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My Brother Shared Me With His Friend

Alex Masters


My Brother Shared Me With His Friend

Glory Hole Brothers, Volume 3

Alex Masters

Published by Just Across The Line, 2024.

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Adam eventually calmed down enough to decide that the money he could make even doing a couple of days with his ass was too much to walk away from. It went well for a little bit, but it didn’t last. His brother started coming in during the busiest times, ensuring that Adam had no time between clients after him. Jason would make sure to invite someone else over immediately after filling Adam’s ass, forcing him to take multiple dicks before he was able to remove his brother’s cum. He always said something about seeing him later, so Adam was always certain that it had happened again.

After a couple of weeks like this, Adam had reached his limit and quit going to the glory hole all together. He knew that this was Jason’s sick way of blackmailing him, but he didn’t care. The thought of never knowing when his brother would drop an incestuous load into his ass was too much for Adam. He had to stop all together. He figured that once he quit, Jason would continue to use the glory hole and Adam could just go back to college in the fall like nothing happened.

Instead, Jason caught on that Adam wasn’t going to the glory hole anymore. It took a couple of weeks and Adam was completely packed up and thinking he had made it, only a couple more days until he could move into the dorms again. Then Jason managed to corner him. Adam had been avoiding Jason as much as he could while they were both home, trying to use other family members as a buffer when he couldn’t, but he was caught alone in the kitchen this time.

“Hey bro, feels like you’ve been avoiding me.” Jason said casually.

“No, just been busy getting ready for the new semester.” Adam lied.

“Really? Are you sure?” Jason asked in a mocking tone. Then he bounded across the kitchen and pinned Adam onto the island from behind. “Are you sure you haven’t been missing my dick?” He growled into Adam’s ear as he thrust his hips against Adam’s ass.

Adam froze, afraid and started tearing up. He could feel his cock harden at the stimulation and it repulsed him. He didn’t feel like he was attracted to his brother, but he couldn’t deny that his body liked the way that Jason touched it. This dissonance made Adam feel even more gross. If he hated it so much, why did it feel good?

“Mmm, no retort?” Jason said, still on top of Adam.

“Mom! Help! Mom, I need help! Jason’s-” Adam’s cries were cut off by Jason.

“Jason’s making me cum buckets? Or Jason did such a good job and now my cock is hard anytime he’s near?” Jason mocked. “No one’s going to be home for hours.”

Adam’s brain began to panic. What was Jason planning? Was he going to force himself on Adam right here in the kitchen? He looked around for any way out, but his older brother was too strong.

“Don’t look so scared.” Jason said in Adam’s ear. “I’m not going to do anything right now. Though, if you don’t want me to tell everyone about how you spent your summer, I have something you need to do.”

It terrified Adam. Anything that Jason could have come up with to buy his silence was going to be horrific. He braced himself for what Jason was going to suggest. He began preparing himself for his reputation to be ruined beyond hope when he refused Jason’s proposal.


That was a preview of My Brother Shared Me With His Friend. To read the rest purchase the book.

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