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Grandma Remembers



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Dramatis Personae

Grainger family ... Bill. 54. Senior wages clerk at the head office of a large engineering company.
Mary. (nee Smedley) 36. Housewife.
Children ... Amanda. 16. Emily. 14. George. 13. Richard (Ricky) 10.
Patricia Smedley. 57. Mary’s mother, but known simply as Nanna to her children.
Sutton family ... Ronald. 44. Machinist at a branch of the engineering firm Bill Grainger works for.
Children ... Samuel (Sam). 14. Gregory (Greg) 13.
Pritchard family ... Reginald. 46. Lecturer at a technical college.
Janet. (nee Sutton) 44. Housewife.
Children ... Maurice. (Mo) 14. Simon. 12.
Others ... Sally Green. 42. Widow.



Chapter 1


Mary stared out through the window. The roses glistened from the recent shower. She sighed. The grass needs cutting, she thought. I’ll not do that again, though Terrence, my grandson, will be around to do it tomorrow. Now, she was confined to her room. A fall had shattered her hip, and the doctors had said it was impossible, given her age, to replace it. So now all she had were her memories as the nurse, paid for by her family, helped her settle on her bed.

She remembered vividly the times she had spent in that garden. Bill, her husband, had bought the house just over 61 years ago, before they married, and she had fallen in love with it at first sight. She remembered bringing up her children there, and when they got married, their children visited often. They had all played in the garden and enjoyed the sun there. Especially in the sun, for Mary was a closet naturist. She loved the feel of the air and the sunshine on her skin and encouraged her children and, so far as she could, her grandchildren to follow in her footsteps.

Finally, the painkillers began kicking in, and she began to drift off, her thoughts returning as ever to the past and the treasure trove of memories buried there. Unbidden, the memory of young Sam’s visits before the war came to her mind. He had just turned 14, the same age as her youngest daughter, Emily, and was very conscious of his newly developing body. Her daughter had told her that Sam had been reluctant to visit, and she had struggled to persuade him. Mary, however, knew why. She knew he would be embarrassed about his changing body. Possibly, he was starting to grow body hair, and probably, he was beginning to get involuntary erections. Events, though, to her utter delight, had taken it further than she’d expected, sending her on a new path from the day of that visit.



“Come on, Sam,” Emily encouraged as her young beau (well, hopefully soon) stood hesitantly at the gate of her parents’ house.

“Just nerves, I guess,” he swallowed, looking like a deer in the headlights.

“Oh pooh!” Emily giggled, using what she considered the ultimate in risqué language. “Daddy’s home, so we won’t be going ‘au naturel’ until he returns to work on Monday. That way, you get to know us all better without the embarrassment.”

“I’m not sure I want to at all,” he demurred.

“Don’t be silly. Besides, you’ll get to see me as well as Amanda, oh, and Mummy too.”

“Yes, and George and Ricky will get to see me as well,” he stated nervously.

“Oh, we’ve all seen man-bits before. That’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Amanda’s boyfriend was here last year, and he managed it,” Emily said dismissively.

“I guess...” he began nervously as he felt another erection begin to rise, something he seemed to have no control over.

“So, let’s go meet the family.”

The introductions went swiftly, and at least his loose clothing hid his embarrassment from Emily’s family. Most surprising was Mrs Grainger... no, Mary, she had insisted, whom he could scarcely believe was old enough to have produced four children as she looked closer to being Emily’s big sister. She, unlike Mr Grainger... definitely not Bill! She gave him a warm welcome and squeezed his hand slightly as she looked him over with a warm smile and an appraising glance as Mr Grainger observed him over a smoking pipe and an opened newspaper, clearly dismissing him as irrelevant... save only as a possible threat to his daughter’s virtue at some future time.

“Emily, show Sam around the house and grounds,” Mary requested. “No lingering either,” she added, subtly warning her daughter against misbehaviour.

“Yes, Mummy. Come along, Sam,” she replied with a grin, telling Mary the message had been heard.

To Sam’s working-class eyes, the house was huge and had clearly been some sort of manor in the past. It now held seven bedrooms and any number of other rooms, including a piped hot water system and indoor plumbing.

“Gosh, it’s wonderful. Much bigger than my home, plus you don’t have to share,” he chuckled.

“Glad you like it, though your house and family are nice too,” Emily replied before showing him the grounds, but not daring to linger alone with him longer to protect her reputation ... even if it was only from her brothers.



Oh, he was so young, yet so handsome, she remembered. Slim, yet athletic, still to fill out, his voice deep and soft, yet occasionally wobbling into a falsetto if surprised. Truly a tempting young Adonis and that temptation had been building for several years as Mary’s libido remained high whilst Bill’s began to wane. He’d been so much older than Mary when they married. Still, he had been a good man and, yes, a good if unadventurous lover. Fortunately, he was also unobservant and focused merely on his job, newspaper, and foul-smelling pipe, with the family following behind in that order. However, Mary did enjoy the aroma of the tobacco when he lit up. Of course, he had no idea that the books Mary devoured at night under the fancy covers were not necessarily those on the cover. Mary had been introduced to literature by her mother, and her selection surprised a young girl. John Cleland’s Fanny Hill, D H Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover and others, Henry Miller's works, and the more prosaic classics. Her mother explained that both men and women had sexual desires and that meeting them and not being surprised by the act of carnal love would stand her daughter in good stead, something Mary was cautiously passing on successfully to her girls.

She had been a good wife, and of that, she was certain; she was faithful too, save in her mind. She remained a virgin until her wedding night and, other than a clumsy and painful start, had found she loved making love and climaxed quickly and also that she enjoyed the closeness of the intimacy after the act, Bill not being a man who rolled off and went to sleep as she’d heard from other friends about their husbands. Four children, two girls, followed by two boys, and an idyllic life in their beautiful home had followed. She had also appreciated the seclusion of the extensive grounds; no peeping Tom neighbours could see through the dense foliage to the open and immaculate and enclosed spaces of her prized flower beds. She had soon taken to walking naked through the warmer days and sunbathing nude in the privacy of what she considered her Eden. However, Bill, she knew, would disapprove. He would not even permit her to see him naked in their bedroom, with him changing into pyjamas in the adjoining bathroom before he joined her. Whilst their lovemaking remained intense in the bedroom, elsewhere, she sadly knew her husband was a prude and lacking now in libido despite her attempts to... encourage him, which he appreciated. Her children, though... well, they adored naturism too and were intelligent enough not to tell their father, nor their friends... at least not after they reached their teenage years when Amanda, her eldest, now 16, had brought her first boyfriend, Jack, home to meet her parents.

That had been... interesting; Mary and her children were used to each other, so there were no sexual undertones. Yet Jack was a stranger, and he had undoubtedly been fascinated by the two girls (and vice versa), and yes, with Mary too, often struggling with an inadvertent erection and spending an inordinate amount of time lying on his stomach as both girls teased and tormented him by flaunting their young budding bodies until, when they pushed the boundaries a little too far, Mary intervened. She had mercy on the young man.

Although nothing had occurred between her and Jack, she had enjoyed the lurid fantasy of imagining a coupling with him as Bill mounted her during the nights after his visits. However, that’s all it remained, a fantasy. Yet the seed had been planted, and Mary knew, given the opportunity, she almost certainly would weaken if given the opportunity to begin teaching a young paramour how to satisfy a woman, perhaps even her daughters, eventually. That was a titillating thought that occasionally drew her nimble fingers down to her centre of pleasure to comfort herself as she sunned herself in the garden. That, however, was as far as it went, so far and yet ... The thought niggled away at her conscience during the nights when Bill, despite her efforts, had failed to rise to the occasion. Plus, she knew that being caught in an affair was a major social faux pas along with the risk of an unwanted pregnancy, though she believed she was now free of that risk as no more children had come along despite her and Bill’s efforts. She was also reasonably sure her children... well, the girls, would disapprove of their mother ‘educating’ their young men... at least not in that way. Yet Sam... Sam was too tempting, both smart, funny and deliciously innocent in his naivety and had proved a significant thorn in her side as her imagination ran rampant with forbidden desire. Yet it had all started innocently enough...



Lunch was, as always, a lively affair. Given the recent news of events in Germany and the British response, there was much to discuss.

“Chamberlain is a good man; he will keep us out of any war in Europe,” Bill pontificated, believing that he was the fount of all knowledge in the family.

“And if Germany desires war?” Ricky, her youngest at only 10, asked, causing her to mask a smile as the young rascal appeared to be wise in ways way beyond his years and ready, willing, and able to wind Bill up.

“Herr Hitler was also a soldier; he will not want war either,” Bill declared pompously.

“Going about it in a strange way then, threatening Czechoslovakia,” Amanda replied, causing Bill to frown, though he knew not to try to silence her. This was one of the few areas in which he and Mary had disagreed, and she had won. The children were free now to speak their minds at dinner, often to Bill’s distress and consternation.

“I reckon ol’ Churchill has it right, we’re heading towards another great war,” George, aged 12, added.

“Man’s a fool warmonger, stirring up the masses!” Bill snorted.

“What do you think, Sam?” Mary asked.

“I reckon if I could predict the future, I’d be a rich and happy man,” he replied nervously but with a shy smile.

“Hah! You have the right of it there, young man; well said,” Bill guffawed, the tension leaving the room.

“Indeed, yes, Sam, well said,” Mary smiled. “Speculation is all very well, but I doubt we have all the facts.”

“Yes, dear,” Bill nodded sagely. “Only time will tell.”

“Right, Amanda and Emily, it’s your turn to do the washing up. George and Ricky, you promised to tidy your rooms yesterday, and they’re still not done. If you expect a trip to Nanna’s and the river tomorrow, then they’d better get done,” Mary commanded, getting a few good-natured grumbles but little else.

“I can help,” Sam piped up.

“No, Sam, you’re a guest, but Emily tells me you can play piano, so perhaps you’d like to go over a few sheets with me before the rest join us?”

“I ... I’d like that.”

“Good, that’s settled. What about you, dear?” she asked Bill.

“I'm Going to move those potted plants from the arboretum to the bedding areas for you, dear. It shouldn’t take long, and they’ll be ready for you tomorrow.”

“Thank you, dear,” Mary replied with a smile, knowing Bill would be a little while as he smoked another pipe and enjoyed a glass of single malt he thought was hidden in the shed next to the greenhouse, or arboretum, as he called it.

“My pleasure.”

“Just you and me, Sam,” she stated brightly as she led the way into the drawing room, where an upright piano stood in the corner, along with a bench seat just wide enough for two.

Mary brought out several sheaves of music for the pair to peruse as laughter drifted through from the kitchen.

“How good is your playing, Sam?” she asked.

“Pretty good, Mrs ... er ... Mary,” he corrected himself nervously.

“Oh, good. Mine’s not so wonderful,” she replied with a smile. Still, if you’re willing, I’m sure we can get the others to sing along with us.”

“I ... I can’t sing so well; my voice wobbles,” he blurted.

“Oh, that’s all right, young man, I understand,” she replied, giving him a spontaneous hug. “Now sit next to me, and we’ll try a few of these,” she added, noticing his intake of breath when her bosom pushed into his chest slightly, making her feel a little wicked.

Initially, Sam seemed a little nervous sitting next to her, though his shyness soon lifted as the music was put on, and Mary patted the bench next to her with a smile.

“I’ll do the bass notes; you do the fancy melody stuff,” she encouraged them as they began to play Jeepers Creepers, which had recently appeared in a movie.

Sam’s nervousness soon calmed as Mary began singing the lyrics to the song at the top of her voice, and he was easily able to keep up with her on the piano. His calm ended somewhat when they began ‘Boomps a Daisy’, and Mary shuffled slightly to bump her hip against him, causing an unfortunate reaction, which he hoped she hadn’t noticed.

However, Mary had noticed, though she chose not to say anything as she didn’t want Sam bolting for the door. Still, from what she could see, it looked fascinating, and she was also interested, she thought with a scandalous internal giggle.

The two girls had meanwhile arrived to see what all the noise was about. When Mary launched into the ‘Lambeth Walk,’ they burst out giggling and singing along. Things again turned awkward for Sam when she finished off with ‘Let’s Fall in Love,’ as he had the feeling she was actually singing it to him.

“Oh, bravo,” Emily squealed out once Mary had finished.

“Thank you, dear, but most of the credit has to go to young Sam here; I just added the words,” Mary replied as Sam blushed in pleasure.

“Yes, well done, Sam,” Amanda added, giving him an appraising look as opposed to the seeming indifference at lunch, where she had tried to appear more worldly due to her age.

“Will you play some more?” Emily asked.

“Yes, but not till after the afternoon news on the BBC National Service. Your father will insist on listening to it,” Mary promised.


“Now, girls, you can help me prepare a supply of a few snacks for later,” Mary requested after glancing down at Sam’s predicament. “Sam, look through the rest of the sheets and see what you can find dear boy,” she added with a smile and a sly wink.

“Yes... Mary,” he almost stammered out.

The family gathered around the radio for the lunchtime news on the National Service to listen to the news as discussion on it was forbidden to prevent any arguments before dinner. After the news, the family usually went out in the garden, played board games, read, or listened to popular tunes on the Regional Service. This afternoon, though, Mary and Sam had the whole family singing along as they played several popular songs, causing much laughter as the girls flashed their knees when they joined in with gusto the rendition of ‘Knees up Mother Brown’. Naturally, for Sam, the sight of the two girls’ shapely legs provoked a reaction, though he believed that, with the piano blocking their view, no one but Mary could notice, and she appeared to have her attention on the music.

Mary, though, had noticed his ‘predicament’ but had decided a crowded room was no place to act upon it. Besides, she thought, the last thing I want to do is petrify the young dear or cause a scandal. Oh, why can I not suppress these desires? He’s such a temptation, and for all it’s wrong, I don’t think I want to stop myself.

Finally, though, the afternoon wore down, and the family began preparations for dinner. Mary moved from the lounge to the kitchen to ensure the range was lit as the girls brought through some juice and dainty cakes.

“Make sure you don’t spoil your dinner,” she warned them, particularly the boys.

“Yes, Mummy,” she got replies from all.

Within half an hour, Sam was helping Mary carry the tray of empty dishes back to the kitchen. He had said his goodbyes to the family and Emily in particular before he returned home.

“Thank you, Sam,” Mary said as the plates were placed in the sink. “It’s been such a fun afternoon, and you played a big part in it.”

“I... I enjoyed it too, Mary,” he replied with a blush. He didn’t appear to know where to put his eyes, as Mary’s dress accentuated her charms as she intended.

“Calm yourself, Sam,” she said gently. “I know the effect the girls and I are having on you, and it’s perfectly all right; there's no need to be embarrassed.”

“You know?” he blurted out, looking horrified.

“I’m a grown woman; of course I know,” she giggled, patting him on the cheek. “I suspect the girls do ... or will soon enough, and no doubt they’ll tease you a little.”

“I can’t stop it,” he whispered hoarsely, feeling utterly mortified.

“You’re young, it’s natural,” she said, calming him. “Just be a little circumspect in front of Bill and the boys. I doubt Bill, at least, will be impressed.”

“Of ... of course.”

“As for me, well, I feel complimented that a charming and very handsome young man sees something in me to desire,” she giggled.

“But, you’re beautiful,” burst out from his lips before he could stop himself.

“Thank you. I may reward you for that compliment at some stage, but not today. There's too much chance we’d be disturbed,” she informed him, her eyes twinkling with promise.

“You m-m-might?” he stuttered, clearly confused at what she was suggesting but wanting it anyway.

“I might, provided you’re a good boy and treat my girls respectfully. As well as being able to keep a secret, even from Emily.”

“I ... I can.”

“Then I’ll bid you goodbye, Sam,” she replied and leaned forward to kiss him softly, brushing his lips slightly with her tongue.

“Ohhhh!” Sam groaned as the sexual tension and the kiss caused him to literally explode in a premature ejaculation in his pants.

“Oops, sorry,” Mary replied with a slight chuckle. “Nip to the loo and wipe yourself down before you go.”

“Yes, Mary,” he replied, blushing furiously.

“Don’t worry about it, Sam, though a pity it went to waste,” she replied with another gentle kiss, leaving him confused as he headed to clean up.

Other than getting a chaste kiss from Emily as she walked him to the gate, nothing else of note happened that day, though Sam felt a whole gamut of emotions and a series of exciting thoughts running through his mind. Overall, though, was the memory of that kiss from Mary and the reaction it had provoked, which was something he’d only just begun to enjoy late at night in the privacy of his bed with some confused thoughts of a very mild sexual nature to do more with kissing Emily than anything else.

Still, he thought, I have an open invitation to visit; I wonder what will happen now?



Chapter 2


“So, how did it go?” Sam’s Dad, Ronald, asked him when he returned home to their two up, two down house near the town centre.

“They were nice, not stuck up at all,” Sam replied thoughtfully.

“Told you, you had nothing to fear,” Ronald chuckled as a rumbling on the stairs announced the arrival of Sam’s younger brother, Gregory.

“Just nerves, I guess, Dad,” Sam nodded.

“I have known Mr Grainger for years. He used to be the chief clerk in the payroll office of the works until he got promoted to a senior position at the head office. He is a bit strict but always willing to help sort out a problem with the wages.”


That was a preview of Grandma Remembers. To read the rest purchase the book.

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