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Kendra's Mischief

Tatiana Evans


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Kendra's Mischief


Extracted from 

Vika_Glitter profile

on Pixabay.com

© Tatiana Evans

© Kendra's Mischief

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1. Savoring Pleasure with Liam

2. Love, Desire and Happy Glances

3. The Scent of Her Underarms

4. A Very Common Fetish

5. A Night of Unfaithful Romance and Sex in the Office

6. The Camera that Recorded Our Passion

7. A Lesbian Affair in the Office

8. Tender and Mischievous Glances

9. "The Day you Kiss My Feet"

10. A Polyamorous Relationship


About me

1. Savoring Pleasure with Liam

When I returned to the room, Liam was still masturbating, his eyes closed, concentrating on pleasuring himself. As a woman, I reveled in that moment, while I was absolutely certain that he was so immersed in satisfying himself that he was completely unaware that I was standing there, toweling my hair dry. Under the shower I was happy to relax in the hot water and wash off the semen he had spilled on my breasts and abdomen. I was now clean and practically dry, except for my black hair.

As I watched him masturbate, I was tempted to approach him, sit next to him and grab his penis with my hand to stroke it. But I decided not to, because for an instant I felt as if I were the mother of this young man, barely twenty-one years old. He was a young man with an eager sexuality and I had indulged myself that night to explore not only his body, but also those feelings that his innocent age repressed. 

Liam's left hand was frantically moving over his penis, jerking it intensely. With his other hand, meanwhile, he was stroking the lower area of his testicles. His fingers moved in that area, describing a circular, gentle and passionate motion. Perhaps it was the absence of the sound generated by the rain from the shower that alerted him to the fact that I was already on my way back. The thing is, when Liam slowly opened his eyes, he wasn't surprised to recognize my smile: a smile that was complicit with his moment of intimacy. 

Then he winked at me and using his right hand, patted the mattress twice. It was a clear invitation for me to come closer and accompany him in the search for his happiness. I obediently approached him and lay down next to him. I gave him a few kisses on his cheeks and mouth, while my breasts made contact with his skin. My lover continued to masturbate with his left hand with the same frantic force as before. To help him, I used my right hand to massage the lower area of his testicles. 

“I love it when you caress me there, honey,” he said.

“That's your G-spot, sweetheart.” 

“Of course it is. Please keep massaging me like that. I love it, I enjoy it.” 

“It sets you free, dear Liam,” I said before I kissed him on the lips. “You've been good to me tonight, so these caresses are a way of repaying your efforts.” 

The impression of feeling like his mother came back at that moment. And it was a delicious sensation, very personal and unique. When he moaned as he masturbated, I felt proud of his satisfaction, to the point that my breathing became deeper and sometimes, for about ten seconds, my heart would skip a beat. It was more than normal for me to have that maternal feeling towards Liam, due to the fifteen years of age that separate us. 

I am a woman who is currently thirty-six years old. It is the age of a very mature and advanced woman, although my body warns something different. Perhaps it is because I have no children and am not married that my feminine figure and my face camouflage my age. About four months ago, a new colleague in the office told me that my age could not be more than thirty. It was a rather flattering comment, but, above all, very sincere. I smiled at her, as well as gave her a sexy wink, as a way of thanking her. 

Although I remember that same night, getting to know each other better over drinks at a bar, she was emphatic that my mental maturity was in keeping with my age. It was that mental maturity that gave me that maternal feeling that Liam inspired in me and that also appeared frequently when I slept with men younger than my age. That man who masturbated while I massaged his testicles, was one more in the great list of people with whom I have satiated my sexual appetite. 

That night, after lying next to him for about two minutes, Liam could take no more, no longer resisting the impending pleasure, and reached his orgasm. He exhaled a sigh of intense relief, as the tip of his penis ejaculated just a few drops of semen. On my face appeared a cheeky little smile that he could not identify because in that instant he kept his eyes closed, while he finished experiencing his satisfaction. I think it was an involuntary little smile, based on a strong feminine pride, derived from observing the few drops of male milk he was able to release. 

Perhaps it was rather contradictory that such a selfish and perverse feeling had taken hold of my heart. For about twenty minutes ago, when Liam ejaculated on my breasts, so abundant was the semen he spilled on me, that my breathing intensified and I was overcome with a feeling of unbridled pleasure. That overflowing pleasure was in turn reflected in deep breathing, as my eyes beaming with happiness and pride greeted his youthful eyes. 

“I think you loved it,” said Liam. “I like the way you're looking at me.” 

“Of course I loved it, it was fantastic Liam. I'm proud of you, you've got so much milk! Or have you not masturbated for a long time?”

“It's been two days since I've masturbated. I wasn't expecting to have sex with you today.” 

At that moment, I brought my hands to my breasts to caress them. In doing so, my fingers were wet with this man's semen. Then, I leaned my head forward, while using my elbows to support myself on the bed. In this way, I had a beautiful view of the large lake of cum that Liam had left on my body. 

There was a long line that started a little above my navel. That line was getting thicker and thicker as it approached the area where the sternum bone ends. It was there where that large gelatinous puddle of semen was located. Suddenly, I was seized with a merciless feeling, inspired by my man's masculinity and so I used my hands to slowly spread the semen all over the skin of my abdomen. My right hand was the one that was the most wet with semen, so that sexual juice reached down to my labia minora. 

At the moment I began to smear the semen on my skin, I closed my eyes to feel more deeply that sudden inspiration that settled in my being. And when my right hand reached the area of the lower lip of my vagina, I opened my eyes again. I then beheld Liam's excited face holding his penis in his hand. I, still motivated by excitement, gave him a sexy wink with one of my eyes. Liam then confessed to me: 

“Wow, you fill me with pride for what you just did.” 

“You poured a sexually charged nectar on me,” I replied. “You are such a stud.” 

“Thank you so much, Kendra,” he said. “You really make me proud.” 

“I love to feel your cum on my skin, young man. By the way, would you like to kiss my wet skin?”

“Would you want me to do that?” 

“Would you do it? Would you like to?” 

“Not really, dear.” 

“No problem, it's a little fantasy that just conquered my mind.” 

Liam asked me at that moment, as he sat on the bed, if I was planning to leave his semen smeared on my body, if he had in mind that we would continue having sex with my skin smeared with his liquor. He said this because despite my hint that he would lick my moistened skin, he did find it quite provocative that we would continue to have sex like this. “It would be like in a porno movie” was the expression he used. 

I however didn't answer him right away for the simple reason that at that instant I was feeling a bit exhausted with pleasure, so I wasn't predisposed to continue the game for a while. “Let me think about it. For now I think you need to pull yourself together, don't you?” I told him. Liam nodded and got out of bed to go in search of a beer from the small fridge in that hotel room. After that, he turned on the TV screen and started looking for a channel to entertain himself. 

I remember that we continued talking until we both started to pay some attention to the different news on a news channel. At a certain point I closed my eyes and melted into a deep, relaxing and very restful sleep. When I woke up again, my man indicated that I had been asleep for about half an hour. I then sat up in bed, leaning my back against the headboard. Liam was now watching a movie on the screen, although I would really say he was just listening to it, because his real attention was on his smartphone. 

I felt at that instant my skin sticky and looking at my abdomen I understood the origin of that sensation. The semen on my body had generated the same effect of someone wearing a sticky tape on the skin. I immediately had the urge to free myself from that sensation and I got up to go to the bathroom. Before that, though, I took Liam's face by his chin to kiss him deliciously. 

“I'll take a nice bath, my love. I hope when I get out we'll be ready to continue our games.” 

“Of course we will. I'll be waiting for you.” 

“Don't go watching pornography on your phone,” I warned, “lest you end up jerking off without me.” 

Maybe if I hadn't suggested that, he wouldn't have been tempted to masturbate. Later, though, when I came out of the bathroom, Liam confessed to me that he didn't start masturbating after being stimulated by watching pornography, but that his arousal was inspired by all the memories he had just had with me that night. The sex we had enjoyed up to that point seduced him to relive the scenes in his mind. 

He also told me that those moments he had enjoyed with me began to bite his mind just by imagining me naked under the shower. At that confession, I felt myself back in the shower for a moment. I evoked my long period of intimacy under the hot water and Liam waiting in the room, listening to the water falling, contemplating in his mind how the soap ran down my body, cleaning me completely.

The time I spent bathing was about ten minutes. I can usually take as long as twenty minutes. I like to take the time to freshen up, wash my hair and purify my skin. Although I have to confess that it is quite often that I start fiddling with my body. It's something that comes naturally to me. It is born from the desire that my own body inspires in me and it intensifies as I grope my breasts, my buttocks and my vagina. 

And it is only normal that most of the time I conclude these frolics with myself by masturbating. I usually do it after I take a full bath and seal my purification with body soap. But that night, I didn't have the inspiration to get to the point of masturbating and inducing myself to arouse feelings of intimacy with myself. I was having such a good night with Liam that my body was already predisposed to enjoy only him. 

However, that fiery passion I was experiencing until that moment, was reduced in large proportions when I contemplated the sad droplets of semen he ejaculated after masturbating. Perhaps my feminine instinct warned that his sexual potency could no longer give me the pleasure he had guaranteed me until that time of the night. And it was Liam himself who confirmed that suspicion about ten minutes later, when he again took his penis in his hands with the intention of invigorating it, of committing it to a new period of action: 

“I'm going to have to please you with oral sex, dear Kendra,” he told me. “My penis is no longer fit to satiate you. Excuse me, my love.” 

“Don't worry, dear,” I replied. “You've been very good so far. I really loved the way you penetrated me at the beginning, before my orgasm.” 

It really had been a very delicious night. It was a romantic Saturday night that we started off by savoring some delicious cups of ice cream at a fancy ice cream parlor in a shopping mall. And right after that sweet feast, we went to the hotel. My dear Liam had been provoking my sexual desire from the elevator, where we took advantage of the solitude to kiss passionately. A moment later, the excitement intensified, when, as I opened the door with the hotel's magnetic card, he spanked me hard. 

After we walked through the door, the passion was fully unleashed. The fantastic thing about dating young men like him is that their sex life is generally dominated by eagerness and desire, by the ambition to satiate themselves and make the most of that adrenaline that rushes through all of us when we get into the action of sex. So it was no surprise to me that about five minutes later, Liam's penis was in my mouth.

Once the rapture of undressing each other while exchanging kisses was over, we lay back on the bed to continue kissing madly, as if it was the first time in life that our lips had ever made contact. Then there was a moment when I was lying down, while he remained on top of me. And Liam, obeying his ambitious and eager desire, placed his knees on either side of my ribs to bring his penis closer to my mouth. 

I gladly began to suck him. I gave myself to giving him oral sex that I am convinced fascinated him as much as it did me. I closed my eyes and at times I imagined I was tasting an ice cream whose creaminess would never run out. At times I would open my eyes and our happy gazes would connect, further stimulating our sexual chemistry. Our happiness pulsed with a merciless force that I saw confirmed in the sparkle of Liam's eyes. 

“Enough,” he said after a while. “Now let's enjoy our intercourse.” 

“Of course we are, sir. I want you to sink that beautiful penis into me until I explode. Don't let me down.”

“Of course not,” he replied with great joy. “You know very well that I have the self-control necessary to make you happy.” 

“Show me then!”

Liam's talent for sex is very surprising to me. He is one of the few young men I have ever fucked and they have lived up to my sexual appetite to the point of satiation. At first, our intercourse was limited to the very famous missionary position. What I loved most about this position was the way he took hold of my wrists with his hands, forcing me to be neutralized. I felt the force of his penis entering my sex: a set of penetrations that hit me hard thanks to the weight of his buttocks. In my mind I imagined his sturdy buttocks exerting the perfect pressure for his virile member to please me. I could almost say that his buttocks were bouncing, bouncing against my vagina, exerting a repetitive, but extremely pleasurable and happy movement.

And at the same time that he was thrusting his penis into me in such an intense way, Liam did not stop exerting force against my wrists, intensifying in me the sensation of being neutralized, of being subjected to his desire. Likewise, he kissed my lips, indulging himself with kisses on my cheek and neck. At times I felt my breathing betray me, leaving me without oxygen. But then, my breathing would increase, deepen and give me the opportunity to feel blissful. 

At times like this, I would close my eyes to find in the total darkness the way to intensify the passion he was transmitting to me. After a good while of penetrating me in that position, Liam interrupted his engagement and stopped pressing my wrists against the mattress. He pulled his body back as he offered me his left hand to lift me up. And so it happened: like a maiden I took his hand and let myself be pulled, although I also contributed with my will to stand up. 

“How are you enjoying yourself, Kendra?” he asked me, “Am I living up to your expectations tonight?”

“Of course you are, darling,” I replied, biting my lips and smiling at her. “You deserve this little kiss.” 

I brought my mouth to his lips and gave him a provocative kiss. But I couldn't resist giving him just that kiss and continued kissing him, feeling his saliva and tongue in my mouth. It was a very exciting moment, until he himself interrupted the kiss. Then he approached the headboard of the bed, on which he laid his back, while he put aside the two pillows. Then he asked me to come closer and I, like an obedient kitten, played along, while he patted his upper abdomen. 

He didn't have to tell me anything about what he desired. I knew exactly what pose he longed for us to practice at that moment. Very gingerly, I turned my back to him before accommodating his penis inside my vagina. Our act of having sex restarted immediately. I was the one who had the most dominance over this new stage, being responsible for making my buttocks jump over his body, thus favoring the penetrations.

The most blissful thing about this position is that the penetrations feel very strong. I have always had the sensation of sinking, as if I were falling into an infinite void. When my vagina reaches the base of the penis, I feel a kind of sweet pang inside me, as if it is the warning that I have hit bottom and that I simply cannot go any lower, no matter how much I still want the penetration to be more intense. So I am forced to climb back up, to go and claim that new emptiness to let me go further, that the penis will give me the opportunity to reach deeper into my being, into my senses, into my limits as a woman. 

Meanwhile, Liam took charge of holding my waist, while offering delicious kisses on my back. In this pose it is always essential that your lover holds you well by the waist, because this is the only way to guarantee a great stability, preventing the penis from annulling the coitus, slipping out of the vagina between bounces. My lover held my waist tightly and I felt myself not only provoked by the pleasure and the rhythmic movement of my buttocks on his skin, but also by the sound produced between him and me. My skin and his generated a kind of slapping sound. 

“Are you enjoying it, darling?” I asked, “Do you like the way I'm bouncing on your beautiful penis?” 

“I'm having a fabulous time, Kendra. And the most fantastic thing is that my member is behaving up to par.” 

“Yes, it's staying fat, erect, strong and sturdy.” 

I continued to jump with gusto on his phallus, jumping with a proper rhythm to keep his penis from disengaging from my body. Because whenever a woman is in coitus with a man, it is impossible to prevent his penis from escaping from the vagina. And then it's time to accommodate it again. Until that moment, I had maintained the harmony of jumping on his penis at a pace that prevented the annulment of intercourse. But in a fit of happiness, I decided to increase the speed of my constant jumping, which caused Liam's penis to be outside my body. 

Then I grabbed it with my right hand and pushed it back into my vagina. As I did so, I had the impression that my vagina was a mouth swallowing that beautiful penis. The game of jumping on his penis resumed with great affection and excitement. My lover continued to hold me by the waist, with docile and gentle strength. I have always loved it when my men hold me by the waist, because I have the impression that I feel dominated, as if I were a child, trapped in her father's hands. 

After a few more minutes of play, Liam asked me to reposition us. From so much fucking in that position, his back had been slipping a little off the headboard. So my man moved back closer to the headboard, allowing his back to stay upright. We didn't waste much time rearranging our position, so I, with a hormonal glee returned to surrendering myself to the enjoyment of his virile member. 

But later, I felt the need to keep closer to him. So I resorted to a position that I love very much, as it gives me a powerful stability. What I did was to wrap my left arm around his neck, so the elbow bend area was very close to the back of his neck. Being in that position, Liam took a few seconds to contemplate my beautiful underarm, shaved as always, leaving no evidence of hair on my white skin. Sensing that I noticed the seconds he spent looking at my underarm, my lover shrank a little, as if he had committed a sweet sin by being surprised. 

“Do you like my underarm?” I asked. 

“You have it very well shaved,” he answered, letting a smile appear on his face. “And besides, I find the scent of your deodorant delicious.” 

I smiled warmly at her. 

“I dare you to kiss my underarm,” I said enthusiastically. “I love it.” 

“Challenge accepted.” 

Liam's mouth then approached my underarm and gave it a very tender kiss. Then he looked into my eyes, showing me that he liked that challenge. I was sure that if I asked him to kiss my underarm, he would have gladly done it. But feeling him a little hesitant and shy, I preferred not to push him and chose to focus on the emotion of the moment. I couldn't let go of the passion my vagina was feeling, spreading throughout my body. 

So I kept bouncing passionately on his penis, surrendering myself to the pleasure, keeping in my mind the sensation of my vagina being a mouth moving in and out of his penis. Suddenly, I was assaulted by a premonition, by a powerful and irrepressible sensation. I knew that my being was approaching a delicious orgasm and so I decided to go out to meet him, jumping harder and harder. 

As the rhythm of our intercourse intensified, from this moment on it was very frequent for his penis to slip out of my vagina. Liam began to be more attentive to those instants and would come very soon to take his penis to restore intercourse. His penis must have escaped from my vagina about three times a minute. But curiously, each time we reconnected our genitals, my pleasure increased, I experienced a rush of sexual satisfaction that brought me closer and closer to the impending orgasm. 

Suddenly, I couldn't help it anymore, I went crazy with emotion and moaning with desperation, I felt the emotion disengage me, freeing me, allowing me to feel blissful and fulfilled as a woman. Feeling violated by his sexual potency, I agreed to surrender. My arm stopped around his neck, as I forced myself to kiss him on the mouth. I cancelled the coitus that still held us together and sat down next to her. 

“Did you enjoy it?” Liam asked me. “I see you got what you wanted.” 

“Of course I did, love. This beautiful penis you have here has behaved like a gentleman.” 

“And I can give you even more, Kendra.” 

“Oh, my stud,” I said in a comical, sassy tone. “I'm with an alpha male.” 

“I have a talent for pleasing a woman.” 

Liam brought his mouth close to mine to give me a kiss that melted me even more with emotion. And I to thank him, without stopping kissing him, I used my left hand to go in search of his penis. I took it with conviction, with determination, with such agility, that my man startled a little, reacting involuntarily. I was blissful to feel the thickness of said penis and began to massage it, offering him a gentle handjob. 

When the kiss that connected us concluded, we both looked into each other's eyes, both of us falling prey to an incredible sensation. Truly an extraordinary chemistry connected us both that night. I was more than amazed at how well his penis was holding up, because I had moved so roughly in the position we had just experienced, that I marveled at the idea that he had not yet ejaculated. I have been with other men who are unable to resist my frantic sexual appetite for so long. Instead, he did manage to stage a unique resistance that night. 

Amazed and super excited by that manliness, I gazed into Liam's beautiful eyes, while my enchantment was visible from miles away thanks to the tender gleam in my eyes. I felt exposed, helpless, naked, before the obvious truth that I was shocked and in love with his talent as a lover. I came to experience a certain fear, thinking that now he would take advantage of my feelings, of the innocence projected by the magical infatuation that had arisen in that instant on my face. 

I lowered my gaze, not being able to hold it before his beautiful eyes. Then I paid attention to his penis for a second, which revealed that I had suspended my task of jerking him off. I knew he was staring right into my eyes. So, without evading the situation any further, I looked back into his eyes, still with the same enthusiasm shining in mine, while I pursed my lips as if I was repressing a little smile. It was one of those orgasmic smiles, full of desire and a delicious repressed happiness. 

 2. Love, Desire and Happy Glances

“I feel proud, Kendra,” he said before kissing me. “It is very gratifying to feel that I have bent you and given you great pleasure.” 

“And I am proud of you, my love,” I replied, unloading a slap on his chest. “Now it is I who must strive to please you.” 

“We're in no hurry, are we?”

“Not at all. Do you want me to keep giving you this handjob?” 

“It's not necessary, Kendra. It's time to give us a break before we continue.” 

Liam then lay back on the bed, bringing his hands behind his head. In that position he looked like one of those models who are showing off all their muscles. In his case, he has a beautiful, well-built body that inspires respect and passion. I can't say that he has the body of a person who frequently attends the gym, because in fact he himself confessed to me that he has a sedentary lifestyle. Despite this, his arms are strong and admirable. He really is a man with a very attractive slimness and physiognomy.

I met Liam in a café. I remember it was a wet and rainy afternoon. When I left the office, the rain had the whole city wet, but the weather in the air was very pleasant. It allowed me to keep warm in my stylish overcoat. The wonderful warmth that this garment gave me, invited me to feel like the queen of the world. That latent conviction planted in my heart the desire to have sex with someone. 

And just as I had done on other occasions, I went in search of my prey in that café located four blocks away from my work office. From the moment I walked in, I knew I would not leave the café without identifying my new lover. So after ordering my coffee, I positioned myself at one of the lonely tables and started looking for that someone. 

Soon enough, I spotted him. He was alone, busy with his laptop and accompanied by a cup of cappuccino coffee. I was looking at him carefully, studying his beauty and the roundness of his chin, until he noticed himself being watched. He looked me in the eye for a few seconds, but then turned his attention back to his computer. A minute later, our gazes connected again, but this time Liam caught me smiling at him. I'm sure my smile shook him with the same intensity that I experienced in that instant. 

I remember picking up my phone from the table, still smiling at him with that provocation. Liam tried to ignore me, returning to his computer activity. But he couldn't concentrate for more than two seconds, because the magnetism of my gaze and smile had already bewitched him. And then what I expected to happen happened: he got up from his seat and approached me. 

“Good evening,” he said, “Are you my architecture teacher's friend?” 

“That's right,” I answered, playing along. “I knew I had seen you somewhere before. I'm waiting for her, we're supposed to meet here. Do you want me to accompany you while she arrives?” 

“Oh, I have no problem. I'd be happy to meet my teacher, I have a class with her tomorrow.”

The complicit acting game between us increased the desire in both of us. Only the two of us knew what a huge lie we had acted out in front of the other people in that café. It was a discreet and intelligent game, like the many that millions of people play every day to destroy distances and make their lives click. 

I personally liked the creativity of his lie and the talent of his initiative: “the friend of my architecture teacher”. But said professor would never arrive, so a half hour later we left that café. We walked to my office building so I could get my car and drove to his house. Even though we had broken the ice very well, we would not be going to bed that night. We kissed goodbye with a kiss on the mouth and exchanged phone numbers.

I didn't get to have sex with a man that night, which was what I wanted most, but I managed to satiate myself in another way. That night, despite the great joy I was able to experience, I fell asleep while thinking about him. Two days later, his beautiful penis entered me, delighting my whole body, while the repressed anxiety of enjoying myself with him dissipated, transforming into a splendid sensation of ecstasy.

“You're a darling, Liam,” I confessed as I felt that first soft penetration, “What an exquisite penis!” 

“And you have a tight pussy. I can already feel how much fun we're going to have tonight!”

“Today is Friday. We have all tonight and the whole Saturday, if you want, to love each other, darling.”

The stage I chose to enjoy our bodies was my own apartment. Liam arrived at my apartment at the appointed time, demonstrating his punctuality. I was still dressed in my elegant clothes, because I had just returned from the office half an hour ago. The first thing I did, after letting him in, was to offer him a glass of wine from the bottle I had just uncorked. We settled down at the dining table, sitting in the chairs. 

At a certain point in our calm dialogue as we drank the wine, I crossed my arms, just as I crossed one of my legs over the other. I stared at his beautiful face and smiled at him, allowing the sparkle in my eyes to manifest the desire I had been repressing for the past two days. Liam understood instantly that with me the matter was straightforward, that my womanhood was already convinced of what I desired.

And when I sensed that he had already recognized the extent of my sexual nature, I rose from my chair and, as if I were a cowgirl, sat on his legs. My genitals were above his, which were soon caressed by my right hand. Without wasting any more time, I began to kiss him, amusing myself with the sudden excitement that took hold of him, stimulating his breathing and his desire. 

Liam caressed my buttocks, my breasts, my arms vigorously. At the same time, he took the opportunity to sniff me, confessing to me that he was fascinated by the scent of my perfume. I didn't answer him anything, because I was focused on kissing him and kissing him, almost to the point of suffocating him. I would release him from my mouth only when I sensed that he really needed to breathe. Although later I would begin to give him more freedom, when I began to unbutton his white shirt. 

Our clothes were soon on the floor, except for our underwear. I had to get up from the chair for a couple of seconds, to remove those two black undergarments. At the same time, my man took advantage of the fact that he was free to take off his boxer shorts just as quickly. I sat back down on his sex and kissed him, our mouths again moistened with passion and intimacy. 

“I love your saliva, I love the taste of it. I can tell a man is aroused by the taste of his saliva.” 

“I guess I'm just one more on your list.” 

“That's not important. What matters now is that we both enjoy, that we have sex and indulge in pleasure, darling.” 

In response to my comment, Liam grabbed his penis with his left hand. I raised myself up a little, creating enough distance to facilitate intercourse. In an act of empowerment before him, I snatched his penis from him and I was the one who took charge of inserting it into my body. Perhaps it was that excitement, that empowered attitude before his sex, that allowed me to experience that glorious sensation of having been penetrated by an exquisite penis. It was as if the thickness and firmness of his penis had condemned me to feel a unique pleasure in my life. 

We were having sex in the chair, taking advantage of the comfort, the resistance, the stability it offered us. Besides, having intercourse in that pose was spectacular, because both of us, just by looking into each other's eyes, shared the satisfaction of knowing that we were living a very exclusive moment, that it is not always possible to enjoy sex in a dining room chair, that traditionally everything happens in a bed. So, our experience of having sex like this went on for several minutes. 

“I'm having a fantastic time, Liam. How beautiful and well endowed you are, young man.” 

“Young man?” 

“Yes, young, my love. You're only twenty-one years old. I could be your mother. Remember, I'm 36.” 

“I love women like you. You're what's called a MILF in the world of pornography.” 

“Do you like porn movies a lot, dear?”

“When I have no one to sleep with, I turn to that content.” 

I kept up my feisty and offensive attitude. I felt that at that moment I was the one leading the action. I was the one in charge of forcing my vagina to jump, over and over again, on his penis. Liam remained rather receptive, just holding me by my waist and kissing me with extraordinary passion. Our chemistry kept us together at a very pleasurable level. 

I remember that, at a certain moment of our intercourse, I stopped jumping on his member and, without annulling the connection of our genitals, I forced myself to “dance” on his penis. On the base of his penis, my vagina moved back and forth. In addition, I succeeded or tried to describe a kind of little circles. It was an exercise that in my case granted me the opportunity to enjoy the girth and firmness of his penis. 

Liam must have experienced an even more enormous satisfaction than mine, because at a certain point in that dance (or that massage) I gave his penis, he warned me to stop, grabbing one of my tits tightly, while his other hand squeezed with the same intensity my waist. I stopped, of course, understanding perfectly what this sudden demand represented. 

“Don't move for a few seconds, please,” said Liam. 

“I guess you're about to ejaculate and want to avoid it.” 

“Something like that, Kendra. If you move a little more, I'll come inside you.” 

“And you don't want the party to end yet.” 

“Of course not, we're having too great of a time.” 

Understanding perfectly that Liam didn't want to be stimulated at that moment, I forced myself to stay still, keeping my elbows on his shoulders. My hands clasped just behind the back of his neck, exerting a dominance over him that felt total to me. I felt myself the absolute owner of him at that moment: his existence, his destiny, his will belonged to me at that moment. It was up to my discretion and decision whether I forced him to ejaculate inside my vagina. 

My lover's face remained fixed on the intercourse. It seemed as if his eyes were focused on annulling the skin of my body, on fading the existence of the vagina that hid his virile member, as if he had the extraordinary gift of seeing beyond the limits of matter. And thanks to that gift, it seemed that he  was only contemplating his thick, firm and aroused penis in its entirety. I could see in his concentration the deep concern and gentle demand on his member that no matter what happened he must refrain from ejaculating. 

So I decided to take him out of that preoccupation by giving him a little kiss on the mouth. It was a gesture he appreciated and reciprocated with the same affection. A simple kiss that did not go beyond the contact of our lips, without either of us daring to bring our mouths together to kiss and share the liquor of our saliva. That gesture, just as I had intended, relaxed the tension Liam was experiencing at that instant. 

It was not the first time in my life that I found myself in such a situation. On other occasions, I had had other men stop their full sexual potency, both to take a breath and to hold back ejaculation. It really is a common occurrence when it comes to sex. Every man's honor is focused on having the goodness to please a woman and that requires him to allow the woman to reach her satisfaction first. 

“Do you want me to get up?” I asked, “Do you want us to cancel our intercourse?” 

“No, Kendra, any sudden movement would excite me even more. Please stay where you are.” 

“I understand that you don't want to come yet. But if you do come you have nothing to worry about. I told you we have the rest of the night and all day tomorrow, if you want.” 

“Oh, and if you want, I'll stay Sunday too,” he added with amused sarcasm.

“Well, it's no problem for me, dear.” 

After about two minutes of waiting in the same position, time in which he breathed calmly and remained attentive to the connection established by our genitals, Liam managed to overcome the threatening orgasm. During those two minutes we continued talking and sharing kisses, until he stated that we could not continue enjoying in that position, that he was just ready to cancel the intercourse and give himself some more time to wait. 

I understood his decision very well and calmly, gently, I took charge of lifting myself off his virile member. It was only until that moment that I again recognized our clothes and undergarments on the floor. It seemed to me an image full of pleasure, exhibiting all the passion that was unleashed while we remained in that chair. I continued to contemplate that work of art, at the same time fixing my black hair a bit. Then I turned my attention to Liam, who was now holding his penis in his left hand. 

“Come, my dear, let's settle down on my living room furniture.” 

“Oh, wouldn't it be better if we lay down on your bed?” 

“If that's what you want, I have no problem.” 

“I think it would be more relaxing.” 

“Okay, love. Then follow me.”

Lovingly, I helped with my right hand to lift Liam out of the dining room chair. I would not lead him by the hand to my bed, because I wanted to keep him excited. The excitement we were experiencing was coming up with its own ideas. And it occurred to me to step forward, so that he could see my round buttocks, which I caressed for a few seconds, before giving them a delicious pat. I seemed to feel in the air, the happiness that this produced in Liam, who quickly approached me. That joy became more noticeable when, after reaching my room, Liam slapped my right buttock and with tender violence, used his forearm to place it in front of my throat. It was a fantastic maneuver, because when my throat made contact with his forearm, I felt prevented from continuing to move forward.

Recognizing myself blocked and neutralized, I turned my head back. My man brought his mouth close to mine and we began to kiss. A second later I finished turning around to favor the passion of that kiss, in which I experienced how his tongue sank into my mouth. Liam took advantage of the position we were now in to grab my buttocks and squeeze them hard. In response to that passionate gesture, I took his penis with my right hand, to massage it, to give him a momentary handjob. A handjob that did not go beyond caressing, sliding up and down my hand on the firmness of his penis. 

“Are you ready to play along?”

“I think so. I can give you a few penetrations and make you enjoy it. I'll have to be a little cautious, though.” 

“I understand. Then, I invite you to my bed so we can give ourselves to pleasure.” 

“Challenge accepted, my love.” 

We lived a very spectacular rest of the night. All that happened the first time we had sex, two days after we met in that café. The time we had sex in the hotel was about two weeks later. By then, Liam was more than aware of my lifestyle and my financial solvency. The first clues had been, of course, the fact that despite my age I was still unmarried, had no children and lived single without sharing my apartment with anyone else.

He also found out that I was a finance and marketing analyst in an important company, which allowed him to intuit how much my income would be, even though I never told him the exact amount of my earnings. He soon understood that because of this I was a woman with certain luxurious tastes, that I loved to dine in very good restaurants and that I traveled quite frequently. 

I was delighted that, despite my lifestyle, he recognized me as a humble and discreet woman who did not flaunt my fortune, so to speak. I also recognized in him a great sense of humility, healthy enough to accept the benefits I could bring him. That first week I gave him a box of expensive chocolates, invited him to dinner at a fine dining restaurant and bought him an elegant coat that fascinated him from the moment he saw it on display at the counter of that clothing store. 

“I feel indebted to you, my love,” he confessed as he drove my car. “I don't know how to repay you.” 

“It's just love from me, don't worry. The good sex you give me is enough. And, besides, now you're my private driver.” 

“Good point. Although I'm only your chauffeur when we go out together. Would you like me to drive you to work every day?” 

“That's not necessary, love.” 

A few minutes later, the car stopped at a red light. As we waited, Liam noticed the grand stature of a five-star hotel, which is one of the most respected in this city. He then reflected the admiration he felt for such a building by stating: “If I ever become a famous architect, I hope to stay in a hotel like this. I'd love to have sex in a place this luxurious and enjoy a good breakfast.” 

I knew perfectly well that that comment held no hint of innuendo for me. Both he and I had become accustomed to having sex in my apartment. Liam loved my apartment because, in his words, it was the only place in the world where he could be completely naked, walking freely between the living room, kitchen and bedrooms as long as the curtains were doing their job. 

However, I did get an interesting thrill out of hearing that opinion. The idea of having sex in a five-star hotel came up at that very moment and was approved by me in my mind. I even instantly conceived that in order for me to enjoy it even more, I should surprise him. But so as not to give away the emotion that assaulted me at that instant, I simply said: 

“Yes, it is an expensive hotel. I stayed in one of those about two years ago, on a business trip to New York.” 

“I know some areas of the hotel, like the restaurant and the auditorium. I attended an architecture forum in that hotel about six months ago. That's why I like it. It is to be respected for its design, its elegance, its sense of aesthetics, its luxurious look.”  

“Yes, yes, it's a hotel that inspires respect.” 

It would be a real surprise for him. We would enjoy a night of great passion, where he gave his best sexual performance, pleasing me to the maximum. I think, in part, the excitement of having sex in a new place played a part in that. Although I am also convinced that it was the abstinence that I took it upon myself to condemn him to live. We had had sex four days earlier and although he called me to meet up, I told him to wait until Saturday night, lying to him about being swamped with work. 

I am sure that those four days of absence in our lives, of not having contact to share a few kisses or hugs, contributed in him to give me the best of his sexual talents. We had sex like never before in our relationship. I think the position I enjoyed the most that night was the one that came after the period of calm that began when Liam placed his hands under his head. 

The pose in which we decided to enjoy was somewhat similar to the last one, the one where I remained with my back against him, while I forced myself to bounce on his penis. The only difference was that now my back was not against his chest and face, but I let my body lean forward. At first I tried to keep my legs spread wide, just like a karateka who is able to create a straight line from end to end of his heels on the floor. 

However, I found it impossible to maintain that position and was forced to bend my legs. My knees were making contact on either side of Liam's legs. I then leaned my body forward, placing my elbows, which rested on the mattress, between his legs. My man was still resting his back against the headboard of the bed. By establishing that position, he had total control of my buttocks and vagina.

Not that it was a very comfortable position, but I really enjoyed the penetrations he gave me. Some extra excitement I got from the way he behaved on my buttocks. He would spread them wide so he could appreciate the circle of my anus. Liam revealed to me that he liked to have a full appreciation of my asshole, experiencing a perverted inspiration to insert one of his fingers right up there, up my anus. 

“Do you really want to do it?” 

“Yes, I find it very tempting. But I need your permission.” 

“Do it. Which finger do you want to use?” 

“The little finger, so it won't hurt so much.” 

“Okay, do it, but gently.”

Even though he was the one in control of the position, it was me who was in charge of moving my ass to stimulate me with the penetrations. And that constant movement had me so turned on that I was willing to do anything to please myself. For that reason I didn't mind Liam's initiative to penetrate me with his little finger. I had the impression that I would not feel even that anal penetration, due to the excitement that my vagina and the rest of my body were experiencing. 

My premonition was fulfilled, partly because he was so kind and gentle when he plunged his finger in. But also because, although he didn't know it yet (because it was still too early in our relationship to start practicing it), I love anal sex. So feeling a little pinky finger going into my ass didn't bother me. On the contrary, it allowed me to feel more at ease with the penetrations he was giving me. 


That was a preview of Kendra's Mischief. To read the rest purchase the book.

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