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The True Value

Nikkie Janes


The True Value

By Nikkie Janes

Description: Innocent Lisa faces an ethical and moral dilemma, to pay the price demanded of her to obtain something she holds the most dear in the world, her husband's freedom. But she must betray one of her most sacred ideals. That is The True Value to her. 2 years later things get worse as she has to relive the nightmare as she is blackmailed by her original tormenter. Will she give in? Will she survive?

Tags: Coercion, Blackmail, Reluctance, Cheating, Incest, Brother-Sister, Threeway, Double Penetration, Anal, Stripping

Published: 2022-12-28

Size: ≈ 26,837 Words

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The True Value

by Nikkie Janes

©Copyright 2023-2024 Nikkie Janes

Chapter 1

A taxi drew up to the dilapidated office structure, and a blonde woman aged in her mid-twenties got out, and approached the building, walking with a false confidence to her stride. She inhaled deeply, reminding herself of the dire urgency of her situation, and continued directly past the two people in the outer office, to the inner sanctum without pausing to look at them, she knew she would be expected.

Inside the office, a seedy looking man, who matched the run down nature of the building, said, “Ah, Mrs King, I wondered how long it would be before you came to see me.”

The woman placed an envelope on the desk the man was idly lounging against. “I think you know what this is for,” she replied coldly.

“I assume you want me to arrange for your husband’s release from his predicament.”

“Naturally, that is the only reason why I am here.”

The man looked into the envelope and pursed his lips. “Are you attempting to bribe me Mrs King? Because that’s what it would appear to be with this amount of money.”

“Not at all, after all you have no official standing here, so how could I be accused of bribery, but it is well known that you have certain contacts, and, that for the right fee seem to be able to arrange things that to others would be impossible. I am merely paying any fees that appear normal to secure my husband's release, on what are clearly trumped-up and malicious charges. From what I have heard the money there is more than the price normally agreed in these circumstances, of course any extra is to expedite things.”

"Ah, but this is simply money." The man paused, looking at Lisa. "Mrs King, you know the true value of anything is not what the world sees it as, but what somebody is prepared to pay for it. If a person wants something that another person has, or can get for them, then what they are prepared to pay for that item is the true value."

Lisa sighed exasperatedly, which the man noted. “Why are you playing word games with me? You know what I want, and what the price is.”

“Ah, yes, the price. Well as I said, a price is what the world sees it as, but what we really mean is the true value of an object as it appears in the eye of the beholder and how much they are prepared to pay to own or to enjoy what that other person has. Don’t you agree?”

“You’re still playing word games, please state your price and stop playing about. I’m prepared to pay the going rate, and we both know what that is.”

"It's not that simple, Mrs King. I have something that you want... that you place a value on. But what is more interesting, and important to me is you have something that I... desire. Let us see if our valuations match. If we can come to some form of mutual agreement?”

“What on earth can I have that you want?” Lisa asked.

“Mrs King, please indulge me in a little philosophical debate, and maybe you will see things more clearly.”

“I’m sorry, I haven’t got time to indulge in discussions with you, you know what I need from you. And as I’ve told you I’ll pay the price you are asking.”

“Mrs King, I can assure you that the time we take in our debate will in no way impact on your husband's circumstances, or the speed of his release. Should I be persuaded to arrange it of course.”

Having no other way of ensuring her husband's freedom, Lisa sighed again, saying, "If we must."

“Good. Mrs King, you work in the area of art and antiquities, have you ever wondered why some pieces change hands for sums of money that seem beyond comprehension? Some of them are of course beautiful beyond comparison and therefore the value of those can easily be arrived at and understood.”

The man's eyes traversed languidly over Lisa's body as he spoke.

"On the other hand, some pieces can be described at best as ordinary, even mundane. Yet at times, and under the right circumstances they still command values that can compare with the most desirous and beautiful ones. Why is that do you think?"

“I have no idea,” Lisa replied impatiently, trying to maintain her composure and patience.

“Well, that is because somebody is so desperate to secure the mundane object that they would pay a price far beyond normal comprehension. A price comparable to something that could be described as much more beautiful. On the other hand, if the seller of that object realised how much the prospective buyer is desperate to get it then he could demand as high a price as he could get, and that would only be fair wouldn’t it. The price is the sellers to fix, not the buyers.”

“I suppose so.”

“Now, let us suppose a person who has an object of beauty actually wants the mundane item that the other person held, and vice versa then what is the true value of each item? Maybe they could come to a compromise and a deal could be reached. That is what I propose to you Mrs King. A thing of beauty in exchange for something mundane.”

Finished, the man opposite her remained impassive and unspeaking, but as his eyes continued to wander lazily over her lithe young body, Lisa suddenly became aware of what he was proposing.

“You consider my husbands freedom as something mundane?”

“To me it is an in-consequence, a mere triviality. However, you posses something that I desire and price most highly. A thing that I would like to enjoy. Maybe we can come to some sort of arrangement.” At first Lisa didn’t understand what the man was hinting at, but her blood ran cold as his eyes continued to roam over her body and she realised the price he wanted her to pay.”

"You... you can't be serious." The man remained silent, letting his eyes do his talking as they roamed over her slightly above-average height and athletic figure, finally locking on Lisa's medium-sized breasts. "I'm a married woman! The reason I'm here is for my husband."

"Exactly, you're married and that is why you're here, to get your husband back. Now you know what value I place on the documents that will secure your husband's freedom. The only question now is, are you willing, as you said you were earlier, to pay the price I am setting?"

Chapter 2

“I didn’t, ah, I meant money.”

“Really, well I’m not interested in your money, well I am, but I desire something else as well. You could call it a bonus for my help in a very dire situation. That is the true value you have to place on your husband's freedom. Your choice.”

Unlike many women of her age and social standing, Lisa had been a virgin on her wedding day not many years ago, and an innocent one at that. Despite spending her teenage years in an English girls boarding school, where affairs with the local boys; or even staff were commonplace. Not to mention lesbian trysts.

Now she faced this horrendous dilemma. She was being ripped asunder by the very thing that motivated her to be there. The love for her husband. If that love forced her to refuse, remain loyal to her vows and beliefs, to turn and walk out, her husband would be taken from her and would suffer deplorable conditions for who knew how many years in jail; on what everyone knew were false charges. If her love demanded he be returned to her, and Lisa paid the incomprehensibly horrendous price, how would she face herself and live with her conscience?

The man was silent, unmoving, waiting for her to choose. Time seemed to stand still as Lisa's mind whirled, measuring horrible against horrible. Her blue eyes, brimming with tears of shame, Lisa's hands shakily went to the hem of her lightweight, pale turquoise summer frock. Clumsily undoing the first button, then moving upwards to the next and the next. Fumbling with the second last one as her fingers were trembling so much, she eventually freed it, and then the last one and Lisa let her frock fall open. The man’s eyes had followed the progress of her hands; button by button, his appreciative gaze intensified. A hungry lust darkening his expression as each one parted.

They made eye contact, and smiling, he nodded, acknowledging that a contract had been agreed upon. She was willing to pay the price he demanded.

Lisa was red with embarrassment as she saw his smile, but she was committed now and had to continue. Having come this far, the alternative was even worse to contemplate than what she knew she was going to do.

Lisa shrugged the frock off her shoulders, allowing it to slide down and pool on the floor around her feet. Embarrassment blossomed crimson on her cheeks even more as he gleamed at the sight of her white satin slip. Her fingers edged hesitantly to the hem, preparing to pull it over her head. Soon her delicate fruit would be divested of its outer layers of protection and would be his to savour and enjoy. A hand gesture from the man stopped Lisa. The hem was half way up her thighs, showing off the shape of her legs. Thank God, she thought, he has come to his senses and will relent.

The man remained silent, staring at her. The white satin did nothing to hide her body. In fact, it did the opposite as it clung to every curve and hollow, emphasising the narrow waist and flaring hips, down over her thighs to stop just above her knees. The scooped neckline gave a tantalising glimpse of cleavage and the swell of her upper breasts. Lisa watched him run his tongue over his lips to moisten them. Subconsciously, she mirrored his action, but her dry mouth was caused by her apprehension; and not as he assumed was excitement for him.

Lisa’s relief was short-lived as another hand gesture indicated she should continue undressing.

The man delighted in the power he held over this beautiful woman, a mere hand gesture and she obeyed his will. He noted the look of hope that flared in her eyes as she thought that he had changed his mind, then that hope died as she realised it was only a stay of execution. The spark and light died and her eyes became dull when he motioned her to continue.

He decided that he would take her hard and violently, as soon as she was naked. If she screamed and fought him he would only enjoy things more. If she fought too hard maybe he would give her to his assistant as well.

He’d desired her from the first time he’d seen her around in the European compound. The fact that she was married meant nothing to him, it was just a matter of finding a way to have her.

Resignedly, Lisa shrugged the thin straps of the slip off her slender shoulders. And stood impassive as it slithered down her body to join her frock on the floor, leaving her in only her bra and panties.

"You know, Mrs King, you are most exquisitely beautiful." The words of praise and admiration did nothing to ease Lisa's shame. In fact, they only added to it. This man should never see her naked and exposed, defenceless, yet here he was praising her beauty as she displayed it for him like a painting or the work of art that he had referred to, something that had a tangible value to it.

Bracing herself for what was to come next, exposing her naked body to this man, Lisa's hands went to the clasp of her bra, flicking it open. It slid down her arms, freeing her firm breasts with just the hint of an upward tilt to them. She looked at the man again and saw unfettered lust blazing in his eyes as they followed the bounce and jiggle of her beautiful boobs. Lisa glanced down and was horrified by how erect the small, dark nipples had become.

Lisa wasn't given a chance to remove her panties as the man pushed away from his desk and slowly moved towards her. Menace in every measured step. This is it, she thought, he’s going to take me now, make me pay his price, and it wouldn't be gentle lovemaking. He reached for her with undaunted certainty, and pulled Lisa to him. She was resigned to her fate, surrendering, limp and submissive.

Chapter 3

As his head came forward to kiss her, she moved hers to the side, so he kissed and licked her neck instead, something somehow even more intimate than a kiss would have been. His hands clamoured for her breasts, cupping them appraisingly; he lifted them, feeling the weight and firmness. He rolled his thumbs over her nipples, then pinched them between his forefinger and thumb, twisting and pulling on the hardening nubs. Lisa gasped at the pain and tried to pull away, exciting the man even more.

Fear and revulsion washed over Lisa as his hands aggressively pawed at her breasts. She knew worse was to come. His face moved lower until he was sucking on her. At the same time, Lisa felt her panties rip as he pulled them from her body. Fingers forcefully pushed into her pussy. Despite the abject repulsion Lisa felt for this man, and what was happening, her body had responded to the physical stimuli. She was already wet, and that brought a new and deeper sense of shame to her.

“You’re wet, maybe this will be even more enjoyable than I dream it will be.”

“Enjoyable for you, not for me.”

“As you wish, Mrs King, but it is my pleasure that is the main thing in our arrangement, and you will see to that, won't you.”

The toll of guilt, shame, and humiliation had already been extracted from Lisa’s soul. There’s no turning back now. I’m going to get fucked, so I might as well get it over with as quickly as possible. Give the man his enjoyment while enduring the least amount of humiliation. She reached for his groin, groping for the zip, she pulled it down, and dug inside to free his stiff cock.

Thank God it's not huge, Lisa thought as she pulled and stoked the throbbing cock. The man roughly worked two, then three fingers into her pussy, moving them in and out rapidly, while his tongue licked at her nipples, alternating from one to the other.

Lisa stumbled backwards, her feet trying to catch up to her body, but the man was pushing her. Air rushed from her body as it hit the wall. The man undid his belt and let his jeans drop to the floor before stepping out of them, then he tore his T-shirt off and pressed himself against the warm, soft flesh in front of him. Resigned anew to her hopeless, powerless condition, Lisa let her muscles go slack. Bringing to mind the urban saying of 'If rape is inevitable then accept it.' But this wasn't rape, was it? She'd agreed to what was happening.

He kicked Lisa's legs wide and pressed forward, getting between her trembling thighs. She felt him position himself at her entrance, then thrust into her. Her pussy expanded to accept every inch of his cock as it invaded and despoiled her body. It was like a red-hot dagger searing into her flesh, destroying a thing of beauty.

Then he began to move, a hard, fast, and violent in-and-out motion, pulling out as far as he dared before slamming completely back inside her. Every tormenting, breath-punching thrust lifted Lisa's feet off the floor.

Shamefully, she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. The surprisingly intimate position she had taken suggested she accepted him, but it had the benefit of taking some of the pressure off her pounded cunt. She was riding him, and her hips had slipped lower so he could power upwards into her with increasing lust. At the same time, her mind began to shut down, divorcing itself from what was happening. She let her body respond as it wanted, but her mind went numb, entering a safe place as she floated in a state of detachment.

Lisa felt him sucking and licking her tits, biting them; he was marking her, so her husband would know how she had paid for his freedom.

The man continued hammering away at her, the flimsy wall shuddering and shaking from the force as her body was slammed into it time and time again. Anyone on the other side would know what was happening, adding to Lisa's humiliation. The man was panting in her ear as Lisa sensed him draw near to his climax; he erupted, filling her with blasts of hot cum. Searing both her cervix and mind with the heat and shame of his climax.

His thrusting grew less and less until Lisa was able to lower her legs and stand. She felt and heard him pull out with a slurping-sucking sound as her pussy refused to release him. A trickle of their combined juice escaped and ran down her leg.

Moving towards her discarded clothing, Lisa reached down to pick up her slip, but a hand grabbed her wrist, stopping her. “What? I paid the price you demanded, this is over,” she said.

“No, Mrs King, you’ve paid the price you consider to be the value of what you want, but that doesn’t match my valuation as the seller, the person who has the power to give you what you want.”

Lisa felt his hands firmly on her shoulders, forcing her to her knees. "Now, I think that such a pretty mouth as yours will have a lot more talent than playing verbal games, don't you."

By now, Lisa was on her knees, facing the man's semi-flaccid cock. She sighed deeply in prelude to taking him into her mouth. Her lips parted, and the head of his cock slipped into her mouth. She closed it, sealing her lips around the shaft. The man was right; Lisa did have a talent for oral sex. She'd taken to it from the first time her husband had suggested it midway through their honeymoon. Under his gentle guidance, she'd quickly learnt what to do and how to please him. The act and the idea that it was ever-so naughty and 'dirty' only increased her enjoyment. But the only one who had experienced that talent was her husband, the very man she was cheating on, but only as a way to secure his release from purgatory.

Chapter 4

Lisa went to work, but not using all of her talents, just her lips sealed against the increasingly stiffening shaft. Bobbing her head up and down, she took him into her mouth. She didn't use her tongue to twirl and tease. The man's hands twisted in her blonde tresses as he began to fuck her face. Lisa was gagging as she prepared for the inevitable outcome; a mouthful of cum.

Suddenly her mouth was empty when the man pulled his cock free. “On all fours, now,” he ordered the now subservient and compliant Lisa.

As she obeyed the commands of her abuser, she felt him get behind her and kneel between her parted legs. He rubbed his cock up and down her slit once again. Then it moved higher and higher until Lisa felt the tip of it pressing against her closed anus. She whimpered in abject horror and fright as she felt his weight bear down on her. His cock was pushing harder, trying to force an entry.

Her sphincter stretched, trying to receive the intruding object. Lisa felt the bulbous cock head prying into her asshole. One more hard push and he would take her anal virginity.

Then nothing as he pulled away, laughing. “You’re very lucky, Mrs King. I am not a man who takes pleasure in travelling down that route and using that particular opening. My assistant on the other hand...”

Lisa felt untold relief that she would be spared that particular ordeal. She'd never had anal sex, and for that man to take her for her first time would have been too much to bear. She promised herself that as soon as this thing was over, and they were safely out of the country, she would give her ass to her husband.

Lisa's relief was short-lived as the man was again between her thighs, his cock lined up perfectly with her pussy, and he slammed in hard, burying his full-length inside her once more.

He pulled back on her hips as he thrust away, his fingers digging into her tender flesh, leaving bruises. Lisa lowered her shoulders and raised her hips as she thrust back against the man. Her breasts swung around as she was fucked hard. As much as it repulsed her to add to his pleasure, Lisa used her pussy muscles to stimulate him further, hoping for a quick ending. Her efforts weren't in vain as she sensed him grow harder just as he pulled out and rushed around to face her, thrusting his cock deeply into her mouth once again.

Lisa held still, accepting the inevitable, which soon came as a torrent of thick, hot sticky cum pumped into her mouth. Struggling to pull away, Lisa was unable to free herself as the man had hold of the back of her neck, trapping her in position. As her mouth filled, Lisa was left with only one option; she swallowed and kept swallowing, until there was nothing left.

With a contented sigh the man released himself from Lisa's mouth, leaving her gagging and spluttering. Before dragging his dripping cock along her lips and rubbing it over her cheeks. Surprisingly, he held out a hand and helped Lisa to her feet, but not without running his eyes over the body that he had just enjoyed.

Lisa made to clean her lips and face, but a look from the man stopped her.

Standing there, unsure if things were finally over, Lisa gestured to her clothing.

"Yes, Mrs King, I think you've met the valuation on what I have that you want."

Lisa pulled her slip over her head, giving him one final look at her naked body. "Unless..." Lisa's blood ran cold. He couldn't demand more, could he? No, although he had done what he had, and used her for his own enjoyment, Lisa had a feeling that he had his own perverted sense of honour. She had paid his price so her husband would get his freedom, and they would be out of the country that evening.

"Unless you let your husband leave, and you could stay here.”

“What, as your mistress or your whore?”

The man laughed. “Either, or both.”

Lisa's eyes were as cold as her voice. "I could whore for you if you forced me to, but I could never, ever in any way be your mistress."

As Lisa bent to pick up her frock, the neck of her slip fell forward, gaping open, giving the man an unexpected view down her cleavage. This was more erotic to him than seeing her fully naked. He felt himself stirring again but resisted the urge to take her again as pleasurable as that would have been, especially as she thought things were finished. He had other things to do anyway.

"Mrs King, I've conducted these types of transactions hundreds of times in the past, sometimes more than one a day. But never with anyone like you," the man said, confirming Lisa's thoughts that he was used to exploiting women.

"I don't mean your beauty, but your reaction. Some women have screamed, many have cried, others have feigned passion, but you... you showed nothing."

"As you've said, this was a business transaction, and I never get emotional over things like that.”

"I must say, for an Expat you've taken up the local customs remarkably well."

"I've found that to thrive and prosper, it is always best to integrate fully."

Lisa picked up the manilla envelope that had been lying on the man's desk. Had he been that confident that she would surrender to his demands?

"That contains your exit visa. I’ll arrange for your husband to be delivered to you at the airport in a couple of hours. Thank you Mrs King, I'll never forget this afternoon," the man said.

“I’m sure,” Lisa said, spinning on her heel to walk out.

Chapter 5

"Yes, for sure," the man said, pointing at an ultra high definition, super slow motion set of miniature cameras strategically placed around the office. "I'll run the video many times before I die. The wordplay parts, and you stripping for me, those will be most enjoyable. The expression on your face when it dawned on you what I wanted from you, the way your eyes went slightly wider, and when you decided to give it to me how the light went out of them, those will be far better images and memories than any of the sex.”

“You really are the most despicable man I have ever met. All you want to do is perve over my humiliation at your hands.”

“Not really Mrs King, I think of myself as a connoisseur, and as such I appreciate the small things, the nuances in a subject, and your expression and the way your eyes reacted; those are the things as a connoisseur I noticed the most. It's the mind control and power I had over you that excites me. And of course I found the true value you place on yourself, and your husband of course.

“Your husband is a very fortunate man to enjoy your company on a regular basis, I wish I could do the same. Not only that the value you placed on his freedom, but of course I suspect he will never discover what that was.

“Until we meet again Mrs King.”

“I don’t think we will ever meet again!”

“I wouldn’t be so sure, the planet is a very small place and the world that we exist and work in is even smaller.”

Lisa couldn’t stand any more and holding her head as high as she could, marched out of his office. It didn’t seem possible, but the abusive sex seemed like nothing compared to knowing this man could see her naked and her abject surrender to him over and over and over, as many times as he wanted.

The drinks party was in full swing, and Lisa King was enjoying herself immensely, but with one notable exception, she was missing her husband, Justin terribly. He'd been gone for three weeks now, on another business expedition. She couldn’t really complain as she was fully invested in the business herself, doing all the research and paperwork while Justin did the dirty stuff out in the field. Only two weeks more and we'll be reunited again she thought. Then she'd make love with him like never before. That was the thing Lisa missed most when Justin was away, making love to him; and sleeping snuggled safe in his arms. She'd give him that special blowjob he so liked, the one that she had recently perfected.

After Lisa had sold her soul, well her body, but to her it had seemed both, two years previously to secure his release from the prospect of a term in jail on false and malicious charges she'd been initially reluctant to make love. Her body was sullied by what she had done with 'that man', Lisa couldn’t bear to even think of him by name so mentally referred to him as ‘the man,’ and she felt she wasn't worthy of the one man who loved her unreservedly. But Lisa felt she didn't deserve his love and affection.

The one exception had been that she'd actively encouraged Justin to take her anally, much to his surprise and delight. The first time had hurt, more than Lisa expected, and certainly more than she let Justin realise, but her arse was the only part of her body that didn't seem used and defiled, and during her ordeal she'd made a promise to herself that Justin would be given the one place that was still pure. Lisa persevered and knew that Justin was, as always, being gentle with her. She persisted in restricting their lovemaking to anal sex only for the next week, gradually becoming more and more comfortable with it. At the same time allowing Lisa to come to terms with her betrayal. The initial pain of anal sex purging her body, and more importantly, her mind, of the shame it felt. Then she grew to enjoy it, penance had turned to pleasure.

The main problem was Justin was quite large, not that Lisa had anything to compare him with, the size of 'the man' who had defiled her hadn’t entered her conscious thought when he was fucking her. The only sensation she had was one of humiliation and loathing.

Justin had sensed something was wrong with Lisa but put it down to her fear of potentially losing him for who knows how long? And a woman left alone and unprotected in the country they had unexpectedly escaped from would have faced a difficult time. He knew she had used all the money they had saved to pay a bribe to get him released, and thought that was playing on her mind.

So Justin had been patient and took his time with her, just as he had when he’d pursued her as a young, naive and innocent girl when they had first met. She’d been a virgin on their wedding night, and the sheer delight for both of them when he’d finally crawled on top of the love of his life and made love to her had been immeasurable. Now two years on and anal sex was a matter of their normal sexual routine. They did what either of them felt like doing at the time. Lisa was becoming more adventurous in bed but was still not wild by any means.


That was a preview of The True Value. To read the rest purchase the book.

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