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The Panty Girls - Alexa



The Panty Girls - Alexa

By ahorsewithnoname

Description: A unique photobook idea, over 200 photos of a real amateur, girl next-door type model Alexa, topless, in panties, including bottomless photos and a set of blowjob and masturbation photos. Intermixed are two full stories from the author's collection as well as comments from Alexa including some torrid "sext-like" passages!

Tags: consensual, humor, panties, nude, blowjob, masturbation, sex toys

Published: 2024-07-13

Size: ≈ 15,144 Words

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The Panty Girls - Alexa

by ahorsewithnoname

©Copyright 2024 by ahorsewithnoname

The Panty Girls are models who participated in paid photo shoots with signed model release paperwork. The purpose of the shoots was to amass photos of the girls wearing a wide range of panties as well as nude photos to help promote the sales of actual panties.


A Little About Alexa . . .

Birthday: November 10

Favorite Colors: Azure

Favorite Foods: All things pasta

Favorite Drinks: Shots of Jack Daniels

Favorite Songs: For Those About to Rock, We Salute You!

Favorite Movies: Dark Knight series

Favorite Bands: AC/DC, Stones, Springsteen, Blue October

Favorite Places: Hawaii, Machu Picchu, Serengeti, Ayers Rock

Favorite Animals: Ocelot, Blue-Ringed Octopus

Favorite Ice Cream: Pistachio

Favorite Desserts: See "Ice Cream"

Favorite Stores: Amazon

Favorite Books: Contact, The Godfather, The Princess Bride

Favorite Hobbies: Photography, Swimming

Favorite Scents: Lavender

Favorite Fruits: Kumquats

Favorite TV Shows: 24, Lost Girl, The Walking Dead

Favorite Actors: Keifer Sutherland, Matt Damon

Favorite Actresses: Anna Silk, Lucy Lawless

Favorite Season: Summer

Favorite Position: 69 :-)

A Little About This Book . . .

In this photo book you'll find many, many photos, of course. You'll also find some thoughts from Alexa herself.

To break up the photos a bit, one or more stories will be interspersed throughout, for your reading pleasure. All stories were written by ahorsewithnoname.

Note that the chapters are broken up by photo group, not by the chapters in the stories.

Chapter 1: Little Black Thong

Positioning myself like I did in these photos, I could see the photographer was getting aroused, which got me a little aroused too! Sometimes it's difficult to maintain objectivity. I mean, in an erotic shoot like this, you take a few pics in different positions, then slide the panties off and slide another pair on, standing there naked; what do you expect?

Of course, I like to tease a little bit too, so, sometimes I'll drop the panties as I go to put a new pair on. Then I have to bend over and pick them up, facing away from the guy, knowing that he's right there, watching my ass cheeks split apart a bit, giving him a grand view of everything I have!

Another neat trick? Putting on a pair of panties next to the photographer and catching my foot, causing me to start to fall. Can't tell you how many times I've had to grab to keep from falling, sometimes it is a cock I grab! Of course I apologize and quickly remove my hand, but I'll take a look a few seconds later and yeah, it will have gotten bigger.

This photographer was older, and he had a pretty good-sized cock behind the shorts. It had been weeks since I last got laid. Maybe I'd need to bang this guy.



So, guys would bid on the panties, and then I would wear thems for a couple of days and they'd get shipped off to the winner; scented panties!

Sometimes if the guy was nice and gave a tip, I'd masturbate while wearing them, making sure to push them up inside my pussy several times after I had cum. Some guys would send back pics of themselves jerking off with the panties or licking them, getting me hot!





Chapter 2: Black & White Striped Thong

My Weekend With A Virgin

by ahorsewithnoname


At 30,000 feet, you have all the time you need for reflection. One stewardess, oh wait, flight attendant if being politically correct, a shapely blonde with come hither eyes, asked why I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. I told her that I was flying to meet the girl I was going to marry. She flashed one of those million dollar smiles that must be issued with the uniform, and went on her way. I drifted idly back to my thoughts of Tanya, and how this flight came about.

“Dirk, you shouldn’t have!” she texted. Now, most people would have taken that to be “Oh, you wonderful man, thank you!” but I knew better. There was no emoticon sent with that text, so, I knew trouble was brewing.

“It’ll be okay...it’s time” I replied back, and then sat staring at my iPhone, waiting patiently for her reply.

It came quickly.



“That’s a decision we BOTH should have made, not you by yourself! You have no idea what trouble you are going to cause me! Dammit!”

I had pushed the envelope. Tanya was standing in her grandparent’s living room, with them, surrounded by 20 dozen roses.

“I love you. ::: kiss :::” When searching for the right thing to say, sometimes the simplest is the best.





Chapter 3: White w/Red Heart Thong

“I love you too, but don’t change the subject you horse’s ass!”

I could tell that despite the perceived hostility, her play on my screen name was a good sign.

“Baby...there was never going to be an ideal time for this. We’ve waited, what, over a year now?” I was using an advanced version of Siri, so I was speaking and sending text quite fast now. “I know you are in a panic, but I’m confident that my letter to your Dad will help smooth everything over. You know how I am with words, and, you told me that he’s a reasonable...”

“YOU SENT THE LETTER TOO?????????” Her text interrupted mine.

“Yes, I did.”

That was the last text I received from her that day. It took several emails and voice mails to finally get her to talk to me; it was after midnight. True to my word, her Dad was accepting of my explanation of our relationship, and even a bit relieved that she had found a responsible man.



Phone sex that night was one-sided...it was “make-up phone sex” and I was doing my best to relieve her tension. It worked, thankfully, and she slept quite well.

The slight bounce from the wheels hitting the runway woke me from my sleep. I looked out the window and saw LAX speeding by. Once the plane settled and ferried us to a terminal access point, I got up and retrieved my carry on luggage. As I exited the jet, Ms. Million Dollar Smile wished me well, and I was off to find the rest of my luggage.




Waiting around for baggage handlers to mishandle the baggage was tiresome, until I got hugged from behind, which completely started me. I spun around.

“Tanya! What the...you weren’t going to be able...” and that was the last word I spoke as she launched herself into the air, wrapping her legs around me, and fastening her lips to mine, no pretense...tongues touching in that age-old dance of oral love.


Chapter 4: Pink Pastel Thong

When we broke apart, there were a few stares, but heck, this was California. Tanya hugged me tightly, then whispered in my ear “Is that a loaded weapon in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?” I chuckled and then replied “Both, baby. Both.”

Collecting luggage didn’t seem so dreadful after all. I found out that she had been dropped off by a friend, so, my plan to rent a car was next. I had selected a Mercedes E350 Convertible, not to impress, but because I loved open air driving. As we worked our way out of the massive airport and got on the 405...well, life was good.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“You have us covered?”

“Yes.” It wasn’t exactly tentative, but it was slightly nervous.

“Ok. We’re going up north, maybe 4 hours.”

I could see her wonderful, scientific mind start its calculations, taking into account road conditions, traffic, mileage, speed, and whatnot.



To me, she was one of great, natural wonders of the world. Beautiful, smart, great personality, smoldering sexual undertones...what more could a man ask for? I was blessed that she found me appealing.

“Pismo Beach?”

“No, but you aren’t far off. San Simeon.”

“San Simeon. There’s not much there, other than...you...you...you didn’t!”

I just smiled. She remembered.





Chapter 5: Orange Pastel Thong

“I thought that was just you talking...you really did it?”

More smiling.

The rest of the ride consisted of small talk, kissing, almost driving off Route 1 while kissing, me ogling her, her blushing, more small talk, some big talk, more kissing, more horn blowing at my erratic driving, and some repeating of what I just reported.

Later in the afternoon, Hearst Castle came into view. For those unfamiliar, it’s a 90,000 sq foot residence now museum originally build for newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst. Opulence is a poor man’s word to describe the treasured beauty of the estate.

It was closed to the public this week for renovations, which were completed yesterday. I once did a huge favor for the general manager, who in turn granted me exclusive access to the mansion for the weekend. Of course, there would be a contingent of guards and other staff, but they would be quite discreet, and absolutely no visitors.



As we drove up the long road, she moved closer to me, my non-driving arm around her, one hand of hers across my chest, her head on my shoulder. I could feel the excitement building in her. She had arranged to “go away” for this weekend and the reality of it was now hitting her.





Chapter 6: Bright Red Thong

I parked the car and we got out. Again, it is hard to describe the mansion in any detail that gives it justice. We just walked, and she would point out something to me, and then turn and see something else and rush to that. It filled my heart to see her like a kid in a candy store, thrilled with each new discovery.

As we rounded one bend, the Neptune pool came into view. There was simply a gasp from here. It was huge, over 100 feet in length, and surrounded by ancient Roman statues and columns and even a true facade of a temple that was imported from Italy.

“It looks so inviting on a warm day like today.”

I nodded.

Then I did something that totally blew her mind.

I started undressing.

“Wh--What are you doing?”

I had slipped off my shoes and had unbuttoned my shirt and was removing it.



“I’m going for a swim, what else?”

“But you can’t...but what if someone comes by...........” she stopped talking as I dropped my pants, stood naked in front of her for a second, smiled, and then dove headfirst into the crystal-clear water.

As I surfaced 20 feet in, I spun back toward her and asked “Are you going to stand there and catch flies with your mouth open, or are you going to join me?”





Chapter 7: Solid Black Thong

She closed her mouth, her cheeks blushing profusely. It wasn’t all embarrassment, I noted, as I saw her nipples harden somewhat beneath her form-fitting blouse. There was some arousal there too.

“I don’t have my suit with me.”

“Neither did I,” I countered.

“Looking for a cheap thrill?”

“There is nothing cheap about you, darling. I love you. Forever.”

Without bones, I suspect she would have melted into a puddle.

I was casually doing a backstroke, strategically keeping a certain section of my anatomy below water level, although it was threatening to break the surface much like the dorsal fin of a shark.





“Well...turn around.”

I smirked and paddled myself so that I was facing away from her. About 45 seconds later I heard a small splash.

I turned around and a second later she surfaced, well, her head and neck did.



I chuckled.

“Babe, it’s mountain fed, what did you expect?”

“I don’t know but I’m cold!”

“Come here,” I suggested.

She was torn between seeking my body’s warmth but then knowing that the closer she got to me, the more that I would be able to see of her. A decision was forth-coming.



“Oh, what the hell,” and with that, she swam over to me.

I thanked whatever gods there might be for the incredible filtration system that kept the water pure and glass clear. As she ceased her swimming and gently treaded water, I could make out small, dark nipples against her somewhat tanned skin. Further down, although somewhat obscured by small ripples of water, I could see a darkness at the juncture of her legs. My arousal went up as I realized that she had let her pubic hair grow out. I knew that was done solely for me.

Chapter 8: Sheer White Thong

“Come close, darling, I won’t bite,” I said, and then in sotto voce, “much.”

The blushes that appeared in texts were obviously quite real as I saw another. But she moved closer.

I held out my arms and the love of my life pressed her body next to mine, my lips seeking out hers. We kissed, our hands caressing each other’s body lightly, exploring almost innocently as our passion rose.

After a few minutes I spoke, “Are you warming up?”

She smiled demurely, then said, “Can you not tell?”

I looked into the water, and could see that while her nipples were still hard, the surrounding areola were enlarged, a definite sign of arousal. The hard nipples were from arousal now, not cold.

“I’m not really sure.”




She smirked this time. Then her face changed to one of adoration.

“I love you, Dirk.” And with that, she took my hand in hers, and brought it to one of her breasts.

“God...” I whispered, and crushed my mouth onto hers, gently squeezing first one breast, then moving my other hand to her other breast and doing the same. She whimpered into my mouth, my tongue dancing with hers. My fingers closed in on her nipples, squeezing both at the same time, not hard, but with enough pressure to elicit a kiss-muffled moan. We jostled in the water, our legs becoming more entangled. Her body shifted more, and I felt her bush rub against my thigh, then settle down on it.




We both broke the kiss at the same moment, looking into each other’s eyes with longing.

“Tanya...we need to stop...need to get out of the water, babe.”

I could see into her eyes, the fire raging in her soul. It couldn’t be like this, couldn’t happen now.

I disengaged and began swimming toward the edge of the pool, seeing that there were now two large towels placed discretely on a bench. I tied one around me, and then opened the second, wrapping it around her naked body as she climbed out of the water.

Chapter 9: Black Lace Thong

“You truly are the most patient man on Earth.”

If she only knew how tested my patience was becoming.

I smiled.

“There’s more for us to see. Go get dressed” I said, pointing to a small cabana and handing her the clothes she had discarded earlier.

A few minutes later she emerged, fully clothed, looking dangerously beautiful. I kissed her.

“Let’s go explore.”


That was a preview of The Panty Girls - Alexa. To read the rest purchase the book.

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