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Daddy's Little Girl: An Almost Incestuous Romance

Rowan Betencourt


Daddy's Little Girl

Daddy's Little Lovers: Book 1

Rowan Betencourt

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2023-24 by Rowan Betencourt

This is a work of fiction. All characters contained herein are presumed to be 18 years of age or older, without exception. All acts described herein are between characters 18 years of age or older, without exception. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Author's Note

my book! Readers like you are why I’m able to do this, and I appreciate every single one of you.

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Chapter one

Chapter 1

be friends with Jenny Meyer forever. They’d met in grade school, when Bree was a foster kid and first came to live with the Meyers. The girls had grown up together, played soccer together; after the Meyer family adopted Bree, the girls became closer still, gossiping about boys together, even graduated from the same college. They’d tried out the same sorority together, and when Bree didn’t make the cut, Jenny dropped out. They had similar tastes in music, in movies, in so many things; in so many ways, they were two peas in a pod. The girls had their differences, though: while Jenny hit puberty and had a growth spurt in middle school, Bree never did. Jenny was skinny, pale and athletic. Bree managed to stay skinny, but her genes had condemned her to a life of asking strangers for help with tall shelves in grocery aisles.

Tomorrow, they were going on a trip together to visit Jenny’s new boyfriend. So that night, they were enjoying one last night to themselves at the Meyer house on the coast, dining on the remnants of Chinese food. They weren’t the only ones at home: Derek, the girls’ father, had welcomed them in. Bree had known Derek forever, and always found her adopted father’s presence comforting, somehow. He was older now, but still handsome, someone Bree had always admired and cared for, even loved as a surrogate father figure since her own parents were never in the picture. She hadn’t had a chance to talk to him much for months, so that night was a good chance to make up for lost time.

“You girls want another beer?” he asked.

“Yes sir, thank you,” Bree said, always the more-respectful of the pair. At least she knew not to make an age joke: Bree was the much-shorter and younger-looking of the girls, in spite of being in her twenties, which got her plenty of funny looks at college.

“Thanks Dad,” Jenny said. She reached up to kiss Derek’s cheek before he went back into the kitchen, carrying a trio of empty glasses and a little smile on his face.

“I’m glad we came home tonight,” Bree said.

“At least Mom’s not around to ruin the fun. Dad’s always been more fun to be around.” Jenny grinned.

Bree liked Jenny’s dad; technically, he was Bree’s as well, even though they didn’t look anything alike. Rather than answer, she picked at the rest of the beef and broccoli. “What time did you want to head out tomorrow morning?”

“‘Morning?’” Jenny laughed. “Not a chance. I’m getting drunk tonight and sleeping it off for as long as it takes. We deserve to spoil ourselves that much, don’t we?”

“Good point.”

Derek soon returned with their beers, and a third for himself. It was a warm evening: the windows were open and a soft breeze blew through the house, filling it with a pleasant smell of lush things, of clipped grass, ocean salt and fading sunshine. From a short distance away, the waves crashed on the sandy shoreline. While they watched a movie, Jenny kept drinking and got louder and louder as the evening went on and she was enjoying herself. Bree cut herself off after two beers, but her sister had no such compulsion, and by the time the end credits were rolling, Jenny was laid out on the couch and snoring peacefully. The family dog, a large mixed-breed Pinscher named Rocket, was lying by Jenny’s feet and watching the proceedings with curious, quiet eyes.

After gathering up the empty food boxes, as well as glasses and several extra cans of beer that Jenny had consumed, it made for a full load for Bree to carry into the kitchen. Derek quickly stood up when he saw her. “Here Bree, let me help you.”

“Oh! That’s okay Dad, you don’t have to.”

“Nonsense, I insist.” He tossed the cans into the trash first, and then took the glasses to the sink to wash them while Bree threw away the food containers. “You both seemed to be having a good time.”

“Yeah, I think so. She worked hard this semester, so she deserves a break, you know?”

Derek looked over his shoulder at him with a smile. “And what about you, Miss Dean’s List? Don’t you deserve a break, too?”

Bree felt a rush of heat in her cheeks and tried to ignore it. She didn’t handle praise very well; it always felt too proud, too self-serving. “I guess so. It’s not that big a deal, really.”

Derek set both glasses on the rack to dry and dried her hands with a towel. “Care to join me for a little longer? From the sound of it, I don’t think Jenny’s going to miss either of us very much.”

Bree cocked an ear and heard the other girl’s snoring grow a bit louder for a moment before it faded back to a more normal volume.

“Are you still thirsty?” Derek asked. “There’s plenty of beer left.”

“Sure, why not?” Bree didn’t think twice about going to the fridge and pulling out two more cans. She set one beside him and opened her own. “You didn’t have to keep us company if you had other things to do tonight.”

“I was happy to,” he said with an easy smile. “Just having you two back around reminded me of old times.”

Bree had known Derek since she was a little girl and had first gone to live with the Meyers; even now, he wasn’t truly old, not in her mind. He had Jenny’s paler complexion, with a shot of silver in his hair. He also wore glasses, which made him seem wiser or more austere, somehow. He set them on the table and picked up his can to open it.

“It was nice to come back home tonight,” Bree said.

“I can’t think of a better place for you both to be. Your mom won’t be back from her trip for another couple of weeks anyway and since Finals are done, better you both come here then go hang out at a bar somewhere, right?”

“Probably.” A long moment of silence passed. “She’s on another business trip?”

“She always is, these days.” It was a neutral sort of answer, one that stuck out to Bree. “I usually have the run of the house to myself since you girls left for college.”

Bree took a long drink from her beer. “That sounds nice, actually—all that peace and quiet.”

“It is, sometimes.” He took a drink. “There are downsides to it, though: a man learns how to handle things on his own—you have to, after awhile.”

“Yeah, I can imagine.” Bree’s mind was wandering, and it didn’t take a lot of effort to realize she was probably twisting his words into something a lot more perverted than he intended. She wasn’t so dark-skinned that she couldn’t blush, and Bree took a long drink of her beer, hoping he wouldn’t notice.

It didn’t work. “Something wrong?” he asked.

Bree forced a little laugh. “Yeah, sorry, Dad. Just… I probably had one too many tonight.”

Derek smirked. “No need to be embarrassed. You can tell me.”

“Well…” She cleared her throat. “You said ‘handle things,’ and my brain just fixated on the word ‘hand,’ and I…” She took another long drink. “I should probably shut up now.”

“Ohhhhhh, I get you.” His smirk turned to a full grin. “It’s okay, you can talk to me about anything, Bree. Even that.” He winked at her, and Bree felt her face get even hotter. Derek laughed. “I’m sorry, don’t mind me. It’s just the booze. I’ll sleep it off tonight and be my old self again in the morning.”

“It’s okay. I’m just glad Jenny’s not in a hurry to head out tomorrow—I think we’ll both need time to make up for tonight.”

He swished the bit of beer left in his can. “Have you met John yet?”

“Jenny’s new boyfriend? Not yet. He’s planning to meet us when we head out tomorrow.” Bree kept the smile on her face, but it felt a little bit forced. “They’ll be plenty busy, but it was nice for them to invite me along.”

“Mm-hmm.” At first, Bree wasn’t sure why he had brought up Jenny’s boyfriend at all, but made her intentions plain a moment later: “And what about you, Bree? Neither you nor Jenny ever talked about you having a boyfriend, not that I can remember.”

Bree shook her head. “Never found the right one.”

“What, a pretty girl like you?” He squinted at her. “You’re not the picky type and I never noticed, are you?”

“No, I don’t think so.” Bree calmed herself after his choice of compliment, took a long moment to compose her thoughts and chose her next words carefully: “I know what type I’ve got in mind. Just haven’t found him yet.”

“Oh? Are you focusing on your job prospects first?”

She smiled. “Something like that.”

“That’s admirable. Don’t worry about not grabbing someone when you’re young—good sex doesn’t have to happen just when you’re young, you know.”

Bree wasn’t sure how to respond to that. Her imagination started wandering again, and she tried to bring it up short; Bree was always cautious about sharing too much. “Jenny’s always been good with guys. I just never…you know…found one who felt right. I’m just a…a baby doll. Nobody wants a baby doll.”

“I don’t think that’s true at all.” His tone was one of disbelief. It stuck out to Bree.

She sighed, sat back in her chair, draining the rest of her beer in one pull before setting it back down on the table. “Doesn’t really make any difference, now does it?”

He laid a hand on top of hers and leaned in closer. They were both buzzed from the liquor, that much was obvious, but his voice softened, as though not wanting to upset her. “It’s not your fault you are the way you are; not everybody can be a Swedish model. Besides, you’ve always been the shy type, long as I’ve known you. Would you rather not talk about this?”

“I…” Bree licked her lips when she noticed just how close her Dad really was. “I don’t mind, honest. I just don’t know how to say what I really feel, that’s all.”

“That’s alright.” He still had that smile, a gentle and warm sort that made Bree feel good all over. “You don’t need to be embarrassed. Some people are just late bloomers when it comes to that sort of thing.” Her Dad licked his lips, and Bree licked hers in return. “I’m hardly an expert—just a lonely man in a lonely house with too much time on his hands.”

Bree took a breath. “I’m sorry. I never noticed… It sounds really hard for you.”

“It is, some days.” He sat back again. “That’s why I said the right one will come along for you eventually. You’re young, so there’s plenty of time left.”

“I guess so.”

“Why didn’t you ever date anyone, Bree? Jenny had plenty of boys eyeing her over the years, but you never did.” He leaned in across the table. “You were always so secretive about it. Did you ever find a guy attractive enough? Ever kiss anyone?” When she didn’t answer, he continued: “You don’t have to answer…but I won’t tell anyone if you do. It’ll be our little secret.”

Bree was finding it harder to keep her quickening heart and breathing under control. “No, it’s okay, I want to.” Sitting so close to him, while the alcohol sang in her blood and gave her the courage to speak, it felt liberating, in a way. “I’ve kissed guys before. I’ve even had sex. It just…wasn’t anything special like I hoped it would be. Maybe when I find the right guy, it will.”

“That’s probably true. The right one’ll come along soon enough… Have you ever thought about what the right one is actually like?”

“Oh, God, only a whole freaking lot!” Bree’s laugh sounded desperate as she picked up her beer, just to remember it was empty. When he leaned in close, handed her the rest of his beer, she chugged it down for liquid courage. “He’ll be strong, attractive, good looking. Supportive and patient. He’ll be interested in what I want and who I am, not just what I’ve accomplished. He’ll take charge when I need him to, know when to tell me no and when to tell me I have to do something anyway. He’ll also be good in bed, because I am tired of boys who don’t have a damn clue about what I need.”

Her Dad was quiet for a long time, but it didn’t feel awkward: he looked thoughtful, considering her words, contemplating the meaning behind them. Bree wished she had another beer, just to stop herself from shrinking under his heavy gaze.

“You think you’ll ever find this Mr. Wonderful, Bree?” His voice was quiet, heavy and low, like the weight of his words were almost too much to bear.

Bree had to swallow twice before she found her voice. She leaned in close, looking in his eyes. Bree knew she was drunk, that her desires were stupid and pointless, and it wouldn’t amount to anything, but she’d said too much to take it all back now. “I know of one person who’s like that: somebody who…who’s known me for a long time…maybe better than anybody… But, I probably said too—”

He kissed her, which was precisely what Bree wanted to happen but also could’ve never expected. The kiss was sudden, a firm press of his mouth to hers, and it made the hair stand up on the back of her neck. Bree took a deep breath through flared nostrils and raised a trembling hand to his face, touching his cheek. When he leaned back, breaking the connection, Bree felt hot all over and was breathing heavy. They looked into each other’s eyes, now with a deeper, stronger connection than before. “Did you want me to do that, Bree?”

“Oh God, yes,” Bree answered. “For a really, really long time.”

It looked like her Dad wanted to ask her something or say more, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he stood up and took Bree’s hand. He shut off the kitchen light, fetched a throw blanket from a nearby easy chair and covered the sleeping Jenny with it. Rocket raised his head and blinked his large, dark eyes but after a moment he lay back down again with a deep huff of a sigh; he’d always been Jenny’s dog, for the most part.

Daddy took Bree’s hand again and led her up the nearby stairs. Bree already knew the layout of the house quite well, so there was a mixture of anticipation and fear that came over her when he led her into the master bedroom at the top of the stairs, quietly shutting the door behind them. It was a room she and Jenny had rarely ever entered as kids, or even as they grew older. She stood to one side, fighting a cold quiver in her stomach as he turned to face her. “How long?” he finally asked.

“Very,” she whispered. She had to crane her neck back to look up at him, a reminder of just how tall he was compared to her. He was almost two feet taller than she was, which made her feel very small at that moment.

“How. Long.” He repeated the words as his tone lowered and became so very intense.

“A long time.” Bree held his eyes, beheld the face she knew so well. She didn’t flinch, but told her secret because there was no going back: “Long enough for me to know it might be wrong, but to not care anymore. I wanted you to kiss me, and I want to do a whole lot more than just that.”

He hesitated, breathing hard for a long moment, but he didn’t flinch either. “If we do this…there’s no going back. You know that.”

Bree nodded, not answering. It felt right to be there with him, and so very wrong. She wanted to go back to her bedroom and lock herself inside. She also wanted to tell him the whole truth, about how she’d been in love with him for years, but was too afraid to ever think of saying anything.

“Say it, Bree.” His voice was quiet, but with an absolute demand for obedience.

“Yes!” she answered, aloud and immediately. “Yes, I…I know that. I know.” She looked down, hot with shame. “I’ve felt like this for so long, Dad. I…I’m sorry.”

How long?” he pressed. He stepped up right in front of her, gently squeezing her arms in his hands. The power of his presence made her want to start shaking. “How long, Bree?”

“For too long,” she said, looking up at him again, eyes shining with frustration; she felt helpless, and once she started talking, she couldn’t stop. “Since I was a girl. Since Jenny had her Daddy and mine—my real Daddy—never even cared enough to ever even find me. Since every time I couldn’t fall asleep without you telling me good night. Since I got older and none of the boys or men I ever met measured up to what I wanted them to be…because none of them were you.”

When Bree started to let her head fall, her Dad caught her chin on his finger and lifted it again, forcing her to look up at him. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” His tone was quiet and calm, but a little sad, she thought.

Bree couldn’t help but sound bitter. “‘Gee Jenny, Dad sure is great, what do you think if I compare him to every man I’ll ever meet from now on?’” Bree shook her head.

“Not to her, to me.” Derek straightened, looking down at her. “I would’ve wanted you to say something. I’m glad you finally did say something. You’re part of my family, Bree. You matter to me. What you want matters to me.” He leaned in close again. “And right now, Jen’s asleep downstairs, and you’re up here with me.”

“What about Cathy—ah, Mom?”

Derek got the chance for a bitter smile, too. “Let’s just say your guess about me ‘handling things’ was pretty much right on the money. Right now, I’m not worried about her, nor should you.”

“But what about—”

“Shh.” He set a finger to her lips. “Enough questions. If this is what you really want.” Bree licked her lips and fought back another fit of shivering. She was full of adrenaline and heat at that moment, and could barely manage to stand still at all. He could see how agitated she was, and he curled his fingers tighter about her arms, pulling her up against him. “Do you think I’m attractive, Bree?”

Bree looked at him: his dark hair was short and streaked with grey, and even if he was paler then her Latin complexion, he still had a rich, suntanned face with a pair of bright, blue eyes. “Yes, Dad.”


It took a conscious effort for Bree to not look shocked. “What?”

His smirk was wicked. “You heard me. If we do this, you call me ‘Daddy.’”

Bree liked it even while her stomach did a flip and she was instantly wet. Her response was automatic: “Yes, Daddy.”

“Now kiss me again,” Daddy said in a softer tone.

Bree knew she had one last chance to resist, to say goodnight and go find her own bedroom, but the buzz from the alcohol and her own lust made that impossible now. She didn’t want to resist, not really. Her next kiss was a deliberate one, as she pushed up on her toes and kissed his mouth. Her tongue slid between his lips, swiping across his, inviting him to return it.

Daddy smiled into the kiss while sliding his spread fingers into her hair. He was patient with her, something that Bree was quite thankful for; seconds turned into moments and even longer still as he held her close and their mouths opened wider, tongues stroking and teasing each other.

His hands were firm on her body, clinging tight without hurting her. Then he quickly pulled her blouse off and over her head, throwing it away. His hands slid under the cups of her bra to push it up, baring her flesh to his grip; he pinched her nipples and Bree whimpered into his mouth, but she still didn’t pull away. He was bound to be frustrated or in a hurry, and she welcomed any of his touches, not matter how rough.

Her bra went the same way as her shirt as he broke the kiss. Bree was panting, bare chest heaving, eyes shining up at him.

“How was that?” Daddy asked in a soft voice.

“I want more,” she answered in a whisper.

He picked her up, curling her legs around his waist while his hands clung tight to the halves of her ass. They kissed again as he carried her across the room like she weighed almost nothing. They moved farther away from the doorway, farther away from the sleeping Jenny, farther away from any sane or logical decision. Bree was committed now to whatever came of her choice, and she wouldn’t back out now.

Daddy tossed her onto the bed, where she landed with a soft huff and a creak of the springs. It was a four-post bed with a coverlet done in cream with red edging; the decorative pillows had tiny tassels and red puffs. His fingers were greedy and quick, grabbing the waistband of her pants and pulling them under the swell of her bottom, down and off her legs. All she had left were a pair of white socks—plain, simple, unattractive, just like her.

But Daddy didn’t seem to think Bree was any of those things. He looked down at her tiny, brown body and sighed. “You really are a baby doll,” he said, sounding pained as he fumbled with the belt at his waist. His choice of phrase wasn’t lost on her, either.

Bree wanted to look away, ashamed of herself, but she couldn’t. She watched him unfasten his belt and push them down his legs, baring the largest, sweetest-looking cock she’d ever seen. It was long and thick, uncircumcised and hairless, with a dark head and its thick vein, just like she’d imagined it would be.

He took hold of his shaft in one hand and set the tip against her soft, moist pussy. It looked like he wanted to say something, but then Daddy took a sharp breath and pushed inside of her. The shock of it made her cry out in surprise, and she slapped a hand across her mouth to silence herself. Her moan was still loud and high-pitched in surprise, but she was afraid of being overheard.

“Sweet fuck, but you’re tight, baby!” Daddy groaned, his face now looking like he really was in pain, but the moan he made wasn’t pained at all. “God, your pussy feels so good, Bree.”

“Really?” Bree moved her hand away to say the word, hardly daring to believe it.

“Fuck yes,” he answered. “I’m sorry, baby girl, I’m going to be quick this time!” Then Daddy grabbed her thighs tight in his hands and started pounding her pussy with a desperate, rough rhythm that made the bed rock on her. Bree bit her cheek against the momentary discomfort, but she was so slick and he was so hard that it didn’t last long.

Sex with Daddy was beyond anything she could’ve imagined. His groin pounding against hers left little white shocks in her eyes and bright sparks flaring in her belly. He didn’t seem to think she was ugly or that sex felt bad; it looked to her like Daddy was enjoying fucking her. His breathing was hard and ragged, and his fingers tightened a little more with every thrust.

“Gonna—! Gonna cum, Bree!” Daddy gasped and at least had the thought to pull out of her at the last moment, spraying his seed across her belly. He was obviously pent up, because there was a lot of it, pooling into her navel, sprayed in ropes across her stomach and across the undersides of her breasts. Her pubic hair was a mess of the stuff.

Daddy was breathing hard when it was over, and took a moment to open his eyes. For a second their locked gazes, then he looked down and his eyes went wide. “What the fuck?” he said, more in surprise than anger—his cock was stained red, and blood was mixed in with the mess of jism he’d spread across her tummy. “You told me you’d had sex before,” he said.

Bree looked down, burning with new shame and embarrassment. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I… This was my… I should—”

Stop.” Daddy’s voice turned hard and with that one command, Bree froze in place. She looked back up at him; he seemed upset.

“Are you angry with me, Daddy?”

He sighed and his features softened. “Surprised, Bree, not angry. We can talk about it more in a minute.” Daddy took charge immediately, fetching her discarded shirt to wipe up the mess he’d made before she dripped or stained the bed or carpet. She did feel ridiculous at having nothing left but a pair of socks on; she started to cover herself, burning hot with shame. “Stop that.”

Immediately, Bree obeyed—she didn’t know why she did it, but when he gave an order, she did as she was told.

He seemed satisfied at her obedience and took the stained shirt into the bathroom, where she heard him filling a sink to soak it. That gave her a moment to be alone, still lying on the bed on her back in the dark. The windows were cracked and she could hear the ocean, as though for the first time. Moonlight streamed across the carpeted floor and bed in silver streams. Bree was in another woman’s bedroom, beside another woman’s bed, and for a split second, Bree felt guilty at what she’d already done and what else she was about to do.

Then Daddy stepped back into the bedroom, his pants still undone, but he stared at her with all of the lust and hunger she remembered, the look of a man who’d been restrained for too long, and Bree’s guilt vanished like it’d never existed. She remembered idolizing Jenny, wishing she had a birth father as loving and caring as Jenny’s seemed to be. Even after Bree was adopted, her new Dad was larger than life, a giant that she idolized and wanted to please…and then her desires became ever stronger and stronger.

Bree remembered fantasizing about him, touching herself in the dark of her small bedroom at home, thinking about a handsome man with kind eyes and an easy smile—a man who more and more came to resemble Derek Meyer. Bree thought of growing up, always wanting the one man she couldn’t have.

Well, now she had him. For that night, she was his. Bree had no more guilt, just euphoria and such a strong feeling of happiness it made her heart hurt.

Daddy stopped by the edge of the bed. “What’s wrong, baby girl?”

“Wrong?” She propped herself up on her elbows, staring up at him, all handsome and strong. “Wrong about what?”

He reached out and brushed a tiny tear from her cheek. “Are you upset about tonight, Bree?”

“Oh!” She shook her head and sat up. Impulsively, she embraced him, burying her face in his chest. “Not at all. I’m just happy, Daddy.” She turned her face and hugged him tight. “I never thought I’d ever have a chance like this.”

Daddy kissed the top of her head. “You’ve been holding this in for a long time, haven’t you?”

“All my life, it feels like!” Bree crawled onto the bed and turned around, perched on her knees, hands tucked tight in her lap, her bare bottom against her sock-clad feet. “Is that bad of me, Daddy?”

He shook his head and took a seat on the edge of the bed. “I don’t think so. It’s not your fault Cathy and I have been drifting apart like we have. It’s not your fault I was lonely too, same as you.” He took her hand, kissing her knuckles in a tender show of affection. “You can’t help who you fall for.”

“No, you can’t.” Bree didn’t want to be so far apart from him. She crawled up closer again, sliding her arms over his shoulders and nuzzling her cheek to his. The fabric of his shirt felt rough against her breasts and nipples, lighting sparks in her belly. “It almost doesn’t feel real,” she said, sighing happily.

“Real as you could’ve hoped for.” Daddy touched her cheek before he urged her to sit again, and he took her socks off, tossing them aside with the rest of her clothes.

Bree fought against a strong sense of shame and helplessness, keeping her hands tucked into her lap. “Now what, Daddy?”

“Now, let’s slow down a little bit.” He took her hand and urged her towards the pillows, tossing the more decorative ones onto the floor. Then, with her dark eyes locked onto him, Daddy began to undress, pulling off his shirt and kicking off his sandals. He was slightly soft in the middle, a product of his older age, but he had an all-over tan and less grey hairs than dark ones. Then he pushed down his shorts, and she got to see all of him again: his cock was softer between his legs, and he’d shaved himself smooth, making his shaft look even larger as a result.

Daddy slid into bed and lay down first and then pulled her closer to him, lifting the blankets up for her. “I hope I’m not a disappointment, compared to what you’ve been hoping for.”

“No, Daddy, never.” It felt divine to Bree as slid under the sheets and curled her body up next to his. She hugged him tight and pressed soft kisses up his chest and along his neck. The freedom just to touch him, to feel him as much as she wanted, made her heart swell and her pussy ache. “I’ve waited a whole life for this. It’s just…so wonderful.”

“I’ll do my best not to ruin the moment, then,” he said, smiling down at her.

Bree crawled right on top of him, belly to belly, chest to chest. She didn’t want to get lost in thoughts or regrets anymore. The man she’d loved her whole life was right there, and she intended to make the most of it. They kissed again, and she tried to show just how excited and eager she was to please him.

After a moment, Daddy chuckled into the kiss and cut it short. “Easy, baby, easy now—there’s no need to hurry, I promise. You’re about to swallow my tongue.”

He was making light of it, but Bree frowned and looked down. “Sorry. It feels like the night’ll be over before it’s even started.” She slid back down next to him in bed, draping a leg across his and resting her cheek on his chest. Bree was a bundle of excited nerves after that, but she had to focus on more important things, like him. “Can I sleep here tonight, Daddy?”

“As though I’d want you to sleep anywhere else.” Again, his tone was the thing that excited Bree the most. He was taking full control and expecting her obedience. But then, if she had to call him Daddy, why should she expect him not to act like one?

“I don’t want to sleep anywhere else,” she answered, again feeling very small and weak next to him, in his bed and in his arms. There was already a size difference between them, and that made it even easier to imagine that he really was her Daddy: his hands were bigger, his body was bigger; his cock was a thick rod that made her kitty ache to think of it being inside of her. She bent her head and nuzzled his chest again, pressing soft kisses to his warm flesh. “I just want to stay right here with you, Daddy. I want to…” She fumbled for the right words but failed to find them.

“Want to what?”

“I want to…to please you. To learn how to satisfy you.”

His hand felt so good as he stroked her dark head. “Do you like me being your Daddy, baby? Not just your Dad.”

Bree nodded. “Yes. You’re my Daddy now.”

“And you want to be my baby girl now?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“There’s still time to back out, Bree.” His voice was gentle, but it sounded tense to hear it, like he was struggling to keep himself under control; there was a tightness in his muscles, like he was ready to leap out of bed and start running. “You don’t have to go through with this if you need to stop. I’d hate to stop, but…if you need to—”

Bree shook her head firmly. “No. No, Daddy. I…I want this. I want to be yours. I want you to want me.” She buried her head again. “I feel so small and weak next to you,” she said, her voice softening again, “but…but that also makes me feel safe and protected. I like feeling this way, Daddy.”

His hand seemed to tremble as it rested atop her head. He took a long time to answer, licking his lips, calming his breathing. “You’re sure?”

“Yes, Daddy.” Again she repeated the words, whispering them. “I want to be your baby doll.”

Daddy took what sounded like a long, calming breath; he was twitching under her hands, a coiled spring ready to jump at any second. “I’d like that,” he said. “But…” He continued taking long, slow breaths. “If I’m going to be your Daddy, even more than just your Dad, you’ll have to obey what Daddy says.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“And if you’re feeling small and weak…you’ll have to trust and depend on your big, strong Daddy to teach you and take care of you.” His voice was slow, as though he was choosing his words deliberately and carefully. Bree tucked herself in close beside him, as though that could make her seem even smaller. That appeared to be what he wanted, given his shuddering breath and his continued stroking atop her head. “Good girl. Just…just like that.”

“Have I made you happy tonight, Daddy?” She kept her voice soft, he seemed to like that, and small, as though she was even smaller in size compared to him—not that it was hard to imagine that. “Did I make you feel good?”

Her question seemed to take him by surprise. “Yes, baby. And you said you want to learn how to make Daddy feel good?”

There was a thrill like liquid heat that surged in her chest. Bree fought to stay calm and nodded her little head. “Yes, Daddy.”

He took another slow breath: “Well then, the first lesson I’ll teach you tonight is…how to please Daddy. So…just pay close attention, baby.”

Bree knew her heart was racing, and she quickly followed the gist of what he wanted. They seemed completely attuned with one another, quickly sensing the other’s desires. “I want to learn more, Daddy. What should I do?”

He took one of her hands and pressed a kiss to the palm. “Just move with me, princess,” he said; another choice of pet name gave Bree a delightful rush of pleasure. He urged her hand downwards under the blankets, across his broad chest and soft belly.

His cock was so hard and thick that Bree gasped when she felt it. It jumped in her fingers, and she wrapped her hand around it. “Oh, Daddy.”

He took a deep breath. “Do you feel Daddy’s cock, baby girl?”

“Yes, Daddy.” She couldn’t see it under the blankets, but she remembered what it looked like. “It’s so hard, Daddy,” she whispered, “and…smooth.” Bree gave several tentative tugs on his shaft, feeling it flex and twitch in her small fingers. “How do I please you, Daddy?”

“J-just… Just stroke Daddy’s cock, baby.” Daddy seemed so aroused that it was a marvel he didn’t cum just from her touch. Still, her hand was almost big enough to almost wrap all the way around his hard dick, and she gently stroked and pulled at it as he ordered.

“Like that, Daddy?”

“Yes, baby. Juuuuust like that.” Daddy sighed and closed his eyes for a moment; he opened his legs wider and tightened his arm about her shoulders as she stroked his cock. It didn’t matter that he’d fucked her with it already that night—she marveled at the feel and thickness of it as though it was her first time.

“It’s so big, Daddy,” she whispered. “Will you…” Bree was getting swept up in the fantasy of the moment too, or just what sort of question she should or shouldn’t ask. “What will happen if I keep doing this?”

“Something wonderful, princess. You’ll make Daddy feel good, and then…then I’ll show you how to feel good, too.” His breathing was already quickening, and his cock seemed ready to burst, to split his tender flesh right open.

Bree pushed herself tight against him as she continued jacking his dick with her hand. A thought occurred, one she decided to try: “Daddy?”

“Y-yes, baby?”

“It’s so dry. I wish it was easier to please you.” Before he could answer, she licked several of her fingers and returned to stroking; the lubrication helped and made it that much easier to pleasure him. “There, Daddy, all better.”

Daddy shivered and gave a long, deep groan. “Thank you, sweet girl. You’re being so good for Daddy.”

Bree gave her hand a few more licks and soon had his cock good and slippery under the blanket. “Can I see, Daddy? Can I see how I’m pleasing you?”

Daddy threw back the covers, baring his hard dick, sticking up between his legs, slipper and slick. Bree bit her lip and kept stroking him, starting to whisper again, mixing one fantasy with others. “Does my hand feel good, Daddy? Do you like your baby touching you? Are you going to cum all over me again like last time?”

Mmmmmm, God, fuck yes,” he said, sounding a touch delirious and turned on. “Talk to Daddy some more, baby doll,” Daddy said, his voice tight, his breath shuddering in his chest. “Let…let me hear you. Daddy loves hearing you talk, baby Bree.”

Taking the initiative, Bree sat up and knelt between his opened legs. Lubricating both sets of fingers, she wrapped her hands around his meaty shaft and started pumping with hard, quick motions. She wasn’t sure what to say, but she was no prude either and had a good idea of what he wanted to hear. “Fuck my hands, Daddy, show how big and hard you can get. Mmmm, don’t you wanna cum and make me filthy again, Daddy? Paint my little belly with your jizz? Make me all dirty, Daddy, make me a dirty little girl.” Bree bit her lip and moaned aloud for him, but also for herself because it took all of her self control not to climb onto his dick for another ride.

Her small voice and wicked words did the trick—Daddy groaned and pushed his head back, clutching the blankets tight in both hands. “Fuck, baby. I… I’m gonna cum now! Daddy’s cumming, baby girl!” He pushed his hips up, his cock jutting upwards as he began to climax. It was his second orgasm of the night and she could see he was still making up for lost time—there was still so much of it. Bree arched her back, thrusting her breasts out for him, squeezing his dick tight as she aimed his spraying seed all over her chest and belly again. His ropes of hot jism seared her skin and made her gasp from the sensation, of how wicked and wonderful it felt for him to cum all over her. By the time he was finished, she was a dripping mess again, streaked and soaked with it.

It made Bree feel dirty, and it made her feel hot. It made her feel powerful. She’d done something to Daddy that she’d never done to any other man: she made him cum just from the power of her voice and her body. What should’ve been humiliating felt amazing, and she wanted more of it.

Any guilt she might’ve had was gone forever now.

Daddy came to with a hard shudder and a deep, cleansing breath. Careless of the mess, he pulled her to him and kissed her with the force and fury of how she’d wanted to kiss him earlier—unlike Bree, Daddy was a very good kisser. She moaned into his mouth, feeling the heat of his seed stain her skin and part of her almost wished she didn’t have to wash it off. Almost.

When the kiss ended, she gave him a curious look, wide-eyed. “Did I please you, Daddy?”

Daddy took a shuddering breath and smiled at her. “You did wonderful, sweet girl.”

Bree grinned and laughed. “Good! I guess my new Daddy’s a real good teacher, huh?”

Daddy smirked and stroked her head again. “You’re a natural. But, it probably wouldn’t hurt to clean up a little more thoroughly, would it?”

Chapter two

Chapter 2

quite sticky at that point, so he urged her to climb out of his lap and they hurried into the bathroom. It was a spacious place, done in white tile. Once upon a time, she’d marveled at the size of the master bathroom as some unattainable luxury, like a place she wasn’t truly meant to enter. Now she was inside of it with the man she’d dreamt about for years—in a small way, it was her bathroom for that night, at least.

Daddy turned on the water and for a moment, used the detachable head to rinse her body clean of his seed. She shivered in spite of the hot spray. “N-now what, Daddy?”

“Now I’m going to take care of you properly.” Daddy stepped into the shower, shutting the door behind him. They were closed in together, and Bree was somehow even more aware of her nakedness when standing next to him. He took down a bottle of liquid soap, squeezed it into his hands, and began to wash her cum-stained body with it.

For a few moments they were quiet, soaking in each other’s presence. Bree felt both uncomfortable and yet, strangely, totally at ease with him. They were both naked now. They were equally uncovered and vulnerable in front of each other. If she could just concentrate, and his fingers would stop stroking her breasts, teasing her nipples, sliding between her legs—


“Hm? What?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin before?”

Bree had to focus, to take a calming breath. “Because I’ve never told anybody that, Daddy.” She raised her arms as directed and didn’t struggle as his slippery hands swirled over her stomach and breasts; her nipples tightened, and she took a breath when he gently pulled at them with his fingers. “I… I lied about sleeping with a guy during a party last year. Even Jenny doesn’t know.”

“It would’ve been okay if you told me.” His voice was soft, even gentle.

“I couldn’t—not before this. And, now you know.” She was directed to turn around and faced the water spray as he rinsed her off while standing behind her. Bree closed her eyes when she felt his body press against hers; the feel of his warm body, his slick chest and spent cock against her back and ass made her take a deep breath. “I didn’t want anybody else to take my virginity. I always wanted it to be you.”

“Even if I never took the chance?”

She nodded. “Yeah.” Bree watched him fetch more things, felt his hands on her flesh again. He was just as thorough with her backside as her front, and took special attention with her slender neck, her smooth back, the cleft of her ass. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she felt his fingertips toying with the tight pucker of her asshole; she bit her lip as he teased it, gently pressing against the ring of muscle.

Just as she began to whimper, he stopped and rinsed her off, sliding his loving hands across her flesh, feeling every inch of her. He turned her around again and gently dipped her head under the water to soak it. “Are you going to wash all of me?” she asked, looking up at his face.

“Is that a problem?” Daddy raised an eyebrow and she heard some of that firm tone return.

Immediately, Bree felt herself regress and soften again. “No, Daddy,” she answered, her voice going smaller and subservient again, the way he liked it.

Daddy shampooed her hair and made sure it was thoroughly rinsed after. He even mixed conditioner in next, which would take a few minutes before needing to be cleaned. While she watched, he lathered himself up next and washed his cum away; she watched it slide in lines down his tummy, over his thighs. She stared at his nude cock, nearly-hairless and thick. Her mouth started to water, and that didn’t even make sense—she’d never sucked a man off before. Bree didn’t know anything about pleasing a man but for what Daddy had taught her, and already she wanted to know so much more.

Daddy took her hand and removed the shower head again, urging her down to the floor. “Sit down and open your legs.”

Bree blinked. She knew Jenny shaved, but Bree never had. “What?” When he gave her the look again, she raised her hands in surrender. “Y-yes, Daddy,” she echoed, carefully taking a seat in the corner of the shower. Her face was still burning, but she convinced herself that was just the heat of the room and from his presence.

When she saw him bend down with a can of shaving foam and a disposable razor, Bree bit her lip as her heart started racing again. The foam smelled of fruit, and he laid it on thick between her legs, making her nipples ache as she felt his fingers caressing the tight folds of her kitty. The sensation of the razor sliding across her skin was equally disconcerting and arousing while watching his large, strong hands do their work. As he carefully began removing her curls, bit by bit, Bree felt more and more naked by the second. She held her breath as he worked, trying not to tremble.

“If you keep that up, you’re likely to pass out,” Daddy said.

Bree gave a tiny, frantic laugh. “Sorry. I’ve never done this before.”

“First time for everything,” he answered. Daddy had a faint smile on his face.

“Do you like when girls are shaved?”

“Do I like it when my girls are shaved?”

The way he phrased the question almost took her breath away. “Am I your girl now, Daddy?”

“Yes. For tonight, you are. After tonight…we’ll see.”

Bree felt hot all over, but now she liked it. As more and more of the curls were removed, there was only soft, brown skin left behind. Daddy was thorough, to the point where Bree was on her back and he carefully scraped the bit of curls around her asshole away. “Daddy…”

“Just a little longer, kitten.”

Bree audibly whimpered at yet another pet name; each of them made it feel like he was breaking off a small part of her, remaking and remolding her into something new. That she liked it was the hardest part to handle, and she knew it wasn’t just the shower making her wet.

Daddy ran a fingertip across the entire cleft of her ass and pussy, from back to front; she didn’t feel so much as a follicle. Bent in half, exposed and wide open, Bree’s eyelids fluttered and she felt something close to a tiny climax, a rush of heat in her belly as her naked, hairless holes clenched and spasmed for him. It should’ve been humiliating, but Bree had never been so fucking turned on in her entire life.

When he was done, Daddy looked at her as he rinsed the blade clean. “What is it?”

Knowing she was still red-hot and flushed, Bree reached down with a trembling hand and touched herself. She blew out a soft, hissing breath as she marveled at the delicious smoothness of her skin, was quite certain she’d never been so smooth and soft in her entire life, At the same time, Daddy turned the spray across her cunt and washed the bit of remaining foam away; Bree bucked her hips and shuddered. “Oh fuck,” she whimpered. “Oh fuck… Daddy…!”

“What is it?”

Her eyes were swimming with sweat and tears as she looked up at him. “I feel so…so exposed.” She whispered the last word as he bent over her, gently rinsing the conditioner out of her hair. His wet body and cock were right in front of her, so close she could’ve reached out and touched him. She started to, but then felt his fingers slide deeper into her hair. His grip was strong but gentle, and she couldn’t help but moan with pleasure.

“Good.” Daddy’s smile was sly, even a little wicked. “I want that.”

Bree trembled and grabbed his arms in her hands. “Daddy, I… I-I’ve never felt like this before!”

Daddy held her eyes as he let the thin streams of water slide down her neck and chest. The needle-thin water teased her hard nipples, making Bree whimper again. “Felt like what, sweet baby?”

“Like this!” she repeated, breathing hard. Bree was so wet, and the way he was leaning over her made her head swim. “I feel so naked and weak. I want you to fuck me again. I want to stay in here and never get out of this shower. I want to you to teach me everything, make up for all the time we never had. I want you to call me baby girl and princess and kitten again. I want you to be my Daddy now, and tomorrow, and… And it’s just too much!” Bree nearly burst into tears from the sense of overwhelming want and helplessness.

Daddy touched her face with one hand, giving her a tender, loving smile. “Oh, Bree… Don’t worry, baby, there’s still plenty of time left tonight. Don’t worry about any of it—I’ll take care of everything.”

“But Daddy—!”

“Shhhhhh.” Daddy slid a thumb across her lips to silence her as the water streams slid down her belly next. Bree knew what he was doing, what was coming next. Her trembling fingers clenched and unclenched; her belly tightened and flexed, and Bree opened her legs wider—knowing it was what he wanted without even having to be told.

When the water jets first hit her shaved mound, Bree arched her back and gasped. When he changed the stream to a thicker, single jet that started pounding on her aching clitty, Bree cried out. “Daddyyyyy!” she wailed, shuddering, legs shaking.

“Mmmmmmmmm!” Daddy sounded so pleased, so happy at her reaction. He slid one finger into her pussy, taking care again with how tight she was, and began stroking her inner walls with his fingertip while that shower kept assaulting her with more heat, more pleasure.

“Oh fuck, Daddy! Daddy! Oh, fuck Daddy, it feels so good!” Her tongue was loose and she couldn’t stop talking, knowing it pleased him and wanting to keep pleasing him. Bree clenched her teeth and fought hard just to stay still as she watched his face, saw how his eyes glittered as he stared down at her smooth puss and watched her pussy lips flex and pull at his thrusting finger. “Y-you’re finger fucking me, Daddy! It’s good! It feels good!”

Good,” he said, growling the word back to her. She could see he was hard again, his cock straining between his legs, but he didn’t try fucking her. He seemed to delight in her torment, in the delicious torture of the spray against her pussy and clit.

Daddyyyyyyyyy, you’re driving me crazyyyyy!” Bree had certainly masturbated before, but never like this. The way Daddy held the shower head and aimed the spray so expertly on her clit said that he knew what he was he doing. The finger on her G-spot had her seeing sparks flash behind her eyes. Bree curled her arms behind her head and lay out full on her back. She planted her feet on the slippery floor and spread her legs open wider still, showing off her pair of pretty, denuded fuck holes—holes that were his now. “Ahh! I love it, Daddy! Please don’t stop playing with my pussy! Please, Daddy! I’ll do whatever you want!” She was sobbing by then, overwhelmed by pleasure she’d never experienced before, crying like the little girl she was, the one she’d always been—all she’d needed was the right man to make her feel that way again.

Whatever I want, kitten?” Daddy sounded very interested then, and hungry too, enough to eat her up in one bite.

Yes, Daddy, fuck yes! It’s so good! It’s what I always wanted! I… I…!” Bree opened her eyes wide as she shrieked—more than a scream, a wailing or a cry, she let out the loudest, wildest sound she’d ever made before in her life as she came. Her orgasm was so strong, the strongest she’d ever felt; her legs trembled and her body shook from the force of it. Bree could only see an endless field of white before her eyes as she came and came.

The shock of his hands tightening about her thighs brought Bree back to her senses, just so she could see him push higher in his knees, lifting her up and pushing his cock into her clenching cunny hole at the same moment. “Fuck, baby, you’re still so tight!” The sensation of being so full again, of him filling her with his throbbing dick was heavenly and she wailed again from the simple, raw joy of being his plaything.

Bree began to cry again while her hands latched tight onto his. “More, Daddy, fuck me, Daddy, fuck me, Daddy, fuck me again, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” She chanted the words, begging him for more, pleading with him to claim her another time.

Daddy arched his back and raised his soaked head up as he began to fuck her eager body again. Now the sounds of sex and hard, rough fucking filled the shower and entire room, overpowering the water’s steady hiss as Daddy took his willing baby girl. Bree could feel tears and sweat sliding down her cheek and temples. She’d never felt so good in her entire life. “Yeah, fuck me, Daddy! Fuck my little pussy! Fuck me, it’s so fucking good!”

“You like this, baby girl?” Daddy said, teeth clenched, eyes almost glowing as he looked down at her. “You like Daddy’s cock fucking you? Does it feel good in your pussy, baby? You like being Daddy’s fuck toy?”

“Yes! Yes, Daddy, yesyesyes!” The air felt superheated, like the steam was soaking into her skin, searing her, burning her forever. “Please keep going, Daddy, don’t stop yet! I didn’t know it could be this good! It feels so good when you fuck me!”

Daddy let her legs fall and lay on top of her, pinning her down with his heavy weight. The floor was hot and hard under her back and bottom and Bree didn’t care, she just wanted to make him feel good. “I love it, Daddy,” she cried, whining into his ear, as the wet slaps of flesh and wet tile filled her ears. “Love it, Daddy, love it. Fuck me more, Daddy, fuck your baby’s pussy. Take me, fuck me, cum again, Daddy, cum in your baby girl’s shaved kitty! Please? Please?! Please, Daddy, cum inside your little slut!”

Daddy growled and gave a snarling breath. When he started to pull back, Bree latched her legs and arms around him as much as she could, like a monkey on a branch, squeezing him tight, rocking her hips, moaning in his ear. “Cum, Daddy, cum in me, cum, Daddy, please cum, please cum inside your kitten! Fill me up! Please cum, Daddy! Cum! God, please cum inside meeee!

His growl turned into a choked shout as he gave up fighting to pull out and enveloped her in a thick, wet hug, strong limbs tightening around her body as he silenced her with a hard, long kiss. His tongue whipped against hers and his breath was hot across her cheeks. Bree could feel his loins pushed tight to hers, feel his cock pulsing and jumping inside of her; she imagined how hot his latest load had to be as it frothed and filled her up. Her next thought was how much of a waste to spill his seed on her stomach inside of her…but then, if he hadn’t, he might not have taken her in the shower at all.

A few moments passed in silence, as the water fell and they both fought to breathe. Bree closed her eyes and smiled, happier and more satisfied than she’d ever been in her life. She never thought she’d ever get close to this dream actually happening, and now she could feel his cum dribbling out of her stuffed pussy. She was sore, exhausted and pinned under a man who weighed twice what she did, making it hard to breathe. Bree was the happiest she’d ever been in her life.

That…” Daddy was out of breath, and his voice was rough as he slowly pushed up onto his elbows to look down at her. “That…I wasn’t expecting.”

Bree puffed out her cheeks, still feeling very out of breath, but she managed a tiny smile. “Maybe…I just wanted…to surprise you.” She winced and shifted on her back. “The bed was softer…but this was still amazing.”

He looked pleased. “Was it?”

“Oh God, Daddy, so much.” She took a deep breath and reached up to slide her fingernails across his neck and shoulders. “This is already better than I ever thought it could be.”

“We’re not done yet. If it’s only one night, I’m going to enjoy as much of it with you as I can.” It was less the words themselves and more the way he said them that made Bree tense up with anticipation, excitement and a little bit of fear. He pulled his dick out of her with a wet slurping sound; she could feel more of his seed spilling from her battered cunt.

When he offered a hand, Bree took it and stood up. Her legs were shaking, but she opened them at his direction and held her breath as he rinsed her pussy clean. “Does it have to just be one night?” Asking it made Bree feel greedy, like she was risking a good thing by wanting too much of it.

Her question made a thoughtful look come over Daddy’s face. “Maybe not,” he said, “but…you girls are leaving in the morning.”

The unwanted reminder made Bree’s eyes fall to the floor. “Yeah.” She hadn’t forgotten—she just didn’t want the reminder.

“On the other hand…maybe we can do something about that.” Bree was confused at his meaning but didn’t answer, so he went on: “Jen is going to go visit John, and you were supposed to go along. But…what if you stayed here at the house with me?”

Bree’s eyes went wide. “Really?” Her voice practically squeaked from excitement. “Could I?”

“Of course! We’ll need a cover story, something to convince her to go on without you, but if we can manage that…” His eyes got hungry again.

Bree felt a hot rush of excitement and anticipation start to boil again in her belly and between her thighs. They were three fucks deep that night and she still wanted more. “Then it wouldn’t have to be just one night, would it?”

Daddy smiled again. “Would you like that? Just you and me, and this big house for the two of us?”

Bree sighed. “It sounds amazing.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Just you trust in Daddy to take care of everything, baby.”

After that, quiet returned as Daddy bathed himself quickly, washing and rinsing himself clean. Bree enjoyed watching him, reminded of so many times over so many years of stealing glances and watching him from afar.

“Deep thoughts?” he asked.

Bree shook her head. “No, Daddy. Just reminiscing—remembering how things used to be.”

“Would it have been better if they stayed that way?” He set the shower head back in its cradle again.

She shook her head again. “No. Never.” When he turned to face her, Bree stepped right up to him, her chest to his, looking up into his eyes. “I wanted this.” She took one of his hands with hers, placing it upon her breast; she took his other and placed it between her legs as she stared into his eyes. “For one night, I’m finally yours. You’re my Daddy now and I’m your baby.”

Daddy’s eyes flashed as he leaned in closer. His hands tightened about her breast and across her mound, fingers gently but firmly digging into the soft folds between her thighs. “Yes, you are. And I’m glad we don’t have to go back to the way things were—not yet, anyway.”

His look of lust and hunger made Bree want to tremble again, but she fought it. She smiled and kissed him long and slow, tasting his tongue and the heat of his mouth again. “Can we finish and go back to bed, Daddy? Please? I want to please you more.”

Daddy chuckled. “More?”

“I always want more, Daddy.”

Those were the right words to say, because Daddy cut off the water. She marveled at his control and strength, and how he didn’t seem fazed by the beers they’d been sharing earlier.

At that very thought, Bree felt an uncomfortable tightness in her lower belly. Something must’ve shown on her face, because Daddy looked like he wanted to laugh. “What is it?”

“I, um… I need to pee.” Bree knew she was blushing again.

He pointed to the commode. “Then go pee.”

“What, no!” She felt an irrational urge to cover herself again, especially after everything he’d already seen. “Not while you’re standing there watching!”

Daddy raised an eyebrow. “Bree baby, after everything that’s happened so far, now you’re going to be shy?”


He shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

Bree thought about holding her bladder, but the longer she contemplated that, the worse the pressure got. Finally, with a huff and a grumble, she stepped out and started to grab a towel—only for him to snatch it off the rack and out of her reach.

“Uh-uh.” Daddy shook his head.

She thought about arguing, but knew it wouldn’t do her any good. Bree walked across the floor in her wet, bare feet and sat down. “I just wanted to towel off first,” she said.

“You don’t need it yet,” Daddy said as he hung his towel up. “That would’ve been your first excuse, but it would’ve been easy enough to cover up and hide. You’ve been hiding from me your entire life, Bree—you won’t do it here. Not anymore.”

His words gave her something to think about, not to mention how arousing his insistence on controlling was, even to something like this. It occurred to Bree that she should be mortified, or worse, at the idea of urinating in front of him—he was more than her lover or her adopted father, he was somebody who’d watched her grow up, who she’d known all her life. The room was very quiet as she considered his words, and no matter how much she wanted to, Bree couldn’t disagree.

When she was done and cleaned up, Bree started to take the towel before he stopped her. “What? What’s wrong, Daddy?”

“Nothing.” Daddy smiled again and began to towel her dry. “I told you: Daddy will take care of everything.”

His words and actions made Bree smile as well. She closed her eyes, moving and turning as he instructed, enjoying the feel of soft, thick cotton on her skin. The sensation of his rubbing against her shaved kitty made Bree shift and shiver, but she didn’t speak until he was done. “Thank you, Daddy,” she said.

“You’re most welcome, baby. Now.” He grabbed her by the shoulders, looking down into her eyes. “I haven’t had a night like this since I was your age, but Daddy might not have a whole lot left in the tank until you let me rest a little.”

Bree tried not to pout. “Yes, Daddy.” Just the talk of resting made her yawn, even though she hated it. “Just for a little while?” She turned on her charm and sweetness, looking up with wide eyes and a tender smile.

Daddy laughed and pulled her close, kissing her again. Bree sighed into the kiss and hugged him tight, fighting back the temptation to tease or excite him again…but she was very, very tempted. “Just for a little while.”

Bree giggled and clapped her hands. “Alright! I’m ready to go to bed now, Daddy.”

“Good girl.” He turned her around and gave her bottom a firm squeeze before herding her out of the bedroom and back to the bed.

Bree climbed in, happy and content for the moment. A little rest wouldn’t hurt, and if they were lucky, she was going to see just how much she could get out of him soon, empty tank or not.

All they had to do was get Jenny out of the house first. That might prove to be a challenge.

Chapter three

Chapter 3

was that resting “for a little while” would turn into sleeping through the whole night. She’d had dreams and fantasies about making love to her Dad that lasted through the night, that they’d look out a window after making love to watch the sun come up over that the horizon. But he did seem very worn out when they got into bed again, and it wasn’t long before she cuddled up next to him and closed her eyes, feeling safe and happy next to her wonderful new Daddy.

Waking up to the morning sun was her first surprise. But it wasn’t the only one in store that morning.

The first thing Bree noticed upon waking up was that she’d slept curled up behind Daddy all night. He was warm and firm, coiled up in the blankets, sleeping peacefully. It made her smile again and she rubbed her eyes, yawning slow and soft. The sun was up and the ocean roared as it always did. It seemed like the perfect start to a new day.

Until a familiar voice broke the quiet of the morning: “Bree?”

The sound of Jenny’s voice sent Bree into a whirlwind of activity. “She’s awake!” she hissed, rolling out of bed and onto the floor on all fours like an animal.

“Get in the bathroom!” Daddy ordered.

Bree fetched the rest of her clothes and ran into the bathroom, closing the door to the tiniest crack; through it, she saw him pull on a pair of his boxers and kick the rest of his clothes into the closet.

There was a quiet, insistent knocking sound at the bedroom door. “Dad? Have you seen Bree anywhere?”

Daddy reached the bedroom door, fluffing up his hair to look like he’d just rolled out of bed, then opened it. “Morning, honey.”

“Morning, Dad.” By the sound of her voice, Jenny seemed perplexed. “Do you know where Bree went?”

“Oh, she’s in the bathroom, sweetie.”

Bree’s eyes went wide and she held her breath. What was he doing??

Jenny’s confusion redoubled. “In…your bathroom? Why?”

“She slept in here last night,” Daddy answered.

It took a hard effort not to drop the clothes she was holding. Bree’s knees shook and she sank to the floor, breathing soft and quick, covering her mouth not to be overheard. Was he trying to get them caught?

Beee could see Daddy and a hint of Jenny’s face on the other side of the door. Her adopted sister looked completely confused. “What? Why?”

“Don’t worry, honey, it’s nothing to be worried about.” Daddy sighed. “Bree was up all night; she told me she felt awful. It was probably something in her take-out—you know how she doesn’t do well with spicy food.”

“Oh no!” Bree could hear the frown and concern in her sister’s voice. “So…she came to use your restroom instead?”

Daddy shook his head. “No, honey. I found her this morning groaning and moaning and feeling like death warmed over, but she tried to apologize and did what Bree always does, not wanting to be a burden, even if she’s feeling terrible. I tucked her into my bed so she had quick access to the bathroom if she needed it.” He paused, leaning in closer to her. “How are you feeling, Jen? Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

“Yeah Dad, I’m perfectly fine.” Jenny sounded frustrated and sighed. “I guess I could just cancel the trip—”

“What? No, honey, John’s waiting on you, isn’t he?” He shook his head. “You don’t have to do that. I’ll handle everything here. Bree can spend a little time to feel better and rest up, and she’ll be fully recovered by the time you get back.”

“You sure?” Jenny sounded uncertain. “I can always call John, if I have to.” She didn’t sound thrilled at the idea; Bree knew Jenny hadn’t seen John since the start of their last semester. She wouldn’t want to put off their reunion any longer.

“Absolutely,” Daddy said. “I’m sure she’ll understand. She already told me she didn’t want to hold you back.”

Jenny stuck her head into the bedroom. “Hey, Bree? You okay?”

Bree quickly pushed back from the door and walked into the far end of the room. She was no actress, but she did her best moan and hoped she sounded believably pitiful: “Not… Not really. Feel pretty bad… Oh God.” She gave a smothered cough and forced a low, heaving sound into the toilet bowl to amplify the sound. “S-sorry.”

“It’s okay. Feel better!”

Bree hurried back to the door and peeked through the crack again. Jenny was talking to Daddy again: “…her I’m sorry and I hope she feels better. Just don’t you get sick if she’s contagious somehow.”

“I’ll be careful, sweetie.”

Jenny kissed her father on the cheek and started down the stairs. “See you in two weeks!”

“Drive safe!” he called, and stood there by the bedroom door.

Bree opened the bathroom door silently and they both looked at one another, slightly wide-eyed, as though not believing the trick had worked. A few moments later, they heard Jenny’s car rumble to life and pull out of the driveway; Bree hurried to the window, peeking at the corner as she watched Jenny’s convertible rumble up the street and out of sight.

When she turned around, Bree saw Daddy looking at her with a small, satisfied smile. “Like I told you: Daddy will take care of everything.”

Bree broke into a cascade of delighted giggling and ran towards him, leaping right into his arms. As he whooped and grunted at catching her, she covered his face and neck in ecstatic kisses. “Oh thank you, Daddy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Her heart was beating quick and she felt flush all over, excited and elated beyond anything she could ever remember. When he set her back onto her feet, she was trembling with excitement. “You freaking scared me half to death when you started your story about why I was in here last night!”

Daddy chuckled and kissed her head. “I told you I would handle it, kitten. Now the only thing we have to think about is how long I get to keep you here.” The man had a way of saying things that crawled right into Bree’s belly and made her want to do dirty, dirty things.

He crossed over to the bathroom, and she followed to watch him: Daddy filled the bathroom sink and put her stained shirt from the night prior in to soak, then he collected the rest of her clothes and took them over to the closet, placing them in an empty drawer and closing it again.

“What are you doing, Daddy?”

“You won’t need those while you’re here,” he answered, giving her a wicked little smile. Fuck, but she almost started trembling again.

“Not…not at all?” Bree licked her lips. “I’ll be naked the whole time?”

“Mm-hmmm.” He walked back up, lifted her onto the bed and bent down to her, face to face. “How do you feel about that, baby girl?”

“I…” Bree had flashbacks: him pulling her clothes off in such a hurry; the way she straddled his legs and clutched his bare cock as he climaxed; being in her back in the shower, bent in half, her shaved cunny and ass wide open for him. She was blushing again. “I don’t know, Daddy. I like it, a little. I just didn’t expect it.”

“You are my baby girl now, aren’t you, Bree?”

She nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”

“And you want to learn how to please me, don’t you?”

“Oh yes, Daddy.” Bree emphasized the word on purpose.

“And you said you’d do whatever I wanted, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy, yes’” Bree stuck out her tiny chest, not flinching away or backing down. A lifetime of longing was finally coming true, and she’d do anything to make it last. “Yes, I said so.”

“Then, let’s start with this.” He looked down, brushing his fingers down her neck, over one of her breasts and down her belly. “You’ve been waiting for a long time…haven’t you, princess?”

Bree took a sharp breath, leaning back on both hands. “Yes, Daddy,” she said, so much softer than the others. She spread her legs for him again, showing her shaved pussy, the one he’d made so smooth and sensitive. She bit her lip once more as his fingers traveled down further and further, crossing the span of her belly and sliding over her tender mound. “Oh, Daddy!”

He smiled and turned his hand, caressing the cleft of her cunt with his fingertip, moving slowly down the length of it as he leaned in even closer. “Now Daddy can touch you whenever he wants to, kitten. That’s your second lesson to learn: Daddy wants to be able to touch you whenever he wants, baby.”

Bree caught her breath and her eyelids fluttered as he slipped one thick digit inside of her. The simple greed and lewdness of it made her heart pound and her face go hot again. She rocked her hips and nodded her head. “Yes, Daddy,” she answered, riding his finger as if it were his cock, wanting to show him she was obedient and willing. “Does my kitty feel good, Daddy? It’s all shaved and soft now.”

“It feels wonderful, sweet girl.” Daddy kissed the top of her head and pressed his fingertip up against her G-spot again, stroking it with a firm caress, making her gasp and groan out loud.

Bree realized that she didn’t have to be quiet anymore. They were the only ones in the house: Jenny was gone for weeks, and Cathy for maybe even longer. She was alone with her Daddy, able to pleasure and to please him without having to worry about interruptions or being overheard. She gasped again, louder that time, rocking her head back. “And if you keep me naked…you can touch me, and taste me, and fuck me as much as you want, can’t you, Daddy? Hmmmmmm!” She moaned long and loud, savoring the freedom of it, the simple pleasure of being completely free and unafraid.

“Yes, little girl, Daddy’s going to do exactly that.” His tone was dark and full of delicious, wicked promise. It wasn’t long before they could both hear how wet Bree was and how hungry her little cunt had become, as he slurped and suckled on his finger.

“Daddy?” Bree looked at him again, feeling sweat bead and trickle down her brow and temples.

“Yes, baby?”

“Will you… Nnngh! Oh God!” She gasped again, fighting to speak through her harder breathing. “Are you gonna be naked, too? So I can see your cock whenever I want? Touch it whenever I want? Play with it as much as I want to?” She set her heels up on the bed, using them and her hands to rock her hips harder, fucking back against his finger and hand. She pressed her clit hard into his knuckles with every thrust, sending red shocks through her tummy and breasts.

“Would you like that, kitten? To play with Daddy as much as you want to?” He started moving his hand faster, fucking her pussy harder, and soon picked up a rhythm she couldn’t match with her own strength.

“Yes! Yes, Daddy, fuck yes!” Bree fell to her back, grabbed her knees and pulled her legs wide open for him. When he added a second finger with the first, she squealed and bucked her little hips, listening to her sopping-wet cunt squeeze and pull at his fingers, at how his meaty fist pounded at her swollen clitty. “Yes, Daddy, I want that so fucking bad! Finger-fuck my baby kitty more, Daddy, please! Please don’t stop! Fuck, it’s so goo-oo-oo-oo-ood!” Her voice was broken up by the pounding of his fist against her body, sending more sparks and flashes of red and white light behind her eyes. Her nipples were so tight they felt ready to pop. She was studded with sweat by that point, and the slick, wet sounds of her pleasure filled the room.

Daddy reached in with his other hand, splaying his fingers across her belly and brushing his thumb across her clit. The sensation made Bree’s eyes pop open wide; she let go of her legs and clutched his arm with both hands. A wordless scream erupted from her mouth as she came, her eyes locked with his, her body seizing and freezing solid as he kept pounding his fist and his fingers in her pussy. Her climax was so strong, so utterly overwhelming that she couldn’t move, or speak, or do anything but scream until breath ran out and she fell back, her body gone limp like a puppet with no strings. She wheezed with every breath, only managing a tense, babyish whimper when he pulled his fingers out of her pussy. It felt like she didn’t even have the strength to open her eyes.

There was a sound, something soft that her sex-drenched brain couldn’t identify. What she did recognize was Daddy’s cock the instant it made contact with her cunny, hard and thick as ever; when he pushed into her hot hole, Bree arched her back and cried out again. Turning her head, clutching the blankets tight, she felt his strong hands press his fingers tight into her thighs as he began fucking her. She whimpered with every sweet thrust—his dick was even bigger than his fingers had been, and she felt so wonderfully stretched and full again.

“I’m fucking you again, baby girl,” Daddy said in his darkest, hungriest voice yet. “Daddy finger-fucked your kitty good and hard to make you cum. Now, Daddy’s going to fuck you good until I’m done with you.” He sounded so starved for pleasure and physical desire that it made Bree’s heart break.

She fought through her exhaustion, her helplessness, reaching down to slide both hands between her legs and hold them open wide for him. “Fuck me, Daddy!” Bree said in the smallest, softest, sweetest voice she could manage. Talking was what pleased Daddy, so she would talk for him until she had no breath left. “Fuck me! Fuck your baby girl! My kitty’s so full and your cock is so big inside me, Daddy! Fuck me! Please fuck me more!”

His breathing was harsh and heavy, ragged growling sounds from between his teeth. He was so vigorous, so hungry for her that he pushed her higher onto the bed and crouched over her, covering her with his long body. The bed creaked and their bodies smacked together as he pounded her pussy, sounding more like an animal with every moment.

Last night, he’d been rough with her, but that was out of frustration from going without sex for so long, Bree was sure of it. This morning, his roughness just proved how badly he wanted her. It just meant she had to learn how to please him even more, to drive him crazy even more, until he couldn’t get enough of her.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” she whimpered, grunting with his thrusting, at the weight of his body atop hers. She curled her arms around him, fingernails digging in, hips rocking in time with his brutal thrusts. It was the best kind of forceful, of him dominating and taking what he wanted from her smaller body. “Daddy! Daddy! DADDY! DADDYYYYYYYYYYY!” She wailed like the little girl he wanted her to be. The blankets were wet under her ass, soaked from her weeping pussy and the force of his fucking.

Daddy finally pushed in deep, as deep as he ever had, making stars flash in Bree’s eyes. They held in place for a long moment—his loins to hers; his cock bottomed in her cunny; his body intertwined by her small, shuddering limbs. Again, she felt his muscles flex and his cock jerk as he deposited more of that precious, heavy seed into her belly, right at the waiting door of her womb.

Bree clutched her Daddy tight and never wanted to let go, no matter how tired she was. Instead, she nuzzled her cheek to his chest and neck, managing a breath to speak in her soft, small voice: “Did I…please you again…Daddy?”

“Mmm… Yes, baby. Yes…” Daddy seemed sluggish, already worn out, but then, so was Bree. When he pulled out of her again, she felt empty and worn out, whimpering at how he pulled away, but she also felt the wonderful warmth of his cum dribbling out of her cunt again; Bree was beginning to get addicted to that feeling.

Bree whimpered some more when she felt him sit up near the edge of the bed and pull her into his lap, cradling her slick, wearied body in his arms, careless of the mess. She kept her eyes closed, feeling simultaneously hollowed and exhausted, but so happy and content at the same time.


That was a preview of Daddy's Little Girl: An Almost Incestuous Romance. To read the rest purchase the book.

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