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A Father For A Son

Thomas Avery


A Father For A Son

Demonic Impersonations, Volume 1

Thomas Avery

Published by Just Across The Line, 2024.

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Also by Thomas Avery

Demonic Impersonations

A Father For A Son


In The Demon’s Domain

Noisy Ghost

The Vampire’s Servant Knows What He Needs

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Also By Thomas Avery

A Father For A Son (Demonic Impersonations, #1)

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Also By Thomas Avery

I have resented my father since he ran out on me and my mother. He used to say how proud he was to have a son. As soon as I started showing signs that I wasn’t quite normal, I figured out that he wasn’t proud to have me as a son, just glad that I wasn't a girl. Judging by how he dealt with disappointment, he would have left before my first birthday.

A few months before my fourteenth birthday I started seeing shadows hang around me. I was scared at first like any kid, then my father told me to, “Man up, tell those shadows what to do.” So I did and they listened. He ran out of the house less than a week later and I haven’t heard from him since. Thirteen years of hearing how much he wanted me to grow up big and strong, how proud he was of me. Then almost just as many years knowing that he thinks I’m a freak and that he would rather be childless.

I know I should be over it by now, I’m almost 26, but I’m not. Every time I’m reminded of that man my blood seethes about what he put my mom through. She suddenly became an only parent working three jobs to take care of me and the bills he left her with. She never complained, but that doesn’t absolve him. My grandmother said something about me looking so similar to him when my parents got married and I’ve not been able to get it out of my head since. Every time I see my face reflected, I see his cowardly one looking at me again.

Staring down the mirror, knowing that my eyes are fixed in hatred of my father, but suddenly they morph into an expression of fear. It was the last face I saw him make as he glanced back at my bedroom window and made eye contact with me as he left. I have the urge to make that face really pay for all these years of anger.


That was a preview of A Father For A Son. To read the rest purchase the book.

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