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Ruth and Friends



Ruth and Friends

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Chapter 1)


They say no good deed goes unpunished. I cannot be too sure of that, but I do know the past can come back to haunt you.

You can call me Paul. It's not my real name for obvious reasons, as some of what I'm about to relate would have me arrested and probably imprisoned, though I've no regrets.

I run my own company. It's a small but successful engineering firm that employs ten people and has some pretty advanced 3D milling and cutting machines, most of which I paid for from what was, to me, a fortunate lottery win. They say in the ads, 'It could be you!'. In this case, it was me, and I was making money hand over fist as I didn't have to factor the machine costs into my bottom line. I am 35, in good health and a single guy, though not by choice. I seem to have a complete knack for screwing up relationships by my work ethic. I'm never home, and no matter the luxuries I can afford, I'm not about to spend them on someone with whom I never spend any time. Yes, I know this makes me appear selfish, but I believe in love, and I never spend long enough with a woman so far to get to know them, never mind love them and yes, I realise I only have myself to blame for this. Not that I'm a virgin by any means, just that most of my relationships are transient, short term and although I've never had to pay for sex, it feels similar in the methods I employ of food and drink. Ok, ok, I admit it, I'm lonely… or was.

I'd finished work and driven home to my house in a small village on the outskirts of the Medway area of Kent. It was the height of winter and the sort of night that gave global warming a very bad name, with sleet and snow falling, and the roads, though gritted, were quite treacherous. Still, my Landrover, my pride and joyous, had managed as well as ever, and I parked up. I let myself into a cool, dark house and started to prepare the usual microwave rubbish that passed for my diet these days, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door.

Opening the door, I faced a young girl, whom I didn't recognise.

“Hi...,” she said.

“Er... Hello,” I replied.

“Um... I don't know how to put this, but I think you're my father...” she trailed off.

I looked closer at her in the gloom and realised she was almost blue with cold and shivering. She was wearing only what appeared to be a T-shirt under a thin jacket, torn and faded jeans, and canvas shoes.

“Um, you'd better come in,” I said, turning up the heating as I led her to the living room. Once there, I turned on the seldom-used gas fire and asked if she wanted a hot drink.

“Yes, please,” she stuttered, her teeth chattering with both cold and stress, I thought.

I swiftly boiled a kettle and made her some hot, sweet tea. I also refilled the kettle and sought out an old hot water bottle that a previous girlfriend had used before she tired of my absences. Taking them through, I noticed that the girl had fallen asleep, though I was not fooled. I recognised the signs of hypothermia from a first aid course I'd taken many years ago. The treatment was easy enough, though I did have qualms about removing her wet clothing. Still leaving her pitifully thin body in her underwear, I covered her with warm blankets from my airing cupboard and laid the hot water bottle between them so as not to cause the blood vessels in her arms and legs to dilate too rapidly and drop her core temperature even lower. It took a little while, but her eyes fluttered open, and she moaned gently.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hi,” she croaked.

“Daft question, but can you cough?” I asked.

She did so, and I handed her the sweet tea, knowing she could swallow normally.

“I'll get you some energy bars and chocolate,” I said. Don't try to move, though. If you need the loo, it's upstairs at the top of the stairs. Stay wrapped up, though; you have mild hypothermia.”

“OK,” she croaked as I went hunting through my cupboards for the items.

I soon found what I was looking for and handed them over. Back in the kitchen, I decided to oven-cook a warm meal rather than a microwave, as I now realised the girl would be here for at least the night.

Wandering back into the room, I was faced with a cold stare.

“Did you undress me?” she stated.

“Er, yes. You can't leave someone with hypothermia in wet, cold clothing,” I replied. “I did leave your underwear on, and I'll wash and dry your outer clothing later.”

The stare continued for about a minute before I got a quiet, “Thank you.”

“Sorry, I know how it looks, but it had to be done,” I said. “When you're ready to talk, we will, but you can stop the night at least. I have a guest room.”

“Thank you,” she said with a hint of a tear in her eyes.

The house felt very warm to me as I prepared a meal for us, but I didn't dare turn the temperature down. I did nip upstairs to dig through my wardrobe to find some thick tracksuit bottoms, a warm shirt and a fleece-lined sweatshirt, all miles too big for her but enough to cover her modesty when she wanted to move around. I finally brought the two meals through and dropped the clothing next to her, and we ate in silence; well, I ate; she tackled her food like there was no tomorrow and cleaned her plate off in half the time I did.

“Sorry, I haven't eaten for days,” she said.

“Well, take it slow; your body won't be used to it,” I said.

She nodded and asked if she could have some more tea. I brought it for her, and she sat back with a sigh.

“I suppose you want to know why I think you're my father,” She asked.

At my nod, she reached into her small backpack and retrieved a purse. Upon opening it, she handed me a strip of photos from one of those booths you see around and an old business card.

“I'm Ruth, these were my mum's. They're all I had when my dad kicked me out after she died,” she said with tears in her eyes.

I looked at the photo and recognised myself fifteen or so years ago and remembered the woman...


We'd travelled to Newcastle to celebrate a friend's twenty-first birthday, and we'd fallen in with a merry group of girls enjoying a hen night. I connected with one straight away, and we had a great laugh. We eventually ended up in a photo booth at Newcastle's Central Station, having the pictures taken.

“Her name was Alison? No, Ali,” I said to the girl, who simply nodded.

The party had become separated, and we'd ended up in my hotel room and made love. I had no condoms but promised to pull out before I came. As it was, she didn't let me and had clamped her legs over my buttocks when I tried to withdraw. We'd made love several times after that, and as she left to catch a taxi, I gave her the card with a scribbled phone number on it and asked her to keep in touch. She hadn't, but yes, I remembered Ali. I turned over the card, and my old number was still there...

“It wasn't her hen night, though she was getting married a few weeks later. She told me her mum and dad pressured her into it when she wanted to call it off and call you. I guess the guy she married thought she had an early pregnancy, and at first, he was OK until my brother and sister came along and looked nothing like me. Still, my mum loved me, and he respected that; I think he loved her, too. After a while, though, he became more and more cold to me, though I wouldn't say why and then Mum got cancer. It was horrible, and nothing they did worked, and she died just a year after my grandparents died in a car accident. I wasn't even allowed to go to the funeral, and a week ago, my dad handed me this...”

Ruth handed me a slip of paper from one of those paternity testing clinics; it seemed Ruth was not her dad's kid.

“He kicked me out! I loved him, but he threatened to cut my throat rather than have a bastard's spawn living under his roof,” she sobbed. “His mum and dad shut the door in my face, and I didn't know what to do, though he did give me the pictures and card and told me to find my real dad.”

“Oh my,” I said. “I'm so sorry. You're more than welcome to stay, but how did you find me?” I asked.

“Well, the number's out of date, but the company still exists. I phoned them, but they wouldn't give me any details. I hitchhiked down to ask them in person, and one of the secretaries there took pity on me and slipped me a note with a forwarding address, and I went there. No one was in, but a neighbour told me where you lived, and I hitchhiked here.”

“That must have been my mum's. She is on holiday in Spain this time of year,” I said. “Well, Ruth, you're welcome to stay for as long as you want, but first things first, I'm going to have to get a paternity test done.”

“You don't believe me?” she asked, looking stricken with worry.

“I do, but if I'm going to get you settled down here, I'm going to need proof that the fourteen-year-old girl living with me is my daughter,” I replied. “Otherwise, we might have no end of trouble from the authorities if they stick their noses in.”

“OK,” she nodded.

“Second, we're going to have to take you shopping tomorrow as you can't just go around in what you have,” I said.

After that, I got Ruth settled down for the night in the guest room and went downstairs to make a few phone calls of my own. One was to my company's solicitor, who was happy to help me with what might be the legal ramifications of Ruth. The other was to my mum, who, it turned out, was delighted to have gained a granddaughter. I also contacted a paternity testing centre online and requested a DNA kit for myself and Ruth. After that, I poured myself a glass of wine and reminisced for a while before putting the dishes in the dishwasher and going to bed.

I was woken in the small hours of the morning by the sounds of sobbing coming from the guest room, and I got up, put on a robe and knocked at the door.

“Yes,” came a tremulous voice wracked with emotion.

“Are you OK, Ruth?” I asked.

“I, I, I er, I had an accident,” She sobbed.

“I'm coming in, don't worry,” I said.

I found that she had been so tired that she had accidentally wet the bed and was utterly mortified by it.

“I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!” she sobbed. “I haven't done that since I was a little kid.”

“It's OK,” I said. You go clean yourself down if you need to, put on those clothes I gave you, settle into my bed, and go back to sleep. I'll sort this out and settle on the sofa.”

It didn't take long, and I passed my room to see an already fast-asleep Ruth snuggled up under my duvet. I'd left the mattress to air after sponging it down, popped the wet sheet into the washing machine, and set it going. Fortunately, the sofa was quite comfy, the house warm, and no further disturbances interrupted my sleep.

In the morning, I prepared the one bit of cooking that I did for myself: a full English breakfast, which also brought Ruth downstairs looking ravenous.

“Morning, you look a lot better,” I greeted her. “Well, apart from the clothes.”

She giggled, then sobered up. “I'm so sorry about last night,” she said.

“You were exhausted and still getting over the hypothermia; accidents happen, and no harm done,” I replied.

“Thank you for taking me in,” she said softly.

“You're more than welcome, Ruth,” I said. The clothes you wore yesterday are over there,” I pointed out. Once we're ready, I'll take you to Bluewater shopping centre and kit you out.”

Ruth once again wolfed down more food than I believed a young girl could possibly eat before vanishing upstairs for a shower and to change.


We travelled to Bluewater and spent the rest of the day shopping and getting new clothes for Ruth, mostly winter wear but also a lot of indoor wear. Ruth was amazed by my insistence on buying good quality items instead of stuff from the bargain buckets.

“It'll last you,” was all the explanation I would give.

She blanched at the price I paid for a warm winter coat for her. “You hardly know me,” she said. “You don't have to do this.”

“Yes, I do, for your mum's sake at least,” I replied.

I also sorted out her hygiene needs with various pads, deodorant, and toothpaste. I also checked out her dead mobile and bought her a new one to put the SIM into, along with a credit top-up.

“Just so you can tell your friends not to worry and also where you are,” I said.

“Thanks... Paul,” she said, hugging me and kissing me.

It didn't take too long before texts and calls came flooding in. Ruth had several good friends who had wanted to take her in, though she'd been determined to find the man who had fathered her. All were relieved though somewhat suspicious of me, not that I blamed them, and Ruth was warned several times about paedos, which she laughed off.

What wasn't funny, though, was the police car waiting for me when I got home.

Ruth and I were taken to the local station, where I was grilled by the police for a few hours until my solicitor intervened. They weren't particularly happy about Ruth staying with me, though. They had to accept the solicitor's statement as to my intent to prove she was my daughter and then adopt her. They did want to take her into local authority care. Still, again, they were prevented by my solicitor and a few contacts I had with some of the senior officers, and where a lesser mortal might have failed, I succeeded.

It being late, I took Ruth to the local pub restaurant in the village and once again watched her polish off a good meal, although admittedly, it was a lot slower than previous meals. After that, we went home and watched a DVD from my admittedly sparse collection and a bottle of beer each before retiring for the night.

I awoke again in the early hours as my bedroom door opened, and Ruth slipped in.

“I can't sleep,” she whispered, and then she lay down beside me, cuddling me over the top of the quilt.

“I don't think this is wise, you being in here,” I said.

“You wouldn't hurt me, I know,” she murmured before sliding under the duvet to snuggle into me.

It didn't take long before soft, heavy breathing told me she was asleep, and I tried to relax, though I was painfully aware of being naked in a bed next to a fourteen-year-old girl. Still, sleep came, and I awoke to find Ruth next to me, warm and deeply asleep. Carefully slipping out of bed, I grabbed my robe and headed downstairs for a coffee.

I started making a list of what Ruth would need to get settled in fully with me: a doctor, dentist, school, and the like. I also decided to call Ruth's old family to request various details and certificates from them. If they weren't going to be cooperative, well, that's what solicitors are for.

After about half an hour, Ruth joined me. She was wearing her new pyjamas and dressing gown along with warm slippers, looking a lot happier than she had when we first met. We enjoyed another cooked Sunday breakfast.

“I'm not getting at you, Ruth, but you shouldn't be getting into bed with me,” I said. “It's not right, not if I'm your dad.”

“I know Paul,” she sighed. “But it felt so nice just to cuddle someone again like I used to with my mum.”

I reached across and hugged her, amazed at how much she'd come to mean so much to me in such a short time. Ruth just snuggled into me and wrapped her arms around me.

“I'm so glad I found you... Dad,” she whispered.

“I'm so glad you found me,” I replied, kissing her forehead.

It was a frosty Sunday morning, so we dressed, and I took her for a walk around the village, introducing her to those I knew as my daughter. After that, I got her family's number and called them. It ended up as I suspected, and I put the receiver down, wondering at such hatred for a moment of passion.

“Do some never forgive and forget?” I muttered.

Ruth, who had been listening, said, “He's a hard man, though he loves my brother and sister.”

“I'll get Gavin, my solicitor, to contact him, and I'll ring your old school tomorrow to have your grades sent down, though I have to work tomorrow,” I said.

“Can I come with you?” Ruth asked.

“Well, yes, though you might get a bit bored,” I replied.

We had a light lunch and then settled down, I to read and Ruth to play about on my PC. We spent a quiet afternoon just happy in each other's company. After that, I ordered a takeaway, and we watched another film, this one hired online, which made us both laugh, and we retired to bed.

Just past midnight, Ruth again crept into my room and snuggled into bed with me. This time, though, I'd thought to put some shorts on, and I just let her snuggle in and drift off almost immediately to sleep. In the morning, though, I found I'd turned in the night and was pressed up against Ruth, spoon-like, and with a raging erection pushing into her backside. Carefully disentangling us, I crept out of the room and into the shower in an attempt to calm down my cock and get ready for a day at the office. I had coffee and cereal ready when Ruth came down, dressed, and came from her shower to hug and kiss me before gulping down some juice and cereal as I finished my coffee.

Work was busy, and Ruth didn't mind being left to her own devices, even taking an interest in sorting out some of the filing that I had to do (I don't employ a secretary) as well as chatting to and brightening up the day of the guys who worked for me. Because she helped me with the paperwork, we got home earlier than I usually did, and I read through the mail I'd received, and we sent off the samples requested by the paternity testing company. I did our dinner, and we settled down for the night; I went over my books, and Ruth was doing Facebook or somesuch and giggling at what her friends were up to. Again, we retired early, but this time, Ruth just came into my room with me, and seeing the look on her face, I didn't have the heart to send her away. I just lay flat on my back and cuddled her in until the soft breathing told me she was drifting off, and I slid my arm aside and turned over, ignoring my erection and some distinctly amoral thoughts drifting through my mind.

We got through to the weekend OK, with Ruth now well-established in my bed, though apparently unaware of what else was happening. The Saturday post came through with confirmation from the paternity testing company that Ruth was a 99% certainty, my daughter, so we celebrated after ringing my mum to give her the news. I also had Ruth's school grades in the post along with a birth certificate and her National Health and National Insurance numbers, and I phoned Gavin to get him to set in motion Ruth's adoption. We also called in at the police station to confirm that Ruth was my daughter and get social services off my back.

That night, after enjoying dinner at a good restaurant with a live band, we settled down for the night with Ruth being unusually quiet, and when I reached over to cuddle her and settle her down, I realised she was naked.

“Er, Ruth...” I said.

“I wasn't comfy,” she replied. “Besides, I know how you feel,” she said as she reached across to run her fingers over my cock.

I gently took her hand and lifted it away from my cock.

“It doesn't matter how I feel,” I said. “You're only fourteen, and my daughter.”

“I can be much more than a daughter, though, and I know you want me,” she whispered, reaching down again to gently stroke me. “Please, Paul...”

I leaned over to detach us, but Ruth anticipated this and kissed me fully on the lips, sliding her narrow tongue into my mouth whilst hugging me tightly, and my arms, of their own volition it seemed, reached around her to draw her close and my fingers ran up and down her back.

“We shouldn't do this, Ruth,” I said. “I might get you pregnant.”

“You won't,” she said. “Mum put me on the pill a year ago, and I still have been taking them because I get bad periods otherwise.” She then kissed me again and, this time, slid her hand into my shorts to squeeze and caress my cock.

I knew that whatever happened in the future, I was going to make love to Ruth that night. She was simply irresistible, and I think she'd kind of planned this from the start, or at least the second day, as a plan B.

I slipped my shorts off and started kissing Ruth passionately in return, running my hands over her soft, thin body, cupping and squeezing her small A-cup breasts, before planting kisses all over her body whilst gently rubbing at her soft but sparsely haired pussy. Ruth was squirming all over the place now, her breath coming in little gasps, and a blush had moved down from her face to cover her upper body in her excitement. Finally, my hands slid under her thighs to grip her hips, and my tongue snaked into her vagina.

“Woooooo!” burst out from her lips as she almost sat up in surprise at the sensation of my tongue sliding up and down in her slit, twirling over her clitoris and making her hips twitch at every movement.

“Just go with it; it's perfectly natural,” I said, popping my head up to reassure Ruth, who looked almost totally out of it and not a little fearful.

I resumed my tonguing of her vagina and felt the spasms in Ruth's hips grow ever greater until she stiffened and gave a loud sigh whilst pushing hard onto my mouth and tongue.

“Did you like that?” I asked.

“Oh, yes,” she sighed.

I took her hand and placed it over my cock.

“Are you sure you want this? Once it's done, there's no going back,” I said.

“Oh yes, oh please,” she whispered in my ear, kissing me softly and in delight.

Again I moved my tongue between her thighs, though this time I used my finger to probe at her pussy entrance. Ruth moaned in pleasure at my touch, and I slid the tip of my finger into her passage.

“Oh!” she gasped and wriggled slightly as I gradually increased the pressure of my probing. Eventually, my finger pushed past the hymen blocking my path, and Ruth stiffened with pain but, apart from biting her lip, did nothing more to stop me. I moved my finger in and out and also used my tongue to lubricate the channel until I felt she was ready. Then moving on top of her, I placed the tip of my throbbing cock, which was coated with pre-cum, at the entrance and gradually increased the forward pressure as I very slowly started to penetrate her tight virgin passage.

Tears formed in her eyes, but still, she didn't try to stop me, and I gained an inch into her incredibly tight passage. I held there for a while letting her get used to the feeling while whispering encouragement into her ear.

“Ready for more?” I asked.

She nodded, and I withdrew slightly and then slowly pushed forward, feeling her stiffen with discomfort as I managed to get another inch into her before withdrawing and thrusting into her again. It took nearly ten minutes of careful pressure before I finally got all my cock into her. I just held her then as she moaned gently, but never once did she ask me to pull out. Then I started to thrust with long, careful strokes, feeling the incredible tightness around my cock. Ruth's moans gradually became cries of pleasure as she took delight in the sensation of being fucked for the first time. As I glanced down whilst supporting my weight on my elbows, all I could see were two skinny legs with knobbly knees slightly arched and splayed out to the side of my hips, flexing slightly with each thrust of my cock. The feeling on my cock was even more exquisite, so, so tight, yet so smooth and slippery. It was all I could do not to cum straight away. I gazed down at Ruth; her eyes were closed, her mouth slack, and her arms had reached up to hug my chest as little gasps and moans escaped her lips. I kissed her softly, and her eyes opened, almost glowing from the pleasure she was taking from me.

“Oh, I never thought how good it could be,” she sighed and smiled at me before suddenly giving a loud gasp as her body took over and another orgasm rolled over her. It was all too much for me, and I hissed out, “I'm going to cum!”

Rope after rope of semen erupted from my cock as an intense orgasm spilt over into Ruth's waiting pussy, blasting its way towards her womb until finally it stopped, and I relaxed, looking down at her.

“Good?” I asked.

“Oh yes!” she exclaimed. “Oh yes!”

I'd rolled off Ruth now and gazed at her naked body; already, my cock was stirring again. A slight pinkish trail of blood and semen was trickling out of her pussy, but she didn't appear to be bothered about it; she was just enjoying being the centre of my attention.

“Can we do it again?” she asked shyly.

“Yes,” I said. “Get up on your knees, and I'll show you a different way.”

Ruth got up onto her knees, and I guided her to the centre of the bed, where I then knelt with my cock at just the right height to slide into her. This time I pushed home a lot more firmly, still feeling the astonishing tightness of Ruth's young pussy, but no longer worried about hurting her simply by trying to penetrate her. I placed my hands on her narrow hips and began to thrust vigorously. Ruth just squealed with delight at this new way and started pushing back against each thrust, taking delight from new sensations and feelings coursing through her body. At each thrust, her gasps became small cries of pleasure as her body responded to nature's oldest call. I slowly increased the pace and the length of the strokes and felt Ruth respond beneath me, her narrow hips pushing back to meet my thrusts, and her cries increased until she stiffened and cried out as her third orgasm overtook her and left her helpless, other than to look dazedly back at me. At last, though, my mounting pleasure took me over the edge, and my orgasm, shockingly intense, blasted my seed into Ruth's hot, tight tunnel of love.

“Oh yes, my beautiful girl!” I cried.

“Oh, dad, dad, dad!” she cried in ecstasy as she took pleasure in my pleasure. “Oh, that was so good, Dad,” she gasped as she turned to kiss me again and again.

We made love for hours that night, Ruth's body enjoying mine and vice versa, and we awoke in the morning not just dad and daughter but friends and lovers. I don't know what the future will bring, but Ruth has been a breath of fresh air in my life, smart, intelligent and sexy. I'm no longer lonely but a happy man. Ruth is doing well at school and helping me do the books at work. No one suspects we're lovers, though Ruth has invited one of her friends from Newcastle to stay.

She says she needs cheering up and wants me to help.

I hope she doesn’t mean what I think she means...


Chapter 2)


Several months passed, and life remained good. Ruth and I get on very well together as father and daughter and friend and lover. She's doing very well at school, mostly because I suspect she isn't chock full of raging hormones, and other boys don't interest her, well not sexually, that is. She's having specific needs and 'stress relief' administered at home, so to speak. One of the staff at a parent-teacher night complimented me on just how well-adapted Ruth had become since moving down to Kent. I was also told that if she carried on the way she was, she should achieve some excellent exam results.

My company is also going from strength to strength. Ruth helps with the paperwork and has a natural aptitude for figures and the complexities of UK corporate and tax law. How or why she finds this interesting is beyond me, but she does and intends (so far) to continue her education until she becomes a chartered accountant.

Other than that, she's a very social person, still keeping in touch with friends, though sadly not family on Tyneside, where her Mum had died of cancer, and the guy she thought was her Dad had thrown her out because she wasn't his. She still constantly thinks of her brother and sister, but they have not been in touch. She has also totally charmed my Mum, who was ecstatic to have gained a granddaughter, and Ruth often visits her when I'm working late until I come to collect her. I think Mum suspects something other than Dad and Daughter is going on between us, but she hasn't said a word about it other than she's glad someone nice was in my life at last. We keep separate rooms at my home just in case we have visitors, but Ruth has claimed half of my bed and my heart when we're alone together. However, we will have to be very careful for a week as one of Ruth's friends will visit us. Ruth thinks she needs cheering up, whatever that means. Ruth was unusually reticent as to the why's of it. But I agreed, why? Well, what Ruth wants, she generally gets. That's not to say she's spoiled; instead, she knows her limits and which buttons to push to get me to see things her way.

We picked up Ruth's friend Lauren from Grantham North service station on the A1. Her parents had brought her halfway down and would collect her after a week at the same spot. I also suspect they wanted to get a look at me and make sure Ruth was with me, just to make sure I was who Lauren said I was. Upon seeing each other, Ruth and Lauren just gave out ear-splitting squeals of joy, ran up to each other to hug, and proceeded to talk twenty to the dozen over the top of each other as they renewed their relationship in the flesh rather than by phone or Skype.

“So you're Ruth's real Dad?” asked the guy who, I presumed, was Lauren's Dad.

“I am, though it came as a total surprise,” I replied.

“Ruth's a good girl; I think you lucked out there. God knows why her Mum's husband didn't want her around. She absolutely adored the guy,” he said.

“I have to admit she's been an absolute breath of fresh air in my life, and I can't imagine being without her now,” I replied.

“So Lauren was telling her Mum,” he said. “Well, good luck with the pair of them. I suspect you'll need earplugs on the way down.”

We laughed and said our goodbyes. Ruth and Lauren frantically waved goodbye to Lauren's mum and dad, and we headed over the exit and onto the southern entry slip road.

“Wow, thanks for letting me stay, Paul!” gushed Lauren, who didn't appear to need cheering up as far as I could tell from the beaming smile and fits of giggles.

“You're very welcome, Lauren. Any friend of Ruth's is a friend of mine,” I replied.

Lauren's Dad was right; the drive back was almost non-stop chat from Ruth and Lauren as they appeared able to talk for England. I was amazed at the number of subjects covered as they spoke regularly throughout the week and didn't appear to mind covering old ground, as it were, as well as all the current scandals in Ruth's old friends' lives. There were also a good few whispers going on, as some information they deemed for their ears only was passed back and forth, often ending in uproarious laughter and fits of giggles from them both.

Finally, we reached the house, and Ruth and Lauren raced inside and upstairs, leaving me with a couple of large suitcases trailing behind them. I found them both in Ruth's 'official' room, sitting on one of the beds, still chattering away and giving me the odd sly glance. I decided I didn't want to know and let them get on with it, simply telling them that we'd be having dinner at the local pub/restaurant and that there was a live act that night.

“Will you let us have a drink, Dad?” asked Ruth, fluttering her eyelashes at me to let me know she was partly joking.

“No, but if you behave, you can have a beer when we get home,” I replied.

“He lets you drink beer?” Lauren gasped.

“Only the one, and it's some low-alcohol French stuff,” giggled Ruth. “He doesn't ply me with drink, Lauren.”

“He wouldn't need to, would he?” giggled Lauren as they both collapsed into howls of laughter. Again, I decided I didn't want to know and retreated strategically.

They both came down later dressed in their 'glad rags', as Ruth put it. Both looked quite lovely, Ruth as ever very thin, almost skinny, more meat on a butcher's pencil as she occasionally put it. However, she had a beautiful face and large eyes that could blaze with passion, as I knew well, and she was dressed to suit her body shape. Lauren was almost the opposite of Ruth, smaller but chunkier, which is the best way to put it. She wasn't fat by any means but perhaps carried a few extra pounds of puppy fat, though not a great deal extra. Shortish, dark brown hair and full lips, and she did have nice if chunky, legs showing from under a short skirt, as well as a perky set of breasts straining against a tight top.

“You both look lovely,” I said to some beaming smiles. “Now, let's go.”

The walk to the pub/restaurant took little time, but we got good seats and enjoyed a lovely meal. Finally, the lights dimmed a little, and the band began its act. They were pretty good too, though nothing original, cover versions of classics old and new, which we sang and occasionally danced along to. Ruth and Lauren were both excellent dancers and were clearly having the time of their lives, and I mostly just sat back to watch them until they dragged me out to the floor to strut my stuff too. Fortunately, I didn't make a complete fool of myself, and we eventually ran the evening down until 10-ish, when I decided it was best to get them home before the place became a little too rowdy.

As promised, I let them both have a small bottle of St Omer beer, which Ruth downed with gusto, though Lauren more slowly as if not too sure of the taste.

“OK, girls, bedtime,” I said. “Busy day tomorrow at Bluewater, shopping.”

“Aw, can't we stop up late, Dad?” asked Ruth.

“Not tonight. You've had a busy day,” I replied. “There will be a few nights, though.”

“OK,” both chimed in and headed upstairs to sort themselves out.

Ten minutes later, after locking up, I entered my own room, knowing I would miss having Ruth snuggle into me, only to find both girls in the bed, apparently waiting for me.

“Er, what do you think you're doing?” I said to a smiling Ruth and a furiously blushing Lauren.

“I want you to cheer Lauren up like you do with me, Dad,” said Ruth. “She knows what we get up to and wants to try it too.”

“She knows?” I said, aghast.

“Well, yes. She won't tell, though, as she knows what would happen to me if she did,” said Ruth solemnly. “Besides, she's hoping to snare her stepdad soon enough but wants to try it out with you first.”

“I won't tell, Paul,” said Lauren. “I just want to know how you make Ruth so happy. Please.”

“I don't know,” I said, sitting on the bed next to Ruth. “Don't get me wrong, Lauren, you're adorable, but there are all sorts of risks to this.”

“I'm on the pill,” said Lauren. “I got my Mum to put me on it a few months ago when Ruth told me you might be persuaded to 'have' me.”

“It's not just that,” I said, feeling secretly relieved in one way. “Keeping secrets like this is not easy, and people get hurt or imprisoned if they ever get out.”

“I know Paul. I won't tell, I promise,” Lauren said with a gentle, longing smile.

Ruth leaned up to kiss me then, the duvet slipping from her upper body, exposing her tiny conical but very sensitive breasts, and my fate was sealed. Lauren watched, fascinated, as Ruth and I exchanged kisses. Both our hands wandered over each other's bodies, caressing and stroking gently, with Ruth giving off the occasional sigh and moan of pleasure. My lips passed down from hers to gently nibble her neck, making her body tense and relax for a few seconds before I travelled down to suckle upon one of Ruth's very sensitive nipples.

“Oh God, yes!” gasped Ruth as I also slid one of my hands down to probe her already wet and slippery pussy.

Lauren watched wide-eyed at our lovemaking, her breaths coming almost in gasps, a blush forming on her cheeks and spreading downwards. Although she was still covered by the duvet almost to her chin, one of her hands drifted down to her crotch almost without thought on her part.

Ruth's own hands were busy too, but they were taking my clothing off and allowing it to fall to the floor until, finally, she drew down my boxers to reveal my engorged aching cock.

“Oh my God!” whispered Lauren. “Oh! My! God!”

I slid down Ruth's body, exposing it fully, placed my lips and tongue at her entrance, and began to nibble and gently tongue it, making Ruth squeal in absolute delight. My tongue found her clitoris and lapped up her nectar in the same swirling motion, something I knew she loved and always took her quickly over the top. I could see the duvet gently bulging up and down where Lauren's hand rested, and the top of it had slipped slightly to reveal two well-rounded firm breasts with just a hint of pink nipple showing slightly raised nubs.

“Oooooh!” gasped Ruth as her first orgasm washed over her. “Oh, I so needed that!”

“My pleasure, Ruth, truly my pleasure,” I said as I raised myself up her body to kiss her lips gently.

“You like?” said a rosy-cheeked Ruth to a furiously blushing Lauren.

“Yes, oh yes, that was just so... beautiful,” Lauren said hoarsely.

I leaned across to kiss Lauren, slipping my tongue into her mouth and feeling her tongue probe back as she tasted Ruth upon me. I gently cupped a breast, making her gasp in pleasure around my tongue. Moving across from Ruth, I drew her close and began to softly caress her upper body, feeling her press closer to me as desire battled shyness on her part. Ruth sat up on one elbow to watch and gently ran her other hand down my back. I took one of Lauren's nipples in my mouth and ran my tongue around the areola, sucking the already-raised tip gently into greater hardness, hearing Lauren gasp in delight at my ministrations. I gently rubbed her tummy with the palm of my hand, feeling warm softness, twitching slightly with each caress. I kept a slow circular motion going but gradually descending lower and lower until I could feel her raised mound's soft, thick hairs.

“Ooh, Paul, this is so nice,” Lauren sighed.

“Told you he was good,” Ruth replied in turn.

Leaving Lauren's breasts for the moment, I traced a delicate pattern of kisses down her lower chest and stomach to seek out the treasures below, drawing the duvet down to expose a lovely raised mound covered in thick, dark, soft hairs pretty much concealing everything. Planting several kisses upon it, I began probing with my tongue to seek out the hidden treasure concealed. I could feel Lauren twitching and writhing slightly at each touch of the tip of my tongue. Finally, I found what I was probing for and started to swirl the tip of my tongue over Lauren's clitoris, which was becoming more and more pronounced at my ministrations.

“Ohhhh!” Lauren gasped as waves of sexual pleasure rolled over her body. “I thought I knew what to expect, but this is so different... oh! Oooooooo! Ohhhhh!”

Her body's needs and desires overtook her conscious mind as the young adolescent orgasmed to my swirling tongue, her hips writhing as she tried to push hard against the source of her pleasure.

I waited until the trembling stopped and glanced upwards, seeing a very dazed but happy-looking Lauren and a hugely grinning Ruth.

“Want more?” I asked Lauren.

Lauren just nodded as if fearing to speak and I gently lifted her up as I laid back and helped her to straddle me. Taking hold of my cock I raised it to place him at the entrance to her vagina as Ruth gently placed a hand on Lauren's firm, chunky thigh.

“Push down at your own pace,” I told her. “You'll know what's right for you.”

Nodding and holding her lower lip between her teeth, Lauren began to push down on my cock, and I felt the heat and wetness but also resistance as my cock pressed upon her hymen. Twisting her hips slightly, Lauren pushed harder until finally, with a groan of part pain, part pleasure, the tip of my cock pushed past the resistance and began its progress towards her cervix.

“Yes!” gasped Lauren, as finally she managed to get my full length into herself and without even thinking, she began to move up and down on my shaft. She was doing what came naturally and enjoying the sensation immensely, judging by the sighs and moans. I placed my fingertips on her hips and began soft caresses over her body, tracing patterns up to her still engorged nipples, tweaking them between thumb and forefinger and making her gasp all the more and pick up speed. Lauren's hips now pushed down hard on the downstroke of each movement as she felt her clitoris mash against my pubis. It was clear she was having the time of her life as, suddenly, with a loud squeal, she pushed down hard, and her internal muscles clamped my cock tightly as an orgasm erupted within her, making her blush from the top of her head to the tips of her nipples.

“Oh wow, I can so get used to this!” she gasped.

I sat up to hug her and was joined by Ruth as we gave this delightful young lady a group hug as she finally learned what all the fuss was about when it came to sex. I carefully turned her and laid her back, my cock still inside her and began long, powerful thrusts into her, making her gasp again in pleasure.

“Are you ready?” I finally moaned as I felt my orgasm approach.

“Yes, Paul, oh yes!” Lauren gasped back between breathless moans and groans as her body took delight in mine.


That was a preview of Ruth and Friends. To read the rest purchase the book.

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