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What Happens in Europe

Big Ed Magusson





BE’s Place Books

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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


About the Author

More From Big Ed Magusson


Pete’s shoulders sagged when he saw the crowded boarding area. Was all of Chicago flying to Scotland? It sure seemed like it. One of the overhead lights flickered, which, combined with the constant blare of the announcements, just upped his irritation. He scanned the area for open seats and didn’t spot any. Several people sat on the floor, their carry-on luggage arrayed around them. Many of them wolfed down fast food, purchased from one of the various airport vendors. The loud babble of voices just added to the mess.

“Come on.” Mom pointed to a single open seat at the end of a row. The floor space next to it was mercifully free.

He trundled toward it, and then lifted the carry-on off its wheels to step over an outstretched foot. Mom smiled at him sympathetically but didn’t say anything. He forced a smile back. Next time he should insist on going through Atlanta or New York. O’Hare was a nightmare.

“You can have it.” Mom gestured toward the hard plastic seat.

“That’s okay,” Mike replied. “I’d rather stand for a bit.”

“Sorry about the flight from Denver.”

He shrugged. “Next time you get the middle seat.”

“We should be fine on this next one. It’s only two seats on the side.” She rocked on the balls of her feet and looked over at the gate agent.

That’s when the intercom called her name.

Pete groaned and followed his mom to the counter.

His gut tightened with the woman at the counter said the flight was oversold, but he relaxed when she continued by offering a free upgrade to Business Class for one of them.

“You take it,” he told Mom. “It is your birthday.”

“But it’s your graduation,” she said.

“Nah. You’re the one that needs to be rested for the conference.”

“No, you should take it.”

He huffed in exasperation. “Take it, Mom. You can do something nice for me later.”

“You sure?”

He put his hand on top of hers and squeezed. “I’m sure.”

She smiled, and then turned to the ticket agent. “I’ll take the upgrade. Thank you.”

* * *

Pete stood in the aisle and blinked. He checked his boarding pass. Yes, he had the correct seat. But the woman in the seat next to his was a MILF, if there ever was one.

A brunette his mom’s age, she looked like a young Sophia Loren. Except bustier. And with higher cheekbones. She raised an eyebrow when she looked up at him.

“Uh, excuse me.” He gestured at the seats. “I think I’m the aisle.”

“Oh, do you mind?” She nodded toward the adjacent window seat. “I’m going to be up and down and I’d hate to disturb you.”

Her smile made his pulse jump.

“Sure.” He stepped back and let her move out of the way so he could get in.

“Long flight,” she said once he’d gotten settled.

“That’s what I’ve heard.” He gave her a friendly smile.

“Oh? Your first time?”

“To Europe? Yeah.”


“Sort of,” he said. “Mom’s got a conference. Then we’re going to play tourist for two weeks.”

“Ah.” The woman smiled. “That’s nice. Where are you going?”

“Well, Edinburgh, obviously. Then London, Amsterdam, and Paris.”

“I love Paris! You have to visit the French Quarter. Oh, and Montmartre, of course. That’s where the Moulin Rouge is.”

“I’d love to,” Pete said with a grin. “If I can talk Mom into it. She’d spend all her time in the Louvre if she could.”

“Oh, I would, too. I’m Jenna, by the way.”


She smiled. “And I was worried this flight would be boring.”

* * *

Jenna laughed, loud and full. She grinned at Pete, and wiped a cracker crumb from the corner of her mouth. Pete sipped some of the complimentary Coke and grinned.

“That’s wild,” Jenna said. “Did you really do that?”

He smirked and shrugged. “I may have left out how scared we were, but the cop let us go, so it worked out okay.”

Jenna chuckled and shook her head.

“What about you?”

“Never anything like that. But… this one time, back in college, my friend’s boyfriend—he was this huge animal rights activist—decided he wanted to break into the biology building and free all the mice.”

“Uh… those mice can’t survive outside of captivity.”

She smiled. “I know that now.”

“Oh, boy!”

“No kidding.”

* * *

“No, no, no,” Jenna said. “Sunsets are far better in San Francisco than sunrises.”

“The one we saw was pretty spectacular,” Pete said.

“Where’d you see it from?”

“Coit Tower.”

She snorted. “Well, everything’s spectacular from Coit Tower. No, you need to be on the beach. That’s where you go to watch the sunset over the water. There’s this one beach…”

* * *

Jenna leaned back in her seat and sighed. They waited until the flight attendants had finished giving out blankets. She’d demurred, but accepted a pillow.

“Yeah…,” she said. “I’m better off without him. I got so tired of him always doing that damned Sudoku when I wanted to talk.”

“He could’ve at least put it down for five minutes.”

“Yeah!” she said. “Five minutes. That’s all I was asking for.”

Pete nodded. “My girlfriend… toward the end there, she’d spend all her time on TikTok when we were together. It makes for a really boring date.”

“Mmm.” She nodded. “I got tired of looking at the top of his head across the dinner table.”

“She even did one of those stupid dances in a restaurant once.” When Jenna laughed, he rolled his eyes. “Said there was a time limit or something.”

“Boy, that must’ve been embarrassing.”

“Yeah, but thank God it was mostly empty.”

“Yeah… well, speaking of restaurants,” Jenna said. “There’s this one in Edinburgh you really must try…”

* * *

“I love the French.” Jenna rested her empty champagne glass against her breast as she smiled into space. “They understand refinement.”

“Mmm.” Pete sipped his own glass, amused they hadn’t requested ID when he’d asked for it.

“There’s this hotel in France. The Mandarin Oriental. So romantic.” She smiled at him. “You must stay there if you can.”

“I’ll keep it in mind. What do you find romantic in Edinburgh?”

“I love to drive out into the countryside,” she mused. “There are some places that take you back. It’s easy to imagine the highlanders in their kilts, riding across the land…

* * *

Pete stowed his tray and shifted his seat to the upright and locked position. He smiled at Jenna, who returned it.

“This has been delightful,” she said. “Usually these long flights are so dull.”

He laughed. “I’d been planning to sleep or read.”

“This was so much better,” she said warmly.

He nodded, and then an idea hit him.

“What about continuing over dinner?”

She chuckled. “I’m old enough to be your mother.”


She raised an eyebrow.

“It’s just dinner. Besides… you did say you were in Scotland for pleasure.”

She rolled her eyes and then smiled.

* * *

“Who was that?” Mom asked as they walked away from baggage claim.

“Jenna,” Pete answered. “My seat mate.”

“She’s attractive.”

He grinned. “I noticed.”

“She’s my age,” Mom teased.

“What can I say? I like older women.”

Mom chuckled. “Uh huh.”

“Seriously. They know what they want. They know how to ask for it. They don’t play games.”

“And it doesn’t hurt when they look like that.”

“You’re just as hot, Mom.”

“Now you’re flattering me.” But she was smiling.

“No…” He grinned at her. “If you weren’t my mom, I’d be asking you out instead of her.”

“So you asked her out, huh?”


She raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. His tone had conveyed Jenna’s answer well enough.

* * *

“I’m afraid,” the hotel desk clerk said, “that the hotel is oversold. We only have one room left. Would you and your son be willing to share?”

Mom raised her eyebrows.

“It’s a two bedroom suite,” the clerk continued. “An upgrade, if you don’t mind sharing.”

“An upgrade?” Mom said. “Let’s do it.” She smiled at Pete. “I assume you don’t have a problem with it.”

“Not at all.”

* * *

Pete gaped as they entered the suite lounge. With hardwood paneling, overstuffed brown leather couches, and a small breakfast nook by the windows overlooking the garden, it easily surpassed the chain hotels he was used to. Even the throw pillows dripped with elegance.

“Wow.” Mom walked to the middle of the room before stopping to look around. “This is… nice.”

“That’s like saying French champagne is nice.”

“It is, but you have a point.” She chuckled. “And speaking of which…”

An actual bottle rested in a bucket of ice on the breakfast table.

Mom strolled over and pulled it out while Pete brought the rest of their luggage in from the hall. She picked up a folded note from beside the bucket.


“What?” Pete asked.

“It’s from Tom. ‘Congratulations on your promotion.’”

“Who’s Tom?” Pete walked to her side.

“Tom Fielder. He’s a director in the Chicago office.” She smiled. “We hit it off during that company retreat last fall.”

“Hit it off?” He gave her a salacious grin.

She playfully slapped his arm. “Nothing like that, young man.”

“Why not?” he teased. “You’re not a nun.”

“No…” A small smile spread across her face. “There just never was a good time…”

“Ah. So… this trip?”

She laughed. “Why are you so interested in my sex life?”

“What sex life?” he teased.

She squawked and slapped his arm, harder this time.

“C’mon, Mom. I’m not blind. You, uh, left your vibrator out last week.”

She clapped her hand over her face and groaned.

“Nothing wrong with it. At least that’s what you’ve always told me.”

“It doesn’t mean I want it public.”

“I’m not the public. Besides, it’s not like you haven’t seen me.”

She lowered her hand and smirked at him. “That’s true.”

“We’re both adults,” he said. “We both have needs. And maybe… Tom can help you with yours.”

She playfully slapped his arm once again. “I need to go unpack. Then we need to get some sleep.”

* * *

Pete groggily strolled into the hotel restaurant. Jet lag had completely messed him up, but it could’ve been worse. He wasn’t the one who had to attend the conference this morning. It’d be better once he had some coffee.

He paused and looked around. The dark wood paneling continued the elegance from their suite. The conversation and clink of silverware from the other guests was muted, and only one waiter moved around. He could smell bacon, which was promising.

Then he spotted Jenna reading a book while she ate.

He grinned and walked over.

“Mind if I join you?”

She looked up, blinked in surprise, and grinned. “I didn’t know you were staying here.”

“I didn’t know you were staying here.”

“Have a seat.” She nodded to the one opposite her. “How’s your jet lag?”


* * *

They were still laughing when the waiter cleared their dishes. Jenna grinned and reached for the check, but Pete was a bit faster.

“Let me,” he said. “It’s the least I can do.”

“For what?” She still smiled, even as her brow wrinkled.

“For the company. This might end up being the best part of my day.”

She chuckled. “What do you have planned?”

“Nothing really.” He grinned. “I thought I might see if I could rent a car somewhere and take a drive in the countryside. It’s supposed to be really romantic.”

“Is it?” Her grin grew wider.

“Mmm hmm. A very attractive woman told me that.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes. He shrugged, unrepentant.

“Well… it’s a good thing I have a car.”

* * *

The little country pub smelled of baked bread and fresh mown grass. After a delightful drive, the beer was divine. Jenna must’ve agreed. She wiped her mouth with her napkin and smiled when the server set the check in front of Pete.

“I can get that,” she said.

“No, no. You’re paying for the car. And the gas.”

“You sure? You haven’t even started your job.”

“Details.” He waved away her concern. “Besides, how often do I get to treat a beautiful woman to lunch in Scotland?”

“You’re laying it on thick.” But she grinned anyway.

“Just telling the truth.”

“I’m twice your age.”

“Which just makes you more beautiful.” He placed his credit card on the check. “You’re more confident. More secure in yourself. You’ve kept your figure.” He made a point of flicking his eyes down her body. “Everything that makes a woman attractive, you’ve got.”

Her smile grew, even as she rolled her eyes.

“Let me get the check,” he continued. “You can buy coffee, later.”

“I can, can I?”

“Well… assuming you want to continue this amazing day.”

She laughed and shook her head merrily as the waiter retrieved the check and credit card.

* * *

She squeezed his hand as they walked out of the pastry shop. “I really shouldn’t have.”

He chuckled. “It was tasty, though.”

“It’ll go straight to my hips.”

He released her hand and slid his arm around her. After a quick hug, he slid his fingers to the top of her hip.

“They’re fine. Trust me.”

“You are incorrigible!”

“And you love it."

* * *

They strolled into the hotel lobby just as evening tea service was finishing. Jenna released his hand, but slowed her step.

“So…,” Pete said. “This has been a great day. Interested in a late dinner?”

Jenna furrowed her brow. “Why late?”

“I have to put in an appearance at Mom’s reception. So… eight?”


He turned to face her squarely. “Do you really want this great day to end with a hug in the lobby?”

Her beaming smile answered that question.

* * *

“Wow,” Pete said. He made a point of looking his mom up and down and grinning. “All this for the opening reception?”

She blushed. She wore dark hose, a deep blue knee-length skirt, a lighter blue silk blouse, and a thin gold necklace that both set off the auburn streaks in her hair and highlighted her cleavage. She’d also done her hair and her make-up was perfect.

“I want to look nice,” she said. “Dress to impress, you know?”

“I thought your boss didn’t get here until tomorrow.”

She shrugged. “He’s not the only one to impress.”

There was a hint in her voice of something… more.

“So Tom will be there?”

“Now never you mind.” She smiled warmly. “Get your tie on.”

He rolled his eyes. “I don’t know why I need to dress up for your reception.”

“What? You have something better to do?”

“Yeah… but not until later.”

Mom blinked and started a bit. “Oh?”

“I’ve got a date. Don’t wait up.”

She laughed. “Well… maybe I’ll have a date, too.”

He grinned. “The way you look, I’d count on it.”

“Aw. You’re just saying that.”

“Nope. If you weren’t my mom, I’d put the moves on you myself."

She laughed again and playfully swatted his arm. Then she smirked.

“If you weren’t my son, I’d let you.”


Pete sipped his wine slowly as he stood on the side and watched the reception crowd. Mom really hadn’t needed him. One of the senior directors from New York had whisked her off a few minutes after they arrived so she could “meet some people.”

A pointed glance from the director had made it clear to Pete that he wasn’t invited.

Still, it was amusing to watch the social and political maneuvering. He didn’t know any of the names or actual titles, but it didn’t take long to figure out who the bigwigs were, by how the others treated them.

No one gave Mom that deference. Which was a shame, given how hard she worked.

There weren’t as many women as he’d expected either. Maybe a quarter of the room. Most were close to Mom’s age, but none were as attractive.

He snorted softly. He wasn’t supposed to notice how sexy his mom was, now was he?

But he wasn’t blind. Objectively, she was. Even some of his friends said so.

He surveyed the room again. Yeah, none of the women here held a candle to Mom. Jenna came close, but that was it.

And speaking of Jenna, he needed to get going…

* * *

‘This,” Jenna said, “was amazing.” She slid the plate with a few remaining crumbs of chocolate cake away. “How did you find this place?”

“The concierge recommended it.” He leaned back himself and swirled his dessert wine.

“So sophisticated.” She smiled at him. “It’s hard to believe you’re so young.”

He shrugged, but then smirked. “It has its advantages.”

“Oh?” she playfully asked.

“Mmm hmm. Stamina for one. Appreciation for another.”

“Is that so?” She leaned forward. “But what about… experience?”

He moistened his lips. “Where it counts.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She chuckled and rolled her eyes.

“But we are doing this. Right?”

She smirked, and then slowly nodded.

* * *

The door to the suite had barely shut when Jenna was in his arms. They kissed, deep and passionately. As their tongues met, he dropped his hands to her ass. She moaned when he gave her a squeeze. A minute later, her own hands found his butt.

His heart raced as the kisses heated. She started fumbling with his buttons, but he stopped her and then tugged her towards his bedroom. She pulled her blouse off as she strode ahead of him. He started unbuttoning his own shirt.

At the foot of his bed, they each paused and grinned at each other as they stripped to their underwear.

Jenna wore black panties and bra, with lacy trim. Pete chuckled.

“What?” she asked coyly.

“My favorite color.” He moistened his lips.

“Mmm?” Her eyes flashed as she regarded his briefs of the same color.

“Let me.” He pulled her into his arms again for another kiss. As they made out, his hands found the clasp of her bra. He flicked his wrist and popped it free.

Jenna finished the kiss and grinned at him. “Pretty smooth.”

“Young, but experienced.”

“Good.” She kissed him again.

He slowly eased her bra off without breaking the kiss. She helped, but the moment it hit the floor, he moved his hand around to her breasts. She moaned as he caressed and lightly squeezed. Her nipples were stiff under his fingers and she gasped when he flicked them.

He shifted his kisses to her jaw, and then behind her ear. She shuddered and closed her eyes as he worked his way south. She moaned when he reached her breasts and lightly licked her nipples. When he lightly bit her nipple, she gasped. He chuckled, low and throaty, before continuing south.

The strong smell of her arousal greeted him as he tugged her panties down. Once again, she helped him. He kissed her mound and the arrow of her pubic hair. She shifted her stance as he kissed lower, but he paused.

“This will be better on the bed,” he said.

She was on her back in a flash.

He kissed, licked, sucked and fingered. She was tangier than he was used to, but juicier. She shuddered every time he pressed her clit with his tongue, so of course, he kept doing it. He tightened his lips around it and sucked. She moaned, but shuddered more when he went back to simple pressure.

He continued to lick and press as he brought a finger up. She gasped when he slid it inside and curled it. Her juices increased, bathing his tongue. He stroked and licked and nuzzled until she arched her back and went stiff. He held still while she shook. She didn’t cry out, and after a moment, she gasped and collapsed back on the mattress.

“Ready for me?” he asked.


He quickly shed his underwear and then kissed his way back up her body. When he was far enough that the head of his cock nudged her pussy, he waited. She smiled at him and nodded.

He reached down and adjusted himself so his dick nestled between her folds.

Then he slowly pushed in.

Jenna sucked in her breath.

Her warmth and wetness surrounded him as he eased forward. He moved slowly until his hips met hers. He closed his eyes for a moment and savored the pleasure.

Then he began to thrust.

She rolled her hips to meet him. He couldn’t quite kiss her—their heights weren’t quite right, but he buried his head next to her ear while she ran her hands up and down her back.

“Oh, Pete…,” she moaned. “Yeah… keep doing that.”

He screwed her hard but steadily.

“Oh, Pete…”

“You’re so sexy,” he murmured in her ear. “Can you feel how hard I am? How hard because of you?”

She groaned.

He rose up so he could look at her face. She had her eyes closed, but she was gasping with each thrust.

He grinned. Time to make her come.

He sped up, thrusting harder and harder. She wrapped her arms around him and urged him on. A few minutes later, she went over the edge with a loud cry.

He chuckled.

When she’d caught her breath, she opened her eyes and gave him a loopy grin.

“Another?” he asked.

“You haven’t come.”

“After you have another.”

She sucked in her breath. “Okay.”

* * *

With a groan, he pulled off her and flopped to the side.

“Wow,” she said. “Just wow.”

“Yeah.” The waves of pleasure were still washing through his body. “That was a big one.”

“For both of us.” She grinned at him. “I don’t think I can go again.”

“Me neither.”

“What?” she teased. “Three times is too many?”

He laughed. “Well… for now. How about in the morning?”

“Maybe… I have to be at my meeting at eight.”

“Plenty of time.” He smiled at her.

She laughed. “You are incorrigible.”

“And you love it.”

She nodded, but then yawned.

“Yeah.” He reached over and turned out the bedside lamp.

* * *

Pete slowly eased awake. The room seemed more gray then black, though still quite dark. Beside him, Jenna lay on her side facing away. She breathed quietly, her body barely moving under the rumpled and askew blankets.

He blinked once, twice. Then he closed his eyes again and rested for a bit. But as much as he hated it, he was definitely awake for the long haul. He slowly shifted until he could see the clock on the nightstand. Six fucking a.m. His body clock was definitely still screwed up from the flight.

He rolled on his side away from Jenna and pulled the blanket back up against the light chill of the room.

Last night had been… wow. Just wow.

His dick stiffened.

Yeah. Wow.

When did Jenna have to be at her meeting? Eight? Yeah, she’d said eight.

Plenty of time for a round of morning sex.

He grinned. He knew just how to wake her up.

He started to ease the covers down, but stopped himself. He wanted to wake her up. Not the cool room. Slowly, he burrowed under the blankets, doing his best not to disturb her. When he was low enough, gentle pressure on her hip helped roll her onto her back. She stirred a little and mumbled something, but it was too muffled by the blankets for him to make out.

He nudged her thighs apart and crawled up between them. He felt a little light-headed as he moved into position, but remained determined. He could pull the blankets down for fresh air once she’d woken.

First, a light kiss on her inner right thigh. Then one on her left. Another on her right, but a bit higher. He slowly worked his way up.

Until he hit fabric. He paused. She must’ve put her panties back on during the night. He nuzzled along the seam and brought one hand up. Yes, he could push them aside.

Using one hand to keep the fabric out of the way, he kissed and lightly licked closer, until his tongue found her folds. He took one long swipe from bottom to top.

She shifted and let out a small moan.

She was waking up. Good.

He did it again, and then nuzzled in, the cotton pressed against his nose, her musky scent filling it. He licked and suckled through her panties. The taste was off, bland and dry, but that didn’t matter. He could feel her growing wetness.

She shifted and then the covers shoved down. He inhaled deep, the fresh air invigorating him. He pulled back and tugged at her panties. She lifted her hips, helping him to pull the down.

As he slid them off, he looked up. In the dark, he could barely see her head, and couldn’t read her expression at all.

Once she’d kicked her underwear off, he settled back in. She hesitated, until he tapped her thighs. Then she spread them wider, giving him room. Back in position, he flicked his tongue around her engorged clit, before tightening his lips around it.

She gasped and shuddered.

He grinned. That hadn’t worked nearly so well last night.

He licked and kissed and then sucked her clit again. She drew in her breath and clenched the sheets beside her. So he brought a finger up and slid it inside.

Her breathing quickened as he curled his finger and rapidly licked her clit. Her scent deepened and more of her juices flooded his chin. He grinned. She was getting closer, and he was getting hard.

He sped up, and a moment later she trembled and then went stiff. She arched her back in a wordless cry. Her pussy spasmed around his finger as more moisture coated it.

His hard cock throbbed.

While she caught her breath, he planted kisses on her mound and then worked his way up, one slow kiss at a time. She tensed, but remained still. He reached her belly button, still feathering kisses, and then shifted to his knees. He shuffled forward until the head of his cock brushed her pussy.

He still couldn’t see her face well in the low gloom, but he sensed her nervousness.

“Ready?” He reached down and shifted his dick until the tip nestled between her folds.



Pete froze. There was no mistaking that voice. Nor, now that the room had grown a little lighter with the dawn, the shape of her face.

His blood raced.

His mother! He was on top of his mother!


He held still, acutely aware of the heat of her pussy. And her juices on his lips and chin.

“Please…,” she repeated.

She put her hands on his side and then slid them down. He expected her to push him off, but then her fingers moved onto his back and down to his ass.

Instead of pushing, she pulled.

His cock slid forward and in.

He gasped as the warmth and wetness of his mom’s pussy surrounded him. His mom’s!

She groaned. Not in distress, but pleasure.

Sweat broke out on his brow. He eased back, intending to pull out, but she whimpered.

She wanted him to fuck her!

Instead of pulling all the way out, he paused… and the thrust back in.

She cried out. Her hands tightened on his ass, pulling him deeper.

Pleasure surged through him. She was so slick and hot… he moved easily, back and forth, each stroke a wave of ecstasy.

She made small cries each time his hips met hers. Any worries, any protests fled his brain. The animal took over. He fucked her as hard and as fast as he could without going over the edge himself. By god, she was going to come first!

He pounded her hard, pinning her to the mattress. He pulled up enough to look at her face, but her eyes were closed.

After unmeasured minutes, her cries grew. Her hands slid from his ass to his back and she wrapped her legs around him. She started moaning.

“Pete… oh, Pete… oh, Pete!”

He shifted his angle and buried himself as far as he could go. He bent his head and lightly bit one of her nipples.

She shrieked and raked his back with her nails. Startled, he pulled up, just as she began to come.

He gasped as her pussy clamped down on him. She arched her back under him. With her mouth open in an “O” she held still, wordless, as she trembled and shook. Finally, she gasped for breath.

He’d held still, but now he moved again. He slowly slid thrust his dick into her again.

“Come for me,” she gasped. “I want to feel you come.”

He nodded. He was already on the edge. He stroked in and out.

“Yeah,” she gasped, “fuck me.”

He went over the edge.

* * *

Pete slowly drifted down from the happy, loopy post-orgasmic haze. Every muscle tingled. He felt lightheaded. Had he ever come so hard?

Except his back stung in a dozen places, and the room was way, way too bright. The lights in the center room flooded through the open doorway.

Had he fallen asleep?

Clearly a couple of minutes had passed since he’d⁠—

—since he’d fucked his mother.

His mother!

The guilt crashed in and he almost burst out a sob. He caught himself and forced himself to breathe deeply.

She’d wanted it, he reminded himself. He hadn’t raped her. She was just as guilty as he.

He took a few more deep breaths.

Oh, God. He’d fucked his mother.

What kind of a douchebag was he?

One that fucked his mother, apparently.

Which made him a motherfucker.

The irony amused him. But he pushed it aside. Mom had to be in the main room. Time to face the music.

Mom sat, wearing a hotel robe, at the little breakfast table. Her hands clasped a cup of something lightly steaming, and her head turned when he entered.

“So…,” she said with a huge sigh. “What just happened?”

“I thought you were Jenna.”


“Yeah, from the plane. She, uh, spent the night. Well, uh, part of the night.”

“So you thought⁠—”

“Yeah. Uh—what were you doing there?”

She snorted softly.

“I mean,” he continued, “it’s my bed⁠—”

“And I spilled wine on mine. I figured you wouldn’t mind.”

“Well, I didn’t. I mean, I wouldn’t’ve, but I wasn’t expecting⁠—”

“You were expecting Jenna.”

“Yeah.” He slid into the chair opposite her. He took a deep breath.

She didn’t meet his eyes.

“So why didn’t you stop me?” He couldn’t keep the little boy whine out of his voice.

“Because I didn’t realize it was you,” she snapped.

“Didn’t realize!” He threw up his hands. “How could you not realize!”

“You try thinking straight when you’re half asleep!”

He shrank back from her glare. But then her nostrils flared as some thought crossed her mind, and her face softened.

“I should’ve stopped you,” she said more softly.

“I should’ve stopped,” he agreed.

They fell silent for a moment. His heart pounded, filling his ears with his pulse. He forced himself to breath normally.

“Well…,” she finally said, “you can’t uncrack the egg.”

He nodded.

“I’m going to take a shower.”

He became acutely aware of the stickiness on his chin. He needed to do the same.


After several minutes of hot water pounding on his shoulders and neck, Pete let out a relieved sigh. The shower was definitely washing away his tension.

The guilt still hung around—he should’ve stopped!—but Mom was right. He couldn’t go back and undo that. It had all happened so fast, and he’d been so turned on, and…

Mom was right. You couldn’t uncrack the egg. What was done was done.

He’d fucked his mom, and he’d known it was her before he did it. And he’d done it anyway.

And… it’d been fucking amazing. Probably the best sex of his life.

He searched his memory. No, definitely the best sex of his life.

The way she’d⁠—

He forced his mind away from those thoughts.

He shouldn’t’ve done it. What kind of pervert fucks his mom?

A pervert like him, apparently.

He stepped forward, and the shower spray moved to the scratches on his back and he jumped in pain. Why the fuck had Mom done that? She really hadn’t had to dig in with her nails. The little lines weren’t deep, but they stung when touched. He was gonna have to wear a loose shirt. Especially if he ran into Jenna.

He got out and dried off as best he could. After pulling on some underwear and jeans, he headed back into the main room.

“Mom!” he called into her bedroom. “You got any first aid cream?”


That was a preview of What Happens in Europe. To read the rest purchase the book.

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