts exactly,” said Gemma as she leaned across to kiss me.

The kiss seemed to go on forever and ever. We didn’t touch other than our lips, but it was delightful and passionate. Our tongues intertwined, twisting and turning over themselves as we just enjoyed the moment.

“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” Gemma sighed. “I didn’t think you’d even noticed me though.”

“Until recently, it was more a case of I didn’t dare,” I said. “Jan’s party was where I finally got the hints you were throwing.”

“Didn’t dare make it too blatant,” she laughed. “Jan and Ted are not stupid after all, and we never really seem to get a chance to be alone.”

We kissed again, and this time, our arms slid around each other in a hug, along with a few gentle caresses.

“I don’t want anyone finding out, John,” she said. “I love Ted. I like my life. I want a little extra spice in it. I want to find out if there’s more to life than the missionary position with the lights out.”

“There is,” I laughed. “Lots of positions and seeing it’s daylight and our partners won’t be home for hours...”

“Mmmm, very true,” purred Gemma, leaning in to kiss me again.

We exchanged kisses for quite a while, becoming ever more urgent in our mutual desires as our hands wandered over each other’s bodies.

“Follow me,” said Gemma and led me upstairs.

Gemma is a very tall woman, just under six feet and very thin, almost no bust, and snake-hipped, I suppose, is the correct term. Her hair is short, and she has a large hooked nose. No, she’s no beauty, but she is quite lovely and quite sexy in her own way. Perhaps it’s just that she’s different from Jan or Valerie. All I knew was that I wanted to fuck her.

We entered a spare room, and Gemma closed the curtains before slipping into my arms and kissing me soundly. I gently ran my hands up her back and she sighed with contentment.

“God, I want you so much,” Gemma whispered in my ear between kisses.

“I want you too; it’s pretty obvious,” I said, smiling and guiding her hand down to my rigid cock.

“Oooh, nice,” she said.

I kicked my shoes off and drew her down onto the bed as my hands wandered over her body, touching, teasing and caressing until finally slipping her T-shirt off to expose her soft upper body, leaving only a sports bra to hide her breasts. Meanwhile, Gemma unbuttoned my shirt, ran her fingertips over my chest, and planted soft kisses here and there before sliding a hand down to undo my belt and unbutton my jeans. As this was happening, I slid her sports bra off over her head, lowered my lips to her small breasts and proceeded to suckle each in turn, causing Gemma to moan in pleasure.

“Don’t stop, please,” she begged. “I know they’re small, but that’s so good.”

“I’m not bothered about the size,” I murmured. “They’re lovely and very much a part of you.”

Her nipples had risen to my touch like tiny bullets, a deep red and very soft on the surface. I slowly slid a hand down to slip under her tracksuit bottoms and her panties to caress a soft, furry mound, which brought even more groans and moans from Gemma as she enjoyed the pleasure of someone different. Her hand had snaked into my underwear as she held and slowly manipulated my cock.

“Oh Lord, you’re much bigger than Ted,” she whispered.

There wasn’t a lot I was prepared to say to that. I’ve always considered myself to be average, but imagination is a strange thing.

Finally, leaving her nipples alone, I drew down her bottoms and panties to reveal her pussy to my gaze with its soft brown hairs and all-natural appearance. I then dropped down to plant soft kisses all over it until I reached her slit and slid my tongue in to taste her.

“Oh yessss!” she cried. “Oh, that’s good, so good!”

Her grip on my cock was gently caressing me towards a climax, so I lifted myself up and slid my jeans and underwear off before lying next to Gemma to slip my tongue into her pussy again as she slid my cock into her mouth in a glorious side by side 69.

Using my tongue to please and tease her clitoris, I slipped a couple of fingers into her hot, wet pussy, feeling her internal muscle squeezing them as we enjoyed the sheer pleasure of each other’s bodies. Finally, though, Gemma’s body stiffened, and her pussy clamped down on my fingers and mouth, and she orgasmed with soft mewlings from the back of her throat around my cock. I withdrew from her, moved up beside her, and gave her a gentle smile as she hugged me and kissed me.

“Oh, John, that was so nice,” she said. “Ted won’t go down on me at all.”

“My pleasure,” I said. “You’re pretty tasty.”

Gemma blushed and smiled and planted more soft kisses on my lips. I then lay flat, and she slid on top of me, reached down, and guided my cock into her pussy. She was so smooth inside, like slipping into hot buttered silk. The feeling was so utterly exquisite that I nearly came before I was ready. Gemma slowly raised her body up and then slid down on my cock with a delicate corkscrew-like twist to her hips, making the most of the moment. My hands lifted up to caress her small breasts, and she gave a little squeal of delight.

“Oh God! I’ve been hoping for this moment so long, and it’s even better than I imagined,” she crooned.

“I can’t hold out much longer,” I groaned. “It’s just too nice.”

“Go for it, John,” she cried. “Fill me, please; I want it so much.”

That took me over the top, and my cock blasted rope after rope of my cum into her welcoming pussy as I groaned in pleasure at the ministrations of my lovely friend.

“That was wonderful,” I sighed.

“My pleasure, too,” Gemma grinned. “And so very different from what I’m used to. I’ve never known anyone other than Ted.”

“Variety is quite the spice. Isn’t it,” I mused.

“God, yes!” she said. “I can’t give this up now that we’ve done it.”

“I’m not asking you to; I don’t want this to be a one-off,” I said.

“Good!” she grinned. “Our secret, our fun.”

I kissed her again as I felt my cock begin to stir.

“Ooh goody, been a while since I managed twice in a row,” said Gemma, smiling and reaching down to stroke my rapidly hardening cock.

I grinned and rolled over on top of her, and placed my cock at her pussy entrance before thrusting hard into her.

“Ooooooh!” she cried out as my thrusts came hard and fast, my body pounding her as I took utter delight in claiming her as my own. Her cries became incoherent as our passion and delight raged with our lust for each other, and Gemma orgasmed almost constantly under my relentless pounding. It couldn’t last, of course; it felt just too good and with a loud groan, I blasted another offering of my seed deep within Gemma’s womb.

“Christ John, that was something else!” she gasped. “Took me back to the first years of my marriage. No, scratch that, I’ve never been fucked so hard or so well before.”

“You bring out the best in me,” I grinned. “Or should that be the beast in me?”

She laughed, and we just held each other for a while as we got our breath back. After about twenty minutes of kisses, caresses and words of affection, Gemma slid down my body to take my cock in her soft mouth and raised me up to hardness within a minute. She then raised herself to her knees and glanced at me.

“Come on, John, take me good and hard again.”

Well, who was I to refuse a request like that? So I swiftly moved up behind her, positioned my cock at her entrance, grabbed her hips and thrust powerfully into her.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Gemma cried out as her wonderful pussy squeezed my cock hard with every thrust. “Fuck me! Use me! Fill me!” As I battered away, holding onto her slim hips to increase the power of my thrusts into her. She then screamed as a massive orgasm overtook her, and her knees collapsed, and she fell forward onto the bed with me lying on top of her. Taking hold of my cock I slowly slid the tip to her anal passage and started to push against it.

“Uhhh!” groaned Gemma as my cock relentlessly forced its way into her arse until I was fully inserted, and I began to thrust in and out, slowly and gently at first but gradually increasing the length and power of my strokes. Gemma was almost in a world of her own, with multiple orgasms causing her to shake and moan with each powerful thrust of my cock. Her legs twitched, and her arse pushed back against me until, with another gasp, I blasted my cum into her welcoming depths.

I just held her gently as Gemma came back to planet Earth.

“God, John, that was wonderful. I never dreamed I could be taken like that, and it would feel so good and so naughty, too,” she sighed.

“Didn’t think you’d let me,” I grinned. “Jan certainly won’t.”

“If you’d asked, I’d have said no way,” she grinned in return. “But you took advantage of my ‘delicate’ condition.”

“I’ll have to go soon,” I said. “Jan’s shift finishes soon, and I must prepare her dinner.”

“I know,” Gemma sighed. “Ted will be back soon too, and tomorrow I have work. But God, John, I can’t wait to do it again.”

“So long as we’re discreet, I don’t see why we can’t enjoy each other repeatedly,” I said with a smile.

“Me too,” Gemma replied.

We dressed, and I slipped out of the house feeling on top of the world. Two days and two different women, life had undoubtedly become a lot more interesting.

When I got to my house, I noticed my neighbour at her door watching me, and I waved hi. She’s an older lady in her fifties, but still worth a second look.

“Hi, John,” she said. “Been busy?”

“Just sorting out another one of Ted’s DIY blunders,” I laughed.

“Wish I had someone to sort out my hubby’s lack of effort,” she said.

“Careful, Jean, I might just take you up on that,” I said with a grin and watched her blush slightly.

“Some other day, perhaps?” she finally replied.

“I’m home all this week,” I winked. “Just let me know, and I’ll slip right in.”

Jean turned beetroot red and just nodded...



Chapter 3)

The following day, I was up bright and early and started tackling various chores I’d been putting off for the last day or so while Valerie and Gemma entertained me. Jan was having a lie-in as she was working a late shift at the store, and I kept the noise down to a minimum, though I did have to smile at a series of very naughty texts from Valerie and Gemma, who both seemed to have a specific part of my anatomy very much in mind. Jan finally got up about elevenish, and I made her a coffee, and we made small talk until lunch. Finally, at half past one, she set off on the short walk to work, and I promised to have dinner ready for her when she returned at about half ten that night. After that it was merely a quick run around with the vacuum cleaner upstairs and pop some washing in the machine and a curry meal in the slow cooker, set to come on at half six, to be ready for our dinner later. After that, I wandered into the garden to pull a few weeds in the warm sunshine and ensure everything was okay. I soon spotted Jean watching me and waved, seeing her blush slightly and move back away from the window. I theatrically stretched and held my stomach muscles in to give her a bit of a show. I know I’m no Adonis, but compared to her hubby, I’m not bad at all as he’s seriously overweight, though holding down a job as a bus driver. I also know he’s a pretty bad-tempered guy, and Jean sometimes can’t do right for getting it wrong. At least they’re still together, so I guess Jean figures she has nowhere left to go, no family, not many friends, just her hubby.

I heard the patio door slide open and saw Jean wander into the garden, her medium-length blonde hair blowing in the breeze. She’s got a nice figure, 36-24-36, with nice boobs, too, though she tends to hunch her shoulders a bit as if trying to avoid notice or a blow. She also talks very quietly and, if in the company of her hubby, will keep glancing to the side to make sure she’s toeing the party line, as it were. As far as I can tell, she always wears skirts or dresses, and never jeans or trousers. She’s around 53 years old, though she looks a little older due to her body language; still not bad at all and worth a second glance under certain circumstances.

“Hi, Jean,” I hailed her. “Enjoying a little sunshine?”

“Hi, John,” she said. “Yes, though I was hoping to ask a favour.”

“Ask away,” I said.

“I was wondering if you could help me sort out a sticking door. Bill keeps promising to look at it, but he never does,” she asked.

“Ok,” I said. “Let me get a few tools, and I’ll have a look.”

“Thanks,” Jean said. “Bill seems to have forgotten what tools are for.”

I raised an eyebrow, and Jean blushed a little as she spotted her unintentional double entendre.

“Mine is kept in good condition by constant use,” I said with a wink.

Jean turned beetroot red. “You are awful teasing me like that,” she finally whispered.

I leaned in close, smelling a delicate flowery scent and whispered, “Who’s teasing?” And left to go to my shed to get some screwdrivers, wood-chisels and a wood plane, leaving a furiously blushing and slightly confused Jean behind.

I wandered out our back gate into Jean’s garden and down to where she stood.

“The door?” I said as she seemed almost paralysed by my presence.

“Oh, oh yes,” she stammered. “This way, John.”

She led me upstairs and showed me a door to the master bedroom.

“It’s this one,” she said, demonstrating how it jammed tightly when trying to close it.

“Ok, give me a moment,” I said. I first checked the hinges, which were a bit loose, though not terribly so. I tried closing the door, and it fit a bit better, but I thought I could do better. “Still too tight,” I said. “Needs to slip in nicely.” I winked at Jean, who just watched me, blushing slightly.

Next, I checked the latching mechanism, seeing it standing slightly proud of the door edge. It wouldn’t screw down, so I dismantled the handles and removed it, and took a small wood chisel to the wood to cut out the area it should slide into. Once this was done, I refitted the latch and handles, and the door swung smoothly into the frame.

“Slips in nicely,” I said to Jean, who had trouble breathing. I stood up quite close next to her. “Anything else you’d like me to look at?” I said with a whisper and ran a fingertip down her side.

“I, I don’t know,” she stammered softly.

“Nothing you’d like me to look at and check to see if it’s in good working order?” I said as I leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on her neck.

“Oh God, oh God,” Jean whispered as her arms, seemingly of their own volition, slid around me, and she pressed her body against mine.

I moved to face her, and my lips touched hers in a gentle kiss. I ran my fingertips over her cheek as my other hand slipped down to her shapely bottom to squeeze it.

“Oh Lord, I want this, but I don’t know if I can do it,” she moaned.

“Shhh,” I whispered and proceeded to plant soft kisses down her body as my hands gathered up her skirt, and I dropped to my knees. Holding her skirt up with one hand, I ran my other over her white panties, tracing the outline of her vulva with a fingertip and making her knees tremble at the touch. There was a delicate scent of a woman in heat and a slight hint of wetness at the crotch of her panties, and I placed some kisses over the area, hearing Jean gasp in pleasure or surprise; I wasn’t too sure yet. I allowed the skirt to drop over my head as I used one hand to slip aside the crotch of her panties and the other to gently caress her, probing her nether lips and feeling her slippery, wet entrance pulsating slightly to my touch.

“Ohhhh!” came a soft sigh from above me.

Taking that as a signal to carry on, I gently slid a finger into her tight pussy, feeling heat, wetness and tightly gripping muscles. I started to rub her clitoris with my thumb before sliding my tongue over it. Jean’s hands came round to clamp onto my head as her knees almost buckled under her.

“Oh John, oh John! Oh, please, please don’t stop, please!” Jean begged.

I kept the tip of my tongue as stiff as possible as I swirled it over her clit, feeling Jean writhe in pleasure as I inserted another finger.

After ten minutes of oral delight, Jean suddenly held my face hard to her pussy and clamped down hard with her internal muscles.

“Aaaaaaaaah! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Oh my God!” she cried out as an orgasm washed over her.

Finally, though, her trembling and cries stopped, and I stood to kiss her.

“Oh, John, that was wonderful,” she sighed. “Been a long, long time since anyone’s done that for me.”

“Glad you enjoyed it, Jean, but it doesn’t have to stop there if you don’t want it to,” I said, glancing into the bedroom.

Jean blushed deeply. “I shouldn’t let you,” she said. “But I so want this.” She leaned forward to kiss me, our lips mashing together and her tongue snaking into my mouth as passion overcame shyness.

I expected her to lead me to a spare room, but instead, she took my hand and led me into the master bedroom and her marriage bed. Lying down, we kissed and cuddled, and our hands wandered over each other’s bodies. I undid Jean’s blouse one button at a time, my lips following my fingers down to kiss her soft, warm skin, feeling her tense up slightly at each touch. Sliding back the blouse exposed a silky white bra through which her nipples showed clearly as they were already raised and engorged by my touch. Reaching around behind Jean, I unclipped the clasp and freed the ripe fruit of her breasts to my gaze. She was magnificent. Not a blemish in sight, beautiful pink nipples standing erect, surrounded by pink areola on top of soft firmness. A classic C-cup and clearly a winner against gravity. I gave them my fullest attention, kissing them and tugging gently at them with my teeth, swirling my tongue around the areola and gently nipping the tips with my teeth as Jean gasped with pleasure. Then I slipped my top off, and Jean reached up to caress my skin, running soft, nimble fingers over my chest and ribs, tracing the muscles whilst smiling gently. I undid the button at the top of her skirt and slid it over her shapely thighs, leaving her in just a pair of full panties, reaching up almost to her navel. I stood and dropped my pants and underwear, hearing Jean gasp at the sight of my rigid manhood. A soft hand reached out to caress him, gently stroking him and, if anything, making me even harder. Kneeling on the bed, I slid both thumbs over the edge of Jean’s panties and slid them down, revealing, as I expected, that she was a natural blonde. Soft, silky, almost transparent hairs on prominent labia were hiding a small but sensitive clit.

“Mmmm nice,” I murmured. “I always wondered what you had, Jean. It was quite beautiful.”

“You’re so lovely yourself, John, so hard too,” she blushed.

I moved down to plant kisses on her mound and upper thighs, snaking my tongue in to tease her clit as she writhed on the bedsheets.

“More, please. I need more,” she begged.

Raising myself up, I moved my body between her thighs, and she slid her hand down to guide my cock into her waiting pussy. Slowly I pushed forward into Jean’s tunnel of love, savouring every moment of her tight pussy as she enfolded me in her hot wet depths until I was finally fully in.

“Ah, that’s so good!” she breathed in my ear. “I’d sometimes hear you and Jan making love whilst Bill slept his life away. I always wondered what it would be like to have you, slim and hard and inside me.”

“Well, now you know,” I smiled at her.

I began to move my cock in and out of her, slowly at first but building up to powerful thrusts as I enjoyed the wonderful feeling of Jean’s tight pussy as she used her internal muscles to grip me and milk me. Her hips thrust back at me as she sought to maximise my penetration and the slamming of my groin onto her clitoris. Suddenly, she stiffened and, with a squeal of delight as well as digging her fingernails into my back, she orgasmed under me. I, however, kept my thrusts going as I rode her harder and faster than ever, hearing her gasps of pleasure as I gave her what I hoped was the ride of her life.

“I’m going to cum!” I finally gasped.

Jean just clamped her thighs over my hips and drew me hard against her as I blasted my seed into her tight channel and groaned out my pleasure.

“Oh, John, I’ve wanted that for such a long time,” she whispered. “I’d almost forgotten what it was like to have a man inside me.”

“My pleasure and yours too, I hope,” I replied. “And if you want this, well, so long as we’re discreet, you can have it.”

“Oh, I’d love that,” Jean smiled. “Though I know I’ll be sharing you with Jan, Val and Gemma, I suspect,” she said with a wink. “Possibly a few more, but I don’t care so long as you can find time to enjoy me too.”

“You saw Val then?”

“Saw and heard; she’s not exactly quiet,” Jean laughed. “I figured it wouldn’t be long before Gemma got her claws into you. She’s wanted you for almost as long as I have.”

“Seems I’m the one who’s been missing out,” I grinned.

“You’ve no idea of the number of married women on this estate who’d just love a bit of variety or a hard cock in them,” Jean said. “Take Mrs Shore across the road. Lisa’s hubby is a long-distance lorry driver and seems to love his lorry more than his Mrs.”

“Are you trying to set me up, Jean?” I asked.

“Variety is quite the spice, John,” she said. “And the more you get it, the more you’ll want it.”

My cock had, by this time, stiffened up at Jean’s conversation, and she reached down to stroke it.

“I thought I’d never get my hands on him or in my pussy,” she sighed. “I’m just too shy and figured you weren’t available until I heard you and Val going at it. Even then, I got tongue-tied and felt guilty despite Bill not being interested for the last seven years.”

“Well, he’s yours for the moment,” I said, turning her over to mount her doggy style.

Grabbing Jean’s hips, I slid my cock into her pussy with one good hard thrust, feeling her hot wetness still mingled in with my earlier offering and proceeded to pound her mercilessly for the next half an hour. Jean’s cries and moans became ever louder as a series of orgasms caused her body to spasm on my pistoning cock. Finally, I blasted another offering of my cum deep within her, and we collapsed on the bed next to each other.

“Oh, John! That was wonderful and took me back years,” she gasped.

“My pleasure,” I said. “Truly my pleasure.”

“Bill will be home in an hour or so, so you’d better go whilst I hide the evidence that he’s not the real man in my bed,” Jean grinned.

We dressed quickly, and I let myself out, promising Jean that it would be there for her when she wanted it.

Making a coffee, I sat in the living room and pondered Jean’s conversation. I had to admit I now had a taste for variety, but I still was unsure about making it known that I was available to the few ladies I thought might be interested in some fresh meat. Still, at least with Val, Gemma, and now Jean, I was getting a bit of variety in my diet, which would do for now.

I finished and stood up to take my cup back to the kitchen when I spotted Lisa Shore across the road. She watched me and started to raise her hand in greeting before dropping it. Taking a chance, I waved back and blew her a kiss...



Chapter 4)

Lisa nearly stumbled when she saw me blow the kiss at her. I don’t think she’d been expecting any response, and she merely blushed and walked on. Still, I thought, she knows I’m interested; the next move is up to her. Until Jean had mentioned Lisa to me, I’d have put her way out of my league, assuming I’d even considered her sexually. She’s mid-thirties and, despite having two sons, is super-model fit, has long dark hair, slim and tall, nicely proportioned boobs and very long legs with a gorgeous arse. Incredibly good-looking with bright cornflower blue eyes and fair skin. Why her hubby would prefer to be a long-distance lorry driver rather than be bedding her constantly was beyond me, though I had no reason to doubt Jean’s judgement.

That night, Jan and I made mad, passionate love at almost a different level. The variety I had been exposed to seemed to have kick-started my sex drive, and Jan was very appreciative of my efforts, if somewhat exhausted, by the time my demands had finished. Personally, I was rather surprised myself, though I was not complaining. I’d thought Jean would have drained me dry, but the sight of Jan undressing for bed just got me going in an attempt to get her going.

The following morning, Jan kissed me bye as she set off for work. I arose, sorted out my ablutions, and dressed. I came downstairs, wondering what today might bring, but I was also prepared to tackle some chores, or rather wash the car.

I’d almost finished when Jean, followed by Lisa, came out of her house. They gossiped for a while before Jean turned to me.

“Hi John, I was just telling Lisa here how good you are with your hands, and she’d like to ask a favour,” Jean said.

“Hi, John,” Lisa said. “Mark is away an awful lot, and frankly, a few bits and pieces need sorting in the house, loose cupboard doors, and my washing machine takes ages to drain. Could you take a look, please? I could pay.”

“No need for money,” I said. “Any friend of Jean’s is a friend of mine. I could pop over in half an hour?”

“Oh, thank you,” she said with a smile. “Bye, Jean, catch you later.”

Lisa wandered off, and Jean turned to me and, winking, said, “Good luck.”

“Sure you don’t want a little attention yourself, Jean?” I asked.

“Not today, John; I’m a little tender in some places. But soon, I hope,” she said with a smile.

Half an hour later, taking my rolling toolbox, I knocked at Lisa’s door.

“Oh, Hi John, come on in, it’s a bit of a mess, I’m afraid,” said Lisa. She also introduced another woman in the living room. This is my mate, Janet. Would you like a coffee or tea?”

“Tea, please, milk, no sugar,” I replied. “What would you like looked at first?”

“The washing machine if you could, John. Half the mess here is just washing waiting to go, but the machine takes ages to drain now, and until Mark gets back, I can’t afford to get anyone to look at it.”

“No problem,” I said. I make no promises, but I’ll see what I can do. It might be the pump, though, and they’re expensive.”

Lisa’s face fell at that comment.

“Don’t go borrowing trouble,” I said with a smile. “Might be something simple.”

With some effort, I pulled the machine from out of its niche in the kitchen and listened carefully as the pump laboured to drain the drum. ‘At least it’s working,’ I thought as I unscrewed the back. I checked the pipes and immediately felt something trapped in one, so, turning off the power, I carefully used a hose clamp to seal the pipe from the drum to the pump and disconnected the hose at the pump. There was a small flow of water, but not too much and sticking out of the hose was a long, flat, curved wire, which I recognised as being part of an underwired bra. I also cleared out a lot of trapped hairs and gunk that had accumulated around the pump entrance. Undoing a couple of screws at the front of the pump, I made sure the impellor was firmly attached to the shaft and reconnected everything back together. Then, I realised that the niche acted as a bit of a sound trap for voices in the living room.

“Gawd, he’s gawjus, you should go for it, gal,” came Janet’s strong accent.

“Don’t be daft, he’s married,” said Lisa. “Besides, I don’t know if I could.”

“What’s married got to do with getting a good fucking?” exclaimed Janet. “Not like you’re planning to make him leave his Mrs”

“I’ve never cheated on Mark!” said Lisa.

“Says the girl who was sobbin’ ‘er’ heart out to me when you found that tart’s pair of knickers in his cab!” said Janet. “You know ‘e’s seein’ to ‘is needs when ‘e’s gorn away. It would be best if you were seein’ to yours. Besides, ‘e looks a lot nicer than that twat of a brother of Mark’s who keeps sniffin' around.”

“But what will the neighbours think?” gasped Lisa.

“Doubt Jean cares an’ as for that Mrs Hepplewhite, so long as I leaves by the back door she’ll think I’m still ‘ere,” said Janet with a giggle. “Besides, if ‘e’s any good, let me know, an’ ‘e can check out my plumbin’ any time,” she added with a very wicked chuckle.

By this time, I had all the parts reconnected, turned the machine back on, and heard the pump going full tilt as the drum rapidly emptied and a spin cycle started.

At that point, Lisa and Janet came into the kitchen and gave little cheers as the machine spun at full speed with all the water out of the drum.

“Sorted,” I said. “Anything else you’d like looked at?”

“There’s Connor’s bed,” said Janet to Lisa. “But I have to go. Nice meeting you, John.” She hugged me and left by the back door.

“Connor’s bed?” I asked.

“The frame keeps coming apart,” said Lisa, blushing slightly.

“Let’s go see then,” I said.

Lisa led the way, her shapely bum weaving an almost mystical spell in front of my eyes. “What was the matter with the washing machine?” she asked.

I held up the wire. “Part of one of your bra’s, I think.”

Lisa turned bright red and giggled. “Yes, you’re probably right. I just have to sort them out to find out which one.”

“I’d offer to help, but I need to check out a bed,” I said with a grin.

Lisa gave another giggle and led me into one of the bedrooms with a single bed lying sagging and twisted against one of the walls. A quick check showed me that several retaining screws were missing.

“Shouldn’t take long,” I said.

I found some of the right-sized screws in my box and rapidly put the bed together properly. When the frame was secured, I put the mattress back on the bed, pushed it hard on it, and nodded with satisfaction. “That won’t be going anywhere soon,” I said to the waiting Lisa.

“You sure?” said Lisa. “Connor gives it quite a bit of abuse. Perhaps I’d better check.”

Lisa breezed past me with a slight blush on her cheeks and lay flat on the bed, bouncing slightly and quite erotically. “Not sure if I can pound it quite as hard as Connor does,” she murmured. “Perhaps you’d like to join me, and we can test it.”

“Could do with a good test,” I said, dropping beside her. “Just to be sure,” I added as our lips met and our bodies entwined.

The kiss became very passionate, and our arms roamed over each other’s bodies. I slipped Lisa’s tee shirt off over her head to reveal a lovely low-cut flowery bra encompassing her gorgeous breasts. A quick twist of the catches and they were free and in my palms.

“Ooh nice,” groaned Lisa as I manipulated the nipples between my thumb and first finger, making them rise majestically above the soft brown areola. She’d slid her hands under my top and was running her fingertips softly over my upper body, driving me almost to distraction. My lips descended onto her breasts, and I began to suckle them slowly, drawing them into my mouth to give a quick nip with my teeth before letting loose, making Lisa cry out in passion each time. I slid a hand down to unpop her jeans and slid the zip down to expose a matching set of flowery panties to her now discarded bra. Lisa, at this stage, dragged my tee shirt up and over my head and dragged her nails softly down my back, leaving no marks but feeling pretty good. I slipped my thumbs into her jeans and pulled them down her long shapely thighs, taking her panties with them and revealing a beautiful-shaven mound, incredibly soft to the touch and glistening at the slit in obvious passion.

“You look good enough to eat,” I said and did.

“Ohhhhh!” came a gasp from Lisa as my tongue plundered her hidden treasures, swirling over her clit and lapping at her hot wet entrance. “I’ve missed this so much.”

“You are so beautiful!” I breathed and slid a finger into her, making her hips buck and flail against my probing tongue and lips.

Lisa’s body stiffened, and with a loud groan, her body took over from her mind as an intense orgasm flowed over her.

I held her gently against me as the tremors from her body ceased, and she regained control.

“So, so good!” she breathed. “Just what my body needed.”

“Glad to be allowed to help,” I said with a smile.

“You aren’t finished yet, I hope,” Lisa said with a grin.

“No,” I replied and slid my jeans and underwear off.

“Oh, this is going to be so good!” whispered Lisa as she parted her legs and allowed me to roll over her body and mount her with a single powerful thrust into her tight wet pussy.

“Yes!” she exclaimed. “Yes, yes, yes!” I began to pound her gorgeous body mercilessly with long, powerful strokes, feeling her hips push back at each downstroke to maximise the pressure on her clitoris. It wasn’t too long before my powerful stroke brought her to her second orgasm, and after that, she just couldn’t seem to stop.

Lisa voiced a constant litany of words, mainly along the lines of harder! Faster! Yes! and Oh fuck I’m coming! Again! Her neglected body shed weeks of frustrations in time to my relentless pounding. Her long legs had drawn up over my back as our bodies rejoiced in nature’s oldest call.

My own orgasm was boiling in my balls now, and I gasped out, “I’m going to cum!”

Lisa’s legs just clamped down on me, drawing me close as I blasted my seed deep within her, feeling her strong internal muscles milking me of my seed as I saturated her womb.

When we recovered a little, I saw tears in Lisa’s eyes.

“Oh God, I shouldn’t have let you do that!” she finally wailed. “I made it so easy for you. Gave it to you on a plate. Yet I’ve never cheated on Mark before. You must think me a complete and utter slut!”

“No, I don’t think you’re a slut,” I whispered softly to her and kissed her gently. “A bit neglected, perhaps, but definitely not a slut.”

“It’s been so long since I had sex, and you were so nice,” she hiccupped through her sobs. “I’ve been thinking about you for weeks since I found a pair of women’s panties in Mark’s truck. At first, I just wanted revenge, to be used and cast aside, but this was so nice. I can’t believe how gentle and passionate you were with me.”

“You’re a truly beautiful woman, Lisa,” I said. “I just wanted to give you the pleasure looking at you gives to me.”

“You don’t think I’m a slut then?” she asked, the tears slowly drying.

“Until today, I would have considered you way out of my league, Lisa,” I said, holding her close.

“I don’t want to wreck your marriage, John, and I’m not planning on leaving Mark either. I know he strays now, but what’s sauce for the goose, etc...” Lisa said.

“Lisa, if you would like to do this again occasionally when life gets a bit much, you won’t find me saying no, nor will you find me causing you problems. I love Jan. I just enjoyed the variety you gave me,” I replied.

“It was pretty good, wasn’t it?” she said with a slight smile.

“Pretty good? You were wonderful,” I said.

“Thanks, John, for making me feel better about this. I felt so guilty, but I’d do it again in an instant knowing what I know now,” she said as she reached down to squeeze my cock. “Hmmm, seems a little work is needed here,” she smiled as she slid down my body to engulf my cock in her mouth, twirling her tongue over the tip before sucking him into her hot mouth to get me standing to attention again within a minute or two.

Leaving me on my back, she straddled my hips and, reaching down, guided me into her waiting pussy and slowly sank down upon it. She began a slow and steady movement of her hips, occasionally gasping and holding her lower lip in her teeth as her internal muscles also massaged and squeezed my cock in a rippling pattern from tip to base. She had excellent muscle control, and the feeling was utterly exquisite. I gently caressed her sides as my hands reached up to cup her breasts, watching as a blush slowly grew from her cheeks to her upper chest and down to the tips of her nipples. With a low moan, she forced her hips down onto my cock to maximise penetration and to hold her clitoris against my body as she orgasmed.

“Oh fuck, that was a good one!” she gasped as her hips again moved to a steady measure with a seemingly endless stream of small orgasms accompanying it.

I gazed up at this seeming goddess in disbelief at my luck, incredibly beautiful and a wonderful lover too and thought again her husband must be mad to work away so much or even cheat on her. Eventually, though, my orgasm became inevitable as I grabbed her hips and began strong thrusts upwards of my own, and again, I blasted my seed deep within her.

“Oh yes, John! Oh yes!” she hissed as another orgasm overwhelmed her.

We held each other for a while until Lisa rose and covered herself over with a sheet.

“You’d better go, John. I’ll call Janet, and she’ll be back to cover our tracks by letting herself out of the front door,” she said. If you give me your mobile, I’ll let you know if or when I need something looked at,” she said, grinning. It won’t be too often, though; I have very nosey neighbours.”

“Know the feeling,” I said as I dressed, and Lisa texted Janet.

I’d just gotten downstairs when Janet came in.

“Sort out the bed problem?” she asked with a wink.

“It will have to be checked every so often to make sure it’s still okay,” I said, smiling, as we both shouted bye to Lisa and left the house together.

“She deserved a good time,” confided Janet. “Life was getting her down.”

“Just amazed she chose me,” I said.

“You’re not bad lookin’,” Janet replied. “Plus, you’re married and discreet, I’d guess. But don’t eva give that gal trouble, or you’ll answer to me!”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I said. “She’s far too lovely to risk losing that kind of fun for.”

“Good man. Though if you have time, I have a few things that need a good seein’ too,” she winked as we parted.

I wandered back to the house feeling rather bemused, though I did wave to Jean. I felt like I was juggling with fire and didn’t dare stop because I’d end up getting burnt.

Still, I was back to work the next day and could put life behind me for a few days.



Chapter 5)

Work went as well as can be expected. Yes, my mind was a bit distracted by the events of the previous four days, but other than a series of saucy texts from Valerie and Gemma, not a lot went on of a sexual nature. Well, not until the last of my four 12-hour shifts, when, as it was a Friday, I ventured up to my supervisor’s office to give the weekly report and go over anything scheduled for the next week.

I was greeted by Wendy, his p.a. secretary and general dogsbody. She’s a lovely woman, a bottle blonde, tall, leggy Barbie doll type, getting on a bit with a bit too much makeup and with a sharp tongue if you got on the wrong side of her.

“Hi John, He’s busy with a technical problem at head office on the phone. He might be a while,” she said with a smile and her lovely lilting Irish accent.

“No problem, I’ll wait,” I said. “How are you doing?”

“Not bad, John. Just sick and tired of waiting for my lazy husband to either fix or replace my shower,” she replied.


“Yes, you know what he did? He bought me one of those silly showers that fit over the taps and told me to use that, the tight git!” she stormed.

“Do what Jan does with me and tell him he’s not getting any till he gets it sorted,” I chuckled.

“Christ, he’d welcome that. Last time I practically raped him because he’s forgotten what it was for. I’d never get anything done then, and Lord, I love my nooky,” she giggled.

“Guess you’ll have to get someone in,” I said.

“Tight bastard won’t go for that,” she moaned. “Christ, I’d offer myself to anyone who would do it if I thought I’d get any takers.”

“If I thought you were serious, I’d be round tomorrow like a shot,” I laughed.

“Would you?” she asked speculatively.

“Ah, hell, you get the shower, and I’ll fit it for you,” I said with a smile. No extras, either. I’m free for most of tomorrow, so I can do it for you then.”

“Well, Frankie’s off to the races tomorrow, but I’m in all day,” she said. “So if you could, John, I’d be ever so grateful.”

“Give me your address, and I’ll be there about 10-ish,” I said.

She scribbled down an address and phone number for me and glanced at her panel. “He’s finished now, John, so in you go. And see you tomorrow,” she said with a speculative smile.

The following day, I got up with Jan bright and early and made her breakfast before she set off for work. There are times when we really are like ships in the night, but we were both looking forward to a barbecue at Ted and Gemma’s that night. Jan was off the following day, so we could both have a decent drink.

Once Jan was away, I went to the shed and got out my tools, along with a few lengths of chromed 15mm pipe, which I thought might come in handy, washers, compression joints, and a lock-off valve.

Until yesterday, I hadn’t a clue where Wendy lived, but it wasn’t so far from me, practically the next estate over. Loading the car, I waved to Jean, who just gave me a smile as I could see her hubby lurking in the background, whilst across the road, I could see Mark’s van outside of Lisa’s. ‘Weekends,’ I thought with a wry smile ‘Glad mine move about a bit.’

I reached Wendy’s at pretty much ten on the dot, and she welcomed me in, looking a lot different to her working attire. No makeup and a long loose T-shirt covering the top of some black leggings which, for all they hid her legs, did not conceal their shapeliness, all topped off with wet hair and pink fluffy slippers.

“Thanks for this, John,” she said. “I bought a shower and told Frankie I’d fit it myself. He hasn’t stopped laughing. So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to watch to see what you do so I can at least lie convincingly.”

“No problem,” I said. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

“Before you fit the shower?” she said with a giggle.

“I meant the shower,” I said with a laugh. “But if you’re offering...”

“Naughty man,” she smiled. “The shower’s up here.”

It was a good, reliable make of shower, but a quick look told me that whoever had fitted the last shower did not really know what they were doing. All the pipework was corroded and not straight.

“I’ll need to turn off the power and water,” I said.

“The stopcock is behind the sink downstairs, and the fuse box is under the stairs,” said Wendy.

I swiftly shut off the water and power and unscrewed the old unit from the wall. Clearly, the pipes had been leaking inside, though I was surprised to see the wiring was up to spec. Undoing the compression joints for the shower didn’t take long, and after disconnecting the wires, I lifted it off the wall.

“I’m going to have to go up in the loft to replace this pipe,” I told Wendy.

“Ok,” she answered. “It’s up there, and the hatch has a ladder built in.”

Grabbing a torch, I tugged the hatch down and climbed up with a straight compression joint, some olives and chromed pipe, as well as my pipe cutters and spanners. Wendy stood up to watch what I was doing and held the torch. I saw where the old pipe had started leaking from a joint, cut above it, fed the chromed pipe down, and tightened the new compression joint to give a good seal. Back down in the bathroom, I cut the pipe again to fit the lock-off valve and asked Wendy to turn the water back on while I slipped back into the loft to make sure it wasn’t leaking.

After that, I cut a new, short-length pipe and slid it into the shower to ensure it would fit when it was attached to the wall. Then it was straightforward, drill the wall, fit some rawlplugs, screw the shower onto the wall, re-attach the electrics and tighten the compression joints. Then, I fitted the case cover and checked the fusebox.

“I’ll need to upgrade the breaker,” I said. “But I have a spare, so no charge.”

“Thanks, John. I appreciate that,” Wendy said. “It looked so easy when you did it. Frankie took nearly two days.”

“Right tools and a lot of experience,” I said with a smile.

I fitted the new breaker and turned the power to the shower on. Then we went upstairs to open the shut off valve and ran the shower on cold until water came out of the head. Then turning the switch to hot I ran the temperature dial up to halfway and hot water blasted out the system.

“Oh, wonderful,” Wendy exclaimed. “I can’t thank you enough, John.”

“A pleasure,” I said.

“Now for your reward,” she said with a wink and leaned forward to kiss me passionately.

“You don’t have to do this,” I said when our lips parted after a long lingering kiss.

“I know, but I want to and hope you do too, John,” she sighed.

Our hands were wandering all over each other’s bodies, and Wendy saw what I wanted.

“Ooh, nice!” she exclaimed as her hand reached down to squeeze my cock. “Is that for me?”

“Oh yes,” I smiled. “Just for you, right here, right now.”

“Follow me,” she said, leading me to a bedroom where we fell together onto the bed and kissed again and again. Our hands dragged items of clothing off each other frantically to finally leave us as nature intended. Wendy was a bottle blonde with almost white, brittle hair but a soft, dark-haired, heart-shaped muff. Her breasts were large and firm, and her nipples erect, even before my lips reached them, to suckle, nip, tease and torment with my mouth and teeth.

“Oh Lord, that’s nice!” she breathed as her hand reached down to caress my cock and gently stroked it to greater stiffness. “I never imagined I’d get you into bed one day,” she giggled.

“I never knew you were available,” I laughed back.

“Well, you just don’t come out with ‘fancy a shag?’ in the office now, do you?” she laughed.

“No, not really, but I wish I’d known,” I chuckled as I started to go further down with my explorations, kissing her soft belly and making it twitch gently. I stopped to plant a lot of kisses on her muff and nip her upper thighs with my teeth before slipping my tongue into her slit to taste her.

“Oh Lord, that’s so good!” she cried as my tongue found her clitoris and began to swirl all over it, making her pelvis jerk at each stroke. I slid one, then two and finally three fingers into her, causing her gasps and moans to increase until, with a loud sigh, her internal muscles tightened up as she orgasmed and more of her nectar flowed down from her pussy.

“God, I needed that,” she finally sighed. “But your turn now.” She reached into a bedside drawer and produced a condom, ripping open the pack and sliding it down onto my erect cock.

Lying back, she just smiled and said, “Take me, John.” I placed myself between her thighs and thrust my cock into her tight channel.

“Yes!” she cried as I began to pound her forcefully. Though for me, the feeling was diminished by the condom around my cock. I much prefer bareback riding, but her body is her choice.

Though after a minute, she groaned, “Sod it! I’ll take a chance.” She reached down, grabbed my cock and slid the condom off. I swiftly plunged back inside her hot wet, tight, smooth pussy and good became absolute heaven for me as I rode her through several orgasms and told her I was close to coming myself.

“God, it’s so much nicer without,” Wendy moaned. “I should be ok, though there is a slight chance you might knock me up, John.”

Perhaps it was just the thought that I might ‘knock Wendy up’ that took me over the edge into one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever had. I blasted spurt after spurt of my seed deep within her fertile womb before collapsing on top of her.

“Oh wow, that was ... Oh wow!” I gasped.

“God, yes! I feel so wicked now,” Wendy giggled.

We held each other and luxuriated in the warmth and softness of our bodies until I felt my cock stirring again.

“Mmmm, nice!” Wendy sighed as he reached down to stroke him.

I was soon rigid again, and Wendy turned over onto her knees and looked back pleadingly. Lifting myself up, I swiftly mounted her, feeling heat and wetness from my previous offering, lubricating my way back into paradise. Grasping Wendy’s hips, I began long, steady strokes into her, hearing her gasp out loud at each penetration until, with another sigh, she orgasmed to my pistoning strokes, her pussy gripping and squeezing me tightly as the wave of pleasure flowed over her. After that, I picked up the pace until I was pounding her hard, and she was gasping and moaning in sheer joy, her pussy spasming around my cock until, with a groan, I unloaded another batch of prime baby-making material into her.

“God, John, that was incredible,” she sighed as we relaxed in the afterglow. “I know it’s a sin, but if you want me, I’m yours for the taking… well, on days it’s safe,” she said with a wink.

“I don’t really want to knock you up, Wendy,” I said. “But that was so incredibly erotic.”

“It’s unlikely,” she said. “But it’s my body and my risk. Anyway, Frankie wouldn’t know it’s not his; the others he thinks are his aren’t.” She winked at me. “Now, let’s test that shower.”

We made love again under the hot shower, with me taking her upright against the wall, holding her up against the tiles and making her squeal in delight at our forbidden passion until again I blasted more of my seed into her pussy.

We kissed goodbye after I’d dressed and promised to meet again the next time we were free and she was safe...



Chapter 6)

Once home, I prepared Jan and me a little light snack to tide us over before the barbecue and did some tidying up and a few emails. When Jan got home, we ate and then got ready for one of the treats of our year. Three times over the summer, we and our friends would hold a barbecue and invite a few acquaintances over to supplement the numbers with kids and other family members. They were usually wild, uproarious events, though only in a humour and banter manner. There was nothing sordid or illicit I’d spotted anyway. Still, we looked forward to them and knew that we’d both be quite merry by the evening’s end, so I sneaked up behind Jan, having decided to get one in before she became incapable.

“God, you’re insatiable these days,” she moaned as I slid my cock into her and started pounding away, to her evident delight.

It didn’t take long before the moans became loud cries of delight and lust as she orgasmed several times beneath my hard thrusts before I blasted my fourth load of the day into the second woman.

“God, that was good,” she gasped. “But I’m going to have to clean up again. Now get dressed and leave me alone, you naughty man,” she giggled.

It was a warm and sunny evening when we finally turned up at Ted and Gemma’s. We weren’t the first there; Roger and Valerie had arrived before, and I saw a scattering of faces I recognised from previous barbecues, along with the odd neighbour and Ted and Gemma’s kids and respective partners and friends.

Gemma, of course, was being the perfect hostess and greeted Jan and I at the door, giving Jan a hug and a kiss on the cheek and I a hug, kiss and a surreptitious fondling of my cock.

“I'm Glad to see you. The food will be getting charred in about an hour, but we’ve got lots of beer that needs attending to,” she smiled.

We wandered out the back to see a kids’ paddling pool full of ice and packed with smallish bottles of beer surrounded by many chairs and our friends. Greetings and salutations were passed before we drifted into various groups to eavesdrop and chat.

I wandered over to Valerie and Roger and exchanged greetings. Roger was intending to test his capacity for alcohol that night, and as he wandered away to get another beer. I offered Valerie my sympathies.

“I’m used to it,” she smiled. “Besides, at least he’s a harmless drunk.”

“True,” I said. “How are you since we last met?”

“Horny and getting hornier,” she giggled. “But Jan and I seem to be twinned to the same shift pattern at the moment, which is frustrating.”

“Even then, you have to consider my shifts, too,” I said. “All work and no play makes for a dull life. Still, you look lovely tonight.”

Valerie was wearing an open-topped sundress that hung to her lush figure and displayed her upper charms beautifully without being too blatant.

“Thanks, John. Glad someone noticed,” she snorted as Roger made his way back.

After that, I had to listen to one of Roger’s interminable stories, which I’d already heard several times, while Valerie slipped away to chat with others. Still, it was a lovely night, and I could listen politely while people were watching. Eventually, though, I begged off to go and get another beer, and Roger homed in on Alice, a nurse friend of Gemma’s, to regale her with his tales of woe. Seeing no opportunity to join another conversation, I wandered back into the house and the kitchen to see if Gemma needed help.

“Oh, John, just the man,” she said with a smile. “Can you get the lid off this jar of pickles, please?”

“No problem,” I said and turned the tightly sealed lid to open the jar.

“Good to see that you aren’t worn out from work,” Gemma grinned before kissing me and slipping her tongue into my mouth. Fortunately, the kitchen window did not overlook the back garden, so we had a little privacy. I slid my arms around her waist before lowering my hands down to her bottom cheeks. She wore a cropped top and a miniskirt, so my hands soon delved under her skirt and over her thonged bottom.

“God, I want you!” she breathed.

“Time and place,” I murmured. “And this isn’t the place, well, not at the moment.”

“Later, perhaps?” she asked.

“Perhaps,” I grinned. “When people won’t be noticing absences.”

“Mmmm,” was all she said before slipping back to her food preparation, and I wandered back outside.

Once out there, I rescued a somewhat stunned Alice from Roger’s clutches when he sought out another beer.

“Dear God, that man can talk for England,” she laughed.

“It’s because you didn’t hide quick enough,” I smiled. “But he’s harmless enough, no groping or innuendo.”

“True,” she smiled. “If I’m going to be groped, at least I’d prefer someone who wasn’t heading towards drunk.”

“I’m sure your hubby wouldn’t like that,” I smiled. “They rarely do, even if they’re gropers themselves.”

“Again, true,” she giggled. “But later on, he’ll be like Roger, so far gone, he won’t really notice.”

“I’ll await that condition with interest,” I laughed. “Just to see who puts a move on you.”

“He’d better be sober enough to perform,” she laughed. “Because I hate those who talk the talk but can’t walk the walk.”

“Foods up!” came the call from the kitchen, and Alice and I parted to seek out our partners and dig into the burgers and hot dogs.

The evening got progressively livelier as it went on, and inhibitions lowered, and voices became louder, though not aggressive. I’d also noticed I was only onto my third beer of the evening, whereas many people were onto their eighth or ninth or well onto a second bottle of wine. Still, I thought it was time to empty the tanks and headed off to the downstairs loo, only to find it occupied, so I headed upstairs to use the en-suite facilities in the master bedroom. Just heading down, Valerie smiled and kissed me in passing.

I finished and left the room when I noticed one of the bedroom doors slightly ajar and a beckoning finger sticking out of it. A quick glance behind me told me no one else was about, so I followed my instincts and slipped into the bedroom and into Valerie’s arms.

No words were spoken, but our lips melded together, and our tongues entwined in mutual probing, our hands wandering over each other’s bodies, touching and caressing. Reaching down, Valerie started stroking my cock as it stiffened up under my shorts. I gathered up her dress to grant me access to her upper thighs. Valerie gasped as I started to probe her underwear-covered pussy and took her hands off my cock to grasp the hem of her panties and shimmy them down with a delicious wiggle before depositing them in her handbag next to her. I undid my shorts and dropped my pants and underwear, and took hold of my cock as I began to guide him towards Valerie’s hot wet pussy. Valerie held her dress up over her waist as I manoeuvred my cock to her entrance and gave a low moan as the tip found her entrance. I began to push my cock, still partially coated with Jan’s pussy juices, forward and up. It wasn’t easy and a little awkward due to our height differences, but at last, my cock shot up into paradise. I began a series of long, deep thrusts as Valerie pushed back against me. It didn’t take long. I suspect we were both overwhelmed by the feeling of doing something very naughty in someone else’s house. Valerie just tensed as an orgasm overwhelmed her and set me off into my own as I squirted several ropes of my seed deep within.

We held each other for a while as we regained our breath and composure before a smiling Valerie kissed me and slipped silently out of the bedroom after checking that the coast was clear.

I gave her a minute, and while I pulled my shorts back up, I slipped out and wandered downstairs. No one, it seemed, had missed my presence; indeed, the conversations were as loud as ever. I checked on Jan, who was deep in conversation with Alice and the guy I presumed was her husband. I just hovered for a while, not joining in, just making my presence known before checking out another burger and a beer. I did notice Valerie standing next to Roger, and we winked. She looked like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. After that, I played pool for a little while with the young ones, and for all, I didn’t win, I didn’t make a fool of myself either. Afterwards, I wandered back into the house only to hear a crash from the kitchen.

On opening the door, I found Gemma facing away from me on her knees, picking up a dropped baking tray. She glanced behind, wiggled her slim, sexy bottom at me, and winked. ‘Hell, why not?’ I thought, and pushing a chair up against the door to lock it, I dropped down behind her and slid down my shorts as Gemma parted her legs to allow me access. Sliding her thong to one side, I took my now hardened cock, still wet from Valerie’s pussy, and rammed him hard into Gemma’s waiting pussy.

“Oh yes,” she moaned. “Quick now, before someone notices!”

Grasping her hips I thrust savagely into her hard and fast, feeling her pussy gripping and relaxing over my cock as a wave of pleasure overcame her at our illicit coupling. Again I could feel myself coming to the boil as Gemma rocked under my relentless pounding until finally I blasted my seed into my fourth woman of the day.

For all Gemma hadn’t orgasmed, she was clearly delighted with ‘dessert’ in the manner of a cat who’d got the cream. We quickly stood and tidied ourselves up before removing the chair from the door.

We just chatted for a little while before I slipped out to rejoin the party, leaving Gemma with a very healthy glow to her cheeks.

After that very little happened for a while as the guests just mingled and chatted and became ever more drunk, though I limited my intake to just watching the fun and seeing who was making a fool of themselves. It had now gotten dark though some arc lights lit the garden and a chimenea warmed the guests. I noticed Jan, Valerie and Gemma chatting and waved in response to their knowing smiles, feeling a little shiver of delight knowing all three ladies had a little bit of me deep inside them. I noticed Ted, Roger and Alice’s husband talking about DIY and avoided them as I really did not wish to be drawn into their chat or Ted’s schemes, so I headed back inside to seek out the loo again only to find Alice waiting outside the downstairs one where someone inside was being noisily sick.

“Oh dear, someone the worse for wear,” I said.

“Yes and I’m bloody bursting here,” said Alice.

“There’s one upstairs in the main bedroom,” I said. “Gemma lets guests use it.”

“The bedroom or the loo?” said Alice with a giggle.

“The loo,” I laughed. “But it’s not the only bedroom,” I said with a wink.

Alice blushed and with a laugh I led the way showing her where the en-suite was. I waited patiently until Alice had finished before availing myself of the facilities. On stepping out I found her still waiting a smile on her face.

“I didn’t want to just wander off in case I got lost and found myself in a bedroom on my own,” she giggled.

“It’s no fun on your own,” I replied.

“Tell me about it,” she said.

“I could just demonstrate,” I said with a wink. “If you’ve finished talking the talk, that is.”

“I am, but can you walk the walk?” she said as she winked back.

“Let's find out,” I said with a smile and led her to the bedroom, where I'd satisfied Valerie an hour before.

Alice is a big girl carrying more than a few extra pounds, but she’s got a pretty face and a very sexy laugh and was clearly up for some extra-marital fun. In the bedroom, she swiftly sat at the edge of the bed, and I leaned over her to kiss her.

“Gotta be quick,” she said as she lifted her dress and slid off her underwear.

“I know,” I whispered back as I dropped my shorts for the third time that night and prepared to enter new territory.

Alice lay back on the bed as I moved between her chubby thighs and guided my erect cock to her shaven entrance, rubbing him up and down her slit, making her gasp in anticipation, before sliding him into her slick tight pussy.

“Oh God, that’s just what I needed,” she whispered in delight as, with long, powerful strokes, I began pounding my fifth pussy of the day.

Alice’s legs hooked behind my thrusting hips, and she pressed her pelvis hard against my groin at each downstroke until, with a low moan, she orgasmed under me.

“Oh yes!” she whispered. “You can walk the walk!”

With a few more strokes, she clamped down with her pussy again and gave a little trembling wail as another orgasm washed over her, which took me over the edge to coat her insides with my now diminished seed.

“Christ, that was good,” I hope you’re available for a rematch one day?” Alice gasped as we disentangled ourselves.

“No promises,” I said, “but if possible, oh yes, please.”

“Oh, I so want,” she smiled as, with a careful glance out of the door, she slipped out and went downstairs.

After a minute, I slipped downstairs and went into the living room where the pool table had been placed. I joined the young ones for a few games before Gemma slid her head around the door and beckoned me.

“Jan’s had a little too much,” she said. “You’d best take her home now whilst she can still walk rather than a fireman’s carry later.”

“Ok,” I said with a sigh.

Gemma just smiled and then kissed me. “At least you had some fun with a woman tonight, John,” she winked.

If only you knew,’ I thought as I returned the kiss...



Chapter 7)

I struggled to get Jan home, cursing Roger all the while as he’d got her to try Jaeger bombs, but Jan had clearly overdone it. Still, she was petite, and it wasn’t far, so I managed to get her there before she embarrassed herself. I managed to get her into bed safely and undressed before slipping downstairs to make myself a coffee and go over the day’s events. Never in my wildest dreams would I have laid odds on sliding into five separate pussies in one day, yet I had, and I had no plans to stop either, though I did realise just what a chance I’d taken at Gemma and Ted’s. It would have been so easy to get caught slipping the wife’s best friend into the wife’s best friends, yet I’d been so caught up in the madness and the sensation of fucking forbidden fruit that I knew if the circumstances arose again, so would I. Eventually, tiredness overcame me, and I joined my drunken slumbering wife upstairs.

The following morning, I was up early; it didn’t look like Jan had even moved from the position I’d placed her in last night, though she was still breathing, which I took as a good sign. I had a quick shower but didn’t dress; I stayed in my bathrobe and slippers, went down to make a coffee, and sat in our conservatory. It was already warm, and I had the promise of another beautiful day. I was going upstairs when there was a knock at the door.

I wondered who’d be up and about this early on a Sunday (apart from me), so I went to investigate rather than pretend we weren’t in, as we often did if we spotted the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the street.

When I opened the door, I saw a rather plain woman, about 40ish, with shoulder-length brown hair in an unflattering suit and sensible shoes.

“Hello, you must be John?” she inquired.

“Er, yes,” I replied.

“Good morning, I’m Sue Brashwell.”

“Yes?” I replied, feeling a little bemused and a little exposed as the light breeze played havoc with my robes' lower levels.

“The vicar’s wife? Your good lady signed a petition of ours about the new playgroup, and I hoped to speak to her about it,” she said.


That was a preview of Valerie - Where it all began. To read the rest purchase the book.

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