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From Beyond the Grave

Shady Lady Julie


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Friday 13th August 2004


Mike sat staring at the empty basket and then at the small package in front of him.


“Well, Benji you have gone to join Maria and Shane in heaven, hope you will all be happy together.”


Benji had never fully recovered from the death of his Mistress, pining for her every day. The only time he would show any signs of interest in the world was when their daughter Lily May would cuddle him, telling him it would, “All be OK.” Without her there he would just lay on the floor looking sad and whining softly. Then one day he simply took to his basket and died peacefully in his sleep.


Standing, he placed the framed picture of a smiling Maria crouching next to Benji, their German Shepherd. Beside it was a picture he had always loved, showing Maria with her arm around Shane, their first dog, a golden retriever. There were nearly 15 years between the two pictures but the happiness on his wife’s face shone through in both pictures.


They had been married for 29 years before she passed, and Mike couldn’t think of a single cross word between them. He paused for a moment as he pictured her and remembered how beautiful she was. She varied between a size 8 & 10, 5'5" with a lovely figure complimented by about 34c bust and legs to die for. Her happy face was framed by her ash blond shoulder-length hair, with piercing inviting green eyes. She was the type of girl you could fall in love with just looking at her. She wasn’t posh, but a very clever well-spoken ordinary working girl. Even though Mike knew he was punching well above his weight from the day they met, he was determined to try to spend the rest of his life with her.


Within the first year of meeting, they had become engaged and then married, living close to their business in Bristol. This was the warehouse and distribution centre of locally made bespoke wooden toys. Mike travelled the country selling to small independent toy shops. He hated that this meant sometimes he would have to spend time away from his beloved wife and couldn't wait until he came home. Things changed with the influx of cheap toys from abroad and the internet, but back when they started face to face was the only way to sell.


They both worked hard and although Maria wanted to travel with Mike someone had to stay at home and deal with the manufacturers of the toys, making sure that the supply remained constant and of a high quality. It was for that reason they got Shane, a beautiful golden retriever, who was company when Mike was away.


One of the things that Mike loved was when he came home Maria would always be dressed sexy for him, wearing nice lingerie, stockings and suspenders and a G string with ties at the sides.


Wiping away a tear Mike lifted up the basket and placed it in the middle of the room before adding the toys and various accessories that every dog owner has. Sitting on the coffee table was a package that had arrived from their solicitors that morning with a covering letter. There were perfunctory condolences on the loss of his dog, but then it went on to explain that they had been instructed by his late wife to only send the parcel once Benji had died.


Mike opened the package with trembling fingers to reveal a small leather-bound notebook and a letter wrapped around it. He knew immediately from the handwriting that it was Maria’s, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. She had been gone for well over a year and he missed her every day. Today was Friday the 13th and that sent a shiver down his spine as although he didn’t believe in all that mumbo jumbo about ghosts, maybe there was something in it. Opening the letter he read, praying that it wouldn’t be bad news.




Dear Mike


Please forgive me but I wrote this letter before I died with strict instructions for it to be sent to you along with this journal after Benji had died. I didn't want it to be sent before, for fear that you may judge Benji harshly and that would be unfair, as he just did what came naturally to him and what Shane had done before him.


I meant to write the journal every day from when it first started but as you know I was never very good at these things, but I think I have managed to capture the major moments, both with Shane and Benji.


I beg of you that when you read this journal you understand that my love for you was always there and never diminished at any time. It was the dread of losing you that made me keep this a secret for all my life. Perhaps if I had lived longer, then one day I would have found the courage to tell you. I hope this journal will give you the highlights of my secret life if nothing else and that you will forgive me and both our beautiful boys.


Your ever-loving wife


Maria XXX




With trembling hands, Mike undid the old-fashioned leather lace fastening the notebook and began to read.




Friday 23rd May 1980


I have decided to write down an account of what happened if for no other reason than to prove to myself this wasn’t all a dream, albeit a highly erotic one.


It all happened by accident I swear. I had got out of the shower and was sitting on my bed when Shane started sniffing and pushing his head like he does when he wants to play. I was in a joyful mood, so I wrestled a little with him and my towel fell off, not that I was worried, he was a dog for goodness sake. Then he barged me with his head and as he is powerful, he knocked me back on the bed and my legs parted.


He was on me in a flash, his cold wet nose burying between my thighs. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong and pushed further until he reached my pussy. His long pink tongue snaked out and licked along my pussy lips making me moan with pleasure. My struggles became feebler as he poked and twisted his tongue inside me. I started to get excited which seemed to encourage him more and I could feel my orgasm starting to build.


With a scream, I realised what was happening and I sat up and pushed his head away, telling him he was a bad dog. He looked at me with his big soft brown eyes and I wanted to tell him I forgave him but I knew I had to be firm and sent him to his basket downstairs.


I could feel my pussy tingling and I was shocked at how wet I was but at the same time, I was horrified at what had nearly happened or happened a little bit. Dressing quickly, I shivered wondering how far I would have gone, but I knew it could never happen again. In the two years he had been with us since he was a puppy, he had never acted this way. Maybe we should get him fixed to avoid a repeat.




Monday 26th May 1980


I admit I encouraged him the second time, I simply couldn't resist. I had been through absolute hell for the last few days as I so wanted to tell Mike, but just as I plucked up the courage, my nerve failed me. What if he hated me? What if he thought I was some form of weird pervert and threw me out of the house? I just couldn’t take the chance of losing him. My mind was made up so I ignored Shane when he came to me, the poor dog must have thought he had done something wrong.


Mike had gone to work and when Shane licked my hand it sent tremors through me as I remembered how it rasped against my pussy and my fears vanished like smoke on a windy day.


Surely licking wouldn't be too bad, after all, it wasn't cheating, and no one needed to know. I slipped my cotton knickers off and sat in the kitchen chair not sure what to do next. My heart was beating so fast I was scared that it may burst through my chest and I would be found dead in my own kitchen sans underwear like some common slut. That flash of doubt made me reach for my knickers where I had neatly folded them on the table but the act of moving must have given Shane my scent.


His nose was under my skirt pushing my hands away as he licked my fingers and thighs with his rough tongue. I opened my knees in total surrender and gripped the sides of the seat as he feasted on my pussy.


I had never, ever been licked like this by anyone before in my life. His tongue was longer and more flexible, getting to places I didn't know existed down there. Within a few minutes, I was arching up off the seat in orgasm as he licked me into a frenzy.


I wanted to close my thighs; I knew I should, but I couldn’t. Instead, I moaned words of encouragement as he licked me again until I came again in a shrieking bundle of nerve endings. When I did finally manage to find the willpower to close my legs, I ran from the kitchen swearing I would never repeat such a depraved act.




Tuesday 27th May 1980


Last night I so wanted to tell Mike when he got in from work but the fear of him reacting badly made the words dry in my throat. At least, I thought to myself, I would be a good and dutiful wife, not some sick pervert.


That resolution lasted for less than two minutes after Mike had left for his toy convention that would last the rest of the week. He hadn’t even pulled out of the driveway when Shane stuck his nose under my skirt and started to lick over my knickers.


Part of me wanted to push him away and take him to the vet but another part of me, deep down inside wanted to experience more. Leaning forward slightly I pulled the crotch of my knickers aside and let have free access until I came.




Friday 30th May 1980


I was so damn horny I couldn’t help myself. Shane had been licking me every day while Mike was away at his toy convention. I was laying out my clothing for the evening for when he got home, it wasn’t much but I knew how he loved me to dress sexy. I was naked and as bent over Shane must have crept silently into the bedroom as the first I realised that he was there was when he stuck his cold wet nose into my arse. I tried to tell him not now but he just ignored me and started to lick, his long tongue rasping over my pussy lips. I felt my legs go weak and I knelt on the floor beside the bed for fear of falling. Then Shane did something he had never done before, he mounted me.


I didn't realise how strong he was as he started to jab with his cock. I could feel it running over my arse cheeks and I wasn’t sure what to do. Part of me wanted to scream and try to get him off and another part was so randy I wanted him to fuck me. As soon as I thought that, I recoiled. Letting a dog lick me was one thing, but having sex with it, even if it was Shane, surely that was too much. How would I ever explain to Mike that I had taken such a huge step without him?


I knew I should try to get Shane off and tell Mike everything but suddenly the decision was taken out of my hands as he entered me. I could feel his paws grip my hips as he started to fuck me with a frenzy that I had never experienced before.


His cock was amazing inside. Like a warm piston rod slamming in and out as he fucked me like I had never been fucked before. Sex with Mike had always been good but this was on a totally different level. Just the sheer ferocity of it made me cum and start begging him to fuck me more and faster. Of course, that fell on deaf ears though I think Shane knew I was happy with him.


I found myself pushing back to him, all doubts and fears had vanished like mist in the morning sun. Then I felt something bigger trying to get in and I felt around to see what it was. I could feel a bulge at the base of his cock that he was desperately trying to drive in and when I gripped it, it started to pulse and felt his hot cum spurt inside. As soon as he was happy he had filled me sufficiently, he dismounted leaving a trail of cum across my thighs and calves.


As he retired to the corner to clean himself, I lay there stunned as to what had just happened. I could feel his seed dribbling out and I knew that I would have to do this again.




Thursday 5th June 1980


It has been a few days since I have been fucked by Shane but today I learnt what that bulge and the base of his cock was for. Mike had been away doing his ‘Northern rounds’ as he called them so by Thursday I was as horny as hell. I guess I don’t help myself by watching some of the videos that he occasionally bought home. With the curtains pulled and the television on low so no one heard I watched two very well-endowed black guys stuffing a woman from either end. I had deliberately got changed into a robe with nothing on under so I could touch myself but could pull the robe closed if needs be. My eyes were glued to the screen as the woman bravely took one of them in her arse when Shane appeared. He must have smelled my excitement as he was between my legs in a flash, his tongue licking at my fingers and pussy. I couldn’t have stopped him if I had wanted to, not that I did, and leaning back on the couch I surrendered to his tongue.


I needed fucking and slipping out of the robe I knelt face down against the couch. I couldn't see the television but could hear the moans of the woman as the two men took her. Shane was up and on me as soon as I assumed the position and with little trouble his wonderful cock entered me. As like last week his fucking was frantic and raw and I found myself cumming very quickly as he pounded me, then it happened.


I could feel something pushing against my pussy lips but on one particularly hard thrust, it popped in. There was a blinding flash of light and for a brief second, I thought he would tear me open. Then momentary relief as I felt him inside but then he started to swell. I couldn’t believe how big it was inside and his thrusting had slowed to almost a stop. I could feel it pressing inside and then it throbbed. As it pulsed again I felt a jet of cum spurt deep inside and I started to orgasm again. The waves of pleasure rolled over me as he filled me full of his seed.


When he had finished he lay on my back panting happily and I knew I was hooked on this feeling. I realised that he was stuck inside me and for a moment I panicked though I rationalised that if it swelled up, then sooner or later it must recede. I lay there enjoying the throbbing sensations while rubbing my clit to heighten my pleasure. The swelling did go down after what seemed like forever before he tugged free, leaving me feeling empty. I lay with my head in the cushions feeling exhausted and ashamed yet so full of pleasure.


This was something I could never give up, I just had to find a way to tell Mike without losing him.




Monday 4th August 1980


It has been a few weeks since I have written in here and God I feel like such a slut, but I simply can’t resist. As soon as Mike leaves for work I remove my underwear, hitch my skirt up, and reveal myself to Shane. Lying on my back, with my legs wide apart he licks with such excitement it sends me over the top within minutes. I roll onto all fours as he dances around enthusiastically, his cock swaying and twitching as it emerges from its hairy sheath. He knows it’s ‘fuck mommy time’ as he tries to mount me even before I am in position. Then he is up and on me, his jabs wild as he seeks to give me what I am begging and pleading for him to give me.


Finally, he finds his goal and his red hot cock slams into me with such power it often drives the air from my body. I swear his thrusts get harder and faster every time as his paws grip my hips to pull me back onto his cock. His powerful fucking will normally give me another orgasm, sometimes two before he enters the final phase, the knotting.


I have become used to this now, as has my pussy, relaxing to welcome the bulb of pleasure inside. As it swells to lock us together I shower him with praise telling him he is, “a good boy,” and how, “mommy is your bitch.” His seed spurts with such force and is so copious as he throbs and pulses inside me sending me into multiple orgasms. We will remain like that for what seems hours as his spurts become less frequent, his balls empty. After him pulling out it takes me a few minutes to recover my senses and for the coordination to return to allow me to stand. Then we both continue our day as if nothing had happened, the only remaining evidence is his seed slipping down my inner thighs, something I have to attend to as soon as I have filled his bowl with food.


That was a preview of From Beyond the Grave. To read the rest purchase the book.

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