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Making It Official

Aric Lanewood


Making It Official

Summoned From the Lower Realms, Volume 4

Aric Lanewood

Published by Lane’s Forest, 2024.

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Also by Aric Lanewood

Summoned From the Lower Realms

House Guest: An Unexpected Summoning

Roommate With Benefits

Becoming Partners

Making It Official


Fluffier Than Flowers

Incubus For A Night

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Also By Aric Lanewood

Making It Official (Summoned From the Lower Realms, #4)

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Also By Aric Lanewood

About the Author

Leo opened his eyes to the sunlight coming through his bedroom curtains. He was still feeling amorous from the cuddling that Rien initiated the night before. Then he suddenly realized that he had work today and hadn’t bothered to set his alarm the night before. He panicily checked his clock and found that while he overslept, he still had plenty of time to get ready.

He still felt dazed in the shower, his mind wandering in a way that made it hard to focus on washing himself. Rien had agreed to be exclusive and went on a normal date with him. Leo kept going back over how playful Rien had been last night, how he was even willing to leave the dishes for a few hours while they spent time together. He hoped that Rien would continue to pursue his own interests instead of constantly doing his chores.

Finishing up in the bathroom, Leo checked the time again and saw that he had wasted a lot of time. He was going to have to rush if he was going to make it to work on time. Practically running out the door, Rien grabbed his arm to stop him.

“I know you don’t normally take a lunch, but since you don’t have time for breakfast I packed you something anyway.” Rien said. He kissed Leo and sent him on his way.

Leo was once again lost in his own world, almost high on how much he enjoyed everything that Rien did for him and how honestly loving it all felt. That was soon shattered by the Friday rush. Leo barely even had time to enjoy the amazing food that Rien had made for him. By the time he got home after closing that night, he was exhausted.

Rien had made a completely different meal for dinner and Leo marveled at the ability to not eat the same thing for lunch and dinner. He was starting to think that he might have been in a bit of a food slump for the better part of his twenties. He also wasn’t convinced that Rien wasn’t secretly a culinary angel though.

Rien didn’t say much during dinner and Leo was mostly busy shoveling spoonful after spoonful of rice into his mouth. When they had both finished, Rien took the bowls to the sink and Leo was about to head upstairs to go through his nightly routine, knowing that he had to be up fairly early the next day for a morning shift. However, at the last minute, Leo turned around to ask Rien a question.

“Are you doing more than chores with your days?” Leo asked, hoping that it wouldn’t come across wrong.

“Yeah,” Rien said, turning from the sink. “I spent most of today preparing pots in the backyard. I’m going to start a garden, but I wasn’t sure how me tilling the backyard would go, so potted soil it is.”

“Good, I just don’t want you to think that my dirty house is more important than your desires.” Leo said.

Rien smiled and crossed the room to kiss his cheek. “You should go to sleep soon.” He said warmly.

Leo nodded and climbed the stairs preparing to collapse in bed right after his shower. As soon as his freshly showered body touched the sheets, Leo was out.

Leo was looking around at a room full of potted plants of various shapes and sizes. He noticed Rien in his usual frilly yellow apron and an intense feeling of love flowed over him. He reached out to touch his supernatural partner, wanting to maybe caress his cheek. He stopped cold in his tracks. His outstretched hand was wrinkled and covered in age spots. He quickly turned toward the large window next to him and saw that he was, in fact, quite old.

“What’s wrong?” Rien asked. “You shouldn’t move too fast, you’re almost 90.”

“But. But. But, you’re still so youthful.” Leo stammered with a tired sounding voice.

“Are you okay? Don’t you remember? I’ll always be like this no matter how old you are.” Rien crossed over to him and took his arm, leading him like a caregiver, not a lover.

Leo’s alarm was sudden, but welcome. Leo normally hated these opening shifts, but he was grateful to not be in that dream anymore. He gathered his clothes and headed to the shower like usual, though the thoughts that cocooned him this morning were decidedly less pleasant. He dazedly continued his routine while ruminating on the idea that Rien might actually never age, eventually redefining their relationship until Leo eventually succumbs to his human mortality.


That was a preview of Making It Official. To read the rest purchase the book.

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