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The Bach



The Bach

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Chapter 1)

'Bored, bored, bored, ' Gavin thought as the car headed south from the Northshore of Auckland on the family's annual holiday to their bach (a holiday home, pronounced batch) down near Lake Taupo. For all the careful packing, he still had to share the back seat with his sister and what appeared to be innumerable bags packed with various items that his mother had decided they couldn't live without for a week.

Nor was the fact that the car's air conditioning was struggling to cope with Auckland's high humidity and with four bodies packed close together helping. Gavin felt droplets of sweat running down his back as he tried to get comfortable.

“Are we there yet?” Tracey, his younger sister, piped up with a wicked grin, which, despite Gavin's attempts to be aloof with her, caused his own grin to spread.

“Jeez, Trace, don't start. If this traffic doesn't get any better, we'll be there in about 6 hours,” Dad replied.

“Sweet as,” Tracey giggled and turned back to her phone and her obsession with what her friends were up to, which, as far as Gavin could tell, was tapping comments into their phones.

Staring out of the window, Gavin watched as the car moved in stop-start motions. The whole of Auckland appeared to be attempting to get away early for the January summer holidays, as they had.

“We'll probably pull in at the Bombay Hills and grab a few cold drinks,” his father groused.

“Are you sure?” his mother asked.

“Yeah, going to take us an hour at this rate, but we'll be able to put on a bit of speed after and maybe make a fast run of it,” Dad replied.

“If you say so, Wayne,” his mother sighed.

Gavin sighed as well. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy family holidays; it was just that he'd hoped at fifteen to be allowed to go camping with his mates, and he still hadn't forgiven Tracey for grassing him up by telling Mum that Benny was going and taking his car. Mum did not trust Benny; if he was honest, Gavin understood why. Benny had a reckless streak and, at a year older, drove an old souped-up banger with a dodgy rego and wof (registration and warranty of fitness). He was also a bit verbal to anyone who challenged him and had made a few disparaging remarks about his Mum when he heard Gavin wasn't allowed to go camping, calling her a fat cow, which wasn't true; Gavin knew but stayed silent as no one interrupted Benny when he was on a rant.

“Still brooding?” his mother asked, turning her head back to look at him.

“Nah, Mum, just bored,” Gavin replied.

“Oh yeah, hard out,” she replied with a smile. “Trust me, you'll have fun. You always loved coming to the bach with us.”

“Yeah, but I wanted to go camping,” I sighed.

“Maybe next year, assuming it's not with Benny the bogan,” she chuckled.

“He isn't a bogan,” I replied, although deep down, I knew he was as uncultured as you got in New Zealand.

“He's a Westie; of course, he's a bogan,” Tracey giggled.

“Coming from Massey doesn't make you a Westie,” I argued.



Ultimately, I think we'd have stopped at Bombay Hills services regardless, as Dad figured Tracey and I needed a timeout due to the constant bickering.

“If you two don't cut it out, I'll leave you here to catch the bus,” he grunted as he heaved himself out of the car.

“Great, no worries,” I said.

“I meant your sister; you're coming out to the wop-wops (middle of nowhere), like it or not,” he replied with an evil grin.

“Yes, Dad,” I sighed and headed to the dunnies.

Back at the car, Mum circulated drinks and lollies to all who wanted them and rearranged the luggage piled in the back to try and create a bit more space despite there being seemingly even more bags than ever.

“I want to split them up, Nat,” Dad said to Mum.

“How?” Mum said with a frown.

“You go in the back, and one of them goes in the front, as I'm not listening to the 'he said, she said' echo all the way to Taupo,'“ he answered.

I could tell Mum wasn't happy, not that I particularly cared, but then again, Tracey skipped ahead of me into the front seat, so I wasn't too happy either.

“There's no bloody room here,” Mum complained.

“Well, push the bags into the gap between the front seats,” an exasperated dad said.

We did this, creating a lot more room for us even though we had mostly blocked off the rearview for Dad and Tracey.

“Right, let's go,” Dad said as we pulled away, heading south on the motorway.

An hour later, all was quiet as the car ate up the miles; Tracey had fallen asleep, and Mum appeared to be heading in the same direction if her nodding head was to be taken as a giveaway.

“It's no good,” she sighed. I can't get comfy. Do you mind if I put my head on your lap, Gav?”

“No, Mum, it's OK,” I replied without even glancing away from my tablet game.

Mum was soon asleep, and initially, I was fine until the weight of her head started to cause a little ache in my upper thighs. Not wanting to disturb her, I held it out for another ten minutes, trying to listen to the radio to distract myself. Dad was clearly in a world of his own if the volume was to be believed, and the ache in my legs wasn't getting any easier. Unable to help myself, I slowly pulled my legs apart and eased the ache though, causing Mum's head to shift right into my groin. This started another issue for me in the shape and form of an erection. God knows I tried to stop it, but it grew to epic proportions in seconds.

Natalie awoke slowly from her nap, feeling something hard pressing into her cheek, but she was not quite sure what it was. The car was still too warm, and she felt hot and sticky. Then, she realised just where she was and what it was that was pressing into her.

'Oh my God!' was her first thought before her natural, if perverse, sense of humour kicked in.

Moving her head slightly, she decided to ignore the fact that her son's erection was pushing into her cheek so as not to embarrass him, only to stare as the bulge grew even more once she'd given it a bit of room.

At first, I was relieved that Mum moved her head away, but to my embarrassment, my erection just kept expanding into the space left for it. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Such was my predicament, and I certainly didn't want to wake Mum up. Then, to my horror, Mum moved her arm up to near her head and, planted her hand directly on my erection and squeezed.

Natalie wasn't sure what the hell had come over her, but instinct seemed to draw her hand upwards to grasp what was tenting Gavin's shorts. Squeezing slightly, she felt its innate hardness and sighed when it twitched slightly. She wasn't sure, but she thought that Gavin was bigger than Wayne, certainly harder than he was these days, as all Wayne wanted to do, it seemed, was eat, drink beer, and sleep between jobs.

'Still, ' she thought, 'no harm done. Probably thinks I'm still asleep.'

I wanted to feel horrified, but damn, Mum's hand felt good on my cock. At fifteen, I was masturbating at least twice a day, often more and having something other than my hand down there was causing me a lot of pleasure. The squeezing went on for a bit longer, although other than feeling nice wasn't doing anything else for me; I was damned if I knew what else I could do about it.

Feeling rather wicked, Natalie enjoyed touching up the throbbing cock but realised that she was getting horny too.

'Dare I?' she thought before her fingers moved, seemingly of their own volition, to undo the belt around Gavin's shorts.

'Oh my God!' I mentally gasped as Mum's fingers undid my belt and slid it open.

She then undid the button and pulled the zip down before lifting her head, giving me a wink and pulling my cock out of my underwear.

“Mum!” I hissed very quietly.

“Shhh! I wanted a look, very nice,” she murmured.

Glancing around, I realised there was no way anyone in the front could see what was going on in the back without pushing the bags down on top of us.

Mum had meanwhile slowly begun to wank my cock whilst looking from it to my face with a slight smile.

“My, you've grown,” she gave a soft giggle.

“Oh God!”


“Oh, Jeez!” I groaned as the pleasure was becoming overwhelming until my heart nearly stopped when Mum lifted her head, opened her mouth and sucked the knob of my cock into it.

What I thought had been wonderful now paled into comparison with what was now enveloping my cock with heat, wetness and suction. The jolting to my nervous system as Mum ran her tongue over the head of my cock and slid it around my glans shook me to my core. If this was sex, I knew for a fact I wanted more and more of it.

'I must be mad, ' Natalie thought as she pulled her son's cock out of his shorts. 'But what a beauty.'

Stroking it softly and enjoying its hardness, a decision was made; she had to have a taste. Besides, if she brought him off by hand, she reasoned with herself that the smell might give things away. Lifting up, she tugged his shorts slightly further down and licking her lips, she took her son's cock into her mouth, marvelling at the hardness and the texture of it. Bobbing slowly up and down and using her tongue, she knew Gavin wouldn't last long. She slid her hand down into his underwear to fondle his balls, squeezing them gently unto she felt the tip of his cock harden even more before he stifled a groan and released his young bounty into her mouth and down her throat in several powerful spurts.

“Mmmmm, tasty,” she murmured, pulling away from his still-stiff cock for a moment before her mouth descended again to suck and lick him dry and clean.

I couldn't believe it; my Mum had willingly given me a blow job and appeared to have enjoyed it. For the moment, I was too stunned to even think about the implications of what had happened, just that I wanted more, and my cock was agreeing with me as it didn't really subside too much despite the relief I felt.

“Nice?” Mum said as she pulled herself up into a sitting position.

“Yes, but...” I began.

“Shush, no harm, no foul if we keep this to ourselves,” she whispered.

“Yes, Mum,” I agreed.

“God, Gavin. You've gotten me all horny, too,” she moaned as she slid a hand down to rub her crotch over her shorts.

“Could... could I?” I asked.

Glancing around, Mum nodded and, lifting up carefully, undid her shorts and slipped them and her panties down slightly. She then took my hand and guided my fingers down till they touched a slippery raised nub surrounded by soft hairs.

“Rub gently in a circular motion just there,” she whispered.

Natalie felt so wanton and wicked as she guided her son's fingers down to the centre of her pleasure. It had been far too long since anyone had done this for her. There was something just so right about the feeling when someone else did it. Electric-like jolts caused her legs to twitch at each swirl of Gavin's fingertips, and the butterfly-like feelings in her abdomen grew and grew.

'Yes!' she thought as her body began its final responses towards a massive climax that she knew she couldn't or wouldn't stop even if she wanted to.

Biting her lip to stop crying out in sheer ecstasy, she realised that the release she sought was now about to roll over her in an avalanche of pleasure, and raising her head, she kissed Gavin and moaned out her pleasure into his open mouth with her hips bucking like mad in time to his fingers.


I was amazed at the intensity of Mum's orgasm, it certainly put mine to shame, but it also convinced me that I wanted more as my aching cock was telling me again. The only questions in my mind were if Mum would let me and how we could do it without alerting my Dad and sister about what we were up to. Taking my time, however, I chose now to explore the delights of my first pussy. Marvelling at the slippery softness and the wet heat from this source of joy, I began moving down slightly until I found the entrance to Mum's vagina and pressed the tip of a finger gently inside.

“Oh,” Mum murmured, though she did not attempt to stop me, simply reaching down to hold my cock, once more stroking it gently.

I kept my fingers gently swirling over Mum's clitoris but alternated with sliding a digit into her warm channel, though I struggled slightly as her shorts and panties were in the way.

Mum seemed to realise this and kissed me before raising her hips off the seat, drawing them down and off one leg.


Natalie was well aware she was playing with fire but could not seem to help herself as she shimmied her shorts and panties off before spreading her legs for Gavin to gain full, uncontested access. Soon, his fingers were probing her hidden delights, and she squirmed in her seat as waves of pleasure rolled over her, taking her ever higher in wanton debauchery. She gasped in delight as Gavin moved slightly to the side, and his head dipped down to taste her bounty, his tongue flicking over her nub and raising her desires and the stakes higher. Finally, she knew she just had to have him, to feel his cock moving inside her, sating her lust for now.


I was in heaven, my Mum had blown me off, and I'd touched her pussy with my fingers, and now I was lapping up her juices which were freely flowing for me, yet I wanted more. Mum seemed to sense this too, and very carefully, she began to slip downwards to lie on the seat with one leg poised on the floor, the other she lifted to hook onto the headrest of the rear seat. As carefully as possible, I slid my shorts and underwear down and very, very carefully moved on top of my Mum, leaning over to kiss her and felt her tongue slide into my mouth as our passions mounted. Soon, I was in what I had hoped was a good position for the ultimate act.


Natalie reached down between their two bodies and grasped Gavin's cock, and carefully guided it to her sopping-wet entrance. She was pleased with how carefully Gavin had moved and positioned himself, but now it was time to truly taste forbidden fruit, and she gasped with joy as his cock slid into her, filling her thoroughly. Yes, she'd been right, Gavin was bigger than Wayne, thicker too, and he felt so right, filling her pussy and making her legs tremble slightly in anticipation.


'This day just keeps on getting better, ' Gavin thought as his cock slid into his Mum, feeling the heat and sheer silky softness gripping him and rippling up and down his length.

“Oh, Mum!” he whispered in her ear, feeling her shiver in delight as he did so.

Carefully withdrawing, he then slid back into her, making her moan softly as he found a rhythm that did not bounce the car and did not cause either of them to hit the front seats.


Natalie was in heaven despite the risks she knew she was taking. Gavin, too, was being careful. The sensation of being fucked by her son was making her libido take her into another orgasm, piling higher and deeper on top of the smaller ones that were overwhelming her senses. Desperately she bit down on Gavin's shoulder, making him gasp out in shock as her pussy clamped down on his cock, and a low moan of absolute joy escaped her lips. This was so much better than she'd ever dreamed fucking to be. She'd never, ever come from simply having a cock moving inside her, and now she realised she did not want to ever give it up. Nor did she suspect Gavin would as she felt the signs of his climax beginning.


I gasped as Mum bit down on my shoulder, but realised that she just wanted to keep the noise down. More problematic to cope with was her pussy clamping down on my cock as she took my virginity, and I realised I was very close to cumming again.

Moving slightly faster, I tried to hold back a little, but the pleasure was too overwhelming. With a low moan, I pushed as hard as I could into my Mum my cock spasmed as I delivered a copious quantity of my cum into the channel that had passed me into the world fifteen years before.

Mum leaned up to kiss me, and we shared a look, telling me this would not be a one-and-only.

“Best get dressed,” she whispered.

“Yes, Mum,” I replied in my own whisper.

We carefully disentangled ourselves and sat as we pulled our shorts and underwear up. If anything, for some reason or another, I was more terrified of being caught now than when I'd been fucking my Mum.

“Tissues, please,” Mum murmured, and I handed over a disposable pack and watched as she grabbed a few and placed them in her panties to catch my flow.

We then settled back as the car continued, with the people in the front utterly oblivious to what had happened in the back.

“Your Dad will be necking more than a few stubbies (small beer bottles) tonight, and he'll be tired, so he'll sleep like a log,” Mum said quietly. The only indication of our passion was our slightly red cheeks and our holding of hands.

“Yes, Mum,” I replied hopefully.

“Now, if you happened to take the small bedroom,” she went on, mentioning the bedroom neither Tracey nor I liked because it got a bit noisy if it rained. It just happens to be on the other side of the lounge, away from the two larger bedrooms.”

“Sweet as,” I murmured.

“I hope I'll come to you tonight, and we can continue our' in-depth' discussion without the barriers of noise or clothing,” Mum giggled slightly.

“Oh, yes, please!” I exulted.

“There will be other times too. I think we'll have a lot of fun together, both in and out of bed,” she said at my nod. “But, when we aren't alone, behave yourself; otherwise, this will stop, no matter how much I'll regret it.”

At this point, the luggage we'd piled in the gap tumbled over on top of us, and a bleary-eyed Tracey stared at us.

“Are we there yet?” she yawned.

“Getting there,” Mum replied with a satisfied smile. “Could do with a dunny break, though.”

“Me too,” chimed in Dad above the blaring of the radio.

“So I can hide the evidence,” Mum whispered with a wink to me as I smiled in self-satisfaction.

And that's how I started the best holiday ever.


Chapter 2)

'Bored, bored, bored, ' thought Natalie as the car sped along State Highway 1 beside the eastern edge of Lake Taupo. Truth to tell, she could hardly wait until they reached their destination so she could escape the vehicle and collect her wits.

'Why don't I feel guilty?' she wondered. 'Why the hell did I do it?'

The 'it' was, of course, having sex with her son in the back seat of the car whilst her husband and daughter sat in the front, even if their view was blocked from the act of incestuous adultery ongoing behind them. Nor could she understand what had driven her to more or less promise Gavin that they could do it again in the family bach (a holiday home, pronounced batch) when her husband Wayne and daughter Tracey were sleeping.

Truth be told, and Natalie was currently not being terribly truthful to herself, was that it had been the best sex she'd ever had. The risk and the situation had turned a minor temptation into a full-blooded debauch that had thrilled her and satisfied her (save only for a longing to do it again) as no other coupling with her husband ever had.

A mild feeling of guilt had caused her to turf her daughter out of the front seat during a dunny break and sit beside Wayne for the rest of the journey, giving her a little time to think.

At 35, Natalie realised she was no longer a prize for any man. The harsh New Zealand UV levels had aged her skin, particularly her face, to place her age by European or North American standards in her forties. Nor was her figure as it was, though the filling out that had occurred over the last few years had given her a sensual roundedness that other men appreciated, even if she couldn't see it herself. Whilst she enjoyed sex, and she and Wayne had tried more than a few positions and places, it had settled over the last five years to in the bedroom, in the dark, and Wayne on top for his ten minutes of fun, followed by Natalie, usually finishing herself off by hand once the snoring started.

Squirming slightly at the thought of Gavin's cock sliding into her, Natalie realised that she was still slickly wet with her juices despite having cleaned herself thoroughly down in the restroom. Mostly, it was the way her thoughts continued to stray back to the illicit coupling and her body's desire to do it again.

'Bored, bored, bored, ' she thought. 'I just want to get there and go to my son's room when all are asleep and have him fuck my brains out, ' she finally admitted to herself.


Sitting in the back, Gavin constantly felt his eyes straying to his mother, or rather what he could see of her. He still couldn't believe his luck ... for want of a better word, with all adolescent boasting aside. He really wasn't a virgin anymore, not that he could tell anyone, just who it was that he'd fucked. His memories constantly went over the events of a couple of hours before – of his mother's mouth on his cock, of that incredible moment when he'd penetrated her and unloaded his spunk into her, and the look of sheer satisfaction on her face when he had.

He also remembered the promise that if he took the lone bedroom, she'd come in the night so they could fuck again and hoped she'd keep that promise, although her eyes had been unable to meet his once she got back into the car. Not that the possibility of rejection had made his erection go down. It had been a permanent part of his anatomy since his Mum had got back into the car, forcing him to cover it with a folded blanket despite the heat and humidity that the air conditioning struggled to cope with.

In an attempt to distract his mind, Gavin's eyes strayed to Tracey who was still obsessed with her phone and with her friends' antics. Slim and lanky at fourteen she had her mother's looks, coupled with her Dad's brash personality. Gavin rather doubted she could keep a secret if she tried; she'd certainly grassed him up good and proper over a proposed camping/tramping trip with his mates simply because Benny, a friend of his, had been going. Gavin presumed she'd found out from Benny's sister who was also a member of Tracey's 'pack'. Yet Tracey had no problems with Aroha, Benny's sister, despite considering Benny to be a bogan, which in all honesty he was. Yet Aroha was merely pretty, if quiet, which was why Mum and Dad had agreed to let her stay in the bach, although she had to get the train down on the Sunday.

“What are you staring at?” Tracey's comment interrupted his train of thoughts.

“Looks like a word, green, thin, grows in lawns... grass. Yep, a grass,” Gavin retorted.

“Mum! Gavin's staring at my boobs!” Tracey yelled giving him a wicked smirk.

“What boobs? And no I wasn't!” Gavin hit back.



It went downhill from there until Dad threatened to stop the car and smack the living shit out of the pair of them if they didn't shut the hell up.


The bach was in darkness when they finally pulled up, both teens sitting sullenly in the back, smarting from a tongue-lashing from both parents. Natalie pulled herself out of the car, took a deep breath, and looked over Rotongaio Bay and the small town of Waitahanui. The bach itself was situated right on the edge of the Kaimanawa Forest Park. Despite its proximity to the State Highway, it was peaceful and serene, the perfect place to forget about big city life.

Wayne had immediately unlocked the bach and started dragging the luggage into it, assisted by Gavin whilst Tracey assisted her Mum to switch things on and open the windows. The first thing Tracey did after this was grab her case and make a beeline for the second biggest bedroom next to her Mum and Dad's room, hoping that possession really was going to be nine-tenths of the law as her life sciences teacher had told her class. To her surprise, Gavin simply shrugged and pulled his own case into the smallest bedroom on the opposite side of the Bach. Even though it had a tin roof and sounded bloody awful if it rained even slightly.

Tracey frowned; she didn't know why she always had to be fighting her brother; perhaps it was, as her Mum once told her, 'attention seeking', but Gavin's indifference bothered her a hell of a lot more than his snide comments about grassing him up. Truth be told, she loved her bro deeply even if she rarely (read never) showed it and knew that his friend Benny was bad news, being reckless, a thief as well as a junkie according to her bestie, Aroha. Nor did she care for Benny's attempts to get her to go out with him, although she had no problem with Aroha trying to get her to ask Gavin to go out with her, other than never having the courage to actually do so.

“Thought you'd fight me for the room again, Gav,” she finally said as Dad struggled in with the chilly bin, the real prize for him, having been hidden by Mum under everything else to make Dad unload the car.

“Nah, no worries. I think I've had enough of your tongue today, sis,” he replied with a grin that relieved her and told her everything was cool between them.

“Coward,” she found herself saying in the hope he'd react.

“Yeh nah, just too tired to fight,” he replied before heading back out to the car with a torch to search for the ubiquitous missing items.

“Stop picking on your bro,” Mum chided her as she handed over some sheets for the bed.

“He started it...” Tracey began then blushed furiously as it was obvious that he hadn't. “Yes, Mum,” she finished contritely.

“Good girl, now help me fix some supper, and we can settle for the evening. Just be thankful Gav forgot it was his turn to have that room. Then again, with Aroha coming, you'd probably have got it anyway,” her Mum said with a smile.

“Can we go swimming tomorrow?” Tracey asked.

“If the weather holds up,” Mum replied. The day after that, we have to collect Aroha from Taumaranui railway station.”

Supper was a simple affair: a few rolls filled with cooked meats, Colby (a type of cheese), and cool fizzy drinks for us kids and Mum. Dad ate the same, but Dad was constantly dipping into the fridge for stubbies that he'd transferred from the chilly bin.

The journey did appear to have taken its toll on Dad and Tracey, at least, although I did notice Mum stifling a yawn or two as well. Finally, it was decided that an early (ish) night was called for. As was custom, I went first, followed by Dad and then Tracey and Mum, as the ladies appeared to take an inordinate time to do whatever it was they did and occasionally caused issues if Dad or I needed the loo.

I swiftly washed, brushed my teeth and changed into a tee shirt and pyjama shorts, which I used to run around in if I needed to leave my room, though inside the room, I slept naked. Getting into bed after a quick check for cockroaches from the woods, I lay there wondering what if anything was going to happen and trying not to fall asleep or masturbate either, come to that.


Natalie took her time as the last to use the bathroom, carefully applying a facial scrub and moisturiser all over her exposed body. Her heart was pounding in her chest at what she intended to do, although several times she'd resolved to actually call it off, only to remember what had happened and how good it felt. She also took a safety razor and carefully trimmed her pubic hair for the first time in years, not that she expected Wayne to notice... well, not unless she shaved it all off, but doing so reminded her of what it was to be a sexual woman.

Gazing into the mirror she inspected herself, dark blonde hair, blue eyes, thin lips and a face that had once been thought of as pretty she thought. The rest was no longer as athletic as she'd once been but softly rounded and curved in a classical figure of eight form with two medium sized (C-cup) breasts which had stood the test of time well she thought as she twisted her shoulders to get a side on view.

'Oh God, I hope we can get away with this, ' she fretted before pulling on a robe, turning the light out, and heading towards her room. There, she could already hear Wayne's heavy breathing as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

Lying quietly on the bed above the sheets Natalie waited, occasionally glancing at a small digital clock for half an hour to pass, hoping at least that Gavin might still be awake when she plucked up the courage to leave the room.

Finally the moment arrived. She recognised all the signs of a 'comatose' Wayne, knowing it would take something pretty extreme to wake him, at least until the alcohol in his system wore off.

Rolling over carefully so as not to disturb the bed, just in case, Natalie planted a knee on the floor and slowly raised herself upright before heading towards the door and a date with destiny... she hoped.


I had just about given up when the very slight creak of my door brought me fully alert as my Mum slipped into the room and closed the door behind her. There was a pause which seemed to last for aeon's but which was probably only a few seconds. I simply didn't know how to react or, indeed, what to say, whether to fling aside the thin throw that I used for sleeping under, exposing my throbbing cock, or inviting her into the bed.

Mum made the decision for us, pushing her shoulders back she allowed the thin robe she wore to slip off and down her back exposing her body to me fully for the first time. I was in awe; this was a real naked woman, not something from a porno flick. If I'd thought my cock hard before, I now felt it was capable of punching through steel. She was beautiful I thought, warm soft and very, very desirable.

With a slight smile, which grew from my inward gasp as I saw her disrobe, Mum stepped forward to the bed and threw the throw aside and gazed down at me.

“You've grown so much, my lovely boy,” she said in low tones.

“You're so beautiful.” I replied and reached out tentatively to place my arm around her waist.

“I'm not, not really,” she said before leaning in to kiss me, her tongue flicking around the outside of my mouth before slipping past my teeth to swirl around my mouth.

“Mmmm,” she purred deep in her throat as my tongue began boxing with hers.

Seemingly of their own volition, my hands moved to softly cup her breasts, producing another purring sound from her throat.

“Squeeze the nipples; I love that,” she moaned when our lips parted for a second.

Taking my direction from her, I gently squeezed a nipple between my index finger and thumb, feeling it harden and rise to prominence.

“Oh, so good!” she moaned, followed by, “harder!”

Her hand had meanwhile moved down to grasp my cock and was slowly wanking it, making it difficult for me to concentrate well on the task at hand for me.

“Best deal with that before you explode all over the sheets,” she murmured and dropped down the bed, kissing every inch or so until her lips just touched the tip of my cock in a soft kiss.

That did it for me. I simply gasped out a short warning before my cock exploded in an agonising climax. My jizz just blasted out into Mum's fortunately open mouth in several very powerful spurts, which, in all honesty, felt as if they could have hit the ceiling; such was their intensity.

Mum just swallowed it down as she had in the car, as if it were the finest delicacy, and finished off by polishing the tip with her mobile tongue.

“Your turn,” she murmured and lay flat, her legs apart, waiting for me.

Trying to copy her actions, I placed kisses on her face and neck before going lower to suckle on a breast for the first time in fourteen years, I'd guess. Mum just moaned and caressed me softly, her fingers making me shiver in delight as I finally left her breasts and carried on downward, kissing her soft stomach until I reached her pubic hair.


Low moans of anticipation kept escaping from Natalie's throat as her son continued his patient advance on her pussy. She'd almost cried when he called her beautiful and had resolved to give him the best she could offer for the compliment. She loved it when he'd exploded in orgasm at just the touch of her lips. She'd enjoyed his bounty as it slid down her throat, not something she'd usually do for Wayne, but it simply felt right with Gavin. His suckling and gentle biting on her breasts had taken her to new heights of passion, and she knew that cumming for her son was no longer a possibility but now a definite probability.

Finally, his lips touched her pubic hair, and his tongue flicked out to taste her juices, just catching her clitoris and making her hips twitch slightly. This seemed to spur Gavin on, and his tongue swirled over her raised nub, drawing it from its sheath and making her cry out softly in joy and anticipation. Every so often, his tongue would go lower and probe the entrance to her vagina and lap up the copious fluids flowing from there until finally, her whole body seemed to catch fire as her muscles trembled in sheer utter joy; a massive orgasm exploded from what appeared to be the centre of her being. It was all she could do to grab a pillow and hold it over her mouth as her body just flailed about randomly as Gavin did his best to keep his tongue on her centre of pleasure.


Again, I was in utter awe at the sheer power of my Mum's orgasm; she clawed at the sheet with her free hand, and her heels drummed at the foot of the mattress. Finally, though, it was over, and she collapsed back, her leg muscles only faintly twitching as she took deep breaths in and gave low sobs out.

“Good?” I asked anxiously as I moved up to lie next to her.

“Fuck yes!” she gasped, her heaving chest doing some exciting things with her breasts.

“Good,” I replied and kissed her again.

This time, she responded, and the kisses became longer and deeper until our lips parted, and she smiled at me.

“Let's root,” was all she had to say to me. (root is a Kiwi slang word for fuck)

I scrambled to my knees and moved between her thighs to lie on top of her, supporting myself by my elbows, as Mum reached down to grasp my still-hard cock and guide me to her entrance.


Natalie moaned in ecstasy as Gavin's cock slid into her in a firm thrust until their groins met. 'Why did it feel so damned good inside her?' she wondered. True, she'd never had sex with anyone other than Wayne, and in the early days, at least, he'd always tried to ring her bell... as it were. Yet Gavin seemed to be the perfect fit, and she already knew that there was a distinct possibility of her orgasming again when he began to thrust into her. At the moment, though, the pair of them were savouring the moment, and she rippled her internal muscles over his cock feeling its magnificence within her even as she worried about the future.


Slowly withdrawing, Gavin began thrusting his member deep within Natalie's pulsating pussy, making her moan softly at each penetration and her pleasure grow with the feelings and the thoughts of such forbidden behaviour. No matter how she'd tried to prevent this moment in her mind, the fact remained that she was enjoying immensely the depravity of having her son fuck her.


That was a preview of The Bach. To read the rest purchase the book.

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