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Only in another world - 4 - Perro Mundo and Beyond

Shady Lady Julie


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Hailey felt her throat constrict as Lena’s loud moan filled the room as Sam rose and mounted Lena, driving his red dog cock deep into her body. Lena’s moan of pure pleasure was slightly muffled by the fact that her mouth was full of Rocky the mastiff’s meaty cock, which she was sucking on with obvious relish. Hoping Julie wouldn’t hear the moans of pleasure in the background Hailey stammered, “I have no idea where she has got to.”


“Well, when you find her, gather Randy and the twins together as I want a conference call, details to follow.” The call had barely been terminated when the phone buzzed with a text message giving times and details of a video conference to be held in 24 hours time.





Deanne watched the small seaplane float away into the clear blue sky and could see the small boat gradually making its way to the small floating pontoon she was standing on. The boat pulled alongside and her bag was whisked away below deck as she was ushered to the small front sun deck as the boat chugged back to the jetty. Sipping the iced cocktail she had been served Deanne admired the lithe naked brown body of the small petite Indian woman and wondered if she might be available along with the forbidden delights she had been promised. As the woman stood with her back facing her, Deanne could see her pussy lips in the gap between her slightly open thighs. Imagining how sweet she would taste sparked a memory in Deanne as she licked her lips and recalled when she had met Julie a few short weeks before.


The boat docking on the jetty jolted Deanne from her reminiscing as she scanned the island and slowly took in her surroundings. For her it was perfect, small villas were dotted around the large central swimming pool and the careful planting of vegetation meant that each private garden area gave a high degree of privacy. In fact, as Deanne followed the small Indian woman who had introduced herself as Deepti, she heard the noises of sex coming from one of the villas but any view was concealed from casual observation.


There was no formal reception, just a lounge area that flowed into a bar that in turn flowed into a small restaurant. Deanne got the impression of luxury yet in the same way casual but above all spacious and discrete. “This is the main communal area of the hotel and everything is free of course,“ Deepti said as she waved her hand and went on, “Most of the guests remain naked during the day but will dress casually for dinner if they go out, but the choice is yours. We had one guest who never wore clothes from the moment she got off the boat until the moment she got back on it but let me show you to your accommodation.”


Deanne loved the look of the room from the large plasma screen on the wall to the patio doors leading out onto a discrete veranda with colonial wicker furniture. Her suitcase had already been delivered to the room and she politely declined the offer of help to unpack. After Deepti had shown her the fully stocked fridge and mini-bar along with a large walk-in shower Deanne couldn’t help but ask, “What about the... err… entertainment.”


Deepti picked a smartphone that was sitting on the occasional table and holding it proudly said, “This controls everything.” Deanne was amazed as the large screen sprang into life and the small icons allowed her to scroll through services from such things as room service menus through to details of spa activities. Spotting an icon that had the outline of a dog Deanne couldn’t help pressing it and immediately on the screen appeared a picture of a large Alsatian. With a couple of clicks and the screen was filled with a close-up of the dog’s cock and a small perfectly manicured hand on it to give the perspective of the size. Along the bottom of the screen were icons and one showed a calendar and Deepti deftly showed her how she could book the dog and venue with a few simple clicks, “When it is time the phone will alert you and then guide you to the location where you will meet your partner,“ Deepti said with a smile.


On the main screen was another icon that had a movie camera symbol and on pressing the screen shifted to a menu of films ranging from the latest Hollywood film through to what was, based on the titles, hardcore porn of every genre. There was also a sub-menu marked ‘live’ and out of curiosity Deanne pressed it and was rewarded with small screens showing various parts of the island as well as the interior & exterior of various rooms. Deepti smiled serenely, “All of the public areas are on screen so if you... indulge in public then you may be watched, also some enjoy being watched in their villa so you have the option to enable your camera if you wish.” Seeing the look of slight concern on Deanne’s face, Deepti went on, “All cameras are disabled by default on entering the room so it is always your choice to enable them.”


After Deepti had left Deanne whistled to herself softly, this place was even more than Julie had described. It had been a few years since Deanne had last been with a dog and since moving to the city had found it increasingly more difficult to fulfil her desires so she was looking forward to indulging herself fully for the next week. Yes, it had cost a small fortune but based on what she had seen so far Deanne had pretty much decided where most of her future vacations were likely to be. First things first Deanne decided, and removing her clothes stood naked letting the air conditioning play over her body. Flicking on the screen Deanne selected the dog menu and after seeing a couple of her first choices weren't available until the next day, and really wanting to enjoy a dog soon, she finally settled on a lovely smooth-haired dog, with an intelligent face and pointed ears. Reading the description, she learnt he was a 3-year-old Pharaoh hound called Anubis and looking at the pictures whilst only a smallish dog there was nothing small about what was hanging between his legs. The booking still had 35 minutes until it was time and as Deanne had decided to have her first encounter in her room, she decided to flick through the TV screens while she waited.


Deciding there wasn’t enough time to get involved in a film Deanne toyed with watching porn, though it had never really been her thing. Instead, she started to scroll through the live feeds and on a couple of occasions happened across a woman reading or two women chatting in the bar, always casually naked. Deanne found herself getting turned on as she admired the naked bodies of the women on display and decided that in addition to dogs, she might also indulge in some pussy licking while she was here. As she flicked through, she went past one veranda and then flicked back as she caught some movement out of the corner of her eye.


She could see the woman was quite petite but with the sort of curves that Deanne really enjoyed, the woman’s brown hair fell halfway down her back and Deanne was willing her to turn around and face the camera so she could get a good look at her. It was clear by where the woman had positioned herself that she knew exactly where the camera was and was concealing her face, though leaving everything else on display. The woman got onto all fours with her round ass pointing at the camera and suddenly a large Doberman padded into view and began to sniff. Recognising the Doberman as her first choice Deanne was fascinated to see the dog in action with a strong determination to book the dog herself as soon as possible. Adjusting the sound volume, the room was soon filled with the sound of the dog lapping and panting accompanied by the woman’s deep throaty moans. Deanne found herself holding her breath as the dog suddenly stopped its licking and, in a flash, rose majestically up and mounted the woman. Desperately wishing there was a way to control the camera Deanne had to be content with watching the dog’s hips move in repeated blurs, his paws digging in leaving little scratches on her hips from the claws on his front paws and small scratches on her calves from his back paws when he adjusted his position.


Deanne’s hand was between her thighs frantically rubbing her clit with her gaze fixated on the screen as the woman was clearly reaching her climax. Deanne was sure she would climax with her when there was a ring on the doorbell and a quick glance at the digital clock told her that Anubis, her date, had arrived. Deanne went to switch off the screen but instead just muted the sound so it was still playing in the background.


Opening the door Deanne was greeted by a lithe young woman who was totally naked apart from a pair of white tennis sneakers and a New York Yankees cap on her head, with her long straight light brown hair pulled through the opening and fastened in a ponytail. “Hi,” she said with a huge smile, “I’m Michelle and this is your date, Anubis. He is yours for the next two hours but if you have finished early just let us know and we will collect him. “


Deanne openly admired the body of the young woman half her age and looking her straight in the eyes said with a smile, “And do you offer a personal clean-up service afterwards?” praying that she would say yes.


Michelle held up her smartphone and in a couple of clicks bought up her diary and without breaking her smile said, “Sorry I will be busy for the rest of the afternoon but I will see if I can schedule in someone else or you could take advantage of our new ‘random stranger’ service.” Deanne looked quizzical so Michelle went on, “We found there was a desire from some of our guests to either be cleaned or do the cleaning, so we have created a way for guests to register themselves as a ‘cleaner’ and if you desire this then you just press the icon and if one is available, they will come to you... wherever you are. We only have one rule, no payment of any kind.”


Deanne could feel herself getting wetter and wetter at the thought and at the same time, she felt the cold wet nose of the dog sniffing and nudging her thighs to get better access to her pussy. Glancing at the screen Michelle smiled and said, “If you notice there is a small red circle in the corner of the room and the veranda if you face those then your face will be concealed from the cameras.” Deanne’s head was now spinning at the thought of not only performing in public but at the same time perhaps her potential cleaner would be viewing the screen. “Do you need help or are you experienced in this?’ said Michelle, although it was clearly a pointless question as Deanne had already laid back on the bed and opened her legs to allow the dog full access to her pussy.


Just as Michelle was about to leave Deanne glanced at the screen and said, “And if I wanted to register myself as a cleaner do I get a choice?”


“Yes,” said Michelle smiling over her naked shoulder as she left the room, “the cleaner always gets a choice, the woman being cleaned doesn’t.”


As the door closed Deanne allowed herself to focus fully on the clearly talented dog whose rough tongue was sending her wild. It had been far too many years in her opinion since she had felt the rough frantic insistent licking of a dog’s tongue and though some of her random lovers had done their best to impersonate a dog, none were this good. Deanne turned her head and could see in the mirrored wardrobes that the dog was a long way towards being fully aroused as his thick red cock was hanging down and dripping pre-cum onto the tiled floor.


Sliding off the bed Deanne rolled over onto her hands and knees and shuffled a little until she was facing the red circle in the corner of the room. Pressing the icon Deanne made the camera live and then placed her head on her folded arms and braced herself. From her position, she was able to see the screen and the woman she had been watching was now clearly watching Deanne on her screen and was touching her pussy at the same, though her face was still agonisingly concealed.


Then there was that moment that Deanne adored in dog sex, that moment of perfect calm just before things got frantic. It was just a moment, but in that brief moment with her ass high in the air, offering herself to a dog, Deanne felt totally at one with the world. Then the dog rose up and she felt the soft warm fur rub across her ass and back before the weight of the dog rested firmly on her back and the dog began to jab, seeking her pussy. After a couple of tentative jabs and then like a homing rocket the dog slammed itself fully inside Deanne taking her breath away as he buried the full 9 inches of his dog cock inside her.


The dog set off like a jackhammer pounding away at the human bitch beneath him, well fed, well rested and well exercised he had bags of energy and stamina and settling into a fast pace drove his cock in and out in short sharp movements.


Deanne was going wild under the dog, normally with human partners, she would take the upper hand and enjoyed fucking pretty young things with the collection of strapons she had in her apartment. With a dog it was different, here she was on the receiving end and totally loving it as she pushed back with the same eagerness that Julie had shown a few weeks before. It wasn’t long before Deanne could feel the dog pressing its knot against her pussy lips in preparation for breeding her. Taking a deep breath to relax Deanne gasped out loud as the knot slipped inside and started to swell as the dog locked itself inside her ready to start pumping her full of cum. As she felt the first hot spray of seed deep inside Deanne convulsed in orgasms as the dog’s knot pressed against her g-spot and began to throb. Still panting Deanne lifted her head, before opening her eyes and pressing the icon that requested a cleaner, and without waiting to see if the request had been accepted, she put her head back down and relaxed to the pleasure that was coursing through her body.


Deanne felt the door open and knew someone had entered the room and would be watching her, the very thought heightened Deanne’s senses even more and another orgasm shuddered through her. The dog had turned inside her and was still locked ass to ass as the jets of cum spurted, though less frequently than before. “You look even sexier in person than you did on screen,” said the woman who had entered the room staring down at Deanne’s back.


Deanne suspected that this was the woman she had watched and who had also watched her and strangely her voice sounded familiar but she couldn’t place it. Twisting her head around, Deanne looked back over her shoulder and found herself staring at her ex-girlfriend Kelly. “Oh my God, Kelly... I never knew... Oh, fuck.” The last words were caused by the dog now tugging free and pulling his knot and cock out with a loud sucking noise causing Deanne to moan in both pleasure and pain.


“I never knew you were into this,” said Kelly, her chest heaving and her nipples rock hard as she stared at the seed slowly starting to ooze from Deanne’s pussy. Dropping to all fours Kelly shuffled forward and started to lick at Deanne’s open pussy, letting her tongue delve inside as she collected the juices mixed with the seed.


Deanne twisted around so she was lying on her back and could caress her ex-lover's hair and looking down over her back could see the small scratches and that confirmed that Kelly was the woman she had witnessed on screen being fucked on the veranda.


They had split a few years back on fairly good terms as it was more a case of drifting apart than any one incident and Deanne recalled just how good a pussy licker Kelly was as she felt her orgasm start to build. Winding her fingers into Kelly’s hair she pulled her close as she arched up off the floor and groaned loudly as she flooded into Kelly’s mouth.


Suddenly Kelly let out a little yelp as Anubis had returned with the intention of cleaning up his bitch only to find another bitch was in his way. A couple of sniffs told him that this bitch had also been bred recently and a long lick confirmed his thoughts. Like all dogs, this triggered off a deep-seated desire and his cock started to twitch into action ready to breed.


Deanne looked over Kelly’s back and could see the dog rise up and start to jab and she knew he had found his mark by the way the moan from Kelly reverberated through her pussy. Deanne found herself staring into the dog’s face with its tongue hanging as it pounded Kelly and Deanne sat up so she could get a better view.


Looking up at the screen Deanne could see herself clearly as all thoughts as to where the camera was had been driven from her mind once she and Kelly had got involved. This meant their live sex show had been broadcast to every screen on the island but Deanne was so aroused she didn’t care.


The seed from the dog wasn’t as powerful as it was the first time but he still pumped a copious amount of his seed into Kelly who writhed in orgasms under him.


After the dog had pulled away, Deanne and Kelly held each other tightly, not speaking at first but just letting their own private memories of each other flood back into their minds. Deanne was the first to break the silence with, “I have missed you, Kelly.”


Kelly simply smiled as she thought to herself that this was going to be a wonderful week and then said, “We have so many things to catch up on, not the least being why you never told me you were into dog sex.”





Michelle stared intently at the woman in front of her studying her lithe and tanned figure clad in a pair of cut-off denim shorts and a faded t-shirt emblazoned with the words, “surfers do it standing up” across her chest. From the way her nipples pressed against the thin material, she was clearly not wearing a bra and became conscious of Michelle's stare and crossed her arms over her chest.


“So, it was a pure accident you washed up here?” Michelle asked in a quiet but firm voice, still unsure as to exactly who this woman was and how she had allegedly been shipwrecked on Perro Mundo.


Michelle would never have guessed that she was 35 as she looked so much younger, her blonde hair cut in a ragged bob and her body without an ounce of fat on it. Michelle had already established that this girl was called Sara Collins and that she was single with no living dependents. She did indeed own the small boat, the Mujerzuela, that had been destroyed on the reefs that surrounded the island. A quick check via email to a contact Julie had provided had confirmed all the information given so far but Michelle still had her doubts.


“Do you know what this island is all about?” said Michelle fixing the woman with what she felt was her best ‘Julie’ stare.


“Umm I have no idea,” Sara stammered, “I just washed up here after my boat capsized and have seen nothing, nothing at all, so if you can just get me to the mainland, wherever the hell that is, and I will be out of your hair.”


Alarm bells were ringing in Michelle’s head and just as she was about to speak the phone on her desk buzzed with a text message. Glancing at it she saw that Julie wanted a video conference in 23 hours time and the details were all attached. Lifting her eyes from the phone Michelle paused for a moment considering her options and then deciding on a course of action began to speak. “You say you saw nothing,” Sara nodded her head in agreement, “well I think you are lying.” said Michelle, “I think you saw at least one woman having sex with a dog...DIDN’T YOU?” Michelle roared out the last two words causing Sara to almost jump in the air.


Hanging her head to avoid Michelle’s gaze she said quietly, “Yes.”


Michelle allowed her voice to soften as she said, “How did that make you feel?” Michelle smiled to herself as she knew the answer before Sara spoke purely from seeing how her nipples had hardened under the t-shirt, her face had become flushed and Michelle had little doubt that Sara was wet as well.


“I was shocked,” said Sara recalling how she had stumbled up the beach only to come across a woman being fucked by a large black dog. The woman clearly hadn’t noticed Sara, but then again from the speed and ferocity of the dog’s fucking Sara had doubted the woman would have heard a bomb go off. Sara had stood rooted to the spot as she watched the large angry red cock plunging in and out of the woman’s body accompanied by the sounds of encouragement.


Sara had stayed in that position, open-mouthed until the dog had finally achieved its objective and drove its knot into the woman and stood still. If she hadn’t guessed the woman confirmed that the dog was filling her with his seed with the words, “Oh yes boy fill my cunt.” At that point, Sara had stumbled away blindly from the scene, in her brain she knew she should have been revolted at the site of the bestial act yet her body betrayed her. The stories she had heard whispered in bars around the world were true, this was an island where women fucked dogs without a care in the world.


Closing her eyes as Michelle spoke all that filled Sara’s vision was the angry red cock plunging in and out and the groans of pleasure echoing out. Shaking her head Sara looked at Michelle and repeated herself, “Yes I was shocked.” then paused and said in a very small voice, “But turned on.”


“Well,” said Michelle placing her fingers in a steeple position and studying Sara’s face, “It is my job to decide if you are genuine or not. If you are then great, but if you are not...” Michelle allowed her voice to trail into silence as she had seen Julie do so many times allowing the other person to fill in the gaps which would be far worse than anything she could say.


There was a look of blind panic on Sara’s face as she spluttered, “What do I have to do to prove I have nothing but good intentions?”


Michelle paused and let the silence hang in the air for a moment as if she was considering the options, in fact inside Michelle was leaping for joy as she had already decided on what was going to happen. “This evening you will put on a show for the entertainment of the guests. Before the show starts you will publicly state to the assembled crowd and cameras that you are doing this of your own free will.”


Sara nodded blindly then it dawned on her that Michelle had been vague on the details, “Perform how exactly?” Sara asked timidly.


“Oh, didn’t I mention?” laughed Michelle, “you will be gangbanged by three dogs.”


Sara wanted to scream with fear and lust at the same time, part of her was terrified at the thought of the dogs using her in this way yet at the same she had to squeeze her thighs together to stop herself from cumming at the thought. “Well, what’s it to be?”


“Looks like I have no choice,” said Sara trying to keep the lust from her voice, “but I do have a request that I think will be mutually beneficial.”





Later that evening Michelle walked out onto the small outdoor stage and was bathed in a single spotlight. The emerald green evening dress hugged her figure like a second skin and it was clear that she had to be naked underneath as the slightest of underwear lines would have been instantly revealed. Looking at the small crowd that was assembled Michelle was pleased to see that most of the guests had assembled and were sitting at the small tables in ones & twos chatting quietly.


“Ladies,” Michelle began causing the throng to fall quiet, “we have a special treat in store for you tonight, we have a surprise guest act.” There was a polite ripple of applause as Sara was led onto the stage totally naked with a lead attached to a collar that was fastened around her neck. “This woman has encroached on our privacy without permission and in recompense, she has agreed to entertain us all this evening.” There was a thin sheen of sweat making Sara’s body glisten as she bent over a bench that had been placed on stage and allowed her arms and legs to be secured. “Well Sara,” said Michelle, “I think you have something to say to the guests don’t you?”


Sara croaked at first then cleared her throat and began, “I am doing this of my own free will,”


“Look at the camera,” Michelle hissed.


Sara looked up and continued, “I am not being forced or coerced in any way and understand that all that happens to me will be filmed and shown entirely at the owner's discretion.”


Michelle tested the fastening and then looked at the crowd, “I am glad you mentioned owner, as after this bitch has performed, she will be auctioned off to the highest bidder to become their property for all the time they are both on the island.” There was a murmur in the crowd and some of the women sat up and started to take a closer look at the young woman strapped over the bench, with her naked ass up in the air. Michelle bent and as she drove two fingers deep into Sara’s pussy she whispered, “Looks like your request has been well received,” then standing announced in a louder voice, “See she is wet already,” holding her fingers up for all to see them covered in Sara’s goo, “Bring in the first dog.”


Deepti led in a wiry-looking tan dog that was lean and looked like it was built for speed. Deepti had already excited the dog with her hands and mouth backstage as evidenced by the angry red cock protruding from its sheath and the drops of dog cum on Deepti’s lips and cheeks. “You are a slut,” said Michelle quietly as she kissed Deepti making sure she got a good lick at the dog cum before presenting her fingers to the dog’s nose.


This was no amateur dog but one of the highly trained ones on the island and as soon as it smelt the scent, he knew what was expected of him. Swivelling his head, he located the source and almost leapt across the stage to bury his nose deep into Sara’s crack from behind. Sara’s moans of pleasure filled the air as the dog licked, tasting the sweet nectar of his soon-to-be bitch. In a flash, the dog rose up and started to thrust wildly until his cock found its mark and buried deep into Sara’s willing flesh.


Her cry was animalistic and guttural as she felt the hot cock open her up and looking into the crowd, she stared at the faces of the women who were watching her intently. Sara panted like a bitch in heat as she braced herself against the dog’s frantic assault and all could see the look of pleasure etched on her face when the knot was forced inside. If someone had told her 24 hours before that she would be fucked on stage by a dog, she would never have believed them. If they had told her how much she would enjoy it, she would have called them a liar to their face. Yet here she was in raptures as the dog knot throbbed deep inside and he started to pump his hot cum into her.


Sara’s head was spinning as the dog started to pull away having filled her with his seed. The pain was intense for a moment as he hadn’t fully subsided and the knot came free with an audible sound. This caused some of the seed to spill onto the stage in a puddle between Sara’s knees.


“Oh look,” laughed Michelle indicating the puddle with her toe, “seems she has made a mess which needs clearing up.” Michelle had to place an arm across Deepti’s breasts as she had already moved towards the pool of dog semen licking her lips expectantly. ”Not you,” Michelle said, “she made it so she can clear it up.”


Sara knew what was expected of her and despite having never tasted dog seed before the humiliation of being forced to undertake the task was sending her into raptures. Bending her head Sara began to lap the pool, making sure that people could see her licking and swallowing. Behind her back, another dog had been led out and was straining against its leash to get to the bitch that needed to be bred.


Michelle leant forward and smeared her fingers in the gooey mess that was oozing from Sara’s pussy and whispered in her ear, “Do you enjoy anal?” Before Sara could reply Michelle smeared the cum across Sara’s anal star and then pushed some inside as a rudimentary lubricant. The dog was released and bounded forward and rose quickly trying to drive its dripping cock home. Michelle changed the position of her hand quickly to reach under and cup Sara’s sex, so barring entry from the dog. Its cock rubbed over Michelle’s hand before it slid upwards and found Sara’s anal star. Sensing it had found an entry the dog jabbed hard and fast and buried itself into Sara’s ass.


Sara let out a deep and animalistic moan that could be heard clearly around the audience. The moan was primaeval and guttural and was a combination of pain and pure lust. Michelle stood back and picked Sara’s head up by the hair with her clean hand and smiled into Sara’s face. “Do you want it to stop?”


“Nooooooooooo” Sara groaned and arched back to the dog assaulting her ass making whimpering sounds of encouragement.


Michelle smiled and looked to her side as she felt Deepti’s tongue deftly cleaning the pre-cum that had been liberally smeared across her hand.


Sara felt as if her head was about to explode. The dog was fucking her without any concern other than trying to force its knot inside her already ravaged ass. Sara gripped as tight as she could willing the dog to cum before it could force the knot in, which would surely ruin her forever. Suddenly a slap on her buttocks caused her to yelp with shock and in doing so she relaxed for a moment. That moment allowed the dog to drive itself fully inside Sara’s ass, opening her as she had never been opened before.


That was a preview of Only in another world - 4 - Perro Mundo and Beyond. To read the rest purchase the book.

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