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The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 1

Luke Ozvik


The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 1

By Luke Ozvik

Description: Imagine a BBC tv documentary series in which ladies explain their desire to have sex with an animal - then are given the opportunity to do it on camera. 300 episodes later, we've had ladies from 18-60, all colours, sexualities and religions, we've even had disabled ladies. Consent is king. All of our ladies are doing it because they want to do it - and all of our dogs feel the same way!

Tags: Bestiality, Fiction, Rough, Consensual, Exhibitionism, Bisexual, Anal, Cuckold, Humiliation

Published: 2019-02-10

Size: ≈ 50,377 Words

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The United Kingdom of Zoo

by Luke Ozvik

©Copyright 2019 Luke Ozvik



“I’d rather see an overweight, toothless grandmother being fucked hard by an enthusiastic dog and loving it than see the most beautiful supermodel in the world fake it with a disinterested beast. There is nothing that compares to a couple, woman and beast, who are both seriously engaged in the idea of fucking each other.” - Luke Ozvik, 2019

In the aftermath of Brexit, the British government had so many legal issues to resolve, and so many laws to disentangle, that it was inevitable that some loopholes would open up. We spotted one of them, and it was to be a goldmine for us.

We found ourselves with the laws sitting in such a way that there was considerable leeway for shows to be defined as ‘educational material’, and the way they defined the laws regarding bestiality meant that whilst it was illegal to have sex with an animal, it was apparently legal for an animal to have sex with you. Furthermore, whilst it was legal to record yourself doing anything that was legal in the privacy of your own home, it was considered to be illegal to sell that material, but - there was still a question as to whether it was legal to share recorded consensual acts with friends. However, if one could demonstrate that these recordings were educational, rather than pornographic, then an area of confusion would open up, and this created some wonderful opportunities for us.

Meanwhile, the broadcasters we produced shows for were all seeking increasingly titillating and scandalous output. They wanted sex, and they wanted controversy.

We had already successfully pitched our shows, "I Wanna Be A Pornstar" (in which we followed 4 young ladies from around the United Kingdom as they set off together for California to get into the adult entertainment industry), and then the even bigger success that was our show, "Gay For Pay", in which straight members of a studio audience were encouraged to perform homosexual acts in return for cash prizes. People were appalled. They claimed they our shows were disgusting. They kept watching.

We pitched our latest idea for a joke. Even in this strange environment we didn’t think the network would go for it.

The new concept was to find women who wanted to have sex with animals, interview them to find out why, and then give them the opportunity to have sex with a trained animal. We'd record them in the act, then we'd interview them again afterwards to see how the experience was. We pitched that we could get by on the educational angle as we were going deep into the psychology of these women, who they were, why they wanted to do this, what it would mean to them, etc.

The network buyers loved the idea. They were keen to pick it up, and they had a few suggestions of their own. They wanted the women on the show to be presentable. They didn’t have to be beauty queens, but we were expected to avoid what one executive described as “distractingly unattractive types”. One could ask what kind of viewer they thought would tune in to watch a show about bestiality, only to turn-off if they saw an unattractive woman.

They wanted to call it “The United Kingdom of Zoo”, and they wanted to ensure that we covered the whole country. Geographically and demographically. Old and young. Black and white. Married and single. Fat and thin. All religions, all sexualities. All points between.

That’s 65 million people in total. 33 million of them women. 19 million of those between the ages of 18-60, which we had determined to be old enough, and not too old...

Our research indicated that 3% of women fantasize about having sex with an animal, so that’s around 570,000 of those women between 18-60. If only 3% of those were keen to act on their fantasies you’d still have 17,100. If only 3% of those were willing to do it on camera you’d still have 513 subjects.

We went looking for them. We advertised online, in magazines, newspapers, and anywhere else we could think of. “Perverts wanted. Must love animals. Apply here.” Or words to that effect. We didn’t expect to get anywhere near the 513 mark. We were hoping for enough to do a single series at best.

We got hundreds of applications!

Everything from the beautiful teenager who just wanted to be on television and didn’t care what she had to do to get there, to the middle-aged mother of four who had always fantasized about dogs but had never told anyone, to the newly wed bride trying to please her bestiality obsessed husband.

We interviewed them all by phone or Skype, a couple even came to meet us at our production office in Manchester. We were weeding out the dreamers and the cowards, leaving only the most perverted, confident, and brave - the fearless and the shameless. Women who wanted to have sex with animals, and were willing to do it on camera; willing to work without masks or pixelated images to protect their anonymity. Most of them were pleasant enough to look at. Some were stunning. Others were not-so-hot. Stunning or not, all of them wanted to be there. They all had their reasons and because of that within each of them represented a new element of excitement and adventure, fun - and most importantly, passion. How they looked or what age they were didn’t really matter. This was all about what they wanted to do, not what they looked like. A celebration of perversion in the United Kingdom.

We also went on an animal hunt. We were looking for experienced animals with trustworthy owners. Big dogs, we didn’t want anyone to be disappointed. Calm horses, we didn't want anyone to be injured. Energetic boars, we didn't want things to get boring.

Preliminary market research suggested that the bigger and scarier a dog we used, the more likely people would watch. So we opted to focus primarily on dogs. Big, scary dogs.

With a selection of animals in place to share with the ladies of the United Kingdom, we set out to tour the country, to meet these women, to get to know them and understand their fantasies, and to offer them a chance to fulfil their darkest desires and lose their bestial virginity to a well-trained animal - so long as we could record it for broadcast on this show. We thought we’d be on the road for a couple of weeks. We had no idea we’d have so many applicants or that we’d be on the road for years.

When it came time to introduce our guests to the animals, they would sometimes get scared, shy, or ashamed, and they would pull out, but most went through with it. We weren’t interested in the ones who didn’t. We only wanted to show the stories of those who did.

These are their stories...

Series 1, Episode 1: Layla Solano (38), from Oxford


Dark hair to her shoulders, a pleasant pale skinned face. No make-up. She's got a few years on her and she looks like she needs some sleep. She speaks direct to camera with an educated, intelligent tone to her voice.

“Hello. My name is Layla Solano. I’m a 38 year old housewife, and I’m from Oxford.”

We watch as Layla prepares breakfast for her husband, Matthew, and three teenage sons - Michael (15), Martin (14) and Mark (13). She looks pretty good for a mother of three, but is clearly run off her feet by the lazy boys. Occasionally she smiles and laughs at something that one of the boys says, but we can’t hear due to her continuing her story in voice over. When she does smile we see the beauty in her.

“I’ve spent the last 16 years either pregnant or looking after my boys. Before that I was at university studying hard. Before that I was at school trying to impress my parents. I’ve never really done anything for myself.”

Matthew declined to be interviewed for the series, but we see the boys lined up for the camera, being interviewed. They’ve been told that their mother is appearing on a BBC show about women giving up their careers to look after family.

Michael - “I’m proud of mum. She works ever so hard to look after us. She deserves a holiday from us. She’s the best mum in the world.”

Martin - “I think mum’s sad because she went to university and worked really hard but never got a good job because she was too busy with having a family and everything.”

Mark - “Mum’s awesome. She makes the best dinners and gives the best hugs. I hope she wins a prize on the show.”

Back to Layla, loading the boys up into dad’s Volvo, waving them all off on the school run. She is left standing in the driveway. She turns to face camera and smiles, quite comfortable with our presence.

Then we're back in her home, in the kitchen, her leaning back against the bench, arms folded casually. A little defensive, but quite happy to chat.

“I don’t know where the idea came from, but I’ve known since I was a teenager that I was attracted to dogs. I’ve always fantasized about having sex with one. And today, I’m going to make my dreams come true.”

We’re taking Layla to the north-east of England for the weekend, to meet with a very special new friend…

And then we’re on a council estate in an unidentified northern town (it’s actually Gateshead, but we don’t publicise this as it was still debateable whether what we were doing was legal or not and we didn’t want our host to get in trouble).

Pablo (not his real name), our host, works for the Royal Mail. He lives with his dog in a small two bedroom council house. Unlike Layla, who’s face is shown in great detail, Pablo’s face is digitized to protect his anonymity. He speaks as little as possible - we might hear an occasional instruction or word of advice given to Layla. The house is neat but small, simply decorated, with movie posters on the walls and a huge plasma tv dominating the single living area.

Pablo’s dog is a large Rottweiler, unimaginatively named Rocky. A magnificent beast that appears to be made of pure muscle. He looks intimidating but behaves like a cuddly toy.

There’s a knock at the door. Outside Layla smiles as the door opens and she is welcomed in. There’s a hint of nervousness in the way she looks around as she enters. She’s immediately taken by the size of Rocky. “Oh, he’s a big boy… A very big boy…” She stammers, but the wide smile on her face indicates that she’s very happy to see him.

A few minutes later, her coat is off and she’s sitting on the couch in Pablo’s living room. She’s wearing a blouse and jeans. Her hair loose and natural. She’s put on minimal make-up. Rocky is sitting on at her feet looking up at her as she rubs his chest.

What does she think of him?

“He’s a handsome boy… He’s great.”

Is she looking forward to this?

“Very much. I’ve been waiting a long time.”

Is she nervous?

“Yes, quite nervous, but it’s a good kind of nervous.”

What is it about dogsex that turns her on?

“I think it’s the taboo. It’s not the done thing. I think the idea that I’ll be at an animal’s mercy, being used, being a total slut. I’ve always been a good girl. It will be amazing to just be wild. Really wild!”

Can she tell us again, who she is, and what she wants to do…

“My name is Layla Solano, and I want this big beautiful dog to fuck me like his bitch!”

She’s getting undressed. Seemingly more nervous about showing her body to the camera than having sex with an animal on television. She has no need to be nervous - as she removes her blouse we see that she’s slim, her belly just a little loose, but not fat. As she peels off her jeans we see that she has fairly long, reasonably toned legs, her bum sagging just a little. Her panties come off next and we see an untrimmed but not too bushy pussy. Finally her bra comes off and her boobs, 36Cs, droop a little and have large, long nipples which are already erect and highly sensitive to the touch of her fingertips.

Pablo shows her how to take up position. Knees spread, bum in the air, boobs on the carpet, weight resting on her chest and shoulders. Her hands are both free to move around her body, and as she waits she gently massages her breasts, her long fingers squeezed between flesh and floor.

Are you ready?

“I’m very very ready… Yes.”

Pablo releases Rocky and the dog immediately makes for her rear end. Licking at her pussy and making her jump. His big tongue slopping over her lips, and up the cleft in her arse... Wet and warm, making everything down there wet and slippery. Making Layla squirm and writhe... "Ohh God... That's... So... Filthy..."

He doesn't lick for long though - soon losing interest in her taste and wanting to know how she feels...

He steps back, looks over her, then tries to mount her - initially slipping to one side and missing her pussy altogther as he thrusts at thin air... His paws drop to the floor and he circles around to takes another run at her... Mounts her again, and starts hammering his cock toward her without success a second time, then stumbles away, twisting his head around almost under his belly to lick at the growing lipstick tip of his cock...

Layla sits up a little disappointed but still smiling.

“It’s electric…. My heart is racing just from the thought of what I’m trying to do. Knowing how close I am to doing it.”

Pablo explains to her that Rocky is often like this with a new partner - and suggests a few minor changes to her positioning - perhaps if she arches her back a little more, raises her arse, sticks her pussy out further…

Layla assumes the position again, this time arching her back and spreading her knees a little wider. We can see a bigger target for Rocky… And so can he.

The Rottweiler rises up behind the woman again, this time getting astride her, legs around her midriff, sliding down her back, his soft belly against her round arse, his cock-sheath lining up with her cunt... And he starts to ram his cock at her pussy - and somewhere within a series of fast jerking thrusts - he’s inside her.

The first woman/dog sex scene ever shown on television - and it's 100% real. Nothing faked.

She gasps, then gasps again as a fast, thrusting fuck begins. The dog hammering into her pussy from behind. “Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh fuck, oh yes…” She gasps as he furiously drives that fat shaft into her.

We shoot most of this from a side angle. Giving a perfect view of Layla’s boobs squashed against the floor, her slightly rounded belly, her tensed thighs, smooth curving butt - and that big nasty dog on top of her, holding tight, his chest on her back, his head in the air above hers - concentrating as he thrusts hard at her…

We stay back so that we can see the whole picture - respectable housewife being nailed doggy style by a monster of a dog! Her turning her head to try and see the beast, and us being able to see the look of joy and excitement on her face as he continues to smash her from behind. A smile of disbelief as she takes everything he's got.

The fast fucking action only lasts a short while - maybe 40 seconds at most - before he stops his thrusting and pushes himself tight up to her, grabbing even tighter around her middle, and holding himself firmly on her back. His arse and balls twitching.

She’s gasping and moaning. “I can feel him squirting inside me… Filling me up with his spunk.”

They are tied together - his big knot filling her pussy like it hasn’t been filled since giving birth. She can’t do anything but lay there under him, her fingers working her clit. Moaning and sighing with each twitch of his balls. Dog sperm filling her insides, a few drops working out of her pussy and dripping onto the floor.

Looking into camera as the dog stands over her, still stuck inside her. “It’s an amazing feeling. I feel like he ‘owns’ me. He can use me however he wants. There’s nothing I can do to stop him… It feels so… Hot. Wet and hot. His cock feels huge... And wonderful…”

After a little over ten minutes (that will be cut to less than one in the show) the dog’s knot shrinks enough to allow his cock to flop out - with a spurt of cum pouring out of her pussy and onto the carpet between her legs. She falls forward and rolls over to catch her breath - a huge smile on her face. Rocky staggers away, his massive cock bouncing and swinging away under his belly. Layla watches him go. “That’s a huuuuugggeeee cock… I didn’t know it was that big!”

She continues to masturbate as she watches him wonder away and flop on his side to ‘clean’ his own cock. She shivers from the pleasure he’s given her and she is continuing to provide herself.

Do you want to suck his cock?

“I can barely move… I’m happy just to look at it… Maybe next time…”

We fade out on her touching herself and watching the dog, then back into her sitting on the couch, bra and panties back on. Some time has passed and she’s had time to think about what she’s done. The smile isn’t quite as big.

“I think it’s beginning to sink in now… What I’ve done. What I’ve become…”

And what’s that?

“I’m officially a dogslut now, right?”

And how does that feel?

“I feel dirty… But very good. I feel like I’m a different person. Like there’s nothing I can’t do.”

Will you do this again?

“I hope so. I know my husband isn’t impressed - but he’ll come around to the idea when I tell him how much I enjoyed it.”

Any final words?

“Only that I don’t regret a thing - and I recommend this to anyone who’s watching. It’s amazing.”

Later. We watch a fully dressed Layla leaving the house and heading back to her car, waving goodbye.

A caption appears on screen to bring us up to date on Layla:

After recording the show Layla told her husband everything and he agreed to travel with her to visit Pablo and Rocky a few weeks later. They have been back once a month since then, and they have just bought her a black Labrador puppy, which she plans to train over the next few years.

Series 1, Episode 2: Rose Wharton (23), from Aberdeen


Welcome to Aberdeen on the north east coast of Scotland. On the east of the city, just south of the River Don, a series of 20 storey apartment blocks rise up to challenge the harsh wind that gusts in from the North Sea, no more than 400m away across a notoriously flat nature reserve.

Inside one of those tower blocks, almost at the top, in a small kitchen, we meet our next subject. She’s something of a Scottish stereotype with white than white skin, straight ginger hair, freckles across her face. She’s very slight but not at all fragile looking. Hard Scottish stock. She looks about two good meals from being a decent looking girl. She wears a big sweater, almost disappearing in it. She speaks nervously with a Scottish accent so thick that it almost needs subtitles.

“Hello, my name is Rose Wharton. I’m 23. I’m unemployed. And I’m from Aberdeen.”

There’s a much older man sitting with her, you could be forgiven for thinking he’s her father, he’s actually her husband, Danny. He’s about to turn 50.

“I didn’t have the nicest of childhoods. My mum was a druggy and a prostitute. She’s suck and fuck anyone to get her next fix. She told me several times that I was the product of a load that she should have swallowed. She always treated me like I was a problem rather than a daughter.”

Danny grips her hand, looking after her.

“I’ve got no idea who my father is, neither did my mother. She said she probably had sex with 30 men in the week she got pregnant. Danny was our neighbour when I was little. He’d come round and bring me dinner when my mother went off on a bender. Or he’d take me back to his house where it was safer. Nothing dodgy. He was always kind, never touched me or anything like that. He treated me nice. When I was about 15 I moved into his house and my mother almost had a party. No more problems… She died of an overdose a few years ago now. I don’t miss her. But Danny… Danny looked after me. He was everything a daddy should be, but I knew he wasn’t my daddy… And when I was old enough, I wanted to treat him as nicely as he treated me. On my 18th birthday I got into his bed with him and gave him a blowie… And we’ve been together like that ever since.”

Can you tell us why we’re here today?

“I always told Danny that I would do anything for him. Absolutely anything. So anytime he asks me to do something, I’ll do it, whether I like the idea or not.”

What kinds of things?

“He likes to watch me have sex with other men. He likes to take me down to car parks for a wee bit of dogging with strangers, or to a pub for an after hours gangbang. There’s a lot of oil workers from the north-sea rigs go through Aberdeen and most of them have been through me at some point - I think I’ve probably shagged about 200 men for Danny… Might be a hundred more or less though, it’s hard to keep count in a gangbang.” She says all of this very matter-of-factly.

“I wanted to give Danny something special for his 50th birthday, so I told him I’d do absolutely anything he asked… And this was his idea.”

Can you tell us what that is?

“I’m going to have sex with a dog whilst everyone in the pub watches.” She doesn’t look overjoyed about this, but a promise is a promise.

Danny has a look on his face that suggests he can’t believe his luck. He gives her hand and extra firm squeeze. She looks at him and whispers, “I love you Danny” - it’s so quiet that many viewers will confuse it for “I love you Daddy”.

At their local pub a few weeks later, on Danny’s 50th birthday. It’s dark and quiet outside, but rowdy and bright within. A car pulls up in the car park and the driver gets out. He’s a short, white haired, mean looking guy, then opens the door for his passenger to jump out. His partner is a broad-chested, flat faced Boxer dog.

Tonight’s ‘star’ is Bruno, a 5 year old Boxer from Glasgow. His owner is Drew, who claims that Bruno has never failed to satisfy a ‘customer’.

Inside the pub Danny is the centre of attention, with several drinks infront of him. 20-25 ‘friends’ are here to share the fun. Men and women, all pretty harsh looking. Rose is the youngest and slightest here, perched on Danny’s knee, still wearing that big sweater. She looks half nervous, half in love.

Drew enters, Bruno pulling on his chain leash. “Ladies and gentlemen…” He booms in a broad Glaswegian accent, “It’s time for the main event of the evening…”

The crowd parts and whoops it up as he leads this magnificent muscular beast to the middle of the room. “And who’s the lucky lady who gets to go up against my champion tonight?”

Danny pushes Rose up off his knee, and she stands nervously in front of the dog. The crowd applauding her and cheering her on as they form a circle around this part of the pub. Everyone seeking a good vantage point.

With a little encouragement Rose peels off her sweater to reveal that she is wearing nothing under it. Her body is very slight, ribs sticking out, pale and covered all over with little orange freckles. She has small boobs with the cutest little nipples (pierced with a little gold bar through each). She pulls down her baggy tracksuit pants and her white knickers, to reveal a bony bottom and a well-trimmed ginger pussy.

Drew asks that every keeps the noise down - Bruno isn’t used to performing with more than half a dozen people present. He says Bruno has never failed yet - but if the dog should fail to perform he’ll be happy to jump in and take over if she wants to get fucked by a real animal!

There are a few words from the crowd, more restrained, but still encouraging her and commenting on the upcoming action.

Drew directs her to get to her knees and stick her arse out - tells her that Bruno will handle everything else. She should brace herself for the fuck of her life.

She assumes the position - on hands and knees, with her bony arse in the air. Bruno doesn’t need an invitation. He pulls away from Drew and starts to lick at her arse and pussy. Because there’s so little fat on her the arse and thighs, everything is spread, her anus and vagina exposed to the dog’s tongue. She shivers as he licks her, and all of the men fall into a dead silence. This is actually happening. The whore they usually fuck on the floor is having her privates licked by a dog. And she’s moaning. She likes it.

His tongue, long and wet, hot and strong, explores the crack of her ass, slops into her pussy, soaking her and driving her toward her first ever bestial orgasm. Her head down, shivering and moaning. Looking up at Danny and managing a smile. “I love you…” She gasps between moans. One of Danny’s friends pats him on the shoulder, “Lucky bugger.”

A few minutes later, Bruno circling the skinny little waif, trying to figure out how to fuck her… The tip of his cock, just an inch of purple pink flesh, already showing. Then suddenly he’s on her and pumping at her behind, the tip of his cock suddenly becoming 3 inches of hard flesh… And then he’s in her, his big cock slipping inside and growing again… 4 inches, 5, 6… Filling her up, his powerful body bucking and fucking into her, his thighs pushing hard. Pounding her. She’s gasping and swearing, “ooh fuck-ing hell… Oooooh shiiite!” Looking at Danny as she fucks the dog for him.


That was a preview of The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 1. To read the rest purchase the book.

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