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The Vampire’s Servant Knows What He Needs

Thomas Avery


The Vampire’s Servant Knows What He Needs

Thomas Avery

Published by Just Across The Line, 2024.

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I opened my eyes, expecting to see the darkened bedroom I had been staying in for the past few months. Instead I found myself in an underground space that was lit by a single lamp several feet away from me. Trying to move, I found that I was tightly tied to a chair. I even had rope wrapped inside of my mouth. I almost laughed to myself at the ridiculousness of the situation.

Someone had come into the location where I was sleeping, knew enough that I was dead to the world during the day, and merely tied me to a chair. Did they think that a vampire could be held by simple ropes? Or that I would be very forgiving once free? It didn’t matter, I would find them soon enough. Straining my arms against the bindings I expected them to snap, but they held fast, biting deep into my flesh. This was curious. I instead tried to slice through the rope gag in my mouth, but had no luck there either. What kind of nonsense was this?

“Oh, good to see you’ve awakened for the night.” A voice behind me said. I was pinned too thoroughly to turn toward him, but the voice sounded familiar.

“I hope you’re not too mad, but I needed to make sure that you didn’t run off before I could take care of you properly.”

This was the man that I had hypnotized to take care of my daytime business. The sun was deadly to me and I wasn’t free to move through society, he had been doing well for me. What was this about all of a sudden? I tried to ask, but my words were far too muffled. There were so many layers of nylon between my teeth that I couldn’t even close my mouth, let alone utter a command.

“You sound curious.” He said and I strained harder against the ropes, again digging them deep into my skin. “You can’t break those.”

Wanna bet? I silently thought to myself, not so much angry with him as I was confident in my preternatural strength.

“They’ve been blessed.” I must have looked alarmed, blessed items usually didn’t take kindly to unholy creatures touching them. “I made sure to invoke Lucifer, so you won’t get hurt.”

That was a relief, but I was still stuck here. What the hell did Eric even want? I searched my brain for answers and tried to assess if I could move anything. Taking stock, I found that there was no room to do anything more than wiggle my toes and fingers. But more alarmingly, Eric had tied me up in the nude and my dick was hard already. I tried my best to make sounds in a questioning tone.


That was a preview of The Vampire’s Servant Knows What He Needs. To read the rest purchase the book.

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