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Swedish Sojourn

Shady Lady Julie


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“Please Daddy, can we go a bit further round the beach?” said Elizabeth conveniently omitting the fact that she was following a rather hunky young man and wanted to lay out in full view of him if possible.


Daniel shrugged and continued walking as his thoughts were totally elsewhere. He was searching for a spot that was memorable from years ago. This was supposed to be a special family holiday for the three of them together before Lizzy went to University. Instead, here he was a widower at 42 with a daughter who was just 18, with a roving eye for the boys.


To be fair Lizzy didn’t really discourage them and more than once had he chastised her for the revealing clothing she had attempted to go out clubbing. Keeping her out of their clutches had given him something to focus on since the death of his wife a year before.


One day his wife Ingrid had been beside him, laughing and joking and then the next moment he was standing by her graveside watching her coffin being lowered into the grave. If there was one crumb of comfort it was that she didn’t die alone but in the arms of her daughter. The collapse was sudden and unexpected; but she was dead before the ambulance arrived. The doctors couldn’t explain it but all he knew was that a light was removed from his life that day.


As Lizzy laid out her towel and slipped off her hipster cotton trousers Daniel found himself staring at the tight ass and long legs she had inherited from her Swedish mother. He sighed and looked away but not before he noticed her breasts that although not large, were certainly becoming a good handful.


“That’s your daughter,” muttered Daniel to himself under his breath and shook his head to dispel the thoughts he was having.


Twelve months had passed since he had felt a woman beside him and not a day went by when he didn’t miss her. People were telling him that it was time to move on and he was prepared to do so after this holiday. He remembered how Ingrid had giggled like a schoolgirl as they selected the hotel. It had been 18 years and 9 months since they had honeymooned at this beautiful seaside resort. Not far from where they lay was where Lizzy had been conceived.


After her parents were killed in a car crash, Ingrid returned on her own to bury them and then swore never to return to the country of her birth. It had taken every bit of Daniel’s considerable persuasive powers to get her to agree to this holiday, for that reason alone he was determined to not cancel.


Lizzy stretched on the towel and peered up and down the beach under her dark glasses to see if there were any dishy boys about. Much to her disappointment the target she had set her heart on was nowhere to be seen.


Opening her phone she navigated to the group chat picture folder called ‘The cock that got me’. This was a group of her girlfriends who as they lost their virginity would post a picture of the cock that got their cherry. Lizzy was determined to get an answer entry in this folder on this holiday as more and more entries were being posted.


Scrolling through she admired the variety of the pictures and there were even a couple of action shots. One was taken by the man as he fucked the girl doggy style, his cock half inside. Another hot one was taken by a third party showing the girl with her legs around a guy’s neck and by all accounts she had fucked the picture taker as well. Some of the cocks were hard and some soft, and at least one looked like it had just been inside as it glistened with juices and a string of cum hung from the slit.


That was a preview of Swedish Sojourn. To read the rest purchase the book.

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