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Isle of the Devil Dog: A Dark Canine Island Fantasy Romance

Rowan Betencourt


Isle of the Devil Dog

A Dark Canine Island Fantasy Romance

Rowan Betencourt

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Dog © 2024 by Rowan Betencourt

This is a work of fiction. All characters contained herein are presumed to be 18 years of age or older, without exception. All acts described herein are between characters 18 years of age or older, without exception. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Author's Note

my book! Readers like you are why I’m able to do this, and I appreciate every single one of you.

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Chapter one

Isle of the Devil Dog

Lai shouted—or at least she tried, but the hand over her mouth cut off most of it, turning her cry into an angry, muffled squeal instead.

It was dark. The moon was hidden behind a thick head of clouds, wreathing the island and the village upon it in thick shadow. As the village priestess, it was Lai’s duty to guide the people, to tell them what the gods demanded and how to placate them…but lately, Lai found it harder and harder to hear their voice: crops were failing and the rains were slow to come. The people were grumbling, always asking Lai whether the gods were angry with them, asking her for answers that she didn’t have. All she could do was beg for patience and more time, to wait for the gods to answer her.

Ever since she came of age, Lai had served her village faithfully; since becoming priestess at seventeen, she’d spent more than two years interceding on the village’s behalf to the gods that only became more silent with time. Now, it appeared that Lai’s time had finally run out. Her cries of protest and anger were muffled further behind a gag of thick reeds that were wrapped around her mouth and head, while more unseen hands bound her wrists behind her back; the bonds were twisted so tight that Lai moaned from the pain.

“Get rid of her.” Lai recognized the village chieftain’s voice, saw the angry shine of his eyes before she was bodily picked up and carried out and into the darkness.

The village was bathed in firelight from a hundred torches while a bitter wind blew down from the island’s great mountain, moaning softly as it blew over the thatched huts. Lai saw the villagers’ faces, people she’d known since she was a girl—all of them watched in silence as she was carried through their midst. She tried to cry for help until something struck the back of the head; her vision turned red from the pain and she nearly passed out. No one came to her aid. No one appeared to have any objection to her treatment at all. And where was Taksil, her beloved? He was the chieftain’s son, but surely he would try to rescue her. If not, maybe he was dead, and her death was surely approaching, as well. Was this why the gods had abandoned her?

But death refused to come. Her vision had blurred and went nearly black, but Lai could hear the sound of the ocean get louder and closer as they carried her towards it. Those waters held the spirits of her ancestors—if she was to perish, what better place than there?

Her assailants carried her, bound and naked, to the water’s edge and dumped her into a canoe. “You are banished,” someone said. “Now let the ocean take you.” The boat was pushed into the water and she given to the waves.

The surf rushed and rolled under her and splashed over the sides of the boat. Lai fought against her bonds, twisting her wrists and hands until they went numb, but her restraints refused to break. It was difficult to lift herself up, but she managed to roll onto an elbow and look about to try and get her bearings.

The moon had reappeared from behind it’s cloudy hiding place and washed the sea clean with silver. Her island home was behind her, with its tall mountain and trees swaying in the breeze, but the waves were carrying her away from it, leading her out into the open sea. Up ahead, she saw a black shape in the distance and moaned again, that time in despair. It was Onyo’s Island, an accursed place inhabited by a demon whose howls could be heard on clear, warm nights like that one. If the canoe took Lai there, surely death would find her at last.

Overhead, Lai spotted a shape in the sky—a great bird floating above the canoe, turning in slow circles below the grey clouds, like a harbinger of death. She laid her head down, squeezed her eyes shut, and began to cry.


As the night went on, Lai went from mournful to angry. From behind her gag, Lai heaped a thousand curses on her assailants and the chieftain, even at the villagers who hadn’t defended her. She cursed the gods, the ones who’d abandoned her when she needed their favor the most. Most of all, she cursed herself and her inability to predict or avoid her own banishment.

Onyo’s Isle got steadily closer, looking as though it were floating on the top of the sea. As more water sloshed over the side of the canoe, Lai continued to pull at her bonds, but she was tired and her wrists were throbbing by that point. Furthermore, she saw dark shadows under the water, black fins cutting across the surface—that made her go still immediately, for even if her ancestors awaited her below the briny depths, Lai was in no hurry to meet them.

The sun finally rose. It soon got hot and Lai began to sweat. It slid down her arms and her legs, slithered down the crack of her ass and dripped from her chin. Her sore wrists burned. Her nipples ached and her belly grumbled from hunger. Her world was a constant haze of discomfort and pain.

It was long after she’d run out of tears to shed and curses to mumble around her gag that Lai felt the canoe slide to a stop. She hissed and groaned as she fought to roll up to her knees, but her legs were asleep and her body was sore from being stuffed into an awkward position in that little boat. With drool dripping from her chin and her hair sticking to her body, Lai finally pushed up and looked around.

The beach where she’d washed up looked much like any other beach did, except the sand was jet black. The trees hanging over the shoreline looked long and cruel, and they shook in the warm breeze in a way that made her shudder with fear. That island was said to be inhabited by a demonic beast who would devour any man who stepped foot on his island. Onyo was a wicked thing, banished to the place of black sand that he could never escape from.

Lai was terrified at the thought of stepping into that shore, but she didn’t want to stay in the boat and risk it washing back out to sea again. Finally, she managed to get to her feet and stepped onto solid land at last. As she did, she moaned once more in fear—that place was cursed, and now she was cursed with it.

But she’d worry about that later—Lai was slick with sweat, her stomach ached and her bladder was bursting. Stumbling up the black beach, she reached one of the swaying palms and turned around, rubbing her bound wrists against the trunk. The pain was excruciating and she squeezed her eyes tight, tears leaking, as she rubbed and rubbed until the reeds snapped at last.

Lai unwound the gag from her head and fell to her knees; the gravity of her situation fell on her head like a stone and she sobbed hard, bitter tears. “Gods!” She covered her face and wept, ignoring her burning wrists and aching body.

As if in answer, the screeching sound of a bird’s call could be heard over the crash of the waves. That call gave her pause, and Lai looked up to spot the sound’s source. She knew that noise: it was one of the golden eagles, who lived in great aeries on the mountainside. They were messengers for the gods, and spotting one was a sign of luck and good fortune.

But then she stopped, and the sudden rush of hope died in her breast: Lai was cursed now, condemned, more dead than alive. This was the Isle of the Devil Dog, and now that she’d stepped onto it, Lai could never go home again: her village, her position, her beloved—all of them, gone. Even if Taksil was somehow alive, she’d never see him again. There was no guarantee she’d even be accepted by her ancestors now.

The gods had rejected and forsaken her. The shriek of some bird didn’t change any of that. But Lai was many things, and most of all, she was a survivor. After her tears were spent, she stumbled back to the surf and washed her face; the salt water stung her wrists, which were red and raw, but at least she wasn’t bleeding.

Lai took stock of her situation: she was alone, abandoned and expected to die, so the first thing on her mind was that she couldn’t die, if only to spite every single one of the people who’d banished her. She dug down deep for whatever remaining reserve of strength she had to drag the canoe up onto the beach—if it finally rained, she could use it as something to store fresh water, at least until she found some other source.

Once that work was done, at last, Lai relived herself at the base of a tree: squatting in the sand, legs spread wide, head bent back, she eased the pressure in her loins and moaned in a mixture of relief and shame, fighting back the sense that she was no better than a beast to do so out in the open. Besides, fluids were what she needed the most, and by that time she’d lost so much that Lai was beginning to feel lightheaded, so stubbornness was the only thing keeping her going.

After collecting enough fallen palm fronds to shelter her from the heat of the sun, Lai made the deepest, darkest pit of shade she could and lay down in it. The hottest part of the day was her enemy—once it passed, she could begin building a better shelter and finding water. The so-called Devil Dog had failed to materialize, and as Lai closed her eyes, she wondered if she hadn’t just been afraid of the howling wind all that time.


When she awoke, it was an unwelcome feeling: Lai felt so weak that she couldn’t even roll over. Her body felt thick and heavy, like it didn’t belong to her. A cool breeze rolling off the beach felt divine across her slippery skin and she moaned, long and loud. “So niiiiiice,” she moaned, holding the sound out for a moment.

The sea hissed and crashed, as it always did. The wind whistled, as it always had. But below both of those, at the farthest edge of hearing, Lai heard…purring.

No, not purring.


Lai raised her head and blinked her eyes out of sync. The sun had passed across the sky and she’d slept most of the day away, but there was still enough light to see around her, to spy through the shadows and see a pair of sharp, bright red eyes looking down at her. They belonged to the largest creature Lai had ever seen, a beast on four legs with a large, squat head and thick neck, heavy jowls and bare teeth. A pair of black ears stuck up atop its head like horns.

Onyo the Devil Dog was real, and he had found her.

Lai felt fresh tears in her eyes, felt them slide down her face, but she was too frightened to move, to do anything more then breathe. It was said that Onyo could steal the soul of a man through his own breath, slurping it down in one bite. He looked large enough to bite her in half.

She didn’t want to die.

The beast walked right up to where Lai lay on the ground, prone and still. As he got closer, her breathing turned to small, panicked sobs of fear and dread. It wasn’t fair to survive banishment, to reach another beach and free herself, only to be eaten by a wild animal.

“G-g-go away!” she whispered as the hound leered over her. His fangs and lips were wet as they pulled back, and his eyes burned like wild coals, ready to set her aflame. “Please!”

Onyo did not obey. His shoulders were broad and his paws so big they looked like they might crush her head. He stepped on either side of her and bent down; Lai squeezed her eyes tight, waiting for the shock of pain as he ripped her bare belly open, but no such disemboweling occurred. Instead, the dog bent his head between her legs and sniffed at her pussy with long, heavy breaths that warmed Lai’s cool skin and made her tummy flip inside her.

“Stop!” she protested—still too afraid to move, but not afraid to feel embarrassed. “S-stop that! Demon! Beast! Oh Taksil, save me!” The handsome face of her beloved flashed in her mind, one last thing to warm her heart before her life came to a sudden, cruel end.

The hound didn’t care about her objections. He fell to the sand between her legs with enough of a thud that Lai felt the ground shift under her. His sniffing continued as he pressed his nose in closer, as if he could root out whatever scent was lingering between her legs. Her cheeks were hot, and Lai began to hyperventilate with fear and confused arousal. She opened her mouth to object again when he slid his tongue up along the entire length of her snatch, from asshole to clit, in one motion. “Mmmmmah!” Lai opened her eyes wide and cried out in surprise, shocked beyond belief. “W-what? No! No, don’t—!”

The devil dog rested his heavy paws across her thighs to hold the open, ignoring Lai’s objections as he started to lick her pussy with a fast, deep, forceful effort. It was so fast and rough as he seemed to hug her close, refusing to let her get away or to slow down.

“Gods! Oh fuck! No! Don’t eat me, demon! Stop! Stop!” Lai shrieked in fear, hips bucking up against his mouth, and the pressure of his sharp teeth on her flesh was enough to force her to withstand the onslaught of his caresses. But more than fear was the hunger and desire she felt, terrifying sensations she didn’t want but couldn’t deny.

Maybe this was how the demon intended for devour her, or maybe he was forcing her to let her guard down before the true feasting began. As more tears slid down her temples, Lai wrapped her hands up in her hair and sobbed in frustration and lust—and one was quickly overpowering the other. The memory of her lost love was melting under the assault of a long, slippery tongue as Onyo kept licking her, digging at the innermost depths of her wet cunny without mercy. He turned his head and pressed his nose against her thigh, allowing him to push his tongue in deeper, curling and stroking her hot walls.

Lai screamed as her first orgasm broke and washed over her. “Noooooooo!” she wailed, sobbing like a little girl as pleasure was forced upon her, then as it ripped through her without even a moment to prepare. She bucked up against his mouth, heels pushing into the dirt, shaking and spasming. “Cumming! Cumming! Stop! Please, please stop!”

The dog didn’t stop. Whether by luck or some demented intent, he focused on her clit next, sliding the flat of his tongue over it, applying that rough surface against the most sensitive point of her entire body. Lai wailed and shuddered violently, her body shaking as if it no longer obeyed her. More tears burned in her eyes and her tongue hung out from her open mouth, unable to form more then noises and gurgling cries of pleasure. She’d never been handled so roughly before, or felt as helpless as she did then.

“Cuh…! Cummiiiiiiing!” Lai’s next orgasm was strong enough to make her vision go blank for a moment and she bucked up against his mouth more, crying out each time. Pleasure had never felt so good as it did then, which was the most frightening part of it in her mind—what would happen after the dog tired of tasting her? Was he giving her some last bit of pleasure at its rawest, purest form before he tore her to pieces?

It was impossible to know how much time passed, to know how long the devil dog supped from her cunny and made her scream, but Lai’s throat ached from crying and her pussy felt swollen from the attention of his hot, red tongue. When he finally stopped, Lai started to weep from relief and instinctively rolled to one side—but the dog stopped her. He was up on all fours again, his head hanging low over hers, another low growl in his chest.

Blinking her tears away, Lai spotted another flash of crimson in the dark, but it was positioned further down below his broad chest. It hung between his hind legs, thick and long, glistening in the low light.

“Oh no!” Lai looked up at his face, at his glowing eyes and the glint of his teeth, then back down again. His cock was waiting for her: eager, ready, impatient to be tended to. And there was only one way to satisfy a beast that Lai knew of.

Feeling hot and weak, the former priestess slowly rolled under the devil dog, pushing up to all fours—he was so large, such a massive thing, that her back barely reached his chest. Lai didn’t want to be devoured, to die on that cursed island. She was a survivor, and this was the only way to survive.

Lai grunted hard when the beast threw his weight on her, nearly forcing her to the ground. That forced her ass up higher, making her dripping cunt a prime target for his cock—one he intended to take. She heaved for every frantic breath as the dog began to hump her little body, and could scarcely believe what was happening when the tapered tip found its mark and he shoved it deep inside of her.

Ahhhhhhh!” Lai pushed up high on all fours as she shrieked to the skies. Her forceful, demanding new lover began pounding her stuffed cunt with brutal, almost mindless efficiency, and soon the sound of his dick squishing and squelching in her puss was as loud as his hips pounding against her upturned ass.

Nothing could have prepared Lai for this. She set her hands in the earth and braced herself as best she could, grunting with each thrust, gasping each time he pulled back, grunting again when he shoved his cock home once more. She’d become a living vessel for the demon’s pleasure, a tight channel of quivering flesh for his cock. But Lai felt pleasure as well, enough that her eyes rolled back and she started humping back against him.

“I…! Y-yes! Yes! More! Gods! Fuck me!” Lai screamed through clenched teeth, feeling her resistance and fear start to melt under the intense heat and pressure of the dog’s wonderful cock. She was already cursed, already lost forever—even if the hound did devour her, this pleasure was all she had left. Lai wanted to enjoy it for as long as it lasted.

Then the dog opened his mouth and bit down on her shoulder—a shock of pain burst out of Lai’s mouth as she screamed, as much in surprise as from pain, but even that wasn’t enough to make the pleasure fade for long. Her next orgasm roared through her belly and made her squeal as her pussy clenched around his cock, milking him, squeezing him, craving his pleasure. “Don’t… Don’t e-eat me!” she rasped, her voice frantic as she pleaded with him. “Don’t eat me, demon! Only more…! More of this!” Lai arched back, gasping as she bared her neck to him. “Let me please you! Please, Onyo! Please! Please!”

The beast didn’t answer. Instead he growled and fucked her little human bitch, claiming her cunt for himself. The grip of his teeth wasn’t forceful enough to break her skin, but there’d be bruises, physical reminders that he’d fucked her. The devil dog was twice her size, voracious and hungry, and he never even slowed down for a moment.

“Puh-p-please!” Lai begged, sobbing. The words she spoke were ones of desperation, a plea born of fright and irrational desire, but once she started, ahe couldn’t stop. “Please, demon! Use me, fuck me, take me! Fuck my pussy! Drink from my little cunt! Make me scream! Just don’t devour me! Let me serve you!”

Lai screamed as she came again, but there wasn’t time to relish in it—she had to convince him. If the gods had abandoned her, she was on her own, and willing to do anything to keep living. “I…! I’ll worship your cock, Onyo! T-take it in my mouth! I’ll—oh, gods! s-so DEEP!!—I-I’ll ride you! Even give you my asshole, demon! I’ll b-beg you to fuck me until I’m swollen with your seeeeeeeeed!!” Her pleas ended with a long, desperate wail of need and fear, never knowing if her next breath might be the one where he tore her throat open. “Just please! Please don’t—!”

Onyo’s snarl caught in his throat as he gave a sharp snort. It seemed that her pleading had convinced him to release her from his jaws, but anything more Lai might’ve said was cut short. She felt an immense pressure between them, the sensation of a hard, bulbous shape started to press hard against her sopping, stuffed pussy.

“Oh, thank you!” Lai cried, knowing what was coming, taking it as a sign that her offering had been accepted. “Thank you, thank you! Take me now, tie with me! I’m yours now! Mmmmmmmm!” Lai squealed and opened her legs wider, trying to make room for the thick knot that would bind their bodies together.


That was a preview of Isle of the Devil Dog: A Dark Canine Island Fantasy Romance. To read the rest purchase the book.

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