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The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 2

Luke Ozvik


The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 2

By Luke Ozvik

Description: EACH BOOK IS STANDALONE! Imagine a BBC tv documentary series in which ladies explain their desire to have sex with an animal - then are given the opportunity to do it on camera. 300 episodes later, we've had ladies from 18-60, all colours, sexualities and religions, we've even had disabled ladies. Consent is king. All of our ladies are doing it because they want to do it - and all of our dogs feel the same way!

Tags: Bestiality, Fiction, Rough, Consensual, Exhibitionism, Bisexual, Anal, Cuckold, Humiliation

Published: 2024-08-03

Size: ≈ 63,213 Words

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The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 2

by Luke Ozvik

©Copyright 2019 Luke Ozvik


“I’d rather see an overweight, toothless grandmother being fucked hard by an enthusiastic dog and loving it than see the most beautiful supermodel in the world fake it with a disinterested beast. There is nothing that compares to a couple, woman and beast, who are both seriously engaged in the idea of fucking each other.” - Luke Ozvik, 2019

In the aftermath of Brexit, the British government had so many legal issues to resolve, and so many laws to disentangle, that it was inevitable that some loopholes would open up. We spotted one of them, and it was to be a goldmine for us.

We found ourselves with the laws sitting in such a way that there was considerable leeway for shows to be defined as ‘educational material’, and the way they defined the laws regarding bestiality meant that whilst it was illegal to have sex with an animal, it was apparently legal for an animal to have sex with you. Furthermore, whilst it was legal to record yourself doing anything that was legal in the privacy of your own home, it was considered to be illegal to sell that material, but - there was still a question as to whether it was legal to share recorded consensual acts with friends. However, if one could demonstrate that these recordings were educational, rather than pornographic, then an area of confusion would open up, and this created some wonderful opportunities for us.

Meanwhile, the broadcasters we produced shows for were all seeking increasingly titillating and scandalous output. They wanted sex, and they wanted controversy.

We had already successfully pitched our shows, "I Wanna Be A Pornstar" (in which we followed 4 young ladies from around the United Kingdom as they set off together for California to get into the adult entertainment industry), and then the even bigger success that was our show, "Gay For Pay", in which straight members of a studio audience were encouraged to perform homosexual acts in return for cash prizes. People were appalled. They claimed they our shows were disgusting. They kept watching.

We pitched our latest idea for a joke. Even in this strange environment we didn’t think the network would go for it.

The new concept was to find women who wanted to have sex with animals, interview them to find out why, and then give them the opportunity to have sex with a trained animal. We'd record them in the act, then we'd interview them again afterwards to see how the experience was. We pitched that we could get by on the educational angle as we were going deep into the psychology of these women, who they were, why they wanted to do this, what it would mean to them, etc.

The network buyers loved the idea. They were keen to pick it up, and they had a few suggestions of their own. They wanted the women on the show to be presentable. They didn’t have to be beauty queens, but we were expected to avoid what one executive described as “distractingly unattractive types”. One could ask what kind of viewer they thought would tune in to watch a show about bestiality, only to turn-off if they saw an unattractive woman.

They wanted to call it “The United Kingdom of Zoo”, and they wanted to ensure that we covered the whole country. Geographically and demographically. Old and young. Black and white. Married and single. Fat and thin. All religions, all sexualities. All points between.

That’s 65 million people in total. 33 million of them women. 19 million of those between the ages of 18-60, which we had determined to be old enough, and not too old...

Our research indicated that 3% of women fantasize about having sex with an animal, so that’s around 570,000 of those women between 18-60. If only 3% of those were keen to act on their fantasies you’d still have 17,100. If only 3% of those were willing to do it on camera you’d still have 513 subjects.

We went looking for them. We advertised online, in magazines, newspapers, and anywhere else we could think of. “Perverts wanted. Must love animals. Apply here.” Or words to that effect. We didn’t expect to get anywhere near the 513 mark. We were hoping for enough to do a single series at best.

We got hundreds of applications!

Everything from the beautiful teenager who just wanted to be on television and didn’t care what she had to do to get there, to the middle-aged mother of four who had always fantasized about dogs but had never told anyone, to the newly wed bride trying to please her bestiality obsessed husband.

We interviewed them all by phone or Skype, a couple even came to meet us at our production office in Manchester. We were weeding out the dreamers and the cowards, leaving only the most perverted, confident, and brave - the fearless and the shameless. Women who wanted to have sex with animals, and were willing to do it on camera; willing to work without masks or pixelated images to protect their anonymity. Most of them were pleasant enough to look at. Some were stunning. Others were not-so-hot. Stunning or not, all of them wanted to be there. They all had their reasons and because of that within each of them represented a new element of excitement and adventure, fun - and most importantly, passion. How they looked or what age they were didn’t really matter. This was all about what they wanted to do, not what they looked like. A celebration of perversion in the United Kingdom.

We also went on an animal hunt. We were looking for experienced animals with trustworthy owners. Big dogs, we didn’t want anyone to be disappointed. Calm horses, we didn't want anyone to be injured. Energetic boars, we didn't want things to get boring.

Preliminary market research suggested that the bigger and scarier a dog we used, the more likely people would watch. So we opted to focus primarily on dogs. Big, scary dogs.

With a selection of animals in place to share with the ladies of the United Kingdom, we set out to tour the country, to meet these women, to get to know them and understand their fantasies, and to offer them a chance to fulfil their darkest desires and lose their bestial virginity to a well-trained animal - so long as we could record it for broadcast on this show. We thought we’d be on the road for a couple of weeks. We had no idea we’d have so many applicants or that we’d be on the road for years.

When it came time to introduce our guests to the animals, they would sometimes get scared, shy, or ashamed, and they would pull out, but most went through with it. We weren’t interested in the ones who didn’t. We only wanted to show the stories of those who did.

These are their stories...

Series 2, Episode 1: Keegan Murphy (22), from Newcastle


The first thing you notice about her is the close cropped bright red dyed hair. It’s loud. Then it would be the piercings - a little silver stud through each dimple in her round cheeks, a couple of small rings through her left eyebrow, two more in her left nostril, and half a dozen through each ear. After that it’s probably the sleeve tattoo that runs from her left hand right up the arm and onto her shoulder. After all that it might well be that beyond all that shit, she’s actually a very pretty young lady with a very cute and friendly smile. She speaks with a strong Geordie accent, full of fun and laughter.

“Halloooo. My name’s Keegan Murphy, I’m 22 year old, and I’m a hairdresser from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.”

We see an older woman sitting beside Keegan on a small couch - she is also tattooed, but with bottle blonde hair down to her shoulders and not nearly as many piercings. This is Deann, and although she’s old enough to by Keegan’s mother, she’s actually her lover. They hold hands.

Keegan talks, and Deann waits her turn. “I came out of the closet when I was still at school… I always knew I only liked women. Not girls mind, women! I met Deann when I was 20 and we’ve been together for a little ower 2 years now. I’ve told her I want to marry her, but she says it won’t work out because I’m too good for her… I just want to show her how much I love her.”

Deann thinks that we are here to record a show about spousal abuse and she has been told that her face will be digitized before broadcast, her voice altered digitally as well. She’s still nervous about talking.

She takes over telling the story. “She can’t marry me. I’m not good enough for her. I’ve been a terrible person. She deserves better. I’m just a broken down old slapper.”

Please, remembering that you will have total anonymity, tell us your story. Why aren’t you worth of Keegan?

“When I was this one’s age I was already married, to a right prick in all - but I was desperate to please him. He wasn’t physically abusive or anything like that - but he had a fine line in emotional torture, and he could make me do things I didn’t particularly want to do. He was obsessed with… “ She pauses, building up courage to continue… “… with bestiality…” She hides her face when she says this, Keegan squeezes her hand. She gathers herself. “He used to talk me into ‘playing’ with family dog. Wanking it off until it got hard, for a laugh. After a while he’d get me to do it when his friends were there, again, ‘just for a laugh’, ‘nothing serious’… Then one day he starts insisting that I suck the dog off infront of his friends… And I was a bit drunk, and I didn’t want to let him down, and I suppose I liked the attention, so I did it. Within weeks he had me having full sex with the dog - sometimes with his mates there watching.”

That must have been a terrible experience?

“It should have been. The problem is, it wasn’t. Not at the time. I…” She pauses. Again, Keegan squeezes her hand. “I actually enjoyed it. It felt good, and I liked the attention, and it made that bastard happy. Problem was, he never let me forget that I said I enjoyed it. When I left him, it wasn’t because of the dog sex stuff, I just reached my limit for his bullshit… When I left him he said he’d ‘out’ me as a dogwhore if I didn’t come back… And when I didn’t go back that’s when he did it.”

What did he do?

“He’d made a video of me sucking the dog and getting fucked without me knowing it, and he posted it on the internet, then he sent it to my mam’s phone. Bastard. Ever since then I’ve lived with the shame and fear of being recognised in the street by someone who’s seen the video online. She deserves someone better than that.”

Keegan, what did you want to tell Deann?

Keegan turns to face Deann, holding both of her hands. Deann looks at the younger woman with love and tears in her eyes. “Deann. I never want you to think you’re not good enough for me, or that you’re not special, or worse than anyone else. I’ve never been bothered by what you did back then, but if you can’t accept that you’re as good as me… I want to show you that I’m as bad as you are.”

Deann looks confused as hell.

“These people aren’t here to talk about marital abuse… They’re here to film me having sex with a dog - and then they’re going to put it on the tv so everyone can see that I’m as ‘dirty’ as you are, and so people will recognise me as the dogwhore instead of you.”

“But you don’t even like dogs… You’re scared of them you silly cunt!” The ‘cunt’ is delivered with love rather than anger. “You cross the road to avoid them!”

“I know, but I have to show you how much you mean to me, and what I’m ready to do to show you your good enough for me.”

Deann is bubbling up, half sad that her lover wants to do this, half elated that she wants to do it FOR HER. She leans in for a little kiss and a big hug. It’s not sexual, it’s loving. “I love you, you daft bugger.” She whispers.

And… We’re going to drive there right now…

Both of them look a little flustered. It was a big decision, a big announcement, but they didn’t expect anything so instant.

“Right now?” Asks Keegan, a little fear crossing her face. She clearly thought she was going to have more time to prepare for this.

They climb into the back of our car - there’s the producer driving in the front, with a cameraman in the passenger seat filming back at the girls in the back. The rest of the crew films us departing, then jumps in another car, catches up and races ahead.

In the back of the car, Deann and Keegan hold hands and talk about what’s happening.

“It’s amazing that you’re doing this for me - but you don’t have to. It’s ok. I know what you’re doing an why you’re doing it. And I love you for it.” Says Deann.

Keegan smiles, a cute little dimpled smile, and leans in to Deann’s ear, unaware that our microphones can pick up every word. “To tell the truth, ever since you first confessed this stuff to me, I’ve secretly been turned on by the idea of you doing that… And I’ve imagined me doing it too. I figure if you enjoyed it back then, I’ll probably enjoy it now.”

“Keegs, it’s not all fun… It’s painful, and humiliating, and you feel all guilty and dirty afterwards… I don’t want to ruin you. I love you the way you are.”

“And I love you the way you are, but you don’t think you’re worthy of it… So I have to prove you are…”

Deann is about to speak again when the car pulls to a halt. We’ve literally only been driving for 3 minutes. “Are we there already?” They ask.

Outside - we’re in a familiar little street of terraced council houses - and Pablo is standing at the front door of his little home. He says ‘hallo’ as the girls get out of the car. Deann is about his age, but her loud clothes, tattoos, bleached hair and overly made-up face are the opposite of his very conservative clothing and complete lack of colour. Keegan, meanwhile, with her bright red hair, colourful tattoos, and milky white skin looks like she’s from a different planet to both of them.

They enter the house and Rocky wanders down the hallway to meet the new arrivals. Keegan noticeably steps behind Deann, clearly surprised by the size and breed of the dog.

She says, “Oooh fuck, he’s scary!”

“Ah, you love scary films though.” Deann laughs.

Keegan looks toward camera, “Is that him? Is he the one I’m going to be with?” Off camera the answer is ‘yes’. Keegan gulps.

A few minutes later, we’re in Pablo’s little living room. The couch, the plasma screen tv, the stained carpet - after the last few visits here we know what those stains are. Deann is sitting on the couch, Pablo is holding Rocky the Rottweiler by his collar, and Keegan has just begun to undress. She looks nervous.

She talks the whole time she’s undressing.

As she peels her t-shirt off, revealing a very slim, very pale body - not so much a flat belly as a zero-fat belly. A plain black bra underneath which is more than filled by her round boobs. “So how many women has he had sex with?”

“I have no idea, I don’t keep count.”

Keegan unbuttons her jeans and pulls them down to reveal black bikini brief panties and the smoothest thighs. A passage from the Evil Dead’s Necronomicon is tattooed neatly on one thigh, Marilyn Monroe is on the other.

“How often does he have a woman?”

“A couple of times a week. He could go every day if there was someone willing though. He’s got a couple of regular ‘friends’ who come to see him once or twice a month.”

Keegan struggles to pull the legs of her jeans over her feet whilst standing up, almost falling. “Has he ever hurt anyone?”

“He’s never bitten anyone if that’s what you mean. A few scratches if he gets really excited, and his dick can do a bit of damage.”

She reaches behind her back to unfasten her bra and lets it fall away. Her boobs, 34B’s, barely move. Young and firm. Nipples begging to be sucked.

Deann is looking into camera and then back to her girlfriend, “Look at her… Look at it… She - is - fucking - gorgeous...!” She’s not far wrong. Keegan may not be stereotypically attractive, she may have too much metal in her face, and too many tattoos covering her flesh, and she may be a little too skinny, but it’s hard to argue that this young lesbian isn’t a winner in nature’s game.

“Awwww, thanks, darl…” Keegan coos as she peels her panties down her thighs, and over her knees. Her neatly trimmed pussy visible, as is the tattooed red-kiss-lips on her left buttock.

Deann continues, “I don’t know what she’s doing with an ugly old bag like me, mind!” Deann isn’t the worst looking woman in the world. Maybe she’s carrying a little extra weight, and has tattoos that rival Keegan’s, and a bit too much make up to cover up for a lifetime of late-nights. But not ugly.

Pablo allows Rocky to prowl, still on his leash, but clearly awake to the sight of a naked human female.

Keegan looks around and watches the dog, not really sure what to do now. Pablo tells her that Rocky seems pretty interested, he might be ready to go right now if she wants - no foreplay required. Just get down on hands and knees, or lay back on the couch if she wants it missionary style.

“What do you think, Dee?” She asks. “How did you do it?”

“I always did it on hands and knees…” Memories suddenly come flooding back - “He’ll do you really fast and really hard… It’ll hurt like fuck, but if you get past the pain it’s actually quite nice!” Deann warns Keegan. “Eeeeh, all the feelings are coming back to me now - I can remember exactly how it felt.” She remembers the thrills, and how sick she used to feel afterwards. Disgusted. Cheap. Like a whore... “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” Deann confirms. Keegan shakes her head with a little smile, steps over and gives Deann a little soft kiss on the lips, “I do.”

And then she’s down on her knees and leaning forward onto her hands. Preparing herself, looking right at Deann. “This is for you, babe.” There’s fear in her eyes as well as love.

Pablo releases Rocky and the big dog rushes Keegan, who panics and yelps as soon as he hits her back, and rolls over to push him away. False start #1.

A few seconds later, we’re ready to go again - Keegan on her hands and knees, her arse in the air, and Rocky being held by the collar, waiting to go for it. Pablo tells her to low her shoulders, stick her arse out a bit more, spread her knees a little wider… Once she’s in perfect form, he lets Rocky go again - and the dog again rushes Keegan, but this time he mounts her the right way and she doesn’t panic (she shuts her eyes tight and takes a deep breath). He starts pumping at her rear end even before he manages to get his cock inside her.

She’s pushed and rocked about by his weight and his grip around her. His cock finds its target - ramming in rather than sliding. Going deep and hard. Her eyes open wide and she cries out as his initial thrusts knock the wind out of her.

The pounding begins… He fucks her harder and faster than she’s ever been fucked. His fat cock hot in her pussy. She makes eye contact again with Deann, who sits forward on the couch watching her beloved being drilled by this big angry looking animal. As she watches her heart pounds. She licks her lips, almost un-noticeably and a little flicker of a smile crosses her face.

From the side angle we can see Keegan’s slim little body being absolutely pounded by Rocky’s black frame. His back bent, paws grasping, forcing his cock deep into her. Her face is a mask of pain and breathless hard work. He’s not slowing down.

From the low rear angle, we can see the girth of his meat stretching her young cunt out. A little cum dripping out from between his cock and her pussy. His hind-paws scratching at her legs. Feverish thrusting.

Keegan takes it like a pro… And it keeps going. This isn’t a 40 second speed-fest, this goes for over a minute, 90 seconds, and goes on… Her pussy is so tight, and his cock is so big, that his knot is forming outside - and he’s pounding her trying to get it inside… And she’s gasping and moaning because it’s beginning to feel good.

Deann has slipped a hang inside her t-shirt and is absent mindedly feeling her own boobs as she watches her girlfriend taking it from the rottie.

Keegan is beginning to moan as the thrusting hot meat in her pussy starts to feel really good. She’s reaching back with one hand to rub her (pierced) clit one two fingers. Fast, hard circles to match the fast hard fucking she’s taking.

She’s smiling now, a twisted, pained kind of a smile, but definitely a smile - open mouthed, with sighs and moans… “I’m going to cum… I’m going to cum…”

Deann leans back and slips a hand down the front of her pants - needed to play with herself whilst this beautiful scene unfolds infront of her.

Keegan is on the edge. Mouth open, eyes closed, little short gasps as Rocky squeezes every last millimetre he can into her - his knot part in, partly out, stretching her all the way she can go. Her pussy is on fire… She can’t breath… She is shaking… The tension is extreme… And then… “Of fuck yes… fuck yes… ffuuuuuaaaarrrrkkkkk!” she screams, her whole body in a spasm as her orgasm explodes through her body. In the middle of it, with her body shaking, she looks up at Deann and flashes a devilish grin. “I love you…!”

Deann keeps working her hand in her pants, fingers at the top of her pussy, fast circles just like Keegan was doing… Driving herself to an orgasm as she watches Keegan taking everything the dog has to offer.

Keegan being pushed forward, inching forward on hands and knees as the dog’s weight and the pressure of his cock push her away. Off balance, Rocky pushing her sideways, over. Deann working her pussy, watching this pale little lady under this big black dog. It’s exquisitely perverted.

Keegan over balances and falls sideways onto her hip, Rocky pulling free and stepping over her. His jism squirting and dribbling from her well worked cunt. Deann reacts without thinking, tipping herself forward off the couch and crawling quickly forward until her face is right behind Keegan’s bum. Burying her mouth between the younger woman’s thighs, her tongue digging deep into Keegan’s pussy - all the time continuing to work her clit with one hand. The taste of the dog’s cock, his spunk, and Keegan’s pussy juices all mingling on her tongue and in her mouth - and sending her over the edge to her own orgasm.

Keegan reaching out behind her backside to grab Deann by the hair, holding her face to her pussy. Breathing hard. The dogasm still lingering in her body and now she has her lover’s tongue in her pussy.

Rocky stumbles around the pair of them. He’s not seen this before and his confused as hell, his head cocked on one side. He considers mounting Deann but her pants are still pulled up so he can’t find her pussy.

Deann gets Keegan off a second time, her tongue exploring deep - sending the youngster into throbbing shivering pleasure. Keegan rolls over onto her back, her firm boobs sitting on her chest rather than flopping to the sides or ‘pancaking’ against her chest. Deann gets her head between Keegan’s legs and continues to lick and suck at her cunt. A minute or two, then she moves up Keegan’s body, kissing her belly, licking her tits, one then the other, up to kiss her neck, Keegan writhing the whole time. Then coming face to face, sharing a long, tonguey, doggy-sperm infused kiss on the mouth. Long and loving. Sharing. When it breaks, Keegan licks her own lips, then leans forward to lick Deann’s lips. And they giggle like young lovers.

A few minutes later, Deann, still fully clothed, sits holding her naked and hard breathing slutty little lover as they do their final interview.

Keegan says she’s never really got anything from penetration before - they don’t even use dildos together, it’s all tongue… But the dog’s cock was so much fatter, and hotter, and softer, than a man’s cock or a toy… It felt almost too good in the end, once she was over the initial shock. He was very rough too. She says it felt special to do this for Deann. “There whole time I was doing it I was just thinking ‘You dirty cunt, you dirty dog-whore!’ I think that was as much of a turn-on as the feeling of his cock - just knowing how dirty I was being.”

Deann admits that watching them fuck brought back a lot of memories - not all of them bad. She still thinks her husband was an evil bastard for ‘outing’ her, but forgives him for making her do the dog in the first place - because if she hadn’t done that, she never would have seen this… And this was so much fun to watch.

Is this something you would like to see Keegan do again?

Deann thinks about it for a second, but before she can speak Keegan interrupts… “You should come back with me another time and we can share him next time. Then we’ll be truly equal and you can never complain… Then you’ll have no excuse not to marry me!!”

Deann thinks about that for a second, then cracks a big smile. “I think you might have a very good idea there…” She turns to camera. “Is that alright?” She asks.

It is.

Catch-up information comes on screen to bring us up to date on Keegan and Deann. They are regular visitors to Pablo’s home now (as they only live five minutes away). Both of them have had plenty of experiences with Rocky and their love is stronger than ever. They are planning to marry in the spring. - and they are considering having Rocky as the ‘best man’, because he’s the best they know!

Series 2, Episode 2: Anita Sutherland (52) and Carol Makin (54), from Stockport


We’re in a supermarket. The company name is blurred out on camera, but just about anyone who has ever gone grocery shopping in the UK will be able to identify it.

Busy, busy, busy. Customers wander the aisles, select goods, line up to pay. Staff clean up spills, work the check-outs, help out customers.

We focus on two members of staff having a chat on the floor of the store. Both middle-aged women. One blonde and pale skinned, the other brunette with a tan. Neither looks bad for their age, and both have faces that suggest they don’t go too long without having a good laugh at the world.

A tannoy message sounds out through the store. “Could Anita Sutherland and Carol Makin please report to the store-room. Anita and Carol to the store-room please.

The two women look up, as if looking toward the speakers will make the announcement clearer. They roll their eyes at each other and then smile as they walk off together toward the rear of the shop. It seems more than a little staged.

Now Carol and Anita are on the loading dock at the rear of the store. Low lighting - stacks of cans in unopened boxes, sealed slabs of soft drink, and wooden trays of fruit. Talking to camera.

Carol speaks first - with a strong northern accent. “My name is Carol Makin. I’m 54, and I’m a supermarket worker from Stockport.”

Then the other lady, not quite as sure of herself as Carol. Her voice is deeper, but with the same accent. “I’m Anita Sutherland, I’m 52, and I’m also a supermarket worker from Stockport… Obviously.”

Carol speaks first. “We’ve known each other for… 38 years?”

“Yeah, 38 years.” Anita confirms.

Carol continues. “In the time we’ve been friends we’ve both met our husbands, got married, had kids. We’ve been through a lot together. Told each other everything.”

“Well, almost everything.” Adds Anita.

Carol again… “When my husband and me were first going out, he used to come ‘round and babysit my little sister with me. He’d sneak these videos out from his dad’s collection. Real filth from Europe. We’d watch them together. My favourites were the ones where women had sex with dogs. There were loads of them. I never wanted to be one of those girls… But watching the videos was a real turn-on.”

And your husband?

“Oh, he was turned on by them too. I think that’s part of the reason we fell in love. It’s not often you find someone with a shared interest like that. If either one of us had been disgusted and turned the tape off, I don’t think we would have ended up married.”

Carol continues, “When the show started last year - I watched every week. I thought it was amazing to see all these ‘normal’ women, doing that… English women. It was what I’d been fantasizing about all these years.”

Anita’s turn. “I was shocked, to be honest. We’ve talked about sex, but we’ve never told each other our fantasies… I had no fucking idea she was into dogs - not until your bloody show started… Then she never stopped going on about it… Did you see that Paki getting fucked in the park? Did you see that girl on her wedding night? Did you see those Geordie lesbians? And then she told me she wanted to go on the show - and she wanted me to go on with her.”

And how do you feel about that?

Anita continues, looking a little disgusted. “Well, I thought, she’s my best friend, and this is what she really wants… And… I had a little secret too…”

Now on Carol, “I got all excited - I thought she was going to tell me she was into dog’s too…”

Anita blushes a little. “I never said anything… But I thought, if she’s going to tell me a big secret after 36 years… I better tell her mine. Ever since we were teenagers, I’ve been looking at her every day and thinking, ‘I really want to fuck her!’ I’m not a lezzy or anything, but I’d do all kinds of things to her...”

Carol shrugs to the camera, as if to say “what can you do?”

Anita continues, “I said I’d come on the show and have a threesome with the dog - but only if she would have sex with me as well as the dog.”

Carol, “I thought - if she’s willing to have sex with a dog for me, the least I can do is let her have sex with me too.”

What would your husbands think if they knew you were doing this?

“Mine would probably be turned on… And pissed off that he wasn’t coming along to watch!” Answers Carol.

Anita’s turn… “I don’t know. He probably wouldn’t care so long as he could still see the tv.”

Do you think they will watch the show?

Carol: “We watch it together every week. We love it. I can’t wait for my face to pop up and him to realise what’s going on.”

Anita: “I’ve caught him having a sneaky watch some weeks. He always says he’s just flicking through the channel when I walk in the room, but I think he watches. I reckon he could watch the whole thing without realising its me.” She looks right into the camera and waves, “Hello Geoff… It’s me…”

Now - in about 5 minutes… Your future is going to come through that door (the camera flicks to the loading bay door)… All your dreams, and all your fantasies are going to become real… How do you feel about that?

“I’m very excited…. A bit nervous… But mainly really turned-on.” Says Carol.

Anita is less enthusiastic. “I’m looking forward to the fantasy bit, but I’m not looking forward to the bloody dog!”

We cut to the carpark outside the shop. A car pulling up and parking. The rear hatch opening and a big white dog jumping out - long furred, white, with a pointy face and a tail that curves up and over his back almost proudly showing off his big brown asshole.

His owner, a tall black man, introduces himself to camera. “I’m Steve, and this is Max. He’s a pure-bred Alaskan Malamute. He’s five years old, and he’s been having sex with women ever since he could get an erection. Originally with my girlfriend, but he’s built up a nice little harem now.” Steve smiles.

Cut to a minute later, the rear door of the loading dock rolling up and man and dog are outlined by the light from outside. Steve walks Max in.

The looks on Carol and Anita couldn’t be more different. Carol almost licking her lips with excitement. Anita watching Carol rather than the approaching dog.

They greet the dog - Carol crouching down to pet him and welcome him with a smile and a “Who’s a beautiful boy…” Anita standing to the side and watching, her finger tips curiously stroking the dog’s head when he’s close enough.

Carol asks Steve, “Has he had a lot of women?”

“About a dozen.”

The camera pans around the loading dock - it’s dark but we can see a couple of members of staff hiding behind the stacks of boxes, keen to watch - not keen to be caught on camera. When we get back to the ladies they are undressing.

Carol is already down to stockings and suspenders and her white bra. Anita seems more interested in watching her friend undress, rather than undressing herself - but she gets some direction from off camera and soon begins to catch up. Like her friend, she is also wearing white bra and panties.

Both women are slim - Carol’s boobs are larger. They both giggle at what’s going on. Carol’s giggle seems to be anticipatory, whilst Anita’s seems a little more nervous.

Max is wondering back and forth between them, getting more agitated as he senses sex is getting closer.

Carol removes her bra, her large boobs sag, 54 years worth of gravity kicking in. Anita licks her lips and absent mindedly removes her own bra - smaller boobs, but big nipples as hard as rocks.

Carol peels off her panties, which are sopping wet, revealing a shaved pussy.

“I always wondered if you shaved.” Says Anita.

“I did it especially for today…” Confirms Carol.

Anita removes her panties to reveal an unshaven, but neatly trimmed little bush of dark hair.

They stand, side-by-side, naked, with the hairy dog looking up at them. Anita struggling to keep her eyes off Carol’s big boobs. Carol puts her arm around Anita’s back and Anita eagerly does the same to her. In close up…

“My name is Carol Makin, and I want to have sex with a dog.” Smile.

Then Anita, “My name is Anita Sutherland, and I’m going to have sex with a dog.”

Then they are on the floor - on their knees - with Max standing between them. Anita is stroking his back and patting him, Carol is rubbing his sheath, gripping the growing cock inside it, jerking it harder. The pink lipstick tip is already poking out.

The two women joke and flirt as they play with the dog. “I like this.” “You fucking would.” “It’s getting harder…” “You dirty cunt.”

Carol stooping down to look under Max’s belly, checking out his cock - able to expose a few inches of it when she pulls the sheath back. Looking at it, then at Anita. Anita looking a little sick, but excited at the same time. “Go on, give it a suck…”

“I’m not sucking that…” Retorts Anita.

“If you suck it… I’ll give you a kiss…” Teases Carol.

Anita looks at the cock, then at her friend, cracks a little smile. “It better be a fucking good kiss!”

Carol smiles, “You give him a good suck and I’ll give you a good kiss!”

Anita licks her lips. A nervous lick rather than a sensual one. Takes a deep breath, then lays down on her back on the cold concrete floor and slips her head under Max’s belly. His growing cock hanging down toward her, with Carol still holding the sheath. She continues to wank the dog - slower now - focussing on drawing the sheath back as far as possible to expose as much of that pink cock as possible. Looking down at her friend as she prepares herself…

Anita opens her mouth and raises he head toward the dog’s cock… Nervously, with a hint of disgust, she takes the tip in her mouth and gives it a little suck, scared at first… Then accepting it and sucking deeper. She doesn’t seem to be enjoying it, but she’s doing it. Carol, on the other hand, is watching with a big smile on her face, still wanking that sheath - feeling that hot cock growing in her hand as her friend sucks on it. “Oh that looks bloody amazing…”

Anita moves to take the cock from her mouth, but Carol tells her to “Keep sucking… Keep sucking… Get a good mouthful… I want to taste dog-spunk from your mouth…”

Anita sucks on - harder, longer, struggling to breath around the cock, gathering Max’s pre-cum in her mouth. After a minute or so she coughs a little as her throat begins to fill with it. She pulls away from Max’s cock, indicating a mouth-full… Eases out from under him, then props herself up - waiting for the kiss she’s been dreaming of for years…

Carol leans in to share a soft and very wet kiss with her best friend. Swapping dog-cum from mouth to mouth, tongue to tongue. Anita is lost in the kiss - when Carol breaks it off, Anita tries to follow her mouth for one more lip lock. Anita giggles, then leans toward the dog. “Now give me that cock…” And without any ceremony she’s sucking on the now fully erect dog cock, still holding it at its base. Sucking and sucking. Letting a little pool of doggy spunk build up in her mouth… Then breaking from Max and returning to Carol to drizzle the dog’s seed down into her mouth (which Anita swallows)... Then another kiss. Lingering just long enough to make Anita happy.

“Your turn.” Whispers Carol, holding the cock toward Anita again. Anita, more keenly that before, takes the cock in her mouth and sucks on it.

They take turns to suck on the dog’s meat for a few minutes. 30 seconds each, with a little kiss between each suck. Carol giggling - enjoying watching her friend sucking that dog cock as much as she enjoys sucking it herself. Anita breathing hard - living for every little kiss.

They seem to have almost forgotten the cameras are even there… Carol strokes Anita’s side, “I can’t wait to see him pounding into you...”

Anita responds. “I’m not going first. I want him to fuck you, then I’ll fuck you and he can do whatever the fuck he wants to me!”

From behind camera, production assistant Charley, chips in her own suggestion… “Why not let him decide who he wants to fuck?”

The ladies agree, and within a few seconds they are side-by-side, on their hands and knees, facing away from Max - arses in the air, pussies exposed, poking out backwards between their thighs. Carol looking back over her shoulder at the dog, then at her friend with a giggle. Anita just looking at her friend. Carol reaches back and slaps Anita’s bottom, encouraging the dog in the same way she’s watched a hundred sluts do on video. “Come on… Come on boy…”

Anita reaches back and slaps Carol’s behind. Taking a big handful of flesh and squeezing. “Come on boy, you know you want it… I know I do! Fuck the slut… Come on, fuck the slut!”

Max - his big cock still almost fully erect - looks from one naked woman to the other, pads around behind them, sniffs and laps at their exposed pussies - making each of them jump in surprise. Carol giggling, Anita yelping.

Then he makes his choice - rising up to mount… Anita… “Fuuuucccckkkk!” She gasps, as he’s suddenly on her. Paws around her, his warm belly on her ass, his hairy chest on her back, his big ugly cock suddenly banging against her pussy. He jerks a few times, trying to get inside her, fucking at the air between her thighs. Carol sitting up immediately, reaching between his hind-legs and stuffing that big cock into her friend’s pussy.

Anita gasping and swearing again as Max takes over - flesh around his cock, he knows what to do. He fucks her harder than she’s ever been fucked in her life. She can barely catch her breath. Carol is sitting back, legs apart, fingering her own pussy with a strange happy look on her face as she watches her friend being fucked hard by this big white dog.

The disgust is apparent on Anita’s face. She’s not into this at all. Max doesn’t care - he just keeps pounding into her. His cock almost too big for her pussy, his knot growing - but Anita is resisting and he can’t get it into her. The whole thing lasts barely a minute, then Max pulls away, his fat cock bouncing loose.

Now that the action is over - Carol lays back and spreads her legs even wider. “You can fuck me now…” She says to Anita.

As excited as Anita is, she has other ideas. “Fuck no… I fucked the dog - now you have to fuck him too!”

Carol jokes about Anita liking it more than she admits, as she rolls onto her hands and knees and sticks her arse out. Steve walks Max back over to her and encourages him to mount Carol.

On the day of filming it took quite a while to get Max back in the mood - but in this edited version we go straight to him mounting Carol. The only clue for the viewers at home is that his cock has shrunk down a little, only half poking out of the sheath - so when he finally goes for Carol, he gets it right…

He grips her, angles his hindquarters towards hers… She takes a deep breath… And he’s inside. Not just the tip, not a couple of inches, the whole fucking thing. Six inches of cock that her friend was taking a few minutes ago, now buried all the way inside Carol’s cunt. And she fucking loves it! The look on her face, the arch of her back, the stiffness on her nipples and the sharpness of her breathing all give it away before we even see the smile on her face.

Anita is still on her knees beside her friend, watching her face, and she can’t resist the open mouthed look of pleasure… She lurches forward and plants her mouth on Carol’s mouth, pushing her tongue in there, still able to taste the dog’s semen, kissing her hard - and Carol kissing her back. Old tongues explore each other’s mouths, licking lips, even lick nostrils as they drench each other with kisses, whilst all the time the dog is pounding into Carol’s pussy.

Max is fresh and ready to go hard. His fur on her back, his hot cock in her pussy… His knot forming inside her, stretching her out. She wants to cry out, to moan, to release that pain - but Anita’s tongue is still in her mouth.

As Max fucks Carol, her big titties jiggle under her. Anita reaches under her and fondles them. Squeezing them hard, adding to the pain of the swollen knot in her pussy.

We catch all of this in a wide angle. We also catch sight of those co-workers, both male and female, watching from the shadows. Getting a good look at these two old sluts as they fuck that dog. Not believing what they are seeing, and not sure what they will say to the ladies later when they are all back at work.

Max stops pounding once his knot has swollen so big that he can’t move anymore - and he settles in for the long, painful, tie. His jism squirting into Carol’s belly, filling her up, thrilling her with every pulse and throb.

Anita rolls onto her back and moves under Carol, taking up a 69 position with her face directly beneath Carol’s pussy. From here she can look at the stretched flesh close-up, that big hard cock deep in her friend’s body, the knot making the whole area bulge. It’s wet and it’s red raw. From down here Anita can also see a few scratches on Carol’s thighs from the dog’s frantic attempts to get a better grip - and she suddenly becomes aware that he legs are sore and scratched too.

Carol gasps at Anita begins to lick at her clit, her tongue continuing onto the base of the dog’s shaft - but mainly focusing on her friend’s clit. Anita reaches down to take one of Carol’s nipples in each hand, pinching and ‘wobbling’ her friend’s dangling boobs as much for the camera as for herself.

The pleasure of the dog’s cock throbbing in her pussy, Anita’s tongue flicking over her clit, and her nipples being pinched, is driving Carol crazy, and pretty soon she’s moaning and shivering her way to a pretty powerful orgasm. Her back arching, her pussy spasming around the dog’s cock which makes him squirt even harder…

As the orgasm passes Carol finally returns Anita’s favour - lowering her head to kiss, lick, and suck on the big lips and large hooded clit of her best friend. Tasting that dog spunk again, mixed with fresh pussy juices. A fine cocktail.

Anita’s head drops back to the floor, enjoying having her pussy sucked… Breathing hard as she finally heads toward her own orgasm. Switching from holding Carol’s nipples to pinching her own. Bucking her hips hard and pressing her pussy up into her lover’s face as she cums as hard as she’s cum in the last 30 years... “"Fuuuuuccckkkkkkk!”

At that moment, Max’s knot pulls free of Carol’s cunt. A gout of canine semen pouring out into Anita’s eyes and onto her forehead, rolling backwards into her hair. She shuts her eyes tight - not wanting to move and spoil the tonguing she’s getting.


Afterwards, as they put their work clothes back on, staggering around on wobbly legs, the girls comment on their experience.

“That was really really nice…” Says Carol.

Anita, with dog cum matted into her fringe and a bit of pink-eye, doesn’t seem so happy. “I had ‘some’ fun… Other bits… Not so much!”

Would you do it again?

Carol looks at Anita… “I loved it… But I’d only do it again if she wanted to join in again.”

“And I’d only do it again if there was no dog involved.”

“Bestiality without the beast.” Laughs Carol.

Anita shrugs her shoulders.

I think our show will over-run this week, I tell them.

“Two for the price of one… Best deal in the shop today!” Laughs Carol. Anita stands beside her smiling, her fringe still plastered to her forehead with Max’s jism.

The end credits run over footage of Max and Steve walking away from the supermarket (brand name obscured again), heading back to their car. Steve talks direct to camera as they walk.

“I think he did a pretty good job. He’s never had two women at the same time before, and it was a funny place to do it - but I think he put in a good performance. The blonde one said she’d only do it if her friend joined in again, but between you and me, she took my number and said she’d give me a call to arrange a regular session with Max.” He smiles. So does Max.

There’s a final shot of Carol walking along an aisle in the supermarket, looking highly satisfied and licking her lips.

Series 2, Episode 3: Christina Bradshaw (48), from Leeds


A middle-aged woman enters the offices of our production company and is shown into the studio for her initial interview.

Everything about her screams that she’s a respectable, middle-class, educated ‘lady’. From the sensible black shoes with the respectable two-inch heels, to the conservative and neat black knee length skirt, to the plain blouse and jacket combination. She fills the clothes out nicely, no extra weight on her, but not too skinny either.

Her hair is long and auburn-red, hanging over her shoulders, and her face narrow, not unpleasant, with a little make-up used sparingly to cover up faults rather than highlight (or create) beauty.

She speaks with barely a hint of her natural accent - education in her youth, and good company over the last few decades have worn it away. “Hello, my name is Christina Bradshaw. I’m 48 years old, and I’m the manager of an aged care facility in Leeds.”

We continue the interview face-to-face, with her sitting demurely on a high stool, talking right into camera. She’s very pleasant.

Why are you here with us today?

“I’ve been married for 23 years… And things are - well - I suppose you could say things are boring. Frustrating, perhaps. My husband is an Anglican minister, with a parish in Leeds, and he’s very focussed on doing good work for his parishioners. He’s a wonderful man, but certain elements of one’s life suffer as a result. He’s never been a particularly sexual person. So sex with him was never particularly exciting… Once we had had our children, his interest in sex just went away completely. So I’ve been essentially sexless for… A decade.”

Completely sexless?

“We’ve probably done it a couple of times a year… But when it happens it’s not exciting, it’s not passionate... There’s nothing ‘naughty’ about it. I think every woman wants to be a little bit dirty sometimes.”

And this particular woman?

“I haven’t been even a little bit dirty for… Far too long. My husband doesn’t even like oral sex. He says they are demeaning to women… I say, ‘Isn’t that half the fun?’”

How long have you been into this?

“To be honest, it never even crossed my mind until your first series was on last year. Even then I didn’t see the first few episodes because I thought it was a disgusting idea… But the more I thought about how disgusting the idea was, the more I wanted to watch it… And as soon as I saw the show, and saw how much the ladies enjoyed themselves… I just had to try it.”

So what are you looking forward to the most today?

“I think sucking him off… It’s so dirty. Something so demeaning and filthy. I just want to feel it in my mouth, and to know that the whole country is watching.”

How will this affect your relationship?

“You would think that it would be very damaging… But I know my husband, and I know that he will forgive me. He’s really into forgiveness!”

She’s standing up now, still in the little studio. In close-up. “My name is Christina Bradshaw, and I want to be fucked by a big dog.” (she puts extra emphasis on the ‘fucked’ as if she rarely swears in her private life and just saying this is a thrill).

Elsewhere in our building - in the conference room - we find a short, fat man (Eddie) and his Irish setter - Paddy. Paddy is 65lbs of long red-haired madness. His tongue hanging out, excitedly looking around this strange room and at these new people.

Eddie speaks through a voice-disguiser with a vague Birmingham accent, his face is always out of focus - unlike the ladies on our show, our owners are allowed to protect their identity. “This is Paddy. He’s 3 years old. He’s never had sex with a woman, but he’s been mounting me for over a year and he knows what to do.”

The whole time Eddie is talking he is casually rubbing Paddy’s belly and fondling his sheath.

Back to Christina - a full length shot of her standing up, removing her jacket and hanging it over the back of a chair. Unbuttoning her top and removing it - placing that on the chair over her jacket. She’s in good shape for a woman of her age. Slim, with good skin. Boobs not too big, but nicely rounded in a half-cup bra. She mentions that it’s the only ‘nice’ bra she has.

She unzips her skirt, steps out of it, folds it and places it on the chair too. Plane black stockings and suspenders, suspender belt, and black silk and lace panties, plus those sensible black heels.

She stands infront of camera letting us view her from her toes up her slim legs, over her pussy and her thin belly, her small but nicely rounded cleavage, elegant neck, pretty face. Slightly embarrassed, a little nervous perhaps, but happy.

Back to Eddie and Paddy. Eddie is leaning over Paddy, fondling his sheath - getting him ready. He gets a signal from the director and stands up and leads a very excited Paddy out of the room. We follow them down a corridor to an office door.

Back with Christina - she reaches up and unfastens her bra, removing it and letting her small (they’re somewhere between an A and B cup), but naturally firm boobs sag just a little. Pointy nipples with small areolas. She half covers her them with her hands before realising how silly it is to be shy considering what she’s about to do.

The door behind her opens and Paddy pushes in - smiling with his tongue hanging out. Panting hard and pulling on his chain. Christina takes a noticeable step back from him and a deep breath. “Oooh, a doggy. Whoever would have expected that…” She jokes - almost managing to sound surprised.

And then she’s kneeling down beside the dog - he’s sitting. She’s stroking his flanks, patting him, running her fingers through his fur. Smiling, but it doesn’t look like a 100% genuine smile. It’s forced.


“Just a little bit… My heart’s pounding… I think the nerves make it even better. I think the fear makes it sexier… I think.”

She strokes the dog again and looks at him intently. Her hand wandering down his side and reaching under his belly. Her breathing harder, a nervous smile, blowing the air out, as she builds up the courage to… Fondle his sheath. She almost winces as she feels the hardness of his cock - already warmed up by Eddie - within. The beast stands up and leans into her, demanding attention. A couple of slow jerks, pulling that sheath back, and that pink lipstick comes out to play.

She looks around, seeking permission to proceed and gets it from behind camera. Pushes the dog away, then lays down on her back. Her head next to his hindlegs. Eases under him, taking one of his legs in her hand, positioning it on the other side of her head, holding it in place whilst she gets in position. She’s now looking up at that lipstick dick tip. She continues to stroke his shaft slowly. Watching his cock grow. Beginning to glisten as the first drop of pre-cum appears on its flat end. Paddy getting a little restless.

In a close-up, we watch as Christina raises her head toward the beast’s belly - her mouth open. Getting closer. Her tongue out. Shaking a little as she waits for that first drop to drip… And it does. She tastes it, then sticks her tongue out again and brings it right up to the dog’s cock until she is licking the tip, or touching it at the very least. Slowly, nervously, she closes her mouth around the cock.

There’s a look in her eyes - equal parts fear, disgust and shame. But she can’t stop herself.

She only sucks the tip, her lips tight around it, her eyes open the whole time. Sucking on it and slurping on the end of his thick shaft. She takes it out of her mouth and lets all the pre-cum he’s given her so far spill out over her lip, down over her chin. A little jet of watery cum squirts on her face and she has to close her eyes tight to stop it going in them. And then she back to sucking it. Again, just the tip. Sucking hard, lips around it, then letting the cum spill out over her chin. Eyes flitting from the dog’s belly, to the camera, to off-camera. She doesn’t look like she’s loving it - but she clearly wants to do it. Her nipples are rock hard little bullets.

The dog’s cock is still growing, with her holding it in mid-shaft. Working the tip with her lips, the shaft with her hand. Her other hand cupping and caressing his big balls. There’s no sighing or moaning. The only noise is the sound of her wet lips on his wet shaft - and of his panting.

Do you want to have sex with him?

She takes the cock from her mouth and looks up at camera. “I’m happy just sucking on this, to be honest…” She says before returning to her cock sucking.

She gets him fully erect with her mouth, his knot forming in her grip, squirting his cum on her face, and when she angles it in the right direction - onto her small boobs. She aims the cock with one hand,

From the wetness of her face and chest, she’s clearly been at this a lot longer than we’ve seen on the show. Sucking and spitting, aiming at her face and her tits. In reality, the blowjob lasted something like twenty minutes - with him loving every second, shooting little jets into her mouth and over her flesh throughout.

She finally stops, and looks up to camera with the shiniest face we’ve seen on the show. She is drenched in his cum and her sweat. “Do you think he’ll still be able to, ‘service’ me?” She asks.

We cut to her as she gets down to her hands and knees, her panties are finally off. Her pussy appears to be trimmed extremely short, almost completely hairless. The big crazy dog circling her, looking excited. His cock has shrunk back into its sheath. On camera only a few seconds have passed, but on set on the day we gave Paddy an hour to recover from his blow job for letting Christina wank and suck him back to a semi-erect state.

She’s smiling, patting her rear with one hand and supporting herself on the other. Each time the dog completes a circuit of her without trying to mount she looks a little more frustrated. She straightens up, playing with her nipples for a second, pinching each and squeezing her small boobs, as she looks down at the hairy beast. “I should have just kept sucking him off…” She says as her level of frustration rises.

Eddie suggests that she gets her shoulders to the floor and wiggles her bottom for Paddy. He jokes that even if the dog doesn’t mount her it will give the camera crew a great view of what she has to offer. She looks at him disapprovingly, almost like a teacher chastising a cheeky schoolboy - then assumes that position anyway. Her arse up in the air, cheeks spread wide, her pussy pushed back between her slim thighs. Taking the weight on her chest and the side of her face, she reaches back with both hands, grips the back of her thighs and twists them, to spread her rear end even wider. Pink pussy and a little brown asshole proudly displayed…

Now Paddy sees something he recognises. He lurches forward and mounts her, legs grasping around her body, then angles his cock toward her rear end - and before she realises what he’s doing, the tip of his cock has smacked against her asshole once, and then penetrated it on the second thrust.

Like watching some slick, sick horror flick, the animal’s cock immediately swells and extends from the sheath, and he drives it deeper into her ass with a couple of high speed thrusts. “Aahhhwwwwaaaaa!” She screams out in shock, grunting and gasping as the dog goes hard into her backside.

The camera moves to a low angle to catch the full glory of his fat pink member filling out her tight little arsehole. Sliding in and out. Stretching the flesh around it.

Second camera catches her facial expression - one that is both agony and amazement at the same time. Her eyes wide - and watering. Horror, and pleasure. A scream with a smile.

He pumps into her, fast and deep. “Make… Him… Staaaaaarrrrrpppppp!” She gasps.

Eddie steps in to grab at Paddy’s collar, but Charley pulls him away then drops down beside Christina. She manages to stay on the other side of the minister’s wife - keeping the brunette her and the camera. A comforting arm over Christina’s shoulder as she whispers in her ear. “Take it… Take it all… Breath through it… Take it…. You can do this…”

Paddy arches his back and pushes as deep as he can. Making sure the base of his cock is right up inside this human whore before his knot begins to grow inside of her. Swelling up and sealing the dog in place.

Christina almost growls as she takes the pain of each throb. “It hurts….” She moans.

Charley reaches down under the dog’s balls, moving her fingers to the top of Christina’s pussy. Massaging her clit in fast little circles. All of a sudden Christina’s attitude changes - losing focus on the pain of the swollen sex organ in her asshole, and enjoying to pleasurable sensations of being expertly fingered by this much younger woman (this is not the first pussy Charley has played with).

Just as she’s beginning to comfortable with the knot in her ass, and enjoying the fingers on her pussy… Paddy decides it’s time to turn away from her. Struggling through a full turn so that he is ass-to-ass with the slut. Standing there, leaning slightly away from her, pulling his knot against her asshole, stretching it.

Christina has turned her head away from the camera so that she can look up at Charley. Charley, for her part, is still rubbing Christina’s clit. Paddy’s pink cock is still swollen and embedded in Christina’s butt. They stay in this three-way pose for 30 seconds until Charley’s fingering finally triggers Christina’s orgasm. Making her buck and squirm, moan and swear. Then slowly catching her breath, the dog still behind her, looking completely uninterested in her plight.

We cut to a few minutes later, a close-up of his knot - half out of her asshole. Her moaning loudly as her body’s limits are tested. It’s about to pop… Just about… Stretching her asshole out to the max… And… It slips out, the rest of his cock snaking out after it. She lets out a loud yelp of pain as it bends and slurps whilst it comes out. Brown tinged doggy jism leaking out of her hole and dribbling down her inner thigh. She falls forward and rolls on her side, breathing hard, and now that it’s over she’s smiling. Looking up at Charley, who is still kneeling beside her. She says something our microphones don’t quite pick up, and smiles… Then Charley leans down and gives her a little kiss - which Christina turns into a longer kiss. Charley puts a hand on one of Christina’s breasts and squeezes it a little as she kisses the older woman… And we fade out.

We cut back to Christina, sitting on her stool again. Still wearing nothing but her stockings and suspenders.

That wasn’t what you planned…

“No. Not at all… But I’m not complaining. It was… Ah… An experience.”

Have you ever had anal sex before?

“No. Never. Not even in college.”

And you got to play with our Charley too…

“Yes. That WAS a surprise… I’ve never even considering kissing another woman before. That’s three firsts for me in one session!”

And how was that?

“It was very nice, thank you.”

How did the whole experience make you feel?

“Dirty. Dirtier than I thought. Like a criminal, or a sinner. It was lovely though. I couldn’t stop myself from sucking a little longer, and then the anal - that was a surprise, and very painful... But it was still good. And then Charley was very pleasant.”

Will this lead to more alternate activities?

“I don’t know. I enjoyed the thrill, but I don’t know if it would be the same if I did it again. It wouldn’t be the first time, and it wouldn’t be on camera… Maybe just this one time. I’ll see what my husband thinks… Who knows - maybe he’ll want to see me do it again.”

Would you like that?

“Yes… I think I would. Very much. Yes.”

We fade out to the end titles.

Eddie walking Paddy out of the studio to his car in the carpark outside. Talking to, and about, Paddy as they walk. “He’s a good boy… I suppose going up her arse was natural to him because that’s all he’s ever done before. I think she liked it.”

Back with Christina inside, infront of a bathroom mirror, wiping dog jism and saliva off her face with a paper towel. “The anal sex was torture… I’m glad I did it, but it hurt like hell.”

To Charley, smirking. “I don’t know what came over me. She’s not my type at all, but she was in pain and I wanted to take her mind off it so that she could finish the show.”

Back to Eddie, with Paddy loaded into the back of his car and already resting in the rear. Eddie talking through the driver’s window. “I think he needs a little more practice to learn how to use a pussy… Or if you have any ladies who like it up the arse you know who to call…” He smiles, before pulling away with a wave to the camera and driving away into traffic.

Series 2, Episode 4: Aliya Tariq (30), from London


Coffee coloured skin, slim and sultry. She’s a Pakistani woman with long, straight, jet black hair framing a pretty face then draping over her shoulders. She has black eyes and a ring through one nostril. Her full lipped mouth is never closed, either hanging slightly open with a sexy little pout, or wide open with teeth bared as she grins/silently laughs at the slightest source of amusement.

We meet her standing outside a large restaurant, wearing (or almost wearing) a very British styled waitress’s uniform. White blouse, black knee length skirt. The uniform itself is quite respectable - perhaps a little modern for a traditional Pakistani joint - but she isn’t wearing it that way… Her blouse is unbuttoned about as far as a ‘good’ girl can get away with, revealing a white bra and a good portion of cleavage within.

She speaks with a deep, dirty, Cockney accent that doesn’t give any hint of her ethnic heritage.

“My name is Aliya Tariq. I’m 30, I’m single, and I want to stay that way!” She smirks.

We watch Aliya in the restaurant, preparing tables - her blouse now buttoned up, straight. Neat and tidy. Occasionally saying something to another waitress or to an older man who appears to be in charge…

“I work in my family’s restaurant in Wembley in North London. It’s a nice place, and it’s a nice family. My parents have always been very supportive of me, but they really want me to get married. They’ve been putting me together with men since I was a teenager - trying to get me to marry someone respectable… But they’ve never gone as far as to arrange a marriage. They’re better than that… I don’t think they get that I’m not interested in the traditional life…”

We see her interacting with her mother - a very respectable, middle aged, Pakistani woman in a similar waitress outfit to Aliya.

“It’s all my mum’s fault… She did this to me…” Aliya jokes in continued voice-over. Then we move to a close up of Aliya giving her backstory.

“When the internet was still new my mum didn’t know about clearing her browser history… We all shared the same computer and one time I went on it after mum and the website was still open - and it was just loads of pictures of women sucking off animals and having sex with them… Like I say she never cleared her browser history, so I checked all her regular sites and she was always looking at this stuff when we were at school… And I liked it too. I imagined being in all those pictures, on all those videos. I asked her about it once and she said we don’t talk about these things… So we don’t talk about it - but I think about it all the time! Not just the idea of going with an animal, but the idea of people looking at me doing it. To have pictures of me with an animal on the internet, or on the tele.”

Then we’re talking to Aliya’s mother and father in a two shot. They think we are here to talk about the problems of young Muslim women in modern western society. Their English is more typically Pakistani, broken but each word nearly pronounced in the manner of a man who didn’t live in the country for the first 20 years of their lives.

Her father first, “Aliya is a beautiful girl. I ask her to get married, but she’s not interested.”

Then her mother, “I tell Aliya to live her own life, and when she is ready, come to me and I find her a good husband. She does not come to me yet… I worry that she will never look for one.”

Her father, “… Or even worse, that she might be gay.”


That was a preview of The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 2. To read the rest purchase the book.

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