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A May Through December Romance

Charles Fornau


A May Through December Romance

By Charles Fornau

Description: Charlie Casper fell in love with a much, much older woman. Svetlana Gasst fell in love with him, too, but then a bit at a time, so did her entire family. Well, almost her entire family. Her son never really cared much for Charlie.

Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/Fa, ft/ft, Fa/ft, Romantic, Teenagers, Lesbian, Bisexual, Heterosexual, Incest, Sisters, InLaws, Polygamy/Polyamory, Transgender, Nudism, Crime, Violent

Published: 2020-06-01

Size: ≈ 67,412 Words

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Chapter One - A May through December Romance - Charles Fornau

I was lying out in the sun on a Saturday afternoon. The beach in Ukraine was just as inviting as the ones back home. This one, however, didn’t necessarily require a swimsuit. Since I was alone, unknown, and would most likely never be seen here again, I shed my little suit and enjoyed the rays.

As I was applying some lightweight SPF 4 tanning oil, a woman approached me. Her smile enchanted me. “Turn over,” she said, in English, but with a strong accent. “I will put on the back,” she continued. I thanked her and turned over. She squirted some of the oil on my back and did just what she said she would, and not much else. She stopped at the crack of my butt having covered all of my back and shoulders with the oil. “Done,” she said.

“Thank you, Miss. Miss what, might I ask.”

“Svetlana. And your name, sir?”

“Charles, but you can call me Charlie. Just Charlie, for now.”

“Good. Charlie. Welcome to Ukraine. I can tell you are American. Welcome to Odessa. Maybe I will see you here tomorrow?”

“Or over dinner tonight?”

“You are presumptuous, I think is the word. I just wanted to help a nice young man with his sun oil. I was not being, how would you say it? Forward? In any case you are young and handsome and there are any number of beautiful young women, and more even pretty girls, on this beach that would be delighted to join you tonight. It was good to talk to you. Maybe tomorrow, Charlie?”

“Please. I’d like that, Svetlana.”

She rose from her knees moving smoothly and elegantly as if she were a dancer and looking every bit the movie star. This Svetlana woman was gorgeous. She was wearing a black and white bikini, underwired, placing her substantial breasts up and forward as if on pedestals. The bottoms were very brief and made her long legs, smooth, perfectly shaped hips, and thin waist form the remainder of a wondrous hourglass. She was absolutely charming and attractive in every way. Her long, dark, almost black hair, falling over her breasts, her smile, her perfect teeth, her facial features, and just everything about her screamed class and beauty. Most probably the prettiest middle-aged woman I’d ever met. It was easy to tell she was at least in her mid to late thirties, or possibly early forties, but she was pretty enough, and yes, classy enough, to forgo that issue and try again for a date tomorrow. The worst she could do was say ‘no’.

I thought about her all night. She was that stunning. At the most I figured at ten years my senior, but she was still worth the try. There were probably a hundred naked or half-dressed women, younger or closer to my own age, early thirties, thirty-three to be precise, on that beach, but none of them were of the caliber she was. Nary a one of them had her svelte, classy, smooth, seasoned attitude and aura. Not to mention her looks. Svetlana. Hmmm.

I woke with a massive erection, almost painful, and jumped into the shower. As I washed and shampooed my hair, it eased enough to pee and finally subsided. It was an interesting dream, but I only remembered bits and pieces. I was with an older dark-haired woman on a boat. Damn, that must have done something to me. The early morning hard-on, if you will, my erection, was really something.

I had a quick breakfast in the hotel café, then made it to some morning meetings I was having with a software company which was doing some subcontracting for me on a controls project. Their knowledge of video surveillance and camera control software was well known throughout the computer and security industries, and their help with this project would make my end product much more capable. I signed an agreement to keep their intellectual property in house in order to get their assistance. I thought it was funny at the time, since the Russians and Chinese, and yes, more than one Ukrainian company, reverse engineer and steal patented US technology and goods all the time. With abandon, actually.

They were concerned due to my needing the entire coding, unencrypted and both compiled and pre-compiled, so that I could prove there weren’t any trojan horses or malware imbedded. My customer knew I was using them as a sub, but I had to prove, beyond any doubt, that it was safe. I had two of my best software engineers reading it, line by line, decompiling and recompiling it, to make sure what we gave the agency was in fact, trouble free. It was a big deal. The subcontractor agreed with my terms, as long as I’d sign and promise not to allow it to be released to the public.

I assured them there wouldn’t be a problem, as the agency didn’t want it to be public knowledge these capabilities existed in the first place. It was lucrative for both companies, so I convinced them they could feel secure with our agreements.

Finished with my work in the late morning, I grabbed a sandwich and a soda and headed back to the same beach where I had met the lovely Svetlana. I can’t explain how much I was looking forward to it, but something about her piqued my interest.

It was just about an hour later, after I had oiled my front and soaked up a generous amount of the energy the sun would share with me, that I heard her smooth and enchanting voice. “Turn over, Charlie, and I will do the back for you.” Her accent quite literally made me hard, and I was growing as I slowly turned toward her and over onto my stomach. I had to arrange myself so it wouldn’t be painful. She had to have noticed.

“Thank you for coming, Svetlana. I thought about you last night before I slept and this morning I awoke after a dream, which I think was about you. There was a boat involved if I recall correctly. Would you please reconsider joining me for dinner tonight?”

“You are insistent. Persistent? I am the widow, Charlie, but it has been some time now and I am thinking maybe I can say yes. We need to talk, though, since I am not what you think.”

“What do you mean, Svetlana? I am sorry, but even if you are… What would you call transsexual in Ukraine?”

“Transsexual would be fitting to be calling it. No, I am not transsexual. I am a woman. I always have been. For just over sixty years, Charlie.” I must have gasped. “No, I am not a young woman like those two over there who are showing you their breasts and trying to get your attention.”

“No way,” I said, looking at the two, smiling at me and pulling their shoulders back. They waved, so I waved back, naturally. She giggled the giggle of a cute little girl. It was so sweet. “No effing way,” I said again. I had to. There was no way! She nodded. “You are a beautiful specimen of a woman, Svetlana. I would enjoy your company for dinner tonight. Do you know anywhere I might be able to dance with you?”

It was Friday night, and just like in America, people might partake of such things.

“Yes. If you are sure you want to waste your time with an old woman…” I interrupted her.

“If you would consider this wasting my time, I want to waste a LOT of time with you. The more the merrier. Yes, Svetlana, I’d love to waste time with you tonight. As much as you’ll allow.”

She giggled again and pulled her phone from her beach bag. Speaking Russian, I think, or maybe if I had thought more about it, Ukranian, she talked to someone for several minutes, then afterward, disconnected and put her phone back in her bag.

“Tonight, I will find you where you stay, and I will take you to dinner and dancing. You can dance, I hope?” she asked with a smile.

“Yes, I think so. My mother always said I was good at it. She taught me everything I know about women before she passed. One thing she taught me was to always worship at the feet of a beautiful woman. Another was not to step on her toes while I danced with her. She said those two things would keep me happy well into my life.” I smiled as I finished, getting another cute giggle from this devastatingly gorgeous woman.

“I am sorry to hear about your mother.” I nodded, sadly. She patted my bottom. We’d been chatting and I realized we’d been talking right through her oiling my shoulders, my back, my bottom and my legs, all the way down to my heels. It felt divine, and I was harder than a railroad spike, though somewhat larger. I didn’t even notice until the pat.

“Thank you. It’s been several years. She died quite young. I was in high school. She wasn’t yet forty years old. Breast cancer. Took her before they even knew she had it. She was in decline, terminal, with absolutely no hope, when it was found.”

“Terrible. I truly am sorry. I have lost a daughter to the scourge. She, too, was young and unknowing until too late. I understand fully. It is odd we have that in common, Charlie. Lay there for a while. I will lay next to you, if that is all right?”

“Please, Svetlana. I really am enchanted by you. Drawn to you.”

“How old are you, Charlie?”

“Thirty-three. Just turned last month. May twenty-second.”

“I am almost two times of your age. I am sixty now since February fourteenth. The day of the cupid.”

“Now I understand why you are so beautiful. You were blessed by the goddess of love!” I smiled at her.

“You are full of cow dung, Charlie. What is it you do here in the Ukraine?”

We talked for two hours. I turned over after a while getting more sun on my front and we just looked at each other lying there on our blankets. I of course spent time looking at her breasts, as she had removed her top and was taking in the sun. They were just as perfect as the rest of her. Almost no sag, they kept most of their shape as she laid on her back. Unbelievable. I caught her eying my dick, as well, understandably, as I couldn’t get it to calm down. I’d been sporting an erection for hours and was seeping pre-cum for most of that time. I wiped it often with my towel, but it was more than obvious to anyone within eyesight that I was highly aroused by this elderly vixen.

“You are very kind to an old woman, Charlie. You have not looked at another person on this beach all afternoon, yet you are erect and showing arousing. For me? If for me, that is a compliment to me.”

“It’s completely for you. I don’t mean to be crude, or crass, or fresh, or rude, but Svetlana, you are a treasure. I don’t care that you are older than I am. I don’t care how much. I just don’t. I just want to spend time looking at you and enjoying your company. Thank you for this. You’ve made my trip so much more worthwhile.”

“Thank you. Where are you staying?” I gave her the name of my hotel, then she said, “I will meet you in your lobby at seven-thirty. Then we will go to dinner and some dancing. Thank you for asking me, Charlie. You are a breath of fresh air. You are not the crass or rude person you are afraid I would think of you. Stay where you are. Relax. You need to get five or maybe ten more minutes of the sun over Ukraine. Let the young girls see a gentleman in the wild. They will not see many of them in their lifetimes, especially if they look in this part of the world.”

She was on her knees at that point, putting her top on. As God is my witness, her breasts were spectacularly gorgeous. Perfect would be a better description. She then folded her blanket as she was talking to me, then just before she rose, she leaned over me and kissed me softly on my lips. “I will see you this evening, Charlie. Thank you again. I will be in a blue cocktail dress and high heels to match.” She smiled at me, touched my cheek with her fingers, kissed me again, then rose and walked away.

I closed my eyes and thought about her, then did something I’d never done before. I did two things, actually, that I’d never done before. After looking around and seeing no one watching me specifically, I closed my eyes again, thought of Svetlana, and flexing my PC, leg, and abdominal muscles, worked myself up to an unassisted, untouched, unmasturbated (?), and totally unreal, orgasm. I shot semen all up and down my chest and then dribbled some into my navel. Completely and utterly uncanny. I’d had an orgasm without touching my cock, and I’d ejaculated in the wide-open expanses of the public domain. Neither of which I’d ever done before, and both of which made me feel totally satisfied with my personal life. I couldn’t explain it right then if I’d tried, but I felt different. Like I was in control of something. On top of the world. Right then, I just knew I was happy. It was a really good feeling.

I soaked up a bit more sun and then slipped on my suit, my shorts, and my shirt, then headed for my rental car. I really was on top of the world. Once at the hotel, I stopped at the bar, got two drinks to take to the room and once there, worked for a while getting the oil off of me. That was a chore, but as I did it, I thought of Svetlana, and that made it almost fun.

I was in the lobby at seven-twenty, trying my best to act nonchalant when she walked in several minutes later, but I’m sure I looked like a teenager about to go out with a cheerleader when she approached me. My smile was at least ear to ear, and maybe more. She giggled when I took her hand. My expression must’ve caught her as humorous. It was to her, maybe, but her magnanimous entry and her appearance as such a glamorous woman left me astounded. I’d never been in the presence of anyone so regal before. A possible understatement, but regal worked. She was phenomenally beautiful.

“Charlie. It’s just me, Svetlana. Your eyes and your smile tell me you approve, but you need to be able to talk if we are to carry on a conversation tonight.”

“I’ll not apologize, Svetlana. Your beauty left me speechless for a time. I’ve never been in the company of one so beautiful. So amazingly attractive. You could pass for the Queen of whatever country you were found standing in. Maybe more possibly the crown princess. I know your age, but you darling woman… You look to me to be younger than me. Impossible, but oh, so true.”

“Thank you. You are full of compliments. I appreciate your kind words, but we both know I am but an old woman.”

I just shook my head and said, “Whatever. You’re a doll and I’m more than proud to be in your shadow.” I held my elbow out for her to take, and she walked me out to the drive where there was a fairly large European vehicle of some sort waiting for us. I didn’t see the emblems when I handed her in then followed her into the back seat, but I noticed the steering wheel when the driver moved his hand and I saw the BMW logo in the middle. It was truly the largest BMW I had ever seen, let alone been in. On looking around, I realized it was a BMW limousine.

“Gregor, The Music Palace, please. We have reservation for eight. You may stay if you like but I will not, I’m sure, need you, or call for at least two hours, more probably four, so use your discretion.”

“Da, Miss Gasst.”

“Gregor! Remember, I ask you earlier. Only English tonight, please.”

“Yes, Miss Gasst. I am sorry.”

“Not to worry. I think he knows what ‘Da’ means. He is in business with Luxon Video Solutions here in Odessa. I am sure he has heard someone say, ‘Yes’, in the local tongue.” She giggled and placed her hand on my leg, then squeezed with her fingers in a gentle caress.

“I am sure, as well, Miss Gasst.” He let loose a bit of a soft laugh. “I will stay and be in the background if you do not mind, Miss Gasst. There was report of kidnapping two nights ago down same street outside of Jazz Emporium. The woman from St. Petersburg was visiting. In any case, I will watch from afar.”

“Thank you, Gregor. I would appreciate that. I have heard the same. She is money from real estate. Her father is land baron there, I think the Americans call it. Very rich. Very pretty, too. We are here. Thank you, Gregor, stay. Charlie will help me out. I will let you know of our plans.” He nodded.

I exited, handed her out and after closing the door, causing the most solid thunk I can ever remember, we walked to the doors of the Music Palace. She introduced us to the hostess and another girl took us to a table. Perfect location, right in front of the band stand, across the dance floor from the band.

She told me of the quality of the offerings there and ordered for both of us after I asked her to. She’d shared that she’d been here before, often, and thought she knew what I might enjoy. She was right. A bottle of Spumante with a surf and turf sampler was just what the doctor ordered. In more ways than one. We shared a wickedly decadent chocolate brownie with chocolate ice cream covered with hot fudge syrup for dessert. We both admitted, openly, that neither of us should have a whole one. It was definitely a qualifier for the ‘Death by Chocolate’ dish some restaurants provide.

We had a bit of time before the music started, so I asked her about the widow part of our discussion. Svetlana was a doctor. A cardiologist. She studied medicine in Boston and upon her return was married to a man who had his finger on the pulse of technology. He was a millionaire many hundreds of times over, she told me, but he worked too hard, and even she couldn’t save him. All the exercise and good eating couldn’t fix what was obviously a problem he’d had since birth. A congenital malformation of a valve is what they found in the autopsy, having worked well enough until stress and pressure were involved. They had three children, losing the one to breast cancer, and three grandchildren, two teenaged girls and a recently turned teen boy, none of which would want for anything, but all were good people and worked, were not spoiled, and did not take advantage. She was more than proud of the way she and her husband raised them to be good and caring people.

I told her more of my childhood, having already explained about losing my mother, but went on to tell her how my father, my hero, was lost in combat in an aircraft, an Air Force pilot brought down by a Russian surface to air missile in a country not too awfully far south and east of where we sat. I told her of my grandfather’s company, now mine, dealing with government business such as that I was pursuing, and that he also died of heart failure. His being the kind that was caused by the passing of his wife, my Nana. His heart was broken, and it just quit working one afternoon as he talked about how much he loved her and how much she had brightened his life. A tear fell as I mentioned how they were together now, if God forgave the occasional poker game and glass of whiskey with friends. She giggled and wiped the tear from my cheek.

I fell in love with Svetlana Gasst at that very moment. I knew I couldn’t tell her that. It would have caused a serious problem, and I didn’t want that. I wanted her in my arms, and my heart. I thought if I could hide my true feelings for her, I could keep her as a friend, and maybe more, just a bit longer.

The band gathered, did the normal tuning and testing, then on the first number, a slow, well-known number by Frank Sinatra, I asked her to dance with me. As we were alone, dancing along to ‘Fly Me to The Moon’, I got to know her even better. Regal was an understatement. Elegant needed to be added, and that was how she danced. Exquisite may be an overused term, but she was so awesome. I didn’t care, and she was exquisitely awesome, or awesomely exquisite as we danced, alone, with everyone in the hall watching us. I thought I was a good dancer, but like my mother, she made me better. I hadn’t had that much fun dancing in my entire life. Dancing with Mom was great, but my love for her was maternal. My love for Svetlana was romantic. It was more. It was different. It was grand.

I wanted so bad to blurt it out: “I LOVE YOU, SVETLANA GASST!” Good thing I wasn’t that dumb.

“Svetlana, this is wonderful. Thank you so much for the opportunity.”

“Charlie, are you for real?”

“I am.”

“I have never before felt like I do with you. Does that surprise you?”

“Absolutely. You should have been loved and adored and worshipped long before I darkened your path.”

“I thought I had been, but I haven’t felt like I do with you. Tell me why.”

“If I tell you, you have to promise not to call Gregor and run off.” She nodded. “I actually already told you, but I’ll try to do this carefully.” She looked at me in question. I placed my hand over hers and squeezed gently to calm her. “Do you believe in love at first sight?” She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. I do. Svetlana, please don’t be afraid, but I do. I knew this morning when you were with me on the beach. I love you. I knew yesterday that I wanted to get to know you. I knew it was more than a man and a woman, or two ships passing in the night. I know now it’s more than that.” I stared into her eyes.

She was silent as we danced into the next number. It was ending and a faster song started.

“Stay and dance with me, please, Svetlana.” She smiled, hesitantly, then as the song started, I put her into a conservative swing that had her smiling, grinning, then laughing as we enjoyed each other’s company. I took her to the table afterwards.

“How long are you here, Charlie?”

“I was thinking of flying home on Thursday. We have things to do this week for work.”

“You have tickets you can change?”

“I can change my plans. I don’t have tickets.”

“Oh? OK. You can afford them, changed plans, though, correct?”

“Yes. Oh, yes, Svetlana, dear, I can afford tickets home. I won’t need them, but if I needed to, I could afford them. Why do you ask?”

“Charlie, you are a smart man, I am sure. You know Gregor is not the taxi driver. He is my chauffeur, you would call. And he is my security. I have some money left by my husband. My children’s father. They have money. They will not look favorably on someone wanting to take that money from me. They are very protective, even though as a heart doctor and surgeon, I make money of my own.”

“Now I understand. Svetlana, the reason I don’t need tickets is because I have my own airplane. It is just little, but it’s really fast, and I can fly here with only a couple of stops. OK?”

She blushed. “I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

“Don’t be. I don’t like gold diggers either. I was going to make an exception for you, but not for the two pushing their nipples in my face this morning.”

Svetlana laughed. “Yes, I understand, but you could have had two pretty little girls at the same time, and now, you may be stuck with just one old lady.”

“Tell me that is true, Svetlana, and make my evening complete.”

“No. Not tonight. I will not jump into bed with the young American stud bull tonight. I will kiss you, though, and have Gregor take you home, where I will kiss you again. You are a gentleman, Charlie. I told you that before, and that is the attractive thing to me. You are a gentleman. Waltz with me, have a drink with me, then let me take you home.”

“I would love that, sweetheart.”

“You are making it harder to say, ‘No’. Your mother did well with you, Charlie. You dance well.”

“Thank you, Svetlana. May I kiss you and tell you something?”


I kissed her, bit her earlobe, and licked her neck, feeling her tremble. “I believe. I am a romantic and not ashamed of it. I love you and don’t want this to end. It will, tonight, I’m sure, but I don’t care. I feel we will be together again soon, and you will let me love you more. That is my wish, my dream, and my hope for the future.”

“Yes, you are a romantic.” She raised her hand and lowered it. The ‘Hulk’ was upon us. I had no idea how big he was. I was six-one and well over two hundred pounds. I felt small in his presence, but he smiled and followed us to the car. Once inside, she tucked her head into my neck. “I’m taking you home before I eat you alive and throw the bones in the ocean.” She giggled.

“Thank you for the warning. When can I see you again?”

“Gregor will pick you up at noon on Sunday. He will bring you to me for lunch.”

At the hotel, Gregor let us out and stood by the back door as she walked me in. She kissed me softly.

“Sunday. I will see you at my home. Please think of me, but tomorrow I have things I must do. Be sure you want to waste your time with an old woman, Charlie, because you have me feeling unknown feelings as well.” Another kiss and she was gone, Gregor seating her and her looking at me through the window as they drove away.

Saturday, I had a meeting in the morning, then hit the beach that afternoon. The two girls, the same ones, titties and all, came over to talk to me. They spoke pretty good English, not surprisingly, since a lot of people in Ukraine did. They asked about the woman I was with the days previous, and I told them the truth. They were mildly surprised but took it well and asked if they could just sit with me and keep me company. I thought it sounded like a good idea. They were beautiful and kept me busy the whole afternoon. I took them to dinner that night but told them I was not interested in them romantically as I was in fact going to pursue the woman they saw me with. They both commended that and thanked me for being such a gentleman and a friend. They also told me, first one, then the other, that if things with Svetlana didn’t work out, they’d love to spend more time with me… Alone… The three of us… Together… They giggled. I turned red. I nodded. They kissed me goodnight at their door when I took them home and wished me luck.

Sleep came easy, after I took care of a three girl, well, two girl and one woman nightmare that needed some manual assistance to get rid of. I laughed as I fell asleep.

Gregor was there at noon. I was outside waiting for him as he pulled up. He was a bit surprised when I got in front with him, but on the drive to their estate, I explained to him how I felt. I didn’t have a driver, nor a limo, but could afford it if I chose. I just chose not to. I told him I lived on a 33-acre estate myself and mowed my own lawn, which was only about two acres of that. That surprised him, too.

“I’m just a normal guy, Gregor. Just a normal guy.”

“That is not true, Mr. Casper. Miss looked you up last night and told me this morning. You are not a normal guy. You fly your own airplane, and you mow your own lawn, but Mr. Casper, you are far from normal. I will tell you this, sir. Miss Gasst has been through much. Good and bad. She has seen and felt pain untold. She has seen and done things most people dream of but never do. She is glassy in the eyes when she thinks of you. You need to be careful with her, Mr. Casper.”

“She needs to be careful with me, Gregor. I feel the same way, if I understand you correctly.”

“Her children and her grandson will be there today, sir. Be yourself, Mr. Casper, and they will love you.”

“Thank you for that, Gregor. I’m serious. That means a lot. You’re very fond of her, aren’t you?”

“Her husband saved me from myself, and she has kept me. I owe them for my very existence. Yes. I am very fond of her.”

“Good. She obviously deserves you, and you her.”

The car stopped and I got out in front of a pretty good-sized house. He pulled away around back, probably to put the car away. I knocked on the front door. The door opened and a young boy of twelve or so answered and looked up at me.

“Charlie?” he asked.


“Ivan Gasst. Pleased to meet you.” He held his hand out and up for me to shake. His speech was almost without accent.

“And I’m pleased to meet you, young man.”

“Come in, please, and I will take you to Grandmama.”

He walked me to a library, or study, where Svetlana was chatting with a woman and a man sitting together and yet another woman sitting alone.

“Mr. Casper is here, Nana.”

“Thank you, my little man.” She stood, hugged me, and kissed me briefly. “Thank you for coming, Charlie. That is Ivan, my precious grandson, the only child of his mother,” she waved her hand toward the single woman, “Ivanya Gasst, and the nephew of Willem Gasst, my son, and his beautiful wife Anya. Willem, Ivanya, this is the man you were afraid would steal all my rubles and take them to America, and now I add that he would have done that in his own little jet airplane.”

Anya laughed and said, “As I thought, Lana. He is no threat, but instead a lovestruck little boy away from home looking for a good time and having his heart leading him astray.” She giggled like her mother-in-law likes to do. “I’m sorry Mr. Casper, I was sticking up for you. My husband’s mother is a beautiful woman, inside and out.” I nodded.

Ivanya spoke. “I did not say he was stealing from her. I was just leery. That is all.”

“I did say that, and I am not yet convinced otherwise.” Willem was quite adamant.

“Willem, Mr. Gasst, which ever you would prefer me to call you, your mother tugs at my heart. You don’t have enough money in your family to change my life.” Willem gasped. “I’m sorry to say that, but it’s true. I want her for her companionship, and for another one of her kisses, not for her money. I wouldn’t mind a chance to meet Ivan again, either. He seems like a fine lad. I think he’s going to give me a chance and not hate me out of the gate, either, unlike some in the room.”

Svetlana put an end to it. “Stop, Will. He bought dinner. He has not stolen anything but the petrol to get from his hotel to the dance hall and back and to here. Not yet the crime of the century. Ivan googled you, Charlie. He’s the computer wizard at the ripe old age of thirteen. He tells us you are not exactly needing to get into my graces for my money, unless as he said, you do it for sport. That part, I know is not the case. You are not smooth enough to be the gigolo and are too much of a gentleman. My granddaughters like you, by the way. Willem, do you not believe your own daughters when they tell you he tried nothing with them and fed them?”

“Your granddaughters, Svetlana? Was that a setup?” I asked her, quite troubled at that information.

“Somewhat, but do not be mad at me. I knew they were there and who they were the first time, of course, and when I told you they were looking at you. They often follow me to make sure I am doing okay, but Willem told them to seduce you. Or try. They failed. You hurt them both. Broke their little hearts. You hurt them so much that they want you to take them out again, with or without me. They like you.” She laughed. “Like might be a bit of an understatement.”

I was probably sounding a bit sharp when I turned to him and spoke. “Thank you for the vote of confidence, Mr. Gasst. I hope I didn’t ruin your view of me too badly when I kissed them goodnight on their doorstep.”

“I still do not trust you.”

“With your mother’s lips or with your daughters’ cheeks?”

“My mother. My daughters can take care of themselves.”

“Oh. Okay. Should I take my leave, Missus Gasst?” I asked of Svetlana.

“No. Heavens, no. Willem is a sore loser. His wife bet him one hundred dollars, American, in honor of you, Charlie, that you would not sully their little girls in exchange for me. He has yet to pay her. Is that not right, Willem Gasst? Anya, I feel for you, darling. If you leave him, you can move in here with us. Ivan, his mother, and I would love to have you.” She started laughing, as did Anya and Ivanya. Ivan hid his smile. Willem had none and certainly was not pleased.

Lunch was served in the dining room by a couple of cute little women that obviously not only worked but also belonged there. I had no doubt these people were aristocracy at that point. The driver, the kitchen staff, the estate, all of it was beyond the norm in the former Soviet Union. She did say her husband was a multi-millionaire, and it was a fairly new place. Probably in the ten to twenty-year-old range.

Ivan was a cute kid. “Charlie. Mr. Casper. Gregor says you mow your own lawn? Why is that?”

“I enjoy the outdoors, and especially the smell of cut grass. I always have. I don’t work so hard for a living that it kills me, so I have days off. On weekends I like to take care of Charlie. I swim, I mow, I use a weed eater, and I cook out on my grill. I told Gregor I am a normal guy. He doesn’t believe me, but I can barbeque with the best of them.”

“Will you show me?”

“If your mother, and your grandmother, will allow me to take you to the land of the big satan, as I’m sure your uncle thinks of me, I’d love to. There is really nothing to it. It just takes all of your attention, all of the time, for about six to eight hours, with only the finest cuts of meat, the best spices and the most premium sauces and voila, easy peasy.” Ivan looked confused. “It’s hard work, but not complicated.”

“Oh, okay. That, I understand.”

Willem was not amused by my statement, but I didn’t need or expect him to be. Svetlana stifled a giggle when I said it.

“Charlie, stop taunting my son. He is easily taunted. I am sorry, Willem, but you need to understand that not everyone who speaks to me is centered on my demise. Charlie, I have been courted by some very well to do men recently. Most of them are not the likes of you. They are old, needy, selfish, self-centered, and really need some money or a fine woman to prop their reputations up. Some of them think of me as both. Willem puts you in that category. I hope it is because he loves me and cares about me and not just because he will be worth more when I die.”

“Mother, stop. We have enough that I don’t need to think negatively about you for more. I just want what is best for my mother. What a thirty-year-old man sees in a sixty-year-old woman is beyond me.”

Anya lost it. “Willem Gasst, you are a shit. You want to be my husband? If I look like your mother when I am sixty, I’m going to leave your stupid ass and find me a thirty-year-old man. This better be the end of the conversation or you will find yourself amazingly single at the end of lunch and I will take your mother up on her invitation. Ivan has been twice the man today that you are, and you are losing ground quickly. Your mother is beautiful and young and vivacious and caring and loving, and everything a man like Mr. Casper might want. You on the other hand are a dweeb. I heard that on the internet, and I like it. It fits you.” She got up and walked out. Ivan ran behind her to make sure she was okay.

“Well played, brother. Not only have you made pissed off our guest, but our mother and your own wife. You are doing well today. You may want to check into a nursery so you can try to grow up.”

He rose, looked at each of us, and with a pinkish red tint to his exposed skin, left. We heard the front door close.

Ivanya looked at me, then her mother, then back at me. “Mr. Casper, this is not your fault, and please do not feel that way. He is overprotective. Way over. Mother wants to see you again. He has a problem with that. I do not anymore, if it matters. It should not. What you and Mother do is between you and Mother. Do not hurt her and I will not scratch your eyes out. As you say, easy peasy.” She laughed, dabbed her mouth with her napkin, and yelled, “Marta, Lena, lunch was delicious. Thank you!” A couple of mumbles came back. “They are wonderful little girls. Mother saved them from an orphanage when their mother died. Their father was in jail for abusing them. Do not hurt Mother, or maybe you will have a problem with them, too.” She laughed again and walked out. “IVAN! ANYA!” I watched as she left down the corridor.

“My children. Maybe more trouble than I am worth. Charlie, I am too old for you. You are too young for me, but I want so badly to spend more time with you. I have appointments on Tuesday morning, and on Wednesday I have two surgeries in the morning. Will you please spend tomorrow and the following afternoons with me before you leave on Thursday?”

“Tomorrow afternoon, unless you want to accompany me to a meeting in the morning. I would love that if you would.”

“I would.”

“Can we have breakfast before we go?” I asked her, grinning.

“Yes, that would be nice.”

“Should I call you? Or should I nudge you?”

“Nudge.” She giggled. “Definitely nudge. I will have Gregor take us to your hotel this evening if that is fine with you. We can do as you wish tomorrow, and I will work Tuesday and Wednesday and spend the afternoons with you. Do you really want to show Ivan how to use the cooking grill? Seriously?”

“Yes. If you will watch us.”

“You are the incorrigible madman. I would love you if you were sixty.”

“Try to think of me as your age and give that a shot. It works the other way. Svet…” She interrupted me.

“Lana,” she said.

“Lana, I love you. I know it’s problematic. I know in twenty years, you’ll be eighty and I’ll be fifty-three, but right now, I don’t care. I love you. Let’s give it what we can.”

“OK. I’ll try. If I fail you, Charlie, I am going to tell my granddaughters what a joy you are. You will be in so much trouble.”

“It is terrible to be me. Loving a beautiful woman and having her threaten me with two more just like her. Oh, woe is me.” We laughed, stood, hugged and pretended like we didn’t notice the two cherubs cleaning the table off.

“Let’s go find Ivanya.” We did, finding her and Anya in the study, looking over Ivan’s shoulders at a picture of me and my grandfather, and a bunch of information about me and Casper Industrials, Inc.

“OK, young man, what evil did you find about me this time?” I asked and smiled at him, getting a grin in return.

“Nana, I found more. He was right, I think. He can buy Uncle Will tomorrow if he wants. Possibly with his credit card.” Ivan giggled. The ladies laughed.

“Ivan, I do not want your uncle, and will not buy him. I may give you the money to do it, though, if you play your cards right, brush your teeth at night, and take care of your Nana and your mother.” He looked up at me and smiled.

“That should not be a problem. I love them both more than my life. I also love my teeth and know what will happen if I don’t take care of them.” He chuckled at his own attempt at humor.

His grandmother pulled him up off the couch and hugged him very closely and with much emotion. “I love you, my little man.” He hugged her back, just as emotionally.

“Ivanya, I am going with Charlie. I am off my work tomorrow, but he has asked me to accompany him at his. It will be interesting, I am sure. I will be home tomorrow night, as I have the office on Tuesday morning and surgeries on schedule Wednesday morning. You will be okay?”

“Yes, Mama, we will be fine. Anya can stay here with us until Willem, the drama queen, settles a bit. Be careful, and be good, Mama.”

Svetlana hugged each of the ladies, scurried to a back room to get a bag together, and we headed off, back to my hotel. Once there, she told Gregor she’d like him to pick her up at nine on Monday night and sent him off. We stopped in the bar for a nightcap then I took her little bag and upstairs we went. The anticipation of what may, or may not, happen was driving me nuts.

Once in the room, she took her bag into the bathroom. I heard the shower run, then the sink. She came out a vision in an angular striped, black sheer and satin ankle length night gown. It was cut to hide her private bits and show almost everything else behind the fine sheer material. She was stunning. She was a goddess. She motioned for me to go next, which I did, showering quickly and coming back out in satin boxers. They met with her approval, the proof being her smile.

“You are a handsome man, Charlie Casper. I would like you to shower me with affection this evening. I have not had that in years, but I think you are to be the one to change that.”

I took her in my arms and held her, hugging, swaying a bit, kissing her neck, and licking her earlobe.

“Thank you, Lana, for this opportunity. I promise with everything I am I will try not to make you sorry you gave it to me.”

I proceeded to dance with her a bit, without music, a treat in any case, then at the side of the bed, I sat her in my lap and kissed her. My hands softly touched every part of her through the sheer material, or left uncovered, drawing moans and whines as she was enjoying the touch. Laying her back on the bed, I massaged her feet, then her ankles, and meeting no resistance and only the soft loving sounds of a woman experiencing minor ecstasy, I went for what I wanted. I wanted to love Svetlana Gasst, so with her permission, that is exactly what I did. The only way to fly.

I coaxed her to raise her bottom as I pulled the nightgown up, kissing her thighs and hips as I did. When I sat her up to take it off over her head, she pulled my face to hers by my cheeks.

“Be very certain you know what you want, Charlie. You are only the second person to be in the position you are in. Be very careful and very certain it is Svetlana Gasst that you want in your life. I do not take this lightly.”

“Nor do I, my queen.” It was then that I pulled the top off and starting at her lips, cheeks, ear lobes, and neck, kissed every square millimeter of Svetlana Gasst’s wonderful physical form. The sounds she made were a symphony of joy and emotion. Her breasts were taut, nipples firm and so suckable. She loved when I nibbled lightly on them with my teeth and almost as much when I did it with my lips. Kissing down her front, around her navel, rolling her over to get her back, bottom, thighs, and calves, then turning her over again and working back up to her mons caused what I perceived as a minor orgasm, even before I got to my first destination.

Lying on my belly, I worked my arms under her legs and worked toward her center until I lapped at the fountain of her sex. Her clitoris was pronounced, standing well away from its little hood. Nibbling on it with my teeth garnered more response than when I teased her nipples. Much more. It wasn’t but just a few seconds of manipulation with my tongue, lips, and teeth that she came for me again. Much harder, much more obviously, she orgasmed right into my mouth.

“Oh, God, Charlie, so good. I have never before… Ohhhh… But it is so nice.” ‘Is’, was the operative word I picked up on, so I did it again. The grunt she released as she came the third time proved it must’ve been a doozie, and then she passed out on me. I didn’t mind too much, since I was so enthralled by her emotion, excited by her receiving my lovemaking, that I came in my boxers when she came on my face. I snuggled to her, pulled the covers up and let the night end on its own.

I woke to the feeling of her hand on the shaft of my erection and her lips on the tip, just gently teasing me.

“I went away on you last night. You took me to heaven, and I left you behind. I see you weren’t exactly disappointed with our activities, however.”

“No, gorgeous. I suffered a severe emotional overload, ejaculation, and orgasmic release, as you came for me the third time. You are an amazingly sexy woman, Lana. Amazingly responsive and ultra sexy.”

“I have never had what you did to me until I reach the climax. Never. A little when started, but never to the end. You are a marvelous lover, Charlie. Since I never received such efforts, I was always a bit uppity when it came to me giving in return, but for you, if you will relax, I would like to try something for you.”

“Lana, you don’t have to…” She interrupted me without saying a word.

The next fifteen minutes she teased me, taking me to the pinnacle, but not letting me down the other side. She kept me at the top, seemingly forever, using her fingers, her teeth, her lips, her tongue, and yes, her eyes as she looked at me while she devoured my cock. My chest ached and my abdominal muscles spoke to me with warnings about working in the future, or not working, should this continue. Never had it been that good, and it was, by far, not my first rodeo. When she stuck the tip into her throat, trying to swallow me, but gagging, I came so forcefully I could feel muscles in my groin and hips that are rarely used.

I slumped back after my orgasm and after pumping oodles and oodles of semen who knows where. I opened my eyes to see her sitting on her heels next to me. She was smiling. She wiped her cheek with her finger and stuck it in her mouth.

“Two firsts for this old woman last night and this morning. This, I have not done, as well. Not at the finish. I have not had the penis in my mouth when it ejaculate. I am glad I did that for you, though. You did for me last night.”

“Lana, first, and foremost, please don’t refer to yourself as an old woman. You are far from that. Second, only a doctor would talk of a penis in a mouth after that activity.” We both laughed at that comment.

“Okay, Charlie. I understand. I do not feel sixty, so I should not talk about myself and act like I am sixty. That would be cheating you. You win. Charlie, give me time, but I am pretty sure I feel for you as you do for me. We will see. I have never felt this kind of emotion, this kind of love before, so it is new. No, my late husband did not make me feel this way. He was a good man, a good person, a good father, but he did not really make my heart, nor my body, sing the way that you do.”

I pulled her to me, took her in one arm and pulled her head to me for a kiss with the other. She hesitated, but she saw the look in my eyes and knew I was not to be played with on this. I kissed her, with as much love and emotion as I could muster. The kiss easily lasted two minutes as we shared lips, tongues, breaths, and our hearts.

“You kissed me after what I did?”

“Of course. Would you kiss me after I made love to your clitoris and licked your wet pussy lips with my tongue?” She nodded. “Any real difference?” She shook her head.

She looked down, away from me, then turned back and looked into my eyes. “I think I love you, too, Charlie. I think I do. When you said that, my heart pounded, and my chest hurt.” We kissed some more. “Come with me to the shower, Charlie. I must get you ready for work at some point. Can we eat a bite before we go out?”

That was how the morning started. After spending a couple of hours looking at screenshots of camera control panels and lines of code, we decided to do a light lunch and hit the beach. I wasn’t surprised at all when two naked vixens approached us and knelt with us as we lay on our towels.

“Hi, Alina. Hi, Yuliya. I love those outfits.” The little vixens were completely nude, beautiful, and, I noticed, hairless from the neck down.

“And we love yours, Mr. Casper. Especially the bottoms.” I was naked, too, lying on my back and not exactly suffering from OP, or oceanis penitis (dinky diddly cold water dick). They leaned down and each of them hugged Svetlana. “Hello, Nana,” Alina said to her, lovingly. Yuliya repeated it.

“Good afternoon, my little angels. Charlie, can we take them to dinner with us tonight?”

“Absolutely, but they have to help you pick where we go, and it has to be a nice place. No drive through hamburgers.”

The girls laughed. “No problem,” Yuliya said, then asked, “May we stay with you here for a bit. There are two ogres over that way,” she hooked her thumb toward a location up the beach, “that were looking at us like those hamburgers, Charlie.”

Svetlana made sure to let them know they would always be welcome with us. “Always, girls.”

“Thank you, Nana. So, how was last night?” Alina asked.

“Charlie is a wonderful man and very loving. It was wonderful, enlightening, and that is all you need to know for now.”

“Good. You deserve the best, Nana. Thank you, Charlie, for making Nana smile. Ivan, as well. He told us he thinks you are a very nice man and good for his Nana,” Yuliya said to Lana, then to me.

“Thank you. I am who I am, but I have fallen deeply in love with your Nana and wish to keep you all in my good graces.”

“Good. Then feed us and kiss us goodnight again. That will work.” Alina was the feisty one.

“Da,” Yuliya said, then “Oooops. Yes. That will work.”

We spent the afternoon in the sun, with the girls only laughing at my erection once. They noticed it while Svetlana was running her fingernails up and down my thigh and my belly. It couldn’t be helped.

“Nana, are they all that big?”

“Girls, I have no idea. I have only seen your grandfather, Charlie, a few in medical books, and a bunch of accidental sightings on the internet. I guess some are bigger, but this is the biggest I have ever seen up close.” She dragged her fingernail right up the middle of it, from my taint, through my testicles to the very tip of my erection.


“Let go, Charlie.”

I did. I spurted all over my chest and felt it drip down into my navel. Both girls gasped. “Wow,” I heard in stereo.

“And that, little girls, is what happens when you play with fire. A million little baby makers, just waiting to ruin some little girl’s afternoon, and maybe their life.”

In stereo again, “Yes, ma’am,” then, “We understand. We’re not ready for that yet.” It was Yuliya. “Thank you for showing us that, though. It was fun to watch. Nana, your Charlie is cute.”

We took in another hour of sun, then I took the girls home, kissed their cheeks, but didn’t run when each of them kissed me on the lips. “I’ll be back for you after your Nana calls.” They nodded and I left with Svetlana to go back to the room.

We showered together again, but this time, I pushed my queen gently against the wall and on my knees proceeded to bring her again. I used my tongue on her pussy, her clitoris, her perineum, and her anus, causing another strong orgasm.

I stood and gently pushed my front to her back. I bit her ear and asked, “May I, Lana, my love? May I take you here? May I take you here, then take you to bed and make love to you again?”


I lowered myself, then rose, entering her from behind. Her vocals reminded me of animals fighting, or rutting. The muscle control she showed me impressed me such that I had a hard time not coming immediately. She was contracting her vaginal muscles on my cock as I entered and pushing, stroking, up and down into her. She was milking, massaging, loving my shaft with her pussy walls. I couldn’t keep it up. I reached around and caressed her prominent little clit, squeezing gently between two of my fingers and making her come on my dick as I exploded into her at the same time. I had to hold her up, doing so on rubber knees. I wasn’t much better off. I held her as we rinsed off, then dried her and carried her to bed.

A repeat of last night got me another “I love you, Charlie,” but this time I only brought her to one orgasm orally as I regained hardness, then I entered her. She used her heels to drive the action, but we kissed, and I nipped at her breasts on every chance I could get. Her chest turned bright red, and her heels pulled me to her without letting me retreat, so I took that as my guidance. I came yet again, feeling her vaginal walls contracting, spasming around me. We laid there, just like that, me on top of her, covering every part of her I could with every part of me I could use.

“Don’t move. I want to say ‘ever’, but we need to shower yet again and I need to take pee.”

“Lana, you said if we made love, you would be serious about me, correct?”

“Yes, Charlie. While you live, and will have me, there will be no other man for me.”

“Good. I take it then it would be moot to ask if you will see me again when I return.”

“Moot, at a minimum. I am now your wife in my God’s eyes, not to mention my eyes, and I hope in yours.”

“Yes, in mine as well. This is not a moot question: Lana, will you marry me, since you are my wife?”

She smiled. “Da, silly man. In a year, or maybe two, I will marry you. When I do, I must be with you as much as your arm or your leg. Part of you. For now, though, I will stay here, and visit there, but when you marry me, you must take me home. I have much to do before that. I have patients, our medical office, and such, but yes, it will all happen. Charlie, also, you must remember, my love, I cannot give you children.”

“You don’t need to. You have given me Svetlana Gasst, and her family. Your son is going to have kittens, and maybe a cow. I have no control over that, but maybe we can raise them as our own.” I got her to giggle even though the subject was pretty serious. “You have a family. I now have a family through you. I am happy with that. Maybe Ivan can help me in the future.” She smiled at that statement.

We showered, yet again, dressed and took her little granddaughters out for dinner. I speak of them as if they were little, but they were almost, if not already adults. Yuliya, at just eighteen, and Alina, well into nineteen years old, were very similar at just over five and a half feet tall, with light brown hair and hazel eyes. Both were built as well as any centerfold model, and way, way, too substantial to be runway models. They both weighed in at about one thirty or one forty, I’d say, and carried it like pinup models. They had nice round medium sized breasts, thin waists, and rounded hips and bottoms topping long attractive legs. Absolutely gorgeous specimens of female flesh. Their mother was just as beautiful, and Willem was not an ugly man. This family passed their looks down in a most honorable fashion.

Come to think of it, Ivan was an already handsome lad, even though he had just turned thirteen. His mother, Ivanya, Willem’s sister, was strikingly gorgeous, as well. I had no idea as to his father and wouldn’t even think to ask. Point was, Svetlana Gasst had good looking kids and grandkids. They came by it honestly. It was the same with their intelligence. When I was there for lunch, I probably had the lowest IQ in the room, and no, I’m not stupid. Yes, this was quite a crowd.

Dinner with the girls was amusing. They liked to tease me but teased their Nana almost as much. She enjoyed it. It seemed to keep them close to her. Plans were made, to have the wedding in Ukraine, but that was not yet set in stone, as no one knew from one year to the next what was happening in that part of the world. The girls were in university, but their grandmother told them in no uncertain terms that she wanted, with my permission, to take them with us to the US later to finish school.

I couldn’t in good conscience do anything but agree. She looked at me as they watched, and said she’d like to take Ivanya and Ivan with her as well. She could buy us a larger house if needed, or help with whatever, but it was important to her, for several reasons, to do that. Again, I agreed. I loved her. She loved her family. It was no hardship for me at all, and in fact more than a positive experience. They were happy around each other, the five of them. Anya, I would have to include in that, although Willem could use an attitude adjustment.

We took the girls home after dinner and about three hours of cocktails and good conversation. Without pretense, I kissed each of them goodnight, on the lips, seeing them inside. Anya was with her sister-in-law and nephew at the Gasst estate. I had wondered why I didn’t come across Willem when I dropped them off but didn’t think too much about it.

With my arms around Svetlana that evening, she told me Gregor would pick her up at seven in the morning. She called him from the restaurant and changed our plans. She apologized for not mentioning it earlier, but our talks with the girls distracted her.

“You’re my wife, Lana. You get to make decisions like that.”

“Good. Here is another one, my love.” She pushed on my thigh with her knee, rolling me over and having me land on my back, then climbed on top, slotted me into her love channel, and once I was in, buried to the hilt, moved back and forth, gyrating her hips. “Belly dancing. It is with swimming at the top of the good exercises list.” She grinned. She was able to reach orgasm with very little help from me, grinding her clit and her g-spot onto me where they needed to be ground. When I knew she was close, I let go as well, and lifted her up as I arched, coming and shooting, spurting my seed up into her beautiful body as it clamped down on my straining erection. As we calmed, she lay on me, kissing my lips, then my neck. “I love you. May I just sleep here tonight?”

I knew she meant my chest, and not my bed, as that decision had already been made. I nodded, kissed her, and pulled the covers up over us. Alarms were already set for very early so we could shower and eat before she left. She fell asleep quickly, as did I, and woke in each other’s arms at five in the morning.

“Charlie, in the shower, on the wall, please take me again. Make love to me.”

“Your command is my wish, my queen.” She giggled as I worked myself into her listening to her as her moans filled the shower walls. Several minutes went by with my pumping into and out of her, the noises bringing me so close. Her keening and cries of love and emotion were aphrodisiacs to my system.

“Your fingers, Charlie. Pinch my clitty again, baby boy.” That did it. I didn’t want her to refer to herself as an old woman, but when she called me her baby boy, I made purchase on her little hood, got her clit ready, and lightly pinched and rubbed between my finger and thumb. That all happened as I was bursting into her with my own orgasm and hers started soon after. We were a mess. She was a liquid torrent, soaking my hand with her love. I came what felt like buckets. We were both out of breath, but still able to smile and kiss over her shoulder. “Thank you. Good morning, lover. I know we have two more evenings, but I already miss you. Clean me. I will clean you. We can share breakfast and I must go to work. Charlie,” she looked deeply into my eyes, “I do love you. I know now that this is real. You are my one.”

“I love you, too, Lana, and you are mine as well. Trust that above all else. Yes, hold still. This is the fun part.” I washed her hair, then her body, using first her body wash and a cloth, then with just my hands. She returned the favor, fondling my member as she went by on the way from my face to my toes. As hard as it got, it was nowhere near what she had done to me earlier. I ignored the little peckerhead as we rinsed, dried, dressed, and took off for our own destinations.

My meetings and her clinic appointments took up the morning, then she asked me to pick her up for another afternoon at the beach if I wanted. She said that Alina and Yuliya would be there if we went. I wanted. We went. Those girls were fun. They would be back in school in a week or so but wanted to goof off as much as possible until then, and they loved being with Nana. I asked Svetlana if she was jealous because of all the time we spent with them.

“You have much to learn, Mr. Casper. Women do not play fair, and they do not play by the rules. Always remember that. Oh, and remember, we told them ‘Always’ when they asked if they could be with us. I meant that. Always. They are my blood. My family. My cherished ones. I would die, or kill, for any of my children or grandchildren. I include Anya in that statement. She is a daughter to me. My son may make me so mad I could kick him in the butt and stomp on his toe, but I would die for him as well. Maybe not kill. I may tell him, ‘Willem, you need to take care of that yourself.’ Yes, maybe I would do that instead.” She giggled. “You know what I mean, though. Do not worry about my babies, Charlie. Alina and Yuliya are not a problem for us. Quite the opposite.”

“Okay?” I said, not exactly sure what was just said other than she’d do anything for any of them.

“Yes. It is okay.”

We four went for dinner again, and this time Svetlana walked to the door with me when we took them home. Each of the girls kissed me on the lips, without pretense, and hugged each of us as we told them goodnight.

That night was stopped short. Gregor picked her up at the hotel at nine. I kissed her and handed her into the car. Gregor acknowledged me, smiling. She had surgeries early in the morning, and the next night was our last together. We could spend it together, as Thursday was another office day for her.

I got a call at noon Wednesday. “One more trip to the beach with the girls, love?”

“Sounds fun. Last one for a bit, huh?”

“Yes, Charlie. They want to say goodbye. I reminded them I said they could always, and I meant always, be with us, but then I forbid them to have dinner with us again tonight. I want you alone to have goo-goo eyes of the young love soon to miss their lover. My babies laughed at their silly Nana. Tonight, baby boy, we will be alone, together.”

“I’ll miss them, Lana, but the goo-goo eyes thing sounds fun. I should be doing it, as well. I’m going to miss you something terrible. I’d like to take you home next trip, maybe, just for a week or so, then bring you back. If you have time off, let me know so I can try to schedule something. Some of these trips can be planned.”

“Come get me now. Take me to the beach. We’ll talk about it. I need you.”

“Yes, dear. On the way.” I heard her laughing as I pushed the end call button.

Lying on the beach, all of us naked as jaybirds, me ogling the closeup scenery, with permission of course, Svetlana told the girls what was probably going to be happening, making them pretty happy in the process. We would marry, and all of them would be moving to America, as soon as they could. Ivanya, as a commercial lawyer, could apply for a professional visa, working for me, just as Svetlana would, as a cardiologist, and the girls could apply for student visas. Ivan would accompany Ivanya. There shouldn’t be any issues. They just needed to keep their grades as high as possible.

Svetlana was on one side of me, and the girls were on the other. Lana did the fingernail thing again, and for some unknown reason, unknown to me anyway, Alina did the same on the other side. It was so arousing that when the both of them went next to the base of my dick, through the valley of my hip joint area, at the same time, I came all over myself again. Just the thought of these two beautiful women doing that, together, made me an absolute and uncontrollable mess.

Neither of them laughed. They smiled at each other, then at me, but it wasn’t funny. It was serious. It was real. For me it was a bit scary, but Svetlana was an adult, as were both of her “babies”.

We took them home a few hours later, each of them kissing me a bit more tenderly and fully, with a bit more of a hug as well. Alina shed a tear after her kiss gazing into my eyes. Yuliya just kissed me, smiled meekly, sadly, and waved her fingers as they went inside.

“They are in love, Charlie. Much as I am. They love you. Be good to them always.”

“Lana, it’s you that I want…”

“I know that. Someday, things may change. If it does, love my babies, Charlie. They love you. They will wait for you. They have each other, and do not want another man in their lives. Love them. Please.”

I nodded. I didn’t know what else to do. She was dead serious.

We did do the goo-goo eyes thing over dinner, having fun but also having a serious discussion. She wanted to be sure I knew what I was getting into. I told her I felt, no, I knew I did, but I loved her and we could work through most things. She nodded.

At the hotel, she once again mounted me and rode me like I was a stallion pony under a high plains caballera. It was truly a wild ride. Twice. At the end of the second, all pretenses gone, Svetlana became a wanton woman for a time.

“Turn us over and take me, Charlie. Take your wife. Fuck me. Fuck her. Fuck your Lana. Take me in such a way that you never forget your Svetlana Gasst, the woman waiting for you to return to her and steal her heart.”

I did just as she requested, holding her by her waist and pounding down into her, then up into her, her legs up over my shoulders, pistoning, pumping, over and over until she’d come twice, and I couldn’t hold out anymore. I came again, in buckets. Big spoon sized ones, I know, but the feeling, the intensity of the spurts, the spasms, the contractions of her around my cock, just made it so, so powerful for me.

She said the same. The ferocity of our lovemaking made her happy. She felt owned. She felt loved. She felt as though she were mine to do with as I please. She felt things she had always dreamed of feeling, but never had. Never, until now.

Chapter Two - A May through December Romance

We woke together, her stirring, bringing me back from a deep slumber. The only dream I remember was an intense bout of physical loving shared with a beautiful woman. I shared my thoughts with the woman who was now my fiancée, getting a funny response.

“I had the same dream, you sexy young man, you, and now we need to go clean it off of us. Oh, I think maybe it was not a dream! I love you, Charlie. I meant what I said to you last night. The exciting, powerful way you loved me last night took me to a new place. I have never felt like I was truly part of something bigger. I feel you in me and not my pussy, but my body, my soul. You possess me. I am yours to do with as you please. Anytime we are together, believe that. There is nothing, at this point, that you cannot do to or with me. Nothing you want that I would say ‘no’. I truly am your lover.”

I took her in my arms and kissed her carefully so as not to offend. She did likewise. Morning breath can ruin romantic, emotional moments. Ick.

“I love you holding me. Loving me. I feel cherished.” She kissed my nose. “Now let me go, you dirty old man, I’m a mess. I will see you in the water?”

She saw me and felt me, both. I once again dropped to my knees behind her, and with her pushed up against the wall, I ate and licked her pussy and asshole to an intense orgasm. I then took her, with my cock being harder than I can ever remember. The words, the images of last night, the feelings of having the woman you own, possess, and love, wrapped around your erection as she mewls, pants, and moans, sticking her ass out at you, begging for more, then screeching out her climax, filling the enclosure with the sound of passion finalized, is just too much for a man to handle for very long. I exploded while thrusting up into her, actually lifting her up off the shower floor on the last push.


I held her hands up against that wall and kept her up by only my harder than stone and pulsing erection, spurting, pumping into her, her toes just barely off the floor. As the orgasms passed, and I eased her down, while she was still up only on the balls of her feet, she reached back, pulled my head to her shoulder and just held me tightly to her, crying.

“Are you all right, honey?”

“Oh, Charlie, I have never been better. I doubt any woman ever has. Thank you. Wash me, lover, then I will wash you. Then you can feed me. I will miss you so much. Please let me know when you might be back so I can arrange some time to be off. I want to go home with you if you will allow it. You do not need to be on vacation while I am there. I just want to practice to be your wife in your home. I need to tell you, though, that Gregor, and probably one of the little girls, will want to come if that is okay. It should be Lena this time, and if we do again, I will take Marta. Is that okay with you, Charlie? I do not want to impose, or presume, but they will want to be with me.”

“Perfect. I’ll bet Lena can help me with some cooking skills. Like I told Ivan, I can grill with the best of them, but I’ll bet those girls have forgotten more about just plain cooking than I’ll ever learn.”

Svetlana laughed as I rinsed her, using my bare hand and the shower wand. I kissed her and placed my hand under her vulva, her clit resting in the heel of my palm and two of my fingers reaching back contacting her lips, her perineum, and her anus. I just massaged her there and held her. She swooned into my ear, then gently bit my earlobe.

“God, how I love you, Charlie. Always remember, the woman you are holding by her sex is your woman. Yours. Anything. Anytime. Yours.”

Our lips met and as I sucked her tongue into my mouth, she came on my hand. My Lana was a very sensitive, responsive, and expressive woman. I rinsed her legs again, and we dried and left the bathroom. Watching her dress made me once more see what we had. What I had. She was elegant. She was beautiful. She had just told me she was mine.

“Come. Feed me, my handsome sex monster, then take me home so I can go to work. Are you sure you do not mind if Gregor and Lena or Marta travel with us?”

“Not at all, beautiful. Gregor would worry too much, and Lena would be calling, asking if I was feeding you properly. This will be easier.” I chuckled. She smiled and thanked me.

Dropping her off and walking her to her door was hard. Very tough. I was not a super emotional person, but I knew I was ripping a hole in myself and tearing part of me out, leaving it here with her. Yes, I knew I’d be back, most probably in just a few weeks, but I was going to miss her, and miss her terribly. I took her into the kitchen where Gregor was sitting at the table and the girls were across from him mixing up batter for something or other.

“Chocolate chip cookies. My favorite. They do not want to be sold to the circus to follow the elephants and pick up elephant dung, so they are keeping me happy,” Gregor said laughing.

“Someday, Gregor! Someday! You just wait!” Marta said, giggling, and shaking her fist at him.

“Charlie, go now. I love you. I will tell them this morning. I’d like a cookie, too, but I’ll be gone when Gregor is getting his reward for keeping them safe.”


That was a preview of A May Through December Romance. To read the rest purchase the book.

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