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Dan's Remembrance



Dan’s Remembrance.

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Chapter 1) (Grace)


“This is so unfair!”

“Life is unfair, Mikey. Live with it and stop acting like Kevin, the teenager from the Harry Enfield sketches. It's only one night,” my dad said firmly.

“But I was going out with Angie to Jenny's party tonight!” I snarled, not quite daring to yell.

“Well, you'll have to cancel. Your Mum and I are going out for the first time in over a year, and we need you to look after your Gran while she's here on respite from your Mum's sister.” Dad said.

“But... but she's mental, she doesn't know who I am most of the time, and she wanders...”

“She has dementia,” Mum said. “Mostly, she keeps to her room after she's settled; all we need is for you to stay in and ensure she's ok.”


“No arguments, Mikey, not if you expect to avoid a grounding. It's only for one night, as I said, and I'm sure Angie will understand,” said Dad.

“Ok, ok,” I muttered, seeing no way out of this damned situation.

Yes, I know I was acting like a spoiled brat, but babysitting a grandmother was hardly my idea of a good time as a fifteen-year-old lad. I'd also had high hopes that tonight might have been the night with Angie. Our last meeting had ended up with me getting my fingers down her pants, and I hoped tonight, the six-month-old pack of condoms in my wallet might finally have gotten an outing, assuming we could have found some privacy.

I texted Angie and got an 'OK babes, always 2morra, thinking of U' in return. There was no way she'd come here with the madwoman upstairs going on a wander, mainly as there was a party involved.

I ate my dinner in silence with Gran prattling away deep in the past, opposite me, being helped occasionally by Mum. Gran has been slowly slipping into dementia for the last five years, and whilst I did feel some empathy for her, living with her for the last couple of weeks had been trying to say the least. There were tears, tantrums and a lot of the time she didn't recognise us at all and once phoned the police telling them we'd kidnapped her. I could remember her from her better days, and she was a lovely old lady, mostly confused and often frightened. She usually stayed with my mum's sister, who was a nurse and coped well, but naturally, she needed a break every so often, which is where my mum and her other sister came in.

When we'd finished dinner, Mum led Gran upstairs to settle her down and get dressed to go out with Dad. They left a list of instructions and phone numbers to call if there were problems, yet they were very specific that I was only to bother them if it was an actual emergency, not if I wanted to get out and about any time soon.

I muttered a bye to them as they left and knew that I'd be glued to either the TV, the computer or my games console for at least five hours, assuming I didn't fall asleep first.

The first half hour was pretty quiet. I could hear Gran's TV on upstairs, but for once, she didn't appear to be wandering. It was then that I saw my friend's Facebook page with a picture of the party at Jenny's, and in the background was Angie snogging the face off of Darren, the guy she said didn't interest her when I asked why he was always hanging around. Then I heard feet on the stairs, followed by the sound of someone trying to open the front door. I leapt to my feet and hurried out to the hall to find a fully dressed Gran in one of the shapeless outfits that looked three sizes too big for her but with no shoes on, about to wander outside in the cold November rain.

“Sorry, Gran, back to bed,” I told her, taking her by her slim arm.

I led her back upstairs, settled her in her comfy chair, and asked if she wanted a cuppa.

“Ooh yes, please, Dan.” She beamed at me.

I wandered downstairs. Correcting her was pointless. Dan was my deceased granddad's name, but recently, she'd taken to calling me that, and there was nothing I could say to stop her, as she'd get angry if I corrected her too many times.

I bustled away in the kitchen but heard feet on the stairs again and nipped out to find Gran at the door again, struggling with the latch.

“Come on, Gran, upstairs. I'll fetch your tea in a minute.”

“I don't want tea; I want to go out and see Sarah.”

“Sarah... Sarah isn't in Gran.” I replied, knowing Sarah was her sister and lived in Australia.

“Who are you calling Gran?”

“You, Gran,” I replied.

“Who are you?”

“Your grandson.”

“I don't have a grandson.”

“Yes, you do, Gran; now get upstairs,” I said exasperatedly and took her firmly by the arm.

“You're hurting me! You're hurting me.” She wailed as I manhandled her up the stairs.

I dragged her to her chair and forced her onto it.

“Stay there, and I'll fetch you your cuppa,” I said firmly. I could feel myself starting to lose it as the day's events just seemed to keep on getting worse.

Gran burst into tears, and I left, ashamed to get her tea, only to find her following me.

“Sit down!” I ordered, pointing to the chair.

“Speak to me like that again, young man, and I will call a constable!” She spoke primly.

I just exploded; I grabbed her by the arm as all the frustrations of the night spilt over, and I literally flung her onto her bed, her legs and arms flailing all over the place, and to my shame, I grabbed her by the throat.

“Listen to me, you old bag, just lie here and do nothing, or I swear I'll beat the shit out of you! I yelled right in her face.

“All right, all right, please don't hurt me!” She sobbed as I removed my hand and felt my face turn beetroot red with self-disgust, shock and profound embarrassment.

“I... I'm so sorry,” I said.

“I'm sorry I refused you, Dan... I know it's your right.” She replied with tears in her eyes.


“A husband's entitled to his conjugal rights. I know this. I'm sorry, Dan. I should have let you know when you asked.”

“Gran, I'm not Dan,” I said, seriously flabbergasted.

“Please be gentle, Dan, don't hurt me again.” She said as she reached up and gently squeezed my cock over my tracksuit bottoms.

“No, no, Gran, please don't do this,” I begged as I removed her hand.

“Oh, you want my mouth, you naughty man.” She giggled like a schoolgirl and reached up to grasp my slowly hardening cock with her other hand. “You know we only do that on special occasions.”

I gently took her other hand in mine and levered her away from my cock but was then helpless to stop her from planting kisses on my crotch, making my erection grow even more.

“Oh, it must be years since I felt you so hard, Dan.” She said with a smile. “I thought you'd forgotten what else it was for.”

'Oh God', I thought, 'what the hell do I do now?'

“It's okay... er, Grace,” I replied, finally remembering her name. You lie there, love, and I'll fetch us a cuppa.”

Gran settled back on the bed, looking all coy and shy and fluttering her eyelashes at me, of all things.

“Don't you want me, Dan? I remember when you couldn't get enough of me.” She almost purred and lifted the hem of her dress up to partially expose herself.

“I didn't know what to expect except perhaps to be horrified. I expected an old person's body to go like their face, all horrible and wrinkled, except it wasn't. Oh, sure, she was no teen, but she had nice legs leading up to some Bridget Jones 'big knickers' slightly stained at the crotch, but no worse than my occasional dribbles, I guess. Also, to my absolute horror, I felt my cock begin to stiffen to almost painful proportions as some distinctly amoral thoughts started to run through my mind, and I seriously wondered if I could get away with it. I mean, what would happen if I did and Gran either came back from la-la-land or she told Mum and Dad?

Gran reached out with her hand again and caressed my cock.

“Oh Dan, my Dan, so hard.”

Almost of their own volition, my hands grasped the hem of my tracksuit bottoms and drew them and my boxers down, allowing my cock to spring free, slightly slapping my stomach as it did so.

Gran's hand snaked around my length and began to move gently up and down, and I realised that I was now going to see exactly where this was going and pray it worked out.

“Do you want me to take you in my mouth, Dan?” Gran asked.

“Yes, Grace, please do,” I said gruffly as I tried to remember how my granddad had sounded.

Gran sat up and used one hand to cup my balls, the other to stroke my shaft softly, and her head descended down to take the tip of my cock in her lips. My only qualm was when she took her teeth out to do it. She then just ran her tongue around the tip and wanked me carefully with her hand whilst gently squeezing and fondling my balls. It felt just too good, and it didn't take long before I exploded into her mouth...

“UHHHNHHHH!” I groaned in ecstasy, my legs trembling as several ropes of my cum blasted into the back of Gran's throat, and she swallowed it all.

Using her tongue, she cleaned me down and sat primly on the bed as I regained my breath.

“Well?” I said into the silence.

“I was hoping we might...”

“Might what?”

“You know... take pleasure.”

“Do you want to, Grace?” I asked, trying to keep the eagerness out of my voice.

“Oh yes, please, Dan.”

“Well, let's get you out of your things then.”

Gran reached around to undo the top button on her dress, and I stepped up close to help her undo it and all the others, too. This allowed the dress to slip down and expose her vest and bra. I helped her to her feet, and the dress slid down to the floor. I lifted the vest up over her shoulders. At this point, Gran slipped her arms around me and hugged me.

“It's been too long, Dan; I hope we remember how.” She giggled and then kissed me.

At first, I froze in shock, but then I decided it didn't feel too bad, so I returned the kiss and then nearly gagged as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. Still, I got used to that and figured the eventual reward was probably worth it. I reached up and unclasped Gran's bra, exposing her full, heavy breasts, which had a bit of sag to them but not as much as I'd expected. Lying her down on the bed again, I moved down to suckle a nipple and used my hand to caress and squeeze the other breast.

“Oh Dan, this is... new.”

“Enjoy, Grace.”

“Oh yes, my love.”

I slid my other hand down and into Gran's knickers and searched for her hidden delights, finding to my touch a very hairy bush and two soft nether lips which led to her entrance. I searched for and found what I hoped was her clitoris and began to rub it with two fingers relying on a couple of years of watching porn to guide me.

“Oh yes, Dan! Oh yes!” Moaned Gran, as it seemed I had found what I was looking for.

Already, an erection had regrown for me as I threw caution to the wind and decided that if Gran wanted this, then who was I to deny her? Yes, I knew what that made me, but at this stage, I didn't care; I was a virgin and here was a pussy begging to be taken; I wouldn't even have to wear a condom! As far as I was concerned, it was a win, and I had a couple of hours to do it in as Mum and Dad weren't due back till just gone midnight.

Gran stiffened and then gave a loud moan as I brought her to a climax, and I decided that it was time.

Slipping my hand out of her knickers, I dropped down her body to hook my thumbs into her knickers and drew them down her legs. I then looked at her as I stripped my tee shirt and bottoms off. No spring chicken, sure, but her body wasn't bad; her heavy breasts had sagged to the side, and her skin didn't have the elasticity of youth, her face a bit wrinkled but not ugly, and the most important thing in my selfish mind was that she was mine to take in her current state. So I moved between her parted legs as they opened to welcome me.

“Ready, Grace?” I asked as I reached down to position myself at the gates of paradise.

“Oh yes, Dan, do put him in.” She moaned.

I pushed down and forward and slid into paradise; it felt so wonderful, soft yet firm, hot, wet and tight, so different to my hand or, indeed, Gran's mouth.

“Yes!” I groaned in total pleasure as I felt Gran's internal muscles rippling around my penetration.

“Oh Dan, that's so nice, and you're so hard!” Gran moaned in response.

I began to thrust in and out of her, knowing that this might be my one and only chance at her. I was in absolute heaven as Gran soon responded to me by moving her pelvis in time to counterstroke me and gasping out a constant litany of “Yes, yes!” I kept my strokes long and stead at first but gradually sped up as my lust overcame me, and again, I found myself rapidly approaching orgasm. I tried to hold back, but it was just too good, and I was far too inexperienced.

“Ohhhhhhhhh!” I moaned as my second orgasm of the night blasted into my first-ever pussy, several spurts of intense exquisite ecstasy filling my Gran with my incestuous seed.

“Oh Dan, so, so good.” She moaned. “And to think I would have denied you this.”

“Well, I will not be denied, Grace,” I said gruffly.

“Of course not, my dear; I will remember that if you demand it, I will be yours to have.”

I rolled off Gran and reached down to manually stimulate her again, making her hips twitch and roll until, after a few minutes, she pushed hard wither pussy against them and orgasmed with a delicate sigh. Afterwards, I leaned over to kiss her; I didn't want her to return to reality, so to speak, as I wanted to have her again as my cock stirred to life. I took Gran's hand and placed it upon my cock.

“You know what to do, Grace,” I said, hoping she did.

“Again Dan? Oh, this is like going back to our honeymoon!”

“Aye, well, it's been a while,” I replied.

Gran's hand manipulated my cock, and the stirrings I'd felt grew stronger until, thanks to the joys of youth, I was fully restored.

“Turn over on your knees, Grace,” I commanded.

With a shy smile, Gran turned over and got onto her knees as I approached to take her doggy style. One good hard thrust and I was back inside and having the time of my life, as it would seem, was my Gran.

“Yes, yes, yes!” She moaned again and again until, with a gasp, she orgasmed under my pounding cock.

“Oh, I've never done that before, Dan!” She moaned.

“A night for firsts!” I gasped in return as I continued to thrust steadily into her.

“Oh yes, Dan!”

After nearly twenty minutes of frantic thrusts, I finally came to the boil again, and with another moan, I blasted my strands of cum deep within her welcoming pussy and collapsed beside her on the bed.

I held her for a while until I glanced at my watch and decided that discretion was the best part of valour and got a cloth from the bathroom to clean her down of my dried-on cum. I also got her favourite nighty out of a drawer and pulled it over her head with her help, though she was almost entirely out of it and frequently dozed as I moved her around. Finally, I slid her knickers back on and did a quick inspection; other than a smell of raw sex, everything looked ok, so a quick trip into the bathroom to get my deodorant and a careful spray soon had the scent down to manageable levels.

I then tiptoed out of the room, feeling on top of the world but very anxious that Gran would not remember the events of my 'rape' of her.

Night Grace.” I whispered from the door.

“Night, Mikey.” Came the reply. “Same tomorrow, please...”

“Yes, Gran,” I said in a strangled tone. “If we can.”

“Of course, dear.”


Chapter 2) (The Visit)


“Hi Mikey. Thanks for coming, Mum; I mean, your Gran has been a bit agitated since she came back and kept asking for Dan.”

“No problem, Aunty Becky,” I replied, hoping she couldn't read my mind about the past events that had brought me here to calm Gran down.

It had started a few weeks ago when I had been left to look after my Gran whilst she was on respite with my family to give Aunt Becky a break. Gran was suffering from a form of dementia, which meant that at certain stages, she didn't know who her family were and more or less lived in the past. She made the mistake of assuming I was her now sadly deceased husband Dan and had tempted me into enjoying 'his' conjugal rights. Or had she? I was never quite sure whether Gran set me up to fuck her, but either way, it didn't matter; sex was sex, and I'd moved from being a virgin to having Gran or Grace, as she liked me to call her when we were alone pretty much as and when we could. It mattered little to Gran's state of mind whether I was Dan or Mikey; she enjoyed the attentions of both, but that story of our first time is told elsewhere.

I might have been imagining it, but it had seemed that Gran's periods of lucidity had improved once we began to have regular sex... regular as in being damned careful and/or quiet in a house where my Mum and Dad roamed freely and were in most evenings. Still, weekends became our playtime when Mum and Dad went shopping, and I could demand my conjugal rights with Gran.

All that had ended when Gran returned to Aunt Becky's, of course. She'd caused a scene by clinging on to her 'Dan' and demanding that she not be separated from her man. Apparently, she'd been making Aunt Becky's life difficult, too, though as far as I could tell, my Aunt didn't know why. Well, I wasn't under arrest for one thing.

Aunt Becky lived in a huge old house that had once belonged to my Gran and Granddad. She inherited it in Granddad's will as a way to keep the government's hands off it via inheritance tax, and Gran paid her a peppercorn rent. She was a nurse and worked only part-time at a doctor's practice, whilst Gran spent her time at some old persons' centre throughout the day. She was a maiden Aunt; that's the correct term; she never married but dedicated her life to her career and is now looking after Gran.

Once inside, I was greeted by an exuberant Gran who addressed Aunt Becky as if she were a maid.

“Oh, Dan, you're home!”

“Yes... er, Grace.” I replied, playing the part of my Granddad.

“Oh, I knew you'd come; I have missed you.”

“Aye, well, I'm here now, Grace, so settle down and let's have a chat.”

“Of course, Dan,” she replied. “Rebecca, we'll have tea in the study.”

I shrugged my shoulders at Aunt Becky, who was looking at me with a very amused expression.


That was a preview of Dan's Remembrance. To read the rest purchase the book.

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