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A Day At The Lake



A Day At The Lake

Featuring Lynne, Andy, Sarah, Tom and two strangers

Andy W

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Chapter 1 – To The Lake

Andy answers the phone call, early one warm and sunny Saturday morning. “Hi Andy”, Tom says “we were wondering if you and Lynne would like to go to Rendlesham Forest, for a picnic? We can pick you up in about 20 minutes, if you are free?” “Sounds good” replies Andy. “We’ll come in our camper van, so we’ll have a toilet and kitchen with us. Just bring some walking boots and maybe a hat, sunglasses and sun cream. We will bring the food and something to drink.”

Andy hands the phone to Lynne. “Hi Tom”, she says, her voice sounding sleepy and sexy. “That sounds lovely. We'll be ready in no time. See you in 20 minutes”. She smiles into the phone, already feeling the anticipation building in her chest.

Andy looks over at Lynne, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You know, Tom is really brave to suggest this. We’ve been thinking about ways to make our next experience even more unforgettable. Maybe today is the day we finally try something really wild and adventurous?" He leans in closer, lowering his voice. "Maybe something we've always dreamed of doing together?"

As they speak, Lynne's heart begins to race with excitement. She glances at Andy, feeling a thrill of anticipation coursing through her veins. Without saying anything, she gives him a nod, a subtle agreement to whatever it is they've been dreaming of.

"Maybe we could take it slow, see how things go," she says to Tom, her voice still soft and seductive.

"But who knows what might happen if we let our guard down and really give in to our desires?" She bites her lip, her gaze locked with Andy's.

“You know I've always wanted to make love to you in a public place? Well, I feel that this little adventure may just be the opportunity I’ve been waiting for; and to share it with you, Tom and Sarah could make it really memorable?”

About 25 minutes later, Tom and Sarah arrive in their camper van. Andy and Lynne climb in, and sit on the bench seat behind Tom and Sarah. They buckle up, and hold hands, feeling the sweaty and electric tension between each other as they enjoy the ride to Rendlesham Forest, from their home in Chelmsford.

As they pull into the forest, the van's windows are already fogging up from the heat. Lynne glances out at the towering trees, feeling a shiver of anticipation run down her spine. She turns to Andy, their hands still clasped tightly together. "I think this is going to be an adventure we'll never forget,"

she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

They arrive at a clearing, near a beautiful blue lake. They climb out of the camper van and spread a picnic blanket out on the soft, green grass. They then open the picnic basket, which is full of fresh fruit, cheese, sandwiches, and a cooler full of drinks. All the goodies are laid out, inviting them to enjoy the feast. But it's not just the food that has Lynne's attention. Tom and Sarah seem to be lost in their own little world, oblivious to the sparks flying between Andy and her.

Andy suggests it would be nice to take a cooling swim in the inviting waters of the lake, before they enjoy the food that Tom and Sarah have so thoughtfully provided. Everyone agrees that a swim before lunch would be really refreshing and they all change into their swimming costumes.

As they wade into the lake, the cool water washes over Lynne's skin, instantly soothing her. She feels Andy's strong hands on her waist, guiding her deeper into the water. Their bodies are pressed together, and she can feel his arousal against her stomach. She looks up at him, their faces mere inches apart, and she smiles up at him.

"I think this is exactly what I needed," she says, running her hands through his hair. He returns the favour, tracing lazy circles on her back, and she arches into his touch, enjoying the sensation.

The water is indeed refreshing, and the sensation of it against her skin only heightens the excitement Lynne feels. She playfully splashes water at Tom and Sarah, her laughter echoing through 2

the quiet forest. As the group frolics in the lake, the tension between her and Andy grows more palpable. She can't help but wonder if this is the moment they've been waiting for, the moment they'll finally give in to their desires.

Andy and Lynne gradually drift away from Tom and Sarah as they continue to swim together, lost in each other's eyes, until they reach a small, secluded spot at the edge of the lake. The water is shallow enough for them to stand and still be covered, but deep enough for them to feel a sense of privacy.

Andy slides his swimming shorts down and steps out of them. He then unfastens Lynne's bikini top, and dives under the water, as he pulls Lynne's bikini pants down her legs, waiting for her to step out of them before he resurfaces.

Once they are both naked, Andy feels emboldened. He grabs Lynne, pulling her body against his and kisses her passionately. She moans into the kiss, her hands tangled in his hair, as she presses her body against his. He can feel her desire through their skin, as it comes in contact with his erection.

Lynne feels the water rushing past her legs as she steps out of her bikini bottoms, the cool water caressing her folds. She shivers slightly, but Andy's strong hands are there, cupping her breasts, warming her up. He pulls her close, their bodies pressed together, and their lips meet in a passionate kiss.

Their hands wander over each other's bodies, exploring and revealing. As they continue to kiss, Lynne can feel Andy growing harder against her, and she aches for him to be inside her. She breaks the kiss, breathless, and whispers into his ear, "Take me, Andy. I want you."

He breaks the kiss, looking into her eyes. "Do you really want this?" he asks, his voice husky. "To make love out here, under the open sky?" Or should we re-join the others, and enjoy our lunch first?

Lynne looks into his eyes, her own pupils dilated from desire. She nods, her breath coming in short little gasps. "Yes, I want this. I want you." Her fingers dance up his chest, over his shoulders, before curling around his neck. "I would love to be taken right now …”

Lynne looks at him with desire burning in her eyes. "I want this. NOW." She takes his hand and guides it between her legs, moaning as he finds her wet and ready. "Please, Andy. I need you."

He lets out a deep breath, and then slowly slides his hardness inside her. She gasps at the feel of him filling her up, and leans against him, her head resting on his shoulder. Their bodies move together in a rhythm that is at once familiar and new, their passion for each other fuelling them on. The cool water washes over their skin, and the sounds of the forest surround them, adding to the intensity of their lovemaking.

As they continue to make love, Lynne feels a wave of pleasure wash over her, and she cries out in ecstasy, her body tensing and relaxing around Andy's. He follows her over the edge, his grip on her tightening, and she can feel him shudder as he reaches his own release.

They stand there for a moment, breathless and spent, their bodies still pressed together. Finally, Lynne looks up at him and smiles. "I can't believe we just did that. I can't believe we just made love in water for the first time." She feels a surge of love for him, and leans in to kiss him tenderly.

“Maybe we should return for lunch, now?" Andy moves back, away from Lynne, as he looks at her beautiful body. He reaches out to the bank at the side of the lake, where their discarded costumes are lying. They then put their costumes back on and swim back to where they had first entered the water. As they approach the others, Lynne notices that Tom and Sarah are deep in conversation, as their bodies soak up the sun and they don't seem to have noticed that they've been gone for some time. Andy and Lynne carefully step out of the water, trying not to make too much noise as they dry off with their towels. They walk over to the picnic basket, trying to act casual, as if they haven't just engaged in a passionate swim.


Chapter 2 – Clothing Optional

Andy picks up a couple of sandwiches and hands one to Lynne, before taking a seat on the grass.

They both take bites, and Lynne feels a surge of desire as she tastes the food whilst watching the others eating their sandwiches, and licking their lips. She can't help but glance over at Andy, their eyes meeting for a moment before she looks away, feeling a blush creep up her neck.

"Maybe we can all go swimming this afternoon", Lynne says. "I've always wanted to try skinny dipping", she adds, in a sultry voice. "So shall we say clothing is optional?"

Lynne glances over at Tom, her eyes shining with mischief. "Well, Tom and Sarah; what do you think?" she asks; her voice husky. "Would you like to join us?" She reaches out, playfully tugging at the hem of his swim trunks, revealing the defined muscles of his thigh beneath.

Lynne glances over at Tom, waiting for his reaction. Her heart races as she wonders if he'll be interested.

Tom looks from Lynne to Andy, and then back to Lynne, his face flushed. He takes a deep breath,

"Um... I-I... I don't know... I've never... I mean... I'm not... I don't... I'm not sure..." His words trail off as he struggles to find the right thing to say.

He looks at And; then to Sarah and then back to Lynne, wondering what they're thinking, what they want. He's never felt so much desire, so much temptation. He glances down at his swim trunks, feeling the heat in his loins.

"I... I don't... I mean... I'd... I'd like to... I..." He stammers, his cheeks burning red.

"We... we could... we could all... take our time... get comfortable..." Lynne says; her voice soft and inviting. "We could... explore together... or... separately... or..." Her words trail off suggestively.

"Lynne..." Andy says; his voice husky. "You're making this very difficult for poor Tom here." He grins at Tom, who flushes even deeper.

"Well... I... um... I..." Tom sputters his heart racing. "I just... I mean... I've never..." He takes another deep breath, struggling to find the words.


That was a preview of A Day At The Lake. To read the rest purchase the book.

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