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Mary Ann

Dilbert Jazz


Mary Ann

By Dilbert Jazz

Description: The year is 1992. Bob's wife had gone to war and screwed anything with two legs. He wanted to see what it was like to have an affair. Who better to have an affair with than his wife's best friend.

Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, True Story, Cheating, Anal Sex

Published: 2010-02-09

Size: ≈ 3,573 Words

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Bob and Franny had celebrated nearly fifteen years of wedded bliss, marked by the joys and challenges of raising three children: a sixteen-year-old teenager, an eleven-year-old, and a lively five-year-old. Franny, with pride, served her country as a technical sergeant in the Air Force, while Bob had carved out a successful career as a software engineer.

Franny’s unwavering dedication to her military service became especially evident during the Gulf War, where she assumed the primary point of contact for contractors working with the military. With only 24 hours’ notice, she bravely answered the call of duty, leaving her family behind.

The sudden deployment served as a stark reminder of the sacrifices and commitment demanded by those in the military. Franny faced significant challenges, grappling with loneliness and a yearning for companionship, particularly of the male variety. Bob became her anchor in these moments, providing the support and presence she craved.

However, her vulnerability intensified when Franny embarked on TDY assignments, or temporary duty, away from home. During these times, she found herself susceptible to the advances of other men, leading to intimate relationships that posed a strain on her marriage. This pattern had emerged early in their union, notably during periods when she was separated from Bob.

The couple had relocated to California after Franny’s second enlistment in the Air Force, where Bob secured a lucrative aerospace job. Despite transitioning to the Air Force reserves, Franny continued to grapple with the same challenge during monthly training weekends and two-week summer training periods.

Bob and Franny’s relationship, navigating the complexities of a military marriage, stood the test of time and was

The initial two weeks of training unfolded beneath the radiant sun of San Diego. Franny found an unexpected connection with Sam, a fellow airman in her unit that weekend. Their encounter led to an intimate moment, a chapter in her life best left for another tale. Franny, grappling with loneliness and a visceral aversion to isolation, viewed this as a temporary lapse in judgment rather than an act of infidelity towards Bob.

As the Gulf War deployment unfolded, it seemed like just another TDY, albeit of considerable geographical distance. Unfortunately, Franny discovered her vulnerability during these separations, succumbing to the allure of charismatic men. The strains of distance and the harsh realities of military life tested her resolve, challenging her fidelity and commitment to her marriage.

The theater of war proved to be a living hell, and Franny endured an incident that continues to torment her dreams. Stationed in Saudi Arabia during the early days of the Gulf War, she bore witness to the harrowing effects of Scud missile attacks. Saddam Hussein orchestrated these attacks with the intent to shatter the morale of the troops, and one such assault left an indelible mark on Franny’s psyche.

Numerous Scuds were launched towards her position, with the Air Force’s Patriot defense system successfully intercepting most of them. However, two missiles managed to evade the defenses. Fortuitously, one found its mark on a vacant warehouse, sparing lives. The other, tragically, struck a massive mess hall where approximately 200 troops were stationed, leaving an enduring scar on Franny’s memory and a haunting reminder of the brutal realities of war.


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