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The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 3

Luke Ozvik


The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 3

By Luke Ozvik

Description: EACH BOOK IS STANDALONE. Imagine a BBC tv documentary series in which ladies explain their desire to have sex with an animal - then are given the opportunity to do it on camera. 300 episodes later, we've had ladies from 18-60, all colours, sexualities and religions, we've even had disabled ladies. Consent is king. All of our ladies are doing it because they want to do it - and all of our dogs feel the same way!

Tags: Bestiality, Fiction, Rough, Consensual, Exhibitionism, Bisexual, Anal, Cuckold, Humiliation

Published: 2024-08-03

Size: ≈ 89,486 Words

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The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 3

by Luke Ozvik

©Copyright 2019 Luke Ozvik



“I’d rather see an overweight, toothless grandmother being fucked hard by an enthusiastic dog and loving it than see the most beautiful supermodel in the world fake it with a disinterested beast. There is nothing that compares to a couple, woman and beast, who are both seriously engaged in the idea of fucking each other.” - Luke Ozvik, 2019

In the aftermath of Brexit, the British government had so many legal issues to resolve, and so many laws to disentangle, that it was inevitable that some loopholes would open up. We spotted one of them, and it was to be a goldmine for us.

We found ourselves with the laws sitting in such a way that there was considerable leeway for shows to be defined as ‘educational material’, and the way they defined the laws regarding bestiality meant that whilst it was illegal to have sex with an animal, it was apparently legal for an animal to have sex with you. Furthermore, whilst it was legal to record yourself doing anything that was legal in the privacy of your own home, it was considered to be illegal to sell that material, but - there was still a question as to whether it was legal to share recorded consensual acts with friends. However, if one could demonstrate that these recordings were educational, rather than pornographic, then an area of confusion would open up, and this created some wonderful opportunities for us.

Meanwhile, the broadcasters we produced shows for were all seeking increasingly titillating and scandalous output. They wanted sex, and they wanted controversy.

We had already successfully pitched our shows, "I Wanna Be A Pornstar" (in which we followed 4 young ladies from around the United Kingdom as they set off together for California to get into the adult entertainment industry), and then the even bigger success that was our show, "Gay For Pay", in which straight members of a studio audience were encouraged to perform homosexual acts in return for cash prizes. People were appalled. They claimed they our shows were disgusting. They kept watching.

We pitched our latest idea for a joke. Even in this strange environment we didn’t think the network would go for it.

The new concept was to find women who wanted to have sex with animals, interview them to find out why, and then give them the opportunity to have sex with a trained animal. We'd record them in the act, then we'd interview them again afterwards to see how the experience was. We pitched that we could get by on the educational angle as we were going deep into the psychology of these women, who they were, why they wanted to do this, what it would mean to them, etc.

The network buyers loved the idea. They were keen to pick it up, and they had a few suggestions of their own. They wanted the women on the show to be presentable. They didn’t have to be beauty queens, but we were expected to avoid what one executive described as “distractingly unattractive types”. One could ask what kind of viewer they thought would tune in to watch a show about bestiality, only to turn-off if they saw an unattractive woman.

They wanted to call it “The United Kingdom of Zoo”, and they wanted to ensure that we covered the whole country. Geographically and demographically. Old and young. Black and white. Married and single. Fat and thin. All religions, all sexualities. All points between.

That’s 65 million people in total. 33 million of them women. 19 million of those between the ages of 18-60, which we had determined to be old enough, and not too old...

Our research indicated that 3% of women fantasize about having sex with an animal, so that’s around 570,000 of those women between 18-60. If only 3% of those were keen to act on their fantasies you’d still have 17,100. If only 3% of those were willing to do it on camera you’d still have 513 subjects.

We went looking for them. We advertised online, in magazines, newspapers, and anywhere else we could think of. “Perverts wanted. Must love animals. Apply here.” Or words to that effect. We didn’t expect to get anywhere near the 513 mark. We were hoping for enough to do a single series at best.

We got hundreds of applications!

Everything from the beautiful teenager who just wanted to be on television and didn’t care what she had to do to get there, to the middle-aged mother of four who had always fantasized about dogs but had never told anyone, to the newly wed bride trying to please her bestiality obsessed husband.

We interviewed them all by phone or Skype, a couple even came to meet us at our production office in Manchester. We were weeding out the dreamers and the cowards, leaving only the most perverted, confident, and brave - the fearless and the shameless. Women who wanted to have sex with animals, and were willing to do it on camera; willing to work without masks or pixelated images to protect their anonymity. Most of them were pleasant enough to look at. Some were stunning. Others were not-so-hot. Stunning or not, all of them wanted to be there. They all had their reasons and because of that within each of them represented a new element of excitement and adventure, fun - and most importantly, passion. How they looked or what age they were didn’t really matter. This was all about what they wanted to do, not what they looked like. A celebration of perversion in the United Kingdom.

We also went on an animal hunt. We were looking for experienced animals with trustworthy owners. Big dogs, we didn’t want anyone to be disappointed. Calm horses, we didn't want anyone to be injured. Energetic boars, we didn't want things to get boring.

Preliminary market research suggested that the bigger and scarier a dog we used, the more likely people would watch. So we opted to focus primarily on dogs. Big, scary dogs.

With a selection of animals in place to share with the ladies of the United Kingdom, we set out to tour the country, to meet these women, to get to know them and understand their fantasies, and to offer them a chance to fulfil their darkest desires and lose their bestial virginity to a well-trained animal - so long as we could record it for broadcast on this show. We thought we’d be on the road for a couple of weeks. We had no idea we’d have so many applicants or that we’d be on the road for years.

When it came time to introduce our guests to the animals, they would sometimes get scared, shy, or ashamed, and they would pull out, but most went through with it. We weren’t interested in the ones who didn’t. We only wanted to show the stories of those who did.

These are their stories...

Series 3, Episode 1: Shannon O’Malley (42), from London


Introducing the Pocket Rocket. She’s short. Less than 5 feet tall, with a nice pair of boobs, hair cut short and blonde, styled into a punky-funky close-cropped style, and thick rimmed, squared off spectacles make her eyes look a little beady. She’s not unpleasant to look at, but she’d be well down the list of “best looking women you’ll see today” on any day.

She sits behind a large reception desk. Her clothes are tight, but smart, plenty of cleavage on show, but not in a distasteful way. She wears a telephone headset and moves non-stop, her fingers dancing on a computer keyboard, as she takes call after call and redirects them quickly and politely to various people within the company (which we don’t ever actually identify).

She speaks in voice-over, very cheery, full of energy and London all the way. “I’m Shannon O’Malley, I’m 42 year old, and I’m a receptionist at a financial clearing house in the City of London.”

We cut to footage of Shannon in exercise gear, running down a canal bank alongside a taller, very fit looking man. Her body doesn’t look like it was designed for running, but she looks pretty comfortable. Her big boobs are strapped down tight in a world class sports-bra.

She continues in voice-over. “I’ve been married to Sean for 8 years. We’ve run all over the world and completed over 30 marathons together.” They run closer, talking to each other as they run. They look happy.

Cut to the two of them at home together. Freshly showered, in matching bath-robes. Sitting infront of a big tv which appears to have a menu of clips from the archive library of ukofzoo.com. They are pointing different pictures out and smiling/laughing, but we can’t hear because Shannon is still speaking in voice-over.

“We’ve got a terrific relationship in every way other than sexual… Sean’s the perfect gentleman, but he doesn’t actually enjoy sex that much… Unless there’s a dog involved with the lady…” As she speaks they select a clip and Sean sits back on the couch whilst Shannon snuggles up alongside him, reaches inside his robe and clearly begins to masturbate his cock whilst they watch the video (incidentally, the video they select is little Hope, the young Irish slut from Series 2).

“Sean would love nothing more than to see me on one of his videos… And I’d love nothing more than to make him happy… And that’s why I’m here today.”

As she talks, and they watch, Sean is straining to maintain control, just as he’s about to blow, Shannon’s head drops from view and into the folds of his bathrobe, swallowing his knob off camera and swallowing everything he’s got as he holds the back of her head in place and holds his breath. His face contorting in a mask of ultimate pleasure.

Cut to the living room of a respectable looking home. Not the home we’ve just been in. A couple are sat on the couch infront of us, a large black dog sat on the floor between their legs.

The wife is wearing a red mini dress, sitting demurely enough so that we can’t see up her skirt. Carol.

The husband is sitting back, like he hasn’t got a problem in the world. Henry.

The long haired black German Shepherd sitting between them cranes his head backward and looks from one to the other as they speak. He’s still young enough to be fascinated by his master’s voices.

Henry, “This is Rebel.”

Carol, “And my name is Carol.”

Henry, “Rebel and Carol have been lovers for around 6 months now.”

Carol, “Henry and I have been lovers for a little longer… “

Henry, “Although I think she enjoys being with Rebel more than with me…”

Carol looks to the sky as if she wants to say that’s not true, but can’t quite bring herself to it.

Henry continues, “but that’s okay… Because I’d rather watch her fuck the dog, than fuck her myself!”

Carol looks sideways at him, then smiles. “Yeah, he’s not wrong. I’d rather fuck the dog than him. I mean, look at the two of them…”

We do. A middle-aged man vs a virile young hound. No competition to any true slut!

“But I’m not greedy.” She says. “I like to share my toys…”

Henry butts in again, “And that’s why we’re here today… To induct another lucky lady into the United Kingdom of Zoo…”

There’s a loud and friendly doorbell sound effect - then a shot of the front door opening, and we can see Shannon, with her bright smile and infectious friendliness standing on the doorstep outside. She’s packed into a tight pair of leather pants and a blouse one size too small for her chest… And her “Hello” is as loud and friendly as the door bell.

Carol welcomes her into the house, and the two of them bond immediately. Friendly, happy, girly chatting as they walk through to the lounge-room.

“How long have you wanted to be fucked by a dog?” Asks Carol.

“Oh, I’m doing it for my husband…” Replies Shannon. “And he’s been talking about it for 4-5 years now… So I suppose I’ve been waiting 4-5 years…” And she enters the living room, “Is he in here then?”

In the living room - Henry is waiting with Rebel, both are very happy to see the new arrival. “Hello there,” says Henry with a wide grin, “you’re Shannon I presume?”

Shannon flashes a huge smile at Henry, then turns her attention to his furry friend, “And you must be Rebel!” Rebel wags his tail.

Cut to - a few minutes later, giggling and chatting the whole time she is stripping. “So you two are married? Didn’t we see you on the show last year? With your friend? I thought you two was lesbians…“ As she’s unbuttoning her top, revealing her bra, small to medium sized breasts trapped inside but trying their best to jump out. “I have to admit I don’t listen to the show much…” Those tight pants, peeled excitedly down her thick legs. “I just watch then I ‘enjoy’ my husband whilst he ‘enjoys’ the show. He prefers them young, but I enjoyed your show…” That bra unclasped, those nicely rounded but not too big boobs springing free - her chest heaving, almost as if the boobs themselves are gasping for air. “He’s going to love this one… Watching me… With him…” She nods toward Rebel as she slips off her panties and kicks them away. A little blonde bush of pubic hair. And now all she’s wearing is her spectacles and a smile. She pauses, “Shall we get started then? My pussy isn’t going to fuck itself!”

Then she’s on her knees, her back very straight, a cheeky little smile on her face as she pushes her spectacles up her nose then reaches out for the German Shepherd, rubbing his head and neck, then taking him by the collar and pulling him over toward her, downwards to, so that he rolls onto his side.

“Now, what can we find to play with here..?” She asks, looking over the top of her glasses to the camera, and then she’s rubbing his belly.

Carol hovers nearby but doesn’t crowd the shot. “If you rub his sheath, then just get a good grip on him… It’ll already be getting hard in there…” Shannon follows the instructions, she doesn’t really need them, she’s watched enough videos with hubby. As she takes hold of the sheath, gripping the shaft within, she gives it a little wank, and asks, “Is this enough?”

Carol advises her to give it a little more energy, a little faster… Shannon does as she’s told, and all of a sudden there’s a little red lipstick tip sticking out of the black furry sheath and Rebel is wriggling around as if he wants to get to work.

Shannon’s face is a picture of awe and amazement as she jerks Rebel's cock toward a full erection. She struggles to suppress a wide smile as she says, “Oooh, he’s getting much bigger now…”

She leans forward and takes a closer look at his growing cock… A very close look. She picks a stray dog hair off his wet shaft, then rubs a finger gently against the tip of his cock… She looks into camera and says “This one’s for you, babe…”, and after flashing a quick smile at the camera she suddenly leans forward and takes the cock in her mouth. She sucks hard and fast, bouncing her head on it the way she sucks her husband. It doesn’t do much for Rebel, but he’s a male with a woman’s mouth around his cock so he doesn’t complain… He just lays there, looking around, and lets her keep sucking until she feels she’s done enough.

After a couple of minutes of sucking on the dog’s cock she feels that it’s probably big enough to have some real fun with, and she pulls her face back from it and gets a good close look at what’s she’s helped make… The cock is about six inches long, and about six inches from her face - and the occasional jet of pre-cum is already squirting out. One of them hits her on the forehead, the next gets one lens of the spectacles….

She sits upright to check out her handywork. Rebel is still on his back with that good six inches, maybe more, of purple cock sticking out of his sheath - begging to be used… Shannon looks up at Carol to make sure she’s doing okay… “Can I ride him?” She asks.

Cut to a moment later as she throws a leg over the Rebel’s belly and positions herself above his big hard cock. Carol can’t resist moving in to help Shannon keep her balance - partly to help, partly to protect her dog. Shannon holds the dog’s cock upright and runs the tip up and down her pussy lips, then lowers herself onto it with a long slow gasping moan… “Ooooooohhhhh, that’s quite nice, actually…” She says, as if she’s surprised that a dog cock could feel so good.

Shannon begins to rise and fall on the dog’s cock, riding the animal gently so as not to panic the it. Carol finds herself crouching behind Shannon, so does the only thing she can do - reaching around to play with the other woman’s boobs, squeezing them, cupping them, pinching the nipples, as the cockney whore rides the beast.

Carol is still wearing that little red dress - but it’s tight enough, and short enough, that there isn’t a lot left to the imagination… Especially when she’s on the floor and we can see that she’s not bothered with panties today.

Henry sits on the couch to the side and smiles. He doesn’t want to ruin the moment, but he can’t resist commenting. “The only thing better than watching your wife with a dog, is watching your wife and another woman with a dog…”

On the floor infront of him, his wife is still supporting Shannon’s boobs as she kneels astride the German Shepherd, its cock buried in her cunt. She’s building up a good rhythm now - holding his cock by the base and pumping it into her pussy as she rises and falls. She’s completely in control of the speed and depth of the strokes - and she’s making the best of it… Quickly wank fucking herself toward her first orgasm of the day. Mmmnnnnn, mmmnnnnn, mmmnnnnnn… Then - just as she is about to come, Carol grabs her hair and pulls her head to the side, then plants a big wet kiss on her dog-fucking guest. Shannon isn’t into women, but the surprise lesbian kiss is perfectly timed to combine with the dog wank and take her over the top to that orgasm.

Shannon leans forward until she is on hands and knees astride the dog - as she leans forward the dog’s big cock slips out of her cunt… A stream of cum is about to follow it, but Carol buries her face in her guest’s pussy before it can, hungrily slurping up all those lovely doggy juices.

Once her mouth is full, Carol stumbles around to Shannon’s face and leans into her, pointing at her own mouth. Shannon gets the hint, putting her head back and opening her mouth. We hurry to get out cameras into the right position to capture the shot - and get there just in time to get a close-up of Carol snowballing the dog’s jism right into Shannon’s mouth. Shannon swallows the lot, licking her lips to gather up any drops that missed her mouth.

Shannon looks up at Carol, then back at the dog, and sighs, “That was actually pretty good… I’m glad I came…”

Carol laughs a little, “Oh, you’re not done yet, love… Rebel hasn’t really had his fun yet. As far as he’s concerned that was just foreplay!”

“Oh really..?” Asks Shannon with a smile, evidently quite happy that there’s more to come…

She raises a leg and lets Rebel roll out from under her - his big cock bouncing around under his belly as he gets to his feet. Shannon watches as he walks around to her side. “Is he going to fuck me, then? Are you going to fuck me?” She asks, her voice rising in pitch as she gets more excited. “I fucked you, do you want to fuck me now?”

And with that, Rebel dives in, his black snout right up between her butt-cheeks and upper thighs, his big hot tongue working both lips and up in between the cheeks of her arse... Shannon gasps and moans, using one hand to fondle her own boobs, the other to support herself. The dog keeps licking her - a routine that Carol has spent many hours teaching him. Lick the pussy, lick the arse, lick everything in the area, just don’t stop licking…

He licks over her arsehole, ovver and over - again and again, his hot tongue exploring the area in a way no man could ever hope to match. Slippery and wet and very very dirty! This unexpected oral pleasuring takes her quickly to her second orgasm of the day - this time making her shake all over and break into a full body sweat. Then he stops… And before she can recover, he mounts her… Rebel is ready to fuck!

He mounts her from behind, grips her, angles his hindquarters towards hers… And before he can start pumping at her, Carol reaches in and guides his cock home in one well practised move. His big doggy cock spreading her well lubed pussy again as he slides deep into her in one perfectly smooth slippery moment. Burying his meat deep in Shannon’s warm pussy.

Shannon gasps and moans throughout without managing to form a single word. Her round tits rubbing against the floor as she takes the beast’s best pounding. Her arse in the air, but she’s so small that this German Shepherd still towers over her. Fucking her. Hard and fast…

It’s not long before he’s pushing up even tighter behind her, his paws gripping under her belly, claws pinching skin, as he forces the base of his cock right up against the entrance of her cunt. His knot, that ugly fat baseball sized hunk of gristle at the base of his shaft, sliding into her - expanding within her - locking them together until… Whenever this ends. This moment is captured perfectly in a side-on shot, with Shannon turning her head toward the camera at just the right moment for us to see the look of painful pleasure all over it.

And then he’s tied to her. Locked in place. Standing over her. This little lady under this big dog. Her pale flesh under his black fur… With Carol hovering behind the action, stroking the dog with one hand and her own boobs with the other. Looking from the action to her husband, asking him if he’s enjoying the show. Henry confirming that he is - unable to resist asking “did you two want to have another little kiss?”

Both woman smirk a little at him. Carol sounds off, “You’ve got a complete stranger naked on your living room floor, with a dog on her back and his knot in her cunt… And you want to see a little kiss? Bloody hell, men!” And then she leans in and gives Shannon an open mouthed kiss anyway. Shannon seems happier enough to take it. She’s so strained by the knot in her pussy that any distraction is welcome!

Seven minutes later - we watch in glorious close-up as Rebel’s big knot stretches Shannon’s pussy to the max, then slips out. He backs away and the rest of his cock slops out of her pussy. Dog spunk dribbling out of her. Carol reaches down and catches a handful - which she brings up, and rather than offering it to Shannon, she simply smears the wet palm all over the Londoner’s face, leaving her with a shining visage and a humiliated expression. “Not fair!” She says… “I thought I was getting another drink!”

She rolls over onto her back, her legs spread wide apart, her fingers exploring her well fucked pussy. Gathering what cum is left between her lips on her fingers, then sucking them one at a time before returning for more. She breaths hard and looks up at Carol. “Is that it now?”

Carol looks at Rebel, who has walked away slowly and laid down infront of an electric heater. :Yeah, he’s had enough… We won’t be hearing from him again for a couple of hours. He likes a sleep afterwards… Just like him.” She says, nodding toward Henry.

Both women give a knowing laugh at Henry - but he couldn’t care less after the floorshow he’s just had.

Later, still naked, sweaty and covered in little black dog hairs, one lens of her spectacles still smeared with dog cum, Shannon sits on the floor infront of the electric heater - stroking Rebel, who is fast asleep.

“He was very nice.” She says, “I’m sure Sean will get a huge thrill when he sees this. I enjoyed making it a lot more than I thought I would… I can see why women do it… It’s - electric!”

Do you think you’ll do it again?

“If it makes him horny, and if I get a decent fuck out of it, I’ll certainly consider trying it again - maybe with him in the room as well… I’m sure he’d really like to fuck me whilst I suck on a dog…

We’re sure he would too.

Fade out.

And fade back for the catch-up video. Shannon and Sean walking arm in arm in the streets of London.

Shannon speaks in voice-over. “Things have been pretty good with Sean lately. If I want a fuck all I have to do is put on the clips of me with Rebel and Carol and he’s more than happy to service me. I think I’d like to do a dog infront of him… I know he’d enjoy that.”

She continues, “Unfortunately, my employers are quite conservative, and once my show went to air they decided that I was not representing them in the best light… So I’ve lost my job… But I think it was worth it in the end. I’m closer to Sean, and I’ve got a new hobby, and that’s all that really matters, innit?”

We fade out for another show.

Series 3, Episode 2: Jess Duffy (19) from Stoke


This week we’re in Stoke in the north-west of England. It’s a beautiful summers day and we’re at a large public park. We watch children playing, couples young and old walking hand-in-hand, a family playing cricket, and of course, people taking their dogs for walks. Amongst them all, there’s a slim young woman, dressed like an explosion in a charity shop, taking photographs with a big camera.

When she lowers the camera we see a pleasant, angular face… Thin lips, minimal make-up, dark hair to her shoulders just a little greasy. You could say she’s going for the natural look, but in reality she’s not ‘going’ for any look, just not that bothered about being ‘pretty’.

Take off her platform boots and she’d struggle to top 5 foot, and beneath ripped jeans, t-shirt and baggy jacket, we can tell that she’s also very slim.

We hear her in voice-over as she snaps off more shots. She sounds very young. Almost totally naïve. “My name is Jess Duffy and I’m from Stoke-on-Trent. I’m 19 years old, and I’m studying photography, and I’ve wanted to have sex with a dog ever since I first saw your show.”

Cut to Jess talking direct to camera in her bedroom. The décor is quite dark, but with a hundred photos stuck to the wall. No posters - everything is Jess’s own work. Urban decay, dead animals, nature at its worst.

“My parents didn’t even know what the show was about when it started, so I was allowed to watch. By the time they looked up from their magazines Layla was already sucking on that dog’s cock… And I was hooked!” She smiles.

Cut to Jess’s mother, in the kitchen. “We were shocked. We couldn’t believe they would show that on the BBC. We made her turn it off right away, but the questions had already started.”

Her father, interviewed in the living room. “She was only 17. My big worry was her getting pregnant and ruining her life… Or, because she never seemed interested in boys, I was nervous she might be a lesbian… And then all of a sudden she’s asking all these questions about bestiality… Is it legal? Is it safe? Is it humane? I didn’t have a bloody clue.”

Back to Jess in her room, “I masturbated myself to sleep that night thinking about being with a dog… I’ve masturbated just about every night since thinking about the same thing. They didn’t want me to watch the show, they wouldn’t let me near the tv on a Friday night… So I just streamed it on my computer… I loved it. I’d sit there and masturbate whilst I watched it.”

Back to her mother, “I walked into her bedroom one evening, and sitting watching her computer, she’s got her legs wide apart and she’s touching herself whilst some tart is on the screen with a dog on her back… I didn’t know where not to look… I just backed out and said nothing.”

Her father, “Jess started asking us if she could apply to be on the show when she turned 18… We thought she’d grow out of it. So we were like ‘when you’re 18, when you’re 18…’”

Jess, “I applied on my 18th birthday! I couldn’t wait another day…”

Her mother, “She was so disappointed when she wasn’t selected. I remember the night that Irish tart was on, Jess was devastated. She wanted to be the first teenager on.”

How did that make you feel?

“I was heartbroken.” Her face drops as she remembers the moment of rejection. “It was all I wanted to do. I’d even told my friends that I was going to be on the show. I couldn’t wait.”

Back to her mother, “Obviously I didn’t want her to have sex with a dog… Certainly not on television for everyone to see… But by the time she applied, we knew she wasn’t going to be talked out of it. We just wanted her to be happy.”

Her father, “Other girls her age are getting into drugs, having babies, or just drinking themselves into oblivion… I was almost relieved that she had such a specific idea of fun. She had talked about buying a dog, but we could stop that. Then she talked about using a friend’s dog, or a stray, and we had to steer her TOWARD your show…”

Mother, “After she got turned down the first time, we figured she might never get picked - and at least if she was picked, she’d be safe, and well taken care of… And happy. And that’s all a parent really wants.”

Back with Jess. Sitting cross legged on the bed, smiling expectantly into the camera.

How do you feel right now?

“Excited. It’s like Christmas Eve… Except I know my present is exactly the one I want, and it’s coming now… And it’ll get to unwrap me!!” She smiles. It’s a smile that really lights up her relatively plain face.

Outside… Walking down the street toward us in slow motion. A fat, balding man, and his dog… The man is Dennis. We haven’t seen him before, nor have we seen this animal on the show. Sleek, black, mean. Huge jaws and pointy ears. He looks like the hound of Dracula himself. A near perfect example of a Doberman Pincher. Tall and slim, around 70 lbs, and with an amazing shiny coat.

The man’s voice is croaky and southern, like Ray Winstone after swallowing broken glass, “The ‘ound of ‘ell, the beast from the east end.. Don’t let the looks fool ya, he’s a lover not a fighter… A licker not a biter… He’s a rock ‘ard, go ‘ard, take you in the back yard, mean muvva-fucker… He’ll fuck your sister, your wife and your daughter if he gets the chance too. All the way from East ‘am… I give you…” Now they are right up to the camera with the dog ‘posing’, his teeth bared, heaving against his chain… “Casanova the Fird.”

Cut to Dennis sitting in the living room of Jess’s home, with Casanova sitting and panting at his feet. Jess’s father is in his armchair, her mother standing behind him. Father looks bemused, mother looks scared and is clearly keeping the chair (and her husband) between herself and the dog.

“Don’t worry… He won’t attack… Casanova’s comes from a long-line of lady-lovers…”

Cut to Jess, in her bedroom, undressing infront of the mirror. She isn’t a glamour-girl, but she doesn’t look too bad. As her clothes come off we see her slight, pale, frame - she’s very slim, but has surprisingly large boobs almost spilling out of her black bra.

From now on we cut back and forward between her undressing, Dennis telling his story, and various photos - beginning with a picture of a younger, slimmer Dennis with his wife, maybe 20 years ago, posing alongside a proud looking Doberman, Casanova I. The wife is ok looking but nothing special, Casanova I is magnificent. “When my wife, god bless ‘her, was young, she ‘ad a real fing for dogs, and I didn’t mind at all… We bought the first Casanova and trained ‘im up from a puppy. He used to do her every other day. I didn’t get mine until she was finished wif ‘im.”

Cut to Jess as she removes her bra, her big boobs sag a bit more than you’d expect for a teenager, big nipples are erect. She lifts them and pushes them together, checking herself in the mirror.

Another picture - this time an older, rounder couple, both Dennis and his wife, with Casanova I and another black beast, a juvenile… Casanova Jr. “We used to advertise Casanova in the local paper for breedin’. Some women got the right idea and we made some good friends. Casanova especially. Sometimes people would get the wrong idea, and they’d pay us to let Casanova impregnate their dogs. When he was starting to get on we took one of his puppies as payment for breedin’. My wife trained that little fella up too. When Casanova ‘retired’, Junior took over.”

Back to Jess - now pulling her jeans down. Skinny legs, slightly bony hips. Not too skinny, but no curves down below.

Another picture - this time much more recent, a middle aged Dennis and his wife, maybe only 1-2 years ago. Again with two Dobermen. One older the other younger. Casanova Junior, and Casanova the Third. “Jump forward another 6 or 7 years, and we did it again… Along comes Casanova the Fird. My wife, bless her, she passed away last year. She was sick for a while, her last wish was that we apply for the show and give Casanova’s legacy to the world. So ‘ere we are.”

Back to Dennis and Casanova in the living room. “He’s five years old. He trained better than any dog we’ve seen on the show, and he’s ready to blow your little girl away!”

The parents look shell-shocked. Then we hear Jess’s voice from upstairs. “I’m ready…”

Dennis stands, nodding and smiling to Jess’s parents as he exits the room with Casanova at his side, leaving them looking a little stunned.

Your only child is about to have sex with that dog… How does that make you feel?

Her mother looks for words, but they don’t come.

Father, “I think it’s safe to say we aren’t the happiest parents in Stoke.”

Upstairs, in Jess’s dark bedroom, the skinny, pale, teenage tart is sitting on the corner of her bed in nothing but a pair of white bikini brief panties. A nervous smile on her face as the sound of dog’s feet on the stairs gets closer… Then Casanova enters the room - all sleek and scary looking - and Jess falls in love at first sight!

“Oh my God, he’s gorgeous… I want his poster on my wall…”

“You’re going to get more than his poster, darlin’!” Chuckles Dennis.

She looks over at Dennis with a smile as she slips off the bed onto the floor so she can kneel next to the beast. Stroking him, nervously at first, then with a little more confidence. Dennis never lets the dog off his chain. Casanova leans against Jess as she strokes him, asserting his superiority over her. She seems to like the feel of his short hair against her body.

Without any prompting she reaches under his belly and starts to fondle his sheath. “Is this okay?” She asks, not waiting or caring what the answer might be. Dennis chuckles again, “I don’t see Casanova complaining…”

Jess chews her bottom lip as she leans forward for a better grip, jerking the dog’s cock in little bursts as his hairy back rubs against her big boobs. She looks up into camera and says, “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this…”

Downstairs, her parents wait in silence. Father still in his armchair, mother now sitting on the couch. They don’t watch tv, or read, or talk… Just sitting in silence.

Back up in Jess’s bedroom, with her jerking and fondling the dog’s cock to an erection.

How does that feel?

“Hot…. And hard…. And big…. Bigger than my boyfriend…” She smiles and keeps fondling. The tip of Casanova’s cock already showing, a pink bullet of pleasure, all slick and shiny with pre-cum. He’s still standing beside her, leaning into her, and she can’t actually see what she’s playing with, only feel it.

How do YOU feel?

She looks past the camera to the producer asking the question. The smile so wide she may need a surgeon to remove it. “I’m so fucking happy!” She jerks him some more, then looks from the director to the Dennis and back… “Can I suck it? Is that okay?”

Dennis says Casanova loves having his cock sucked, so she’s more than welcome. Just remember to be gentle, and Jess slips down even further so that she’s almost laying down on the floor, her big boobs spreading and resting wide on her narrow chest. She’s now looking up at his cock. Getting a good look for the first time… And, “It’s HUGE!” she gasps, the smile still wide. It’s inches from her face and she obviously can’t wait to get closer.

She opens her mouth wide and inches closer - taking her time, milking the moment… The tip is in her mouth, but she’s still not making contact with it. She’s fighting another smile… Deeper into her mouth until she can’t resist any longer. She closes her lips around it, her eyes closing too as she moans her satisfaction… She lays there with the cock in her mouth, sucking but not bothering to move her head, one hand slipping down between her thighs to work her clit, finger tip rubbing little circles around her spot. Her eyes closed and flickering as she imagines God-knows-what.

The dog’s cock grows to a full erection in no time at all, hanging down lower and lower. Jess starts to pull it down into her mouth, pumping it toward her rather than her head toward it. Letting her lips drag along the fat shaft of his cock - making slurping noises as she works it. Pausing occasionally to swallow what’s in her mouth and catch her breath - then she’s back to it... The room is silent save for the slurping sounds and an occasional low moan from the teenager.

We cut to downstairs, her mum and dad still sitting in the loungeroom. Waiting. Looking up at the ceiling. Her mum says, “I wonder what she’s up to now..?” Her dad shakes his head, “We don’t want to know, dear.”

Back to the bedroom, Jess pulling the cock from her mouth, smiling as he squirts little jets of cum onto her face. His near 8 inch member throbbing just before each squirt. Her tongue out on her chin to catch the next jet… Then back into her mouth to swallow it… Mmmmmmm.

She pulls it clear again and looks up at Dennis. “I want to have sex with him… Can I have sex with him? Now… I want him inside me…”

Back to the loungeroom, Charley sitting with Jess’s parents, iphone in hand - reading an incoming message. “Jess is about to have sex with the dog now…” Jess’s mother looks appalled, on the edge of tears, holding a hand to her mouth. Her father looks more resigned to fate.

Cut to - Jess on her bedroom floor, on her haunches, pushing at the dog. Shoving him and letting him push back at her, his sleek body pushing against hers. She laughs, turning toward the Doberman and letting his big wet tongue slop over her face a couple of times, her big mouth open, opening wider, offering the inside to him - her cum-flavoured tongue out on her chin again as he licks at her.

She rolls forward onto hands and knees and crawls around, looking at Casanova the whole time. Offering him her arse, wiggling it, patting her bum with one hand whilst taking the weight on the other. Calling him. Tempting him.

Casanova is prancing around her. He knows what she’s offering, and he knows he wants it. That’s obvious to everyone… He’s just picking his moment…

“Come oonnnnnn!” She moans impatiently. “Why won’t you fuck meeeeee?!”

And then he does… Rising to mount her rear end - his big front paws wrapping around her little waist, his hind feetgrinding against the carpet, inside then outside her calves as he attempts to line himself up with her pussy - and he's thrusting at her, trying to get his big cock on target. Jess is smiling broadly, looking very happy with herself, loving what she’s doing… Living in the moment.

His cock poking around between her skinny thighs, prodding at her pussy lips which are pink and inviting.

Dennis steps in to advise her to change angle, but she does it instinctively - lowering her belly, angling her back, pushing her pussy backwards, the lips spreading just a little to reveal pink flesh within… She’s smiling at both ends now.

Casanova pulls himself closer, wrapping his front legs tighter around this teenage sex machine, pushing his cock right up against her pussy, the tip almost hitting the bullseye - then… Between the lips, sliding inside, slipping deep… And Jess is fucking SCREAMING with delight.

Back in the lounge-room - Jess’s parents both looking up at the ceiling, reacting to the sound of their daughter’s wailing and moaning… We can hear her through the floor - “Ooooh fucking yes… Fuck me…. Fuck me…”

Now in the bedroom - and it’s much louder. “Fuck me…. Oh fuck my cunt… Fuck me…” She doesn’t stop… Neither does Casanova - long hard fast strokes - his big cock pounding into her young cunt. Her big titties jiggling and swinging under her.

He goes on, and on, and on. Furiously fucking this tight pussied teenager - his front paws scratching at her hips and thighs and the rear paws scraping her calves… Her fucks her hard and fast as she screams and moans, swearing like a trooper - “Oh fuck my fucking cunt you fucking fucker!”

She’s building up a head of steam, her face turning red, her teeth together as she continues her tirade… She bucking back against him… Sweating. Gasping… Losing her breath. Building toward the most intense moment of her young life…

And then she stops swearing - stops talking… Just grits her teeth and lets out a long, slow, growl until… She’s screaming… “OOooooooohhhh ffuuuurruuuccckkkkk - I’m cumming… I’m cumming…!”

Back downstairs - her parents still looking up at the ceiling, now holding hands, both looking very apprehensive.

In Jess’s bedroom - she’s a shaking, shivering, sweating mess with a wide open mouth… Casanova is a short haired, perfectly toned, brown and black beast - and they are locked together by his hot hard cock… Locked - because in all the excitement his knot has formed in his pussy and clamped them together.

She is being stretched out like never before as his knot fills her cunt. And he's no longer fucking her - he's just standing over her, locked into her. His cock throbbing inside her. His arse twitching under his docked tail - letting us know that he’s shooting juice right into her belly. She’s still working her clit with one hand, rubbing hard in little circles with ring and index fingers. Rubbing hard as the dog's knot continues to stretch out her pink pussy. Biting her bottom lip, still gasping and moaning as she enjoys the tail end of her body-shaking orgasm.

Casanova tries to back away from Jess, turns away, twists around, pulling her with him by his big fat knot in her tight little snatch. “Aaahhhhh-oooohhhh-ffuucckkk!” - all of the twisting and turn results in them ending up arse-to-arse, still connected by that 8 inch tool of his.

We keep this all in a wide-angle, taking in the beauty of the scene. Teenage brunette with big tits hanging down trying to catch her breath - big Doberman panting as he tries to catch his. Both of them on all fours, facing opposite directions. Doing nothing, but loving every second of it.

Casanova begins to lose interest - his job is done and he’s ready for a rest. He starts pulling away, but his orange sized knot provides plenty of resistance. She pulls her thighs together, keeping her pussy as tight as possible to keep him in place. “No boy…. I want more of your cock… I’m still having fun…” She reaches back between her legs to try and hold his knot inside her pussy lips - but it’s too late…

There's a loud slurping, fizzing sound as his big knot pulls clear of her, his watery cum dribbling out over her fingers, as his cock slops out of her. She holds her hand over her pussy, letting the palm fill with his cum. She brings the hand up to her mouth, sucking the juices from her palm, then licking it clean, smiling at the camera and then sucking her fingers clean.

Casanova turns around, coming right back at her cunt - but this time he doesn’t mount her, he just digs his snout between her thighs and starts to lick his cum from her. She gasps again, “Oooohhhhh goooood boy!” She gasps as his tongue does magic tricks in her pussy. He keeps licking, and licking, and licking. Every drop of his cum, and all the pussy juices she’s generating. Licking her and loving it. Her loving it to. Shaking. Another orgasm beginning to burn out from between her legs. Her face flushing red again, that smile wide over her face again.

By the time they are finished she's exhausted, sweaty, and baring scratches on her legs, hips and belly… She rolls over onto her back and lays on the floor with her thighs open and her well fucked pussy on display for the camera.

Casanova stumbles away and flops on the floor to clean his own cock. Dennis crouches next to him and rubs his head and shoulders telling him he’s a “good boy… gooooood boyyyyyy”

Jess wipes cum, sweat and hair from her face as she catches her breath. She smiles into camera and blows out her cheeks. Happy and well satisfied.

Back to the lounge-room. Jess’s parents sitting on the couch - still looking up. Her father, “I haven’t heard anything for a while…”. Her mother, “They must be finished… Apparently she’s not the quiet type!”

Then there’s a thudding sound on the stairs and the door opens revealing a still stark naked, skinny, big boobed, sweaty and scratched up teenager with a huge smile on her face. “Mum… Dad… We’ve GOT to get a dog!”

Her parents jump up with variations of “cover yourself up, young lady” and “oh dear, are you alright… You’re bleeding…”

Catch-up interview: Jess walking around the park with her camera. It’s obviously some time later because she has now adopted a much lighter, more feminine look. She’s taking pictures of something off-camera.

She speaks to camera as she takes the pictures, “At first, mum and dad wouldn’t let me get a dog, but after the show went to air I walked in on my dad watching my performance and having a wank, he was so embarrassed he told me I could have any dog so long as I didn’t tell mum…”

We cut to see that she’s taking pictures of a large grey Weimaraner dog. We then cut to images of her sitting on the grass as the dog comes over and nuzzles her, spreading slobber over her face as he gives her a friendly lick… Even in public she can’t resist opening her mouth and letting him lick inside, his slimy jowels wetting her face as he ‘kisses’ her. She laughs as she pulls away from him and wipes the slobber off her face.

“About a month after I got him I caught mum giving him a blowjob… She claims she was just curious and it was her first time… But I think she’s done it more than once! She begged me not to tell dad… I suppose both of their secrets are out of the bag now!”

Cut to Jess’s mum and dad sitting at opposite ends of the couch, looking in opposite directions. They both look as if they are searching for the right thing to say. Neither says anything, and we fade to black.

Series 3, Episode 3: Madeline Dyer (31) from Liverpool

So far in this series we’ve had a skinny emo teenager with big boobs, and a slightly overstuffed punky blonde… We’re due a good looking lady - and here she is…

We focus on a married couple walking hand-in-hand along the Albert Dock in Liverpool.

She’s short and very pretty without being stunning. The kind of lady who looks good in the street but would disappear if you stood her next to a model. Her long and thick reddish brown hair hangs way below her shoulders, and her big black coat gives no indication to what kind of body she might have.

Her husband is much taller, and much much wider, with a big bushy beard and a lot of dark hair. He’s got a big coat on too, but it’s pretty obvious that he’s a big guy under that.

They’re obviously very much in love.

She speaks in voice-over as they walk. Her Scouse accent is soft, nicely spoken, and has a pronounced lisp. “My name ith Madeline Dyer, I’m 31 yearth old, I’m married to Nick. He ownth a bar in the middle of Liverpool. I uthed to work behind the bar, but he preferth to keep me away from the animalth, ath he callth them… But today, I’ll be getting clother to a real animal than I’ve ever been.”

Cut to the pair of them in close-up. The Mersey River behind them. Nick smiles as she talks.

Madeline - “My main reathon for doing thith today ith Josh… He’s a fantathtic fella, and he’th alwayth been turned on by dogthex videoth. He’th been begging me to come on your thow ever thinth it began.” She grabs Nick’s arm and holds him close as she makes a joke, “I’ve been having thex with thith big teddy bear for yearth, tho a dog thouldn’t be anything too thcary!”

How will you feel if the customers at your bar see the show?

Nick speaks with a deep voice. Even speaking quietly, it rumbles. “I’ll be showing it at the bar. I’ll make an evening of it. Get Maddie to work behind the bar again, let everyone see what a special one I’ve got. I know I’m the luckiest man in Liverpool, everyone else should know it too!”

And we’ll be shooting the scene IN your bar, is that correct?

“Yes, I want to be able to point over at where they do it and tell everyone in the bar that ‘that’s where my beautiful wife got fucked by the dog!”

And how do you feel about that, Madeline?

Madeline shrugs, cracking a little smile. “I feel good… I like that he’th proud of me. I only want to make him happy.”

Cut to - outside “TRIPLE FANTASY”, a trendy looking winebar in the middle of Liverpool. Nick unlocks the doors and we follow him in with a handheld camera, passing three big framed paintings on the wall, one of Beatles legend John Lennon, one of Liverpool legend Steve Gerrard, and one of legend in his own mind Nick… Nick tells us that, “Maddie painted these… She’s brilliant, isn’t she?” We don’t argue, the pictures are all very accurate.

Into the bar, Nick turns the lights on and the whole room is lit up… Madeline walks to the middle of the floor, turns to face us and holds her arms out as if to say, ‘Here we are!”

Nick points to where she’s standing. “I fell in love with her right on that spot… We’ve got a bit of a tradition here, like an initiation. Our bar manager is a lesbian and an exhibitionist, and part of her bonus is that she gets to fuck all the new bar staff… She only hires girls she finds attractive… So I’m watching Maddie and her going at it, right there on the floor, they were doing a 69 right there, and there was something about the way she looked going down on Andrea… I must have seen a dozen girls doing that, but none of them made me feel the way I did watching Maddie…”

Madeline is grinning and looking shy at the same time. “I like to think I’m good at thex - I’m very energetic… I like it. I have a very thenthative puthy, it doethn’t take much to get me off…”

And do you think a dog will get you off?

Madeline and Nick look at each other and exchange evil little grins. “If he’th a big dog and he lathts more than a minute I’ll be in heaven…”

Fade to a black screen. Pause. Then the beat kicks in. An instrumental cut of Staying Alive, by the Bee Gees. Fade up and there’s Mr Stamina himself - Samson… He’s walking proudly, head held high, the video edited so that he’s perfectly in step with the music.

His big mottled brown and white body, those long legs, his huge head and paws, tongue hanging out. A happy beast, but a damn frightening one too.

With him, consciously walking in time with the beat, Greg his young owner, with a pep in his step, looking pretty cocky. He speaks rather than sings… “You can tell by the way he uses his walk, that he’s a woman’s dog - no time to talk… Music loud and women warm, he’s been fucking them since he was born…” He smiles at his own lyric, then shrugs and moves on with his introduction. “This is Samson… He’s a 6 year old German Pointer, and an expert lover of ladies… Me and Samson here, we’re looking for love in all the right places... And here’s one of those places now…”

Cut to Triple Fantasy, after dark, with a bar full of patrons. ‘Staying Alive’ is playing over the bar’s sound system and everyone appears to know what’s going on. Although it’s not a strip club and doesn’t traditionally have dancers, everyone has cleared the floor to make room for Madeline, who is performing a dance, and already stripped to her underwear.

She has a tight little body and surprisingly large boobs which wobble and jiggle in her bra, threatening to jump out with every move she makes. She tries to look sensual, but every time she turns to face the bar she can see Nick and cracks a smile.

She’s a pretty good dancer, and even the ‘off’ steps are fine, because we (and the bars patrons) are just happy to see her clothes coming off. She smiles to herself, and to the crowd, as she reaches behind her back to unhook her bra, removing it in tantalising stages - not letting us see her naked chest until the last possible moment. Bra off they look pretty damned good too! Full and natural, sagging a little under their own weight, but looking as good as a 31 year old’s tits can look - which is pretty bloody good!

She spins around, fingers running through her long hair, her chest out - moving closer to the crowd, some of whom reach out to grope her boobs. She doesn’t stop them, making an effort to present those puppies to anyone who wants to cop a feel. Male and female - everyone likes a nice pair of boobs!

She shakes her finger and backs away to the middle of the floor, then when she’s absolutely positive that every eye in the room is on her - she pulls her panties down around her ankles, then steps out and kicks them across the floor toward Nick. Her pussy is a perfectly trimmed little landing strip, barely an inch wide. Dark, unlike the reddish brown on her head (and over her shoulders).

She’s an impressive sight - she could make a living at this… So impressive in fact that no-one has noticed Samson and Greg arriving and slipping in behind the crowd - even though Samson is dancing around, excited rather than scared by the loud music. But now they see him as Greg unhooks him from his chain and sends him toward the naked woman…

Madeline sees the dog coming and skips backwards a little, her broad smile cracking into a short, excited laugh. “Oh God..!” She giggles. The patrons standing around in a circle have gone very quiet, and the music has ended too, so everything that is said, every noise that is made is suddenly quite clearly audible.

She drops to her haunches, knees out wide, and leans forward to stroke and fuss over the big German Pointer. His short brown and white hair and muscular body next to her tanned flesh and curves. He’s pushing his big head against her, sniffing her, trying to lick her. She’s not keen for a kiss so tries to keep her face away from him.

He suddenly moves forward, half rearing up to mount her - from infront - but ultimately just knocking her backwards and over onto her back. She tumbles down and ends up with her legs spread. Samson sees his chance - burying his face in the most oderous part of her anatomy. The sweet smelling and quite delicious looking pussy…

She laughs, his tongue tickling her as much as thrilling her - for now… He buries his snout in there, his hot tongue working her cunt like a professional. Her giggles soon turn to gasps and she spreads her legs wider and wider to allow him full access to her wet snatch. Her fingers holding the top of his head, gently, she likes touching fur whilst this is happening.

The patrons close in just a little to watch what she’s up to next. Likewise, Nick is using his vantage point to get the best view possible of his diminutive wife with the oversized beast.

Building toward the inevitable orgasm - closer every second, every lick, every wet slopping sound as his tongue slops back into his mouth between licks… She only needs a few more seconds of his hot tongue… Breathing hard, trying to control herself… Her big tits sitting on an ever expanding rib-cage as she draws in more and more air… The dog's tongue driving her to distraction. Wet, sloppy, hot… That noise - tongue on pussy, tongue back into mouth, slop slop slop… It’s enough to send herto heaven… She finally gives in to the feeling and allows an orgasm to explode right through her body. Feeling the buzzing, tingling heat of pleasure all over her skin.

There’s an almost polite, golf-clap style reaction of appreciation from the small crowd as the slut arches her back and bucks through the orgasm. A lone, “Well done.” From one of the female patrons (or possibly a member of the bar-staff)!

Samson begins to buck his hindquarters at thin air, walking around with a semi-erection and clearly ready to go. Madeline props herself up on her elbows and looks around the bar - at the patrons and the staff, at the cameras and at her husband - and at the bloody dog… Ohhhhh, the bloody dog! There’s desire in her eyes.

“Come on, Thamthon…” She lisps as she rolls over onto her hands and knees, assuming the position, pushing her firm backside up and at the powerful beast. Samson is ready immediately and very keen to play. His cock half out, already glistening, and looking very menacing already.

He bounces around behind her, waiting for the right second, watching as she wiggles her arse, sneaking another quick lick at her crack - making sure he’s in the right place… Then suddenly jumping up, mounting her, a few pumps at her, then off again… A quick circuit of her, the slut smiling up at him the whole time, blowing him a kiss… Begging, “Come on Thamthon! Fuck me pleaattttthhhh!”

Then he finds his position. Mounts and grips her rear, pulls close, pumps hard, and finds his target. His cock growing rapidly as he pumps - and he’s inside. She gives out an excited gasp, 'Yeth!!', and they are away… He's off like an Olympic sprinter. Superfast and superhard, pumping like a machine. Holding himself close to her, pushing as deep as he can, as fast as he can… Servicing this tight little slut like only a big bad dog can…

She's moaning and swearing from the first thrust. Thanking him for fucking her… “Thank you, thank you… Ohhh fuccckkkkk, thank you, thank you, thank you…” Gasping it, moaning it, growling it, as he pounds the living daylights out of her.

The patrons were quiet at first - nervous and fascinated, respectful even… But as the fuck goes on they start commenting, raising their voices, insulting, abusing… “You dirty slut!”, “Fucking dogwhore!”, mocking her - “She thinks she’s going to be a tee vee star…”

She gasps and moans throughout, trying to raise her head to look out from under the beast toward her husband… “How do I look?”

We don’t hear Nick’s response because the patrons Scouse wit sounds out, “Like a fucking slut!”. “You look like a right whore!”, “Desperate!”

Samson keeps fucking her hard and fast for as long as she can take…. Fire building in her pussy as she reaches a second orgasm… A better one this time because it’s from penetration rather than tongue - this time she has the knowledge that she’s actually fucking a dog…

“FFfuuccckkkkKKK!” She cries as the best feeling in the world rushes through her body. Her boobs look like they are about to explode, her nipples like zits about to pop, her face is red and shiny… Her blood pressure must be off the charts!

It’s all too intense - and she collapses to the floor under the dog… Down from all-fours to flat on her face. The dog’s cock slurping out of her cunt, his jism spilling out. Her laying there, breathing hard, trying to catch her breath. The side of her face on the sticky bar room floor. Samson still standing over her, his cock hanging toward her arse, squirting and dripping on her back and bum. Him still trying to fuck the air, wondering where that lovely pussy has gone.

“Suck him off, whore!” Calls one of the patrons… Then the others join in, “Yeah, suck that dog… Suck that dog…” And it’s like a Trump rally, a bunch of idiots repeating a simple catch-phrase. “Suck that dog… Suck that dog…”

Madeline peels her face from the sticky floor and rolls herself onto her back, still under the beast. She’s still wearing a smile, happy to be the center of attention even if all the patrons do think she’s a whore.

Bringing her head level with his big squirting cock, she props herself up on her elbows again, and guides her mouth to his cockhead. She’s resting on her arms so this all has to be done with her mouth… Luckily she’s sucked a lot of cock in her life - so doing this no-hands is hardly a challenge.

Samson is standing dead still, looking straight ahead, you could almost mistake him for a stuffed animal, but his cock is glistening and appears to be throbbing as she raises her head and sucks it in then lets her lips drag along the long shaft as she lowers her head. And back up again - swallowing up that shaft, taking the dog’s meat right to the back of her throat. Holding it there, forcing herself a little further, then gagging and coughing as she pulls her head back and catches her breath… Then back up again.

As she chokes herself on his cock, the patrons all comment… “Dirty slut!”, “She fucking loves it, look…”, “Oh she likes that…”

It’s not so much in and out, just suck, choke, gag, then catch your breath. Samson barely moves - just stands there as she sucks on him. Greg offers an aside to the camera, “I’ve never seen him stand so still… Then again, I’ve never seen anyone suck his cock quite like this! I’m actually feeling a little jealous of him!”

Madeline smiles around the cock and keeps on force choking herself on it. She’s looking around at the patrons, enjoying that they are watching her suck the dog’s cock. She doesn’t seem bothered by what they have to say, just so long as they are appreciating the work she is doing.

We cut to a close-up of her with her mouth so far along his shaft that her lips are now pressed up against his knot - she’s not gagging. As she lets her head fall backward we see that the dog’s cock has already started to shrink and is back to around 50% of its maximum size. The show is almost over. She pulls her mouth free and turns toward the camera, showing off a slimy shiny face, covered with his cum and her saliva, with her broad, pretty smile completing a very pleasingly disgusting look.

She looks at the patrons… “Anyone elth want thome?” She asks, genuinely offering her mouth to them… There’s a brief pause whilst some of the men look at each other, wondering who will be going first.

Nick begins to push his way to the front - ready to use his wife’s mouth. He pulls out his cock, it’s already hard and it’s in proportion to the rest of him - big and fat and ready for action. Madeline rolls over and comes up on her knees so that she can service her husband. Sucking him with the same energy and determination she serviced the dog. It doesn’t take long at all for him to pull out and wank a big load onto her face. He staggers back to admire his work - and another patron steps in, cock out, cock hard, ready to use her mouth. Nick doesn’t try to stop him.

We look away from the pretty brunette as she takes this third cock on, noting another three or four guys with their cocks out, already wanking, waiting for their turn. We turn to look at Samson, who is now sitting at Greg’s feet, panting and looking quite happy with himself. Greg looks into camera and smiles, pauses, then says, “I may as well…” He unzips his jeans, pulls out his cock and he steps into the line for his turn with Madeline. This time it’s Samson’s turn to watch.

Fade back, later, Madeline is sitting on a bar-stool whilst Nick stands behind the bar pouring her a drink. There’s cum all over her face, in her long hair, dripping off her chin and tits. She makes no attempt to clean herself up. She looks into camera and talks about her evening. “That was very nice thank you. Best night out I’ve had since… Probably since we got married.”

Nick chirps in, “We’ll have to do it more often!”

Madeline smiles at his comment, “Yeah… More dogth next time, leth men…”

Will you guys be buying a dog now?

Madeline looks at Nick with a face as full of optimism as it is with jism. “Can we? Can we, pleath?”

Nick cracks a huge grin. “Nothing would make me happier!”

He hands her a cocktail that looks about as thick and cloudy as you could possibly make. “I’m calling this one, ‘Samson’s Delight’” He says. Madeline takes it and has a sip, licks her lip. “Mmmm, nithe, but not ath good ath the real thing!”

Fade out.

Fade back with the catch-up video: Grainy footage of heavy renovations taking place to the bar. Madeline and Nick both supervising… The style of the place is changing completely, there’s a stage at one end of the room, two bars on either side, lots of new paintings by Madeline - all of either women on all fours, or dogs bounding around.

We hear Madeline’s voice over the top, “We’ve had a lot of patronth athking if I’ll be putting on another performanth - and with all the televithion coverage, we thought we thould take advantage of my new found fame… Tho we’re going to put on live thows every night - different girlth. We’ve already got a couple of ladieth from your thow, and we want to have an amateur night too - tho regular girlth can get up and try it too.”

We cut to outside, new signage being placed above the door - it reads “Maddie’s Kennel Klub” - and that’s all we need to know for this episode.

Series 3, Episode 4: Carolyn Sykes (50) from London


Kings Place, London. The large, modern home of The Guardian newspaper - arguably the UK’s most balanced news publication. We’re not going inside, our next subject has asked to meet us just along York Way at Pret-A-Manger for a vegetarian wrap (or two) and an organic coffee.

She's a curvy, middle-aged woman with long wavy dark hair flowing down over her shoulders. You might call her fat, but not obese. Her face is dominated by a huge smile that indicates she is completely comfortable with where she is.

She eats throughout the interview. It’s good, healthy food - but she has a lot of it. As a result, even though she’s quite well spoken, she’s often talking around food. Her opening line is delivered food free.

“My name is Carolyn Sykes, I’m 50 years old, and I’m a journalist from London.”

Back to her eating and responding to a question.

“It sounds like a story, but it’s not, this is the truth… My editor wanted someone to do a story about your show, a female angle on it, and no-one else was keen, so I put my hand up for it… I watched the show like everyone else, I thought it was strangely sexy, but I didn’t really think about it. THEN I started working on the article.” She takes a swig of coffee.

“I re-watched all of the shows, and I tracked down a few of the women you had featured and interviewed them. The more people I talked to, the more I re-watched the show, the more I found that the women who were having sex with these dogs were really having fulfilling experiences. It wasn’t just the physical fun of having some good sex - it was that they were genuinely happy about what they were doing. Even with the repercussions of it being on tv - losing their jobs, ending relationships, becoming estranged from families… They were happy about it.” Another bite of her vegetarian wrap. Quick chew, and she’s talking again, whilst still chewing.

“The more I investigated… The more I found myself thinking that I should do it… So I could speak from experience… Not just the experience of having sex with a dog… But of doing it out in the open on a television show… So I contacted you.” She swallows the mouthful. “… And here we are…”

So having sex with a dog doesn’t actually turn you on?

“Oh it does now… More and more every day. If you’d asked me a month ago I would have said no, but now - it’s the only thing I think about. I want to do it for my article, but I need to do it for my sanity. I don’t know if I’ll like it, but if I don’t at least try it, once, I’ll never have it out of my system.”

And if you do?

“Like it? Well, I haven’t got a man in my life… Maybe it’s time to consider other options…” She smiles.

We pay the bill and exit, agreeing to meet up at Carolyn’s inner city flat later that day.

Carolyn’s home is small but classy. A compromise apartment - you get the good location and the modern fittings, but you surrender space. Her living room is a two seater couch, a coffee table and a flatscreen tv. Her dining room a four seater table with two chairs. Her kitchen little more than a strip of utilities along one windowless wall.

Carolyn stands between the couch and the coffee table, with the apartment’s best feature, a large single sheet of glass with views out toward other tower blocks opposite. She removes her coat and drapes it over the back of the couch. Then her summer dress, unzipped down the side and stripped off to reveal her ‘larger than life’ body and huge tits spilling over her large white bra.

She stands in her straining white bra and panties, looking nervous and unsure of her next move. “Is it time to meet the star yet?” She asks. “I have so many ‘questions’ for him?” We like that she understands the dog is the real star - but at the same time we don’t want her to diminish her own role in the upcoming shoot.

Your CO-star will be here very soon.

Cut to: Carolyn sitting in her bra and panties, glasses on, notepad and pen in hand. She claims she wants to write a serious article, but we suspect she’s having a little role-play fantasy time.

What questions to you need to answer for your article?

She scribbles notes for herself as she thinks and talks. “How does a dog cock feel… How does it taste… Are dog’s considerate? Is the whole thing pleasurable, or will it feel disgusting? Is it a physical experience or more abstract and intangible…? A process of thought - not, ‘this dog cock FEELS so good in me’, more ‘it feels so good to know this is a DOG cock inside me’. That sort of thing.”

We understand. We think we have just the dog to help…

Close up of a big, heavy sheath under a dog’s belly. Close up of a big pair of dog’s balls, hanging heavy between a dog’s strong hind legs. Close up of big dog’s paws scrabbling on the corridor floor outside Carolyn’s apartment. Close up of a huge dog’s head, mouth open, tongue out, drool and slobber on the jowls. Close up of a huge, fully erect, purple cock with little blue and red blood vessels criss-crossing its surface - a clip from later in the show. Pull back to a wide shot of the whole dog - the biggest of them all… No words are required to introduce… Dino!

We cut to the elevator doors in the hallway outside Carolyn’s apartment. They slide open to reveal Dino the Great Dane, and his owner, the curly mullet wearer, Bernard. They walk along toward Carolyn’s apartment door. As they walk, Bernard talks. He tries his best, but his delivery is terrible, putting emphasis on the wrong words - but no one cares, they’re only watching to see Dino in action.

“Hello, I’m Bernard and this is Dino. I’m Dino’s owner, driver, and PIMP… And women PAY me so that they can have SEX with him.” He smiles, then turns to walk into the shop, patting his thigh firmly to bring Dino to heel. The huge dog dances alongside him as they head through the parking garage toward an elevator. “SOMETIMES, if they treat Dino really nice, they don’t even have to pay!”

They arrive at Carolyn’s door, which opens up to allow them immediate access.

Inside, we capture Carolyn’s wide eyed, open-mouthed reaction to the monster’s arrival. “Oh my…” She gasps.

Then she’s back on the couch, sitting with the dog at her feet, leaning against the outside of her leg, looking over his shoulder at her as she rubs the side of his neck. Her notepad and pen are forgotten, she’s still trying to talk to us, but the dog is a huge distraction - literally.

What do you think?

She looks from us to the dog, then back to us. Picking her words. “Would it be incriminating if I admitted that I was hoping it would be him?” She asks. “I’m a big girl - I was worried that I might get little Randall!” She leans forward to wrap her arms around Dino’s huge head, her massive boobs squashing up against him. “I’m so glad it’s this big boy.”

Do you want to get started?

Carolyn breaths heavy and nods, “No time like the present!” She looks up at someone off camera, it was Bernard, taking his directions (which we can’t hear), then slips off the couch so that she’s kneeling on the floor next to Dino.

As soon as her knees hit the floor Dino knows what is happening and his body language changes - no longer relaxed, now tensing up, half standing then sitting again, waiting for his orders. Carolyn wraps a big arm over her back and reaches under his belly, searching for his huge sheath. Finding it. Fondling it. Her other hand on the beast’s face, gently trying to turn him to face her. Trying to make eye contact. “Is this nice?” She whispers to him, “Do you like this?”

Then she speeds up her fondling, finding something hard within and gripping it, giving it a little wank… Sighing as it appears to react. Continuing the dog whisperer act. “Is that good? You like it when I wank you? Good boy… I bet you do…”

She keeps wanking him, in little speedy bursts, changing the position of her hand, her grip, as he gorws - until there’s a decent slab of cock-meat showing. Red and inviting. She touches this, running her finger along the shaft gently… Then looks up at Bernard again.

“I think he’s ready to give you a good seeing to…” Chuckles Bernard. “If you just kneel down on that couch he’ll be able to mount you no problem…”

“Is that right?” She whispers to the dog, right in his ear, “Are you ready to show me what sex with a dog is really all about?” She’s as ready as he is. Keen to get started. You might even say she’s excited.

She gets to her feet, and Dino immediately stands and starts pushing against her, whining a little. His head is up at crotch height and he appears keen to get at it.

“I suppose everyone’s been waiting for this…” Jokes Carolyn as she reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra. “Tah-daahhhhh!” she says. Her boobs are so big and heavy that once the clasp is undone they pretty much explode out, knocking the bra out of the way. Big, round, and dangling down. E cups. Serious tits. Huge nipples - well, big nipples but huge areolas. She supports her boobs one in each hand and gives them a wobble into camera for us, then turns to Dino, bends over and lets them hang on either side of his head. She shakes them a little but Dino skids backwards away from her. He loves women, but this is strange for him… Carolyn laughs at his reaction.

She straightens up, turns around, and drops down so that her knees are on the couch seat and her elbows on the couch back. Her big arse pushed back. She reaches down and pulls the gusset of her panties aside, exposing a big hairy pussy to the beast. Pink lips, big and a little loose, lots of spider’s legs of brown pubic hair. Looking over her shoulder at us, and at Dino, with a big smile and asking “Are you ready for it, boy..? Come on…” She makes a kissing sound and slaps her bum…

That’s all it takes to reel Dino in… He walks back to her and rears up, his long legs matching the height of her arse from the floor almost perfectly - his belly and chest on her back, his front legs wrapping around her midriff. She gasps from the feel of dog on flesh. Her knees are pushed down into the cushions from the weight of the beast.

Dino is pumping at her, inconsistent stabbing motions toward her pussy. His big cock getting bigger as he searches for her sex. She reaches back between her thighs with one hand - searching for his cock, getting her finger-tips to it as he thrusts forward… Reaching back further to get a better touch on his next thrust. His next attempt is closer, the cock sliding between her thighs under her pussy, but this gives her the chance to catch his shaft and steer it upwards toward her big pussy lips…

She slips the huge cock between her them, pushing it inside… Gritting her teeth and moaning as she pushes it inside, deeper and deeper into her pussy. Dino allows her to do this, not humping so long as she has this tight grip on his shaft… But once it's in - almost nine inches deep, right up to that fat and ugly knot - Dino is away! Building up a full head of stream within a couple of strokes… Faster and longer strokes, then he’s suddenly a blur of sexual frenzy.

He fucks her faster and faster, pounding her from behind. She’s gasping and moaning, biting down on the material on the back of the couch, suppressing a scream… She’s completely forgotten the camera, all she’s thinking about is staying alive!

Dino is thinking of a little more… It’s like he’s trying to get inside her… In some ways he is… His knot anyway! Not many women can take this gristly monster though. He’s pounding her hard and fast, that knot pressing up against her pussy lips but not quite forcing its way inside. She continues to whine and bite down on the couch. An “Oh GOD!” escapes her mouth somewhere in there.

Then her whole body is shaking - her legs, her arse, her belly, those huge tits - everything shaking as she seems to try and swallow the couch. Her mouth wide, teeth digging into the headrest cushions, a long guttural moan emanating from somewhere inside.

Once the moment has passed she tries to straighten up and break Dino’s grip around her middle, but he’s not giving up without a fight - he scrabbles to hold tighter, pushing down on her, forcing her down on the couch and still trying to pound his knot into her pussy. A close-up of ground zero shows how close he is to doing it, as do her cries - pain and pleasure mingling to produce an amazing noise that’s somewhere between laughter and crying.

Meanwhile, we go picture-in-picture to show some additional interview footage we shot before we started. We do this with every girl, but it’s never seemed appropriate to show it until now… Whilst the main picture is still Carolyn trapped under the giant hound as he nails her and tries to tie with her, a smaller image shows her in bra and panties, still stroking him. We can hear Bernard advising her for the upcoming action.

His tone is very relaxed and calming, with that strong Brummie accent almost enough to put you to sleep. “Once he starts he won’t want to stop, right… There’s not much we can do, really, not without upsetting him… But if you REALLY need to stop - just shout out, EMERGENCY, and I’ll get him off you, okay?”

She nods…

Back to the single image, her trapped under the beast, NOT shouting anything about an emergency. She’s taking it because she’s willing to take it… But she keeps on fighting. Pulling at the dog’s paws with both hands, managing to unhook them from one another, but having to hold them as she attempts to wriggle clear… “If you let me go I’ll make it worth your effort!”

She finally manages to twist, and drop, and slide out from under him - his big cock slurping out of her cunt and masses of his cum spilling all over her couch and the carpeted floor.

She slips off the couch and ends up sitting in the wet patch on the carpet, leaning against the wet edge of the couch, turned around so that her mouth is level with his still fully engorged meat… And the smile is back on her face…

She grabs the cock with one hand, her other grabbing Dino by the leg to hold him in position, and then she starts to work the tip and shaft of his cock with her tongue and lips. Licking, kissing, and sucking it… Tasting her pussy juices and his cock slime at the same time. Working it in and out of her mouth, sucking a little more each time. She’s got a big mouth but it’s still a struggle to get his fully erect member inside. She sucks on the tip, then hold it infront of her open mouth to catch those jets of dog cum that are still squirting out. She tries to swallow each individual jet and then open up for the next one… One or two hit her in the face between sucks. She seems to enjoy it!

She lets go of the cock, letting it hang down, still holding his leg so he can’t walk away, and taking the cock hand down to her pussy so she can finger her clit some more. Keeping the good times rolling! Head back on the seat of the couch, breathing hard, still smiling. The dog still shooting jets of cum over her big tits. We watch in a wide shot, then fade out. On the day she held this position for about ten minutes until Dino’s cock had completely hidden itself away again and she was simply masturbating under a beast.

Later, Carolyn sits on the couch, wearing a 'UK of Zoo' t-shirt, sticking to the dog-cum on her tits. Her thighs apart, happily letting us see her well fucked, pink and swollen pussy. She smiles as she chats with the crew. Dino is laid out on his side on the floor at her feet, resting and recuperating. We hear the tail end of what she’s saying. “… almost got his knot in, but it was just too bloody big - I thought he was going to split me in half…”

Then she’s looking into the camera as we ask her if she has all her answers now?

“I’ve got a lot of answers - and quite a few more questions… I think I need to re-interview my subjects again.” We offer her phone numbers for the girls she hasn’t interviewed.

A few minutes later, she’s still talking about it… “I enjoyed it a lot more than I’d like to admit, really… I’m a little disappointed in myself. I thought I was better than that…” She’s smiling as she says this, “Obviously there’s a little more of a slut in my than I expected. Maybe there’s more slut in every woman than she’d like to admit!”

Will your story be advocating that more women try sex with their pets?

“I don’t know if I’d go that far… But I’ll certainly be putting a strong case forward for women doing whatever they want - whether that includes a dog or not…”

She smiles and we fade out.

Update - Carolyn sitting infront of a laptop, typing like a woman possessed. This turns into a montage of Carolyn posing with various women from previous episodes - friendly, laughing into camera shots, selfies. In voice-over, “As you know, the article was a big success - it got more feedback than anything else I’ve ever written… Then I was contacted by a publisher who wants me to write a full-length book about the phenomenon… So I’m re-interviewing everyone, and gathering a few more ‘personal experiences’ of my own…”.

The montage turns to a number of shots of Carolyn undressed, posing alongside dogs, or posing with dogs… Very “with”… And not so much ‘posing’ either… And that’s all for this episode.

Series 3, Episode 5: Tara Speed (28), from Leeds


We’re in Holbeck - a large residential suburb Leeds, in the north of England. The weather is rotten, windy and rainy, as we look at the grim exterior of an old two-story building with boarded and barred windows. A sign above the front door reads, almost ironically, ‘THE FUN HOUSE’.

Inside, we’re in a different world. Aisles of bright, friendly fancy dress costumes hang from racks. A couple of customers are picking out cute outfits for their children. Elsewhere in the store a member of staff is helping a middle-aged woman to pick out something a little more ‘risqué’ for a private party, presumably with her husband. We’re here to meet that member of staff.

She’s young and slim, with a small bust hidden away in a baggy blue shirt. Her blond hair is more mousy than bombshell - blue eyes enlarged behind spectacles, a big, friendly smile. She’s…

“Tara Speed. 28. From Leeds in Yorkshire.“ She says in an accent strong enough to leave one in no doubt that she was born and bred here. She continues, “I work at The Fun House, renting and selling fancy dress costumes and party goods… And…” She gathers up her courage, looking more than a little embarrassed, then blurts it out… “I want to have sex with a dog!”

We cut to a series of shots of Tara in different costumes, stepping out of a changing room to show off to us. The costumes do their best to show off her cleavage, but there’s not much to show off. The naughty nurse, the sexy French Maid, the naughty school-girl, etc. She laughs and giggles as she shows these off, clearly enjoying herself. We shot this montage on the day because Tara was very nervous, and we really needed to break the ice - plus it gave us a chance to get that baggy blue shirt off and see what she had for the dog.

And then we’re in the staff room of the store - with Tara talking direct to camera. She looks a little more relaxed. The ice is broken.

“When I were little, our dog used to try and hump me leg. I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew what was going on, you know what I mean?” She looks around the crew to see if any of them know what she means, then continues. “I was too young to know about sex, but I knew he wanted to do something to me. I got tingles and all that.” She smiles at the memory. “As I grew up, he kept doing it, but by the time I knew what was going on, and by the time I was ready to go further, like, he were too old… He stopped trying to do it. So I used to just think about it when I were alone… Then I got into boys, and I sort-of forgot about it…”

What turned you back onto the idea?

“You!” She laughs. “Your show anyway. Watching it on tv and suddenly all these thoughts come back into me ‘ead.” She’s looking more relaxed by the minute. “Then I remember how close I got to doing it when I were still at school… Then I started to really want it…”

Did you ever tell anyone?

“I told my boyfriend last year. We were watching the show and I just blurted out how I’d always wanted to do that.”

What did he say?

“He thought I was sick. Told me I should see a doctor. He loves the show, but he’s always talking about how sick the girls are.”

Does he know you’re with us today?

“No… He doesn’t even know I applied for the show. Until it’s on tv he won’t know about it… Unless I tell him, like.”

What’s his name?

“Adam.” She looks into camera, a slightly nervous look on her face, and waves, “Hi Adam…” Blows him a kiss. “Luvya babe.” She giggles.

If this goes well… Will you be looking to do it again?

“I think that depends on Adam… If he enjoys it, maybe I’ll get one… If he hates it, I won’t… If he doesn’t want anything else to do with me - well, then I’ll probably be getting a dog to take his place… If I like it… But I think I’ll like it. I hope I do.” She looks around the crew again, seeking confirmation that he expectations will be fulfilled. “I hope he’s a good fuck…”

Cut to the street outside… Walking toward us in slow motion - it’s Dennis and Casanova. Everyone watching immediately knows that Tara is in for a serious pounding.

Dennis speaks with croaky Cockney accent, speaking up so we can hear him from down the street… He’s clearly practised his ‘herald’. “The ‘ound of ‘ell, the beast from the east end.. Don’t let the looks fool ya, he’s a lover not a fighter… A licker not a biter… He’s a rock ‘ard, go ‘ard, take you in the back yard, mean muvva-fucker… He’ll fuck your sister, your wife and your daughter if he gets the chance too. All the way from East ‘am… I give you…” Now they are right up to the camera with the dog ‘posing’, his teeth bared, heaving against his chain… “Casanova the Fird.” He don’t half look proud of himself for getting through it without any mistakes. (We won’t show the four takes he got wrong).

The door to the staff room opens and Casanova leads Dennis in. Paws clicking on the hard floor. On the other side of the room Tara watches them walking in. Most girls react with a sense of excitement or anticipation, some with genuine affection… Tara looks like the naughty girl who’s just been caught copying work at school… She looks like she’s worried she’s going to get into trouble. Nervous and afraid.

How do you feel?

“I’m… I’m okay.” She says, taking a breath. “It’s just... Very reel, isn’t it? This is happening.”

A few minutes later, and after a quick (stiff) drink, we watch as Tara begins to undress. She unzips the side of her skirt and lets it fall to the floor, then has second throughts, bends over to pick it up, folds it, then puts it on a chair. Her blouse hangs down over her panties.

She eyes the dog nervously as she unbuttons the blouse, quietly sizing him up. Breathing hard. Scared or horny, hard to tell, probably a bit of both. As she opens the front of her blouse we get a first look at her small boobs, which are held tightly in a white half-cup bra. We also get our first look at her flat belly and her white briefs. She folds the blouse over and places it with the skirt on the back of the seat.

Slim rather than skinny. Healthy. Fair skinned rather than pale. She strokes blonde hair from her face and smiles again. Looking over at the dog, making a quiet little kissing/clicking noise. Trying to make contact. He just looks at her, mouth open in a smile, tail stump wagging - then looks at his owner, a look that says, “I fuck her?” as clearly as any look ever has.

She flips the shoulder straps off her shoulders, then hold of the front of her bra and pulls it down, popping out two small but perfectly formed breasts with big round nipples, then wriggles the bra around her body so that she can undo the clasp and take it off. She stands with her hands by her sides, her small boobs in the open air. The look on her face still suggests she’s as scared as she might be horny.

Bra and knickers too…

Comes a voice from behind camera, and Caitlyn blushes. “Really? I didn’t know it was going to be full nude.”

You do understand what we’re here to watch you doing today?


So you understand we’ll be filming close-ups of penetrations - animal on human - dog on you..?


So why wouldn’t you think you’d be nude on camera?

She pauses for a moment whilst reality sinks in. “Oh yeah…”

It’s a front fastening bra, and she pops it open slowly, nervously, then slowly opens it up, gradually exposing her little boobs, all the time looking like she’s about to cover them back up. She doesn’t though, and whilst it takes too long, we’re soon looking at those boobs. Small and firm, 32B at most.

Finally, she removes her panties, slipping them down around her ankles and stepping out of them. Her pussy is a neatly trimmed and almost white blonde.

She stands there for a moment letting us view her from the tips of her toes, right up to the top of her head. Everything is small, and light, and friendly. She’s got a cute, on again, off again, smile. She looks embarrassed by her nudity, nervous by the presence of the dog, and judging from the condition of her nipples - more than a little excited.

You don't have to do this if you don't want to - but once you give yourself to the dog, there’s no turning back…

Tara forces a smile and straightens up, trying to show she’s ready to play. “No, I’m good… I’m ready. I want to do it. I’m scared about it, but I want to do it so much… I’ve been waitin’ so long - I’d hate to bottle it now!”

She manages to force a laughs as she loosens up, then turns toward the Doberman and calls him over. Dennis releases him and he walks over to the naked woman. It’s as if he can sense that she’s not gagging for it… She crouches down to welcome him. Stroking him, rubbing his back, and after taking a deep breath, offering her clenched face to him - eyes and mouth tight shut. He sniffs her face, then gives it a good hard licking. Trying to get into the mouth, the eyes… Failing. She has both of her hands on his chest/shoulders, and pushes him away when she needs to breath. The kissing has confirmed to him that this little slut IS for him…

Her confidence is beginning to grow and after she has caught her breath, she goes in for another 'kiss' - this time with her mouth wide open and her tongue a little out. Casanova licks her hard and fast, his tongue being met by hers as it slops over her mouth. She tips her head back and leans into him, and he follows her movements, licking inside her mouth, enjoying the feeling probably a little more than she does.

As they ‘kiss’ she exercises her growing confidence, running her hand down his chest, between his legs, under his belly… Then starts to fondle that big cock of his through the sheath. It grows quickly and seconds later there’s three inches of purple shaft on display.

She pulls away from the kissing again and ducks down to check out his meat. Licking her lips as she sights it. Her fingers working the dog’s sheath - drawing it back a little further, showing a little more shaft. Licking her lips again - perhaps a nervous gesture, perhaps simple anticipation of what she’s look at…

And then, with a little smile crossing her face, she opens her mouth and moves in on the dog. Touching her tongue against the tip of his dick, running it up and down over it - then sucking the tip… Sliding it into her mouth, deeper, then drawing it out. Smacking her lips, then savouring the flavour and swallowing whatever is in her mouth… Then she’s back on it - sucking that ugly cock into her pretty little thin lipped mouth. Her cheeks drawing inward, cheekbones highlighted, those blue eyes locked on the dog’s belly.

After a few minutes she pauses the sucking and rubs the tip of the cock around her lips, applying it like a lipstick - tasting it - loving it.

She sucks on - harder, longer, struggling to breath around the cock, gathering his doggy cum in her mouth, swallowing every drop.

Dennis actually had to intervene, off camera, and tell her that she needed to stop sucking the dog off and give him a chance at her pussy before he was all done!

We cut to Tara assuming the position - all fours on the floor. Crawling next to Casanova and waiting for him to get the hint. It doesn’t take him long - he launches himself at her. Suddenly on her back, his powerful front legs wrapped around her waist, paws crossed under her skinny belly, him bending his back and lowering his rear so that his cock is next to her pussy. Tara bracing herself for the inevitable pounding…

The tip of his cock finds its target almost immediately. Right between the pussy lips, slipping inside - making Tara yelp - then his hot cock shaft slipping right into her body behind it. She gasps, smiles, then gasps again. Then gasps with every subsequent thrust as the mean looking animal fucks her brutally for all of 45 seconds. She breaths hard in ragged little gasps, trying to get air in, but the dog keeps knocking it out of her…

She’s biting her lower lip, the strain showing on her face - as is the growing pleasure… Her head back now, her face on show… Breathing hard, her little chest heaving… Getting closer… Closer…


That was a preview of The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 3. To read the rest purchase the book.

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