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Family Matters 2: Hard Mentoring

Korben Hunter


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Family Matters 2

Hard Mentoring

Korben Hunter

© Sultry Publications 2024



All characters, situations, events, places, activities and artefacts in this story are fictional. Vikas is a fictional character, his ad agency is fictional, his world is fictional, the industry he works in is a figment of imagination, the people he interacts with are fictional. This is a story written purely for entertainment and all the elements in this are fictional, created for the purpose of making the story interesting and enjoyable. Any similarity to any person, living or dead, shall be considered a coincidence for which the author and the publisher shall not be responsible.

Smashwords License Statement

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please visit your favourite ebook retailer to purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Adult Content Warning

Please be advised that this is a very adult story, what would be called X-rated in the US content rating system and XXX by the internet rating. There are a lot of sexual situations and graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men and women contained in this story.


This story includes a lot of sexual language including many hard core terms. This is a story written for entertainment and the situations as well as the actions performed by the characters are not real nor is it advised to follow their example in real life. The story includes many examples of polygamy, polyandry, cheating, cuckolding, pseudo-incest (sex with in-laws) and some elements of BDSM. This is a story from fantasy and is not meant to be followed in real life.


Readers are advised to exercise discretion while reading the story and not get immersed in it to the point that it blurs the boundaries between real and fantasy. This is meant to be fun, read it purely for enjoyment. The description of any acts in this story is not an indication that they are endorsed by the author or the publisher.


It is not the intent of the author and publisher to insult, defame, damage, degrade or demoralise any group, sect, religion, gender or industry. This a story based on fantasy written for enjoyment.



Table of Contents


Series Info

Chapter 1 – Kriti Brings it

Chapter 2 – Manushi Loses Her Cool

Chapter 3 – Manushi Apologises

Chapter 4 - Chitrangda has an Interview Date

Chapter 5 – Sharvari Receives Him

Chapter 6 – Sini is Furious

Chapter 7 – Arpita Barges in

Chapter 8 – Nidhi Welcomes Her Mentor

Chapter 9 – Nidhi Gets Her First Lesson

Chapter 10 – Tisca Aunty is Here

Chapter 11 – Surveen Tells a Story

Chapter 12 – Rashmika Loves Mondays

Chapter 13 – Puja Offers Her Services

Chapter 14 – Kareena Needs to Talk

Chapter 15 – Kareena’s Weekend

Chapter 16 – Esha Shares a Story

Chapter 17 – Rashmika Helps with a Meeting

Chapter 18 – The Marketing Meeting

Chapter 19 – Kareena Hates Her Sister

Chapter 20 – Saif Learns Things

Chapter 21 – Esha Works Hard

Chapter 22 – Kapoor Sisters Talk

Chapter 23 – Esha is Worked Hard

Chapter 24 – Kapoor Sisters Go to a Party

Chapter 25 – Medha Proves Her Smartness

Chapter 26 – Kareena is Reserved

Chapter 27 – Kareena Fucks it Up

Chapter 28 – Kareena Gets a Dance

Chapter 29 – Kareena Goes to the Edge

Chapter 30 – Breaking Kareena Kapoor

Chapter 31 – Karishma is Furious

Chapter 32 – Kareena Learns the Truth

My Other Books



I am doing an experiment in these days. This book contains some photos as reference for the dresses that I have described. The photos are created by AI, so they are not always an accurate depiction of the dress I am describing but they are close. When reading the story, use the photos as a reference but pay attention to the description of the dress as the accurate design of the dress.


As you would have noticed, I use the dresses not just for adornment of the character’s body but also as a reference for flirting, make-out etc. All those actions will be based on the description that I provide for the dress or outfit.


Most of all, I would be interested to get your feedback on the photos, if they helped in getting an idea of the design of the dresses, did they add to your enjoyment of the story or was it the other way around?


Based on your feedback I will decide if I want to spend time creating these photos for the future books or not.


Thank you.


I am not one of thoese writers who do a tonne of research and planning and fit everything together like a great jigsaw puzzle. I don’t think my readers want me to be that kind of writer as it will take more time to write the stories and it may also suck the joy out of writing for me. I still do a bit of research and a lot of planning to plot the stories and usually they hang together but when the question comes to match up the timelines and events of the various spin-off’s things become a little bit more chaotic.


After experiencing this chaos a few times in different book series, I have accepted the fact that the spin-off’s will not fit perfectly with each other without some discrepancies creeping in with regards to some details or some events. I think it doesn’t take away from the fun of reading, and writing, these stories as they are basically sex stories, I am writing erotica, not Infinity Endgame screenplay.


Like the Marvel series though, it is better to read the stories in the sequence in which they were written. That way you will enjoy the stories and it will be easier to forgive the discrepancies. Man of Power has the most number of spin-offs so it also gets more discrepancies and events mismatches. I am trying to find a way to keep writing the spin-off’s as their own independent series and still minimise the mismatch issues. I think I have found a way forward for that.


In this series the biggest discrepancies are the Rashmika storyline and Tara Sutaria storyline. In the first book Nidhi1, I had assumed that by the time we get there, Vikas would have claimed and owned Rashmika for a long time. But now that that has happened in MOP 11, in fact he has just claimed Rashmika the night before he goes to Vashi. I have simply glossed over that mismatch and carried on the story as if things are happening after MOP11. Since Tara is not in this book that doesn’t create any problem at all.


Now that the main timeline has got to this stage where Vikas comes to Vashi to visit Nidhi in her office, I want to continue the two in parallel in a way that the story of that Friday and Friday night will be covered in Nidhi series and the story before and and after that day in the main MOP series. I wanted to get MOP11 to the point where Vikas goes to bed on Thursday night but I fell just short of that because of lack of space and some other considerations.


The story of this Friday and Friday night, and a little bit of the Saturday morning will take maybe two more books after this. Then Nidhi series will continue in parallel when Nidhi and Vikas meet at other occasions including Vikas coming back to Vashi.


In this book, I have cheated a little to bring Rashmika in and also Chitrangda, I hope you won’t mind my cheating and enjoy the fruits of my labour. I did not want to confine this story to only Vashi because I felt that that was stifling the flow and also leaving out some very hot characters. I am happy with the way the final flow of this story has turned out. I hope you will enjoy it as well.



Korben Hunter


Series Info

This series still has the code Nidhi series because the main character in this was Nidhi Agarwal who inspired this whole spin-off. But as usual, I don’t write stories about just one character, and MOP is such a vast universe of characters now that I could not keep it limited even if I wanted to.


Let’s first talk about Nidhi and how the first book started with her. Nidhi Agarwal is a beautiful young woman who is a not-so-distant relative of Kajal Agarwal. Their family has slightly more money than Sonali’s family but Sonali has much more reputation and clout in the Agarwal clan (khandan).


Nidhi is not only beautiful, she is also a brilliant woman. She has finished her business studies and now she is starting her business of fashion design. Sonali likes her very much and would like it if she could bring Nidhi home as a bride for her son Guddu. But if you remember from Man of Power 6, Guddu loves Neha Sharma and wants to marry her. The solution is clear. Vikas will check out both the girls and make the final decision. Everybody will have to accept his decision, even Guddu.


In the first book, Nidhi and her parents met Sonali and her family for lunch. They were very interested in having Nidhi become the daughter-in-law of Sonali’s family but Nidhi herself is very much interested in Vikas. In the first story, Vikas nails Nidhi and she shows an interst in becoming his possession. Vikas does not think that that’s a good idea but he does agree to act as business mentor for Nidhi in her fashion design business.


We met other characters that Nidhi works with, many of them, gorgeous girls and some of them even know about Vikas. At that time, we were preparing for Vikas' visit to Vashi, to Nidhi’s office.


In the second book, Vikas comes to Vashi and visits NIR Designs. He meets the characters introduced in the first book and also a few new ones. At the same time, the characters in Bombay continue to live their lives and the events that happen on the same day are described in this book.


Thus, the stories of those characters continue and Vikas, in his inimitable style acquires a few more gorgeous pieces to add to his stable. In addition, we get a look into Vikas' past and some of the more wild and kinky things he used to do.


To remind you, here is a list of the spin-off’s plus main timeline that this series has had:

Man of Power – 11 books (Will continue)

Flying High - 2 books (Will continue)

Angel Face - 1 book (Will continue)

Tammy Story - 1 book (Will continue. I am currently thinking of some storylines to add to this.)

Inviting Trouble - 1 book (Will continue soon.)


At the moment I am trying to merge the various timelines into one in a way that the spin-off’s can continue in their parallel lines without creating too many discrepancies in the process.


Angel Face will continue as its own series but I don’t want it to be limited by just being about Rashmika and will think of some side chracters to spice up the flow.


Flying High will come back soon. As it has its place in the timeline, it will be easy to continue.


Inviting Trouble maybe the next book in the series as I had a few hot characters to add to it. I have not been able to reconcile this into the main timeline because of the things I mentioned in the first book and other things I mentioned in the main timeline. So, I will fit it into the timeline where Vikas has just about bought Crewing Partners and not yet gone to US because Sophie comes to join VisCom after Eesha’s wedding. It will still leave a few small discrepancies but I won’t create any more. With this understanding the characters who appear in Inviting Trouble can appear in the mainline stories later.


Vikas in US – This is not yet a spin-off but lately I have been thinking about making this as a spin-off. There are two reasons for that. One is that Vikas' US trip feels like a slow down on the main flow like a song in a Hindi movie. There is a lot of story to cover in India and if he goes to US things will stagnate here.


But on the flip side, in Flying High I have mentioned so many things that he did in the first trip that I can’t dispose of his first US-trip in a few chapters either. By making it a spin-off I can treat it properly, giving the characters there their proper space and making the story a hot one in its own right. It will also give me the space to include some of the hottest Hollywood sluts that I want to acquire in that flow. This is under consideration. Watch the Reddit space for updates.


With so much background information, now let’s finally delve into the story itself.


Chapter 1 – Kriti Brings it

Kriti Sanon attracted many male eyes as soon as she entered the station .She was a gorgeous girl with a tall, well-formed body and a beautiful longish face that made people turn to look at her. Today she was dressed in a way that guaranteed that every man around her would be staring at her.





It was a thin, cotton halter dress that tied behind her neck and left the rest of her smooth, fair back naked all the way to baring two inches of her tight ass crack like a second cleavage. The skintight dress bared her young, full tits in a dangerously daring cleavage. Below her tits the dress was cut in a creative pattern, baring a lot of her sides. On her legs, the dress only came down to her mid-thighs and not just bared her long, shapely legs but her little thong flashed every time she took a step.


Even though she was a tall girl, she was wearing really high whore heels, gold stilettos with eight inch high heels and three inch high platforms. She had spent time on doing her make-up perfectly this morning with her dark red lips painted in the shade that her boss liked. She had brushed her hair down smoothly and it was now flowing behind her back as she walked quickly into the station.


Kriti knew many girls, in fact all of her girlfriends who worked professionally also had to spread their legs for their boss. The difference in Kriti’s case was that while those bosses wanted to fuck the pretty girls working under them here Kriti herself wanted her boss to nail her and keep nailing her. He had fucked her last evening in the office and she was here dressed like a slut to tempt him into fucking her again. She was getting moist as she walked into the station and looked around, ignoring all the male attention.


She spotted the sign for the toilets and walked in that direction. She walked into the ladies toilet and went into a stall. She pulled down her panties and put them in her purse. She came out of the stall and looked around to assess how easy it would be for her boss to fuck her there. It seemed possible. It was early in the morning and there weren’t a lot of people in the toilet. She could take him into a stall and let him drill her there. Of course, she would scream when he shoved his massive cock in her young, tight pussy but Kriti didn’t mind that.


Soon after joining VisCom, Kriti had accepted the fact that she was falling in love with her boss. He was dashing, he was wonderful with all his staff, and he was a powerful, dominant man. It all made Kriti hot for him. She had shown him with her dress-up and behaviour that she was interested in coming under him. She had been rewarded by Vikas bending her over a meeting room table and pounding her raw. Kriti had loved it. It had made her even more eager to become his whore even though she knew that he fucked his personal secretary and had a few other willing fucktoys in the office. But she was the first girl in her department to take his dick and it made her extremely proud.


Kriti had joined VisCom on the advice of her sister Nupoor who was a struggling model. She had told Kriti about Vikas. Last night Vikas had fucked Kriti in his office then dropped her home. He had got to meet Nupoor then and she had not hesitated to show him that she was more than willing to take his dick in her any time he wanted. He had teased her but not fucked her as he was short on time. This morning, Nupoor had asked Kriti if she could bring the file to him that Kriti was supposed to bring him at the station. Kriti had laughed in her face.


It was early in the morning and there was time in boss’ train yet but Kriti was hoping he would arrive early so he would have time to nail her before getting on his train. She looked around for other places where boss could easily fuck her without being seen. She didn’t mind if anyone saw him banging her but it might mean someone interrupting them and that wasn’t good. She looked at the little tea stalls to see if she could bend over for him behind them, or in a slightly dark corner…


Her phone rang. Her heart skipped a beat to see that it was Vikas calling him. She moved the file she was carrying to the same hand as her purse and picked up the phone.


“You were supposed to meet me at the station, girl.” He said.


“I..I am here, Sir.” Kriti said and added “Your bitch will never let you down.”


“So, where are you, bitch?” He said and continued “Come to the platform and come to…”


He gave her directions and Kriti promised to meet him there. She walked quickly, her high heels making the click-clack sound that every man finds arousing. There were many men who looked at her gorgeous body in the slutty dress and admired her legs, her tits, her bare back, her ass, but Kriti ignored them all.


She found him leaning back on a magazine kiosk that was still closed. Her heart skipped a beat. She speeded up her steps to walk to him. Her heels were eight inches high and she was used to walking in even nine or ten inch heels but in her hurry she stepped wrong and stumbled. Vikas stepped forward and grabbed her before she could fall. Kriti melted into his arms and looked up at him.


“Thank you, Sir.” She smiled “I am so thrilled to see you.”


He rubbed her smooth back in that slutty dress “It’s not even daylight yet and you are here at the station, and you are not even going anywhere.”


Kriti giggled “Because my owner is going and the bitch had to bring him this file.”


“You like that word, don’t you ‘Bitch’?” He moved his hands down her smooth back and rubbed her soft, firm ass in her thin dress.


“Oh, yes!” Kriti nodded “Sir, chudi bahut hoon main, but kabhi kisi ki kutiya nahin bani, aap ki kutiya ban ke bahut achchha lagta hai.”


[I have been fucked a lot but never became anyone’s bitch. To be your bitch feels so nice.]


“I like your dress.” He kneaded her buttocks “But it’s not a morning dress.”


“Sir, I don’t care about morning or evening.” Kriti smiled and looked up at him with devotion in her eyes “I only care about what my owner would like. Aap ki kutiya aap ke rules.”


[Your bitch, your rules.]


He leaned in and kissed her. Kriti responded with a hungry eager submission, pressing her lips to his and parting her lips to accept his tongue in her mouth right away. They were in a slightly dark corner of the platform between closed kiosks and no direct light above them but they were still in public. But Kriti showed no hesitation in crushing her soft, young body to his masculine frame and grinding her pussy on his crotch. Vikas kneaded her buttocks and fucked her mouth with his tongue. Kriti pressed her mouth on his, sealing her lips to his lips as she drank his saliva hungrily.


“Mmmmmm.” Kriti raised her eyebrows “Kahan loge?”


[Where will you nail me?]


Vikas laughed “This is the railway station, not my office.”


Kriti put her arms around his neck and leaned in closer with her hot, firm tits pressing on his chest “Look, Sir, I am your possession, main to aap ka maal hoon, hoon na? Toh aap office mein chodo mujhe yaa station pe, ya airport pe, aap apni kutiya ko pel rahe ho, aap ka haq hai.”


[I am your property, aren’t I? So, whether you nail me in your office, or at the station, or at the airport, you are pounding your bitch, it’s your right.]


Vikas slipped his hands under her short dress and kneaded her tight, firm ass cheeks hard “Your logic seems to be very clear.”


“Mmmm, baby, those hands drive me crazy.” Kriti moaned and pressed her lips to his cheek “God, Sir. When I joined your company, when I got under you, Sir, jab aap ki kutiya ban gayi to baaki logic to fail ho gaye na?”


[When I became your bitich then all other logic failed.]


Although, Vikas was teasing her, his cock was getting very hard and as Kriti was rubbing her pussy on it shamelessly, he could feel it throbbing. He leaned down and sucked her neck. Kriti lifted her head, giving him full access to her face and neck. Her tits were hard, her nipples engorged with blood as they were grinding on his chest. She squirmed and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. His hands were roaming all over her back, he was rubbing her bared ass crack boldly, teasing her in a way that was raising her body temperature to extremes.


“Le lo, Sir,” She breathed in his ear “I had to fight with Nupoor to come and meet you here. Don’t let my efforts go to waste.”


[Fuck me, Sir.]


“Nupoor?” Vikas looked at her “She has nothing to do with this. You had to bring me an official file.”


Vikas slipped his hand inside her dress to grope her hot, bare breast. Kriti pressed her chest forward, crushing her soft breast into his rough, calloused hand.


“She said anyone could bring a file to you, mmmm,” Kriti bit her lip as he crushed her breast hard “and you don’t know how badly she wants to get under you.”


“Actually, I wanted to ask you about her.” Vikas pinched her nipple, her willing submission in a public place making his cock rock hard with arousal.


“Jo marzi pooch lo,” Kriti dropped her hand down and cupped his hard cock in her soft, warm hand “bas pehle andar daal do.”


[Ask me anything, but first put it in me.]


“You are such a hot babe.” Vikas let her rub his dick in his pants “Have you ever said these words before?”


“No, because guys beg me to fuck them,” Kriti pulled his zip open “I don’t beg for their dick. I haven’t before, and I never will, it’s only you who drives me so crazy that I have to beg for your dick like a cockhungry whore.”


“Yahin daal doon?” He said as she pulled his cock out and rubbed it back and forth in her hot fist.


[Should I enter you here?]


“Kahin bhi chod lo.” Kriti guided his cock to her pussy and pushed forward so his cockhead was lodged between the folds of her wet pussy lips, jammed against her tight pussy hole “Aap boss ho, main aap ki randi, jahan loge, wahan doongi.”


[Fuck me anywhere you want. You are the boss, I am your whore, wherever you want to fuck me, I will surrender.]


As they were between the rows of shops, they were not visible to the whole platform but it was still a public place and people walking by the shops could see them when they walked by those shops and looked between the shops in the dim area. Vikas waited while a family passed by them with luggage, then he grabbed her hips and pushed up.


“Oh, mumma!” Kriti tried to contain her scream but it was still pretty loud as Vikas’ thick cock hurt her pussy when his cockhead stretched her tight pussy hole and she felt his thick, bulbous cockhead getting lodged in her vagina.


“Tell me again,” Vikas ground his hips “kaun hai meri randi?”


[Who is my whore?]


Kriti lowered her head on his shoulder and whimpered in his ear “Main hoon. Sir se paanv tak aap ki property hoon. Aap ki randi hoon.”


[I am. From head to toe, I am your property. I am your whore.]


Vikas grabbed her buttocks, squeezed them hard and pushed up again, going deeper in her vagina with a forceful thrust.


“Ah, meri choot!” Kriti whimpered “I am a young, babe, Sir, young and delicate. Aise kaun pelta hai young, delicate girl ko.”


[Ah, my cunt. Who pounds a young delicate girl like this?]


“Main pelta hoon.” Vikas pushed in again, making Kriti yelp “Babe nahin, kutiya, meri, meri paltu kutiya.” He pulled her hair and made her look up at him “Yes?”


[Not, babe, my bitch, my pet bitch.]


“Yes.” Kriti panted “Yes! Aap ki paltu kutiya. A thousand times, yes. Jaise chahe pelo. Jaise chahe ragdo mujhe. Randi ki tarah chodo.”


[Your pet bitch. Pound me as you like, grind me. Fuck me like a whore.]


She was pressing him back against the closed shop, riding his cock hungrily, taking him deep then moaning when his massive cock hurt in her cunt. Her pussy was sore from last evening when he had drilled her in his office, but Kriti had talked about him half the night with Nupoor and the rest of the night she had dreamt about him. She was hungry and she needed his cock to remind her that now she was nothing but his fucktoy. She could feel him throbbing inside her and it was feeding her ego that it was not she who wanted him in her, he also wanted to nail her.


“You are a delicate babe?” He said in her ear as he started fucking her in and out.


“Anh, yes, I am.” Kriti panted.


“No, you are not.” He squeezed her ass cheeks and pushed his cock deeper into her vagina, stuffing her tight cunt so deep that his stroke took her breath away “You are a fucktoy, my fucktoy. You are my bitch, Kriti Sanon.”


“Ah, god, baby!” Kriti collapsed on his shoulder as her pussy erupted so hard that her whole body went numb with the extreme dose of pain and pleasure.


Vikas turned with her in his arms and fucked her against the shop. The shop was made up of tin sheets, its wall flexed as he slammed her young, fit body into it with hard, forceful thrusts. Kriti could feel the cold tin sheet on her bare back and she could feel it give as Vikas entered her deep. She loved feeling his physical force claiming her and subduing her. She knew he was a powerful man and a wonderfully gentle man with all his staff but feeling him forcefully pound her without showing any mercy on her young, delicate body, that drove her crazy with arousal. She was moaning and yelping with his hard strokes while her pussy soaked his cock in her cum, providing him more lubrication to drill her as deep as he wanted.


“Your fucktoy, yes, only your fucktoy!” Kriti breathed when her orgasm slowed down and she was able to speak “Delicate babe, baaki duniya ke liye, aap ke liye aap ki kutiya, poori tarah aap ke kabze mein, har tarah se aap ki ghulaam.”


[Delicate babe, for the rest of the world, for you, your bitch, fully in your possession, completely your slave.]


He kissed her slowly, sucking her lips while he fucked her fully deep, making her moan as his hard, powerful pole drilled her in and out, his cockhead reaching so deep in her vagina that Kriti could feel it taking over her body. She was vaguely aware of people passing by, she didn’t know if anyone looked between the shops or not, but she knew she would not stop riding her boss’ dick no matter who was looking.


“Should we talk about your sister now?” He said, slowing down his strokes just enough so she could talk.


“Baby, jab aap ka lund mere andar hai,” Kriti caressed his cheek “kuchh bhi baat karo. Tell me what you want to know about Nupoor?”


[When your dick is inside me, talk about anything you want.]


Vikas paused to untie her halter strap, baring her tits. He sucked her hot, firm tits one by one, making Kriti squirm on his cock. Then he looked in her eyes while he kneaded her tits hard in both hands “Last night I sucked her tits but she was asking for it.”


“Mmmmm, of course, she was.” Kriti moaned “You sucked mine too, and I was asking for it as well. You made me so wet, aap ne office mein ragdi thi meri, par phir bhi main dobara de deti tabhi ki tabhi.”


[You had drilled me in the office, but I would have taken your dick again there and then.]


“We are talking about Nupoor.” He reminded her.


“Yes, we are.” Kriti was behaving like she was slightly drunk, and she was, but on sex chemicals not on wine. She cupped his buttocks and pressed him into her “Keep drilling my cunt, and talk about anything you want.”


Vikas felt her pussy pulse around his cock and he could not help but jam his cock harder into her cunt. Kriti cried out as his cockhead hit her cervix and the incredible pain triggered a hot, savage orgasm in her young body. She was vaguely aware of two girls walking by and looking her way as she screamed but she was too busy trying to survive the powerful, violent orgasm to pay attention to anything else. Vikas was not even looking anywhere, he was focused on pounding Kriti against he shop, demolishing her pussy like a beast.


He drilled her cunt hard and fast while she came, her animalistic grunts turning him on even more. He didn’t talk, he just pummelled her pussy like a monster and used her like a fucktoy, proving her point that she was just his bitch and nothing more. He sucked her tits, her neck and bit just below her jawline while he destroyed her young, gorgeous body with his brutal cock, using and abusing her like it was his right as her owner.


“What…what about Nupoor?” Kriti panted when she could finally catch her breath.


“I told her last night that I will nail her in audition,” Vikas slowed his strokes but continued fucking Kriti’s juicy, wet cunt “but you are my bitch, she can just get in, I don’t need to fuck her.”


“That won’t work, Mmmmm.” Kriti grabbed his head and pressed his mouth harder on her breast as he started to suck her hot, firm breast “She wants to get under you. Usse khud deni hai aap ko.”


[She wants to be fucked by you.]


“I am not that blind, gorgeous.” Vikas smiled “I could see that she wants to take my dick in her, but…look, generally, I don’t allow jealousy in my bitches, but it’s different when it’s a sister or daughter. Agar main Nupoor ki loonga to…I mean, how will you feel about me banging her? Keep in mind that I don’t just fuck, I break a girl and I make her my bitch.”


[If I fuck Nupoor...]


“Of course, baby,” she put her arms around his neck and clung to him “I know you by now. I am loving it that you are asking me this, but you should feel free to claim her.”


“So, you are ok with this?” He held her hair in his hand as he looked at her “If I make Nupoor my bitch?”


“Yes, I am. I have to be.” Kriti was grinding her hips, deliberately taking him so deep that his cockhead was pressing on her cervix and causing hot pain in her body “I owe you to her anyway, I can’t say no now.”


“What do you mean?” Vikas' cock was throbbing in her cunt as they were discussing this hot topic and he was drilling her harder without realising that he had speeded up his strokes.


“It was Nup who saw you in an event first,” Kriti explained in a breathless voice “she told me about you. That’s why I applied to VisCom. That’s why I spread my legs for you in our first meeting. Didn’t you wonder why I became your bitch so easily?”


“Yeah, like I was going to spare you.” Vikas said “Once I saw you…tumhari liye bina main chhodne wala nahin tha.”


[I was not going to spare you.]


“Aww, you are so good for my ego,” Kriti smiled and kissed his cheek “but I wore that dress so you would notice me and want to put your dick in me. Tumhari kutiya banne hi aayi thi main, my handsome boss.”


[I had come mto become your bitch.]


“I see.” Vikas’ cock was throbbing harder and he was slamming her ass into the wall as he was demolishing her pussy like a beast.


“Now, it’s Nupoor’s turn,” Kriti was speaking with a ragged breath now “and no, I am not jealous, baby. Actually, I feel proud that you will own both of us. Ah..Vikas…” Kriti’s gasped as her pussy shot hot lightning bolts up into her body “Usse bula ke chod lena…mmmm…hum dono behnein tumhari kutiya ban ke rahengi. Oh, god, baby!”


[Call her and fuck her. Both us sisters will be your bitches.]


Kriti’s pussy exploded around his cock and she rode his hard, thick cock hard with her ass moving up and down. The sexual topic, the stunning girl and her hot body pulsing around his cock…the excitement in Vikas' body went past the extreme edge and he grunted as his cock erupted inside Kriti’s hot, luxuriously wet vagina.


“Fuck, baby!” He sucked her neck and continued fucking her brutally deep as he pumped his hot, potent seed into her young womb with forcefully deep thrusts. Kriti clung to him with both arms and accepted his load in her womb, happy to be marked by him in public, feeling like his property.


“God, you are amazing!” She panted once her orgasm had passed “I loved having you crush me like this in public.”


He smiled “It was fun. You are such a hot slut. I enjoy crushing you.”


“Gaand maaroge?” She looked in his eyes.


[Want to fuck my ass?]


“I want to,” he said “you have a tight ass and I love to make you cry, but that clock says I have ten minutes to find my train and get on board.”


“You are not going anywhere without feeding me your cum.” Kriti said firmly.


Vikas smiled. He pulled his cock out of her wet, messy cunt and Kriti lost no time in lowering herself in front of him, sitting on her heels. She licked his cock clean, ignoring the growing crowd on the platform. She sucked his cock deep in her mouth and ate his cum like it was the tastiest dessert she had ever had. Vikas stroked her hair and fucked her face, feeding her like a pet bitch.



Chapter 2 – Manushi Loses Her Cool

After saying farewell to Kriti, Vikas only had three minutes left to catch his train and in his hurry he collided with a girl who was also rushing to catch the same train.





The girl was stunningly beautiful and she was wearing a very thin, extremely short, extremely deep-neck tube dress in white lace which was showing her braless tits in a deep cleavage. It was very short and showed her long, shapely legs beautifully. There was no back to the dress, it just barely covered her ass crack. As they collided, Vikas' hand landed on her breast and he felt the soft firmness of her breast in the thin lace dress. He pulled back immediately but the damage had been done.


“Oh, my god!” The girl was livid with rage “You creep! Can’t you see where you are going? All you guys are the same, you see a pretty girl and you start groping. How dare you!...”


Vikas apologised but she was not in the mood to listen. She went on with her tirade for another minute even as her friend was pulling her away and it looked like she would have gone on for longer if the train hadn’t started moving just then.


“Manu, come, na,” Her friend pulled her by the hand “Sorry, Mister. Manu, come, we will miss the train.”


Vikas got on board. They followed. Vikas offered his hand to pull them in. The friend took his hand but the girl called Manu didn’t. The friend then pulled her in. As it happened, they were all in first class and their seats were not far from each other.


“Manushi, you need to control your temper,” Her friend said “Did you have to fire at such a handsome man? Look at him, he is so dashing. God, just looking at him is making my pussy pulse.”


“I am sorry, Sini, I lost my cool.” Manushi said “I felt his hand on my breast and I got so upset. In the crowd, people just grope you like you are fuckmeat. I know he looks so yummy, I would not mind him groping me but I didn’t see him before I started talking and then it just…slipped out.”


“That sucks, man.” Sini said “He is not just hot, he is the older, dominant type that we love so much, and should I tell you something? You remember when we were passing those shops and we saw someone fucking a hot, tall girl between the shops? I will swear it was him.”


“Oh, the one which we said some businessman is banging his secretary, that was him?” Manushi’s eyes opened wide.


“I will swear to it.” Sini nodded “Look at him, he looks just the type to boldly drill a girl in public and nobody will dare to interrupt him.”


“Shit! That was damn hot. I would love to meet a guy like that in my life.” Manushi said “To be fucked like a whore while the world just moves around you, God!”


“But now we can’t meet him.” Sini said.


They both settled in sombre silence at their bad luck. They were both beauty queens, Manushi Chhillar was a Miss World from four years ago and Sini Shetty Miss India from last year. Manushi had gone into show business or tried to. She had signed many films and ad films in her first year itself after the crowning. Unfortunately, all four films flopped badly and Manushi’s work was criticised a lot. As the films failed, the ad projects also got withdrawn.


Sini was in a similar condition, her failure was only one year old but no less intense than Manushi’s. She had only been able to get a few ad films and no feature films. She gave many casting couch auditions, they both did, but did not get much success.


“Yaar, Sini, think of some way of meeting him, no?” Manushi said “This is only a two hour journey, it will be a shame if we don’t get to meet the hottest guy on the train. We are both beauty queens, yaar, think of something.”


“Being beauty queens only matters if someone is taken by us and gushes over us, then we can respond and let him play with us, but he doesn’t look like he gushes over anyone. People gush over him. Oh, fuck!” Sini stared in the direction of Vikas' seat “That bitch!”


“What? What?” Manushi said.


“That girl just sat down across from him,” Sini kept looking towards Vikas as she talked “and she’s leaning forward, oh, my god, what a slut! She is totally flirting with him. Now she is sitting down next to him.”


“Sini! Sini, we need to do something.” Manushi said “You know I didn’t mean it -“


Before Manushi could finish her sentence, Sini got up “She’s getting up, I am going over there.”


She walked up to Vikas' seat “Hi, I am Sini, Sini Shetty!”


“Hi, Sini!” Vikas smiled “I am Vikas Malhotra.”


“May I sit?” She said.


“Of course, sure.” He pointed to the seat across the table from him.


Sini sat down “I don’t know if you have recognised me or not but,” Sini gave him her best smile “I am the current Miss India from last year.”


“Oh, my apologies, Sini,” Vikas said “I recognised your friend but I did not place you until you mentioned it. I am sorry.”


“No, no, it’s ok.” Sini kept the charm on “I don’t expect everybody to recognise me.”


“That’s very grounded of you, Sini,” Vikas also smiled “but I must say I did notice that you are something special, you have that beauty queen look and style. I would have said you were a supermodel or something.”


“Aww, thank you.” Sini pretended to blush as Vikas looked her over.




She was a young beautiful girl and being in the show business she always made sure to dress in a sexy, eye-catching style. Today she was wearing a high neck dress with a cut over her chest showing generous amounts of her fair sideboobs. The dress was made of a thin, synthetic fabric and was thin enough to clearly show the shape of her young, full breasts, even her nipples were poking through visibly. It was fully backlees except for a strap that hooked together in the middle of her back. It showed her sides over her hips and three inches of her ass crack were bared, just barely covered by the transparent thong. The dress was short, reaching down to her mid-thighs but not covering them. It showed a daring amount of her see-through lace thong whenever she moved. She was wearing eight inch high heels in matching chocolate colour with four inch platforms. She pushed her chest forward as Vikas checked her out.


“Come on!” Vikas said “I am sure people tell you all the time what a hot piece of ass you are.”


“Well, sometimes.” Sini said still with the same humility “And what do you do, Vikas? I am sure you are some important businessman, you have that air about you.”


“Not important,” Vikas laughed “but I am a businessman, I have a little ad agency in Lower Parel.”


“Oh, you are in show business, too.” Sini said “What is it called?”


“Visual Communications, or VisCom, we call it.” Vikas said.


“Sounds nice.” Sini said “I would love to come and visit there some day, if I may?”


“Of course. You are most welcome.” Vikas said.


“Thank you, Vikas.” Sini leaned in “Look, Vikas, I am really sorry about my friend. What happened on the platform, she just overreacted. She is not a bad sort, really, it’s just that -”


“Oh, no, no!” Vikas said “It’s not her fault. I was the one who collided into her and you see, unfortunately, my hand landed right on her breast. So, it’s not her fault to think that I was one of those creeps who take advantage of pretty girls.”


“No, Vikas, you don’t need to defend her.” Sini said “She should have seen that you don’t look like a creep at all. And we get groped and fucked so much in the pageants, we should be used to it by now.”


“Is that so?” Vikas said innocently.


“Oh, yes, Vikas,” Sini loved that she could now guide the conversation to more explicit topics, the more she was talking to him, the more she was attracted to him, she took this chance and leaned in to confide in him “hum sab chudti hain pageants mein, bina chude crown nahin milta.”


[We all get fucked in the pageants. We can’t get the crown without getting nailed.]


“What are you saying?” Vikas let her educate him “Jo deti hai wohi beauty queen banti hai?”


[The girls who spread their legs become the beauty queens?]


“No, Vikas,” Sini shook her head “deni to sab ko padti hai.”


[All of us have to spread our legs.]


“Sab ko?”




“Haan, Vikas, har candidate chudti hai, har round mein.”


[Yes, Vikas, every candidate is fucked, in every round.]


“Oh, wow. But kaun chodta hai tumhein?”


[Who fucks you?]


“Judges, na, baby.” Sini smiled sweetly “That’s how they check the girls. The rounds are just for public. Actually, judges hum sab ki lete hain.”


[Actually, the judges nail us all.]


“But some girls can say no to spreading their legs too, right?”


“No, no, Vikas, jo nahin degi, wo out ho jayegi.” Sini said “Chudaai to qualifying round se hi chaloo ho jaati hai.”


[Whoever doesn’t spread will be out. Fucking starts from the qualifying round itself.]


“Ok, I can accept that this might happen in the regional and state contests,” Vikas said “but surely this doesn’t happen at the national level? Miss India to nahin chudti na kisi se?”


[Miss India won’t get fucked by anyone, right?]


“Aw, Vikas, you are so naïve.” Sini reached out and put her hand on his “Baby, national level pe to aur zyada ragdi jaati hai hamari. Judges chodte hain, sponsors pelte hain aur even TV presenters bhi ragadte hain haemin.”


[On national level we get pounded even more. The judges fuck us, the sponsors pound us, even TV presenters nail us.]


“Isn’t that like a…whore?” Vikas said.


“Of course, it is. Randi banna hi padta hai.” Sini said easily “Jo sabse badi randi hoti hai wohi beauty queen banti hai.”


[We have to become whores. The biggest whore becomes the beauty queen.]


“And you are a beauty queen.” Vikas smiled.


Sini matched his smile “Yes, I am, baby. And Manu is Miss World. That’s why I am saying, she should not react so much if a guy grabs her breast, especially if the guy is so hot.”


“Now, you are making me blush.” Vikas said “Are you going to Vashi on beauty queen business?”


Sini shook her head “We are going for a business idea. Manu and I have an idea for an app that we want to develop. We are going to Vashi to meet a team of venture capitalists to get funding for our idea.”


“Wow, beauty and brains!” Vikas said “I wish you best of luck with that. Those VC people can be quite tough sometimes.”


“Well, we are two smoking hot girls,” Sini smiled “and like I told you, we know how to be good whores for powerful people.”


“That you did.” Vikas chuckled “I am sure you will convince them.”


“Can I tell you our idea?” Sini looked at him.


“If you want.” Vikas said “I understand these things are kept secret while in development.”


Sini moved to the seat beside him and put her hand on his leg. She smiled as she rubbed his thigh slowly up and down “I think I can trust you.”


Vikas nodded.


Sini moved closer beside him and held her phone in front of them on the table. When Vikas put his hand on her bare back and rubbed slowly up and down, Sini encouraged him with a smile. He continued caressing her back, letting his fingers graze lightly down her velvet smooth back.


“We want to develop a database of all the models in the city.” Sini said “Right now, girls have to register in so many different agencies, and they have to spread their legs for so many different people.”


“So when your database is live, they won’t have to spread their legs?” Vikas continued rubbing her back, and Sini kept pressing her left breast into his side as she cuddled up to him.


“Come on, Vikas.” She smiled as she rubbed his thigh higher “Girls will always have to spread their legs for the opportunities. It’s just that, this way they will have access to all the opportunities in the city and not just with one agency. They will be fucked by the man who can give them an assignment, they won’t be fucked just for the registration.”


“I see.” Vikas wrapped his arm around her slender body and held her right breast in his hand. She moaned as he squeezed her full, firm breast in the thin dress and pressed her chest forward into his hand, giving him easy cooperation.


“You like it so far?” Sini said.


He nodded and kneaded her breast “You are making sense so far. But why just the city, why not the whole country?”


“Oh, mmmm, we didn’t think about that.” Sini moaned as he crushed her hot breast in his strong fingers and a hot current flowed down to her pussy “We just thought most opportunities for show business are in Bombay.”


“True.” Vikas rubbed her hard nipple poking through her thin dress “But if it’s countrywide, then more people can register without coming to Bombay, and they can come to Bombay, when there is something more tangible here for them.”


“Mmmmmm, you are so smart.” Sini said “We will think about that.”


Vikas moved his hand down her bare back and his fingers touched her flimsy little thong that was covering the three inches of ass crack that was bared by her slutty, backless dress.


“Agh, not a good habit.” He said as he pulled the thong up, making it grind in Sini’s pussy slit.


“Ungh!” Her hips jerked “You don’t like?”


He shook his head.


“Wait, one second.” Sini said. She put the phone down. She reached under her dress under the table and pulled down her panties. She put the little thong in his pocket and smiled “That should tell you how much I like you.”


Vikas grinned and continued rubbing her smooth, warm back, now his fingers going down and rubbing her bared ass crack as well.


“Mmmmmm.” Sini moaned “Should I continue?”


“Yes,” Vikas moved his hand up along her smooth back and slipped his fingers inside her tight dress, squeezing her full, bare breast “let’s continue.”


“Unh, yes!” Sini whimpered “You also continue, please.”


Vikas kissed her cheek “You are such a hot slut, I am sure those VC guys will be putty in your hands.”


Sini moved her hand higher on his thigh “Look, my friend was rude to you, I feel bad about it. If you wanted to…I mean, if you feel better by fucking me…main de doongi aaraam se.”


[I will spread for you easily.]


Vikas grinned “Darling, you didn’t shout at me, your friend did, so that logic fails there and this is a train, not my office.”


“So, if I come to your office,” She bit her lip “tum logi meri?”


[Will you fuck me?]


“Chhod bhi kaise doonga?” Vikas smiled “But I won’t nail you because you are making amends for your friends, I will nail you because you are a hot piece of ass and I want to sink my dick in you.”


[How can I spare you?]


“You are such a sweetheart.” Sini smiled “I must come to your office sometime.”


Vikas took out his card and handed it to her “You have a standing invitation, come whenever you want.”


“I will come in some nice, short dress,” Sini said “and I will remember, no panties, this time.”


“Sini! Sini!” Vikas was about to say something when Manushi called “Sini! Come here.”


“Hope to see you soon, handsome.” Sini kissed his cheek and went back to her seat.


“Why were you telling him about our idea?” Manushi demanded.


“He is in the business,” Sini said “he could help us. He already gave me some new ideas.”


“Don’t you know we have to keep our idea a secret until we develop it?” Manushi said.


“We can trust him, Manu.” Sini said “Come on, we can trust him.”


“Your cunt is trusting him right now.” Manushi accused “You want him in you that’s clouding your judgement.”


“Of course, I want him in me.” Sini said “Don’t you? But it’s not clouding anything. I do think we can trust him. And by the way, he is definitely the guy who was banging his secretary on the platform.”


“How do you know?” Manushi could not hide her interest.


“Because he is tall and well-built like that dude,” Sini said “and his voice, is the same. I heard that dude when he asked that girl ‘Who is my bitch?’ and it’s the same voice.”




“And he is bold like him,” Sini squeezed her breast “bold and amazing. Where are you going?”


But Manushi was out of her seat and walking to Vikas' seat already.


Chapter 3 – Manushi Apologises

Manushi stood by Vikas' seat and waited until he looked at her.


“Hi!” He said.


“Look, I admit I was a bitch, I was a rude cunt,” Manushi sat down next to him “but I am ashamed of my behaviour. I am very sorry. Please, can you forgive me?”


“Nothing to forgive, Manushi.” Vikas smiled “You were right to scream. After all, I did grope your breast, even if unintentionally.”


“And I should not have overreacted. Please forgive me.” She pulled her strapless dress down and bared one breast “Here, you should grope it again. Go ahead. You deserve it.”


Vikas grinned “Is that necessary?”


“Yes.” Manushi nodded “in fact,” she pulled her dress down again and bared both her full, heavy tits “you should grab both of them. Go ahead. I am telling you, you deserve it.”


“What if I don’t just grab?” He smiled “What if I want to do more?”


“Then do more.” Manushi said readily.


“If I want to crush them?”


“Crush them as hard as you want.” Manushi looked at him.


“What if I want to slap them?”


“Mmmm. Yes!” Manushi nodded “Slap them as you want. Do whatever you want with me.”


“There is no need for that, Manushi.” Vikas said.


“You have not forgiven me then.” Manushi pouted.


“There is nothing to forgive,” Vikas said “you were well within your rights to scream at me.”


“Please!” Manushi leaned forward, her heavy breasts jiggled “Vikas, you need to. I feel horrible about earlier.”


“God, you are tempting me.” Vikas tucked her breasts in her dress and pulled her dress up “First of all, you have nothing to feel horrible about, and second, we are on a train, not in my bedroom.”


“Mmmmm.” Manushi moaned as she felt his hands on her tits when he tucked them in. His touch was arousing her and his rejection of her, even though it was a gentle rejection, turned on her on even more. No man had ever been able to resist her before. She looked at him “Please, Vikas?”


Vikas shook his head. Manushi reluctantly got up and went towards her seat. Vikas got up and went to the toilet.


When he came out of the toilet, Manushi was in front of him and she looked angry.


She stepped forward and put her hand on his chest “Who do you think you are? I am apologising for my honest mistake and you are giving me attitude? Just because you are a bit handsome, you think you can treat girls like trash?”


As she was talking she, pushed him back into the toilet and locked the door behind them.


“Please, Vikas!” Manushi folded her hands and her tone changed dramatically as soon as the door was closed “I need you. Please, don’t reject me. Tum jo bologe main karoongi.”


[I will do anything you say.]


“Yes?” Vikas stepped forward and pinned her to the door “And what do you need?”


“I need you.” Manushi looked up at him “I need you to do everything you said you wanted to do to me. Grab me. Crush me. Slap me. Do whatever you want with me.”


Vikas pushed her dress down and bared her tits. They were full and firm, her nipples erect with arousal.


“Kya karoon tumhare saath?” He fondled and squeezed her hot breasts as he looked down in her eyes.


[What should I do with you?]


“Jo tum chaho.” Manushi gasped as he played with her tits “I know you are angry with me. You have a right to be. I was just a rude cunt. Punish me. Teach me a lesson.”


[Whatever you want.]


I am not angry with you, because,” Vikas smiled, lifted his hand and slapped her left breast hard in a downward blow “you are not important enough in my eyes.”


“Ah!” Manushi yelped as his calloused hand land on her soft breast and made it sting.


“You might think you are a beauty queen and oh, so important, but,” Vikas slapped her right breast and made it bounce the same way “you are just a fuckmeat.”


“Ungh!” Manushi whimpered and squirmed as the hot pain made her pussy itch deep inside.


“You think people want to grab your tits, and they are spectacular,” Vikas grabbed her tits and crushed them hard in both hands as he pushed her back into the door “but you are just a piece of meat, a whore to be used and abused.”


“Anh!” Manushi lifted her head as he crushed her soft tits hard and the pain made her body flood with hot currents “More, please!”


“I am not angry with you,” Vikas slapped both her tits one by one “because you don’t matter to me. You are a worthless fuckmeat, you have no value in my eyes.”


He started to pull back but Manushi grabbed his wrist. She looked at him with moist eyes “Please, use me as fuckmeat then.”


“Oh, yeah?” Vikas dipped his head and sucked her tits, they were just too tempting for him to stop himself. He sucked both of them one by one and moaned when he felt how firm and creamy they were. He sucked harder and teased her nipples with his tongue.


“Ungh, mumma!” Manushi’s hips jerked as his hot tongue set fire to her abused tits.


He stood up but she didn’t let him move back. She hiked up her short dress and bared her hot, wet pussy “Please, baby.”


“Why should I?” He demanded as he looked in her eyes.


“Because you want to.” Manushi reached between his legs and rubbed his hard cock through his pants “You want to sink this in me and use me like a fucktoy.”


“Again, you are giving too much importance to yourself.” Vikas grabbed her tits and crushed them hard and at the same time closed her mouth with his mouth.


Manushi turned her face up and kissed him eagerly, parting her lips immediately as his tongue touched her bottom lip. He fucked her hot mouth with his tongue and she drank his saliva so eagerly like she had been thirsty for it all her life. He was crushing her tits hard, squeezing them roughly, making her squirm as the hot pain flooded her pussy with juices. Manushi was moaning and whimpering but not asking him to stop. She was helpless in his hands and she liked being helpless They both continued the kiss in a frenzy of lust until they were both completely out of breath.


Before Vikas could say anything, Manushi opened his pants and pulled his cock out. She moaned as she felt the weight of the thick, heavy pole. She looked up at him and said “Please Vikas, I am a worthless fuckmeat, teach me my place. Baby, jaise chahe chodo, main kuchh nahin kahoongi, no attitude, no nakhra, randi ki tarah ragad ke chodo, tod do mujhe, I will take it all.”


[Fuck me as you want, I won’t stop you, no attitude, no resistance, pound me like a whore, break me.]


“I have no interest in fucking you, Manushi.” He said, but kept his hands on her tits, kneading them hard.


“Mmmm, liar!” Manushi said “Your cock wants to break me, it wants to destroy me.”


“Oh, you know my dick, huh?” He slapped her left breast, making it bounce higher this time.


“Anh! I want to know it, baby.” Manushi guided his cock to her pussy “And I want it to know me, as its fucktoy, its whore. Please, Vikas, daal do na.”


[Enter me.]


Vikas had access to a lot of pussy, and he fucked stunning beauties every day but it was not every day that a Miss World begged to have his dick in her. He kept her tits in his grip and pushed up with his hips.


“Oh, mumma!” Manushi screamed as his massive cock stretched her pussy and hurt deep inside her vagina as it entered her. She was extremely wet and her oily, hot cunt juices had allowed him to enter her several inches deep in the first thrust itself. Manushi moaned as she realised that he was not even halfway deep in her yet.



That was a preview of Family Matters 2: Hard Mentoring. To read the rest purchase the book.

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