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Dreamer of the Witch Wood: A Dark Fantasy Romance

Rowan Betencourt


Dreamer of the Witch Wood - Bookapy Edition

Tales From the Witch Wood: Volume 1

Rowan Betencourt

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Wood © 2023 by Rowan Betencourt

Please note this book was previously sold under the title of "Daughter of the Witch Wood."

This is a work of fiction. All characters contained herein are presumed to be 18 years of age or older, without exception. All acts described herein are between characters 18 years of age or older, without exception. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Author's Note

my book! Readers like you are why I’m able to do this, and I appreciate every single one of you.

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Chapter one

Chapter 1

black hair was loose, and the ground looked like a blur under her bare feet, as though she was flying. More than that, Min was watching herself running, which meant she was dreaming—her mother, Erden, said to pay close attention to her dreams: what whispers to us in dreams may be louder than any waking memory, she would say. As if that made any sense.

Still, it was a surreal experience to watch from overhead as Min’s dream-self ran, arms pumping, legs an ochre-colored blur. From on-high, she recognized where she was: it was part of the forest near the home that she and her mother shared, sometime in the twilight of the year, given the thick green color of the leaves and the standing pools left over from heavy rains. Min was sure that if she could’ve looked back, she might have spotted their little hut amidst the dark trees, nestled in a sheltered bend of the little river that cut through the woods.

The dream-Min looked over her shoulder, and the dreaming-Min saw her face: tear-streaked, panicked, terrified. It was a disturbing thing to see, and even more-so to see such a look on her own face.

Then she heard the source of that fear: a bestial bellow, a roar so loud that should have split the tree trunks around them—if she could have, the dreaming-Min would’ve covered her ears. The dream-Min did so, screaming in terror, and tried running even faster.

There was a crash behind them, and now the dreaming-Min, from overhead, saw a huge black bear push through the undergrowth as he gave chase. His fur was missing in places, with the bare skin pockmocked and covered in thick pustules of green and brown, hideous and awful to behold. What sort of illness had taken ahold of the beast she didn’t know, but the look on the monster’s face said that it didn’t intend to let her get away.

The bear gave chase, breaking the distance between them so fast that, from above, Min gasped and shouted—at herself—to run faster. But the dream-Min tripped after jumping over a narrow ravine, and the bear caught her from behind, growling like a mad thing.

It was over in moments. He tore the young woman to pieces and gorged himself on her flesh.

Min awoke with a cry, a sheen of sweat on her bare flesh and the taste of blood in her mouth. She dabbed at her lip, pulled her finger back and saw the stain—she’d bit herself while asleep. Unable to stop herself, she bent over in bed and cried, her body shaking with fear, with the terrible memory of her own demise.

“Yasemin?” Erden soon awoke, sitting up quickly on the bedroll next to her daughter. The rustic little hut they shared was dark, the firelight long gone out.

“Oh, Mother!” Min turned and wrapped her arms around the older woman, caring little of the evening heat; she needed comfort, and only her mother could provide that.

“Shhh,” Erden cooed, curling her soft arms around Min, pressing tender kisses to her face, brow, and the crown of her head. They were two of a kind, although Erden had a touch of grey in her hair; she was almost twice as old as Min’s nineteen winters and was half a hand taller than her daughter. Her body had gone softer in places from age, but she was still a beauty. Min cried for several moments, overcome from the power of her own dream, but the touch of her mother’s fingers in her hair and the gentle warmth of Erden’s body soon consoled her. A blessedly-cool breeze blew over them on the simple mat they shared, and soon Min managed to finally repress any further need for tears.

The older woman kissed her daughter again, sliding a hand up and down Min’s bare back while pushing the single sheet away, baring them both to the air. It was the rainy season in those parts, so the night was a touch cooler than usual.

“Tell me,” Erden said, not needing further explanation. She lay back down and urged Min to do the same, bodies curled up close together, resting in the dark.

Min shuddered. “I could see…” She licked her sore lip, staring up at the night sky through a gap in the trees—the moon was full and heavy, an ill omen. “I could see myself. Running.”

Erden brushed her own hair back, swiping a sheen of sweat off of her neck. She nodded, not speaking.

“It was close to here,” Min said, resting a hand on her mother’s stomach. She felt a thin layer of sweat between her cheek and Erden’s shoulder, but her mother’s arms felt so good she didn’t want to pull away, even for a second. “I was running away from here—from home.”

Erden nodded again. Tenderly, she gathered Min’s hair up, baring her shoulders and neck for the next breeze as it fluttered over them. Min closed her eyes, sighing with relief and thankfulness as the cool air soothed the sweat away.

“Dreams of home, of fleeing this place…” The older woman grunted, gently wiping more sweat from beneath her breasts with her long fingers. “That is troubling.”

“It gets worse,” Min said. She licked her bloodied lip again, rolling over to look away—in shame, fear, or something unnameable, perhaps. Hugging her legs to her chest, she stared into the twilight of the trees beyond the safety of their little home, eyes blurred over. “Some…thing was chasing me—I saw a bear, diseased or sick. I don’t know. It caught me, and…and it…” She shivered, unable to finish her own sentence.

“A bear, too.” Erden sounded worried.

“What is it, Mother?” Min said, looking over her shoulder. “What does it mean?” Her heart was pounding; her hands were shaking. Just the memory of the beast catching up to her—

“Child, child.” Her mother’s voice was gentle as she leaned over, squeezing Min’s shoulders, kissing the back of her neck through a mess of tousled, black hair. “Your dreams may be frightening, that I understand—I was never given the gift of dreaming as you have. But they are only dreams.”

“It still felt so real,” Min said, shivering again.

“And real it was, for a little while,” Erden said. “But now, it’s over. Come now. Rest a little longer with me.” With gentle urging, she coaxed Min closer again until the younger woman’s head was pillowed once more on the elder’s shoulder. The single blanket over them felt less smothering than before, and Min pulled it up, desiring warmth for a few moments to drive the bad memories away—between her mother’s soft body and the covering over them both, she found it, for a little while.


“Yes, girl.”

“Will you…help me sleep? I don’t want to dream anymore tonight.”

Erden’s smile was unseen, but Min heard it in her voice. “Always, my love.” Turning in bed, the older woman pressed a kiss to Min’s temple, a touch of love and affection that made her heart quicken.

Then Erden pressed the palm of her hand between Min’s breasts—it was only lightly touched with sweat, and thus not so uncomfortable. As her mother began to hum a soft, slow melody that Min recognized from her childhood—a song about the goddess Mylan watching her lover bathe in liquid moonlight—Min felt a sense of warmth flow down from Erden’s palm and into her chest.

Min and her mother were witches, outcasts from other human kind. Magic flowed from four primal sources: dun, the physical world; aku, the mind; vuk, the body, and rou, the spirit. While Min was a witch of aku, the mind, Erden’s magic affected vuk, the body—already, Min could feel her breathing slow, feel her heart do the same. Her breasts rose and fell, and the cool air tasted just a little sweeter; she smiled as her eyelids felt heavier, and the bad dream floated away on the wind of a sigh.

“Thank you, Mama,” she whispered, her tongue thick and ungainly in her mouth.

“Sleep now, my love,” Erden whispered with another kiss, and a hand resting on the lowest-most swell of Min’s belly.

Darkness came, and Min didn’t dream again.


Life during the rainy winter season was damp, sweltering and uncomfortable, and not necessarily in that order. The little home that Min and her mother shared was well inside the borders of the huge forest that humans called “the Witch Wood,” a vast swath of trees and living things that normal humans stayed well away from. It was a world unto itself, and most people did not go into it willingly.

But Erden and Min weren’t welcome amongst others of their kind—humans mistrusted witches, as well as anyone either cursed with or touched by magic. Humans either killed those people afflicted by it, or drove them into the forest to die. Erden wouldn’t speak about Min’s father, or why he’d driven them away. Eventually, she learned to stop asking. Min still wondered, but decided it was better not to know than to endure one of her mother’s harsher tongue lashings she always got for asking.

Some witches banded together, forming little communities of their own, away from the humans that had banished them—there were more dangerous things in the woods than witches, after all. Erden didn’t want such a life for her child. After Min was born, they came to the forest where the girl had grown up, slowly learning to control her psychic gifts by way of Erden’s tutelage. That hut was just the latest in a long line of them, each one built deep inside the Wood than the one before it—mother and daughter would find a suitable place, build a shelter, live there for a time, then move on.

Their latest home was a simple place, a thatched roof over a fire pit and their sleeping mat atop four long stilts with rolls of wide, flat aontra tree leaves bound with vine that could be unfurled and tied down to block out heavy rains. Both women preferred to keep it open if possible, all four sides exposed to the elements—the Woods were a warm place year-round, so any breeze that came along made that heat a little more bearable.

Min wore nothing but the hair on her head, and often tied that back with a thick strand or grass or vine to keep herself cool. Her mother wore a long necklace called a kollik around her neck, the sign of her status as a witch; it was made of polished wooden beads and smooth, pink stones that looked lovely against her dark skin. The only cloth they owned was for the bed mat they shared, the same bed Min had used her whole life.

The Witch Wood itself was under control of the goddess Mylan, matron deity of love, sex and magic, and it was she that granted her power and protection to the Wood’s inhabitants. Min was taught that those who called the Witch Wood home always lived naked in the same manner that she and her mother did, as that pleased Mylan most of all. The Witch Wood was a wild place, untamed and primitive, so why should they need to cover themselves?

The day after Min’s dream was hot even before the sun came up. After a cool bath in the little hand-dug pool fed by the stream behind their home, there were chores to be done before the heat of the day picked up—gathering fire wood, milling, tending to the garden, checking the traps out in the woods, things of that nature. But around Noon when the heat of the day arrived, they stopped their labors to rest and relax until the cooler, evening hours.

Erden said she hadn’t slept well the night before, and so went back to bed. Min was invited to go with her, which was a tempting proposition, but she begged off and returned to the pool instead. She’d always liked the water, and soon was lounging in her favorite spot, a seat she’d dug out of the earth for herself. Lying back, letting the water pool and lap at her collarbone and across her breasts, Min closed her eyes and sighed, trying to relax. Life with her mother wasn’t always easy, but it became easier once her menses had come in. Now that she was of age and her mother thought of Min more as a woman, a fellow companion rather than an obligation, some of the familial enmity between them had lessened. Min was quite fond of her mother, and was glad they’d found some equilibrium in their relationship.

But Min longed for something more—for a different kind of companion, whatever that meant. It was a weird sort of quasi-loneliness: she loved her mother with a fierce, desperate love, and had always loved her that way, but Min wanted something more than what Erden could give her.

In the shade of their little hut, Min could hear movement, heard the blanket rustling and her mother moan and whimper to herself. Min turned her head and looked over her shoulder. She saw the familiar shape of her mother’s body lying on the bed; the sun and warm breeze was caressing every bit of naked flesh it could touch.

Min watched Erden enjoying a private moment of pleasure: as one hand lingered between her open legs, another hand was wrapped right in her hair, mouth opened, eyes shut tight. The long fingers that had helped coax her daughter to sleep the night before were now rubbing at her clit with a driving need, a regular swirling motion, desperate for relief. Erden soon let go of her hair and reached down, sliding a pair of fingers in and out of her pussy, pumping and thrusting, grinding at her sweet-tasting pink flesh, needing the pleasure and release she craved, but having no one there to help her claim it.

The energy of the Wood was like a wild, living thing; no one who dwelled within the forest was immune to it. The Witch Wood was the domain of the goddess Mylan, matron of magic, but also of love, sex and fertility. When Min watched her mother’s needy caresses, saw the glistening of the fingers stroking her wet pussy, she felt a familiar pull, a longing to join Erden on that lonely cot.

It wasn’t a difficult choice to make, truly—Min didn’t want to be selfish. Standing up, she climbed out of the pool, wringing her hair out as she walked. The soft leaves crunched and grumbled under her feet as she approached, and Min felt a familiar, welcome warmth blossoming in her belly as she drew ever closer to where Erden lay.

Her mother looked surprised when she opened her eyes and saw Min, slowing her caresses but not stopping them entirely. “I…was hoping you’d change your mind,” she said, sounding a touch winded, but with a smile on her face.

“I didn’t want you to be alone,” Min said, sitting down between Erden’s opened legs while matching her smile. She pulled her mother’s hand up to press a tender kiss to her knuckles, then brushed the other’s hand out of the way and began giving quick, loving touches to the moist, hardened clit with her fingers. Min knew just the sort of touch Erden liked best: a circular motion, giving extra attention to the tender underside, taking a fast pace and not stopping or slowing down.

“Ohhhhhh,” Erden moaned. “That’s…yes, right—r-right there!” Her warm, pink tongue slid across her lower lip, like tasting something, or swirling her tongue about a piece of fruit to lap up its oozing juices. Her legs tensed up, muscles tightening, breaths coming faster and faster.

“Isn’t that good?” Min cooed, speaking in soft, loving tones. “Doesn’t it feel good, Mama?”

“Mmmmm, it is… It is! It’s so good, Yasemin! Help me! More, please!” As that moment stretched on endlessly, it seemed like her climax might never come, leaving the woman in a state of sexual frenzy, poised on the edge between torment and delight.

Min licked the tip of one finger and slid it effortlessly inside the tight, flexing heat of her mother’s cunny-hole before pushing up. Erden mewled like a newborn and then cried out with new pleasure. She pushed up on her toes, stretching her legs opened as wide as she could, grinding herself on Min’s finger. “Ahhh! Gods, mmmmm! I love it!”

The moment itself felt endless, but the end did come, finally. When she came, Erden grit her teeth, arched her back and shuddered, legs opened so wide Min could see her gaping cunt, glistening and pulsing like an open mouth as it tried to devour the finger pleasuring it; the delicate bones of Erden’s hips pushed tight against smooth skin and tightened muscles. As she withdrew her finger from it, Erden’s pussy still looked so hungry, and Min knew that one climax wasn’t usually enough to satisfy her mother for long. It was a reminder to her of just how beautiful a woman that Erden was, how much Min didn’t deserve her. She watched as the older woman slowly came down from her pleasurable high, sighing with relief and satisfaction.

“Goodness, child,” Erden said with a shivering sigh. “Thank…thank you…” Already her voice was softening, fading, as the sleep she’d originally sought was beginning to catch up with her.

Min bent down, pressed a kiss to her mother’s temple. “Sleep well,” she whispered as she crawled off the bedroll and stool up. Erden slowly rolled to over to rest from her exertions, not bothering with the sheet in the heat of the day. Min could see the curves of her mother’s calves, her hip, her bare shoulder; the tanned seam of her ass was upturned, kissed by the sunshine. After a few moments, Min was certain of it: her mother was asleep, and the rise and fall of her shoulders and back proved it. It seemed that one climax really would be enough on this particular day.

But now a familiar appetite stirred in Min’s breast and she wanted relief as well. She quietly slipped away, returning to cool herself in the water again. She lay back with a satisfied smile, resting her head on a smooth, curved stone she improvised as a makeshift pillow. Half-closing her eyes, Min took hold of one breast in her hand, while sliding the other down the smooth slope of her belly and across the muscles of her thighs, which she clenched tight for a moment. Dabbing her tongue across the sore spot of her lip, Min swallowed a sigh before she could let it go as she opened her legs, pushing her hand down between them.

She loved her mother, craved her love and affection, but Min wanted the one thing her mother lacked, the thing she could never give to her daughter: a man’s cock, hard and ready, driving up between her aching thighs. Min slid a finger into the waiting heat of her quim and bit the inside of her cheek as she stoked her inner softness, stroking a fingertip across the uppermost wall behind her clit. With her other hand, she pulled at her nipple, gently twisting and teasing it, pinching until it almost reached the point of pain, then held it until her breath came out in a shuddering gasp and she had to let go.

Letting her body become buoyant, legs outstretched, breasts upthrust, she rose up in the water until her belly broke the surface and her pussy followed; the sparkling, cool water tingled against her engorged, swollen lips. The tiny nub at the tip of her cunt was throbbing for attention, floating just above the surface of the pool, and Min gave in with a slow, deep sound of relief and desire as she swirled it round and round.

Continuing to pleasure herself, Min switched hands to torment and tease her other nipple, pulling at it, feeling it tighten and ache; her breasts were sensitive and she enjoyed prolonging the bits of pain to make the pleasure between her legs feel stronger still. Flicking her little bud, back and forth in the familiar way she liked best, Min had to fight down the urge to moan again at the last second.

Daring to slow down, to look over her shoulder, Min saw her mother was still asleep, lost in dreams for the time being. Min was focused on her own dreams at that moment—the man she fantasized about was faceless, yet he was handsome; dark, yet his hands were pale and large; voiceless, but she heard him moan and say that he wanted her. Min knew what sex was, had watched animals rutting in the woods, had listened to her mother describe men and what they looked like—she wasn’t some ignorant maiden. She wanted to feel her lover’s weight on top of her, pinning her down, his hard flesh thrusting inside of her like a beast. She wanted to slide her fingernails down his back and know that she had pleased him when he came, just as she wanted to climax with him and for him as well.

When Min came, her nipples burned and pulsed in time with her heartbeat; her cunny-hole ached, empty and longing for more than just her fingers. Min sank back into the water and shuddered with delicious heat and pleasure, hugging her legs to her chest as she sucked on her aching lip, letting the orgasm last as long as it could. She savored it, feeling it linger and finally fade away. Only once it was gone did she go below the water’s surface, like washing herself clean; she stood up, wiped her hair back and opened her eyes.

Her mother was still in bed, asleep. Standing next to the hut—on all fours, nose upraised, sniffing the air with a sound like a muffled goat’s horn—was a huge black bear. Its fur was ragged and scabbed in places; through stripes of bare flesh, she saw ugly sores in multiple colors, red, brown and green. Some of the sores had ruptured, staining both fur and flesh in nightmarish streaks.

The beast from her dream was there, come to life, just a short distance away, and it was smelling her mother’s musk. Min had to do something. Fumbling, almost tripping over her own feet, Min raised her voice, giving a loud splash and waving her arms over her head.

“Hey!” she shouted. “Over here!”

The beast’s head pivoted in her direction. One of its eyes was swollen shut, surrounded by an ugly mass of diseased tissue. But the other saw her—Min watched it narrow, squinting at her, which seemed a very human-like thing to do.

“This way!” She waved her hand again, backing up a step in the water to the edge of the little shallow pool. She felt the drop off into the river just behind her.

The bear snorted. Behind it, she saw her mother shift, starting to roll over on the bed, and that movement attracted the bear’s attention. It was the one thing she’d hoped wouldn’t happen, and that made up Min’s mind for her.

This way!” she repeated, turning and jumping into the stream, making as much loud splashing as she could until she reached the other side and took off running. Behind her, she heard the bear roar in anger, and the sound of heavy footfalls crushing anything in its path. Daring a look over her shoulder; she saw the animal was following her.

The chase was on.

Chapter two

Chapter 2

from the dream that had startled Min awake the night before. The first was that, as she ran through the trees, Min was frantically looking about for an escape while the beast chasing her roared and bellowed in anger; in the distance, from far away, she heard her mother shouting, calling her to come back.

But there was a second, crucial difference between the dream and the waking world: Yasemin was a witch, a psychic with power beyond just the strength in her legs. She wasn’t defenseless, and in spite of her panting breath and dripping body, she wasn’t afraid.

Actually, she was terrified, but Min wasn’t so frightened that she couldn’t defend herself. Pressing a hand to one temple, she made an effort with a single thought and her vision took on a blue tint as the power of aku filled her head. A witch’s magic was essentially limitless, but drawing in too much of it would leave her exhausted with a ringing headache, or worse—Min had learned not to use too much power all at once if she didn’t want to be bedridden for the rest of the day.

She heard the beast roar again, saw him less than a stone’s throw distant and closing fast. She spotted a large, flat rock covered with moss, opened her hand towards it, and made a sweeping motion at the bear. There was a pressure in her head, a slight discomfort that instantly vanished as the stone went airborne, crashing into the monster’s muzzle.

The stone caught the animal in his jaw and the side of his head, rupturing the huge mass of tissue covering the left eye—the resulting mess of fluid, blood, pus and other nastiness was so foul that it almost turned her stomach. The bear roared in pain and anger; Min saw blood and yellowed teeth go flying.

For a moment the bear stopped chasing her, batting at the ruined side of his face with one paw, as though trying to hold it in pain. Min could sense the beast through her magic: she could feel it’s hatred for her, a singular need for blood, to sink its teeth into her flesh and rip her apart—it was like staring into a black pit of nothingness.

Pressing one hand against her temple again to ease the uncomfortable pressure, she waved a hand from side to side across the bear’s field of vision—the sun shining through the trees didn’t get any brighter for her, but it blinded the beast, made it roar again and rub its head harder into the dirt to compensate for the pain.

She ran away from the hut and away from mother. If this was going to end the same way as her dream, only one of them had to die—she wouldn’t put Erden at risk. As she ran, Min prayed a fervent prayer to Mylan, a prayer for salvation…or at least for a quick, painless death.

The trees were thinning out and she recognized where she was, saw the rise in the earth the same as in her dream. The bear was right behind her now, swinging his huge paws, pushing younger saplings over and tearing huge chunks out of the larger trees, never even slowing down. One side of its face was coated with pus, blood and dirt, but the remaining good eye was glaring at her, burning with hate, anger and worse: hunger. Min reached the little ravine she’d jumped over in her dream, but doing so meant death, and hardly a pleasant one at that. She didn’t want to die. She didn’t want to leave her mother alone.

With a scream, Min jumped into the gap and fell down to her side. The hard, packed dirt drove the breath from her lungs and something flashed red in her vision, but she was whole and alive. The tiny ravine was just deep and wide enough so that she could lie prone, but she wasn’t out of danger yet. She heard the beast roar again as it began to slam his paws against the earth, scratching at it, reaching in with one paw and an impossibly-long arm, swinging its claws at her.

One of them was just long enough, and it scored a hit across her bare shoulder. Min cried out and rolled to her belly, pressing herself into the dirt and dust at the bottom, too terrified to look up. The ravine stretched ahead of her into the dark, so long she couldn’t see the end of it; the open scar of the earth closed over a few feet away, and then it was all blackness. But blackness was better than the beast trying to murder her. Ignoring the pain in her shoulder, the fluid dripping down on her head—spit, blood, and goddess only knew what else—Min crawled for safety. The dirt scratched at her breasts, ground into her belly, dug into her thighs, but she grit her teeth and kept going.

Then, overhead, the bear broke off the attack. Min stopped moving, dared to look up—she saw the beast’s head from below, muzzle so speckled with foam and blood that it seemed completely mad. Then he roared at something she couldn’t see, and leapt to attack some new threat.

“No! Mother!” Knowing it was suicide, not caring, Min pushed to her feet and jumped for the edge of the hard earth. “Down here! I’m down here!” she cried as her heart pounded in her chest.

Min listened for her mother’s scream but never heard it. Instead, it sounded like another animal had joined the fight—smaller than the bear, perhaps, but no less vicious. For all her trying, Min couldn’t reach the top of the gap or spy out to see what fighting was happening.

There was a sound of pain, a loud cry—one of the animals was hurt. It was followed by heavy breathing, wheezing and pained and the bear’s muffled horn of a cry, like the beast wasn’t sure what was happening. There was a final call, a heavy crash as though a tree had tumbled to the earth…and then silence.

Min didn’t know what was worse: the fighting, or the quiet after it. Had her mother been killed? Had the bear killed another creature in his bloodlust? “H-hello?” Min slid back to the floor of the little gulley, panting as if she’d been fighting herself. The sky looked especially blue and beautiful through the tree branches overhead; for a second, it felt like she was the only person in the whole world.

Then the sun went dark as a head appeared in the gap, staring down at her. For a split second she thought it was the bear and screamed, pushing against the far wall, but then it died in her throat: the head was more narrow, angular, with sharper ears. A wolf’s head.

As she blinked through the glare, Min could see its features more clearly. The animal had grey fur, streaked with bits of brown across its eyes and ears. Its muzzle was darker, but then she realized that it was stained with blood. She’d been attacked by one wild animal just to be saved by another.

The wolf was watching her, holding perfectly still. It lay at the edge of the gap on its belly, dark eyes unblinking, as though waiting for her.

“Well…” Min swallowed, licked her lips. “What d-do you want?”

The animal tilted its head at her, giving a long look with shining gold eyes. Then it stood up and darted away.

Well. Min certainly hasn’t expected anything like that. She blinked, sniffed, then checked her surroundings again. To her left, the cleft in the earth continued down into darkness; to her right, she saw sunlight, so she immediately made her way for that. She was scuffed and bleeding from a dozen tiny cuts, and her injured shoulder was throbbing. She took a second to look at it, then wished she hadn’t—seeing the skin ripped open that way just made the pain triple, until her knees shook and she sat down for a moment. She had to take a breath and close her eyes, or she was going to pass out. Min had to find her mother. Erden could heal her. Erden would know what to do.

There was a sound of rustling up ahead, but it was distorted by the effect of the ravine and the earthen alls. Opening her eyes again, Min looked up to the sunlight opening ahead and the promise of freedom. An unfamiliar figure was standing in the gap, hulking and ominous. It stood on two legs, with a wide chest and thick arms, stretching down to long, clawed fingers. Min had never seen another person before besides her mother, and now the sight of one terrified her. In her bones, the very core of her being, everything was telling her to flee.

Min didn’t stop to ask questions. She turned and ran back down the tunnel into the darkness. She could hear herself panting, sense the fear radiate off of her like a stink, feel the burning in her shoulder, but she still had to run. Min had to get away, no matter what.

In moments, the darkness was almost complete around her. The floor became looser, softer, but interspersed with loose stones that pinched her bare feet or made her wince with every step. She hurried with hands on either side to keep her upright, but that meant she couldn’t feel the way ahead of her, and eventually her luck ran out when she crashed into the end of the tunnel and fell down with a cry and the sound of dirt falling on her head.

Min lay in the dark, stunned, seeing red in her vision with nothing beyond it but pure blackness. She pushed up to her knees, covered her mouth and nose to try and stifle the sound of her breathing the way that her mother had taught her, but knew it was no use.

When she looked back and saw a pair of dark, chestnut-golden eyes in front of hers, Yasemin screamed, only to feel a very large set of fingers and hand clamp over her mouth, muffling the remainder of it. What she presumed to be the other hand cuffed the side of her head, and Min saw red again as she fell to the floor on her side.

Her entire head hurt. It felt like she was momentarily disconnected from herself, looking down on herself, as she was rolled onto her belly in the soft dirt, compressing her breasts beneath her own bulk. She took a shivering, hissing breath and blinked slowly, not that it made any difference—the darkness was total around her, whether her eyes were shut or open.

The figure grabbed one of her wrists, then the other, binding them at the small of her back, pressing the side of her ringing head into the dirt bed beneath her. The other was pushing her legs apart, allowing the figure was to kneel down between them.

“Let go of me!” she tried to say, but what came out was a slurry of syllables and pain. She tasted blood—the blow appeared to have reopened her broken lip.

Then a feeling that was at once foreign and immediately recognizable brushed between her legs—at once like a probing finger, but…different. It was longer, thicker, tipped with a claw that could’ve ripped her belly open, but instead brushed so very delicately across the slit between her opened thighs. It was followed by a growl, wordless but all too understandable, a wordless demand for obedience. The sound was different from the bear’s: it was higher-pitched, but somehow even more dangerous. Min shivered, sucked on her bloody lip, and held still like a good girl. She was in the stranger’s clutches, completely at their mercy.

When she didn’t struggle, the clawed finger retreated. What she felt next in the blackness was unlike anything she’d felt before: it was hot, thick but delicately smooth, with a tapered tip like a blade. It found the soft, if slightly soiled lips to her waiting pussy and pushed inside her with a long, steady motion.

It wasn’t like what she’d imagined, if only because Min had nothing to base her imagination on. She felt a prick, a burning sting that made her gasp and cry out, then the feeling of being so full that she kept gasping, over and over. Her cunt was full from end to end, and she whined with every breath, not knowing what to feel, not hating it, but too afraid that the creature—whatever he was—would lose patience and use his claws on her.

The male, for by then he was undoubtably male, began to move. He released her hands, but as she started to push up, he growled again—Min immediately relented, her breasts and sore shoulders resting on the floor, hands in place. He curled his clawed fingers around her hips and pulled her up, higher onto her knees as he started rutting with her, thrusting into her pussy with a firm, deep rhythm. She gasped with surprise at the new sensations, marveling at the feeling of a true, genuine cock in her belly, rather than some imitation phallus or her own fingers.

“Ohhhhhh,” she moaned, clenching her hands to fists. She wanted to push up, to feel him deeper, but she held as still as his hard, steady fucking allowed. “Who…who are you?” she said, her voice somewhere between a sob and a cry of pleasure. “Why are you…doing this…ngh, goddess!…to me?!”

He didn’t answer. The thrusts only continued, going faster, harder. There was nothing in her fantasies about her first time with a man belonging to a stranger at the bottom of a deep hole, but the sounds of his flesh slapping against hers, his huge hands squeezing her, the way he didn’t stop or slow down for even a second, even the way pain and discomfort melted and melded together with pleasure and the new delight of having a real cock inside of her—all of it made Min want more. She felt ashamed for enjoying it, angry at this brute of a male for taking her so roughly.

Then, something changed, something she could’ve never expected: in spite of his driving rhythm, Min felt a tension in her new lover, in how his fingers trembled and the sounds of his breathing turned soft and panicked, laced with a very soft, bestial whine. His cock pounding her pussy began to fill and swell; something very thick and solid began to beat against her battered cunny-hole. She cried out, fists curling tight, her quim spasming; in seconds it seemed so tight that Min was sure her body was about to split open. She pushed up to her hands and knees, back arching, mouth opening wide. As the swollen hardness of his dick continued to thicken, and the rounded base of him pounded her pussy lips, she moaned, then groaned, then cried aloud in mingled delight and bewilderment.

The rounded bulb pierced her, locked him in place inside of her. Min had never felt anything like it before in her life and she bellowed with a noise that was less a scream and more a wild, unrestrained wail—it shouldn’t have felt good, but it did, oh, how it did. Her head hung down between her shoulders and her ass bounced like she was possessed, bucking backwards against his hard loins. She was shaking all over, climaxing without having so much as touch herself.

When he started to cum she wailed again, overjoyed as the feel of his swollen cock pulsing and tensing in her cunny, as the sensation of that swollen bulb of flesh spasming and pulling inside of her, at the delicious feeling of him grinding against her innermost pleasure points. Her belly was a white-hot center of nerves, of liquid fire and pressure and every sweet, sweet spurt of his spunk made it swell inside her just a little bit more.

Min found herself on the floor of the hidden den, her smoldering belly pressed into the earth, her legs opened as wide as she could make them go while her nameless assailant and lover covered her, seeming more like a protector and claimant with every passing second. She tried to speak, hiccuping from the shock of his seed continuing to flow and pour into her womb. “What…who…” Min licked her lips, tasting dirt, feeling too good to care. “Why did you…?”

Reaching above her head, she could feel his neck and shoulders: they were broad, very thick, and covered with bristling fur like the bear that had chased her, or the wolf that—she guessed—had saved her life. But it wasn’t a wolf: this was a man, a creature with long arms and clawed hands. There was a sound like twigs cracking above her head, startling Min from her sexual reverie for a moment until his cock jerked and pulled the knot hard against the walls of her abused cunt; she gasped and squealed, sucking on her bloody lip as another orgasm made her shudder and shake, rutting in the dirt for a moment until she went still, whimpering with every breath.

Then the man licked her shoulder: fire of a different kind shot through her arm and chest and she screamed from the shock of it as much as the pain. She felt him turn, heard him spit into the dirt. “This is going to hurt.” His voice was low, soft—not tender, but the sort of softness she might spy in a grey cloud as the lightning flashed and the rain fell onto her naked flesh; the softness she imagined the wolf’s fur might be, even as he bared his teeth at her; the softness of her mother’s long, sweet kisses, while also knowing the fiery temper she possessed.

Min’s world became repetitive, unpleasant flashes of lightning as he continued to lick at her open wound, spitting blood out of his mouth, pinning down her hands when she tried to stop him, and the wonderful hum of his swollen cock in her belly as he shifted and moved, sending sparks of sweet pleasure through her core, down her thighs and up into her breasts, leaving a tingling in her nipples. One orgasm turned into another, and then another, and even more. Min was trembling after a time of withstanding both sensations, but eventually his licking slowed and then stopped entirely, while his cock slowed its expelling of seed into her pussy until it, too, stopped.

“There, better,” he said.

“Speak…mmph…for yourself.” Min giggled after she said it, which caught her by surprise.

“Try to move your arm,” he ordered.

She did so, and was surprised by how the pain had lessened. When she reached over to gently probe at the injured flesh, she felt that it was whole again—it made her gasp, turn her head to look up at him, although of course it was still pitch black and she couldn’t see anything except for the faintest glimmer of his eyes.

“What did you do?”

“I healed you,” he said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

“Who are you? What are you?” she said. She felt full and swollen herself, but that was no surprise given how much cum he’d poured inside of her. “Why did you…take me?” she added, in a whisper.

“I am a child of Kelash, the She-Wolf,” he said. “I was chasing the creature that attacked you. I saved your life: you were infected with the sickness that tainted him. Had I not removed it, you would be dead by nightfall.” He spoke in the same soft tone, but his voice allowed her no room for argument, as though what he said was the truth and she simply had to accept it.

“But…why did you…” Her voice halted, faltering as she brushed her fingers across her hip and lower belly, still pressed into the soft earth. She was swollen with his copious amount of seed by then, and now that the immediate pleasure was fading, she was as much puzzled by his forceful claiming as to why he’d taken her at all. “Did you…desire me?” she said, unsure how to phrase the question, wishing her mother had taught her more about the ways and behaviors of men.

“I claimed you,” he said. His tone wasn’t unkind, given the circumstances. “I have need of you elsewhere. Putting my mark and my scent on you will protect you on the journey ahead.”

“Journey?” Min was so startled she tried to pull away; his swollen knot held, and she slumped back to the ground with a small fit of trembling of pain and pleasure. “But I, I can’t—”

“Hush,” he said, and she felt his hand press tight to her mouth again.

At first she didn’t understand why, then she heard it: “Yasemin?!” It was her mother’s voice, fearful and frantic, but from very far away. “Yasemin, where are you?”

“Say nothing,” the man ordered, with a hint of a growl as before. “Don’t cry out.”

Min tried to push his hand away, but his grip was like iron and her jaw ached from the pressure of it. Finally she nodded.

“Do not cry out,” he repeated, then eased his grip.

“It’s my mother,” she told him. “She’s worried for me.”

“That matters not,” he said, beginning to pull back. “My need of you does not concern her.” There was a firm pressure, her cunt protesting at him pulling away from her, then a wet pop and the feeling of warm jizz gushing from between her legs, pooling and spilling into the dirt.

Min shuddered one last time and it took her several moments to find the strength to push onto her hands and knees again, all while listening to her mother’s frantic cries and hating not being able to answer. “Why do you need me? Why did you…mark me?” She felt, rather than saw, his hand clasp around her arm as he pulled her to her feet; cum trickled down her thighs and between her knees. Her legs gave a shudder and finally held, but it took her a moment, leaning against him for balance. His flesh was firm and surprisingly hairy, not at all like her smooth skin.

“My people need ones such as you,” he said. He was silent for a long moment afterwards, to the point where she thought he might’ve forgotten what they were talking about, then he took her small hand in his and led her into the dark, back the way they’d come. “If we’re discovered by others in the forest, they should smell my scent on you and leave us in peace.”

“Even if it’s another bear?”

“Unlikely,” he answered with a growl. “Many of the children of Bhalot are diseased, like the one who attacked you. They are hunting my people, and we need more than our strength of numbers to stop them. You should be able to help.”

“So the bears are sick. They’re attacking your people…and you want me to do something about them?” Min didn’t bother trying to hide the disbelief in her voice. “What am I supposed to do?”

“You are a witch of these woods, are you not?” She nodded, but either he could see her do it or he already knew the answer. “You have powers that most of the Kelash does not. We have one of your kind among our numbers, but we need more.”

“But shouldn’t we ask my mother for help? She knows more than—”

“I am but one male, and I trust myself only to control one of you at a time,” he said with another growl. “Once we reach my tribe, perhaps they will decide that she can be of use and send another to fetch her.”

“And what if I don’t want to go with you?” Min wasn’t defenseless, not by any means, but there was no way to get away from him safely—he was blocking the only escape route. By now, there was enough light to see him by, or enough for her to make out that he was much taller and broader than she. His body was covered in grey and brown hair, with thick patches of it obscuring the skin beneath. His hand holding hers had a set of terribly long claws, just as she’d felt down in the dark.

He turned to look at her from alongside; in profile he seemed almost handsome, although she supposed any man would be, since she’d never seen one before. His eyes of golden brown shone in the dim light, and his jaw was set, like he wanted to peel back his lips and snarl at her. “You escaped the Bhalot, and that was only with my help. If not for me, you’d be warming an empty hole in his belly.” He turned and leaned down, face to face with her. “Do you really think you and your mother could stop me?”

The threat was obvious, and Min shook her head quickly, not wanting to anger him. She smelled of dirt, sweat, and the strange, subtle scent that she supposed was his seed, and had no doubt that even if she somehow got past him, he could follow her by smell, much less by sight.


“Alright,” Min answered, looking down. “Just don’t hurt my mother,” she pleaded. “I…I’ll be a good girl. I’ll do anything you ask, I promise.”

“Anything?” he said, his eyes shining.

Min nodded. She was sore, tired and in need of another bath, but doubted this man would let her have any time for one. She’d chosen her words deliberately—it always pleased her mother when Min promised to be good. Maybe this man would react the same way.

“Very well. Stay close.” Then he turned and headed back up the tunnel towards the exit.

As soon as he looked away, Min pressed a set of fingertips to her temple while following close behind. I’m here, Mother, she said without sound. Her formerly injured shoulder gave a slight twinge, but otherwise didn’t pain her.

If it had been anyone else it might have taken a moment to tune her mind to theirs, but she’d been with Erden since the day of her birth, and knew her morher’s mind almost as well as her body.

Yasemin! Where are you?

I don’t know. I’m being taken somewhere. A man found me.

A man? Here? She could sense Erden’s renewed panic, surprise, and a faint touch of…was that jealousy? Where are you?

I can’t say, Mother. He threatened to hurt you if I didn’t agree to go with him. He says he’s a Kelash, I think—does that mean anything to you?

It might. Something dark and unpleasant tainted her mother’s inner voice, like the man’s angry growl. I’m going to find him and tie his tail around his neck.

Min looked down at the man’s back and ass—she rather liked the view, but noted then that he did indeed have a tail. How curious.

Please Mother, I don’t want him to hurt you. Please stay home. Wait for my return. I’ll hurry back as soon as I can.

But Yasemin—

I won’t be long, Min added, forcing some cheerfulness into her tone. They were almost to the end of the ravine; she was out of time. I love you, Mama. I hope to be home soon. I’ll miss you.

Yasemin—! Before her mother could say anymore, Min broke their mental connection. She forced down a sigh of regret and followed her captor into the sunlight. The sun was still high overhead, and looking back, she thought she might have spied her hut through the trees.

“What do I call you?” she said, turning back towards him. A cool wind slid across her naked flesh, and there was a rumble of thunder in the air.

He paused, looking at her for a moment, as though surprised by her question. “Sergen. Now—this way.” He took her hand in his. There was that sound of limbs cracking and snapping, startling her—his face seemed to be melting for a moment, bones shifting and reforming in a way that almost turned her stomach. A second later, the man’s face and head were gone and the wolf’s had returned.

Mother had never told her that men could do that.

He sniffed at her, turned his head in a direction away from the stream and little cottage, and led the way. Min swallowed, took a deep breath, and quickly followed.

Chapter three

Chapter 3

Min to believe she wasn’t dreaming again when she looked over and saw another person who wasn’t her mother, however bestial his appearance was, walking so close she could have reached out and touched him. Sergen was a curious specimen, one she couldn’t stop staring at: tall and broad, with arms and legs made of thick, wrought muscle, covered in a mat of thick, grayish fur from the tips of his ears to the bottom of both feet. Inside the little hollow, his face had looked dark, with skin like oiled leather and a mouth of sharp canines; when his head changed shape, something she still had trouble processing, it grew longer, more animal-like, with sharp ears atop his head and a long snout. Sergen didn’t threaten her again, but rather kept a quick pace through the woods, obviously expecting her to keep up—Min didn’t want to find out what might happen if she didn’t.

Living in the woods her whole life gave Min some advantages: the soles of her feet were tougher, she wasn’t bothered by the sun, and she knew how to tell what direction she was going in. They took what she estimated as a northwesterly direction. That part of the Witch Wood was mostly flat, a gradual downgrade ahead of them into a valley of some kind. Trees grew up so thick it was impossible to see very far, yet the great wolf-man sniffed the air and kept moving in the same general direction. Min had no choice but to follow—he’d threatened her mother’s life, and hers besides, but running from him was such a poor choice that it wasn’t really a choice at all.

“So why are we going to meet these people of yours?” she asked.

“My tribe are under attack, like I told you,” he answered, not looking back. “You and others like you may help turn the tide in our favor.”

“‘Others like me.’ You mean witches.”

He nodded, still keeping a steady pace.

“But you’re a wolf-man! You killed a bear all by yourself! What is somebody like me going to do? If you want magic, my mother would’ve been—”

“My choice is made.” He stopped, turned, stared her down. He was a brute of a figure, tall and menacing, but Min tried to not shrink back. “I needed one of you, I made the decision, it is done. Accept it. Move on.” With that said, he turned and started jogging again.

She was quiet for a moment as she matched his pace. “Then what is the threat? Who’s attacking your people?”

“They are the children of Bhalot, the She-Bear. They allied themselves with one of your kind, a witch named San.” He snarled after saying the name. “She grants them otherworldly strength, yet it corrupts their bodies and minds as you saw.”

“But why did the bear attack my mother and I?”

“Who knows?” He shrugged. “I cannot speak for the mind of a witch or the beasts that ally themselves with her. You will assist my people in stopping her, or you may wish the bear had caught you instead.” With that ominous warning, the wolf-man turned away and didn’t speak again.

The thunder that started rumbling when they emerged from the little ravine finally fulfilled the lingering promise of rain, and in the rainy season that meant it came as a deluge. Min took the opportunity for that second bath she’d been craving, rubbing her hands all over her body as she jogged behind Sergen. The rain was warm on her bare flesh as she rubbed the bit of excess dirt and filth away, washing over the few scabs she’d picked up, but the scratches were shallow and they didn’t trouble her. The wound on her shoulder had closed completely due to some power Sergen possessed—her injury was gone, save for sore muscles and a bit of burning if she overused it. Perhaps the Kelash had some magic after all, in spite of what he said.

Thunder crashed and lightning tore the sky as the rain continued. Min scrubbed her breasts and belly clean, making sure to be thorough on her tender flesh, even between her thighs to rinse away any sticky, lingering remnants of his seed. She saw Sergen stealing glances back at her as they jogged along, but he didn’t say anything. Her pussy was a touch sore, but she didn’t feel any ill after-effects of his claiming her, and—in her heart of hearts—Min didn’t mind the soreness, given how pleasurable her first time with a man had been.

They jogged for hours, and the rain refused to let up. By that time it was starting to get dark, and Min halted first to catch her breath, leaning against a thick, knotted tree trunk. “Can’t we stop and rest? For a little while?”

Sergen, who still hadn’t stopped, finally did so and turned around. He came right up to Min, face to face, and let his eyes bore into her. It was a look of challenge, though she didn’t think it one of anger.

“The rain isn’t stopping,” she said, pushing her wet hair back, swiping a hand across her face. “I’m not going to run away.” She faced him down, putting her hands on both hips. “I said I’d do anything you wanted, remember? No running. Just…please. I’m tired, so let’s rest. At least for a little while.”

Sergen narrowed his eyes at her, but Min stood her ground, swallowing past a nervous lump in her throat. After a moment’s stalemate, he finally nodded and turned away. Ahe bit back on an urge to sigh with relief and went to look about making some adequate shelter.

It was still warm in spite of the rain, so Min didn’t trouble herself with preparing a place to start a fire, and given how deep in the woods they were, she didn’t want to attract any unwanted attention. Instead, she spied a nearby tarotaro tree and hurried over to it. The tree bore leaves almost as long as she was tall, so Min started breaking them off from their long, drooping green stalks and started stacking them for later use.

“Stay here,” he said. “I’m going on patrol—there’s still another half-day’s journey left until we reach my tribe’s hunting grounds.” She heard more of that disjointed, painful cracking sound that put her teeth on edge, but Min couldn’t tear her eyes away as Sergen began to change. More than his head, his physical body began to shrink: his limbs shortened and thinned, his torso collapsed in on itself, and his head sank into his shoulders. In another moment, where before a furry, misshapen man had stood, now a four-legged beast remained. It was the very same wolf she’d spotted after he’d killed the bear to save her life, only perhaps a bit more soaked and dripping. On all fours, he stood tall enough to reach past her waist, and she was sure he could’ve torn her to pieces on four legs as easily as on two.

Was she hearing his bones break and reform every time his body changed? The thought made her shiver—it had to be a painful process. Sergen gave a harsh shake, throwing water all about in some vain hope of drying himself, and he disappeared into the gloom. She watched him go, wondering why her mother never told her that men could turn into beasts, then she continued building her shelter.

The huge, heart-shaped leaves couldn’t protect her on their own, but she could lash them to dead branches with thin vines and form a makeshift tent over a natural hollow she found in the earth near the base of the tree. After the space was large enough for the two of them, but just barely, Min shoveled out the wet rubbish of dead leaves and undergrowth, leaving a relatively dry beneath. After piling up more rubbish around the edges as a makeshift barrier to keep out the rain and wind, Min settled in and listened to the hiss of the rain on the roof of her little tent, staring out into the gathering darkness.

She missed her mother. Min was too old to cry at being alone, too old to cry at having to finally leave home. Part of her had always knew it would happen eventually, even though she’d never dreamt it would come on behalf of a man who could turn himself into a wolf. Or perhaps all men were also wolves, and her mother hadn’t seen fit to tell her so.

Min didn’t try to contact her mother again, though—what could she say? What good would there be in worrying her even further? It made her sniff with annoyance, burrowing down deeper into her warm little hollow. She made a pillow out of some leftover bits of soft leaves, laid her head back, and closed her eyes.

Occasionally, Min would hear noises in the dark: animal noises, a hooting here or call there. The first time made her start up in surprise. As they continued and came closer, she tried to make herself smaller in her little tent. Nothing stirred in the dark over the noise of the storm, and in time the noises ceased and she was able to drift off to sleep.

The smell of wet fur woke her up. She worried it might be another bear for a moment until she saw the familiar flicker of golden brown eyes glittering in the gloom. The rain was still falling, but her tiny shelter was holding up well, with no drooping ceiling or water trickling in where it wasn’t wanted.

Sergen gave another wild, vicious shake of his grey fur, then stuck his nose under the lip of her green leaf roof and started to crawl inside.

“What? H-hey! Careful!” Min protested, starting to move out of the way, but the animal slithered right on top of her, pinning her to the ground as he laid down. She sputtered and pushed back a bit of her wet hair that went askew. “Are we comfortable, then?” Min pursed up her mouth at him, too surprised by his behavior to be truly scared of him at that moment. He could’ve killed her or left her to die a dozen times over by then, so she failed to see his reasoning in doing so now.

Sergen wasn’t an unattractive animal, by any means. His eyes were like lanterns in the dark, and she could see his face and muzzle as he leaned in so very close to her. “May I…touch you?” she said, with some reluctance.

Sergen didn’t seem eager to change back. His ears swiveled and he tipped his head to one side. He licked his chops, but it wasn’t a threatening sort of motion. He also wasn’t growling, which was good.

“I told you I’d be a good girl,” she said. “I promised.” When he didn’t bare his teeth or show any further displeasure, she reached up and carefully slid her fingers through the fur of his head, around his ears and his thick neck. “I hope you don’t feel the urge to change in that larger shape of yours,” she said. “I’m not sure the shelter is big enough for that.”

He was quiet while she petted and stroked his head. It felt surreal, being so close to a wild animal, even one with his obvious intelligence. He even closed his eyes partway, leaning his head this way and that into her scratching fingernails, enjoying as it got more vigorous.

“It’s just a shame we can’t talk,” she said, speaking softly as the rain hissed and fell around them. “If you say you’ve ‘marked’ me the way you have, I’d talk about that.” She felt her face go warm. “Maybe I shouldn’t have liked it so much as I did.”

What Sergen did next, she didn’t anticipate: the wolf licked her face, swiping up from jaw to temple. It was so sudden, so unexpected that she laughed in surprise. She gave him a little mock glare, gently tousling his ears. “Seeing if I taste good before you eat me whole, are you?”

He licked her again, up her neck and under her chin. Min’s laugh was a little softer that time as he rested his head on her chest, looking up at her in something like expectation.

“Where did a man like you come from?” she said. “I’ve lived all my life alone, my mother and I…and now I wonder if I’ll ever see her again.” Min closed her eyes, resting her head back as she sighed. “I suppose I should be furious with you,” she continued, eyes still closed. “Showing up like that, saving my life, and then cornering me in a cave—”

The wolf picked up his head and licked her again, but this time he began to bathe the curve of one breast with his tongue; she was struck by its rough texture when it swiped across one nipple, sending a lightning jolt of a different kind through the air, leaving sparks in her eyes.

“Oh!” Min gasped and pushed up on her elbows, staring down at him. Sergen continued licking, caressing her, teasing her, giving new pleasure that made her breath come in shorter, quicker starts. Their eyes met for just a brief moment, then then he shimmied backwards, crawling on his belly again, taking care not to upset their shelter; the fur on his soft underbelly brushed across her stomach and thighs, making her suck her lip into her mouth again.

When his nose reached the parting of her thighs, he stared her down, and she saw some unspoken urging in his eyes. Min opened her legs wide after only a heartbeat of a hesitation—it was obvious what he wanted, and she felt herself wanting the same thing. When he started to lick her again, she rocked backwards, back bending, toes pointed, her muscles tensing up. “Oh fuck!” she called, being as loud as she wanted under the roar of the storm. His wild, wonderful tongue stroked her clit, slid into her tight puss and nearly bottomed out inside of her with every swipe. She loved it. Grabbing her breasts, pinching her nipples, Min shuddered and rolled her hips, trying to open herself even the tiniest bit wider for him, to give her new lover access to places no one had ever reached before.

Her first orgasm was blinding-fast, so hot she could sense steam lifting off of her. “Yes! Yes!” she cried. “More, oh, please, more!” If he was going to pleasure her in this manner, she’d at least try to prolong it as much as she could.

That slippery pink muscle wriggled in and out of her cunny-hole with gusto, driving and stroking, pulling and tasting. Min soon began alternating between gasping and weeping, her body shaking as a second orgasm followed the first. She curled her hands in his fur, now trying to pull his head away, to give her a moment of relief. “Please! Let me…let me breathe!”


That was a preview of Dreamer of the Witch Wood: A Dark Fantasy Romance. To read the rest purchase the book.

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