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Coming to Muremberg

Douglas Fox


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Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Coming from Nuremburg

By Douglas Fox © 2017




This story was written by my father, Dieter M. Pfeiffer. My sister, younger brother and I were cleaning out our parents’ attic after my mother’s passing about six months ago. We found an old box containing a yellowed manuscript done in a curious mix of German in Kurrent style* and cursive English. My father wrote the story of how I came to be. That is what it describes directly, but it really is a love story about two German teens caught in the insanity of Nazi Germany and the Second World War.


My father apparently started this manuscript in German while he was a prisoner-of-war. He finished it sometime in late 1946 back at home, after he married my mother. The story began in German but switched over to a mix of German and English as my father learned English in the late 1940s. At some point in time my father worked on translating this manuscript to English, but that task was never completed.


My sister, Anna, my brother, William, and I think our parents’ story is enlightening and an enjoyable read. My father is much earthier and graphic than I would have expected from the staid, very correct parent I remember from my youth. The three of us debated whether we should complete the translation my father started before posting this story on-line. We decided against that. You get a better feel of Germany and growing up during the Nazi regime as we found the manuscript. I have added some translations of words or phases in-line to help non-German speakers understand my father.


By way of background, my father was born March 14, 1922 in a small town in northern Germany in what is now the Schleswig-Holstein State. The population of the town of Leck is about three-quarters German and one quarter Dane. The province of Schleswig was traded back and forth between the two countries over the centuries. Our mother, Giselle Anna Fischer, was born a few weeks before our father, on February 27, 1922, also in Leck. The farming town is noted for raising cattle on the flat, green pastures surrounding the town.


I hope you enjoy the love story of my parents and their trials and tribulations growing up in Nazi Germany during a world war.


Horst P. Pfeiffer, PhD

Gettysburg, PA, October 22, 2017


* Kurrent Style was an early to mid-20th Century cursive style of writing unique to German cursive writers.






The cover photo is from the National Archives, a photo of Erwin Rommel in the desert in 1941.


Chapter 1




“Wasn’t the Führer’s speech amazing?” Werner Sommer gushed.


“The Fatherland is fortunate to have a leader like him,” Karl Müller agreed. Dieter Pfeiffer rolled his eyes but managed to keep his mouth shut otherwise. He had to admit the pageantry that evening had been moving.


Thirty-one teens from the Hitlerjugend and Bundes Deutsches Mädchen (HJ & BDM) cells from Leck, Schleswig-Holstein were riding a bus back to the Nuremberg Hitlerjugend barracks after the youth night of the 1938 National Socialist Party Rally.


The Party trumpeted how the Hitlerjugend marched to Nuremburg for the Youth Rally but the truth was somewhat more complicated. It took hours to sort out the 50,000 jugend [youth] and get them directed to their evening accommodations. No cell would have time to march far enough to reach a proper camping area nor to set up camp that evening. That night, they would stay in the barracks. Tomorrow the march back to Leck, in Schleswig-Holstein along the Danish border, would begin.


The mädchen, the girls, sat in the front of the bus. The jungen, the boys, sat in the back. Dieter stole glances at Giselle Fischer at the front of the bus. He saw her glancing back at him a few times. She always gave him a smile. The two had shared three dates over the summer. The last one, two weekends ago, Giselle had allowed Dieter’s hand to roam. He had felt up her wonderful tits as they exchanged French kisses. God in Heaven, he needed to find time alone with Giselle.


“I hope I am in one of the lucky couples tonight,” Werner commented to Dieter.


“Lucky couples?” Dieter asked. “What do you mean?” Werner, seventeen, had attended the Nazi Rally last year.


“Two or three of the pure Aryan couples are allowed to share one of the leader’s rooms in the barracks,” Werner explained.


“Frau König would never allow that,” Dieter said.


“The fight with the Bolshies will take decades,” Werner explained. “The Party looks the other way when young Aryan jungen [boys] and mädchen [girls] decide to fuck. What’s the worst that happens? The fatherland has another strong Aryan baby to grow up and carry on the fight with Moscow.”


“You are sure about this?” Dieter asked, shocked at the news.


“I wasn’t lucky enough last year, but I watched Georg Fischer take Katje Hauser to a leader’s room and spend the night with her.”


“Giselle’s brother?” Dieter asked.


“Ja, Georg,” Werner replied. “He’s in the Wehrmacht now. Katje had their baby, three months ago.”


du lügst nicht,“ Dieter blurted.


I am telling the truth,“ Werner swore.


“Amazing!” Dieter exclaimed. “Maybe it’s true but I’ll never get picked. What I would give for a night with Giselle.” Werner just laughed.


“They’re looking for Aryans for their couples,” Werner said. “Frau König and Herr Baumann already think the Fischers are good Aryans. You…” Werner laughed. “You are soo… totally Aryan looking. Blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin. I’ll be shocked if you don’t get picked tonight.”


The bus pulled into what looked like army barracks. The sign at the gate told a different story. This was the Nuremberg Hitlerjugend Barracks. The bus stopped in the front of the compound. Herr Baumann, the leader of the Leck HJ cell and Frau König, leader of the BDM cell, called for their charges to grab their packs, unload and march over to Hut 27, their destination for the night.


The huts were long, one-story wooden buildings that looked to be no more than two or three years old. The boys entered one end of the barracks. The girls entered the other end. Two or three other HJ cells shared the bunks in the barracks. Washrooms and leader’s rooms separated the boys and girls’ section of the barracks.


Dieter, Werner and their friend Karl Müller selected bunks. Dieter took the top bunk over Werner’s bed. Karl was beside them in the next pair of bunks. Herr Baumann came out to the common room and called for quiet.


“Werner Sommers, Dieter Pfieffer and Rutger Jannsen, please bring your gear and follow me,” Herr Baumann announced. Rutger, a sixteen-year-old classmate of Dieter’s, glanced over and Dieter and Werner. Dieter gave his friend a blank look and shrugged. Werner smiled like the Cheshire cat.


“Told you so,” Werner crowed as the three jungen followed Herr Baumann to the leader’s rooms. “I wonder who we will be paired with.”


“Paired with?” Rutger asked. He had no idea what was coming. Dieter was worried. He and Giselle Fischer were developing a good relationship. What would she think if he slept with another girl tonight? For the Fatherland or not, he doubted she would forgive him if he slept with another girl.


Herr Baumann took the three jungen into one of the leader’s rooms. The room had a bed large enough for two, a dresser with a wash basin and a shelf with hooks to hang your things for the night. The tight room probably measured 3.5 by 4 meters. Herr Baumann motioned for the three boys to sit on the bed.


“All of you are good Aryan jungen who have excelled in the HJ,” Herr Baumann explained. “You have earned an opportunity tonight, thanks to your Aryan bloodline and your good work in the Hitlerjugend. We are going to pair you up and allow you to enjoy the comfort and privacy of the leader’s rooms while we stay here.”


“There are three of us,” Rutger asked. “You said paired. Are all of us going to squeeze in this room?”


“No, Herr Müller,” Herr Baumann replied. “I said paired. You will be paired with one of the BD mädchen tonight.” Werner grinned. Dieter nodded. Rutger stared at his leader in disbelief.


“The Fatherland is in an epic struggle with the Bolshewiki,” Herr Baumann explained. “The struggle with the Reds could be decades long. Deutschland will need every able-bodied Aryan man to overcome the barbarian hordes from the East. Your Fatherland is asking each of you to begin your contribution to overcoming this menace tonight. You are to share your bed with a good Aryan girl. If this should happen to result in a full-blooded Aryan baby, so much the better for the party and the Fatherland.”


Herr Baumann paused to gauge the reaction of his charges. Werner was still grinning ear to ear. Rutger was shocked at this development. Dieter was a harder read. He didn’t seem surprised at the news that they were to sleep with a girl tonight but still, he didn’t seem as happy at the announcement as Herr Baumann expected. He reached over and patted Dieter on the knee.


“It will be fine,” he said. “Dieter, you will be paired with Giselle Fischer.” That brought relief and then a big grin to Dieter’s face. Herr Baumann smiled to himself. His information was good. The two teens were dating.


“Werner, you will be paired with Rachel Schröder,” Herr Baumann continued.


“Excellent!” Werner crowed. Rachel was a pretty, well-endowed girl in 11th Grade in School.


“Rutger, you will be paired with Gerta Zimmerman,” Herr Baumann said. Rutger finally allowed a slight smile. “Did any of you jungs bring kondoms?”


“Gummis? Nein,” Werner denied. Both Dieter and Rutger blushed but shook their heads no.


“Good! Hopefully you jungen will be fruitful,” Herr Baumann said. “The pairings will continue for the remainder of the march home. Gauleiter Hinrich Lohse [leader of the Süd-Tondern Landkreise] would like to provide the Führer with 200 pure blooded Aryan babies by his birthday next April. The HJ and BDM will do its part, to the greater glory of the Fatherland.”


Werner, Dieter and Rutger exchanged glances. ‘The Fatherland wants you to have sex with these pretty girls. Do not use protection. Try to make babies.’ These were directions that any teen-aged junge could follow.


“Dieter, this will be your room, tonight,” Herr Baumann said. “Undress and get comfortable. Werner and Rutger, I will take you to your rooms for the night. Giselle will be along shortly, after Frau König is done talking with the mädchen.” Herr Baumann took Werner and Rutger down the hallway, leaving Dieter alone in the small room.


Dieter unrolled his horseshoe pack and pulled his nightshirt out. He was unbuttoning his shirt to change when the door opened. Giselle stepped into the room, carrying her bag.


“Good evening,” she remarked as Dieter stopped undressing with his shirt hanging mostly open and showing off his hairless chest.


“Um… hello,” Dieter stuttered. “I’m… I’m glad you’re here.” He blushed as he stared at his friend.


“I am glad it is you in here,” Giselle. “I… I don’t know what I would have done if I was paired with someone else.”


“I know,” Dieter replied. “I wouldn’t want to… to… you know… have sex with… someone else. Tonight… Herr Baumann and Frau König putting us together. It is a complete surprise to me.”


“I am not totally surprised,” Giselle replied. “You know about Georg and Katje last year?”


“I heard,” Dieter answered. “How is your nephew?”


“He’s good,” Giselle said. “He is growing up in at the Lebensborn facility in Flensburg. My family and Katje get to visit occasionally. Georg saw him before he went into the army.”


“How is Georg?”


“Georg is still in Allgemeine Grundausbildung [basic training for soldiers],” Giselle answered. “He says the feldwebels [sergeants] are always yelling at him.”


“I’ll probably find out about that in a couple years,” Dieter said. “Assuming the Heeres drafts me. Tonight… are you sure about tonight?”


“It scares me a little,” Giselle said.


“It is better if we don’t do this,” Dieter responded.


“Not do it?” Giselle murmured. “You don’t want to do it with me. You don’t think I’m pretty.”


“No! You… you are hübsch… schön! [pretty]” Dieter replied. “I want to do it… to have sex with you. I want it so bad.”


“But you don’t want to do it tonight?” Giselle asked.


“I want to… very much,” Dieter insisted. “I just don’t want to hurt you. I am not sure if you want to make a baby tonight. That would be terrible for your life.”


“I am not wild about making a baby either,” Giselle agreed. “But you do think I’m… attractive?”


“I have wanted to… to… have sex with you since our date three Saturdays ago,” Dieter said. “When we were kissing and petting that night in the park, I wanted to… to… I shouldn’t tell you this.”


“What did you want, Dieter?” Giselle asked. She stepped beside him and stared into his eyes. “What?”


“I… I… wanted to pull your panties down… and…” Dieter stuttered as he stared into Giselle’s eyes.


“Fick mir?” [Fuck me?]


“Ja… I wanted to fick you,” Dieter answered warily. He expected a slap in the face or at least a chewing out at admitting he wanted to fick her. Instead, Giselle responded with a shy smile.


“I wanted that too,” Giselle said quietly. “I like you a lot.”


“Me too,” Dieter agreed. “Too many people at the park and we had no privacy.”


“It is just you and me,” Giselle said. “Completely private. Maybe we could play around.”


“I don’t want to hurt you,” Dieter said. “Are you sure this is okay?”


“I don’t want a baby,” Giselle said. “Maybe we could play a little but not go all the way.”


“We could do that,” Dieter agreed. “So… what now?”


“Get naked and hop in bed?” Giselle teased. “I will if you will.”


“Um… Ja… I can do that,” Dieter agreed. “Do you want me to turn my back while you undress?”


“Why?” Giselle asked. “We’re getting together, naked in bed.” Dieter blushed as he began undressing in front of a girl for the first time in his life. He stopped before removing his undergarment. Giselle was down to her undergarments too.


“Help with my bra,” she asked as she turned her back to him. He fumbled for a few seconds before figuring out how the catches worked. Giselle shrugged the garment off and let it fall to the floor. She turned around so Dieter could inspect her.


“Fantastic!” Dieter blurted out. “Very amazing.”


“You are handsome,” Giselle replied. “Let’s hop in bed.”


Dieter and Giselle sat down on the edge of the bed and turned to face each other. Giselle put her hands on his shoulders as he leaned in to kiss her. The two deep kissed for a couple minutes. Both were comfortable in this role. They had made out on each of their previous three dates, though they weren’t nearly naked in a private room.

Dieter pushed Giselle back onto the bed as he continued kissing her. The two scooted to the middle of the bed as they kissed. Dieter’s hands wandered down Giselle’s chest until he felt her breasts.

“Schön!” Giselle breathed. [Nice!] “Feel my titties.” Dieter continued exploring her chest. This was his first time feeling bare tits. It was exciting. The two jugend deep kissed and petted for half a dozen minutes. Dieter’s erection was hard as a bar of steel. Dieter was sprawled against Giselle’s side. She could feel his boner poking against her side as he kissed and played with her.


Dieter decided it was time to explore further. One hand left her breasts and slid down her stomach. His fingers were insinuating themselves under her panties when Giselle intercepted his wandering fingers.


“Halt!” she gasped. As she pulled his hand away. “Too far, Dieter.” Giselle had never allowed a junge to touch her down there.


“What?” Dieter begged. “We’re alone. You said we could explore tonight.”


“What if we get carried away?” Giselle retorted. “You might get me pregnant.”


“That’s what we are supposed to be doing,” Dieter teased. “Herr Baumann and Frau König want us to make a baby.” Giselle stared in shock at her boyfriend. “Of course, I won’t do that. I care too much about you.”


Dieter pressed his hand downward for Giselle’s panties again as she relaxed her grip on his wrist. His finger slid inside them, finding a thatch of hair above her womanhood.


“I don’t know…” Giselle wavered.


“It will be fun,” Dieter promised. His hand slipped down her furrow. The finger splitting her furrow open felt nice. Giselle cooed her appreciation of Dieter’s gentle explorations. What Dieter felt was an education to him as well. His understanding of female anatomy was restricted to dirty photos that were blurry. “May I see you?” Dieter asked quietly as he fondled the floppy loose inner lips of her pussy. His fingers were getting wet, though Dieter didn’t understand why.


“Mmm… uh… see me?” Giselle murmured. She felt her bottom getting wet too. Unlike Dieter, she understood what that meant. The boy was turning her on. Dieter’s erection poked against her thigh. “When I can see you too.”


“Me too?” Dieter responded, surprised at the request. He rolled away and peeled off his underwear. He rolled back to face Giselle. She stared at his boner. It was around 15 cm tall, tapering from a thick, 3 cm shaft at the root to about 2.5 cm at the top. Dieter’s foreskin completely covered the head of his tool. [Roughly 6” in length, an 1 ¼” at the root and an inch at the top]


“You’re next,” Dieter said as Giselle stared at his erection. He reached for the top of her panties. She lifted her hips and allowed Dieter to pull them below her knees. She lifted her legs and Dieter tossed the panties aside. Dieter stared at his friend.


“You are so pretty,” Dieter pronounced in appreciation of Giselle’s beauty.


“My I feel you?” Giselle asked.


“Me? Uh… ja,” Dieter agreed. Giselle reached her hand out and wrapped her fingers around Dieter’s erection.


“It’s soft and warm,” Giselle marveled. “It is so hard too. It is too fat to fit in me.”


“It will if we try,” Dieter responded. He reached his hand out and fingered her pussy again. “But we won’t try tonight. I don’t want to hurt you.”


“You are sweet to me,” Giselle murmured. Dieter leaned down and kissed her again. His body straddled hers, his erection poking against the horny, slightly scared teen. The two continued their foreplay. Their legs entwined as they made out. Soon, Dieter’s thick boner was rubbing against Giselle’s wet pussy. The horny teens continued making out for ten minutes, reveling in the new and exquisite sensation they were experiencing.


A loud knocking at the door interrupted the teens. Both teens pulled apart and bolted upright, staring in horror at the disturbance.


“Herr Pfieffer, Fraulien Fischer, we are coming in,” Frau König announced. “Get prepared.” Their leader waited outside their door while the two teens dove under the covers in the bed. Giselle drew the cover up high enough to hide her breasts from view.


“Come in,” Giselle called as she preserved her modesty. Dieter was exposed from the waist up. It didn’t take much to notice the tent in the sheet, either. The sheet covered but didn’t really hide his erection from notice.


“Do you two have any questions about… uh… technique?” Frau König asked. “What goes where?”


“Um… nein,” Dieter replied, his face turning red. “Nein,” Giselle echoed.


“Foreplay is fun,” Herr Baumann said. “Dieter, get down to your business and complete your task. You two do not have all night for fun. We have a 20 km march tomorrow and you two need sleep too.”


“Jawohl,” Dieter replied in automatic obedience.


“Take care of business, Giselle,” Frau König concurred. “It is all for the greater glory of the Fatherland.”


“Jawohl, Frau König,” Giselle agreed. Their leaders stepped out of the room. The two teens stared at each other.


“They’re watching us,” Giselle commented.


“They expect us to take care of business,” Dieter added. “I don’t think we get any say about whether we do it or not, tonight.”


“I don’t want to have a baby yet,” Giselle said grimly. “I am too young for this.”


“I don’t want to hurt you,” Dieter added. “I also don’t want Frau König in here instructing us how to ‘take care of business.’ I would prefer we are alone when I screw you.”


“I would prefer that too,” Giselle agreed.


“I don’t think we have a choice,” Dieter said. “My Vati says, ‘The reed that bends lasts through the wind.’ Maybe we need to bend. What if we fuck but I stop before I spray in your pussy?”


“Can you manage that?” Giselle asked.


“Odds are better that I manage it if we are alone than if we have Frau König instructing us on how to do our task,” Dieter said.


“True, I guess,” Giselle said. “The things we are asked to do for the Fatherland.”


“Don’t say that thought out loud,” Dieter whispered, then adding out loud, “Making a baby with you would be great for the Fatherland. I am happy to do my duty.”


“Me too,” Giselle replied out loud.


Dieter leaned close and whispered, “We’ll do it and I’ll pull out before I come. Shall we get started?”


“Fick me,” Giselle agreed. She spread her legs wide to accommodate Dieter. He climbed between them and laid on top of Giselle.


“Are you… Jungfrau?” Dieter asked. Is she a virgin?


“Ja, you?”


“Ja, me too,” Dieter said. He leaned down and deep kissed Giselle. He rubbed his erection up and down her labia.


“It doesn’t matter,” Giselle replied. “You are erect. I know where my hole is. We will figure it out from there.”


Dieter rubbed his boner up and down through her swollen, wet pussy lips. His erection did not find its target.


“Tiefer… gehe tiefer,” Giselle commented as she directed he lover lower towards his target. Dieter probed the end of his erection lower until he found a depressed area. He tried to press in.


“Too low!” Giselle gasped as he pressed her asshole. “Geh höher.” Dieter slipped his erection up a bit, finding another opening. Giselle’s Schwammlippen [labia] stretched around his pole as he pressed forward.


“That is my hole,” Giselle commented. She steeled her nerves for what came next. A friend who lost her virginity said this part hurt like the teufel [devil]. Dieter stared down at Giselle. He saw her nervousness and fear.


“I’ll be gentle,” Dieter promised. He pressed his member forward. Giselle felt a slight pain as he pressed against her maidenhead. His erection bent as he tried to force his entry. Dieter slipped a hand between their bodies and straightened his pole and pressed again. Giselle’s eyes watered as he tried to penetrate her.


“OOooouufff…” Giselle gasped as suddenly her cherry tore and Dieter’s pole stretched her open and penetrated four or five centimeters.


“Are you all right?” Dieter asked.


“Bury your cock in me,” Giselle gasped through the stretching and pain.


Dieter gave two or three thrusts before all fifteen centimeters disappeared into Giselle’s body. He arched his back and peered between their bellies. All he could see was his blond thatch of hair entangled with Giselle’s slightly darker pubic hair. “Does is hurt too much?”


“I’m good,” Giselle replied. “You are so big. You stretch me so much.”


“You’re crying,” Dieter responded. “I am sorry… so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.” He shifted his weight slightly, causing his erection to pull out and thrust in again.


“Don’t move, please,” Giselle asked. “A moment.” Dieter froze, his Männchen [little man] buried deep inside Giselle. So hot, so wet. Dieter could feel his orgasm begin to build.


“You can start moving,” Giselle, giving Dieter permission. Dieter did. It didn’t take many strokes for him to find the rhythm as old as Adam and Eve. He stroked his cock in and out of her pussy. Both jugend enjoyed the feelings of ficken [fucking] now.


“Pull out before…” Giselle remarked.


“SSshhh…” Dieter warned with a harsh whisper. “We are being watched.” Out loud he commented, “Almost ready to come!”


“We’re not making a baby,” Giselle whispered back.


“I’mmm… coming… Oooohhh…” Dieter moaned loudly. He began bucking his hips, driving his dick in fast and hard. “I’m cccc…close… almost… commmmm… comming,” he gasped loudly.


Giselle stared up at Dieter in shock. He winked to her as he announced, “Ohhhh… shieße! I’m komming…” [Shit! I’m coming.] He slammed his dick in hard and grunted repeatedly. He gave his hips short inwards thrusts as he pretended to plant his baby making seed in Giselle’s belly. He collapsed on top of Giselle as if he came.


In reality, Dieter’s Schwanz was primed but wasn’t quite ready to fire off its load of sperma. “So… ohhh… so good.”


“So nice,” Giselle agreed. “Too bad we have to stop.”


“I’m still hard,” Dieter whispered.


“A little more?”


Dieter gently pulled away and pressed in again. He pumped his dick in and out slowly, not allowing his movements to be too obvious.


“more… please,” Giselle begged in a whisper. Dieter gave it to her. Half a dozen strokes proved to be too many. Dieter’s balls churned and his schwanz [cock] throbbed. He tried to pull out, pulling away almost in time. His schwanz planted a spritz of sperma inside Giselle, a second at her opening as he pulled out and then half a dozen spritzes on her belly as he pulled free.


“Were you in time?” Giselle asked.


“I think,” Dieter replied. “I think I pulled out fast enough.”


“You make quite a mess,” Giselle commented as she looked down at the globs of sperm covering her belly. Dieter grabbed one of his handkerchiefs and wiped up the mess. The two youths, now giggling, hopped out of bed and pulled on their night clothes – a knee length nightshirt for Dieter and a longer, mid-calf length one for Giselle. The two climbed back in bed and got under the covers. They cuddled as they prepared for sleep.


“What are our chances of making a baby if I don’t pull out fast enough?” Dieter asked.


“I have no idea,” Giselle replied. “My Mutti [mom] hasn’t told me anything about making babies. All she said was that I should keep my knees closed and don’t let you do what we just did.”


“I loved what we just did but I don’t want to hurt you,” Dieter replied. “I wonder if we will get another chance like this before we get home?”


“I am willing,” Giselle said. “So long as you pull out and come on my belly, not in it.”


“I can do that,” Dieter promised.




Seven o’clock came much too quickly for the tired jugend sharing a bed with a lover for the first time. Herr Baumann announced the time by heading down the hallway announcing, “Get up everyone … time to get up.”


“Are you all right?” Dieter asked as he climbed out of bed.


“I am good,” Giselle said.


“I am sorry about what we did last night,” Dieter said. “I am not sorry about sex having with you, I am sorry it was done under orders from… from…” Dieter cocked his head towards the door. He didn’t feel safe blaming his Scharleiters [cell leaders] for forcing them to have sex.


“I am not sorry,” Giselle replied. “You were kind and gentle last night. You tried to make sure this didn’t hurt me. I am grateful for your consideration. Someone had to be my first and I am glad it was you.”


“Me too,” Dieter replied. “We better get cleaned up and packed, otherwise we will miss breakfast.”


The two rose, cleaned up and changed into their uniforms for the day. Their horseshoe roll packs didn’t take long to assemble. Giselle returned to the girls’ area while Dieter rejoined the other boys in the boys’ area.


“How was your night, lover boy?” Werner asked Dieter as they met. “Was Giselle hot and willing?”


“It was good,” Dieter allowed.


“Rachel was superb!” Werner replied. “She is a hot and horny girl.”


Herr Baumann lined up all the jungen and marched them off to the dining hall before Werner could pump information out of Rutger about his night with Gerta. The jungen were separated from the mädchen at the dining hall. Dieter did notice that Frau König gathered Giselle, Rachel and Gerta together to eat breakfast away from the rest of the mädchen.


Frau König waited until the girls were settled before she began her debriefing of last night’s activities.


“Did your man perform the task assigned for each of you?” the Frau asked. All three mädchen agreed that their jungen had performed sex on them the previous evening.


“How are the chances that you will conceive a child for the Führer?” The mädchen just shrugged their shoulders. Frau König shook her head and commented, “So young,” as she shook her head. “Rachel when was your last period?”


“Um… a couple weeks ago?” Rachel replied, looking a little unsure.


“Exactly, how many days ago?” Frau König demanded. Rachel thought for a moment and counted backwards silently.


“Um… fourteen days ago,” Rachel offered timidly.


“Excellent!” Frau König responded, grinning. “Chances of you giving the Führer another pure-blood Aryan baby are excellent. You should be pregnant by the time we reach Leck.” She turned towards Gerta.


“Um… about five days ago,” Gerta answered without prompting. Frau König tried to hide her disappointment.


“You and Rutger may join together again after we get home,” Frau König replied. “Giselle, how about you?”


“Um… ten days,” Giselle allowed quietly. Sex fourteen days ago was pretty certain to get a girl pregnant, apparently. Five days after your period and the chances must be low. Giselle steeled herself to hear her chances of making a baby.


“Ten days?” Frau König commented with a smile. “Probably not from last night, but your chances of conceiving a good, full-blooded Aryan baby for the Fatherland may be achieved before we reach home.” She looked at the three mädchen triumphantly. “You will all sleep with your jungen for the remainder of the trip home. If you don’t conceive by the time we return to Leck, we will arrange for you and your junge to have more private time together, so you can bless the Führer with an Aryan offspring.”


Frau König moved on, leaving the three mädchen alone. “So… how was your first time?” Rachel asked when the Frau was out of hearing. “It was your first times, correct?” Giselle and Gerta both blushed a bit but nodded yes.


“Dieter did fine,” Giselle allowed. “It hurt a bit but he was gentle.”


“The inexperienced boy knew what to do?” Rachel asked.


“Mostly… with a little help,” Giselle replied.


“Must have been better than Rutger,” Gerta said. “He fumbled around but finally got it in me, then he lasted about five seconds before he exploded.”


“He delivered his load?” Rachel asked. “That is what is important for the glory of the Fatherland.” Giselle and Gerta shared a glance. Rachel was a dedicated Nazi, fully believing in all the propaganda the party produced. Giselle and Gerta belonged to the BDM because it was expected and to spend time with their friends.


“He delivered,” Gerta answered. “It is a relief to know that Rutger probably didn’t plant a baby in me last night. The idea scares me.”


“Me too,” Giselle agreed. “Everyone knows Werner macht dicke höse. Did Werner take care of you last night?” Making fat pants is deutsche slang literally translating to make fat pants. It means the person is boastful or a braggart, certainly true of Werner. The fat pants implied they had a bulge from a big wallet with lots of money.


“dicke höse von dicke Brieftasche oder großer Schwanz?” Gerta asked, laughing. [fat pants from a big wallet or big cock?]


“Not the big cock,” Rachel giggled. “He was… adequate to my needs. Poke his kleine Schwanz [little cock] in, rut around a little and come. He rolled off and promptly fell asleep.”


“Dieter lasted longer than that,” Giselle responded. “Maybe thirty seconds. Is that long for a jungfrau junge [virgin boy]?”


“Not too bad,” Rachel allowed. She was the only one of the three that had sex prior to last night. “Both jungen will get better with practice and Frau König promises us plenty of practice before we get home. I am glad we are all going to be carrying babies for the of the Führer together.”


Giselle and Gerta agreed, trying to hide their reluctance from true-believer Rachel. The conversation turned to other things as they ate their breakfast.


The HJ and BDM cells from Leck took lunch bags from the dining hall before gathering up their packs, grabbing their flags and marching off. The group marched with roughly five hundred other jugend from Schleswig-Holstein the twenty-two kilometers north to Buttenheim that day. They camped in a field near the edge of the town. The HJ and BDM had the move organized. Their cooking gear, a supply of firewood and water was ready for them when they arrived at camp. The group set up camp, had dinner and then enjoyed songs and stories around the campfire in the evening.


Three tents were set up somewhat separated from the rest of the group, for Werner and Rachel; Dieter and Giselle; and Rutger and Gerta. Giselle was the first to head to the tents as the evening wound down. Dieter followed a minute later.


“Schalfen sie gut, Dieter,” one of the jungen teased. [Sleep well, Dieter.] “Nein, beischalfen sie, gut,” another added. The jungen laughed at the pun. Instead of wishing Dieter a good night’s sleep, the joker wished him to have sexual intercourse well. Beischlafen was an old-fashioned term for sexual intercourse.


“Fick you, Karl,” Dieter retorted.


“No… you fick Giselle, not me,” Karl responded. Dieter made a circle with his left thumb and finger and then thrust his right middle finger through the hole.


“Ja… that’s it,” Karl said laughing.


Dieter climbed inside his tent to the laughter of his friends. Giselle was under the blanket. She pulled it aside to reveal that she was naked.


“I guess we are doing it again tonight?” Dieter asked.


“Do we have a choice?” Giselle asked. “Be careful. We can have fun like last night but be careful, Dieter.” He was stripping off his clothes from the day. Less than thirty seconds later, he was naked too and lying beside Giselle. He embraced her and gave her a kiss. Giselle responded to his tongue with her own. The teasing from their friends was forgotten. There was just the two of them, exploring what it meant to be sixteen and horny.


The two kissed and caressed. Dieter’s erection rubbed against Giselle’s side as they played. After a bit, Dieter slipped his hand down to play with Giselle’s pussy. The young mädchen purred with delight as Dieter increased her desire.


“Hold still,” a muffled junges voice said from the next tent. “I can’t find your hole.” Dieter and Giselle had the middle tent in the row of three tents. Werner and Rachel were camped less than a meter to their right. Rutger and Gerta were to the left of their tent.


“I have it,” Rachel snapped. “Here! Stick it in.”


Dieter and Giselle stopped kissing and stared as they overheard Rachel’s grunt as Werner speared her on his schwanz. They managed to suppress their giggles. “Slower,” Rachel groaned. “Not so fast.” They could hear the slap as Werner’s body banged into Rachel as they coupled. The commotion lasted about twenty seconds, culminated in Werner’s noisy climax.


“Rachel is going to get her baby,” Giselle whispered to her lover. “We have to be careful, very careful until we get home. I don’t want to have a baby for the glory of the Fatherland.”


“I don’t want that either,” Dieter agreed. They went back to petting and kissing. Dieter’s exploring fingers soon had Giselle quite wet. Her Mutti’s admonition to keep jungen away from her panties was forgotten. The Nazi Party may have initiated her into sex, but she liked what Dieter was doing to her.


“Ready?” Dieter asked. Giselle spread her legs wide and nodded her agreement that she was ready for his thick boner to stuff her.


Dieter rolled between her legs and positioned himself. He only needed a couple stabs before finding his target, unlike the previous night. A couple hunches of his hips speared his pole into her pussy. “Are you good?”


“Ja… fick mir,” Giselle responded. [Yes, fuck me.] Dieter began pumping his hard-on in and out of his lover.


Dieter stroked his cock in and out of Giselle’s belly slowly. She cooed her approval as the junge stroked.


“You can go faster,” Giselle asked.


“I can’t,” Dieter moaned. “I will come if I go faster.”


“We have to be careful,” Giselle commented. “You have to pull out before you come.”


“Ja, I understand,” Dieter promised. The pair heard shuffling in the tent to their left.


“Lower… there…” Gerta directed. “That is the spot”


Dieter stared down at Giselle. Both jugend giggled as they overheard their friends engage. Gerta sighed as they presumed Rutger sank his dick into his lover.


“Nice!” Rutger huffed. “It is nice.”


Dieter continued stroking slowly as they listened to their friends screw. He made half a dozen stokes when they heard Rutger give out a low, long groan and come. They heard Rutger and Gerta scramble around as they disengaged. Dieter and Giselle giggled at overhearing their friends as Dieter continued stroking in and out of Giselle


“I am glad you don’t come so quick,” Giselle commented.


“I try,” Dieter replied as he continued stroking in and out.


“Pull out before you come,” Giselle asked. “It is extremely dangerous today.”


“I thought you weren’t sure about the danger,” Dieter remarked. “Is it extremely dangerous tonight?”


“Frau König talked to Rachel, Gerta and me this morning,” Giselle explained. “Apparently making a baby has something to do with my bleeding.”


“Bleeding?” Dieter asked blankly.


“Down there… where you are,” Giselle explained. “It happens every month for mädchen. Frau König got excited when Rachel said yesterday was fourteen days after her bleeding. Frau is certain Werner and Rachel will make a baby. When Gerta said her bleeding was only five days ago, Frau said it was unlikely Rutger will give her a baby before we get home.”


“And you?” Dieter asked. “When was your bleeding?”


“Ten days,” Giselle answered. “Frau König seemed confident you and I will make a baby before we get home too.”


“You don’t really want that do you?” Dieter asked.


“Not really,” Giselle said. “We’re young. It seems too soon for us to be having a baby.”


“I promise, I will be very careful,” Dieter responded. He continued stroking in and out of his girlfriend. No longer totally inexperienced, he lasted longer as he pistoned his dick.


“Careful!” Giselle warned repeatedly as they coupled. “Pull out before you come.”


Dieter groaned as he continued pumping. “Don’t come in me!” Giselle warned.


Dieter passed one minute and pushed towards two minutes. Dieter’s pole stretched and poked her in wondrous ways. Sex was so much better than she imagined it would be. She clung to him as he drilled her.


“Shit!” Dieter moaned. “I’m kkk… kom… komming…” the junge moaned. [Coming]


“Don’t !” Giselle begged as she tried to push Dieter off her. He managed to pull out just before his cock belched and drenched her womanhood with sticky white globs of come. “Wars du in zeit?” [Were you in time?]


“Ja… Ja… I was,” Dieter grunted as he rolled off Giselle. She grabbed the same bandanna they used to wipe up last night and cleaned herself off.


“That was… fantastic!” Giselle murmured as she cuddled again her man.


“It was fun,” Dieter agreed.


“I might be falling in love with you,” Giselle purred as she cuddled with Dieter.


“You are… uh… special,” Dieter answered. “I really like you.”


They exchanged kisses before falling asleep cuddled together and naked. Neither bothered to pull on their night shirts before they fell asleep.




The Scharleiters [cell leaders] had the jugend up early the following morning. The jungen and mädchen cooked breakfast, cleaned up and packed their packs for the day’s march. The large group of jugend from Schleswig-Holstein marched through half a dozen small villages, flags flying as they headed for their camping spot, a patch of woods on the edge of Kemmern, 20 kilometers from Buttenheim.


Camping arrangements were similar to the previous night for the cell from Leck. Three tents were set a little away from the jungen and the mädchen groups of tents for Werner and Rachel; Rutger and Gerta; and Dieter and Giselle.


Dieter, Werner and Rutger received a good bit of teasing from the teens about their “sleeping arrangements.” The three met the teasing with smiles. They knew any of the other boys would give their right nut to switch places and follow orders to have sex with one of the pretty mädchens.


After the evening campfire, the three couples headed to bed. “Beischlafen sie gut, Dieter,” Georg Vögel teased.


I will be fucking while you are jerking off,” Dieter retorted as he climbed into his tent. That reminder silenced the catcalls from the other jungen.


“Who is jerking off?” Giselle asked as Dieter undressed beside their bedroll.


“The other guys,” Dieter replied. “They are jealous.”


“Warum?” Giselle asked. [Why?]


I am with a beautiful mädchen,“ Dieter replied. “They have their hands.”


The teenagers laid down together and began making out. They kissed and Dieter began to play with Giselle’s breasts. Dieter barely began feeling up Giselle when the clatter came through the thin canvas walls from the tent next door. Werner, like a flailing buffalo, mounted Rachel and fucked her until his noisy climax. The tent next door went quiet shortly after Werner’s crescendo of a climax.


Giselle lay there as Dieter felt her up. Rachel, her friend, had another belly full of sperm from Werner. Had they already made the baby? Rachel was getting what she coveted, a chance to bear a child for the Führer. Did she want this? Giselle remembered how difficult her brother Georg’s girlfriend, Katje’s pregnancy had been. She didn’t want the difficulties Katje had experienced. Still her nephew, Peter, was a little cutie.


Dieter slipped a hand down to her pussy while Giselle pondered the possibilities. He found her quite wet. They continued their Zungenküssen [deep kisses] as he played with her pussy. What would it be like to allow Dieter to spray in her belly? What was it like to actually make a child?


“Bereit?” Dieter asked as he rolled on top of her into the missionary position. [Ready?]


“Screw me,” Giselle agreed.


Practice made perfect. Dieter slipped his thick pole into Giselle. A few pumps and he was buried to the balls.


It felt very nice to have his dick stuffing her pussy. Dieter began thrusting in her. Should she allow Dieter to komm in her? She didn’t want a baby exactly, but somewhere inside her cried out to just let go. Allow Dieter to impregnate her? Giselle shuddered as Dieter stroked her with his pole. Why would she consider that? But his cock felt so good… but... a baby?


“Careful! Pull out before you komm. [come]”


“Ja…” Dieter panted. “I will…”


Giselle was lost in these wondrous feelings Dieter was giving her. Perhaps inspired by overhearing them, Rutger and Gerta got down to business too.


“Ready for me?” Rutger whispered, loud enough for Dieter and Giselle to hear.


Put it in,” Gerta begged. “I’m ready for you.”


Dieter and Giselle shared giggles as they overheard Rutger and Gerta get it on. Dieter continued stroking away. No longer sexually inexperienced, Dieter screwed his girlfriend for a minute, and then on towards two minutes.


“Careful! Pull out before you komm,” Giselle warned. Dieter nodded yes as they heard Rutger climax. They shared smirks. Dieter thrust with his cock.


Giselle marveled at the feelings Dieter was creating. Unglaublich, atemberaubend, überwältigend, und fantastisch. [amazing, stupendous, mind-blowing, and fantastic.] She wished this could go on forever. Suddenly Dieter stopped, his erection embedded fully in her pussy.


“Go… I need more,” Giselle begged. Dieter stared down at her, panting.


I will komm if I keep going,” Dieter huffed.


“Please… more,” Giselle begged. A feeling was growing, unlike anything she’d ever felt before. She had to have more. Dieter paused for about fifteen seconds while his urge to climax subsided. He started pumping his thick cock in and out again. Giselle cooed her approval. The overwrought junge lasted maybe fifteen seconds before he had to pause again.


“I need more,” Giselle begged. She clenched her fingers on his buttocks and tried to coax Dieter into give her what she craved. Nothing else mattered. She needed his thick cock to fill her again and again and again until… whatever was happening to her body needed to come to fruition.


After ten or fifteen seconds, Dieter responded and started stroking her again. He panted and tried to quell the growing feeling in his bottom. It was too much.


“I’m going to komm” Dieter gasped. “I’m… gggoooing… to… to… komm… Ohhhh!”


Giselle clenched his buttocks again and tried to keep her lover moving. Whatever was happening, it was almost there. It would be glorious. She knew it. Like almost sneezing, it was so close. “MORE!” she demanded as she pulled his backside, forcing his pole deeper. It felt like his powerful dick was swelling. “MORE!”


Dieter, barely coherent, whipped his hips backwards just as his cock sprayed komm against her belly. He rolled to his back beside her as his member throbbed and spat sperma all over.


“Shieße!” Giselle snapped as she suddenly felt empty and the promised climax disappeared like smoke on a windy day. “I need more.”


“I can’t,” Dieter panted as he recovered from his orgasm. “I would get you pregnant.”


Giselle lay silent beside her panting lover. Pregnant! How had she forgotten that fact? She was nearing her most vulnerable time and she was literally begging Dieter to spray in her and to make her pregnant. How could she be such a dummkopf?


She rolled towards Dieter and gave the considerate junge a kiss. “Thank you… thank you for pulling out.”


I do not want to hurt you,” Dieter replied. He grabbed his bandanna and wiped up the two of them. They cuddled before falling asleep.




The morning brought surprising news. Their Scharleiter, Rolf Stenger, had caught Paul Ernst and Hannahlore Voss in the woods after bedtime, having sex. Hannahlore was bent over a stump and Paul was banging away at her from behind. He hadn’t bothered with a rubber.


Rolf was the youth in charge of the Leck Schar or cell. He was eighteen and finished with school. He was scheduled to join the Heeres [army] next month, so this trip to Nüremberg was his final act as Scharleiter. He had proved to be a fair but demanding leader for their group. Things had gotten complicated as their Schar grew from 42 to 63 youth, since the Reich declared all Aryan youth must join the HJ last spring.


How would Rolf handle this gross violation of the rules? To most of the group’s shock, Paul was sentenced to do the dishes after meals for the remainder of the trip. Some teens expected he would be reported to the Gestapo for what he did. Dieter didn’t get a chance to speak with Paul until lunch time.


“What were you thinking?” Dieter asked as he sat down beside his classmate. He and Paul had three periods of instruction together in the Gymnasium [high school].


“You, Rutger and Werner are all fucking,” Paul replied, grinning ear to ear. “I was horny. What can I say?”


“But Hannahlore?” Dieter asked. “Right in camp, surrounded by five hundred HJ and BDM? You must have realized you would get caught.”


“I was horny and crazy,” Paul retorted.


“Hannahlore is a slut,” Dieter said. “She’ll spread her legs for anyone with a penis.”


You three were so loud fucking,” Paul said. “I was horny. She was willing to fuck, so why not?”


“But you are in trouble with the Scharleiter,” Dieter said.


Clean-up duty?” Paul retorted. “It doesn’t matter. I had a screw.”


“And when they report you?”


“They can’t,” Paul said. “How do they explain to all the parents about making you, Werner and Rutger sleep with Rachel, Giselle and Gerta? In our Fahnlein, (A group of four Schars or about 160-200 jugend) I bet a dozen couples were out in the woods screwing last night. That’s not counting the official couples like you, Rutger and Werner.”


“I doubt that,” Dieter said.


“I heard over nine hundred mädels [young girls] went home pregnant from the 1936 Party Rally,” Paul said. “500 hundred youth from our Gau (Schleswig-Holstein), horny and unsupervised. What do you think will happen?”


I guess you’re right,” Dieter allowed. “What about punishment?”


“I’ll manage,” Paul replied. “I got my dick in some hot pussy last night. I am willing to pay the price.”




The march to Bad Staffelstein was twenty kilometers. Small crowds in each of the four villages they marched through came out to cheer the procession. Drums banged, trumpets blew and the flags waved as they marched through the small, farming villages. Dieter, as one of the Standardträger [Standard Bearers], felt proud to put on a good display for the locals as they marched north.


The four Fahnleins from Schleswig-Holstein camped in woods on the edge of Bad Staffelstein. The groups set up camp and made dinner. Paul didn’t grumble when he was assigned to clean up while most of the Leck Schar did a small terrain study in the woods. Dieter loved these fake games of war. Camouflage yourself, reconnoiter and find your “enemy” (the Schar from Hosum). The group settled down for a campfire and stories after burning off energy running around the woods and wrestling with their “enemies.”


Werner and Rachel, Rutger and Gerta and Dieter and Giselle excused themselves around 9:00 PM, well before most of the jugend were heading to bed. Long marches and short nights had left the three couples tired. Tired but not too tired.


Werner and Rachel got to it first. Dieter’s friend sounded like a thrashing, wounded Rhino as he balled Rachel. She didn’t care. A true believer Nazi, she was excited to have a belly full of Werner’s sperm so she could have an Aryan baby for the glory of the Fatherland.


Rutger and Dieter soon followed, screwing their lovers. Both couples were getting comfortable with ficken. Rutger set a personal record, lasting almost two minutes before blowing his load in Gerta’s belly. Dieter lasted longer. He’d humped for a while, paused to calm down and then go back to it. Giselle felt the feelings similar to last night build again. Whatever it was, it was so close. Dieter groaned and pulled out before Giselle could experience whatever it was. The two lovers fell asleep naked.




Two more pairs of jungen and mädchen from the Süd Tondern Fahnlein rendezvoused in the night to screw. Neither pair got caught. The Leck Schar was part of the Süd Tondern Fahnlein.


Rolf got an eye full of Giselle’s breasts when he popped the tent flap open to wake the two lovers in the morning. Dieter was a lucky guy, to be assigned to make a baby with Giselle. Rolf remembered back a year ago, when his Scharleiter assigned him, Georg, Giselle’s older brother, and Hans Pieper to the program. He and Eva Kistler had a lot of fun last year on the way home from the Party Rally. His son, Willi, was three months old. His son was being raised in the Party Lebensborn facility in Flensburg.


The Leck Schar roused themselves slowly in the morning. They got breakfast and hit the road, continuing their march north. They had a twenty-one kilometer march to Coburg that day. The large contingent of HJ and BDM jugend camped in a big field near the south end of Coburg.


The cooking crews prepared dinner and everyone wolfed down their food. Marching across Deutschland was hard work. Paul and the assigned clean-up crew did the dishes and stowed away the kitchen gear after dinner. The jugend leiters organized a couple games to keep the group busy. As darkness fell, the group built a small campfire, sang and listened to stories of Aryan heroes of the past.


Leck’s three couples retired to their tents early. Their duty to their Fatherland, and the extraordinary horniness of teens, called them to their beds. Werner gave Rachel her wham, bam and load of sperma before nodding off for the night. Dieter and Giselle were worn out from the long march but managed to play anyway.


The pair deep kissed. Dieter felt up Giselle’s breasts as they kissed. His thumb rubbed across a nipple.


“Oww!” Giselle protested. “Not so rough.” Dieter was surprised. He thought he was being gentle.


Dieter allowed his hand to slip down as they tongue kissed to Giselle’s womanhood. He played with her floppy labia. A finger wormed its way inside her hole as the two kissed. Dieter noted the way Giselle cooed as he felt her bottom. As he worked one finger and then a second into her pussy, his thumb landed higher, on a little bump. It slid around the bump as he worked his fingers in and out of her hole.


“Oooohhh…” Giselle cooed in approval as he used his thumb to explore the bump.


“Rub… with your thumb…” Giselle begged. “…this spot.”


Dieter obeyed. He circled his thumb around the bump and rubbed across it while he worked his index and middle finger in and out of her hole. Giselle moaned and squirmed at his assault. He might be five days past being jungfrau, but he knew Giselle was enjoying what he was doing. The bump seemed to grow as he teased it.


Giselle had been moist down there when he began playing with her. Now she was dripping with wetness. Giselle felt that good feelings rise again, like last night and the night before.


“Ready for me?” Dieter asked. His schwanz had given her the good feeling before.


“Give it to me,” Giselle replied as she spread her legs wide to give Dieter room to mount her. He positioned his manhood and slid it home smoothly. His mädchen was soaking and his dick never went in this easily before. He began stroking.


The good feeling continued to rise as Dieter fickt her. She clutched at him and pushed her body back at him as he thrust in. Dieter noted that Giselle was really responsive this evening. He pumped in and out for a minute. His own bottom hummed as his climax approached.


“More…” she begged. “Give me more. Harder… please… harder.”


Dieter tried to give his lover what she craved. He pounded his dick in, pulled away and pounded it in again as Giselle begged for more. He was close to orgasm, but he gave his desperate lover one more stroke before he froze. He planned to hold still and allow the urge to komm to subside so he could continue their fick.


“More…” Giselle pleaded. The feelings she had were nearly overwhelming. “Pppplleease…” She sank her fingers into his buttocks and tried to force him to resume pistoning in and out of her pussy.


“Oooohh…” Dieter moaned. His need to orgasm swelled instead of subsiding. “Schieße!” [Shit!] His balls churned and he felt his komm race up his dick. He ripped his backside from her grasp and pulled out just as his dick belched for the first time. He plastered his sperma all over Giselle’s labia, that amazing little bump and on her belly. He collapsed beside her, spent.


“I needed more,” Giselle protested as she realized her fick was over. Those exquisite feelings ebbed away as she felt how empty her pussy was without Dieter’s dick.


“I am sorry,” Dieter exclaimed. “I couldn’t last any longer. I will make it up to you tomorrow night.”


Giselle sighed before replying. “I understand.”


“I had to pull out,” Dieter explained. “I don’t want to hurt you. If I hadn’t stopped, we could’ve made a baby tonight. Isn’t this when it is really dangerous for us?”


“I think it is,” Giselle agreed. Dieter really cared about her. Werner in the next tent fucked Rachel without a care. What if she had been matched up with Werner? She would be pregnant for certain.


“I think I am falling in love with you,” Giselle said as she rolled over and kissed Dieter. Dieter tried to hide his sudden panic. With me?


“You are amazing,” Dieter replied. What was love? He gave her a kiss as they cuddled and prepared to sleep.


Giselle was kind, pretty and fun to be with. He enjoyed their dates together before the trip to the rally in Nüremberg. She was easy to talk to, so unlike many of his dates before he and Giselle went out. He’d get tongue-tied. The evening felt awkward. Then he asked Giselle out. Being with her felt great, so natural. Did he love her? He didn’t make up his mind before he fell asleep.




Dieter and Giselle; Werner and Rachel and Rutger and Gerta weren’t the only youth enjoying the pleasures of the flesh that evening. In spite of Paul’s punishment for a late-night rendezvous with a girl, other horny boys wanted mädchen too. Two boys managed to talk mädchen into meeting them behind the tree row at the edge of camp. Elke Schirmmer lost her virginity to Lothar Köhl that night. Heinrich Gerhardt enjoyed his screw with Maria Wolff. Any thoughts of gummis escaped the inexperienced Lothar and Elke. Maria neglected to ask for protection and Heinrich, known for chasing and bedding girls back home, didn’t offer to put on the gummi in his pants pocket. Neither couple were found out.


Two other boys were sexually excited and wanted relief too. They chose a much more dangerous route to satisfaction. A route that could lead to prison or worse in Nazi Deutschland. Ludwig Martz, almost sixteen, and Johannes Schmidt, barely fifteen and one of the youngest jungen on the trip, had the tent closest to the “couples’ tents.” They overheard Werner screwing Rachel wildly. Shieße, the burgers [townsmen] in Coburg probably heard him giving it to Rachel.


They overheard Dieter huffing and pumping as he tried to satisfy Giselle’s demands to get it harder and faster. Rutger and Gerta were quieter as they calmly coupled, but the two horny boys heard them too.


“Have you ever fickt a girl?” Johannes whispered to his tentmate, inches away from his head in the small canvas tent.


“Nein,” Ludwig replied.


“I wonder what it feels like,” Johannes wondered.


“It must feel good.”


“I’ll never know,” Paul said. "I am hopeless with girls.”


“How so?”


“I get all tongue-tied when I try to talk with them,” Johannes explained. “I just lose my mind. I stutter. I say stupid things. I’ve never even kissed a girl. I don’t know how.”


“We could practice together,” Ludwig suggested.


“Practice?“ Johannes gasped. “I am not a faggot!”


“I am not an ass-fucker,” Ludwig protested. “I just want to learn. I promise, you will like it.”


Ludwig put a hand on Johannes’ shoulder and gently massaged it. “I know you jerked off last night,” Ludwig said soothingly as he stared into Johannes‘ eyes. “I will keep your secret. Kissing will be fun.”


“You will?” Ludwig hand slipped up and around Johannes’ neck. He pulled the nervous junge closer. He leaned in and gently kissed Johannes’s lips. Johannes stared back, shocked but curious. Ludwig kissed him again, sliding closer to the young junge’s body. This kiss lingered. Ludwig’s tongue slid along Johannes‘ lips before he slipped the tip into the junge’s mouth.


Johannes‘ eyes widened as he learned what zuggenküssen was all about. “Wow, that was nice!” Ludwig smiled and kissed him again. The inexperienced boy learned the fine art of French kissing quickly.


Ludwig caressed Johannes’ side as they kissed. Slowly, his hand slid lower until it was holding’s his buttocks. The rubbing hand inched its way around hip of the junge until it reached his belly. Desperate, but scared to reach too far, Ludwig rubbed onto his belly. Johannes was lost in the tongue action and didn’t pull away. Emboldened, Ludwig felt onto Johannes’ crotch over his nightshirt.


Johannes had a nice package. The engorged dick felt like it was at least 12 or 13 centimeters, good sized for a 1.8 meter tall junge. [4.7 to 5.1 inches of hard-on on a 5’-6” boy, for the American audience]


Johannes pulled away from Ludwig’s lips and stared at him in shock and surprise. “What are you doing?”


That was a preview of Coming to Muremberg. To read the rest purchase the book.

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