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The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4

Luke Ozvik


The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4

By Luke Ozvik

Description: EACH BOOK IS STANDALONE. Imagine a BBC tv documentary series in which ladies explain their desire to have sex with an animal - then are given the opportunity to do it on camera. 300 episodes later, we've had ladies from 18-60, all colours, sexualities and religions, even disabled ladies. Consent is king. All of our ladies do it because they want to do it - and all of our dogs feel the same way!

Tags: Bestiality, Fiction, Rough, Consensual, Exhibitionism, Bisexual, Oral, Anal, Cuckold, Humiliation

Published: 2019-02-10

Size: ≈ 102,435 Words

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The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4

by Luke Ozvik

©Copyright 2019 Luke Ozvik

Series 4, Episode 1: Elizabeth Stimpson (48), from London


We’re in a large carpark… Hundreds of cars, shoppers pushing trolleys back and forth... Then a familiar figure walking between the cars toward us. We know her, but she looks ‘different’ to how we remember her. It’s Charley - the surprise winner of last year’s television award for best host, who will actually be hosting our show for real from now on. Since she was last on camera she’s had “a bit of work done” - the tabloids were full of it of course. Her boob job, the chin and cheek implants, the derma-peels and the nose job. She’s still Charley, but no longer the girl-next-door Charley that we grew accustomed to, she’s now released the extra slutty Charley who always was inside... And with the slutty exterior comes a new level of confidence, and a certain style too.

She’s wearing a low cut top that shows off her newly purchased cleavage, and a pair of tight jeans that suggest she’s spent quite a bit of time in the gym as well as the surgery.

Her long hair, now dyed black instead of its natural brunette, has been swept behind her head so that as it blows in the wind it stay out of her face. She walks toward camera with a deliberate, confident stride. Not fast, she’s in no hurry, but clearly someone without a fear in the world. Fucking eleven dogs in a row will do that to a girl!

She speaks directly to camera as she walks, “Welcome to the United Kingdom of Zoo. I’m Charley Ozvik, and over the next 20 episodes I’ll be travelling the length and breadth of the country, helping some lucky ladies fulfil their dreams… For this series, we’ve had more applications than we’ve ever had before, and we’ve added a couple of new dogs to our talent list to give us more dogs than we’ve ever had before, to show that we truly live in… ”

The title, “THE UNITED KINGDOM OF ZOO” flashes up, and our opening credits run over shots of various women reacting to the arrival of various dogs - some of the dogs are familiar, others are new… There are brief shots of women laughing as they undress… Of Charley helping dog’s mount them, and of them twisting their faces up, or smiling, or crying out/moaning in reaction to being fucked… Then we fade up a graphic showing the UK, with little pins appearing, each pin representing a location we’ll be visiting in the new series. One of the pins is flashing on and off in the London area of the map.

We fade back in, this time we’re inside a large clothing store. Plenty of customers looking for a bargain, staff helping where they can. We watch a montage of typical activity in the store as Charley continues her narration. “We’re at the Gallion’s Reach shopping park in East London to meet our first guest of the year…”

We watch as a dark haired, middle-aged woman walks the floor talking to her staff, directing the occasional customer to the correct part of the store. She’s wearing a neat knee length dark skirt, tight enough around the hips and thighs to show she has a reasonable figure, and a white blouse that again shows that she’s trim and has a decent chest too… There’s a name badge on her left breast pocket that reads “ELIZABETH STIMPSON - MANAGER”. She appears to be full of life and very comfortable with her staff and the cameras. We hear her speak in voice-over, a slight Cockney twang to her pleasant voice. Clearly separate parts of an interview stitched together to form an intro. “My name is Elizabeth Stimpson… I’m 48, and I’m the manager of a popular clothing store here at Gallion’s Reach. I’ve been married for 29 years, I’ve got 3 children, and believe it or not, 2 grandchildren…”

And now we’re looking at Elizabeth standing with Charley, they’re in a small office - Elizabeth’s office - because she doesn’t want to be seen with us on the shop floor.

We’re making an effort to include Charley as an on-camera host now - but to be honest her interview technique isn’t great. She never seems sure whether she should be looking at the camera or the guest, so ends up flipping back and forth. "Tell us why you're here today..."

Elizabeth looks a little thoughtful, then opens up. “I had my kids young, in my teens, and never really had any ‘wild years’ to experiment. Then I was a grandmother before I turned 40… I live with a sense of dread that I could be a bloody great grandmother before I’m 60 if my grand-daughter keeps up the family tradition! Life feels like it’s moving by way too fast… And I’ve always had these fantasies about animals - I don’t know where they came from, and I don’t really care to be honest - and I suddenly realised I’m almost fifty, and I’m responsible for so much, and I’ve no idea why I’ve never acted on them… So… Here I am…”

"What is it about bestiality that turns you on?"

Elizabeth smiles, “Oh, that’s easy… I don’t know if I should admit it, but I just love the look of a dog’s cock… They look so ugly. Just these big fat ugly little clubs… Sometimes not so little… Ha ha…”

“So you’ve seen a lot of dog cocks?”

Elizabeth nods. “I’ve been watching videos for quite a while… Like I said, I’ve always had this ‘interest’, but when I started finding pictures on the internet I couldn’t stop searching for more. Pictures, videos, whatever I could find. I don’t really care what the women look like, or if the sex was any good… I was only interested in the dogs with the biggest cocks. I like the really ugly, deformed looking ones. The ones that bend, or have great fat swollen shafts… I love to see women take them in their mouths, especially when they barely fit… Drooling… And cum spilling…” She almost seems to shudder. “Oooh, shivers down my spine…” And she smiles again.

"What are you most looking forward to today?"

Elizabeth cracks another smile… “Erm… You know, I’m really just looking forward to seeing one up close - holding it in my hand… Putting it in my mouth… The sex, obviously… But mainly just touching one. I hope it’s big…”

"If today goes well, will this change your life?"

“I think whether it goes well or not, my life will change - because once everyone knows what I am… Well… They’re never going to look at me the same way again, are they?” She looks a little worried.

Charley gets the tone of final question just right, leaning in a little, showing her concern, “Are you sure you want to go through with it?”

Elizabeth crosses her arms over her body, considers her options. “Well, that all depends on one thing…”

“And what’s that..?” Asks Charley with genuine interest/concern.

Elizabeth cracks another smile, filling with anticipation and a new lease of confidence… “How big his cock is!”

Cut to the car park outside of the store. It’s dark now and the place appears to be deserted save for a couple of vehicles. One belonging to Elizabeth, the others belonging to our crew, and then there’s a Ford Transit van. A sign on the side reads, “United Kingdom of Zoo” with our famous logo of a happy dog mounting a comic book woman. There are few secrets now when UK of Zoo comes to town!

Charley is standing by the van, microphone in hand, ready to introduce our main talent for the show…

“Tonight we’ll be introducing a new dog to our viewers at home - and in a few minutes, to our guest inside… And wow… All I can say is that he’s a very big boy indeed…” She opens the rear door of the van and a heavy, hairy, dark furred monster jumps out.

It’s a St Bernard with a huge head and saggy but powerful flesh. St Bernards can look sad, but he clearly knows what’s in store for him and he seems to be smiling… St Bernards are also famous for bringing brandy to stranded skiiers in the mountains… This beast isn’t bringing alcohol, he’s got something altogether more refreshing…

“This,” Charley says, taking the beast by the leash, “is Goliath… And I can tell you that he’s a dog that lives up to his name… I ‘auditioned’ him myself, and he is a very talented puppy!” When she says ‘auditioned’ we know exactly what she means, and watching them side-by-side it’s a frightening thought to imagine his bulk on her little back.

She continues talking as she walks the huge dog back toward the shops. “Goliath is 4 years old, and he’s been intimate with his owner for a couple of years now… She’s agreed to him being on the show so long as she doesn’t have to appear on camera. Apparently, I’m the only other woman he’s ever had, so this big boy is in for a real treat now that he’s one of our crew… And I can assure you, our guests are in for a real treat one’s they meet him too…”

We cut back inside to the shop floor. Deserted. Most of the lights off. No staff. No customers. Then to the manager’s office, where Elizabeth has begun to unbutton her white blouse.

Elizabeth is already half-naked slut - stripped down to her underwear, which is a nice matching set in red lace. Her boobs look even bigger out of the blouse, plenty of cleavage and the material of that bra is strained. Her flesh is soft without being fat or loose, a hint of belly, but certainly not enough to be considered flabby.

She looks a little self-conscious as she pulls the shoulder straps off, then reaches behind her back to unhook it, the boobs immediately pushing it out and away from her as they are freed. She holds the bra infront of her chest for a moment - not teasing, just a little shy… Then allows it to fall away, letting us see her big boobs in all their glory. They hold up well for a grandmother…

Panties next, dropped down her legs and slipped off her shoeless feet. As she straightens up we see her pussy - dark and neatly trimmed. Very tidy… And she’s naked, hands almost covering her belly, which she seems more concerned about than either her boobs or her pussy.

Our camera sweeps from her face, down over her chest, her belly, pussy, legs, to her feet as she shifts a little uncomfortably in her place - then back up to her face.

Nervous, but not scared.

She receives an instruction from behind the camera, not audible on the show, and moves over to her desk, sitting down in her chair and leaning back, getting comfortable as she spreads her legs a little - then bringing one hand to one of those bigs boobs, and the other between her thighs to her pussy - she begins fingering herself slowly.

She looks into the camera, relaxing a little into her self-pleasuring, and says, “I’m so wet just thinking about the bloody dog… I think when he comes here, I’ll probably cum before he touches me…” She smiles and keeps working her slit, running a finger up and down then inside, then over her clit before repeating the movement, her other hand squeezing her boob at the same time.

We cut back to the shop floor, to see Charley walking down a long aisle of perfectly stacked shelves, the big St Bernard padding along beside her.

Back in the office and Elizabeth’s head is hanging back, one hand squeezing a tit hard, the other pumping two fingers into her pussy - and those fingers look very wet. It’s quiet and we can hear the wet squelch everytime she pushes them in… Schmik, schmik, schmik… Fast.

The door to her office opens and she sits upright with a start - as if she’s worried she’s been caught masturbating. We cut to the door and see the smirking face of Charley, and by her side, the huge hairy beast.

Elizabeth reacts to the sight of Goliath by sitting upright, bringing her knees together and leaning forward, her eyes opening wide. “My God, he’s huuuuuggggeeeeee!” And she smiles - a smile that’s somewhere between shock and awe.

Charley leads the huge dog into the small office, then over toward Elizabeth. “Elizabeth, I’d like you to meet Goliath… Goliath, I’d like you to meet Elizabeth!” She says. “Elizabeth, would very much like to fuck you, Goliath!”

The dog moves toward the older lady, who slowly allows her knees to part again, sitting back and angling her body so that her pussy is available to him. “Hello boy… Good boy… Do you want to be my friend?” She asks, a nervous quiver in her voice. More excitement than fear.

She looks to Charley and asks, “If I sit back, will he lick my cunt? He won’t bite me will he?”

Charley responds, “He’s not the best - he’s a bit sloppy…”

Elizabeth leans back, spreading her legs wider, and says “Oh, I don’t mind a bit of a mess…”

Goliath steps forward and sniffs at her pussy, then slops his tongue over it. Elizabeth gasps. The dog slops again, and she gasps again, one hand resting on top of the big animal’s head.

Charley attempts to add commentary. “A dog’s tongue is so much stronger, and can reach so much deeper, and provides so much more pleasure, than anything a man, or woman, can manage…”

Goliath appears to lose interest and backs away from the woman, lifting one of his big front paws up and slapping it down on her thigh.

Charley continues. “Unfortunately, Goliath here isn’t particularly interested in the taste of pussy… Some dogs do, some dogs don’t… Goliath… Don’t.”

Elizabeth sits up, runs a hand between her legs. Soaked. Slobber and pussy juice. She holds it up and shows her glistening palm to camera.

Cut to - a few moments later, Elizabeth has moved off the seat and is on her knees beside the big dog.

She slips her hand under his belly and cups his sheath and the big cock within it... Then hefts it for weight and gasps. “Oh, he IS a big boy…”

“Give it a little wank.” Suggests Charley from off camera.

Elizabeth picks up on her suggestion and gently grips the heavy shaft inside the beast’s sheath. There’s a look of mild amazement on her face as she grips and jerks it. “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this… “ She says, half to herself. “I’ve fantasized about it so much!”

“How does it feel?” Asks Charley.

Elizabeth looks up at the camera with stopping her firm wanking of the dog. “It’s very big… And… Hard… And it feels… Hot.” She almost says this as a question.

The end of Goliath’s cock is now poking out of his sheath, and Elizabeth is bent forward looking under him, pulling the furry pocket of flesh backward to reveal more of the engorged purple club of a cock. “Oh God, it’s bigger than I thought…” She says, spelling out what we’re already seen. She continues wanking him, watching more of his shaft poke out.

“Do that look better in real life than on video?” Asks Charley.

Elizabeth smiles, not breaking eye contact with that ugly fat cock as she squeezes and pumps it. “It’s much sexier seeing it up close… Maybe it’s a better looking one than I’ve seen before… Or maybe it’s just being up close… Knowing I can do anything I want to it…”

“And what would you like to do to it?” Asks Charley, already knowing the answer. Elizabeth responds with a cheeky smile that shows off her teeth.

We cut to a shot of her positioning herself under the dog’s belly. He stands over her, looking around and panting, but appearing disinterested in the fact that a woman has her mouth six inches from the tip of his cock…

Charley steps into frame, crouching down close to the action and reaching in with a go-pro style little camera to get a nice close-up of the action.

We cut to that camera just in time to get a very clear extreme close-up of the dog’s cock - huge, dark red, flat-ended, and very ugly.

Elizabeth’s hand wrapped around the shaft and her lips parting as she moves her mouth closer to the beast’s member… She’s letting out a nervous giggle as she gets close, opening her mouth, and slowly, almost teasingly slow, taking the meat inside - her mouth still wide… No contact… Then wham, mouth closed soft around the meat, lips forming a perfect seal around the tip - her eyes widening as her mouth closes, realising that she’s just done it…

“Congratulations…” Says Charley with a genuinely happy and welcoming tone in her voice, “You’ve just entered the world of bestiality…”

Elizabeth smiles around the cock, parting her lips just a little and allowing a little dog spunk to run out of the corner of her mouth, running down her chin.

She works her mouth up and down the shaft a few times, then stops to catch her breath. Pausing with that fat dog cock in her mouth, swallowing whatever he us squirting into her mouth. Moaning with pleasure.

“Right now,” Charley talks direct to camera as we continue to watch the suck-show. “Goliath is almost at full size, and he’s already shooting watery cum right to the back of Elizabeth’s throat… Isn’t that right, Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth smiles around the dog’s hefty cock again, and raises a thumb to Charley, then goes back to some serious, heavy duty cock-sucking. Sucking in her cheeks and bouncing her head up toward his belly, before breaking off to catch her breath… A big smile on her face. “Ohhh, that’s bloody great, that is…”

“Now that you’ve sucked a dog’s cock…” Asks Charley, “How do you feel about yourself?”

Elizabeth turns her face back toward the end of the dog’s cock, holding it a few inches away from her, letting a jet of doggy cum squirt against her face. “I feel really good… Really, really good… Like I can do anything…” She pauses and waits a second for another jet, waits, then jumps a little when it shoots against her cheek. Laughs a little, then takes it back in her mouth and starts sucking again. Slurping on the ugly flat head of the cock, then swallowing the dog juice she’s rewarded with. She takes it out…

“Mmmmm yes… I’m quite refreshed now…” She says with a smile to the camera. “I think I’m ready to fuck now!” And there’s that nervous and cheeky little smile again. She’s the naughty girl who’s getting away with behaving badly.

“We’ll have to give Goliath a little break to calm down a little first - there’s no way he can start fucking you with his cock that big.” Says Charley, the voice of experience. “You could dildog…”

“No… I don’t want that, I don’t like to watch those clips.” Notes Elizabeth, “I like the dog to be in control!” She looks around at the crew, almost as if seeking their approval. “I want to be fucked… Really fucked… Hard… Dominated by… This guy!” She looks back to Goliath, who stands panting, not giving a fuck about her needs.

Charley reaches under the dog with that hand-held camera again for an extreme and highly graphic close-up on his swollen cock, with tiny purple blood vessels criss-crossing the dark pink shaft. “We’ll be back in a few minutes when Goliath is a little more ‘relaxed’”

We fade out and then right back in… A few minutes have passed and the big St Bernard no longer has a huge erection. Only the tip of his cock is showing - a pink inch poking out. He’s walking around Elizabeth, who is now on the floor, on hands and knees, lowering herself to elbows and knees. Her arse in the air, big boobs hanging down, and her belly sagging a little more in this image. Again, if she stands up everything will look smaller but down like this gravity makes everything hang down.

She turns around so that she always has her back to the dog. Smiling and giggling as she turns, trying to make sure her pussy is fully available to him when he decides he wants some.

Charley steps into shot again, bending forward so that her boobs almost fall out of that low-cut top, and pats Elizabeth’s behind, encouraging Goliath to make his big move. “Come on boy…” She says, then looks toward Elizabeth’s face, “It’s worth the wait, I can tell you it’s worth the wait!”

Goliath turns slowly, pads toward them, sniffs at Elizabeth’s rear end… She giggles a little, holds her breath in anticipation, a anticipatory smile on her face - she clearly thinks she’s just seconds from penetration…

“He’s quite heavy, so really brace yourself for this…” Charley says, adding, “And he has a quite unique style. I don’t think you’ll have seen anything like this on video before.”

Then Goliath mounts the older woman, a big lurching mount that gets him half way up her back, his front legs wrapping around her. The smile disappears from her face as the wind is knocked out of her body. The dog lurches again, shifting forward on her back so that he is fully on top of her. Elizabeth isn’t the most petite woman we’ve had on the show but she virtually disappears under all that hair.

He lurches again, thrusting with his hindquarters, pushing up against her. That big tip of that fat cock, banging up against her pussy - making her gasp as she tries to get a breath back into her lungs… And then her eyes and mouth wide with an ‘Aarrrgghhhh!’ as she is penetrated by the beast for the first time.

And now he starts to fuck her - and Charley is right, it’s one of the strangest dog fucks we’ve seen on the whole show… A slow, lurching, power-fuck, rather than a fast hammering. Each thrust seems to roll along his back from his shoulders to his rear, then end as he jerks forward and slams all that energy into her. Just one big thrust, pushing his big cock into her pussy… Then the build up starts again, rolling down his back for another slam.

After each slamming thrust Elizabeth lets out a loud, “URGH!” sound, twisting her face up. Once there have been 3-4 of them, she begins making anticipatory noises as Goliath winds up for the next… It soon becomes an “Aaaaaaahhhhh,” of anticipation on the backstroke, followed by the “URGH!” of pleasure/pain on the thrust.

We drop down to a lower angle so we can see how much each thrust moves her body under there… Her boobs swinging under her, her belly shaking. Her face looks strained, but there’s clearly a lot of pleasure running through her body.

Back underneath for a close-up of that cock being rammed into her, then sliding slowly half way out as he winds up for the next thrust. Her pussy lips flaring out as the beginnings of his knot pop out and it then rammed back in. The URGH part of the “Aaaaaaaahhhhh, URGH!” getting a little louder with each thrust.

Charley continues to narrate, “You can see the knot beginning to form… It’s going to get a lot bigger before Goliath is finished, right now it’s just about perfect for the lady, but it won’t be long before it’s more than the average woman can handle.”

We cut to a close-up of Elizabeth’s face - showing strain but clearly still enjoying it. She’s knocked forward by each, slow, hard, thrust from the beast. It seems the knot is growing with each stroke, because her face is looking more strained with each…

She’s almost there - still moaning and grunting with each long, hard stroke… Biting her bottom lip, her eyes closed. Trying to control her breathing, trying to take everything he’s got to give… But he’s got TOO MUCH to give…

Down under, we can see that his knot is still growing, stretching her pussy all the way it can stretch as he pushes it in - and this time, on the back stroke, it doesn’t come out… He just pulls against it, unsuccessfully, then settles against her back with one final thrust… And then he’s locked in place.

Those final thrusts change Elizabeth’s sigh/gasp into a louder groan… Her mouth open and the smile gone for a moment. Then she raises her head, looking up into camera and cracking a bigger, open mouthed smile, trying to say “Fucking hell!” but only managing to half mouth the words.

Goliath is resting heavy on her back now, no longer thrusting, just holding on, his considerable weight pushing down on her. She’s breathing hard… Blowing like a woman in labour… Taking that knot, but showing signs that it’s beginning to get uncomfortably large.

Another of Charley’s hand held shots reveals that the older woman’s pussy is stretched right out, looking like it could split apart at any second.

Back to her face - the strain showing, but she still looks almost happy about it.

Charley checks that she’s okay, and Elizabeth responds with, “I’m okay… I’m okay… I just… I want to cum… I can’t reach…” She looks almost pleadingly at Charley, and our host knows just what to do.

Charley moves down to the business end of the coupling and reaches one hand under them, between Goliath’s hindlegs, between Elizabeth’s thighs, and brings her fingers up to the beast’s meat… Running them around the base of the shaft, then to where it is filling out the woman’s pussy… Around the lips to the clit, which she begins to rub with an expert touch. This isn’t the first time Charley has played with another woman’s pussy - and she has the technique down.

Elizabeth begins to breath harder almost immediately, her first dog cock in her pussy, her first knot, and now being touched by another woman for the first time… It’s electric.

She's struggling to catch her breath - the weight of the dog on her back, the size of his knot in her pussy, and Charley’s dancing fingers around the hood of her clit - fast, wet little circles with just the right amount of pressure… Taking her closer and closer to the edge…

Charley encourages her, “Can you feel this magnificent beast emptying his big balls into your cunt?” She says. “Can you feel your belly filling with his spunk?”

Closer to the edge… Weight, size, fingers, spunk… Closer… Charley reaches under her guest’s chest with her free hand and takes hold of one of those large boobs, cups it gently, squeezes it, starts to massage it… Her other hand working the clit… The palm of her hand deliberately pushing up against the base of Goliath’s huge cock, moving that knot inside Elizabeth… And then… Suddenly…

“Oh shit yes… Fuck!! Oh my Gaaaawwwwddd!” Elizabeth screams as her whole body spasms and shakes - an orgasm exploding through everything part of her being. She loses control of her arms and legs, falling forward, followed by the dog, almost hanging from his cock under his belly… As she collapses under him, the dog unhooks his front legs from around her belly and ends up just standing over her looking a little bemused. She’s face down on the floor, her tits pressed against the lino, her arse still up in the air because his knot is holding firm, as are his legs. Charley has sat back to watch and Elizabeth continues to convulse from the waves of pleasure radiating from her pussy.

At that moment, Goliath heaves backward and tries to turn away from her. Elizabeth squeals and tries to crawl backward with him… He turns through one eight degrees so that he’s butt-to-butt with her for a second, connected by the umbilicus of his cock to her cunt… Then the whole thing suddenly pulls free, making her screams/yelp. Then she’s silent, catching her breath, as the giant dog staggers away with his huge cock swinging under his belly. It’s a sudden and almost brutal end to a most peculiar fuck.

We take in the scene from a high, wide angle… Elizabeth not moving other than to try and catch her breath. Charley is watching on with a little smile. Goliath staggering away and flopping on the floor, panting, ignoring his huge cock.

In close up, we watch as cum dribbles from her pussy, half dripping to the floor, the rest running down her inner thighs. We watch that puddle of cum forming between her knees for a second, then fade out.

Fade back in one Elizabeth, now kneeling on the floor, still topless, but using a towel to wipe sweat and dogcum from her face. Charley is kneeling beside her, her tight blue jeans look almost ready to split.

“So,” begins Charley, “Welcome to the club… You’re now a fully-fledged dog-slut…”

Elizabeth looks a little shocked. She’s fucked a dog, but… “I don’t think I’d call myself a slut just yet…” She says, half smiling.

Charley has a knowing look in her eye. “You’ve just allowed a huge dog to fuck you on television with the whole nation watching… And you enjoyed it… I’d say that makes you a slut by any definition of the word!” She smiles.

Elizabeth considers this for a second. “I’d say a slut is someone who has sex with a lot of dogs…” She says, looking semi-pointedly at Charley, then continues, “So, er… Come back in a few weeks and maybe I’ll be one by then!” She laughs a little.

“I don’t suppose I need to ask if this is something you are going to try again…”

“Oh again and again and again…” Says Elizabeth. “That wasn’t what I expected at all… I thought it would be faster… If different dogs have different techniques - I think I need to try them all!” She laughs.

“How do you think your friends and family will react?” Charley asks, almost hitting Elizabeth in the face as she moves the microphone over for the answer.

Elizabeth thinks about this for a second. “I don't really know. Like I said before, I’m sure everyone will look at me differently. Treat me with a little less respect, I suppose… I think it’ll be okay… My daughters will be pissed off.” She answers. “Maybe a little bit jealous too though, because I’ll tell them just how intense that was…”

“Well,” says Charley as she reaches over to someone off camera and retrieves a small white bundle. “Congratulations on becoming part of a growing society… I’d like to present you with this ‘United Kingdom of Zoo’ t-shirt so you can be recognised wherever you go…” She hands the little gift over to Elizabeth, who unfolds it to show off the familiar UK of Zoo logo. She admires it, then slips it on over her head, the thin white material sticking to her sweaty boobs.

Charley looks into camera, “We’ll see you next week, for another edition of our show. Hopefully, as eventful as this week…” She turns to Elizabeth. “Did you have fun?”

“Did I ever!” Replies our guest.

“Then that only leaves us with time for a quick drink before we go…” Both women smile at each other, then bend forward to the floor and start licking the puddle of dog-spunk up off the lino, giggling as they do so.

We fade out on this delightful image.

Series 4, Episode 2: Cara Barrowclough (33), from Glasgow


We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside - fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing… Then we’re looking at a build up inner city street - big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by… Then we’re looking at a car park outside a shopping mall - cars everywhere, shoppers bringing their goods back to their cars… Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river - tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures…

Then we’re on a quiet street with tall residential blocks on one side. The camera swings around and we’re outside a large three level blue walled building -a big sign over entrance reads “DIVISION POLICE HEADQUARTERS” - patrol cars and divvy vans are parked outside, uniformed officers walking in and out, as do a couple of their regular ‘customers’. A couple policemen (their faces masked for broadcast) look at our camera as if they want to question why we’re here. Once they have past us, we turn to watch as a familiar figure approaches along the pavement. It’s Charley, our hostess with the mostess… She’s wearing a mini-dress that shows off her nicely toned legs, narrow hips and slim belly, and especially her bolt-on fake tits.

Her long black hair is tied back in a loose pony-tail and hanging about half way down to her arse. She walks toward camera with a deliberate stride (although she’s not as comfortable in high heels as she’d like to be).

She speaks directly to camera as she approaches, “Welcome to the United Kingdom of Zoo. I’m Charley Keifer, and I’m travelling the length and breadth of the country, looking for lucky ladies who want to make their dirtiest fantasy come true…”

The title, “THE UNITED KINGDOM OF ZOO” flashes up on screen over a graphic showing the UK, with little pins appearing, each pin representing a location we’ve either visited, or will be visiting in this series (our 4th). The most northerly pin is flashing, indicating that we’re in Scotland this week…

Back to Charley infront of the police station. “Today, we’re in Glasgow, in Scotland, ready to meet someone who’s prepared to give up her career in order to live out her dreams…”

We watch as a raven haired, young woman in full police uniform walks out of the station and down a ramp toward us. Our camera crew had to be promised bonus pay to stand their ground. We walk a legal tightrope. Filming a documentary about bestiality for the purposes of education is considered to be legal, but filming a human having sex with an animal is still technically an offense. Effectively, from the moment we film the sex, until the moment we’ve edited together the show, we could be considered to be breaking the law… As our subject heads toward us, we’re half expecting to be arrested… Then she smiles as she gets closer - and apart from it being a very pretty smile, it’s also very obvious that she’s here to be our friend, not our foe.

Long brunette hair is tied back behind her head keeping her face clear - and it’s a pretty face. She’s no model, but she’d turn a few heads. Her police uniform and stab-proof vest add bulk to her, but she still looks reasonably slim. We won’t know what her body is like until we shoot her big scene, but with all that gear off she may be quite slim.

She approaches with a quite relaxed stride, smiling, and says hello in a strong, but understandable Glaswegian accent. “My name is Cara Barrowclough… I’m 33, and I’ve been a police officer for almost eight years. I’m single, I’ve got no children, and to tell the truth I just cannae go another week withoot living oot my fantasy…”

We cut to a shot of Cara standing with Charley outside the police station - they’ve moved a little further away, but they’re still close. Charley has a microphone in her hand to conduct the interview.

"So, Cara, would you like to tell us why we’ve come to meet you today..."

Cara looks sideways at Charley. “You think the viewers at home won’t have guessed yet?” She giggles, then she continues. “Aye, I’ve asked you to come here today because I’ve always wanted to get fucked by a dog… And I think you’re the best people to help me do it!”

"What is it about bestiality that turns you on?"

“I first got turned on by it when it was still illegal. I always wanted to be a police woman, and I was always, you know, a ‘good’ girl… But the idea of doing something illegal and filthy like that… With no victims - except me, like… That was always just a huge turn on…”

"How long ago was that"

Cara counts the years in her head. “I think when I was about 16 or 17 I read something on an advice page on the internet… Someone saying they had thought about it, and were they sick or something… It put the idea in my head… The advice was that it was okay to fantasize about, but dangerous to go any further… And it was illegal, so be very careful. Don’t even look at videos online because you’ll get in bother… And I thought, I’ve got to watch those videos! I watched them every couple of days - and everytime I watched them I was expecting the police to burst in and arrest me… Never happened though…”

"So what actually turns you on about having sex with a dog?"

Cara doesn’t pause, “Like I said, at first it was because it was illegal, and very dirty, and it was something I definitely shouldn’t be doing… So I just used to finger myself and imagine a dog fucking me, and it was amazing… Then when I started sleeping with guys, I used to like it doggy style, of course, and I’d think of dogs every time I wanted to cum… It never failed.”

"Did you ever tell any of your boyfriends about your fantasy?"

Cara shakes her head as she talks, “Oh God no… I wouldn’t have dared. That was far too naughty!”

"And how does it feel to finally be coming out of the 'closet' today?"

Cara is smiling broadly, “It feels very freeing… Like a big weight off my shoulders. I can’t keep it a secret anymore. I know I’ll lose my job because of this - but so long as it’s part of your ‘documentary’ I can’t be arrested for it… So I’m going to have my ‘experience’, and then I’ll get on with the rest of my life…”

"If today goes well, will this change your life?"

Cara nods again. “I’m sure it will. Like I said, I’ll be out of the police, so everything will change. You know, I won’t be having sex with any more dogs after this one, because that would be illegal if I did it off your show… And I wouldn’t want to break the law! I might get in bother with my former employer!”

“Does it bother you that you’ll have to leave the police? This is your career after all.” Asks Charley, with just the right level of concern for her guest’s future.

“No… I wasn’t going to stay on the job any longer anyway. I love the idea of being a police officer. Helping good people. Sorting out bad people. But that’s not what it’s like. People hate you just because you wear a uniform and try to help them. It’s not what I thought it would be.”

“What did you think it would be?” Charley asks.

“Well - it was never going to be what I hoped it would be… My secret fantasy when I was dreaming of being a police-woman, was that I would be working undercover… Trying to break up prostitution rings and underground porn films… And having to have sex to prove I was the real thing… And of course I used to fantasize about having to break a bestiality ring… Having to go to those parties that they talked about in the papers sometimes… Having to have sex with the dogs to prove I was for real…“ She pauses, breathing heavy, thinking about her fantasy. Charley seems to be a little distracted to, looking into Cara’s eyes as she talks, losing herself in thought of Cara breaking up that zoo-sex party… Cara breaks the mood, “Of course, that’s not what it was like.”

It takes Charley a second to realise the answer is over. “Well of course not, otherwise we’d all be joining the police…” She jokes.

“Or getting locked up!” Adds Cara.

“So,” Charley continues, “Is there a man in your life at the moment? Or a woman..?”

Cara smiles broadly. “No one special… The position is open… Man, woman, or perhaps canine!”

Cut to Cara’s bedroom. Curtains closed, a little cramped. The lighting isn’t great but the bed is big and looks comfortable - and Cara is standing infront of it, beginning to unbutton the front of her shirt.

She opens it up to reveal a plain white bra filled with soft pale flesh. Pulls the shirt backwards off her arms, sleeves turning inside out, buttoned cuffs catching on her wrists making the strip less than graceful… Then flips her long hair loose again.

Next - it’s her trousers. Belt unbuckled, button popped, zip down, trousers slipped down her firm thighs, over her long legs - stepping out, folding them, putting them to the side. Straightening her white bikini brief panties. Stroking a hand over her flat belly. Then standing proud and confident. As tall and slim as she looked in her uniform, but with that milky white flesh softening her look. She’s no supermodel, but she knows she looks good.

She unfastens her bra, letting her firm boobs free - they barely drop an inch, nipples standing proud and pointing dead ahead. She cups her hands over them for a second, a touch of shyness, then takes the corners of her panties and slides them down her long legs, steps out of them, then straightens up - barefoot and naked, pussy trimmed down to stubble, with her panties in her hand.

“How do you feel right now?” Asks Charley, holding the microphone out for Cara’s reaction.

Cara twists her face up a little as she thinks about it. “I’m okay… A wee bit nervous, but not too bad.”

Charley smiles, half laughing. “What’s to be nervous about? You’re naked on camera and about to have sex with a dog for the first time… That happens all the time…”

Cara laughs a little. “To you maybe…” She laughs again. A nervous laugh rather than an amused one.

“So, would you like to meet your next lover?” Asks Charley, flicking her long dark hair back over her shoulder.

Cara smiles and nods… “Yes please…”

We cut to the door as it opens and this week’s beast enters…

It’s Bruno the Boxer. Drew, his white-haired owner follows along at the end of his leash. The powerful dog pulling against him as soon as he sees Cara standing there, all pale, slim, and willing.

As soon as he enters Cara begins to breath heavily. “My heartbeat just went up to a hundred!” She says with a slight gasp, bringing a hand to her chest, supposedly to calm her heart, but she ends up just holding one of her boobs.

Drew lets the dog pull over to the woman, all the time egging him on. “Gonnee fuck a police lady, boy… Gonnee fuck a pig!” He looks at Cara and winks. She winks back, apparently liking the insult.

A few minutes later, Cara is on her knees but upright, stroking Bruno as he sits next to her. Charley crouches next to them, alternating between looking at the dog, the woman and the camera, as if she’s never quite sure which she should be focused on.

“Regular viewers will know that Bruno here is one of the roughest dogs we’ve got - and that once he gets started, he won’t stop… So I’ll just check with Cara that she’s completely happy with what’s about to happen.” Says Charley.

Cara is looking up at her as she speaks, and nods as the question is asked. “Yes. 100%. I can’t wait!”

“So, in a second I’m going to ask you to assume the position…” Charley says to a nodding Cara. “You need to put your knees about shoulder width apart, then get those pretty boobies as close to the floor as you can - and stick that lovely bum out for him… And he’ll do the rest…”

Drew is just off camera and we can hear him comment that “If he doesn’t, I will…” The camera catches Charley’s expression for a fraction of a second, it seems pretty obvious that she isn’t impressed with Drew, possibly even dislikes him. He’s that kind of guy.

“Okay then,” Charley says, ignoring Drew. “Assume the position…” She points at the floor in an over-dramatic manner. More like a game-show host than a documentary presenter.

A little anticipatory smile crosses Cara’s face as she adjusts the position of her knees, then leans forward onto her hands so she’s on all-fours. She pushes her arse up and back, then lowers herself from hands-and-knees, to elbows and knees, then even further until she’s resting on her chest, the side of her face and her soft tits are pressed against the floor. She reaches back with both hands, one spreading her rear a little, completely exposing her pussy, the other between her thighs in an almost ‘catching’ position.

We can hear Drew in the background, “Ah, this one’s been watching a lot of videos!”

Cara smiles, and despite her head being sideways with her cheek on the floor, we can see she’s nodding. “Too many… Time for the real thing…” She says.

We cut to a moment later, Bruno circling her - he knows exactly what to do, and she’s in the perfect position, but he’s taking his time. Cara is watching him as closely as she can whilst staying in position with her head on the floor.

Despite having three cameras in the room we almost miss the moment that he stops circling her and suddenly decides to mount her… Because she has that hand back between her thighs to guide him home, the mount is followed pretty much immediately by the penetration - her fingers guiding the flat tip of his hard cock between her wet pussy lips - inside, a gasp, and then he’s pumping into her at an almost insane pace. Slipping deeper and really pounding that pink pussy with his big purple cock.

She's got the biggest smile on her face, but she’s yelping with every stroke, “Yow, yow, yoooowwww”, looking like this is the best moment of her life. The boxer pumping into her from behind, the camera crew watching on, Charley just off camera licking her lips.

Cara continues to yelp and gasp as the dog fucks her. He’s so lean and muscular, with that huge boxer chest and that sleek rear end. He’s dominating her, forcing himself on her… But it’s not as if she’s putting up any kind of a struggle. She’s loving every second.

We cut to a side angle - the perfect angle to see how slim she is, how her soft boobies jiggle under her chest… To see how perfectly this beast fits on her back, his belly slapping against her arse whilst his chin rests on her shoulder blade. There’s a look of mild concentration on his face as he really works on getting deep inside her. Thrusting, pushing, pounding like a machine. His front legs are wrapped tight around her waist, his claws scratching at her belly and thighs - but she doesn’t care.

Charley steps into frame and reaches in between their rear legs to get a nice graphic close-up of Bruno’s big slippery cock sliding in and out of this soon-to-be ex-policewoman. It’s fast and furious down here - with a little juice spilling out of her pussy on the long strokes as his cock almost pops out…

We cut back to a wider angle so we can see Cara’s face again. The smile turning into a bit of a snarl as Bruno sets to work on his main task… Getting the knot in. He wants it. Cara wants it… WE want it…

All of a sudden he’s standing almost still, looming over her, only his hindquarters working. Trying to tie. Cara taking it all like a pro… Her mouth open a fraction, her eyes closed, a look of pleasurable concentration on her face.

Another low angle from Charley’s hand-held camera shows the Scots lassie’s pussy lips stretched and straining around the rear end of the knot, the rest hidden away inside her. Tied tight. We see his arsehole twitching, his balls pulsing as he empties himself into Cara… Her gasps are more audible than before. An “Mmmmpppp” for each pulse from the swollen meat.

Charley drops down infront of Cara, bringing the microphone up to the guest’s mouth.

“You look like you’re enjoying that a little bit too much, Cara?” Calls Charley. “Are you sure this is your first time?”

“I must be a natural…” Replies Cara through the gasps, looking up at Charley. “You’re just jealous!”

Charley laughs, ‘Yes, but am I jealous of you for fucking the dog, or of the dog for fucking you?” She laughs again.

Bruno rests his head on her back, almost on her shoulder, and she turns her face toward his, blowing him a little kiss. He doesn’t react to it. He doesn’t care for lovey-dovey stuff - he just wants to push his way deeper into her cunt.

We watch them in virtual silence. The policewoman and the dog. Locked together. Him pumping his semen into her pussy. Her moaning softly with each pump. Straining her neck to look around into the dog’s eyes. Whispering, “Ohhh yesss… Fuck me… Cum in me….” Enjoying every squirt, a little smiles flickering on and off her face.

Bruno is looking around from Drew to the camera, to Charley… Shifting slightly on Cara’s back, making her moan with each movement.

Charley narrates, whispering like it’s a nature documentary, “Bruno tends to lose interest once he’s had his wicked way with a willing wench… As far as he’s concerned his job is done - this one is full of cum and he can move onto the next… If I were to strip off and get on the floor beside Cara, he’d probably hop off her, mount me, then try to fill me up too…” She looks into camera and smiles. “… And that’s awfully tempting… But not today, this is Cara’s moment, not mine!”

Bruno continues to stand impassively over the moaning lady. Her pale skin covered in sweat, dog hairs sticking to it. His cock, big, hot and hard, still buried in her tight snatch. Knot stretching her out. Arse and balls twitching… And then suddenly… Without fanfare… He backs away. His knot popping out to a loud groan from Cara. The cock following, dog jism dribbling out of Cara as she falls forward onto her belly, jamming a hand between her thighs, cupping her pussy. Sighing a contented sigh.

Charley moves in. “How was that for you, Cara?”

Cara remains on the floor, face down, looking very relaxed. Rolling slightly to the side to look up at Charley with a little smile. “That was a little bit wonderful…” The smile gets bigger. “Everything I hoped it would be.”

A lingering shot of Bruno reveals that he’s still carrying a pretty impressive erection, hanging down under his belly. We hear Charley talking to Cara over the top of this image… “Is there anything else you wanted to do with our big doggy friend here?”

We cut back to Cara and watch her lick her lips as she looks at the dog. Just a hint of reserve about her. She’s clearly thinking I-want-to-but-I-shouldn’t. “I think…” She says slowly, “I’d like…” She drags it out, not wanting to admit it, but unable to resist. “To give his big cock a wee suck!” She almost hides her face as she giggles at her own comment.

“Well what are we waiting for? It won’t be there forever you know.” Says Charley.

Cara is now on all fours behind Bruno, Charley beside him. Our host feeding his big ugly meat back between his hindlegs, pointing it toward Cara, who waits with her mouth open. Looking at the cock as it swings toward her, then glancing over at our camera as if she’s checking if we’re still recording - which we are. We’re not about to miss the most popular feature of our show!

Bruno’s cock is still letting off the occasional jet of doggy jizz. Cara lets one of them hit her in the face, then pauses, waiting for the next with an edge of expectation. Waiting… Then just as she is opening her mouth to speak another one hits her. She squeals/jumps in surprise. Not loud, not high - just a pleasant shock. “Ooooh, I didn’t think another one was coming…” She laughs toward camera - then she looks at that cock again… Inches from her face… Leans forward, lips apart… And engulfs the fat shaft in her warm, wet, mouth. Her eyes roll back and she lets out a big sigh as she takes a mouthful of dog-cock.

Beginning to suck, lips around the shaft, cheeks pulling in - rocking forward on hands and knees, not so much bobbing her head on his shaft but moving her whole body toward and away from him. Sucking hard enough to make the dog turn his head around and look back at her.

She’s on knees and one hand now… The other hand reaching back between her thighs to play with her pussy as she sucks that cock. Charley, still holding Bruno’s cock with one hand, reaches under Cara’s chest to cup and squeeze a boob to help stimulate the Scots lassie.

Cara continues rocking behind the dog, letting his cock mouth-fuck her, fingering her pussy at the same time. Moaning with her mouth closed. The humming feel sending Bruno into sperm production overdrive. Then she’s letting his cum drool from the corners of her mouth as she continues to suck dog cock and finger fuck herself. Faster and faster. Frigging herself and blowing the dog… Blowing and frigging. All the time Charley is offering her ‘encouragement’. “Come on you dirty slut… Come on, dogwhore… Make yourself cum on this big bad doggy!” She’s smiling the whole time rather than snarling. Occasionally looking up at the wide angle camera to show that she’s having fun ‘presenting’.

And then Cara freezes, her mouth open in a silent cry, dog jism spilling out and drooling toward the floor. One hand buzzing between her legs as she eases herself over the edge… Her back arching, then falling, two, three times as she makes herself cum hard. Letting out a grunting sound as she does… Bruno’s cock flopping out of her mouth as she forgets where she is, who she is, and what she’s doing. Consumed by her orgasm… And then - after the most intense few seconds of her life… She allows herself to flop to the floor and roll onto her back. Chest heaving. Face soaking. Eyes wide open, looking up at the underside of an erect dog.

Someone hands Charley her microphone, and she leans in over the brunette dogslut. Close enough for it to be a little more intimate than any normal interview. “So… Did the Earth move?”

Cara doesn’t roll over or sit up, she just lays there on her back, bringing her hands up to play with her boobs as she talks. “Did it ever… It’s spinning like a bloody ferris wheel… That was easily the best sex I’ve ever had. I just wish it could have last longer…” She doesn’t look too disappointed.

“You said you wouldn’t do it again, because that would be illegal… How do you feel about that now?” Asks Charley.

Cara continues looking up at the host, “I’m sure there’s plenty of dogsluts out there who are happy to break the law…” She pauses just long enough for Charley to crack a smile, implying her own guilt. “So long as no-one catches me, I don’t think it can hurt if I do it again…”

A few minutes later, Drew has put Bruno’s leash back on and is leading the happy dog out of the room, saying his goodbyes. “Bye guys, see yous next time…” Waving. Then to Cara, just as he exits, “You’ve got my number… If you need him, just call, okay?”

Cara is now sitting up, naked, but holding a small business card. She holds it up to the camera (the number is digitized out for broadcast) with a smile. “I guess I know what I’m doing, like, every bloody week for the next few months!” She laughs.

Charley drops into view beside Cara, sitting down on the floor right beside her. She puts one arm around the Scots girl, a white bundle in her hand, then brings up the microphone in her other hand to finish things off. “Sooo… Congratulations on becoming part of our new beasty family… Here’s your ‘United Kingdom of Zoo’ t-shirt, wear it proudly so everyone can know you’re a dogslut…” Cara takes the bundle from Charley and holds it up to look at it, then turns it around it to show the familiar UK of Zoo logo to the camera.

“That’s awesome…” She says as she admires front and back. “I’ll wear that every time I fuck a dog from now on!” She smiles, and once again, it really is a very pleasant smile.

Charley turns away from her and looks into camera, “I’ll see you next week, for another edition of our show. Hopefully, we’ll have as much fun as we have had this week…” She turns to Cara again. “Because we did have fun, didn’t we?”

Cara points at the dog-jism all over her face, especially his chin. “It’s written all over my face!”

“So it is…” Responds Charley, before suddenly leaning forward and licking Cara’s jaw, slurping up as much of that delicious doggy juice as she can. Cara reacts by putting her head back and letting our host just go to town on her face. Licking and sucking at her flesh, cleaning her up and messing her up at the same time!

We fade out on this delightful image.

Series 4, Episode 3: Robyn Kitson (45), from Southend-On-Sea


We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside - fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing… Then we’re looking at a build up inner city street - big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by… Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river - tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures… Then we’re looking down on a busy motorway - cars flying by at 70-80-90mph… A sign by the road indicates that this is the A127, and that the next turn-off is to Southend-On-Sea.

Next - we’re in a layby/small car park, just off to the side of the motorway, surrounded and sheltered by trees - the sound of cars rushing by an ever-present background whoosh as we watch a familiar figure walking toward us with a deliberate and confident stride, carrying a microphone in one hand.

She’s wearing a jacket that is open at the front, revealing a blouse with several buttons undone and plenty of firm cleavage on show inside. It’s Charley - our hostess with the mostess. She talks through a confident smile, and whilst she might not be the greatest presenter of all time, we’d take her over any other.

She speaks directly to camera as she approaches, “Welcome to the United Kingdom of Zoo. I’m Charley Ozvik, and I’m travelling from the naughty north to the sexy south in search of lovely ladies who want nothing more than to fulfil their sexual fantasies…”

The title, “THE UNITED KINGDOM OF ZOO” flashes up on screen over a graphic showing the UK, with little pins appearing, each pin representing a location we’ve either visited, or will be visiting in our fourth series. One of the pins, in the south-east of the map, if flashing on and off to indicate that this week we’re in Southend.

We fade back in to the layby/car park, swinging around Charley as she walks through the car park and continues her narration to camera. “We’re in a layby on the A127 just outside Southend-On-Sea in the South of England to meet a lady who’ll do anything to keep her husband happy…”

As she talks we swing the camera around to see a middle-aged woman leaning back against the side of a 2 yr old Nissan Qashkai. She has shoulder length light brown hair hanging down loose, pale skin, and a face that few would describe as pretty… Her features just a little too strong, rounded jaw, oversized almost rubbery 'Mick Jagger' lips, small eyes. Not ugly. Just - a little off…

The front of her white blouse is half unbuttoned, loose and hanging open far enough for us to see between her fairly large and widely spaced breasts to the slightly soft belly beyond. Her tight blue denim skirt barely reaches mid-thigh and highlights a large but firm backside. Dark high-heeled, knee length boots complete the casually slutty look. Her body looks like it will make up for her face.

She has a surprisingly well-spoken accent considering how slutty she seems to be and how casually dressed she is. We cut to her formal introduction.

“My name is Robyn Kitson. I’m 45 years old, I’m a housewife from Southend-on-Sea, and I love dogging!”

Then back to a two-shot as Charley conducts her pre-fuck interview.

"Tell us a little more about what you call dogging..." She asks.

Robyn is very relaxed talking on camera, possibly even turned on by telling her story. “I’ve been married for a long time, feels like a fucking long time… Things had got pretty bloody stale over the years because it’s just the same cock in the same cunt every time… We were in real danger of slipping into a sexless marriage - and there’s no fucking way I wanted that to happen… And I don’t think Gavin wanted that either because when I told him I was bored, he asked me if I wanted to try dogging… To be honest, I thought he actually meant, you know, fucking dogs…”

They both have a little laugh, then Robyn continues. “He told me I should get dressed up sexy, and then he’d drive me to a car park, and I’d have sex with strangers while he watched… He’d have a wank watching, I’d get a few new cocks… Sounded like fun! But even when we was driving over here, I was half thinking it would be strangers and their dogs… I was more turned on than I’ve ever been in my life. I thought it was bloody disgusting… But fuck me, sexy as fuck too!”

“But there were no dogs…” Adds Charley.

“No… Just half a dozen strangers… So I sucked them all, and let them fuck me from behind whilst I was bent over the car…” She’s bent over the bonnet as she talks, letting us have a good idea of what the night might have looked like. “And we’ve been regulars here ever since… We come down at least once a week… I’m such a dirty cunt…”

“But the idea of meeting a dog here still turns you on?” Asks Charley.

Robyn puts an index finger to her nose, points the other at Charley.

"Correct-a-fuckin'mundo… Every time we come here I’m hoping some pervert will be here with his dog, and I can just offer to do the dog whilst everyone else has a wank on me.”

"Is it the dogsex that turns you on, or being watched?"

Robyn considers her answer. “I think it’s a lot of both… The idea of doing something really fucking dirty, something taboo - that’s a turn-on… The idea of men who don’t know what’s going on watching - thinking I’m just a filthy cunt, up for anything… That’s a big turn-on too.”

“And the idea of doing it on television?”

Robyn smiles right into camera and chuckles a little. “Well, that’s just the biggest turn-on of them all… I’ve watched the girls on your show, and they are so lucky… Fucking a dog, sucking its cock, on the BBC… Everyone watching. Everyone fucking judging you… Everyone knowing. My cunt’s getting wet just thinking about it…”

"Does Gavin know about your fantasy?"

Again, Robyn smiles. “Yeah. I told him after that first night... He thinks I’m fucking mad… But he says the idea turns him on… He was the one who said I should apply for the show… I thought he was kidding at first, but he kept on bugging me… Apply… Go on… Apply… He wants to be there and watch… He says he wants to cum on my face whilst I suck a dog’s cock… And to be honest, that sounds brilliant to me…”

"If I were to ask you to meet us back here, tonight, at midnight, what would you say?"

Robyn’s face gives away that she’s realised that it’s definitely on for tonight. “I’d say midnight is a long way away, and so long as I don’t wank myself to death thinking about it, I’ll be right here… On the stroke of midnight!”

Cut to - the layby at midnight. Our crew car pulls in. We get a quick hand-held shot of the layby from inside the car - Charley just managing to get her camera going intime to narrate the scene, “We’ve arrived a couple of minutes late, and it looks like Robyn has beaten us to it and has already got the party started…”

We close in on the action. In a corner of the car park, more secluded by trees than the rest - a couple of cars parked side-by-side. One of them is Robyn’s Nissan. A small crowd of men gathered to the side of it. Chatter.

A figure leaves the group and approaches us. It’s Gavin, Robyn’s husband. He seems pretty relaxed considering his wife is entertaining a gang of men and is about to have sex with a dog. He walks over with a clear bulge in his trousers. Offers his hand to Charley, then explains what’s happened as we walk… “She’s had her engine running all bloody day… She was ready to come out at 9 o’clock… Finally at about half ten I just said let’s go and we came up, there was already a few boys here so she just got up and into them…”

As he talks we get closer and see that most of the men are still fully clothed, the ones closest to the ‘action’ with their shirts open or pulled up, jeans unzipped and pulled down around their knees, dicks out and hard. There’s seven of them in total. Their faces blanked out for the tv show.

A little closer, we come around the car and see Robyn in the middle of the group, naked, on her knees on the ground, being fucked from behind by a fattish man, resting his gut on her firm behind. A couple of men are standing infront of her and she’s sucking one of them off. “Come on you fuckers, who’s next..?” She asks, then as the second man steps into place, “Ooooh, that’s fucking lovely, this is…”

We leave her to it. Higher quality cameras set up to get better vision of the action. Then we’re watching her being fucked by a different man, a big smile on her face (and no cock in her mouth). She’s looking into the camera… Whispering between moans as she’s pumped from behiind. “Is that fucking dog here yet? Everyone’s waiting…” She smiles, then gasps as the man of the moment starts going harder, on his final strokes... Robyn shouts, “Oh yes…. Fuck my cunt!” As he finishes in her… Then looks at the camera with a smile, “That was a good fuck… Rover has something to fucking live up to now!!”

We cut to a few minutes later, the entrance of the lay-by as a car pulls in and pulls to a halt about twenty meters from us. The lights go out and the driver side door opens. We can’t make out who it is. He opens the rear door and something jumps out. We still can’t quite see who it is.

Robyn is on her feet, hands on hips, still naked, catching her breath. The camera lights reflect strongly off her shiny face, chest and belly. Possibly shiny from sweat, more likely from cum from any of the eight men she’s had sex with before and just after we got here (the eighth was our camera-man Big Bazza, who couldn’t resist a free fuck when it was offered). Her male friends (not Bazza) are standing around to her side, watching on, faces still blanked out.

The new arrivals, man and dog, start to walk toward us, then we hear a familiar voice… A strong, gruff, croaky Cockney accent…

“Ladies and gentlemen… Please welcome your favourite and mine… The ‘ound of ‘ell… The beast from the east end… “

Robyn’s male friends, clearly fans of the show, break into a spontaneous applause and Robyn cracks a big smile.

The voice continues, “He’s a lover not a fighter… A licker not a biter…” He finally comes into view, short and fat with a big friendly smile. It’s our old friend Dennis, and with him, a mean looking Doberman who’s becoming a legend of the UK of Zoo… “He’s a rock ‘ard, go ‘ard, take you in the back yard, fuck you up the shitter and send your mum a post-card… Meeeeean muvva-fucker… From the East End, to right up your back end… Please welcome… Casanova the Fird.”

Robyn bends forward to greet Casanova as he pads forward from Dennis without any apparent prompting. Her boobs hang down, they may be firm but they are still heavy, and she’s not the youngest - those boobs obey gravity and time. She strokes the dog’s head, not appearing to have any fear of the scary looking animal.

“Who’s a handsome boy, eh? Who’s a fucking good looking stud?” She coos. “I hope you’re looking forward to giving me a good hard fucking… I want your cock so bad!” And with that she’s already got one hand reaching under him to rub his belly, going for his sheath immediately. She’s not hanging around.

Charley, “What do you think of him?”

“He's a little bit fucking scary, isn’t he..?“ replies Robyn. Then she smiles, “But he don’t scare me… Just makes me horny… Even more than before…”

Charley, “How much are you looking forward to this?

Robyn, “I can’t fucking wait to feel this big dog cock in my cunt!”

She looks around at the doggers - then at her husband. “Is everyone else looking forward to this dog fucking me as much as I am..?”

The men respond with whoops, thumbs up and a few claps… They all want to see these two in action - and they won’t have to wait for long because Robyn’s work on Casanova’s cock is already beginning to pay dividends… The tip is already showing, poking out of the sheath, perhaps an inch, then as she continues to rub and fondle him, two inches… Thin but growing fatter the whole time.

“Ah, there’s his cock… There it is… Nice, doggy cock…” She makes a big deal of licking her big lips for the camera and keeps working on his shaft, pulling his sheath back further, exposing more of his cock all the time. She plays with it, keeping up the chatter the whole time. “Ooooh, it’s getting bigger… Soon it’ll be big and hard enough to fuck me with…” She looks up at the guys again, “Are you ready to watch this dog fuck me, boys?”

Once again, the question is redundant.

Then she appears to have a fresh idea, leaning forward onto her hands and knees, her head moving toward his belly, going under him… “Alright boys - get a load of this…” she says as she takes the tip of his cock into her mouth. Her rubbery lips wrapping around his shaft. Jamming her face right up under his belly, taking the cock all the way in. Because of the angle and our camera position - whilst we can see clearly what’s going on, it’s unlikely that any of the doggers can actually see anything, but they can hear her sucking, gulping, choking sound as the cock grows in her mouth and begins to make her gag.

Casanova stands impassively the whole time, just letting her do her thing. He looks like he’s thinking about how strange these humans are - but hey, if they want to wash my cock before they put it in their pussy, they’re the ones missing out on all that extra flavour!

A couple of the guys, now recovered, have their cocks out and are wanking as they watch her sucking the dog off… One reaching down to fondle her rear end as she services the dog.

After a minutes she comes up for air, still holding the cock which now looks close to full size. She slurps back and swallows the fluid in her mouth, coughs a little, then turns her head to face the men behind her... “If anyone wants to fuck me while I’m sucking, that’s fine by me…” She smiles, winks, then returns her head to under the dog’s belly and goes back to sucking his cock. One of the men immediately squats down behind her and jams his extremely average cock into her sloppy cunt. We watch for a few seconds as he fucks her and she sucks the dog…

But this isn’t a show about men fucking women - so Charley moves in to move things on. She crouches down next to Robyn and moves her microphone in under the dog’s belly. “I think his cock is just about perfect now… Are you ready to move onto the reel thing?” She asks.

Robyn pauses mid-suck, keeping the cock in her mouth and smiling around it, looking up into Charley’s eyes, then nodding slowly. She slides the horrible purple-pink cock out of her mouth, allowing wet strings to dangle between the tip and her big lips… Licks those lips, then says, over her shoulder, “Get out of my cunt… I’ve got something better to do with it..!”

We cut to the image of her on all fours in the layby - in a white pool cast by our camera lights. The men who’ve already fucked her, plus a couple of late arrivals, plus Denis and her husband, Gavin, stand in a circle around her just outside the light, between our three fixed camera positions. Only Charley and Casanova are within that circle with her. Charley bending slightly to grip him firmly by the collar. The dog eagerly looking from Charley to Denis to the whore on the floor…

Robyn gets as comfortable as she can with her hands and knees on the floor of compacted gravel and bits of stone. Casanova pulling against Charley, trying to get at the older woman’s rear end.

Robyn parting her knees slightly, adjusting the angle of her back. Charley telling her to drop her shoulders a little - so she drops from hands and knees to elbows and knees, her boobs now grazing the stony ground.

When she’s finally in position, Charley asks, “Are you ready for action?” Robyn confirms that she is… But Charley is a tease, “Are you sure you’re ready for the beast?” Robyn turns her head to look back at them (and us) and responds, “Yes!” Charley smirks into camera, then speaks again… “Okay, but only if your sure you want to do this…? Robyn doesn’t even look around this time, she just looks straight ahead at Gavin, and laughs, “Just let that fucking dog at my cunt for fuck’s sake!”

With that, Charley releases the Doberman, and the sleek black beast bounces straight over to Robyn and mounts her immediately. His hindquarters already pumping at her before his cock is anywhere near her pussy.

It’s a rough mount, his paws gripping around her wide midriff, his belly and groin jammed up against her behind, her knees digging into the grit. She’s grunting from the pain and the aggression. It takes him a few attempts before he manages to find his target, the tip of his hard cock finding its way between her wet and well used pussy lips.

“Aaahhhh, fffUUUUCCCCKKKKING hell!” She gasps as he penetrates her. Then she sounds almost like a siren with a long and wavering “AaaahhhAAAAHHHHaaaaHHHHaaaahhhhAAAAAhhhh” as the beast begins to pound her and she realises there’s nothing she can do to stop this now.

He’s pumping hard and fast into her - a ferocious pounding. His hindpaws scratching and scraping at the back of her thighs and calves and he searches for a better grip on her. Charley uses her hand-held camera to show us his hot cock slipping in and out of her wet pussy at high speed. Robyn grunting, moaning and gasping as she takes everything he’s got for her - trying to make words as she is shaken and pounded. “Oh fuck me… Fuuuuurrrrrkk me… Oh yes…”

The men stand in virtual silence, the only noises we can hear are Robyn’s grunted exclamations and gasps, and the slap-slap sound of Casanova’s cock in her cunt. Wet and loud.

He’s fucks her for less than a minute, but it’s enough to get her off… Screaming out that, “Oh fuck… I'm cumming… Oh fuccckkKK!” Her face twists and her lips pull back to show off her white teeth, which she grits as her orgasm flares through her body… Turning red, sweating, gasping…

As she’s gasping and straining, shaking and cumming - Casanova’s pounding slows to an occasional deep, hard, thrust… And then, almost as suddenly as he started, the dog simply pulls back and away from his bitch. His big cock flopping out of her well-used cunt, his cum dribbling down her thighs. Leaving her on her elbows and knees, tits on the gravel, trying to catch her breath… Looking around at him. “Is that it?” She asked. Smiling, out of breath, but apparently a little disappointed. “I want more…”

She pats her bottom and makes kissing sounds, “Come on Casanova, I want some more… Come and fuck me again…” She wriggles her backside at him, but he’s not interested, he just walks back to Denis with his big cock hanging down.

Gavin steps forward and takes Robyn by the hair, gently, but clearly leading her… Making her crawl over toward the dog. “Come on… You’ve had yours, I want mine… Remember our deal…” Robyn is smiling as she crawls, her face occasionally registering that her knee or palm has just hit a larger, sharper pebble or bit of grit. Ouch!

Once she is at the edge of the circle, next to Casanova and Denis, she eases up behind the animal, flips his cock back out between his hindlegs, and says “Let me suck that big fucking doggy cock again…” and she begins to suck on it for a second time.

Gavin stands over them, pulling his trousers open and beginning to jerk his already hard cock.

One of the onlookers gets a bit confident and drops down behind Robyn, begins to suck on her pussy from behind. Robyn stops her sucking just long enough to call him a ‘dirty fucker’ and ask him if he likes the taste of dog spunk before taking the dog’s cock back into her mouth to savour it for herself.

She sucks on it like a cigar - taking a good long draw, then releasing it to lick her lips, swallow, and admire the meet infront of her face - then looking up at Gavin… He’s getting closer, both closer to her and closer to his own orgasm… And she’s looking up at him as she sucks on the dog’s cock. Between sucks she’s taunting him, “Come on my face… Come on me while I suck this dog’s cock…”

Her face suggests that as much as she's looking forward to being wanked over, but also enjoying the stranger's mouth on her cunt.

Gavin leans forward, wanking faster than ever, and explodes over her. His thick cum hitting her face, her hair, the dog’s arse… Her sucking the dog, then pulling it out, licking Gavin’s cum off her lips, then licking a line of it off the Doberman’s black hairy rear end. Savouring it. Looking up and smiling, “Was that good for you, you fucking pervy cunt!”

Gavin laughs and can be heard saying, “You’re the one sucking a dog’s cock… Cunt!”

Robyn smiles and goes back to sucking on the dog’s meat as if to prove his point.

We cut to a longer shot, showing the group of men standing over Robyn as she finishes off with the dog, one man sucking on her pussy from behind, her husband standing over her, looking down at her with genuine love. All of them illuminated in the dark of the layby by our camera lights. The man sucking on her pussy changes position so that he can slide into her wetness and start pounding her from behind.

Charley walks out from the group and strolls over to our new camera position, microphone up. Still looking good in that low cut, open fronted blouse. “Robyn has told us that she’d like to spend some time with her friends before she talks to us again, so we’re going to go and have a coffee, and we’ll be back when she’s all done…”

We fade out on the image of that group closing in around the middle-aged dogslut on the ground - then fade back up as we walk back toward the end of the layby… A captain reads 2.07am. As we get closer we note that Robyn is sitting on the bonnet of her Nissan, still naked and glistening in the camera lights. Gavin is leaning on the car beside her. The other car is gone, as is Casanova, Denis and all of Robyn’s dogging acquaintances.

Charley walks to the car and leans back on the bonnet on the other side of Robyn. As we close in we can see that Robyn is pretty much covered with cum. Every one of those guys must have blown another load over her face, which is dripping. Her hair is streaked with the stuff. Her tits and chest too. She looks exhausted and happy. Content.

“You look like you’ve had a pretty good night…” Comments Charley, waving her microphone over to catch most of Robyn’s answer.

“Yeah, it was one of our better sessions…” She looks to Gavin, who nods. “I’d say the dog took it to a new level!” She smiles. As she’s speaking she’s using a single finger to wipe cum off her eyebrow, her cheekbone, etc. Sucking the finger clean after each wipe.

Charley takes the microphone back to ask her next question. “And will you be trying to maintain that new level..?” She smiles toward camera as she passes the microphone back infront of Robyn’s shiny face.

“Oh yeah, I should think so… Maybe more dogs and less men next time…” She smiles at her husband. He nods in agreement. “Dogs and their owners… I’ll get on the usual message boards and see who’s up for it…” He says.

“What was your favourite part?” Asks Charley.

Robyn smiles again, “My favourite part? Well, that would be Casanova’s cock, wouldn’t it… His big ‘part’…” She’s amused by her comment, then snaps back to the question. “But my favourite part of the night… Well, when he made me cum on his cock, that was nice obviously… But I think, probably, the best bit was sucking on his cock and having this fella here cumming on my face… Knowing he still accepts me even though I’m such a dirty cunt…”

“BECAUSE you’re a dirty cunt, dear…” Adds Gavin.

Charley reaches out of shot and grabs a small white bundle, then hands it over to her guest. “So… Congratulations on becoming part of our ever-growing little society of dogsluts… I’d like to give you with this ‘United Kingdom of Zoo’ t-shirt so you can be recognised wherever you go…”

Robyn takes it and opens it up to admire the logo… “I got fucked by a dog on television and all I got was this t-shirt” she says jokingly… “No, seriously, I got a lot more that that… I’m very happy…”

She pulls it on over her head, covering up her wet body. The thin white cotton quickly sticks to the cum and sweat on her boobs and becomes semi-transparent.

Charley turns away from her and looks into camera, “Next week we’ll be in Sheffield to make another young lady’s fantasy come true…”

We can see Robyn say “Lucky bitch” but the microphone doesn’t quite pick it up as Charley is still speaking.

“Until then,” Charley continues, turning slightly to her cum-soaked guest, I suppose the only thing left for me to do is have a drink with my guest… Or should that be FROM my guest…”

Both women smile at each other as Charley leans in and performs a quick, slurping, sucking vacuuming of the older woman’s face with her big pillow lips… Sucking dog and human spunk off her skin, then pausing to swallow it and lick her lips clean.

Robyn backing away playfully… “Careful there, darlin’, I’m not a fucking lezzie…”

We fade out on this delightful image.

Series 4, Episode 4: Melina Enrique (24), from Sheffield


We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside - fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing… Then we’re looking at a build-up inner city street - big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by… Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river - tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures… And finally we’re floating over the dull terraced houses and occasional grim tower-block of a northern English city. Over allotments, over a slow-moving river, dropping down toward a figure dressed in white.

As we drop to almost street level, we see that the figure in white is female and that the white clothing - jeans and a polo neck sweater - is quite figure hugging. The figure it’s hugging is very nice to see - and familiar too… Narrow hips, slim belly, and big round tits… Even in a sweater that’s covering up all of her cleavage, the shape of those boobs, big bolted on fakes, is unmistakable.

She walks toward us, talking as soon as we’re close enough to hear her. “Hello, and welcome to the United Kingdom of Zoo… I’m Charley Ozvik, and I’m travelling all around this amazing country we call home, looking for our kind of women… And I can tell you - they are everywhere!”

The title, “THE UNITED KINGDOM OF ZOO” flashes up on screen over a graphic showing the UK, with little pins appearing, each pin representing a location we’ve either visited, or will be visiting in this series (our 4th).

Back to Charley on the little terraced street… “I’ve travelled north today, to Sheffield, to meet a lovely young lady who wants me to introduce her to that special someone who can make all her sexual fantasies come true…”

She arrives in front of a particular house, and the door (which is clearly already open a crack, the occupant keenly waiting to come on when needed) opens to reveal a young woman, large in chest and hip. She’s pretty, in that big-girl kind of way. Big brown eyes in a round olive-skinned face and dimples. She’s smiling, enjoying being on camera, as she walks down the short pathway to the street and Charley. She’s large limbed, big bottomed, and very curvy, with long straight black hair reaching down long enough to cover her large chest. She’s wearing a heavy coat which is unzipped at the front allowing us to see a McDonald’s staff uniform inside.

She introduces herself in a bubbly, helpful sounding voice, tinged with a strong Sheffield accent. “I’m Melina Enrique, I’m 24 year old, and I’m a Shift Manager at McDonald’s in Sheffield.”

And then we’re looking at Melina standing with Charley on the corner at the end of the street. During the course of their interview a few locals walk by, one or two seem to recognize Melina - she even smiles and waves at one. They don’t give any indication of knowing exactly who is interviewing her or why.

“So, tell us how long you have had this fantasy…" Asks Charley.

When Melina answers the questions it’s without reserve - fast, loud, almost gushing… “I think I was about, erm, 12, I think… I was online playing all those My Little Pony games, all the little kiddie stuff, and I must have typed something like “I love ponies” into google and I come across a site I definitely shouldn’t have been on at 12 year old! All these women playing with horses… But they all looked like me - dark skin, black curly hair… I think It was like Brazilian or African or something like that… Sucking off horses, stuffing them in their pussies… I didn’t know what I was looking at but I kept going back because I liked it. Then from that I found videos of the same women doing stuff with dogs - but the dogs looked more interested than the horses and the girls were having more fun. I think from then on I used to watch the videos and imagine it was me. Half the fantasy was having sex with a dog, the other half was having a camera crew standing around me recording it, like.”

Charley nods along to Melina’s answer, then asks, "What is it about bestiality that turns you on?"

“I think in them early days it was because the women looked like me, and it was obviously very naughty. I couldn’t tell anyone about it even if I wanted to. So that made it my little secret. I got obsessed and that added to it.”

“Have you ever tried anything for real?”

Melina is all smiles. “I was at a friend’s house for a sleepover once, and she had a big hairy old dog, and I played with his cock a bit… I got it pretty hard but didn’t do anything else. We were all having a good laugh, so I just made it look like I was being silly, but, if anyone had dared me I would have sucked the cum right out of his balls!” She looks a little embarrassed, but also excited to be saying all of this out loud.

"What are you most looking forward to today?"

Melina pauses for a second to decide on her answer. “Erm…” She begins, “I think the moment when he mounts me, and I feel his cock inside me, and I look up at all of you and the cameras and that, and I know I’m just like my fantasy girls… I think that’ll be really intense.”

"How are you feeling right now?"

Melina half laughs. “I’m very VERY turned on… I’ve seen you doing it on tv and you’re right here in front of me now… It’s very VERY real, isn’t it? It’s like, I know it’s going to happen very soon and I can’t wait to do it.”


Melina shakes her head. “Not at all.”

“Have you told anyone about today?”

“I’ve never told anyone anything about it until the last few weeks since I applied for the show… I showed my mum a clip on my phone, and told her I had applied… She said not to tell my dad! But I know he watches the show on the quiet, like, because I’ve seen it bookmarked on his computer… So he’s going to find out pretty soon… Hopefully he’s not having a wank when mine comes on… Haha…”

"The big question… If all goes well today, will this change your life?"

Melina doesn’t even pause… “I hope so… I’ve never really had a steady partner, I was never into boys, or girls, I tried, you know… But never into it… It’s always been dogs for me. I think I saw those animals online at a very impressionable age and never got over it… I’d like to find a sugar daddy wi’ a couple of dogs and you know, like, have fun with his dogs - or her dogs, I don’t mind if it’s a Sugar Mummy… Do they exist? LOL… Anyway, be like, a kept woman…” When she actually says ‘LOL’ out loud we can almost see the look of disgust on Charley’s face. Fuck dogs, by all means, but don’t fuck the English language!

“So you’re excited?”

Melina grins broadly and hops about on the spot, full of joy. “I can’t wait to see him… I know what’s going to ‘appen, but I don’t know what kind and it’s killing me… I watch every week, I know all the dogs… I don’t care which one it is… I just can’t stand the suspense…” She appears to be enjoying it though. Like a 6 year old on Christmas morning.

Charley puts a hand on the big girl’s shoulder and slowly turns her about face to look back up the street. “Just turn around, and all will be revealed…”

Melina immediately starts jumping up and down and clapping… “Oh, I love them…. I love these guys…”

We swing around to see what she is seeing…

There’s a familiar woman - middle aged and wearing a tight mini-dress that reveals just a little too much for a woman in her fifties… She’s walking along the street, trying to look cool and collected, but actually being pulled along by her large black German Shepherd, which has clearly recognized Charley and is in a hurry to get to her.

Charley speaks in voice-over, filling in the time it takes for Carol and Rebel to cover the distance to Melina and herself. “It’s our old friends Carol and Rebel… And this is a couple that really knows how to party… I think young Melina is about to have a very enjoyable introduction to bestiality!”

Melina half-runs, half-skips the last few yards, closing the distance to Rebel and Carol, bending to great the dog as they come together - chattering away in gibberish pet-talk and making a big fuss of him. Leaning in closer, letting him lick at her face - pursing her lips for a couple of licks, then laughing. She couldn’t care less whether the cameras have caught up with her or not.

We cut to an establishing shot of a large branch of what is obviously and McDonalds restaurant - but the logo on a pole outside is digitized out on corporate instructions to the producers.

We hear Charley’s voice over the top of this shot and the next. “Corporate have advised us that we can’t film inside the restaurant, but Melina has found us a nice alternative…”

And now we cut to a small brick-walled, concrete floored courtyard. A high angle shot shows that one of the brick walls is all that separates this area from the drive-through lane, which is currently nose-to-tail with customer’s cars. Crowded the courtyard - Melina and Charley, Carol and Rebel, two camera tripods and a soundman. Just outside the courtyard, the rest of the crew looking in through a doorway (and simultaneously blocking that doorway for the passing drive-through customers).

Then we’re with Charley and Melina, now side-by-side as the big girl undresses - her eyes never leaving Rebel. Charley doesn’t so much interview her, as just hold the microphone in front of her to pick up her questions to Carol.

Melina removes her coat and places it on top of a dustbin as she speaks. “I’ve seen him in action, is it always like it is on the telly, or do they edit it to make him look good?”

“He’s a good boy - it’s like that every time.” Answers Carol. “He does me two or three times a week when I’m in the mood… Plus some random slut anytime we can find one… He never lets me down.”

Melina smiles as she kicks off her sneakers, “I hope he doesn’t let me down….” Then she’s unbuttoning and taking off her staff blouse to reveal her upper body. Large without being fat - overweight yes, obese no. Big boobs, not huge, wrapped tightly in black bra.

“And do you actually like the taste of his cock?” She asks, ever curious. “A lot of girls, you watch them and they don’t seem to like the taste - but you look like you love it…”

Carol smiles. “Well… It’s not that nice, but what it represents is amazing… You’re sucking on a dog’s cock… There’s nothing like that to get your heart started - it’s even better than the actual sex for just feeling dirty…”

Melina seems to like that answer. She’s unzipping her trousers and peeling them over her big hips and down her chunky thighs to reveal black bikini brief panties that match her bra. They look extremely brief, almost string thin, against her hips, pussy and bottom.

“Would you like to do the honours?” She says to Charley, turning her back toward her. Charley obliges, unhooking Melina’s bra, which falls away to reveal heavy round boobs with large dark nipples. Melina looks quite proud of her newly topless condition.

Now she’s slipping those tight bikini briefs off her big bum and down her thighs, over her knees and stepping out of them. Straightening up, holding the panties in a little ball in her hand. Now wearing nothing but a smile. Her pussy is trimmed short, a bad attempt at a love-heart shape.

As soon as she is naked, Rebel starts to dance around her, half jumping. He may never have seen a large olive-skinned woman before - but he knows naked female flesh when he sees it, and he knows a willing pussy when he smells it… Melina looks down at him with a sense of great anticipation.

“Do you want to fuck me, doggy?” She asks with a big smile - still seeming to think this is the most fun you could have. Rebel is sniffing around at her, his cold his brushing against her big thighs, trying to sniff her pussy, his long tongue lapping out trying to taste what he can smell.

Charley comments, “He certainly looks keen…”

Melina bends forward again to stroke Rebel’s big hairy head, ruffling it, then holding it up so she can kiss him on the snout. Big lips soft against his cold, wet noise. He tries to lick her back and she leaves her mouth open for a second, letting his tongue slop against hers.

She straightens up again, still laughing. He keeps sniffing at her pussy, so now she opens her thighs a little, angling her pussy forward. The beast gratefully accepts her gift and starts to lick at her fleshy pussy lips, his tongue slooping between them and inducing immediately shivers. Melina is forced to grab onto Charley, putting one arm around her shoulders, in order to not collapse from the sweet sensation of dog tongue on pussy. “Oooooohhhh Goddd!” She gasps, half giggling, half amazed.

We watch as she lets the dog lick at her pussy… Moaning and gasping softly, leaning on Charley, our host holding the microphone close to the big girl’s mouth so we can hear those noises in perfect clarity. Melina losing herself in the moment, forgetting all about the rest of us - then looking up at camera, grinning, giggling, then suddenly changing to a very serious face - “Can I fuck him now?” She pauses. “Right now…”

Carol looks from Rebel to the oversized slut, and back to Rebel… “He’s probably ready to go - but you might want to make sure he’s ‘ready’ first…”

Melina smiles again, taking Carol’s hint.

Next thing we know, the big girl has spread her coat on the ground for something less harsh to kneel on, and is now down on her knees with Rebel beside her. She’s rubbing her round tits against his fur, enjoying the animal feeling, with one hand under his belly, fondling his sheath. She’s smiling as she feels what’s within. “It’s quite hard, isn’t it? It always looks so soft on the telly…” She says.

Charley answers before Carol can, “They’re much harder than they look on camera… Hard as a rock sometimes… Just wait until it’s fully erect…” She promises.

Melina continues to reach under and fondle - sometimes wanking, sometimes rubbing, sometimes just cupping the Rebel’s sheath as his cock slowly grows. Charley uses her hand-held camera to catch a shot of the tip slowly appearing after a little work, then growing to a use-able size… Melina drops down so she can see what’s going on and we suddenly have a very clear shot of her smiling, round, friendly face under the dog’s furry body, next to two inches of exposed pink cock… Not huge, but enough to make Melina’s smile go even broader.

She edges forward and angles the cock toward her mouth, then takes it inside. No ceremony, no build-up - just, there it is, here I am… Suck… And she’s sucking on it, her eyes closing… Sucking it all in and making it grow faster than when she was wanking it. Bouncing her head toward his belly as she works the shaft with her lips. Little “mmmm” sounds with each movement. Then she takes a break from sucking, licking up and down the ever growing shaft for a second, looking right into the camera and smiling - blowing a kiss, then back to kissing, licking and sucking on the dog’s cock shaft.

Once he’s grown to a near full-size 6 inches, she pulls away and asks Carol, “Is that full size?”

Carol takes a look and nods, “Just about… A little to go, but if you don’t get him mounted now he’ll lose interest…”

Carol guides Melina into position - hands and knees, bum in the air. Melina’s large arse sticks up and out even without her dropping her shoulders, so Carol doesn’t suggest dropping her shoulders. So she’s there with her round boobs hanging down and her wide arse in the air - and we’re behind her with Carol, who’s holding Rebel by the collar, reaching under his belly to gently fondle his cock and make sure he stays hard.

“I doubt he’s ever seen an arse that big…” Comments Carol. Melina looks back over her shoulder looking a little hurt. Carol continues, “It’s lovely, I could spank it all day… But it IS big…”

Melina smiles again, happy she’s not being insulted, and asks “Can he fuck me now, then?” Her smile says she’s both excited and impatient.

Carol holds onto Rebel’s collar for a second longer, then - without speaking - releases the beast, which covers the 4 feet to Melina in a half second and mounts her just as fast. Jabbing at her ample behind with his big cock, the tip slapping between her thighs, rubbing warm and wet against her flesh. Melina gasping and giggling, then wincing as his front paws slide down her sides and wrap around her middle.

Carol sees that Rebel isn’t quite hitting his mark, so she slips forward and reaches down between his hind-legs, takes hold of his cock and steers it home…

We cut down to Charley’s hand-held camera again - this time catch the image of the flat end of Rebel’s glistening cock being guided between Melina’s pink pussy lips. As soon as he is in the pounding begins, and Melina is gasping.


That was a preview of The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4. To read the rest purchase the book.

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