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Keeping it in the Family



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Jason) (Mother/Son)

I'm not sure where to start on this. After all, who would believe me? I can scarcely believe it myself. As it is, I'm writing this diary entry and putting a password on it to protect it. I really would hate to think anyone who knew me would read it, as there's someone I very much want to protect. Yet, I also want to get this down as I remember it.

I'd better start at the beginning as I try to sort out in my mind the hows and whys of the tale.

My name is Jason. I'm aged 15 and doing OK at school, though my Dad keeps telling me he had it much more challenging, that the exams were more demanding, and that everything was better when he was growing up. I try to keep a straight face these days, as when I was rooting around in our loft, I found his exam results, and frankly, he didn't do all that well, harder exams or not. Still, he holds down a decent job as a bus driver and keeps telling us that he's the breadwinner for the family, even though my Mum works as well. He's definitely what you'd call a man's man, likes his football and racing on the telly or live, likes to have a drink with his mates and expects his dinner on the table when he gets in from work, whether my Mum's in or not.

My mum works for one of the local solicitor firms as a secretary, it's only part-time, but the money is spent on treats, as she calls them, holidays, presents and such. She's quiet and attentive and, although in her late thirties, is quite good-looking, well I think so anyway, as do my mates; they call her a MILF. That's occasionally caused the odd fight, though most are now careful not to say it before me; I can tell they are thinking it. She has a nice figure and an absolute mane of auburn hair that frames a pretty face. Granted, she has one or two wrinkles, and no one will mistake her for a teenager, but as Mum's go, she's more than pretty cool.

She drops me off at school when she goes into town to work, not that she has to; it's just become a habit. We chat as we listen to the news on the local radio, which is how my friends and others know what she looks like.

I have no brothers or sisters, though I do have many cousins and friends. I also don't have a girlfriend… well, not yet, possibly not ever. Every time I go to talk to a girl or have to talk to one, I just go all red-faced and stammer or get tongue-tied. Mum says it will pass, but it's been a year now and not getting any better.

We live in a lovely semi-detached home owned by a local housing association. It has a garden, which is more or less looked after by my Mum and me, as my Dad usually claims he's too tired from work and needs his rest. It doesn't stop him from going over to his mates and helping them when they call him up. Mum and I also did most of the decorating, and I assisted her in laying down several laminate floors downstairs after Dad cried off with having a bad back.

I know my Mum and Dad fight occasionally. Well, by fight, I mean argue, but it seldom lasts long. Dad usually goes out and leaves Mum crying, although she tries to hide it when she comes downstairs (they never argue in front of me). But, compared to some of my mates, at least I still have a Mum and Dad—well, the same Mum and Dad. A lot of them have had several dads.

Because of my Dad's shifts, Mum and I are often in the house on our own. After doing my homework, I help with the chores at night. She always insists that my homework comes first. After that, we usually sit in the lounge with me on my laptop (one of Mum's treats), listening via headphones to music or videos, and Mum watches her soaps on the telly. You could call it a dull life, but it was comfortable, warm and safe, a suitable environment for a kid to grow up in, though I much preferred just the times with my Mum.

That's not to say I hate my Dad; he takes me to football matches and encourages me to play rugby. It has been an abiding passion since I grew up and filled out to my current shape. He still reckons I might have some growing out to do yet. He may be correct, but my voice still betrays an adolescent squeak at times of stress, and my mum jokingly complains about having to keep replacing my clothes. As it is, I stand six foot tall and weigh about twelve and a half stones (180 lbs), and I play as a winger for my school rugby side because if they can get the ball to me in the clear, there are not many who can catch me. It looks as if we'll be the county champions this year, and the entire school is buzzing about it, as no one can ever remember the school winning anything. It's also why I can look after myself and deal with any of my friends being rude about my Mum.

Anyway, this is all just background to prove I'm completely normal (for given values of normal), but my life was about to be turned upside down, hence this journal.

It was a typical Monday night; Mum and I had done the chores, my homework was up to date, and we had settled down with a couple of cups of tea in the lounge to do what we always did. Mum had her soaps going, and I had headphones on to blot out the sound. Instead of sitting in her armchair tonight, though, Mum had decided to lie on the rug. She occasionally did this, and I thought nothing of it. When I glanced up, I noticed that Mum was lying on her stomach between me and the telly and that her legs came almost up to the sofa where I was sitting. She wore her usual casual jeans-coloured leggings (jeggings) and a loose fleecy sweatshirt. What she was wearing underneath it, I hadn't a clue.

Without thinking, I placed the soles of my feet, after taking them out of my slippers, on the back of her calves. Mum glanced back with a smile, then returned to her preoccupation with the goings on in Soapland. Her calves were soft and warm, not tensed up, so I just started gently wiggling my feet in and out and occasionally side to side, watching her skin ripple slightly. Mum said nothing, so I presumed it was OK; there was no sexual intent on my part. It was just a nice feeling doing and watching. I did notice her bottom cheeks flexing slightly and her hips occasionally pressing down to the floor, but I thought nothing of it. We continued in silence until the soaps finished. Mum got up and asked me to make another cup of tea as she prepared to make Dad's dinner. When Dad came home, it was back to normal, they sat watching a film, and I just got on with chatting on Facebook, and I thought nothing more of it.

The following night, my Dad was home early, and Mum watched her soaps in her armchair while Dad and I talked Rugby. The school's big match at the weekend would set us up to be champions in all but name. Technically, the second-placed team could mathematically catch us. Dad announced that if we won it, they'd sort out something special for me, though I said nothing; I'd heard Dad's promises before.

The next night, Mum and I were on our own again, and Mum lay on the floor in front of me again. At first, I was in a world of my own until Mum's foot gently tapped mine, accidentally, I thought. Still glancing down, I placed my feet on her calves again and gently manipulated them, hearing Mum sigh gently. I kept the motion going and did notice that Mum's thighs had parted slightly and that her hips kept pressing down hard at each movement of her legs by me; it also dawned on me that she was enjoying what I was doing. I then realised that I was beginning to get an erection just watching her, which confused me greatly. I knew that the sons weren't supposed to do that, yet I couldn't stop, not now. I also noticed a small damp patch appearing at Mum's groin as she gave a delicate sigh when the soaps ended. She got up to make Dad's dinner with a gentle smile in my direction.

That night when I wanked off, there was no fantasy woman in my mind, it was my Mum. God knows I tried to stop the image from appearing, but in the end, it was my only real sexual experience involving someone else. I blew a massive frustrated load into some tissues I had in my bedside drawer for that purpose.

The following night, Dad was off to the pub with his mates, and I was delighted that he was. Mum and I did our chores seemingly quicker than usual, though our conversation remained completely mundane until we both went into the living room to settle.

Again, Mum chose to lie in front of me, quite deliberately, I'm sure now and put the telly on. I didn't hesitate either. I carefully placed my feet on her calves and began the same regular in-and-out motion that seemed to pleasure her. Again, her thighs parted slightly, allowing me to gaze at a very shapely set of legs and a lovely bum. I must have noticed in the past, but this time, I was watching her as a sexual person in her own right. My erection had bloomed as soon as my feet touched Mum. Still, I kept on wobbling and shaking her calves with my feet, watching her pelvis grind the floor until Mum reached under herself to slide her hands down her jeggings and into, I presumed, her underwear to begin fingering herself. Again, not a word was spoken. Mum didn't even glance back at me, and I could see her fingers manipulating herself as I kept the momentum from my feet going. Finally, she tensed up, gave a gentle moan, withdrew her hand, looked behind her, and just smiled at me before going back to her soaps, which were just about finished.

I excused myself and went upstairs to masturbate and blew a massive load into the tissues before flushing them down the loo. I returned to find Mum sitting in the armchair watching the telly, looking as if nothing untoward had happened, not choosing to talk about anything other than generalities. The only clue to her feelings was a damp patch at her groin again and a slight flush to her cheeks.

When I eventually went to bed, I needed to wank off again and again; I couldn't get Mum out of my mind and couldn't wait to play again.

I had to wait a couple of frustrating days as Dad's shifts were earlies and he was around in the evening. It was Saturday night, and I was feeling good. We'd won at rugby, and I had been named man of the match for scoring three tries. Dad was at work, though Mum and I usually watched a film together at the weekend and not her soaps. Still, I was delighted we were on our own during what I now consider our 'special' time.

This time, though, Mum went upstairs to change into something more comfortable, as she put it. She came down wearing a soft terry towel bathrobe with some top under it, but her legs were unencumbered by any leggings or trousers. Glancing back at me with a slight smile, she laid on her stomach before me as usual. Again, I placed my feet on her calves, feeling the soft touch of skin on skin and began to wobble her calves in the motion that I now knew was giving her pleasure of some kind. Although the bathrobe covered her bottom and disguised its outlook slightly, it was clear that Mum was enjoying a greater closeness due to the bare skin. It didn't take long before her hand crept down to slide under the robe and begin manipulating her pussy; she sighed softly as she did so. This time, I moved my legs slightly upwards until they sat on her lower thighs and began to shake them to and fro gently, watching as they parted wider and wider, though I couldn't see anything under the hem of the robe. I undid my trousers and slid them down slightly, along with my underwear, and began to wank myself slowly while watching Mum's actions. Hearing my zip go down, Mum glanced behind her and gave me another gentle smile when she saw my erection in my hand and then went back to fingering herself as the movements of her bottom and the increasing strength of her sighs told me she was nearing her climax. Finally, she stiffened and gave a gentle moan, just as I stifled a cry of my own as I blew a load of cum all over my hand and upper body. There was an incredible smell of raw sex in the air from Mum and myself, though again, once she'd finished, that was that, and we cleaned ourselves off, and the evening carried on as if nothing had happened. Mum moved to an armchair to watch a film with me and said nothing about what was happening, simply small talk.

This carried on for the next week or so, mutual solo masturbation with the only contact being my feet on her legs or rather her leggings, as she didn't wear a bathrobe again during this time. I wondered where it was going, but I didn't want to spoil it either, so I chose to say nothing and simply enjoy it.

The weekend came again, and we were lucky as Dad had to work days but was off to the pub after work and wouldn't be back till late and rolling drunk to boot. So much for the promises of something special for winning the County championship. Still, my Mum had come along to cheer me for the first time, along with most of the other kids and parents, including a few local scouts for the pro league sides, and watched as we won and lifted the County Cup for the first time ever for the school. I scored the winning try in a tight match and was carried off the field by a cheering mob, but I only had eyes for my Mum.

That night, instead of a bathrobe, Mum only wore a very short nighty and placed a towel underneath herself to lie on. As I sat back and waited for her to get settled, I realised she wasn't wearing any underwear either, which caused my erection to harden up to almost painful proportions.

We began as ever with my feet on her calves, and I watched, enthralled as my Mum took pleasure from the small motions until she slid her hand underneath herself to begin masturbating. This time, though, I could see everything, short dark auburn hairs covering two puffy lips with a pinkish slash of a valley between them where Mum's fingers were almost blurring over a small area as her thighs vibrated gently due to my ministrations. I slid my cock out of my pants and began to pleasure myself without taking my eyes off my gorgeous Mum, utterly entranced by the sight of a real woman's private parts, not something on a screen and not in a magazine either. Mum's nighty slid higher up her waist at her manipulations, and I saw a lovely rounded bum emerge into view. I moved my feet higher, shifting myself further forward in the chair until they rested on her upper thighs. I used my toes to gently squeeze her bum cheeks whilst keeping the back-and-forth motion going. That seemed to set Mum off into an orgasm; she gave a stifled groan, and her bottom cheeks clenched together just as I blew my load, only this time it went forward and over her thighs and bum. Mum got up with a smile and, holding the nighty away from her bum, went upstairs to clean up whilst I wiped away my residue with the ubiquitous tissues.

When Mum came down this time, though, she lay in front of me again, rather than sitting in the chair, and it seemed as if we weren't finished yet. In all of this, though, apart from an occasional glance, Mum never spoke a word, never gave any indications of what she expected and, when finished, acted as if nothing had happened. Yes, I was confused, but hell no, I wasn't going to spoil it by questioning it. I might have been curious, but I wasn't a complete idiot. This time, I slipped my pants and top off before beginning to manipulate Mum's legs, making her smile at me, but again, she said nothing, just lay down and sighed deeply. She slipped her hand underneath herself to begin masturbating again but paused and withdrew her hands and slipped the nighty off completely, leaving her naked on the floor before me, then began to finger herself again as if there were nothing unusual about the circumstances. I deliberately edged myself to the edge of the seat and began to move my feet higher and higher up my Mum's shapely legs; they parted wider and wider to my gaze. Mum's fingers were flickering rapidly over what I presumed was her clitoris. I could see the entrance to her vagina flexing slightly at each motion of my feet that, made her legs wobble slightly.

Then suddenly, Mum moved forward slightly and got onto her knees, moving her legs away from my feet but leaving her fingers rubbing her pussy. I wondered what would happen next but noticed her index finger flexing slightly as if beckoning me. Surely she couldn't mean...

I almost froze at that point, but something in me was determined to see this through. Yes, I knew what incest was, but at this point, my erection didn't care, and my mind was heading at a rate of knots in the same direction. I slipped my boxers off and dropped to the floor and, kneeling between Mum's legs, edged forward slightly until I was almost touching her. Mum reached back and took my cock, nearly making me blow my load on the spot, but fortunately not quite, and I carefully took hold of her hips and pressed forward with my groin as she guided me into herself.

The feeling was utterly exquisite; I'd never imagined anything so lovely. Heat and softness coupled with incredible tightness and pliancy, so different from my hand.

Mum simply sighed with deep satisfaction as I began careful thrusts into her tight, wet pussy. Her fingers slipped down to carry on masturbating herself, and I took my timing from her; as she went faster, so did I. God alone knows how I didn't blow my load within the first few seconds; I can only put it down to my earlier cumming over her bum. I think I lasted about fifteen minutes, though I cannot swear to it. Mum finally took herself over the edge with her clitoral stimulus and took me with her. I groaned out my pleasure and blasted another massive load of sperm from my cock, Only this time back into the channel and womb that had carried me and passed me through into the world.

I sat back, no, fell back, would probably be more correct, and looked dazedly at Mum as she picked herself up and grabbed a tissue to stem the flow of my offering from dripping down her legs and onto the floor. Then, holding the nighty, she pulled it on over her head. I took that as a signal to pull my clothing back on. Mum then switched the telly on, and the DVD player and we just sat back and watched a film, chatting as if nothing had happened.

After that, we went to bed, only for me to be woken later by Mum and Dad arguing. Apparently, he was demanding his conjugal rights, and she wasn't in the mood, but that soon passed, and I drifted back off to sleep again.

In the morning, I was greeted by a surly, clearly hung-over Dad, who finished a mug of coffee before announcing he was going to the local rec to watch the amateur football matches. This also meant he was off to the pub and wouldn't return until after three. Mum acknowledged this, and he went off without another word. She stood at the sink, head bowed, looking tired and miserable. I wandered up behind her and hugged her around the waist, feeling her trembling with emotion at my touch. I thought it was sorrow or anger, and initially, I believed it was, but when I felt her push her bottom into my groin, I knew it had changed to lust and desire. Within seconds of her pressing back, I had a massive hard-on, which in turn pushed back into Mum, making her wiggle her sexy bum all the harder onto it. I ran my hands up her robe until I found the holding ties, released them and stepped back to allow it to flow down Mum's shoulders and onto the ground. She was still wearing the short nighty she had been wearing last night. I slid my hands down to slip under it to softly rub her tummy and pussy. Again, no words were spoken, but Mum reached back to grasp my erection and manipulated it above my jeans before attempting to undo my belt. Leaving Mum's pussy for a few seconds, I swiftly undid my belt and jeans and drew them and my underwear down to the floor before Mum grabbed my cock and angled her pelvis backwards so she could guide me into her. I groaned as I slid back into absolute heaven again and began some long hard thrusts into my beautiful Mum's pussy, hearing her gasp in delight at my cock's invasion of her hidden depths. I slipped my hand down to see if I could find the area that gave her so much pleasure. She used her fingers to guide me to the spot and showed me just what worked with her. It didn't take long before she stiffened and gave a soft moan, which took me over the edge into an orgasm of my own, which coated her insides with my seed. Mum just gave a satisfied little wiggle of her derriere, knelt to pick up her robe, and went upstairs humming a happy little tune to grab a shower.

Well, I was still a little confused. OK, I was a lot confused. I didn't get the silent treatment. I knew Mum was enjoying me immensely, and she wasn't acting guilty or as if I were forcing her. I knew without her saying that we could and would do it again for as long as we wanted to. Yes, I knew that, if caught, we would be in severe trouble and wondered if that might be part of the problem. But I didn't just want my Mum's body; I wanted her as a person too, not just a delightful, compliant (silent) sex toy. Yet, I would have to play the game by her rules for now. Still, if she wanted it, I'd be a fool to deny myself the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful woman. I heard the shower finish and decided to wander upstairs to wipe myself down. At the top of the stairs, I saw Mum covered in a wrapped towel with a smaller one over her head. She turned and gave me a radiant smile, telling me everything was OK, and I went into the bathroom to clean myself up. Two minutes later, I wandered into my room to pick up my laptop, only to find Mum sitting on the bed.

I went to say something, but she just placed a finger over my lips before hugging me close. I still had no idea why she wanted to keep a little distance. Because the nature of our relationship had changed, perhaps silence or silent assent was the only way she could deal with her feelings. Still, if that allowed me to have her and that was the rule, well, I could live with that.

I leaned over to kiss her, a proper kiss between lovers, not a mother-son kiss, and she leaned right back into me as our tongues entwined with each other, and our arms held each other in a tender hug that I realised meant far more than words. Mum let the towel fall away from her, and she lay down on my bed, allowing me to fully view her for the first time. A beautiful hourglass figure 36" 26" 36 with a full C cup topped by pink nipples already hardening at my gaze. A softly-haired, neatly trimmed pussy slightly glistening with desire topped her somewhat parted thighs as she waited for me to join her. My clothes hit the floor in seconds, and I joined her on the bed as we kissed again whilst my hands explored the body of a woman for the first time. Her skin was so soft to the touch, and she'd give little sighs and shivers when I ran my fingers over sensitive spots. My lips moved down to suckle her breasts for the first time since I was barely months old, making her cry softly in pleasure. Her pussy flooded with wetness as her feelings and desires became ever more apparent. Parting her legs fully, I moved between them and placed my cock at her hot, wet entrance and slid him into her as we kissed again and again. I began a steady rhythm of hard thrusts into her as her hips bucked back underneath me to maximise the contact of our genital areas as they met and increased her pleasure at having me inside her where she thought I belonged. This time, Mum didn't need her or my fingers; she just cried out as an intense orgasm overcame her, causing her legs to clamp over mine and hold me hard to her as her fingernails dug into my back, drawing blood slightly. I kept up the pace as best I could. Mum just went into one orgasm after another, and she wept silent tears of joy at our forbidden love and lust for each other. My pounding thrusts became ever more swift and powerful until, finally, I unleashed another torrent of cum into the womb that had once carried me, making me cry out in delight and passion at this beautiful Mum who loved her son so much that she was prepared to take him personally into manhood.

We lay naked on the bed, simply holding each other in the afterglow. I realised now that we didn't have to say anything or need to. Words would not have been enough to express our feelings and desires for each other. If anything, they would have set limits upon them.

I loved my mum, not just as a son, but as a man, as does a woman. I knew she loved me too, not just as a son, but as a lover. One who would be there for her when her husband was out, wouldn't come home the worse for wear for drink, and accepted what she had to offer without complaint.

It had taken her fifteen years, but my Mum had finally found true love, and I had finally realised the treasure that lived with me.

No, we didn't need words for that.


Tina) (Father/Daughter/Granddaughter)

I saw them as they appeared at the station entrance, dragging the sum of their lives in two heavy suitcases. They looked tired and stressed and, in the case of the youngest, close to tears, a pathetic sight, though I don't mean that in a nasty way, like some do, just worthy of pity.

“Hi, Dad,” said Tina, my daughter. Thanks for coming to collect us; it's been a hell of a day.”

“So I gathered,” I replied before drawing the pair of them into a hug, which seemed to open up the dam as both gave out deep sobs and tears flowed freely. It'll be okay now, Michelle. Granddad's here,” I murmured in the young one's ear, getting an even tighter hug in the process.

I helped them into the car and got their luggage into the boot space before closing the doors and setting off home. Home for us all now, I mused, and it was likely to be a crowded one, too. Still, at least we all got on together. Both Tina and Michelle were Daddy's girls to a certain extent, though in Michelle's case, she was definitely Granddaddy's girl since the breakup of her mother's marriage.

We drove in silence, and there didn't seem much to say, and an 'I told you so' would have been utterly crass on my part. I didn't understand my daughters taste in men, never had, she seemed fixated on a look, rather than on finding someone to look after her for the rest of her life. Still her ex and Tina had done one good thing in their train crash of a marriage and she was sitting behind Tina. She looked so much like her Mum did at the same age of fourteen, having hit puberty, but still very much developing, I thought; such a beautiful child, still an innocent really; Tina had allowed her to remain a child and enjoy childhood rather than be drawn into an adult world.

“You'll at least both have your own rooms.” I finally said that I wanted to say something.

“Thanks, Dad. It's so good of you to take us in, and I know it won't be easy for you,” Tina replied.

“You're my girls; there will always be a place for you with me, now and forever,” I said.

Tina looked so like her mother… God rest her soul. (No, she's not dead, just wishful thinking on my part.) She was a definite head-turner or yummy mummy, I suppose. Still, I thought, I'm probably past the days of threatening her 'boyfriends' or walking erections, as I used to think of them. She's far more mature and hopefully will have learned from her mistakes. God, I hope so.

As for her mother, well, she no longer figured in our lives; her rank jealousy at her daughter's unique place in my heart and life had driven us apart years ago. There was no other special woman in my life, not that I was going without; I never had, even when Tina's mother had been home and trying to deny me. I was just very discreet and had no complaints from my neighbours' neglected wives.

As for me, well, I'm Ronald, or Ron to friends and family. I'm 57 and in reasonable condition for my age, though no one will ever mistake me for a thirty-year-old, still perhaps in my mid-forties on a good day... possibly. I'm six foot tall and weigh about 12 and a half stones or 190 pounds if you struggle with the odd way the Irish and British weigh things; I have short dark hair, blue-ish eyes, and I'm still quite fit as I go to a gym and also walk a lot as exercise. I only used the car today because the two girls had cases and a long trip behind them. I'm semi-retired, having made a few shrewd decisions with shares and such so that I can work from home as an online accountant. I know Tina's mum thought she'd gotten the better deal in our acrimonious divorce, but my recent success has left her gain somewhat dwarfed, and no, the courts won't let her have any of it.

We got home, and the girls (yes, I think of them both as girls) got out as I gathered their belongings and led them inside. I'd spent the last few days sorting out enough space for them. I wouldn't say I was a tidy man by nature, but I didn't have that much stuff to make a mess with. Tina and Michelle pitched in with the unpacking, and I went to get some drinks. Once back upstairs, I was somewhat aback. Tina was busy sorting out the bed and leaning over it in an almost classic 'take me pose' Tight jeans showing off her lovely 34” bottom and shapely legs, her tee shirt dipping low to show off her tummy and a lacy white bra encasing her 34 C breasts. Eventually, I coughed, and Tina and Michelle got their drinks whilst I beat a hasty retreat to 'calm my nerves'. Typically, Tina, being Tina, was just water under the bridge to me. I knew she was sexy, and I knew that she had a special place in my heart; it's just that I'd not until that moment seen her as a sexual creature in her own right, well not for years, though she had seriously tempted me in the past. I told myself to get a grip; I doubted Tina would be thinking in sexual terms after she'd caught her ex in bed shagging her so-called best friend. I told myself that she needed rest and recuperation, not the impression that her old man was a letch and coming on to her.

The girls got settled down, and I sorted out a dinner for them. We sat in companionable silence at the table, tucking into a good meal.

“So...” I said eventually. “What are your plans?”

“I need to get some sort of job, Dad. I expect to pay my way.” Tina replied. “I also need to get Michelle into school, though that's not a priority as it's the holidays.”

I nodded; Tina had always been the practical one in the family.

“If you want to get her into Loreto Secondary School, you'd best plan accordingly,” I replied.

“I know, Dad, but her grades are excellent, so I have high hopes,” Tina replied.

“I'll assume you know what you're doing, you normally do,” I replied with a smile.

“Only in some things, Dad.” Sighed Tina. “Definitely not in others, or why would we be here.”

“Not your fault the man you chose wasn't worthy of you,” I replied.

“You've never thought that of any of the guys I dated, Dad,” Tina said. “And don't deny it!”

“Is it my fault I only wanted the best for my princess?” I replied.

“No... but living with you made it harder to find someone comparable to the best man I knew.” Said Tina, looking at me wryly.

“I wasn't that great,” I replied. “You could have done better. But that's water under the bridge.”

“True enough, Dad,” Tina said. “I don't want to fight over him; I've done that enough with him.”

I could see Michelle looking troubled, so I reached across to tousle her hair.

“Don't worry, lassie,” I said. “It's okay to have feelings for your Dad still; we won't try to change that, will we?”

“No, Dad, we won't,” Tina said, cuddling Michelle. “What went wrong wasn't your fault; never think that.”

Michelle snuggled into her mum, and again, I was overwhelmed by how close she looked to young Tina all those many years ago. I figured on years of frightening away the local boys as she matured further.

I think an early night for this one might be called for.” I said to Tina's nod.

“Yes, Dad, but let her watch some telly first.” She replied.

We gathered around the TV, the girls to watch and I to read the paper, just sitting in companionable silence as families sometimes do. Though Michelle tried to prolong the situation, it was fairly obvious she was struggling to stay awake, and finally, Tina gave her her marching orders.

“No need to get up early,” I said as she went up to sort out her bed and various associated tasks to do with personal hygiene.

“Yes, Granddad.” She replied.

With Michelle off to bed, Tina and I chatted for a while until Tina got a blanket and covered herself as she snuggled next to me as she had as a little girl. We chatted sporadically, just taking comfort in each other's company. Eventually, a film came out that we both could watch. I think it wasn't anything special, called the 'Monster's Ball'. But, and this is a big but, there was a very erotic sex scene in it which had an unfortunate effect upon me. Well, I say unfortunately... most men would think it a perfectly natural effect of watching Halle Berry being 'fucked' damned hard on the floor of her apartment. Most men didn't have their daughters snuggling into them, breathing hard as they watched.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt Tina's hand slip over the bulge in my pants.

“What do you think you're doing, girl?” I asked, swallowing hard as my erection, if anything, got even harder.

“What comes naturally, Dad.” She whispered as she planted a soft kiss on my cheek.

“I'm your father; you shouldn't do this,” I responded, but made no attempt to move her soft hand, which was now gently squeezing my cock.

“Well, it's obvious what he wants.” Tina breathed in my ear.

“He has a mind of his own; it doesn't mean I'd allow him to go around shagging anyone when he got hard,” I said, trying to be gruff as the ache and desire grew.

“You old hypocrite.” Tina giggled. “Mum might not have caught you, but I know what you did with half the women in the neighbourhood.”

“Yes, well, they aren't my daughter,” I replied.

“Did you ever figure out why I chose the boys and men I did, Dad?” Tina asked, apparently changing the subject.

“Well, no, really, just that none of them was good enough for you,” I replied.

“It was their looks, Dad; they all looked like you...” Tina replied, kissing me softly again. “I wanted the best man to be in my life but settled for someone who looked a little like him. I never ratted you out to Mother because I hoped one day you just might have gotten around to me; I did catch you looking a few times. Mind you, I'm surprised there aren't a few by-blows of your adventures around.”

“Just luck, I guess,” I replied with a grin. “Certainly wasn't for lack of trying; I always promised to pull out, but damned few would let me once I got their knickers off and their legs apart.”

We then both kissed, a soft lovers kiss, and we both knew there was no stopping the events unfolding. My hands slid under the blanket and began to caress my beautiful daughter softly, feeling her warm, silky, soft skin twitch slightly at each caress.

“Mmmmm”, Tina moaned as her own hands moved over my body, sliding under my shirt to touch and feel the man she wanted.

I slid one of my hands up her tee shirt to cup one of those lovely breasts that had me so mesmerised earlier this afternoon, feeling warm softness tipped with a firmly erect nipple pressing through the material of her bra, a perfect handful, as some men put it, or perhaps a perfect fit. Our lips met again, and our tongues entwined as our movements became quicker and more direct as we sought to take what we now considered to be ours. The blanket hit the floor first, followed by Tina's tee shirt, and my hands lifted to unclasp her bra to allow the ripe fruit within to fall into my palms. My lips moved forward to suckle each nipple in turn drawing it into my mouth and gently pressing the tip with my teeth.

“Oh yes, Daddy, Oh yes!” Cried Tina, returning to the childhood name she hadn't called me in years.

Her hands were busy, too, as my shirt was swiftly undone and allowed to fall away from me. She then undid my belt and the top button on my jeans drew down my flies, and slipped her hand within to caress my erection, now grown so hard as to be almost painful.

“Oh God!” I groaned as Tina's ministrations threatened to take me over the top.

I swiftly lowered my hands to undo the top button of her jeans, and we both stood to allow our pants to fall to the floor. Tina needed a little help, so tight were they upon her body. We also drew down the final coverings to our desires and gazed at the results.

“Wow, you're so beautiful.” I breathed at Tina's beautifully shaven pussy, slightly glistening in the gloom of the living room.

“Oh, Daddy, at last, at last!” She gasped in return as I dropped to my knees and prepared to worship her with my tongue.

Falling back on the sofa, I slipped my hands under her lower body to support myself as my tongue snaked into the valley between her nether lips to seek out and taste my lovely daughter.

“Aieeee! Oh! Oh! Ohhhhh!” Tina cried out as waves of pleasure washed over her with each swirl of my tongue upon her clitoris. I varied my probing, sometimes using only the tip of my tongue to draw up and down the valley and occasionally stab into her hot, wet entrance; other times, I just used the flat of my tongue both front and back to rub over her clitoris until Tina's whole body stiffened and she gave out an almost strangled squeal of delight as an immense orgasm took her into virtual nirvana.

I moved up her body to softly kiss her.

“You ok, my little princess?” I asked.

“Oh yes, Daddy,” Tina replied in a voice that almost throbbed with emotion. “It was everything I imagined and more.”

“Not finished yet, princess, unless you want me to?” I asked.

“Oh God no, I've wanted this since I was almost twelve and figured out just what it was adults did to make babies, but I wanted you to teach me, Daddy.” She replied as her hand caressed the tip of my cock, her thumb running over the tip and smearing pre-cum everywhere.

Tina's hand drew my aching cock towards her hot wet entrance, and with a groan, I slid my length into her making her gasp in response.

Oh God, was she tight; you'd never have believed Michelle had passed this way into the world.

“You feel so good, princess.” I breathed softly in Tina's ear.

“You feel so good inside me, too, Daddy.” She gasped as I began my first thrusts into her.

Our lips met again in a passionate kiss as our arms enfolded each other, and I did my best to pleasure the only woman who meant a damn to me anymore. Long, slow strokes gradually became quicker and more powerful as the sensations of Tina's powerful internal muscles sought to milk me of my seed. Our mutual moans and gasps became louder and louder until the moment of truth arrived.

“I'm going to cum!” I gasped as I prepared to withdraw my cock.

“I'll take my chances!” Moaned Tina as she clamped her powerful thighs over my buttocks to hold me firmly inside her body.

“Uhhhhnnn!” I gasped as I let loose a virtual torrent of cum in several powerful blasts into my daughter's waiting pussy, filling her cervix and womb with my seed.

“Oh yes! At last!” crooned Tina in triumph as our bodies almost collapsed on the sofa, dripping with perspiration and our breath coming in shuddering gasps.

“Oh Tina, my Tina.” I groaned. “What have we done?”

“The right thing at long last, Daddy; now I have the best man in my life and my pussy at long last!” Tina exclaimed as, amazingly, I felt myself begin to rise to the occasion again.

“Do you know the hell that will break loose if I get you pregnant, princess?” I asked.

“Who's going to know it was you, Daddy? Not like I'll tell, is it?” Tina replied matter of factly to me.

“I know, princess, but I worry about you; I always have, always will,” I replied.

Tina's soft hand had reached down to caress my cock, gently manipulating it up and down as, incredibly, my erection grew back far more quickly than I'd ever remembered.

“Well, something knows what it wants,” Tina said with a throaty chuckle.

“I am so going to hell for this,” I muttered, turning Tina over on the sofa and preparing to mount her doggy style.

She looked so sexy from behind with no clothes on as she had done earlier that day, and my now resurgent cock was back to its best and twitching slightly with each pulse of my heart as I guided him back into Tina's tight pussy to resume our incestuous coupling. I still cannot believe just how good it felt to fuck my daughter and to hear her cries of passion as I thrust hard into her, almost brutally, yet she seemed to egg me on to go even harder. My hands grabbed her rounded hips to steady me slightly and also to increase the power of each stroke as Tina gabbled away almost incoherently at each stroke of my cock into her hot wet tunnel of love.

“Yes, yes, yes, oh! Harder Daddy, harder, ooh! Oh God, I'm cumming I'm cumming!” Poured out from her lips as her whole body shook with passion, and her already tight pussy clamped down upon my thrusting cock as she moaned out her love.

“That's right, princess, cum for Daddy; let him know how you feel about his cock in you!” I gasped.

“Oh, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” Groaned Tina as my cock took her to ever greater heights of passion as one orgasm seemed to spill over into another until finally, I released another blast of my seed deep within her making her gasp and sigh in total satisfaction.

We both collapsed onto the sofa, our chests heaving and sweat pouring from our bodies.

“Oh wow, Dad, no wonder you're popular with the ladies.” Tina gasped.

“Takes two, princess, and it's not often this good; it has to be the forbidden aspect of it.” I sighed.

“Never thought I'd get you, Dad, but it was worth the wait.” She replied before turning and slipping down my body to take me in her mouth.

It shouldn't have been possible, I'm 57, for God's sake, but Tina managed to restore my erection to a state which was manageable as she straddled my hips and lowered her shaven pussy down my shaft to enfold me in her hot depths.

“Oh God, yes!” She moaned as, with a delicate corkscrew motion, she raised and lowered her body up and down on my shaft, which became ever harder due to the sight of my gorgeous daughter enjoying the feel of my cock inside her. Tina's face was flushed, her eyes tightly closed, and her teeth held her bottom lip as she concentrated on the sensations of my invasion of her body. Soon enough, a series of bubbling orgasms washed over Tina as she rode my cock, pressing down hard on the downstroke to maximise her pleasure and crying out slightly each time. My hands reached up to caress her breast and to tweak her small pink nipples, which had remained erect for almost the entire time of our coupling, making her gasp in delight.

Tina rode my cock for what seemed an age and a long slow sensuous fuck as we both took a great deal of delight in each other's bodies, but all good things come to an end as I stiffened and grasped her hips to hold her down as again I blasted my now diminished seed into her welcoming depths.

“Oh wow, I think I'll sleep tonight.” Sighed Tina in the afterglow.

“Best done in your room,” I replied. “Don't know what Michelle would think of seeing us together, but it probably wouldn't be good.”

“Yeah, Dad, you're probably right, but one day...” Tina sighed.

Gathering up her clothing, she went upstairs to shower and wash away the dried-on cum and sweat from our frantic couplings. I just pulled on my pants and had a long, hard thought about what happened. No, I had no regrets, but there were incredible risks as to what we would be doing regularly from now on, one of them being the little angel sleeping upstairs. But where there's a will, there's a way, and I think we were both determined to keep having our way with each other.


The following morning, Tina went off into town to sign on and look for work. I suspected she'd be gone for most of the morning, at least. Though we hadn't even mentioned last night to each other, there was a very healthy glow to Tina's face, and her whole body language had changed. She looked more confident and far happier in life. Even Michelle noticed and commented on it.

“There's just something about being and feeling at home.” Said Tina. “I spent so many happy years here, it kind of rubs off.”

“Can I come to town with you?” Asked Michelle.

“Not today, baby. I have to deal with the government people, and there'll be no time for shopping,” Tina replied. You can stay here and help Granddad or just mess around.”

Michelle just nodded; she hadn't said an awful lot since I picked her and her Mum up yesterday, but some of it was just her way of dealing with the recent events of having to come to live with me.

Michelle was like Tina had been when she was growing up; she was a very feminine young lady, invariably well-dressed, pretty, and inclined to do girly things. I could see a lot of her mother and my ex-wife in her. She stood at 5' 1”, weighing about six stone (84 pounds), a slim blonde child, smallish pert breasts and a slender, if definitely womanly, figure. She was still growing, and I reckon she'd top her mother's 5' 2” within a year or two.

“So, what would you like to do today?” I asked after Tina left.

“I don't know.” She replied sadly. “I don't know.”

I could see tears forming, so I cuddled her in.

“Things will get better, my little Lady, I promise,” I told her.

Michelle held me tight and sniffled for a while, and I held her till it stopped.

“I have to do some housework, but if you want to play, you know where the computer is, or there's some paper, pencils and crayons you can draw with over there.” I pointed with a gentle smile.

“Can I help you?” She asked.

“Sure,” I said. “We'll start in my bedroom and change the bedding.”

We had a lot of fun removing the various sheets and quilt covers and replacing them with fresh ones from the airing cupboard. Eventually, Michelle was in fits of giggles as I tried to cover her with the sheets and put her in the quilt cover. She also laughed when I got in the quilt cover and chased her around the room, pretending to be a ghost. All relatively innocent stuff but nothing of the stresses and strains that real life puts on kids these days.

After that, we went into the bathroom and cleaned everything down, and both got a bit wet from squirting water at each other. I then washed the floor whilst Michelle struggled to bring the old heavy vacuum cleaner upstairs. After that, we made quick work of the upstairs and decided to have a break.

I poured us a couple of juices. Michelle gulped hers down, and I saw that her tee shirt had become almost transparent with the water fight aftermath, showing two pert breasts, no bra, with enlarged nipples from the cool air around us, and her pants were clinging to her body, showing off the shape of pretty much everything underneath them. I probably should have stopped... no, I definitely should have stopped looking then. Still, I was only human and almost mesmerised by the sight of this innocent young girl who reminded me so much of the young Tina about whom I'd had the occasional naughty thought of being artlessly sexy right before me. I also realised I was getting an erection and probably should find something else... hell, anything else to do, but God help me. I didn't, and I realised I would probably see where this went if it went anywhere.

“You got pretty wet,” I said eventually.

“So did you.” She grinned.

“Yes, but I got you more.” I laughed. “Your clothes are sticking to you.”

“There's more of you, though.” Michelle giggled.

I can see your boobies, though.” I laughed and watched her blush.

“No, you can't.” She said. “Besides, you shouldn't look.”

“Not all I can see.” I grinned, looking down at where her shorts were plastered to her crotch. I also felt my cock stir again as I gazed at this lovely fourteen-year-old.

I noticed Michelle staring at my crotch curiously.

“And what's that?” She asked.


“That.” She said, pointing to my bulge.

“You shouldn't be asking that”, I said, a bit bemused.

“Sorry.” She said. “But you're looking at my bits.”

“You really shouldn't look,” I said. “People might get the wrong idea.”

“What idea?” She asked. “Besides, you're looking at me.”

“Didn't your Mum ever tell you about people's private parts?” I asked.

“Yes.” She blushed. “I have a pussy, boys have a dick, and you looked first.” She insisted.

“Well, men have a dick, yes, but we call it a cock or penis,” I replied.

“I've seen Dad's by accident, and it wasn't so big as that.” She said.

“That's as may be,” I replied.

Michelle continued to look at my crotch, and my erection continued to grow until it was tenting my tracksuit bottoms alarmingly.

“Why's it growing?” She asked.

“It happens when guys see a girl they like,” I said.

“But I'm just a young lass.” She said.

“Doesn't mean I don't like you. You are my Granddaughter, after all,” I said.

“Oh.” She said. “Can I see?”


That was a preview of Keeping it in the Family. To read the rest purchase the book.

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