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Shady Lady Julie


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Crow's Nest Meeting


Maria sat at the Crow’s Nest bar on the top deck of the cruise ship nursing a cocktail as she listened to the pianist. Sitting on the next stool was Tina her younger sister by two years. Tina was tapping her foot as she scanned the room muttering under her breath “Too old…married…no way…straight.”


Maria had turned 30 today and it should have been Jimmy her live-in boyfriend of four years sitting next to her. Instead, he had chosen two weeks before they had boarded the ship to announce that he was leaving her for a younger woman. After much screaming and a fair few things being thrown, Maria had phoned her lesbian sister and between sobs asked her to go on the cruise with her as she was still determined not to miss her first ever cruise.


The cruise company had been great at changing the name and if there was any draw back was that when they checked into their cabin the king-sized double bed was made up. The cabin steward was most apologetic as he explained it wasn’t possible to change things straight away but they would do it as soon as it was possible. Tina just laughed, as she always did, “It will be like when we were kids,” which settled things.


When Tina had found out there was a LBGT plus meeting in the Crow’s Nest bar on the top deck she had begged Maria to come along.


“It will be fun,” Tina insisted as she started to pick out what she was going to wear. Mentally she was ticking off the women she had seen so far hoping that at least one of them was gay or at least curious enough for Tina to charm her panties off.


Tina was a stereotypical soft dyke. She was feminine enough that there could be no mistake that she was female, but the short hair shaved at the sides signalled her type. Not that Tina minded being typecast and had often tried to interest her sister in her lifestyle. Maria would laugh off Tina’s ribald comments and if pushed would retort with, “I just like cock too much.”


If Tina looked like a dyke, then Maria looked like a typical femme with her mass of curls framing her pretty face. The red dress she was wearing hugged her figure accentuating her curves and showing off her body. Lost in her thoughts she suddenly realised that the woman standing in front of her was talking to her.


“Why don’t you and your girlfriend come and join us,” she said smiling showing her pearl-white teeth as she nodded towards a group in the corner. There were a collection of men and women but what was obvious was all the couples were of the same sex, with a few singles near the edges. “I’m Donna by the way,” she added.


Maria looked at the woman who had ice-white hair swept back on the top with the back and sides shaved very high. Her black sequinned dress owed a lot of inspiration to Tina Turner with its uneven bottom as it shimmered in the lights. The haircut was almost identical to her sister’s and screamed dyke. Maria found herself fascinated by the tattoos on Donna’s arms and shoulders, most of them visible under the string straps of the dress, with the low cut revealing a very ample cleavage.


“Oh no she’s not my girlfriend,” Maria stammered.


“Mmmm you are single…yummy,” Donna said licking her lips.


Tina interrupted with, “She’s not one of us...but I am,” adding a theatrical wink “And we are real sisters and today my big sister is 30.”


Donna let out a snort of laughter, “Not sure I remember my 30th and my 40th is far too close. Why don’t you join us as our token straight, unless you are thinking of converting.” Her eyes twinkled at Maria’s obvious embarrassment as she added, “Has anyone told you how sexy you are when you blush.”


Leading a blushing Maria and a smiling Tina over to the group she announced, “This is Maria and Tina, not a couple but are real sisters…or so they claim,” she said with an exaggerated wink. “One of them is straight and the other not, your task is to make sure neither of them is when they leave.” Her remark was met with roars of laughter.


Turning to Maria and Tina she waved her arm as she said, “Meet the LBGT plus community on board this cruise. Now let me buy you a drink to celebrate your 30th Birthday.” She said the last two words loudly to draw a round of applause from the group and a series of congratulations.


Tina quickly drew attention as she always did with her outgoing and bubbly personality becoming the centre of attention. Maria sat listening to a gay male couple who were earnestly detailing the itinerary with each of them adding detail to the other one’s explanations. Donna slipped into the seat next to her and put a drink down in front of her, “Let me rescue you from this pair,” she laughed. The gay couple laughed in response, and one stuck his tongue out in a humorous reply as they moved away.


“What is it?” Maria asked as she sipped the cocktail.


“Between the sheets,” Donna replied with the hint of a leer., “Now tell me everything about you and leave out nothing, I want all the juicy details.”


The pair chatted and Maria found herself relaxing for the first time in weeks. She poured out her heart telling Donna about her boyfriend and the split. Donna was sympathetic but also passed comments about how men couldn’t really be trusted, and they were only really interested in one thing.


“And you aren’t?” Maria said slurring a little.


“No. I want to get to know your mind AND your body…that’s two things,” Donna laughed and then held out her hand, “Let’s dance.”


Donna admitted that she was poor at maintaining relationships mainly due to her roving eye and wandering hands. Now she preferred to stay single although the other side of her bed wasn’t often empty. Despite the pleas from a couple of girlfriends she had decided to take the cruise alone, as she always did.


When Maria asked her, “So you go on these cruises to seduce straight women,” she was not surprised when Donna nodded her head and winked


“Straight pussy always tastes the sweetest,” she whispered in Maria’s ear before continuing to grind to the beat. Then when the tempo changed it felt the most natural thing in the world to sink into Donna’s arms and let her lead. As the pair danced fast or slow, they exchanged questions and answers that became more and more risqué.


“Can I ask you as a straight, don’t you get bored with the same cock all the time?” Donna said.


“It’s called being faithful,” Maria responded, muttering under her breath, "not like my ex-partner would know."


A few minutes later Maria asked, “So what’s your perfect woman?”


“The one in my bed,” Donna responded.


“Silly,” Maria giggled, “I mean the one that will make you settle down.”


Donna looked thoughtful for a moment before she replied, “One that won’t judge me when I seek fresh pussy but one who will join me in our pursuit.”


Maria considered her answer and could feel herself getting wet at the thought. Before she had settled down with Jimmy she had a bit of a secret wild side enjoying more than one threesome.


“My turn,” said Donna breaking Maria’s train of thought, “Have you ever been turned on by lesbian porn?”


Maria paused before she said quickly, “No never.”


“Fibber…I can tell,” Donna laughed.


Maria had never told anyone about when she had looked at her sister’s laptop about 10 years ago when they were both still living at home. She had found a folder marked private and of course, had looked inside. There were some explicit pictures of two women touching each other with their faces obscured. The touching turned to fingers which in turn became toys then back to fingers as one put their hand into the other. It was only when she got to the last picture, she saw her sister and her ex-girlfriend's smiling faces that she realised what she had seen. To her embarrassment, she was soaking wet as she slammed the laptop shut.


That night they had laid in separate beds in darkness as Tina told her about her latest conquest and how sweet she tasted while Maria lay in silence, the picture she had seen burned into her brain.


“You do understand I am 100% straight and have never looked at another woman in that way,” Maria said firmly as if to try to dispel the images in her head.


“Tell me that after I have licked you to heaven and back,” Donna replied.


Eventually, the pair collapsed on seats at a table and signalled for some drinks. Even though Donna was nearly ten years older, Maria knew she had been danced off the floor.


“You have so much energy,” Maria said, “Do you never stop,” then blushed as Donna wiggled her tongue and Maria realised the accidental double entendre she had made.


Further blushes were saved when Tina appeared with her arm around a pretty young girl who was travelling with her parents. Maria could tell she was over 18 as she had no red wristband on, something all the minors had to wear on the ship. This was to stop them from going ashore unaccompanied and much to their disappointment it also stopped them when they tried to get served alcohol.


“Jess needs me to explain a few things,” Tina said, “So I am taking her back to the room as I guess you will be up for another hour…at least.”


Maria could see the look of pleading on Tina’s face but before she could reply Donna said, “Sure no problem I will look after your sister.”


“I am sure you will,” Tina laughed as she led Jess away, her hand caressing the young girl’s ass through her short dress.


“Let’s grab a show,” Donna said and pulled Maria to her feet, propelling her towards the Theatre.


After the show had finished Donna looked at her watch as she said, “Your sister has only had an hour, why don’t we have a nightcap in my cabin and give them a bit longer.”


Maria looked at Donna as she said, “Just a nightcap or are you going to try to seduce me?”


Donna held Maria’s hands in each of hers, “Listen I have had a great time tonight and hope you have as well. Let’s have a drink and you decide what happens.”


Donna led Maria towards her cabin which was on the same floor as Maria and Tina’s.


“Want to go and have a listen to your sister?” Donna giggled.


Maria quickly said, “Don’t be such a pervert,” as she followed Donna down the corridor though the pictures from 10 years before popped into her head.


Having poured them both a large Bailey’s, Maria and Donna kicked off their shoes and sat on the large couch.


They chatted about the show and things to do on the ship when Donna said, “Can I ask you a question?”


“Sure,” laughed Maria, “As long as it’s about sex.”


Donna smiled, “If was a man instead of a woman would you have slept with me tonight?”


Maria thought about it for a while before she said softly, “Probably yes.”


Donna just laughed and said nothing watching Maria’s face as it was clear that she was thinking. Then Maria got to her feet and Donna expected her to move to the door, but instead, she reached behind and unzipped her dress until it fell in a puddle around her ankles.


Donna was stunned as Maria was completely naked under it and blurted out, “You are naked.”


“Yes,” said Maria, “I hate lines showing. Now show me what I have been missing before I lose my nerve and change my mind.”


Donna stood and pulled her dress over her head revealing her unfettered breasts and a pair of panties that covered her pubis. Stepping forward she took Maria’s cheeks in her hands and turned her face towards hers. They were standing so close that their breasts were touching as Donna whispered, “Are you sure?”


Maria didn’t reply but leaned forward and kissed Donna on the lips. As their lips touched Donna opened her mouth and let Maria push her tongue into her mouth. The pair’s tongues fought a battle between their mouths as they ran their hands over each other’s bodies Donna gently pushed Maria onto the bed before kneeling between her legs.


Maria laid back with a relaxed sigh and felt Donna kiss each of her breasts in turn before teasing her nipples with her lips and teeth until they were standing proud. Maria was writhing on the bed as Donna worked her way down her body kissing and licking until she felt Donna’s breath on her pussy. None of Maria's boyfriends had paid much attention to giving oral sex, all were more content just giving a few licks before moving on. Donna was different and spent what seemed like hours flicking and licking until Maria was a mass of nerve endings. When her tongue wasn’t probing it was her finger curling inside and caressing points that Maria never knew existed.


When Donna finally started to lick her clit in earnest Maria arched off the bed as the first orgasm hit, but Donna didn’t stop. She let Maria peak and then as she started to come down, she recommenced her licking bringing Maria to another orgasm. This pattern continued until Maria was begging her to stop before almost immediately begging her to carry on. When finally, Donna stopped her licking and touching Maria lay on the bed shaking as spasms ran through her.


“That was amazing, I won’t be anything like as good, but I will try,” Maria said reaching for Donna.


“It’s OK,” Donna said hastily, still in her panties as she moved off the bed.


Maria was confused as she watched Donna blush deeply before her face crumpled in almost tears.


“I’m sorry,” Donna said in a small voice, “I should have been more honest with you... it’s just you can’t lick my pussy.”


“Why not?” Maria said still confused.


“Because I don’t have one.”


The cabin fell silent as Donna said nothing but peeled her panties down revealing a tight mesh. The mesh covering was removed, and Donna opened her legs for a reasonably sized, semi-hard penis to spring into view. Donna moved her hands under herself, and a pair of balls dropped down.


Maria said nothing for a moment and then scooted forward on the bed until she was close to Donna. “I guess it’s a good thing really as I am better at sucking cock than I am licking pussy.” Before Donna could say anything, Maria took her cock in her hand and started to suck the head into her mouth. As she felt it harden, she pushed aside all the questions she had as the desire for sex rose inside.


Her mouth enveloped Donna's cock and as she sucked her deep, she looked up and could see Donna playing with her own ample breasts. Maria found it was making her so horny watching Donna tweak her own nipples, yet at the same time her substantial cock was going in and out of her mouth.


“If you don’t stop I will cum soon,” Donna gasped.


Maria said nothing but kept sucking deeper, her fingers running over Donna's balls. She felt them ripple and contract moments before a jet of hot seed hit her throat. Still working her head fast Maria was rewarded with further jets of cum as Donna emptied her balls into Maria's mouth. Gripping the base Maria expertly squeezed and milked the last drops before finally removing the cock from her mouth.


Smiling at Donna she said, "See told you I was good."


"Good that was fucking perfect," Donna said with a dreamy smile.


As they lay in each other’s arms Maria turned to Donna and said softly, “Can I ask you a question?”


“Sure,” laughed Donna, “As long as it’s about sex.”


“Well it kind of is,” Maria said softly, “It’s about this,” she added as she stroked Donna’s semi-hard cock. “If you are transitioning from male to female why haven't you had the operation?... Not that I want you to,” she added hastily.


“I am scared,” Donna said quietly, and then seeing the look on Maria's face went on, “Not of the operation but what it might do to my voice which is what earns me the money after all.”


Donna lay on the bed naked watching Maria dress. “You could stay you know,” she said as she watched Maria wiggle into her red evening dress.


“My sister will worry,” Maria said with shoes in her hand ready for the walk of shame, “And thank you for a wonderful evening.”


“Oh yes your sexy sister, must admit I wouldn’t mind a piece of that.” Donna laughed softly.


“Will I see you tomorrow?” Maria said changing the subject.


“Come to the last show at the theatre tomorrow evening,” Donna replied and winked.


Maria had the instant vision of her sister getting fucked just as she just had been as she closed the cabin door and head down the corridor to her own cabin.


“So how did tonight go with Donna?” Tina asked as Maria crept into her room


“Fine,” said Maria, “we just talked.”


“Liar,” laughed Tina, “Sis it’s two in the morning, and you have a freshly fucked look on your face...don’t tell me you just talked.”


“What about you and Jess?” Maria said trying to change the subject.


“Was going to fuck her senseless…,” Tina laughed nodding her head towards the strap-on that was on her bedside table, “…and it was going well until her bloody parents banged on the door and demanded she leave. For fuck’s sake she is 18, not a kid…and she does have the sweetest pussy.”


“You are as bad as Donna,” Maria giggled


“Both of them got a good eyeful of what their baby girl was going to get, and I am pretty sure the mother’s eyes lit up when I answered the door with it waving in the breeze.”


Not bothering with a nightie Maria could feel her pussy still tingling as she slipped between the sheets naked.


“Did she fuck you then Sis?” Tina asked.


“Yes…a lot,” Maria said as she started to recount the events of the evening in detail. After a few minutes of graphic descriptions, she heard her sister make a little noise and turning her head she could see movement under the bedclothes.


“Are you masturbating?” Maria asked Tina indignantly.


“My sexy big sister comes to bed and tells me all about her first lesbian encounter…you damn right I am masturbating,” Tina said as she kicked the covers off and resumed touching herself.


“Well she isn’t really a lesbian,” Maria said quietly as she watched her sister rubbing herself.


This wasn’t the first time they had seen each other naked nor the first time they had heard each other masturbate, though it was normally under the cover of darkness and in secret.


“What do you mean?” Tina said getting more turned on by the fact her own sister was watching her.


They locked eyes as Tina became more aroused and Maria could feel her head spinning and her pussy flipping. Part of her brain was telling her that this was her little sister another part was telling her this was a sexy naked woman sharing her bed.


“She has a cock,” Maria blurted out.


Tina stopped her hand movements, “But those tits look so real.”


“They are,” Maria replied, “She is a transsexual and has transitioned partially but has decided to stop where she is at the moment.”


“So you never got to taste a pussy after all then?” Tina laughed


“No,” said Maria.


Awwww poor you...Do you want mine?” Tina said in a blatant way opening her legs and arching her pussy towards her sister. “Did she fuck you with her she-cock?”


“No,” Maria panted, “I sucked her until she shot her load in my mouth.


“Good,” laughed Tina, “Otherwise no way would I go down on you if you were full of cum.”


Maria could feel the internal struggle between lust and morality and in the end, lust overcame morals and Maria reached out and touched Tina’s rock-hard nipple. Her head was in turmoil as she realised that the first pussy she was going to taste in her life was her sister’s, something she had secretly lusted after for many years.


Tina felt her sister’s fingers and couldn’t stop the deep moan that escaped her mouth and when she felt her lips fasten around one of them the pleasure multiplied. She ran her hand over Maria’s head and murmured noises of encouragement as Maria worked her way down her body and started to kiss her flesh as she moved towards her pussy.


Maria inhaled her sister's scent and paused for a moment with her lips poised above her sister's wetness. Then snaking out her tongue flicked at the small pink nub that was emerging from the folds. Maria had no idea what to expect from the taste of another woman but found it was not dissimilar to her own, something she had tasted on numerous occasions on her fingers, toys and even her previous partner's cock. Driving her tongue in she delved and licked, delighted by the noises her sister was making. As she felt Tina’s fingers in her hair she lapped faster as she felt her body tense.


Tina felt like this was the best pussy licking ever, Sure she had been with lesbians who were technically more adept but this was her big sister bringing her to a climax, something she had never dreamed would happen. When they shared a bedroom in their youth, she would often touch herself imagining that Maria would succumb but it never happened. Now her dreams were cumming true and at that thought, she arched off the bed and flooded into Maria's mouth nearly tearing her hair out by the roots.


As they lay in each other’s arms and cuddled, enjoying the warmth of their bodies after sex, Maria said, “I have always fancied you... ever since I opened your laptop and saw those pictures of you and Frankie.”


“Did you masturbate thinking about them?” Tina asked her big sister as she stoked Maria’s pubic mound.


“Yes,” moaned Maria, still a little ashamed of the memory but opened her legs to let her sister have full access to her pussy.


“I used to listen to you at night,” Tina purred as she slipped two fingers into Maria making her moan, “Which is why I left my laptop unlocked hoping you would look one day.”


Maria moaned as her little sister twisted her fingers inside her soaking, aching pussy. “As Donna never fucked you, I am going to fuck you now...you would like that wouldn’t you?” Tina said moving her fingers deeper and faster, her domme streak rising in her.


Maria's eyes glazed with lust as she stared at the large dildo on the bedside table and simply nodded as Tina started to buckle the harness on. At that moment there was a knock on the door and grabbing a robe Maria wrapped it around herself opening it a crack to see Donna’s smiling face.


“I just wanted to check you were OK,” Donna said looking a little worried, then lowered her voice as she whispered, “After you found out about you know what.”


“She is fine about it,” said Tina who had got up from the bed and opened the door fully.


Donna looked at Tina and it took a brief moment to work out what was going on as Tina was naked and she had donned a strap-on that jutted obscenely from her groin.


“How long have you and your sister been...?” Donna asked a little confused but before Maria could answer Tina pulled the door wide then dragged Donna inside.


“She has just tasted pussy for the first time and now I am going to fuck her,” leered Tina, “You can either watch or join in... I understand you have the equipment.” Then almost as an afterthought added, “But you can keep it away from me, not my thing.”


Donna said nothing but just pulled her dress over her head letting her cock spring free, “Best you suck mine as she won’t feel anything with that plastic one,” she laughed as Maria got onto all fours on the bed and opened her mouth eagerly.


As Maria sucked Donna’s cock, Tina gripped the base and ran the head over her sister's wet pussy lips. Placing a hand on her lower back she started to slowly push it into Maria making her moan with pleasure. Donna could feel Maria's moans vibrate around her cock bringing her to full hardness. Standing still she watched as Tina gripped her sister's hips and started to fuck with increasing place and depth, sending Maria forward onto Donna’s cock. Maria choked as Donna's cock hit her throat, but her sister didn’t stop fucking her and Donna just gripped her hair forcing her cock deeper.


“I could cum again in this pretty mouth, but I want to be inside her,” Donna groaned.


Tina laughed, “Are you up for DP big sis...like you did with the Johnson twins?”


Maria couldn’t answer as her mouth was still full of Donna’s cock so seeing the questioning look on Donna’s face went on. “Turns out my big sister was a bit of a cock hound when she was younger and well known for enjoying a bit of double penetration. She didn’t think I knew but I have known for years.”


Maria pulled Donna’s cock from her mouth and screamed in orgasm as she thrust back onto Tina’s dildo. “Fuck yes, I want two cocks in me...NOW,” she growled.


“Pussy or ass?” Donna said to Tina.


“Pussy for me,” Tina said as she lay on her back holding the dildo upright.


Donna watched as Maria threw her leg over her sister’s body and sank down onto the plastic cock with a contented sigh. She didn’t start riding but instead leant forward as Tina pulled her sister’s ass cheeks apart in invitation to Donna.


Donna had to spit on the end of her cock before pushing feeling the incredible tightness. Maria moaned loudly as she felt Donna’s cock pushing, demanding entry making her feel like she would surely be torn in half. Looking at her sister’s face she half pleased, “Oh god Sis it’s so tight.”


“Push, you can do it.”


Donna heard Tina’s words and thought they were directed to her so increased the pressure until the head popped in.


Maria was panting like a marathon runner and Donna felt like the end of her cock was going to be snipped off. Tina fumbled on the bedside table before offering Donna a tube of gel.


“You could have given me this earlier,” Donna laughed as she coated the exposed part of her cock liberally.


“And make it easy for her?” Tina laughed.


With the gel now coating her cock Donna found it easier to slide in deeper though by the noises Maria was making there was still a high degree of pain.


“Do you want me to stop?” Donna said, her voice laced with concern.


“If you stop,” Maria growled, “I will never talk to you again...now fuck me until I cum...and then keep fucking me.”


“Oh you wonderful slut,” Donna gasped as she wound her fingers into Maria's hair and started to drive in and out. As Maria arched her back Tina took her nipple between her teeth and bit down making Maria moan even louder before exploding in a huge orgasm. The tightness of Maria's ass gripped Donna so tightly that she groaned as she pumped her cum deep into Maria's bowels.





Maria and Tina sat in the theatre waiting for Donna but she was nowhere to be seen.


“Don’t worry,” said Tina as she squeezed her sister’s hand, “She will be here I am sure of it.”


The lights dimmed and an unseen voice sounded, “Ladies and Gentlemen please put your hands together for our very own diva… tonight Donna Delight is Pink.”


Maria was speechless as Donna strode onto the stage, “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start tonight by dedicating a song to a very special couple who have captured my heart.”


As Donna started singing “Fuckin’Perfect” by Pink, she looked at Maria and Tina then winked making them both blush deeply. The two sisters looked at each then gripped each other’s hand knowing that things would be different now, not just on this holiday but also in the future.




Chapter 2 – Family Affair


“What are the ground rules then for the next couple of weeks?” Maria said as she lay naked between Tina, her lesbian sister on one side and Donna, the resident singer on the cruise ship on the other side. Although most didn’t know it, Donna was a she-male with a rather substantial package that Maria was idly playing with.


“Well for starters I am not getting involved with that,” Tina said nodding towards Donna’s cock that Maria had teased to full hardness.


“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” Donna laughed.


“Like you have?” Tina retorted back.


“Fair point,” Donna smiled, “I like to give, not to receive.”


“Well when you two have finished arguing about who does what to whom and with what, any chance we can decide the way forward?”


“Firstly, you need to get laid…a lot after wasting all those years on that loser,” Tina said referring to Maria’s ex-boyfriend who had dumped her a week before the cruise.


“What about for yourself?” Maria said as she opened her legs to allow her younger sister full access to her pussy.


“You know me Sis, always looking for new pussy. I was thinking of having another crack at that young Jess. She is 18 and ripe for the plucking…or do I mean fucking?” Tina laughed at her joke while Donna and Maria just rolled their eyes. “The problem is her parents; they keep her on a tight rein.”


“How about me and Maria distract the parents and leave the field open for you?” Donna said as she gently pushed Maria’s head towards her now very hard cock.


“That seems like a pretty good idea,” Tina said as she climbed into her strap-on harness watching her sister latch onto Donna’s cock. As Maria started to work her head up and down, she rolled onto all fours presenting her ass to her sister.


Tina rubbed the head along Maria’s pussy lips letting the juices coat the silicone cock. Then pushing forward, she let the cock slide in slowly, enjoying the view of it vanishing into her sister’s eager cunt. Although Tina loved the fact that Maria had found her bi side and now licked pussy, she still enjoyed fucking her with her strap-on. She had been told it was penis envy, or that she wanted to be a man, or even she felt inadequate as a woman. None of those even remotely interested Tina, what she enjoyed was fucking a woman until they screamed for mercy and then fucking them some more. If a woman ever told her that her pussy was sore after a couple of hours of fucking, she would pull out and drive it into their ass and fuck that to show her control as a top.


Donna could hear Maria choking on her cock as Tina slammed in and out. She would never admit it but sometimes she was in awe of Tina’s primeval performances and if there was any doubt as to what Maria thought, her orgasms gave the answer.


Maria was struggling to keep sucking Donna’s cock as her sister gripped her hips and powered in, then an idea hit her. Breaking from her sucking she groaned, “Sis lie on your back,”


Tina grumbled a bit as Maria straddled her and eased down onto the strap-on dildo, feeling it fill her cunt. Then Maria patted her ass and Donna smiled as she understood what Maria was thinking. A quick squirt of lube on the head of her cock and then Donna gently pushed in. Maria enjoyed double penetration so much, it made her start to orgasm almost immediately. It wasn’t just the sheer physical pleasure on two cocks inside it was also the mental rush of being a sexual plaything.


Although Donna loved how tight Maria’s ass felt she always wondered what it would feel like if the other cock was real rather than plastic. What she did enjoy was the understanding she had quickly built a rhythm with Tina, as double penetration is often a matter of coordination. Tina knew when to hold still as she pounded Maria's ass and also when to thrust up quickly, stimulating not just Maria but her cock in Maria’s ass.


Tina looked blankly into her big sister’s face as she held steady waiting while Donna pounded her ass hard making Maria cum even harder. She looked at Donna smiling down and as she looked at her wonderful breasts, she could imagine that this was one of her lesbian girlfriends back home using a strap-on. Then that image left as Donna moaned loudly as she pumped her seed into Maria’s ass.


“Meet me at the Crows Nest at nine o’clock,” Donna said before she left to get changed for the evening. “Oh, and message your girlfriend the plan.”


As the cabin door closed Tina looked at Maria and said, “So what is the plan then?”


Maria giggled as she said, “Well my plan is to eat your pussy again.”


“That sounds like a magnificent plan,” Tina said opening her legs to her sister.





“Hi you must be Mr & Mrs Holme, Jess’s parents,” Donna said holding out her hand.


“Oh my god, you are that singer Pink… I mean Donna,” Jess’s mother stammered. “We saw you last night, you were...,” then realising what Donna had mentioned, Jess turned to her daughter, “I’m Anna and this is my husband, Rod. What has my daughter done now?”


“Nothing at all,” Donna said praying mentally that Jess would play along, “she entered you in a prize drawing for a VIP evening with us.” With that Donna produced a bottle of champagne from behind her back.


“Us?” Echoed Rod.


“Yes,” said Donna, “me and my girlfriend Maria.” Donna saw Anna’s eyes gleam as she saw Maria and knew that Tina’s theory that she was leaning both ways was correct.


“If you and Dad are sorted, I think I will go to the nightclub if that’s OK,” Jess said as she spotted Tina at the bar and realised what was happening.


Maria could see the indecision on Anna’s face and sat next to her, putting her hand on Anna’s thigh she said, “Let her have her fun. I’m certain we don’t want her cramping our fun.”


Before her mother could say anything more Jess was up and over to the exit where Tina was waiting.


The ship had a very neat little app that allowed guests to communicate with each other either individually or in a group chat. Maria’s phone vibrated and she saw a message from Tina.


“Thank you both, will use our cabin sis. Xxx”


Donna replied, “Until she can’t stand.”


Maria wanted to reply but the conversation with Anna had started to get very interesting.


“Have you always been a lesbian?” Anna whispered.


Leaning close Maria whispered her reply, “I am bi, I still love cock.”


Glancing at her husband Anna said, “I like both as well.”


Donna and Rod were laughing as they sipped the champagne.


“You will have to keep an eye on your girlfriend or my wife will seduce her,” Rod said quietly.


“Wouldn’t be the first time I have watched…or been watched,” Donna giggled.


“Are you bi?” Rod said hopefully still under the illusion that Donna was all female.


Donna smiled and ignoring his question replied, “I would rather know first if you are bi as well?”


Rod nodded as Donna picked up the bottle of champagne and shook it. “This is empty, how about we continue this party back in my cabin?”


The four of them went in the lift without a word being spoken, each of them mentally envisioning what was going to happen.


When they got to the cabin Donna opened the little mini-fridge and produced a bottle of champagne with a flourish accompanied by, “Ta nah,” like a magician doing a trick.


The three of them turned as one when they heard Maria repeat the, “Ta nah,” and was standing naked having reduced her dress to a puddle of cloth at her feet.


“Mmmm very nice,” murmured Anna stroking Maria’s flanks like she was an expensive piece of horse flesh. “Do you mind?” She said looking at Donna for approval.


“I don’t own her,” Donna laughed.


“Pity,” said Anna quietly, “I would have bought her off you.” Her wandering caressing hand had reached Maria’s nipple which she traced around with her nail before pinching it sharply.


Maria winced but could feel herself get wet as Anna ran her finger down her belly and without thought she opened her legs.


That was a preview of Trinity. To read the rest purchase the book.

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