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Back to Salome - Book Two



Back to Salome

By melanieatplay & Mojavejoe420

Description: Jenna, a young girl from a conservative religious family in Texas, embarks upon a journey of self-discovery, first as an exotic dancer, then a porn industry actress. As the years mount, she realizes that what she wants won't be found through her new found wealth and fame. She seeks the one thing that she's never found . . . lasting love. Is it possible, or folly?

Tags: erotica, romance, adventure, fantasy, teen, older, lesbian, bdsm

Published: 2018-11-16

Size: ≈ 106,341 Words

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Back to Salome - Book Two

by melanieatplay and Mojavejoe420

©Copyright 2018 melanieatplay and Mojavejoe420

We’d also like to thank Harvey for his editing expertise.

Chapter 1

It was Sunday morning and just a little after 8:00 am. I was sitting in the first-class lounge at the airport and waiting semi-patiently for my flight back to L.A. to board. Just as I took a sip of my coffee, my phone vibrated in the back pocket of my jeans. After I retrieved it, I looked at the screen. It was a text from my father.

Could you call me?

My phone began to gently shake in my trembling hands. He was the last person I wanted to talk to. I'd had such a traumatic 12 hours with him and the rest of my family. However, I knew that I couldn't avoid them forever, and we had to come to some type of resolution with my … ummm … career choices. I pressed a couple of buttons on my phone and waited for him to answer.

"Jenna, how are you?"

"I'm doing okay, Daddy. How are you?"

"I'm doing good, enjoying the rest of my time off until the new year."

"That's good. I'm glad they're giving you a break." There were a few moments of silence. I thought of speaking up and taking the pressure off of him, but he was the one who wanted to talk, so I remained silent.

"Your mother and I have done a lot of talking, a lot of … ummm … soul-searching and praying over the last few days."

"I know that everything I told you wasn't easy to hear."

"It wasn't," he admitted. "We'd like you to come home. We want our daughter back, we've missed you terribly, and …" His voice began to crack, and I felt tears leak from my eyes as I listened to him struggle to finish his sentence. "We love you, Jenna, and we'd like you to come home. Would you?"

I quickly wiped the tears from my face and looked around the room, hoping no one was watching me break down. "I can't, Daddy. It's just not possible."

"Anything is possible, honey. It's not too late. Everyone is redeemable. Everyone can have a second chance to make better choices."

Now he's judging me. "I love you, Daddy. I love you and Mom and Grammy so much." I paused for a moment and attempted to collect my thoughts. "But this is my life, and I need you to let me live it the way I want."

"The things you're doing, honey; the choices you're making … can't you see what you're doing is wrong?"

I took another moment, not feeling so warm and fuzzy as when he first called. I spoke just a little more sternly. "What I'm doing is wrong to you, I know that. But for me, at least for now, this is something that I'm going to do, regardless of what you think about it."

I could hear him take a deep breath into his phone as he attempted to compose himself. His voice was still cracking, and I was almost certain that he was crying, too. What we were saying to each other and the words that we were exchanging broke each other's hearts. But then he surprised me.

"I love you, Jenna. Your mother and I will always love you, regardless of what you choose to do. I want you to know that, okay?" It was as if he was reconciling himself to my new life, the new path that I'd put myself on.

"I will always love you, too," I said while sobbing uncontrollably into my phone. "I won't do this forever, I promise. But for now, it's something that I want to do."

There were a few more moments of silence as we each tried to somewhat settle ourselves. Finally, he spoke again. "There might be things that we're just not going to be able to talk about, but I want to keep the peace, Jenna. From time to time, we want you to come home so we can see you." He paused for a moment. "Going forward, there won't be any more ugly fights when you see us. When you come home, we'll find a way to be a family again."

"I want that," my voice trembled through my sniffling, "so very much. I want to be close to you and Mom again, and I want to try to find a way for Grammy and me to work this out, too."

There was another long pause, and I was almost certain he was trying to choose the right words to say whatever he was going to say next. "Yeah … ummm .... about that, about your Grandmother … she told me that she can't see you again, honey."

Tears were once again streaming down my face. "Why not? Why won't she see me?"

"We … ummm … we had to explain to her exactly what you're doing now. She comes from another time, another generation, Jenna. Everything you're doing, everything you're into, none of that was … normal, or common, in her time, so it was very … ummm … shocking for her to hear about you being involved in things like that. Anyway, she has the right to make a decision concerning seeing you, just like you have the right to choose what you have."

"Can I at least talk to her and try to change her mind?" I pleaded.

Come on, Daddy, fight for me! Stand up to her!

"No, you can't. She … ummm … she made me show her how to block your number on her phone. We want to see you as much as we can, honey, but seeing your Grandmother from here on out is an impossibility. We don't like your choices, but we accept them because we don't want to lose our only daughter. This is her choice, and it's one that you're going to have to accept, too."

I took a deep breath and once again attempted to compose myself and get my emotions in check. "Okay," I whispered.

"Where are you now, honey? Could you stop by the house? We'd love to talk to you."

"I can't. I'm at the airport, and my flight is going to be boarding in a couple of minutes."

"Oh… I see. But … it would mean so much to me and your mother if you would just spend the day with us. Let us apologize for what happened at Christmas in person." His voice cracked again. "Please, Jenna, I'm begging you."

I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes. "Maybe I could … you know … change my flight and fly out tomorrow morning."

"We'd love that, honey. Thank you, thank you so much."

"You're welcome, Daddy. I need to talk to the lady at the counter to change my flight, and then I'll take an Uber home. Give me about an hour, okay?"

"Of course, we'll talk to you soon."

The line went dead, and I took another deep breath in an effort to compose myself. I grabbed my carry-on bag and approached the young woman at the check-in counter who looked to be just a little older than me.

"How can I help you, Ma'am?" she asked, her eyes traveling quizzically over my face, almost studying me.

"I've had a family emergency, and I need to change my flight to tomorrow morning. Is that possible?" I slid my boarding pass across the counter so she could pull me up on her computer.

She typed on the keyboard for several seconds before responding. "We do have one first-class seat for tomorrow morning at 8:37 am. However, there's a pretty hefty fee. Is that okay?"

"Sure, that's okay," I said while pulling out my credit card. "How much is it?"

"It's… 350 dollars, the holidays and all."

"Okay, no problem."

Her eyes traveled over my face again. "Do I … ummm … do I know you from somewhere? You look really familiar to me."

"I lived here in Dallas for a few months, not long ago, but I don't think we've met before."

Then she lit up, leaned forward, and whispered, "Madi, Madi Valentine, right?"

Shit! I don't need a fangirl now!

A deep red blush broke over my already puffy face. "Yes … ummm … that's me."

"Oh, my God! It is you! My boyfriend and I, well … he loves you; you're at the top of his Celebrity Hall Pass list. I can't even believe this," she whispered excitedly. "Can I get a selfie with you?"

Could this be any more embarrassing? "Ummm … if you're here tomorrow morning, I'd be happy to. But I've been crying, as maybe you noticed, and I'd take a horrible picture right now …"

"Oh, sure, of course. But you look beautiful anyway, even better than you do on screen. I'll be here tomorrow and, tell you what, let's just waive that little old change fee, okay?"

"Thank you," I said shyly. "I'd really appreciate that."

She began typing on the keyboard again, and every few seconds, she'd look up into my eyes, and then her gaze traveled lower as she not-so-subtly looked across my breasts. God, how mortifying. I attempted to be as patient as I could, knowing that she was mentally undressing me. Then I rummaged around in my carry-on and finally found the small stack of cash that I hadn't had Tony convert to electronic funds. I pulled out a couple of hundreds and slid them across the counter to my new friend, Kimberly.

"For your trouble and your discretion. We'll get that picture tomorrow, okay?"

"If you have time, could I also get an autograph? My boyfriend would just love that!"

"Of course, I can do that." I winked and shot her a sexy little smile. She nearly swooned.

The joys of being a pornstar.

Chapter 2

One Year Later

“A-a-a-n-d … Action!”

Joey, my occasional co-star, fuck-buddy, and internet content producer, pointed the handheld camera at my face for a close-up as I sat in a comfy chair in his apartment/home studio.

I smiled for the camera as he introduced me to my live audience, who, of course, already knew me as they were paying to be on my website. But we were also going to post this on all the major porn sites for free, so the introduction didn’t hurt.

“Today we are talking to the award-winning actress, the gorgeous, the sexy, the beautiful, the one and only… Madi Valentine! Yay!”

I rolled my eyes a little and laughed. “Yay! It’s me! Hello, everyone, thank you for watching.”

“Folks, we are coming at you live from Hollywood, California, which I have now designated the new Porn Capital of the World because you live here! Madi, we are going to talk about your victorious evening at the AVN awards in a minute… but first, well, this is porn, and people want to see you!”

Joey stepped back a couple of feet to give a wider-angle full-body shot for a few moments, and then he closed back in, focusing on my breasts. We were both dressed casually. I was wearing a short little jean skirt, a tight wife-beater tank top, and a tight white cotton thong. Even though he couldn’t be seen by the audience, Joey was wearing tight jeans and a T-shirt.

“There they are, your famous tits. Will you give us a peek?”

“Not when you call them that, Joey. You know the rules.” I smiled as I teased him.

“Of course. My bad. In your private life, we call them breasts.”

“Thank you, and yes, we do. Tits is just such an ugly word to describe a beautiful part of a woman’s body, ya know? After all, I am a classy woman.” Slowly, teasingly, I pulled my tight little tank top up.

“Of course, you are … oh, and there they are … mmm, thank you for letting your breasts out. You have the most perfect nipples. Look at how they harden up for us. Are you seeing this at home? Madi, what’s happening?”

“Well, just you talking about them, and knowing that people like them give me a thrill, and, yeah, I get a little tingle … especially when they are touched. Do you want to touch them?”

“Shit, yeah! America, this is your hand, touching Madi’s lovely breasts …”

I looked at the monitor to see his hand gently squeezing one breast and then the other. I made sure to moan appropriately as he did so. I did enjoy the eroticism of watching him handle my breasts on screen and feeling his smooth, deft touch at the same time. Even though we were shooting porn, it didn’t feel like we were. And though I still considered him just a fuck-buddy, I was spending about two nights a week at his apartment. When I wasn’t with him, I was with Danielle.

His hand felt nice, but he was spending a little too much time on this, I thought. “Are you just going to feel me up for the whole show?”

“Is that a bad thing?” He seemed genuinely confused.

He’s such a sweet guy but a little dense sometimes. “Well, we did promise an interview, and you made notes, remember?”

“Oh, c’mon … America wants to see just a little more. Will you show us?” he teased.

I giggled. “You know I’ll do anything for my fans.” Slowly, I pulled my little jean skirt up and opened my legs.

“Oh, yeah… that’s it … right there … your camel-toe looks so inviting right now.”

Vulva, Joey. Say it with me now, vulva.”

Joey quickly adopted a bad British accent. “Aright … aright … your breasts and vulva look particularly inviting, my dear lady.”

I bowed my head. “Thank you, my young gentleman. You may get to fuck me after all. But! After the questions.”

“Okay, right, down to business. Then we fuck later.”

“Yes, we fuck later.”

“Okay, let’s see … where’s my fuckin’ notes … Okay, here we go. Miss Valentine, before the awards, there’s a multi-day show, so tell us about the Adult Entertainment Expo.”

“Well, they held it at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The first two days were industry days. Then, the next two days were for the general public.”

“What does ‘Industry Days’ mean?”

“Well, it’s a chance for the adult stars to meet and greet the different production companies, make friends, make deals, discuss plans, that kind of thing.”

“And what plans did you make?”

“Ummm … lots of companies I’ve already worked with came by my booth to see me, and I’ll be shooting more scenes for them this coming year. Then … like … Bang Brothers wants to sign me up … ummm … I already signed up to do a shoot with Diabolic. This Japanese company was super interested, and I think I’ll be doing some work for them …”

“What about Kink.com? I saw them talking to you.”

“You know, I did a couple of shoots this year that might … I guess … be considered sorta like rough sex? But a lot of it was simulated. You and I did that one for Pornhub, remember? It was my second shoot with you.”

He laughed loud enough that the microphone on the camera could easily pick it up. “Oh, yeah, I remember it … very well.”

I giggled. “Yeah … well … anyway, the Kink guys, though, that’s all real. It’s rough, hard, and the girls get really used … I’m just not up for that. I’m not knocking what they do at all. I just like the regular sex for now.” What I didn’t mention to my fans, or even to Joey when we were alone, was that I was really talking seriously now to Atticus and Danielle about shooting with them. I’d even gone as far as watching several of their shoots so I could see what I could expect if I did.

“Yes, I remember that shoot with you. I got to spank you.” He smiled really big, which made me laugh. But the camera just stayed on me the whole time; the audience never saw Joey during the interview.

“Yes, you did, and they boosted the sound to make it sound like you were whacking me real hard, right?”

“Uh-huh, I didn’t swat you too hard at all, really. So okay, what about when the public arrives? What happens then?”

“Oh boy, that’s when I get to meet my pervy friends!” We both laughed. “So, I was only scheduled for four hours a day, but-”

“But the lines were so long! You probably had the most guys in line of anyone there.”

“Yeah, I felt bad. Some had waited for so long I couldn’t just walk out. So I stayed a lot longer than I planned.”

“And what did you do for your fans? What were you wearing?”

“Well, they don’t allow nudity, so I had to wear clothes. I wore a super-tight white T-shirt, tight little booty shorts that really showed my vulva and five-inch clear-plastic heels. For ten dollars, they got a signed eight-by-ten photo, twenty-five bucks… they got a Blu-Ray with about ten scenes on it … what else?”


“Of course! Selfies! Fifty bucks got them all the above and a selfie, and for a hundred, they also got a Polaroid and a three-month subscription to my website. Hello, new friends!”

“Was there any VIP package?”

“No, we decided we wanted to keep the line moving so I could meet the most people and to keep it reasonably affordable. You know, I wanted to be accessible to my fans, which, I must say, you guys are the greatest, and I really mean that! Without your support, I wouldn’t be anywhere, I know that.”

“Did anyone not get a selfie with you?”

I giggled again. “I don’t think so because getting a selfie meant they could put their arm around me for about nine seconds, and they wanted that.”

“Anyone get frisky with you? Grab a little too much?”

“Ummm … only one guy, early on. I did have a bouncer in my booth, my good friend Andrew. Everyone was warned that touching anything other than my side would be considered assault. So yeah, one guy just had to grab my ass.”

“And … ummm … how is that guy doing?”

“I think he was released from the hospital a few days ago.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you!”

“I might be …” I winked at the camera.

“So you are not to be messed with. Take note of that, guys, for next year. Alright… moving on… the awards ceremony. I mean, the AVN Awards, the Adult Video News Awards. You, my hot little newcomer, did, shall we say, reasonably well?”

“Thank you, Joey. Yes, it’s like our Academy Awards, which seems kind of silly because mostly we’re just… you know … having sex on camera. But, it really is cool and pretty important to us. And it was a huge thrill just to be nominated. People say that, but it’s really true.”

“You’re being modest, Madi. You weren’t just nominated. You won Best New Starlet! That’s fuckin’ huge! Congratulations! How does that feel?”

I smiled my biggest smile. “I am really proud of that, Joey. Thank you. There was so much competition I really didn’t think I had a chance at all. But we are acting, and it isn’t always easy. It can take hours to shoot a scene, and we need to make it look like we are having the best sex of our lives. Try doing that while twenty other people are filming or doing whatever on the set; it’s hard work, as you know.”

“So, tell us about Lexi Laye. It looked like she tried to trip you as you went up to the stage to get your award.”

That little bitch did try to trip me. We worked together once, and she was just a snot. In our three-way, she kept hogging the cock with her mouth or her pussy. The director had to cut a few different times to remind her that it was a threesome. She shot about 200 scenes this year, which was a lot, about four scenes a week. She, therefore, assumed she would win because she worked so hard, but her quality didn’t match her quantity; in many of her scenes, she looked worn out before she started. Even though she was a nasty bitch, I decided to take the high road and not say anything bad about her.

“No, I think the carpeting was loose there on the convention floor. Lexi is a real sweetheart.”

Joey coughed. “(hack)… Sure… (cough). Okay… you’re the sweetheart, and I think we all know that. Am I right, America?”

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

“So then you and Dirk won the Best Anal Scene! And that was, what, only the third scene you ever shot? That’s incredible!”

“Well, thanks again, Joey. I … ummm … I really do like anal, you know.”

“Wait, are you blushing?”

I felt my cheeks warming. “Well, maybe. I am still new at this, you know. Dirk was so sweet on that shoot and so nice and so helpful-”

“And so big!”

“Yeah … ummm … that too.” I laughed. “For the award, I mean. People like seeing a big cock in a tight butt. He should win the award. I just took what he had to give.”

“Well, it’s a joint award, and he said you did all the work because nobody ever felt as tight as you did, and nobody ever came as hard as you did, either.”

Now I was really feeling myself blush. “It’s always been … you know … really easy for me to orgasm during anal sex, and … they’re very intense.” I thought for a moment. “As you know, my orgasms are real on camera.” That was a white lie, or maybe even a bald-faced lie. There were times, especially with a couple of the guys, when I did have to fake it. Some of them had bad breath or acted like arrogant assholes, which made it almost impossible for me to get into them. However, I was a good enough performer that no one could ever tell.

Chapter 3

“I know that very well, and so do the viewers. I think that’s one of the things that makes you so popular, your genuineness… wait, that’s not a word, is it? What’s the word then … authentic … authenticity! You exude authenticity!”

I cocked my head and smiled at him, genuinely impressed. “Look at you! Coming at me with those big words. Damn, boy. You tryin’ to become a broadcaster or something?”

“Yeah, maybe so, huh? My cock won’t stay hard forever, right?” We both laughed at his goofiness.

“Well, anyway, how does it feel to have won these awards? Does it make you feel like it’s all worth it?”

“You mean, do I feel validated by winning?”

“Yes! Yes, validated. Do you feel validated?”

“Ummm … actually … it’s … yes, I do. It’s very rewarding to be recognized like this as being good at something. I mean, this is my life, ya know? It’s not just a part-time thing. I’m putting myself out there, really out there, and yeah, it’s good. It’s great, even. It feels great to have others think I’m good at this.”

“Well, you aren’t just good, you’re great! In fact, you’re the best!”

“Well, I think Best Actress is the best. But maybe in a couple of years, I’ll be up on the stage for that, too.”

“I would bet on it, Madi. I really would. So, to kind of change it up here: we know you're good at shooting porn, but how did you get started in this? Tell us how you got here. Did you come from a broken-down trailer park where you were raised by a lecherous uncle?”

I giggled. “Lecherous? Did you buy a thesaurus or something?”

“Hey, you’re not the only one who knows big words, Missy.”

I stuck my tongue out at him, and we both laughed. We always had great chemistry, and I was happy that it was coming through for my audience. “Okay, you’ve watched too many of your own scenes, Joey! No, I had a very normal childhood, two parents, and a decent home. It wasn’t until after I turned eighteen that something inside me just … switched on … I guess … and I realized how much I loved sex, and I found I could get paid for it.”

“No trailer park, damn. Okay. So, where are you from? I mean, we all know you're from Dallas, but what’s your hometown?”

Whoa, too close! I’m not going to actually name Salome on camera!

“Well, I come from a tiny town in west Texas that I’m not going to mention. But I got started in Dallas, yes. During high school, I waited tables at a little cafe, and once I moved to Dallas, I worked at Hooters.”

“Hooters! Hot damn! They are like a farm club in baseball, you know? I think half of all pornstars worked at Hooters at some point.”

“I was only there for two or three weeks. It was fun, but I found I could make a lot more dancing, so I did that.”

“Were you on your own?”

“No, I was living at my parents' place.”

“No shit! What did they think of that?”

“They weren’t happy at all about Hooters, that’s for sure. And they didn’t know anything about me stripping until some billboards with my face on them went up on the freeway-”

“What? Holy shit! That must’ve been a shock for ‘em!”

“Yeah, they didn’t take it well. They took it even worse when I left Dallas to come to LA and started shooting porn.” I wasn’t expecting this in the interview, these questions. I tried going real fast and not saying anything specific, but … a lot of feelings were getting stirred up … and I wanted Joey to move along.

“So your parents are against your career of choice.”

“Yes, they are. Can we, you know, move along? I’m sure nobody wants to hear about this.”

“Madi, what does your dad think?”

Instantly, I felt my throat tighten. Why are you asking me this, Joey? We didn’t talk about this being in the questions! Why are you trying some kind of Access Hollywood shit on me?

“Well, he …” and I tried to say something, but I felt my eyes get extra watery.

Don’t cry … do not cry!

I had to wipe my eyes. I tried to be sneaky about it, but we were broadcasting live. I wiped both eyes with my hand.

“Like I said,” I managed. “Neither he nor mom are very happy, but … they are… (sniff) … coping with it. Can we, like … move on now?”

Joey turned the camera towards himself, his face filling the screen. “Madi, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have pried. Folks, let’s just give Madi a moment. I want to tell you that her next video will be a Bang Bus production, which will debut on …”

Joey talked for a full two minutes while I cleaned up and attempted to compose myself. Once I got my emotions in check and managed to get my game face back on, I waved at him and nodded to let him know I was ready to continue.

“… and be sure to catch that when it debuts. So, Madi,” he turned the camera back to me, “I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s okay, it just took me by surprise.”

“It’s all good. And hey, at least you have parents! Even if they aren’t pleased, they care about you. That’s more than most of us can say. Alright, let’s see here … do you like shooting porn?”

I smiled. Acting, ya know? “Yes, I actually do. I get a lot of fan mail, and it makes me happy that I make so many other people happy. It’s quite an ego boost when I hear how much cum is being shot around America and the world on my behalf! Plus, I get to travel all over, meet a lot of interesting people … and have sex with them.”

“What are your favorite scenes to shoot? Do you have a type?”

“Well, let’s see. It isn’t like … you know … one specific thing that I prefer over another. It’s more about who I’m working with, whether we have a connection or build rapport, you know? If I like the person I’m fucking, then I’m really trying to please him or her. And if they’re trying to make me happy, I think that makes the scene better because we are enjoying ourselves and our work. And I think it shows on screen that way and really comes across to the audience.”

“That’s true. You always look like you are really having a great time.”

“Most of the time, I am! I have a very high sex drive, as do most of the actors I work with. So yeah, I’m usually having a great time!”

“Okay … another semi-personal one …”

I tensed up. After he asked me about my parents, I had no idea where he’d go next, and I didn’t want to break down in front of the camera twice.

“What makes it not-so-great for you when you’re working?”

I breathed a little sigh of relief. Okay, this one I can handle. “Hmmm, well, some of the positions get a little tough to hold; I’m concentrating so much on not falling that I can’t possibly reach an orgasm. And sometimes, I just don't ‘click’ with my co-star. Maybe they’ve got bad breath or personal hygiene issues. Sometimes you can get past that, but other times not so much.”

“Makes sense,” he said while looking at the screen. “Okay, we got a great question from Daniel in Telluride. He asked, ‘You’ve shot 53 girl-girl scenes so far …’ ”

I laughed. “Oh, my God, he’s keeping a running count?”

“Well … you know … I’m sure he means between your girl-girl scenes and the shoots where you’ve done a threesome with another couple.”

I tried to keep the stunned look off my face. Have I really been with that many women? I knew some of my fans were meticulous when it came to my career, and they followed me intently. As much as I didn’t want to admit it to myself, I was fairly certain that it was probably an accurate figure. Quickly, I got back into character. “So, you said there was a question in there somewhere?” I teased.

“Yeah … um… basically, he’s asking if being bisexual is something you do in your personal life, or do you only have sex with women when you work?”

I thought for a moment. “I love having sex with women when I’m working, and I also see a woman in my personal life as well.”

“So, you’re a true bisexual, then?”

“Yes, I … ummm … I guess I am.”

“Okay, hot. I know all of your fans out there love that. Ummm … the second part of his question is, ‘Do you like being with men or women more?’ ”

Another toughie. “I … ummm … I think I like both equally, to be honest.” I had to pause for a moment to give him a cogent answer. “There’s something very sensual about being with a woman, and it’s nothing like being with a man. That’s what … you know … makes it so good.”

He laughed. “Are you sure you’re not a lesbian and just see men when you work?”

I broke into a big smile. “C’mon, Joey, you know me. Do I act like a lesbian? I don’t think I could ever give up on cock. You know how much I love that big cock of yours.”

“Oh, yeah, I know, pretty girl. Alright, next question. Do you have a favorite position, Madi?”

“Oh, gosh, I like so many! Like I said before, if I’m into the guy and we have chemistry, then almost any position is great. But if I had to choose …”

He laughed. “Hey, you gotta lotta fans out there. Inquiring minds want to know. Of course, you have to choose.”

I giggled. “Okay, then probably face-down and my ass up, getting pounded real hard. That’s guaranteed to make me come every time.”

“Can you show us?”

“Of course!” I stood up, slid my thong down my thighs, and went to the bed. Joey followed me closely with the camera as I crawled onto the bed. When I got in position, I reached back and pulled my bottom cheeks apart to show him and the audience.

“Yes, look at you!” ogled Joey. “You have such a beautiful little butthole!” He reached out and sensually rubbed and then squeezed my ass. Then he ran the tips of his fingers over my asshole, giving me a little shiver. “Mmmm, you like that, don’t you?”

“Yesss,” I cooed. “I like that a lot. That’s one of my major erogenous zones.”

I adjusted my reach and pulled my pussy lips apart.

“Madi… I’m … losing my composure. Looking at you like this … I’m getting hard.”

“Weren’t you going to ask me about cum?”

“Oh, yeah, right! What do you really think about cum, semen, sperm? Oh, wait a second. ” Joey maneuvered around to get in front of me. “I wanted to see your face when you answered. Go ahead.”

His camera was very close to my face, so I knew we were in a major close-up, so I tried to be sexy. “I love men’s cum,” I said in a voice barely above a whisper. “Mostly, I love it inside me. When a man comes inside my pussy, it’s like a gift, and it makes me feel very sexy. And when he comes in my mouth, I love to swallow every drop.”

“You really do love it, huh? So many actresses spit it out.”

I laughed and then looked sexily into the camera. “How many times have you come in my mouth? Have I ever spit it out?”

“No … not once … never,” he said lustfully.

“The only thing better than swallowing a big load is … like … when I’m in a threesome with another girl, and I get to suck semen from her pussy. That is really hot to me.”

“This conversation is really hot to me! What about … you know … guys spraying your face and breasts with their cum?”

“Well, that’s a porn thing. It’s a great visual for you men, and I know guys love to see it, and that’s fine, but I prefer their cum in my throat, in my tummy, or in my pussy … or my bottom … as I said, I like it inside me.”

“Fuckkkkk, I’m about out of questions, and I want to put some of my cum inside you.”

Chapter 4

“Some? I only get some of your cum?” I rolled onto my back as Joey followed with the handheld camera. My head lay on some pillows in a pre-planned fashion. The audience didn’t know, but we had blocked out our sex scene with four different viewpoints, and Joey had a small remote in his hand that he could control which camera was ‘hot’ at the moment. We had monitors set up so we could see how we looked on screen, too.

“Baby, you know you’re going to get all of it! Now give me two seconds here …”

Joey set the handheld camera on a tripod and adjusted it. Then, he quickly stripped off his clothes and made a flying leap onto the bed next to me. I completely broke character and laughed for I don’t know how long.

“That got you hot, didn’t it?” Joey asked seriously.

I took one look at him and laughed again. Only it was louder and a little more obnoxious this time. He stared into the camera that was poised for close-ups of the two of us. “Gentlemen, if you want the secret to a girl’s heart, it’s this: be funny. Be silly. Look, she’s putty in my hand.” Joey grabbed a breast and squeezed it between his two hands. “See? I’m tellin’ ya.”

I laughed so hard that I snorted, and we both laughed for a good long time. “Do we,” I asked, barely able to speak between fits of laughter. “Do we have anyone … oh shit! Anyone still watching?”

“Yeah, we do. You’d better start doing some of that pornstar shit pretty soon, though.”

“I’ll … try …” but I started laughing again. Joey solved the problem, though. He crawled between my legs and began running the tip of his tongue over the lips of my vagina. He changed the hot camera, and despite my apparently ditzy attitude, I had the presence of mind to adjust myself to center us in the frame.

“Joey … that’s … that feels really good … oh, my fucking God,don’t stop …” My giggles stopped, and my moans overtook me. I had gotten fairly horny talking about all that sex stuff, and the laughing didn’t dampen my ardor at all. In fact, Joey might have been right; get the girl laughing, and she would get turned on. His tongue and fingers were hitting me in exactly the perfect spot … it wouldn’t be long.

“Yeah … I love how you lick my pussy, Joey … just like that … like that … you know me, baby … you always make me come so good … baby … yes … do it now, Joey.”

The tip of his tongue was making delicious little circles on my clit, and I let out a little moan when he pushed his middle finger deep inside me. “Yeah … baby … nice and deep,” I cooed. Then he withdrew his wet finger and rubbed it over my puckered little hole, and little shockwaves coursed through my core. “Stick your finger up my asshole, oh, Christ!”

I shrieked to the heavens as his teeth clamped down on my clit just as he pushed his finger inside my asshole. I had risen up on my elbows to watch him work, but I collapsed back onto the pillows, and my eyes rolled back into my head as my orgasm exploded through me.

Jesus, this boy knows me all too well!

When I roused myself, I looked at the nearest monitor to see Joey’s lips and chin dripping with my juices as he licked my secretions from my inner thighs. He noticed that I had returned.

“How was that one, little Mads? A real knockout, I think?”

I giggled. “Oh … don’t be so proud of yourself, boy. Give me that cock, Joey, hurry it up!”

He crawled around and came up over me, again making sure we were in the frame of two of the cameras. He stroked his rock-hard cock, forcing out drops of pre-cum that dripped slowly on my cheek.

“I know you want to swallow my cum, little girl, but the fans want to see your face covered instead.”

Fuck the fans! I thought, but of course, I didn’t say that out loud. “Hose me down, big boy.”

He eased forward, and his cock disappeared into my eager mouth. My orgasm had only made me hungry for more sex, and I devoured his penis like it was the last one on earth, taking it hard … and deep … and pulling his hips so he could fuck my face more urgently … Yeah … Joey … slam that cock down my throat … give me what I need …

I loved Joey's cock. It was a bit on the smaller side compared to the larger porn guys that I’d shot scenes with, but that suited me just fine. I could take bigger cocks, of course, but they often left me feeling really sore the next day, and I preferred not having to struggle with super-huge ones.

“Yeah, baby, suck it! Suck it all … suck it hard … I’m gonna spray your face … shoot my hot cum all over you … just a minute … almost … yes… you hot little slut … yes!”

I wasn’t sure how much I enjoyed being called a slut, especially in front of thousands of fans, even if that’s what I was when I was working. However, I knew he was deep into the moment, and it added a little intensity to our scene. In the end, I decided to just let it go.

Joey pulled back, which withdrew his cock from my mouth and throat. Then, he began furiously stroking. A few seconds later, he let loose a torrent on me. Hot cum splattered on my cheeks, nose, forehead, and even my eyes. He managed to get some in my mouth, but a prodigious amount of cum covered my face; I could only open one eye to see the monitor and my glazed-donut face.

He fell back against some pillows as I tried to scoop his cum into my mouth, held open so the cameras could see. When I got most of it on my tongue, I showed it to the camera before swallowing it down. Mmmm.

“Oh, hey, you missed a spot … over there … no, other side.”

I shot him a sexy little smile. “Well, why don’t you help, big boy.”

Joey made a face at my suggestion of putting his own finger in his semen. Men! I don’t understand them.

“What’s your problem?” I teased. “You know it came out of you, right?”

He laughed. “Well, it’s … you know … still kinda gross.”

I playfully rolled my eyes. “I didn’t know you’re so squeamish. Just hand me a tissue, then.”

When he did, I wiped my face. Time to mess with him a little more. “So, what’s with you calling me a ‘hot little slut’ right before you came?”

“No! I would never call you a hot little slut!” But he backed up warily. I went over to the laptop that showed running comments from my fans. Usually, in my ‘Live shows,’ I interact with them as they send in questions. I scanned the recent comments.

“Hey, Joey. I just got about 30 people saying that you did call me a hot little slut.”

“Well, they’re your fans. Of course, they will take your side.”

I pushed a button on the small mixer board, and the laptop camera went live with my face right in front of it.

“Well, world,” I spoke to my fans. “What should I do with this character? I give him the best blow job of his life, and he calls me a slut. And not just a slut, but a hot little slut. Any ideas?”

“Hey, now, I did call you hot, that’s something, right?”

I giggled and then cut my eyes at him teasingly. We had a funny, spontaneous comedy bit going, and if we could, I wanted it to continue. When I turned my attention to the monitor, I had to laugh as the suggestions poured in from some of my 250 viewers. “Joey, I’m getting some good stuff here! You should see it!”

“Okay … I’m sorry … I swear I didn’t mean it! It just slipped out.”

“Come up here and look.” I backed up so both of us were on screen, and he read some of the punishments that the fans thought I should administer.

“Great, a ten-inch strap-on dildo! Thanks, guys! Tie me up and whip me … uh … no! Piss in my mouth? That would really mess up the bed. Come on, guys, I produce her show every week!” Joey was a natural at this. His fake whining was perfect. “Without me holding the camera, you wouldn’t get all those close-ups! Wait, what? Nipple clamps and a ball gag?”

“I kinda like that one!” I offered. I reached over and pinched his nearest nipple.

“Ouch! Jeez! Madi, I’m so sorry, and I will do anything to make it up to you, as long as it doesn’t involve pain.”

“Look what the web thinks of you,” I cajoled as I pointed at the screen.

“Oh, let’s see … pussy, pussy, fucking pussy, sack of shit, pussy, and here’s my favorite: I should eat a bowl of ducks.”

“I think that’s supposed to be a bowl of dicks you should eat. Who would eat a bowl of ducks?”

“I don’t know, who would eat a bowl of dicks?”

“You’ve got a point there, Joey. Okay, here’s a good one. How about … you pleasure me anally! That’s it! That sounds perfect! America? Europe, you two guys in India, what do you think, sound fair?”

The comments all read in the affirmative.

“Well, I guess I have some work to do,” Joey lamented. “But hey, the tips are stacking up!” He pointed to the bottom corner of the screen, where the tally was up to $355 already.

“You guys out there, thank you so much for the tips! Oh, my bad, and you girls too! Shawna357, I see you! And Backyardbottomslash throwing in a hundred, you’re my hero!” I rattled off a few more names of the biggest tippers; people really like these kinds of shout-outs.

“Alright, Joey, get that camera going. You have a lot of ass to eat! These people want to see a good show.”

I moved back onto the center of the bed and got on my hands and knees, ensuring that my vagina was pointed at the fixed cameras. Joey grabbed his hand-held camera and got onto the bed behind me. He pointed the camera between my legs, and I looked at the wall in front of me; Joey had mounted a huge 80-inch TV to the wall that projected what he was filming with his hand-held camera. The massive screen was split into two different sections. The first section showed the image from his hand-held camera, and the second section displayed the chat box where my fans could comment. The TV was large enough that we could read the comments while we were having sex.

Watching his face get closer to me and then feeling his warm, wet tongue lap at my asshole gave me a surreal feeling of déjà vu. I had done this with Derek when I lived with him in Dallas for a few months, and I probably owed my joy in anal activities to him since he was the first one to go there with me. Joey sank his tongue deep inside my bottom, eliciting loud moans from me. Sucking his cock earlier, and swallowing his semen, had really made me wet. But a tongue in my asshole … fuck … my already-wet vagina began oozing down my thighs and staining the sheets between my legs.

“Joey,” I said softly, “I’m dripping.”

Chapter 5

I knew from previous comments in the chat box that my fans liked seeing me drip, and he quickly maneuvered the camera. It looked like a long spider web connecting my pussy to the sheets, with droplets running down to form a small wet spot.

“Look at that,” Joey narrated as he panned the camera down. “You guys see this? Her pussy is oozing juices for you guys! This is one turned on slu-oh, hottie … I meant hottie!”

I giggled and then rolled my eyes at his lame attempt at recovery, but I didn’t want to lose any momentum, so I let it go. His tongue quickly returned to its rightful place in my ass, and I lowered my upper body down onto the bed while leaving my ass sticking up. He deftly inserted two fingers into my slick vagina, making me moan as he double-penetrated me.

I felt like letting him lick my ass for hours, but we were technically doing a show. So after a couple of minutes, I began moaning for his cock. True, he had come about ten minutes earlier, but I knew that he’d definitely have no problem getting it up again.

“Joey,” I panted. “Give me that cock of yours … come on and fuck me, I need it,” I pleaded.

He shifted his position and got behind me. “You’re going to have to beg. The viewers love it when you beg.”

Well, he had me there. The guys did love to see and hear me beg. Joey clicked the remote, and my face appeared on the screen in a close-up.

“Please, please give me your cock,” I whispered as I looked straight into the camera. “I … I need it so bad … I need your hard cock … in my pussy … I need to be fucked, hard … fucked fast … come on, please! Please … ohhhh, there it is!”

Joey had used some of the time during my little spiel to lube my asshole with Astroglide without the fans seeing it. Then he quickly plunged his cock into my pussy. He changed the view to show his cock pounding me hard from behind.

“Yes … baby … yes, fuck me hard and deep … just like that!” And he did. An expert cocksman, he railed hard into me for several minutes while he switched camera views to capture all the action.

“Joey, it’s time.”

“Time for what, baby girl?”

“Time to fuck me in the ass!”

“Naw, I only fuck sluts in the ass.” This was not in the script! Jerk!

“Come on, Joey, you know you want to. Fuck my asshole.”

“Baby, I can do this all night. Your pussy feels amazing!”

Christ. I guess I have to play the game. For the audience. “Joey, please fuck my ass? It’s nice and tight … and you know I’ll clean you up afterward.”

“Are you my hot little slut, Madi Valentine?”

He switched the camera viewpoint back to my face. I smiled sexily into the lens, my hair wild and some perspiration visible on my face. “Joey, I am such a slut for cock … and I want that cock in my slutty asshole … fuck your slut hard and do it right!”

He switched the view back as he pulled his penis from my vagina, moved it up an inch, and pushed it into my asshole.

“Fuck, yes!” I screamed as he pushed in all the way. Fortunately, he had me very well-lubed, although the folks watching didn’t really see that. They just saw his cock drive right into my asshole in one long, hard thrust.

He rutted fast and hard, slamming his cock deep inside me. He slapped my butt cheeks and pulled my hair, raising me back up so I was on all fours again. On every stroke, he yanked my head back and slapped my ass like he was a jockey trying to coax his horse to the finish line first.

My conscious brain checked out, and my instincts took over. I pushed my hips back and fucked Joey as much as I could while I grunted, shrieked, and wailed like a cheap whore. I reached between my legs and began to rub my clit, and it felt like lightning jolted me.

“Fuck me, Goddammit! Make me come!”

“Are you my slut … or not?” Joey demanded.

I didn’t even have to think. “Yes! I’m your fucking slut! Fucking take me now!”

His trembling cock erupted deep in my bowels, triggering my own earth-shattering orgasm. My mind went blank for a few moments as the waves of pleasure seemed to drown me. When I began to recover, Joey was still trying to catch his breath. I looked at the TV screen in front of me just as he pointed the camera between my open legs. My asshole was gaped obscenely, and his semen was dripping out of it. “Girl, that’s hot as fuck,” he murmured.

I giggled. “You think so, huh?” I said shyly.

The computer was dinging away as my fans left their appreciative remarks in the chat box. Some of the statements were a little crude, but after what they’d just seen, I couldn’t really hold it against them. The tip-jar amount also showed on the screen, and we easily went past the thousand-dollar mark.

Then Joey crawled to my side. I rose up on my elbow so I could take his cock into my mouth; my fans loved ass-to-mouth, and, truth be told, I thought it was pretty hot also. I cleaned his cock completely, swallowing down the sperm remnants.

“You are such a hot minx, don’t you guys agree?” We both looked at the TV screen in front of us, and about a dozen people wanted to see another shot of my ass. “Well, we gotta give the fans what they want, pretty girl. You okay with that?”

I giggled again. “Sure.”

“Alright, let’s see what we’ve got back here …” He jumped back behind me and pulled my ass cheeks apart again. ”How about that, America? Your award-winning girl, right here, right now, with cum dribbling out of her ass. Isn’t she the best? Isn’t she special? I know you guys love her, so be sure to show your appreciation with the tip jar. Sweetheart, you got anything to say to your fans before we sign off?”

I looked directly into Joey's camera as he brought it around in front of me. “Thank you, everybody. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, and make sure you tune in next Wednesday and watch me strap up with a big dildo and take Joey’s ass.”

Joey laughed behind the camera. “Yeah, don’t hold your breath on that one,” he teased. He backed away, and the shot faded out. He went to the computer and clicked the mouse a few times. “We’re clear!” he announced. “Broadcast over, shutting down the cameras.” He went around and turned each of them off and began collecting the memory cards from each one. While the broadcast was live, we also wanted to put the video on my website, but only after Joey edited the whole thing to make it look more professional.

“Joey? Hey?” I asked softly. I held my arms out. He smiled at me and lay down beside me, wrapping me up in a bear hug. We kissed for a long time, and I slowly transitioned back from pornstar slut to a human being again.

I had two fingers inserted deep into Daneille’s vagina, and I was rapidly thrusting them in and out. Even though her thighs were closed tightly around my head, I could clearly hear her moans and pants coming from above me.

“My clit, baby, my clit … get me there,” she begged.

I took her hard little nub in my mouth and gently rolled it around on my tongue. She tensed up, then became rigid. I gave her clit a few harder sucks, and she shook and convulsed. Quickly, I withdrew my tongue and began licking the secretions from her inner thighs, giving her a few moments to settle down and catch her breath. Once she’d somewhat regained her faculties, I crawled up her body. She pulled me into her arms, and we exchanged a slow, passionate kiss.

“God, your face is a mess,” she teased.

I shot her a radiant smile. “And just who’s fault is that?” I snuggled into her arms, and she slid her thigh between my legs, and I opened them for her. She’d told me before that she loved it when I lay in her arms, and she held me with my legs open like this. Over the past year, she came to love very subtly taking control of me when we were in bed together, and for whatever reason, she liked having my legs open and available to her when she wanted me. Even though it was a very faint gesture, it still made me feel very submissive when we were together.

It had been an interesting year. Atticus had informed me that I was now one of the most highly-paid and sought-after porn stars in the business. Even though I could have worked much more, I was shooting two and sometimes three scenes a week. Every couple of months, I’d take a break and have him book me as a featured dancer for a couple of weeks. I could make really great money dancing in gentlemen’s clubs now, and I loved meeting and interacting with my fans, which only made me even more popular in the adult community. Also, to keep me safe, Andy now traveled with me when I was dancing. His company was like having a little piece of home with me wherever I went.

Things had also changed for Danielle. Atticus had given her a big promotion, and she’d moved out of her luxury downtown LA apartment; she was renting a beach house in Malibu. Growing up, my parents and I spent a few summers in Galveston on the Gulf of Mexico, but this felt so much different. Being on the ocean, seeing the waves and the beautiful beach, just felt magical to me. I was spending two or three days a week here with her, and the calmness and majesty of this place just seemed to settle me and give me peace amidst the turbulence of my life when I worked.

Danielle slid closer and pushed her breasts into mine. “That little webcam show you shot with Joey is very popular; all of the pay-sites are eating it up.”

“It was a lot of fun; we have great chemistry, and I think that really comes through for the audience.”

“The interview was great too, but I could tell a couple of those questions he asked caught you a little off-guard.”

“ I … you know … I was a little pissed when he brought up my family and asked me where I was from,” I said honestly. “I don’t mind that people know I’m from Dallas, but I don’t want anyone knowing that I’m from Salome.”

“I don’t blame you. You’re very popular, and your privacy is more important now than ever.”

“Yes, it is. But Andy has always kept me safe when I travel.” There were a few seconds of comfortable silence, but I noticed just a hint of a distressed look on her face. I knew her well enough to know that she was thinking about something important, and I attempted to subtly draw her out. “Everything going okay at work? Atticus isn’t being too much of an ass, is he? I can always talk to him for you,” I teased.

“You’ve only been working for a year, and you’ve already had sex with 53 women,” she whispered. There were little tears in her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away.

I thought for a moment. “That number shocked me too, baby, but you’ve booked me on every shoot I’ve ever performed in, right?”

“I … you know … I have, but hearing that, that number, it just wasn’t easy for me.”

“Being with me, being in a relationship, loving me, it isn’t easy, is it?”

“No, sometimes it’s not.”

Chapter 6

There were more tears in her eyes, and I pulled her closer, and she rested her head on my breast as I held her tight. Rarely had I ever seen this side of her. Both at work and in our personal life, she was the strongest woman I'd ever known. So seeing her look so weak, so defenseless, so vulnerable was very disconcerting. Then she pushed herself away and looked deep into my eyes. “You also told Joey that you were bisexual and not a lesbian,” she said, somewhat more sternly. “And you told him that you loved his cock.”

I didn’t even try to hide the stunned look on my face. I decided to let her little comment about Joey’s cock slide and concentrate on my work life. “Baby, I have sex with two or more guys a week when I’m working. I think the lesbians would kick me off their team.”

“This isn’t funny, Jenna. I know you fuck guys when you work. I’m not stupid. It’s just …” She paused for a moment in an apparent attempt to collect her thoughts. “I haven’t been with anyone … and I mean anyone … since the first day we made love.”

“I know you haven’t, baby, and do you know what that means to me? How special that is to me? The people who I interact with every time I work aren’t monogamous like you are, Danielle. It’s like a gift that you’ve given to me every day of our relationship.”

“Yes … it is … but that’s not my point. I know you can’t be monogamous to me, and you know I’ve always been okay with that … but …”

“But what?” I whispered.

“Having sex with men isn’t just something you do when you’re working. It’s something you need.”

I gasped. “You’ve had sex with men too. You’ve had boyfriends in high school, and when you were in college,” I shot back.

“Again, that’s not my point,” she said sternly. “Let’s say for a moment that you weren’t a porn star, that you were just … I don’t know … a normal person who had a normal job like the rest of us. Would you even be capable of being only with me?”

I looked down, unable to meet her hard, steely gaze. “I … ummm … I don’t know,” I said hesitantly.

“Look at me, baby,” she whispered. “You appeared to be really certain when you told Joey that you loved his cock, that you were bisexual. I just … you know … I want to know if that’s how you really feel, that’s all, Jenna.”

“Danielle, what I know for certain is that I can’t live without you. I could never do this job without you.” I was beginning to tear up. “I need you, honey.

She pulled me to her, and we both sobbed uncontrollably in each other’s arms. I wasn’t sure how to answer her question, though. Would she be enough? I couldn’t help but think that she was thinking long-term about what our lives and our relationship would be like after I left the business. I was thankful that she appeared to be satisfied with my answer and content to let this drop, at least for now.

I harshly cut my eyes at Atticus. “You know this script is ignorant, right? It borders on the … you know … retarded.”

He looked into my eyes soothingly. “It’s fantasy, Jenna. You’ve never shot a scene like this before, but I know it’s what your fans would love to see.”

I looked over at Danielle, who was nervously squirming in her seat. I hated that she never sat beside me when we had these meetings in Atticus’s office. Instead, she was seated to my left, leaving me to sit alone on the couch in front of my manager, who, at the moment, was really pissing me off. It was always important to her to maintain a professional appearance in front of her boss, even though he knew we were romantically involved. We’d read the script together last night before we went to bed, and I knew she didn’t want me to accept this job. However, she left the final decision up to me.

I directed my attention back to Atticus. “Who does this? Who the hell would have sex with their daughter? And especially this type of sex? None of this makes sense.”

He grinned. “Oh, you’re a prude now? I never thought I’d live to see the day that Jenna Erickson would turn down a shoot because she thought it was too taboo.”

“What did my last review say? It said I was the sluttiest woman in porn, so don’t even go there,” I said sternly. “Also, I think you’re being an asshole. Maybe you haven’t gotten laid lately or something.” I realized that was a bit of a low blow, but when I fought, I tended to fight a little dirty.

“You can leave my personal life out of this, Jenna. I’m only trying to talk some sense into you. Men … your fans … eat this type of shit up. All you have to do is give them what they want.”

Now he’s handling me … being sensible and logical. Time to call in the cavalry. “Danielle, what do you think? Should I … you know … should I do this?”

It took her a few seconds to respond as she formulated her answer. “Atticus is right. You’d be breaking new ground here, and I know it’s what your fans would love to see. Plus, you’ll make a minor fortune off of it.”

My jaw dropped in shock. Bitch! We’d talked about this for at least an hour, and she hated the idea of an older woman having sex with me and … um… dominating me. To this point, all of my girl-girl shoots had been sensual and sexy, something, as of late, she didn’t really didn’t care for either. “You really think I should do this?”

She looked nervously at Atticus and then back at me. “Yes, you should.”

Fucking unbelievable. She’d always promised to be honest with me about everything when it came to my career. While I didn’t necessarily think she was steering me wrong, I knew it was a job that she didn’t want me to accept. Now that it was two against one, I didn’t really have any other options. I guess I did. I could always refuse, but what he was saying made sense. I’d never done anything like this before, and I knew my fans would love it as long as it was shot correctly. I’d worked with the director a few times and she was good, really good. Slowly, I was resigning myself to the fact that this was gonna happen. “Who did they cast to play the part of my Mom?”

Atticus smiled at the realization that he’d won and I’d given in. “Cherie DeVille just signed to shoot the scene. Do you know her?”

My eyes widened. Cherie was a legend. She’d been doing porn for about ten years, and even though she was in her mid-40s, she still looked good … very good. She had long blonde hair and large augmented breasts, but they didn’t look outrageously silly like some of the other women in the business … I could do her easily. “Yeah, I met her last year in Vegas. She was working in the Kink.com booth.”

“What did you think of her?” Danielle asked.

I could plainly see that look on her face. I could tell the genesis of her question had nothing to do with on-screen chemistry-this was personal. “She was really friendly, very sweet to me. We talked for quite a while, actually.” My girlfriend looked away in disgust. Well, you wanted this, live with it, I thought snidely. The silence in the room was deafening.

Atticus broke it. “You read the entire script, right?”

I sighed. “Yes, I did. That’s why I didn’t want to do it, remember?”

Atticus continued undaunted. “And you’re okay with everything that the director wants?”

My eyes met Danielle’s. “Yes, I’m okay with it. All of it. I’ll be the best daughter Cherie ever had. Hell, it might even be fun.”

“Perfect. So, I’m taking you two out to lunch, anywhere you want to go. I gotta keep my biggest star happy,” he said gleefully.

“I can’t make lunch. I’ve got some calls I need to make,” Danielle said sweetly to Atticus, but she refused to look at me. I knew I was in for an ugly evening when I got to her beach house that night. It was something that I wasn’t looking forward to.

“Anywhere but that shit-hole Tana’s.”

Cherie Deville opened her arms and called out, “Hey, girl, there you are!”

“Hi!” I squealed as we hugged in the foyer of this big, fancy house nestled up in the hills of Laurel Canyon, overlooking Hollywood and Los Angeles. These extravagant homes amazed me with their views, and I always wondered how the producers managed to use them for porn shoots.

Cherie kept her arm around me, took my hand in hers, and led me to a small sitting room away from the hustle and bustle of the crew as they put the finishing touches on the scene prep. “I didn’t get to congratulate you on your win! That’s so amazing, and you really deserved both of those honors.”

I’d first met Cherie at the AVN awards when we were working at our booths, and then we’d talk again briefly before the final ceremony. After I won, I was kind of caught up in a whirlwind of press and well-wishers, and I hadn’t seen her again.

“Thank you so much! You were so sweet to me there in Vegas. I didn’t know many people, but you were so nice.”

She smiled as we sat down on a small sofa. I was still in my street clothes, but she had already changed into her outfit for the scene: a long, flowing halter-dress combo that really accentuated her large breasts. Her nipples were trying to cut a hole in the fabric. “You looked a little lost, and you reminded me of myself so many years ago. So, hey! Is this your first Mommy shoot?”

I squirmed a little and probably made a tiny face. “Yeah. I’ve done lots of step-brother and step-sister incest shoots. But… never one with a supposed real mother.”

“Does it bother you a little?”

I thought for a few moments. “Well, my mother and I, we have …” I faltered for a moment.

Cherie pulled me in for a hug. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I understand.” It actually felt really good. Her arms around me, holding me tight like this. When she broke the tender embrace, she spoke again. “It’s not easy sometimes, being in the business, huh?”

“No, it’s not.” I had no idea how much I wanted to open up to someone I really didn’t know, but I decided to let my guard down just a little. “My parents are very conservative, and they didn’t take to me getting into porn very well,” I admitted.

“Do you still talk to them?”

“I do, but our relationship is very strained now.” I thought for a moment. “At least we can be in the same room now, but it’s nothing like what it was when I was growing up.”

“I understand. Most civilians can’t really handle what we do,” she said gently.

“No … I … ummm … I guess they can’t.”

Chapter 7

She smiled. “But we’re living our lives the way we want, aren’t we?”

“Yes, we are.” There were a few moments of comfortable silence. “It’s just… a little hard not to think about my mother when I’m supposed to be calling you Mom or Mommy. The Mommy stuff is a little silly, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is, but the fans want what they want, and I … you know … it’s our job to give it to them.” She paused for a moment. “Tell you what … I want to get you comfortable. You’re not the only one who likes winning awards.”

Cherie leaned in and kissed me gently, her soft lips melding with mine. I became hyper-aware of where our bodies were touching: her breast pressing into mine, our thighs touching, her hand on the back of my neck … her tongue in my mouth … her lips sensually melting with mine. Already, I could feel the moisture begin to build between my legs.

“My mother has never kissed me like that,” I teased.

She giggled. “This is going to be a lot of fun.” She thought for a moment. “Sometimes, I can get rough and carried away. I don’t want it to be too much for you, okay?”

“It’ll be okay. I can handle quite a bit,” I said reassuringly.

“Just remember, you can stop things at any time, and we can talk about it with the director. Just say the word ‘Red,’ and it all stops. I’ve shot quite a few of these scenes, and I know you haven’t. I want you to be comfortable today, okay?”

“Okay. And I’ll say ‘red’ if I need to, but I think it’ll be fine.” She was so kind and caring. Honestly, that was something I wasn’t expecting.

“You come across as such a sweet girl when I watch your scenes, and I’m so glad that you really are that way.” She kissed me again, then looked deep into my eyes. “I would be proud to have you as my daughter. Now let’s go do this shit.”

I laughed. “Yes, Mommy.” We both laughed and headed towards makeup.

After the stylists did our hair and put our faces on, we had a short meeting with the director, Mona Vibes, and talked about how she wanted the scene to progress. Because I’d worked with her several times before, I felt very comfortable. Again, she reminded me to use my safeword if I needed to.

Then, the obligatory ‘acting’ took place. This was definitely the longest setup scene I had ever done; it took us over an hour to get about ten usable minutes of footage. During that time, little ‘Babygirl Madi’ discovers that her ‘Mommy’ is a professional dominatrix. Of course, she is! And on top of that, Babygirl gets turned on by the idea and wants to know what it’s like, wants to be dominated. Because it’s porn, that’s why.

Cherie sat with me on the couch. She looked like the typical gorgeous and horny suburban Mom. Dressed in white Capri pants and a soft blue V-neck sweater, she looked radiant with her blonde hair pulled back in a ‘do’ worthy of any bride at her wedding. I was wearing tight, faded jeans that had huge tears in the thighs and a Ramones shirt with my long blonde hair hanging straight. While Cherie wore a bra to accentuate her very large breasts, I was braless, and my nipples were poking luridly through the tight T-shirt. Finally, we got done with the hard part (saying our many lines convincingly) and could get down to business.

Cherie reached out and held my hands. “You’re sure you want to do this? I mean, really sure? Because there is no going back. We will … be very intimate.”

“I want it, Mommy,” I said earnestly. I wasn’t acting then. I wanted everything she was going to give me. “Please … treat me just like your customers. I want to experience all of it,” I said wantonly.

She tenderly ran her hand over my face. “I love being sweet and tender, but I can also be rough, baby; are you ready for that?”

I leaned my cheek into her hand. “I need this, Mommy. I need to get this from you and no one else,” I whispered. God, these lines are cheesy as hell, I thought. However, I’d been doing this long enough to know that it would come across as sensual and romantic to the audience. The porn world couldn’t get enough of this incest stuff, and we were giving the viewers exactly what they wanted.

We leaned in together, and our lips met gently. Already, I could feel my body responding to her. Our lips moved together as our little kiss turned into a hotter, open-mouthed kiss. Cherie pressed into me more, which pushed me back into the couch pillows. Her warm body crushed into mine, and our breasts sensually touched as our tongues played inside each other’s mouths.

Fuckkk… she’s a good kisser, I thought. She kisses me as Danielle does. Her earlier kiss, over an hour ago, had gotten my motor running hot, but all this acting crap had cooled us both down. Now, nothing was holding us back, and we made out. She ran her hands over my body, and her tongue was deep in my mouth. “You have such a beautiful body, baby. Let me see it,” she moaned into my mouth. She helped me pull my T-shirt over my head, and I threw it onto the floor. “Oh, they’re so beautiful, honey,” she said as she took my breasts into her hands and began to gently knead them. Instantly, my nipples hardened. Her lips met mine again, and her hands moved down and unbuttoned my tight jeans. I lifted my bottom up, and she peeled them off of me, revealing my little black lace thong.

“Look at you, naughty little thing … so sexy for Mommy, aren’t you?”

“I … I don’t know,” I muttered bashfully.

Her right hand cupped my chin. “Little darling, are you suggesting that I am wrong?” Her voice had changed from sugary sweet to something more stern and sinister. “You seem to be disagreeing with me. I don’t like that. Stand up and take off your thong.”

I began to stand up so I could do what she asked, no … what she commanded, but I apparently wasn’t quick enough because she gave me a light slap across my cheek. We were pretty much off-script here; both Cherie and the director felt it would be better if I didn’t know what was coming next so my reactions would be more natural.

The mild slap gave me just a slight sting, but it sure got my attention. “Ummm … I’m sorry?” I pleaded, rubbing my cheek.

She reached out and took my hand, lowering it back down. “And just what are you sorry for, my love?”

“I … I’ve … angered you somehow … I don’t know,” I whispered as I looked down at the floor. I guessed these were the natural reactions they wanted because I didn’t know why I got slapped.

“First, you will look at me when I speak to you unless you are told otherwise, little girl.”

I lifted my head to look into her eyes. These weren’t the soft and gentle eyes of the woman I was kissing a minute ago. Her entire face looked … hard. Mommy looked at me for a few seconds, then slapped my face again, rather harder this time.

“Second,” she began, sounding somewhat bored and weary. “You will respond when I speak to you. I shouldn’t have to tell you that. It’s disrespectful not to answer me. Is that your objective here? To disrespect and piss me off?”

“No!” I practically shouted, and then I began to whine. “I’m sorry! I would never dis-“

I got slapped again, and I felt the tender flesh on my cheek begin to warm.

“Third, you will not raise your voice to me! I am not one of your idiot little girlfriends, am I?”


Something told me not to rub my cheek and that trying to soothe myself would not be well-received. I made sure to speak in a moderate voice, not too loudly but enough that she could plainly hear me. “I am sorry, Mother, for accidentally disrespecting you. I will be sure to answer quickly. And … no, you aren’t one of my girlfriends.”

Mommy looked at me for a few seconds, then spoke in that same annoyed tone. “Is that all?”

Shit! There is obviously something else, but I have no fucking idea what it is! I’m in her game, and I can’t win. I want to please her, but … she’s … controlling the entire situation, me included.

She rolled her eyes at me, then slapped my cheek again. My head turned a little with that one.

“I am giving you valuable lessons here, teaching you important behaviors, trying to correct your insolence, which is very unattractive, by the way, and you don’t have the common decency to even thank me?”

Ah! That’s it! I’m supposed to thank her when she-


My head turned a little bit to the right again, but I spoke quickly. “Tha-thank you. Mommy. Thank you for correcting me, and thank you for correcting me earlier. I promise I will do better. You are the best Mommy in the entire world, and I love you so much.”

She cracked a tiny smile at me, and I nearly swooned.

What the fuck is wrong with me? She was slapping me and … and … now I’m … what … fawning all over her? I wasn’t really expecting this to feel so much.

“Take your thong off, little love,” she said in a syrupy-sweet voice.

Oh, my God! Her behavior bordered on the schizophrenic. One moment, she was nasty and cruel, and the next, she was sweet and loving. Even though she was emotionally shaking me, I had to admire her acting prowess. It was truly mesmerizing to witness. “Yes, Mommy.” I quickly slid my thong down my tanned thighs and then stood up straight again.

“Put your hands behind your back, hold your left wrist with your right hand, and don’t let go until you are told.”

“Yes, Mommy, “ I replied, and I immediately obeyed. With my shoulders back like that, my breasts jutted out from my body.

“Very good, baby girl. Hush now, Mommy is going to touch you.”

She gently laid her hand over my sex, her middle finger landing perfectly on my slit. I couldn’t help but gasp as she exerted just the tiniest amount of pressure on the hood of my clit. My body was like a live wire; her slaps had somehow stimulated every nerve in my body, and anticipation had driven me crazy. So when she finally touched me, touched me with a loving hand, my pleasure centers went out of control.

Mommy put a hand on my breast to steady my stance, but that didn’t really help as her palm mashed my sensitive nipple. Fuckkkk! What is she doing to me? I have never been this turned on this fast in my life! It’s only been a couple of minutes, and if she … oh, my God …

“Stand up straight, honey, don’t fall,” Mommy encouraged. But then she rolled my hardened nipple between her thumb and forefinger just as she forced two fingers between the engorged lips of my vagina. My secretions were running down the inside of my thighs, and I found it difficult to control my breathing.

“You’re so wet, girl.” I didn’t answer because I was pretty sure she’d told me to hush. But if I got slapped again, I would welcome it. I just wanted Cherie, my Mommy, to do whatever she wanted. She pressed more, and her two fingers slipped inside my sodden pussy.

Mommy had to grab my breast and pull me towards her so that I didn’t fall backward. “Okay, love, put your hands on my hips. Steady now.”

“Thank you, Mommy,” I whispered, happy that now I was less likely to fall over.

Her palm rubbed over my now-exposed clit as she finger-fucked me. She pinched my nipple, which sent shockwaves through my body. Her hand continued to steady me as my knees became increasingly weak. A light film of sweat made my body glisten. “I can smell your hot little pussy, baby, and you’re soaking my fingers. You’re such a bad little girl, aren’t you?” she cooed.

My lust-filled brain could barely form words as she continued to play with my body. “I … I … I can’t hold it back, Mommy,” I groaned.

She pushed her fingers deep inside me, held them there, and then curled them, putting pressure on my G-spot while her thumb furiously rubbed my clit, and my body exploded. I was barely cognizant of her hand moving to my ass to steady me and keep me from collapsing as the waves of my orgasm washed over me.

Just as my wits were returning, she delivered a hard slap that I was almost certain left a handprint on the side of my face. Her fingers were still buried deep inside me, and her intense strike instantly brought me back around. I tried, probably unsuccessfully, to get the stunned look off of my face.

“Did I say you could come, little bitch?” she snarled.

Chapter 8

None of this was in the script, but I quickly tried to go with it. “I’m … I’m sorry, Mommy … I didn’t know … that I wasn’t supposed to … come … oh … fuck …” While I was attempting to respond to her, she added a third finger. I could actually feel my vagina stretch around her digits as she opened me further.

She stood up and gently moved some stray strands of hair from my face to back around my ears. “Honey, my little darling …” She leaned forward and gave me a loving, lingering kiss. “I thought you understood, Madi. I am in control … of you. You will not do anything unless I’ve given you permission, do you understand?”

“Yes, Mommy,” I said meekly.

My emotions whirled in my mind. I was so confused. One moment, I was in pain; the next, I was having an orgasm; then, I was getting slapped again for my supposed insolence, and then she kissed me like she loved me. Yes, like she loves me. All I want to do is make her love me like she just did.

"I’m so proud of you, honey, and you know I love it when you’re my good little girl,” she said adoringly.

It still amazed me how she could turn this on and off like the flip of a switch. “Yes, Mommy, I’m so sorry. I want to please you … so much.” I was nearly in tears and also near another climax because her three fingers were still inside me, and her thumb gently brushed my clit every few seconds. But I concentrated really hard and willed myself to stay in control of my body.

Mommy sighed, and she let out a little gasp when she withdrew her fingers. “I can see we’ve got a lot more work to do. Get down on your hands and knees.” Without hesitation, I lowered myself down like she’d said, onto my hands and knees on the hardwood floor.

“Come with me, we’re going to my bedroom.”

I crawled across the floor and down the hall right beside Mommy, her heels clicking loudly. A camera guy was following close behind me, getting shots of my pussy and asshole.

“Cut!” Mona said loudly just as we rounded the corner to enter her bedroom. “Okay, ladies, back out here. We’re going to do the crawl again.”

I felt a little dazed as Cherie helped me stand up. We walked back to where we’d started, and I got back on my knees again. “Are you doing alright, honey? Is everything okay?” she said.

“Yeah, this is great. I’m loving it, all of it.” In reality, my head was spinning, and it was good that there was a break in the action, and I could mentally re-focus.

“Back up a little bit more, good, Madi,” Mona stated. “Leon bounced the camera a little on that last shot, but we need to do it again anyway, twice. First, he’s going to be in front of you, and then he’ll be behind you as you do that crawl. Be sure to sway your hips and get your breasts to jiggle and keep your legs open as much as you can while keeping it looking natural, capisce?”

It took everything in my power to keep from rolling my eyes. Make sure your legs are open, so you look really slutty while ensuring that the crawl appears to be natural. Yeah, right. Because, you know, I haven’t crawled since I was an infant. “Sure, I can do that,” I said confidently.

“Great, let’s do this.”

I felt a little self-conscious all of a sudden. I was so wrapped up with Mommy that I almost forgot there was a film crew. I did the crawl like Mona asked, making sure to sway and jiggle and keep my legs open while making it look somehow natural. Whatever I did, Mona loved it, and she cut again for ten minutes so Cherie could do a wardrobe change. Maxine, a little goth-waif girl, came over to me with a nice big fluffy Terry-cloth robe that I gratefully accepted. She also brought me a bottle of water, which tasted amazing as I sipped from it.

I could hear Cherie and Mona talking as they went past me and into the bathroom. Mona said something about ‘subspace,’ that I was in it, and that Cherie needed to be careful with me. I didn’t know what that meant; all I knew was that I felt very vulnerable, and I missed Cherie. Or rather, I missed my Mommy.

Maxine started to leave, but I grabbed her hand. “Sit with me, keep me company, okay? That is, if you aren’t supposed to be doing something else.”

“Oh! Sure!” We settled on the edge of the bed near the pillows. “I’m just a production assistant, and I’m supposed to just do whatever you need, so, like, I’m fine with everything. You are so great … did you …” She looked around and spoke in a soft voice. “Did you really have an orgasm? It sure looked like you did.”

“Yes, I … seemed to have gotten rather caught up in the role … I don’t know …”

“Madi! I mean, shit, I’m sorry. Miss Valentine, you-”

“Call me Madi, okay, hon?”

She broke into a big smile. “Okay, Madi, you’re like, amaze-balls with this shit. That was totally the hottest scene I’ve ever been part of. You’re so wicked!” She looked around again. “I’m not supposed to bug you for stupid shit, but can I … like … you know … get a selfie with you later?”

“Yeah, sure, after the shoot, okay?”

“You are … fuck, I might get fired for this, don’t say anything, okay? I have had … like … ummm … the biggest crush on you since I saw you last year. Don’t worry; I’m not a stalker; I’m just fangirling really hard on you right now.”

This was a lot to take in, and I was still feeling … off. “You’re sweet, Maxine; can I ask you a huge favor?”

“Of course, anything you want.”

“It’s a little strange, and you can totally say no.”

She looked at me eagerly. “What is it? What can I do?”

“Can you just … hold me for a few minutes?”

Her eyes momentarily widened, and then she smiled and wrapped her tiny arms around me. We leaned back on the multitude of pillows, and she pulled me tight against her body. Somehow, she instinctively knew what to do, knew what I needed.

“Shhh … it’s alright now … everything’s fine … you’re so beautiful … shhh … I’ve got you …”

I closed my eyes, and she stroked my hair and hugged me, petted me, and kept me company even as the crew noisily wrestled with the lights and booms. I had no idea what was wrong with me.

I’d confessed to Danielle that there were times when I felt broken. Shooting this scene with Cherie and thinking of the horribly dysfunctional relationship with my mother had stirred something deep inside me, something sad, dark, and scary. As I felt Maxine’s arms around me, I pretended that it was my mother holding me, accepting me, and not judging me for the decisions that I'd made.

“Okay, we’re ready to continue,” Mona announced. Maxine quickly released me, took my robe, and stood behind one of the camera guys. I leaned against the stack of pillows, rested my back on the headboard of the bed, and opened my legs so the camera could get a good view of my vagina. “Action,” Mona yelled.

Cherie walked through the door wearing a strapless black-leather corset. It had spiral steel boning that came up right below her breasts and left them exposed. She was also wearing black leather Highland boots that had what looked to be three-inch heels and rose to her upper thighs. To complete the outfit, she also wore a black Lycra G-string. Her long, flowing blonde hair was the perfect contrast to the all-black outfit; she was dressed like a perfect dominatrix.

“Mom, you look … amazing …” Cherie had taken me right to the edge before we broke for the set change, and then I … well … dried up isn’t quite the right term, but I definitely came down pretty fast from that. But when she stepped into the room, my heart skipped a beat, and I quickly felt my desire for her to rebuild. She looked so tall and intimidating in those boots, and I could tell she was deep into her character. What in the fuck have I gotten myself into?

Despite my apprehension, I felt my mouth salivate, and my pussy tremble; I needed to please this woman so badly right now. Cherie lifted her leg and put her boot on the edge of the bed. I rose up, instinctively knowing what to do. Regardless, she again took complete control of me. “You’re going to lick my boots now, little bitch,” she said sternly.

I sexily crawled across the bed, ensuring that my large breasts swayed as my body moved towards her until my face landed right next to her sexy black boot. My hands caressed the shiny patent leather, and I extended my tongue as far out of my mouth as I could. Looking up into her eyes, I licked the toe of her boot. And I didn’t just lick it. I began to make love to her booted foot with my mouth. I sucked all around her stiletto heel, and I even licked the sole. I didn’t care where she had been or what she had walked through. I wanted Mommy to know I was her good little girl. After several minutes of worshiping her foot, Mommy ordered me to lie flat on the bed.

“You’re going to make Mommy come, aren’t you, baby?”

I nodded my head vigorously. “Yes, Mommy, that’s all I want, to please you, for you to be proud of me.”

She crawled over me, lay on top of me, and kissed me like no mother should. My arms wrapped around her, and all my worries and fears dissolved in pleasurable bliss. These weren’t porn kisses. We kissed like we loved each other, like two women who had loved each other deeply for years and were finally able to consummate their forbidden passion.

“Do you love me, Madi baby?” she whispered as she broke our loving embrace.

“Yes, Mommy, more than anything in the world.” Am I acting? Those words just fell so naturally from my lips.

“I’m going to give you a chance to prove your love for me very soon. Are you up for it?”

Her tone was the perfect mix of gentle compassion and steely grit. I had no idea how she managed to pull it off, but she was. “Yes, please. Put my love to the test, any test.”

“Soon enough, baby. But you’re going to get me off first,” she said demandingly. Mommy crawled up a little so that her large breasts hung in my face. She positioned a nipple at my lips, and I greedily sucked it, hungry to have any part of her in my mouth.

She gasped, and a little moan escaped her lips. “That’s a good girl, suck Mommy’s tits, suck them hard.”

I moved my hand between my legs and rubbed my clit while I sucked as hard as I could, trying to get as much of her breast flesh as I could in my mouth. I wish she had milk. I would drink her dry.

Mommy controlled everything, switching when she felt like it, mashing her breasts into my face so I couldn’t breathe … but I didn’t struggle because I knew she would allow me to breathe when she felt that I needed air. Just like when she slapped my face earlier, I just fell into … a trance, or something … as I surrendered to her will … I was hers, to do with as she pleased. The submissive feelings she was bringing out in me were almost overwhelming, and I was getting lost in them.

“Get on your back, little girl,” she said harshly. “It’s time for you to please me now.”

I knew what was going to happen next; the script called for her to sit on my face. Of course, Danielle and I had done this hundreds of times, along with most of my co-stars in the girl-girl scenes that I’d shot, but it was never like this, never so … frantic. She ripped the little thong off her body as I got onto my back. When she straddled my face, her scent enveloped me. “Get that fuckin’ tongue out of your mouth. Keep it long and flat,” she growled. Immediately, I obeyed.

She lowered herself, and my tongue slipped deep inside her. Instantly, my face was soaked with her secretions. She reached down, wove her fingers through my hair, and pulled my head roughly towards her. I’d been with men who were this aggressive when I fellated them, and it was something that I didn’t always enjoy. At times, having a man fuck my face wasn’t a pleasant experience. Even though this was a similar situation, I quickly got lost in it. While she used me, she exhibited such power and control; it was something that I’d never experienced, even with Danielle.

“That feels so good … little bitch … just like that … get me there,” she grunted.

Chapter 9

She pulled my hair even harder and then lowered herself to the point that she almost cut off my oxygen. Her juices were now soaking into my hair, and I could hear her heavy moaning and panting above me. Taking me by surprise, she moved forward a couple of inches, and my tongue slid out of her pussy and pressed against her asshole, which was a welcome relief because I could breathe normally again. She pulled my hair even harder and yelled, “Get that tongue into my ass, slutty girl!”

I spit on her asshole and then used my tongue to push the saliva inside her puckered little hole. Her body instantly went rigid, and her hand moved down between her legs and began furiously rubbing her clit. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and pulled her down harder on top of me, sending my tongue into her ass to the hilt. She roughly ground herself into my face, and then her body began to shake and convulse. Then gushes of liquid began squirting out of her vagina, soaking my face and hair. When she started to come down from the peak, she collapsed on top of me and then rolled to my side. I snuggled into her arms, and we exchanged a long, deep kiss.

“I’m so proud of you, baby. You pleased Mommy so well,” she said lovingly.

It was like having sex with Jekyll and Hyde. One moment, she was sweet and tender, and the next, she was a demanding dominatrix from hell. I loved every second of it, but she was constantly keeping me off-balance, and I never felt I could fully get my bearings. “I’m so glad you liked it, Mommy,” I said demurely. I closed my eyes and reveled in her loving embrace. She made me feel so safe, so secure, just like Maxine had done a few minutes earlier. I’d always loved it when Danielle held me like this, but somehow, this felt strangely different.

She held me tightly for several seconds, but just as I was getting used to her warm, tender embrace, she flipped the switch again. She roughly pushed me away from her and then slid onto her back. “Get between my legs, little slut. I want to feel that hot little mouth of yours on me again,” she demanded.

I moved quickly between her open legs. From her stern tone, I inferred that she wanted me to be rough with her, but then she surprised me again. She looked deep into my eyes, ran her hand gently through my wet, matted hair, and whispered, “Make love to me, Madi.”

I thought my head might explode. Fortunately, I was able to keep my poise, and I knew the audience would have no clue about the inner turmoil I was experiencing from her ever-changing mood. We were receiving very little direction from Mona, and it felt like Cherie was in complete control of the entire scene, and I was struggling to follow and keep up with her. “I’d love that, Mommy,” I seductively cooed.

I got between Mommy’s legs, happy to do something that I knew I was good at; nobody had ever complained about my pussy-eating skills. Her strong scent filled my nostrils as I lowered myself, and I lovingly ran the tip of my tongue over the wet, swollen lips of her bare pussy.

“Madi, stop.” I looked up at Mommy, disappointed that I had somehow failed her again.

“Why don’t you just back up and do that again? But this time, put your hair behind your ears so the camera can see.”

“Thank you, Cherie!” Mona called out from behind us.

I was mortified. Mortified! That was such a rookie mistake, and I couldn’t believe I was so stupid as to let my hair block the shot. That’s the first fucking thing you learn. People want to see the action! But I smiled at my mother, staying in character, and slowly pushed my wet strands of hair behind my ears.

I lowered myself over her pussy again, determined not to fuck up anymore. Her taste, her glorious taste, drove me wild. I’d had a mouthful of her just a few minutes ago, but I wanted more. I’d watched all the Cherie DeVille scenes I could get my hands on, and I felt I knew how to make her squirt like her other co-stars had, but I wanted her to squirt even more on me. I wanted this to be her best squirting orgasm ever.

Giving her long slow licks, then deep licks followed by fast laps on her clit, I kept mixing up the tempo and location to put her in what I hoped was a heightened sexual state. I knew she wouldn’t come from this, but it was getting her there.

“Yes, my little slut. You’re doing … such a good job.”

Yeah, I’m getting to her.

“Call me names, please, Mommy? Call me bad names?” That was for her benefit and the audience’s.

I tongue-fucked her vagina as deeply as I could while she rattled off a series of naughtiness that might have made a sailor blush.

“Yes, my little cum-slut,” Mommy half-whispered. “You are my dirty slut, aren’t you?”

“Mmm-hmm,” was all I could manage as I was currently kissing her slit and drinking her juices.

“You’re Mommy’s little bitch, aren’t you?”

“Mmm-hmm!” I moaned loudly as I sucked her hard clit. I made sure to tilt my head away from the camera so it could catch all the licking and sucking I was doing to her hard, blood-engorged clitoris.

She reached down with both hands to hold my head and exert more pressure on her pussy. “You’re just Mommy’s filthy little cunt, aren’t you!”

I hate that word.

I gave her another mmm-hmm, but that wasn’t enough for her. She jerked my head up and looked me in the eyes, her pussy juice and my drool dripping from my tongue and the corners of my mouth.

“Say it,” she growled. “Tell me you’re my little cunt.”

I hate that word even more when it’s applied to me. But, you know, acting. And I’m really, and I mean really, into this woman, and that’s not acting.

I narrowed my eyes just a bit, not to be insolent but to show I meant business. “I am the dirtiest, nastiest little cunt you’ll ever have.”

She smiled and pushed my head back down. I wildly licked her entire pussy as fast as I could. I even pushed her ass up so I could lick her asshole, which I did fervently.

“Oh, fuck me, Madi baby, fuck me!”

It was time. She was right there. I thrust three fingers deep inside her vagina and curled them forward to hit her G-spot. At the same time, I pressed my flattened tongue down hard onto her clit. Within 30 seconds, the squeals started, and a full-fledged scream followed. I felt her pussy tremble, so I pressed my fingers against the tiny nubs deep inside her body and nipped her clit with my teeth. She pulled my head off her pussy a few inches and then let go of me-and I opened my mouth.

An absolute flood poured from her opening, spraying my face with about half of it going into my mouth. I swallowed quickly but sprayed more and more, so much that it made me cough a couple of times as I tried to keep it from my lungs. Her pussy kept squirting, sending pulsing jets of liquid all over me as I backed off another foot or so. I still was ramming my curved fingers in and out of her as she sprayed my hair, face, breasts, shoulders, and arms. Her squirts reduced in strength and finally stopped altogether. The camera got a great shot of me as all that fluid ran down in rivulets off my body.

“Let me get some of that, baby,” Mommy said, rising up while pushing me down on my back. She went for my breasts, slurping her fluid from them and swallowing it down, all while sexily moaning for the camera. The good amount that had collected in my navel Mommy slurped into her mouth but didn’t swallow. She had saved it for me; she crawled up over my face, I opened my lips, and Mommy let her liquid trickle from her mouth into mine … then she followed the last drops with her open mouth, and we kissed lovingly.


That was a preview of Back to Salome - Book Two. To read the rest purchase the book.

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