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Meeting James



Meeting James

By melanieatplay

Description: A young, attractive woman attends a fundraiser and meets an older man, her attraction to him is magnetic. Discovering that he was wealthy and powerful to go along with his good looks, Melanie began a journey unlike anything she'd experienced to date, one that would include not just the physical restraints imposed by bdsm, but the mental ones too. Join her on this odyssey.

Tags: teen, older, romance, lesbian, anal, bdsm, group sex, adventure, true story, consensual

Published: 2018-11-08

Size: ≈ 131,227 Words

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Meeting James

by melanieatplay

©Copyright 2018 melanieatplay

With special thanks to my friend and editor, Harvey, for his assistance with this piece, as well as my friend Jim.

Chapter 1

My friend and I pulled up at the valet parking in front of the Paris hotel in Las Vegas. It was a warm spring evening, and the sun had just begun to set behind the mountains. The air smelled fresh and clean, an anomaly for the strip. I smiled to myself when I noticed the valet sneaking a peek at my legs as I extended them and stepped out of Sue’s car. Maybe this would be a good night after all.

She smiled radiantly at me as I watched her walk around her car, her high heels clicking on the ceramic pavers as she joined me.

“Don’t worry,” she said, adjusting her short red halter cocktail dress, “I promise you’ll have a good time tonight.”

I forced the best smile I could, all the while thinking that I should be back at my apartment finishing my finance paper or, at the very least, studying for midterm exams, which were next week. Instead of using the weekend to focus on academics, I had instead chosen to max out my credit cards on a sleeveless black lace cocktail dress and black Prada pumps because I didn’t have any formal clothes that I could wear to an event like this. I dreaded the thought of calling my parents again and asking for the money that this evening was costing me. Even though the dress was a little short due to my 5’8” height, the black was the perfect contrast to my long blonde hair.

Hell, this dress is worth every penny.

For the better part of a year, Sue had been trying to convince me to accompany her to these black-tie charity fundraisers held twice a year at the Paris. It always surprised me that she got invitations through her work because these events were fairly exclusive. I had spent the last several months listening to her rave about the last one she had attended, and she finally wore me down, and I agreed to go with her.

Sue grabbed my hand and pulled me into the casino, temporarily putting my academic concerns and financial woes out of my mind. While walking through the main casino floor, I was immediately mesmerized by the myriad of flashing lights and the sounds of the slot machines. I could feel the energy in the room as the various gamblers tried their luck at the blackjack and craps tables.

Tonight seemed different, though; maybe it was just me, but was everyone looking at us as we walked through the room? The hungry eyes on us reminded me of how much I loved dressing up and showing off a bit.

We arrived at the door, and Sue gave her invitation to the doorman, and we walked into the vast ballroom. I was shocked to see a full orchestra playing a catchy tune from the… I don’t know… 1950s maybe? I had always loved jazz music, so maybe this evening wouldn’t be too bad after all. If nothing else, it was going to be different from the dance clubs on the strip that I usually frequented.

“Get some drinks, and I’ll find a table,” Sue said.

Walking to the bar, I admired the extravagantly decorated room, and I couldn’t help but think that someone really went all out. Crystal chandeliers, crown molding, enormous flower arrangements on every table, beautiful silver flatware, and opulent white linen tablecloths. I started to feel a bit underdressed for the occasion.

“Two Hypnotiqs, please,” I said, smiling sweetly at the bartender.

He instantly turned around and began pouring the drinks. I nonchalantly slid my fake ID back into my purse, relieved he didn’t question my age.

While waiting for the drinks, I scanned the room again, admiring the beautiful dresses that some of the women were wearing. I noticed that more of the older women had chosen longer, more formal evening gowns, while women my age had opted for shorter cocktail dresses. I figured it must be a generational thing. However, I loved how their more formal attire added to the feeling of exclusivity of the event. It was fun to pretend I was royalty or maybe a Hollywood starlet, if only for the evening.

I was suddenly snapped out of my daze by a short, chubby, balding man who seemed to almost miraculously appear in front of me.

“I’m not Fred Flintstone, but I can make your bed rock!” he exclaimed proudly.

My jaw dropped. Did he really just say that? I wasn’t sure if I was more embarrassed for myself or for him. I tried to move my lips to form some sort of retort, but no words came out.

He broke my stunned silence by saying, “Do you work for UPS? I could have sworn I saw you checking out my package.”

I could feel myself going from shocked to embarrassed, and then to angry.

I started to say something clever like, “Did you come here with friends, or are you the only thirty-five-year-old virgin here tonight?” when I felt a hand rest on the small of my back.

I turned and looked into the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen.

“Are our drinks ready yet, honey?” he asked smoothly, giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

My knees instantly went weak. I barely noticed Mr. Cheesy-Pick-Up-Line’s look of disappointment as he skulked away.

My deliverer looked perplexed by my choice of cocktails as he slid his credit card to the bartender.

“It’s Hypnotiq,” I replied, answering his unasked question, “and thank you,” I added.

He smiled softly at me. “You looked like you could use the help.”

I returned his smile, peering again into those deep blue eyes. The mix of gray and black hair gave his age away. Maybe 50, I thought to myself. He was wearing a black designer suit that fit him impeccably. He was tall, I guessed six-foot-three, just a bit taller than I was in these heels.

He had a ruggedly handsome face that seemed to encompass a ‘boyish good looks’ quality. Maybe at one time, perhaps in his youth, the title of pretty boy would have fit him perfectly, but the years had turned his boyishly handsome face into the look of a distinguished older man.

“I’m James,” he said as the bartender slid his credit card back to him, “and my fee for one rescue is a dance.”

I smiled warmly at him and took his extended hand. He led me to the dance floor, and almost effortlessly, I found myself securely in his arms.

For the first time in my life, I was happy that my parents had forced me to take ballroom dance lessons during my junior year of high school, a month before my oldest brother’s wedding. In the clubs that I frequented, the dancing was more of a bump-and-grind, pre-mating ritual, but this was formal and elegant, and he danced magnificently.

I told him that my name was Melanie and I was a sophomore at UNLV working toward my accounting degree. We discovered that we were from the same part of Southern California.

I also told him that I had moved to Las Vegas to go to college and get away from my parents (a much longer and messier story), and he told me he was in town checking up on his businesses. As we learned more about each other, he told me that he owned about thirty restaurants in the Los Angeles and Las Vegas areas and he was in town frequently to “put out fires,” as he described it.

When the orchestra ended the song, he asked me back to his table so we could finish our drinks. I knew I should decline, but he intrigued me. I was struggling to put my finger on the reason, but I couldn’t. I felt drawn to him and didn’t know why.

Seeing that Sue was deep in conversation with a handsome man who appeared to be about our age, I accepted his offer.

I felt his eyes on me as I walked in front of him to his table, and for the first time since we had arrived, I felt self-conscious. I was used to wearing revealing club attire, short, low-cut dresses, and skirts that showed acres of skin and put a lot on display. However, in this haughty environment, my little black dress definitely had me out of my comfort zone, especially when the older women had chosen more formal eveningwear. Regardless, I didn’t want to appear uncomfortable, especially to him.

When we got to his table, he smiled and told me not to go anywhere. I watched him walk across the room toward the bar to get fresh drinks. He moved effortlessly, confidently, like he owned the room.

We spent the next several hours talking, dancing, and drinking. I loved his business background, and all the theories I was learning in my classes he was putting into practice in his restaurants. We talked about management concepts, marketing schemes, and tax dodges. Not exactly topics reminiscent of sexual foreplay, but I found him enthralling. He seemed to know a little about everything, and he talked to me like an adult, something that very few people in my nineteen years had done. Being around him was intoxicating, and I stopped listening to that little voice that had told me to be careful.

It was a little past midnight. About an hour earlier, Sue had grudgingly gone home. I had reassured her repeatedly that I was all right, and she knew I could take care of myself. James made me feel comfortable and at ease. In truth, I just didn’t want this perfect evening to end.

The dance floor was packed, the drinks continued to flow, and I felt wired. The drinking and dancing were having an effect on me. I wasn’t sure what got my heart racing faster, his hand on my thigh as we talked or the scent of his cologne as we danced. I was mesmerized by him, and when he asked me to join him in his suite, I just couldn’t find a way to tell him no.

While we rode up the elevator to the top floor of the Paris, I thought I was going to lose my balance because of my knees knocking together. Exhilaration and trepidation, those were the two main themes of the evening.

I had never done this type of thing before, not with a man anyway. Jump into bed with a guy after only knowing him for a couple of hours? That wasn’t me. When I chose to be intimate with a guy, he was always my boyfriend, and I made him work for it. He had to take me out and buy me dinner a few times. This just wasn’t me. And what about his age? God, I can’t even start to think about that. But it’s happening…

He used his key card to unlock the door to his suite. Holding it open for me, I stepped inside. The great room was large and expansive, appearing to be bigger than the entire apartment I shared with my roommate. The suite was elegantly appointed in a Parisian theme, with the Eiffel Tower and the millions of lights on the Las Vegas strip illuminating the room. While I enjoyed the stunning view outside our window, I felt him move behind me.

Turning to face him, his lips instantly fused with mine. We kissed passionately as we stumbled further into the suite, not breaking apart until we were beside the enormous king-size bed in the master bedroom. While we continued to kiss, I felt his fingers move down my stomach while his other hand unzipped my dress.

Flushed with a combination of his hands exploring my body and the alcohol I had consumed earlier, I felt my dress cling tightly even after he had unzipped it. He continued to kiss my neck roughly as he slid the dress down and off of me. Shivers went through my body as he kissed my shoulders while simultaneously unclasping and removing my bra, exposing my breasts.

James immediately attached his mouth to one of my hard pink nipples and started gently biting and sucking before licking around that breast and moving to the other one. I threw my head back and moaned and gasped as he worked my nipples, massaging one while busily lapping at the other.

While he continued to play with my breasts, I began to unbutton his shirt. He stopped his ministrations to my nipples so I could get rid of his unwanted article of clothing. Once I had his shirt on the floor, I moved to his pants, tugging at his belt buckle and zipper. Before I knew it, I added James's pants and boxers to the growing pile of clothes on the floor between us.

He broke our passionate kiss, and we paused for a moment to look into each other's eyes. Then, caught up in the hedonistic moment, I got down on my knees in front of him.

Pausing for a few seconds to marvel at his cock, which I had to admit was a magnificent specimen, I scooted just a bit closer to take it into my mouth. Gently gripping the shaft, I ran my tongue over the large purple head, tasting the pre-cum that had formed on the slit. I licked up and down his shaft several times, coating his cock with my saliva.

Looking up, I saw James’s eyes were closed, and low groans were escaping his mouth. Smiling, I took the head into my mouth and started sucking on it, moving it slowly in and out, teasing him. He continued to groan and writhe as I took more of him into my mouth until I had most of him in my throat. Looking up again, his eyes rolled back as I started to move my head faster. I was able to relax my throat, allowing me to take him all the way down to the root.

After several minutes, he was grunting loudly and began to thrust himself in and out of my mouth. At that point, I remained motionless, allowing him to control the pace. I kept my lips sealed tight around his cock while his hips continued to thrust back and forth rapidly. I could taste his pre-cum in my mouth, which aroused me even more.

Feeling his body start to tense and his breathing change, I thought he was going to come in my mouth until he took a step back, causing his cock to slip from between my lips. Watching as he took a few deep breaths and regained control of himself, postponing his impending orgasm.

I looked up, our eyes momentarily meeting, and we exchanged a brief smile. Wordlessly, he helped me up off my knees and then playfully pushed me back onto the bed. In an instant, he was on top of me, kissing me passionately, and I felt his hard cock press against the inside of my thigh. He trailed kisses down my body until he reached my thong, which was now soaked completely through. I felt him slip his fingers under the material and slide it to the side, over the thin strip of light brown pubic hair above my vagina. I opened my legs wide, giving him better access, and watched as he lowered his eyes, looking hungrily at my pussy.

“My God, you’re so wet, Melanie,” he said as his eyes traveled over my body.

I felt my wetness seeping out of my vagina and running down the inside of my thighs. Giving blow jobs always got me hot, and tonight was no exception. He slid his fingers underneath the thin material of my thong and peeled it off.

Teasing me, he ignored my glistening pussy and kissed and licked my inner thigh. Then I felt his mouth travel to where he licked and gently bit the inside of my other thigh, inching closer to my pussy.

By this time, I was moaning and bucking my hips. I could no longer stand any more of his teasing, and I grabbed his face and moved him so his mouth was in line with my vulva. Apparently, that was all the prodding he needed; he immediately started sucking on my clit and running his tongue up and down my wet slit. Gasping, I looked down as he extended his tongue and pushed it deep inside me.

I felt him put his hands on my ass cheeks, which he massaged roughly while keeping his tongue buried in my wet sex. The intense pleasure he was giving me with his mouth made me feel like I was slipping in and out of consciousness, and I could hear the slurping sounds emanating from between my legs. My hips were bucking wildly as I ground my pussy roughly into his face. I shook and shuddered and experienced my first of what would end up being many orgasms of the evening.

He let me recover by licking the wetness from the inside of my thighs, and thankfully his mouth stayed away from my sensitive clit for a minute or so. Once he saw that I had recovered and my faculties had returned, he began to lick up and down my slit again. This time he put two fingers inside me and curled them upwards while working his tongue hard and fast over my clit. Every nerve in my body felt like it was on fire. I continued to appreciate his talented tongue as he drove me to two more orgasms before I pushed him away.

While I was coming down and trying to regain my senses, I watched him climb up over me and capture my lips with his. His face was shiny with my juices; as his tongue plunged into my mouth, I could taste my pussy during our very erotic kiss. While his tongue was exploring my mouth, I felt his thick erection press against the inside of my thigh, and I suddenly realized that he hadn’t come yet.

Continuing to kiss me, he took his shaft in his hand, and I felt him run the bulbous head up and down my lower lips and over my wet slit. He then positioned himself right above my opening, slipped the head inside, and then powerfully pushed forward, instantly opening and filling me. I pulled my mouth away from his, gasping and moaning in pleasure. Almost instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he started to slowly thrust in and out of me.

He began to move inside me with a slow and steady pace of long, even strokes. Then he moved forward, and I felt his weight on top of me, sensually crushing my breasts against his chest. I moved my hips up to meet his thrusts and felt another orgasm rock my body. Seeing my release, he began pumping furiously into me. As he quickened the pace, I began to thrust my hips up hard against him. Both of us were grunting and sweating profusely as he fucked me hard and fast on that big bed. I started screaming as another powerful orgasm overtook me, and my body shook almost uncontrollably as James continued his powerful thrusts.

After I came down from my peak, I could tell by his breathing he was close to orgasm, but he suddenly pulled out of me.

“Get on your hands and knees,” he ordered.

Without thinking, I quickly complied. I turned over, burying my head into a pillow and raising my ass into the air, presenting myself to him. I felt him slide up behind me and position himself. I was so wet from my orgasms that his cock slid easily back inside me. Once again he started with long smooth strokes. I heard him moan as I tightened my muscles, squeezing his cock inside me.

This spurred him on, and he once again picked up the pace, his thick cock pistoning roughly in and out of me. I felt his balls slap against my ass as he grabbed my thighs and pounded me hard. I felt his breathing start to change, and his body tensed up; I knew he was again close to orgasm. I reached between my legs and rubbed my clit, which instantly sent me over the edge. Simultaneously, I heard him grunt and let out a low moan as he came inside me.

Exhausted, he collapsed on top of me. We rested for several moments until our breathing returned to normal, and I felt his cock soften and then slip out of me as he moved to my side.

“I could use a bottle of water, what about you?” he said, smiling at me.

“A bottle of water sounds perfect,” I said while pulling up the sheet from the mangled bed to cover myself up to my waist.

I watched as he strode across the room toward the minibar. I couldn’t help but sneak a peek at his ass as he walked away from me. It was tight and toned; he obviously spent as much time in the gym as I did. When he returned to the room, my eyes instantly lowered as his penis came into view. Even flaccid, it still looked impressive, swinging back and forth, the head touching one thigh and then the other as he walked. I looked back up, my eyes caught his, and he gave me a knowing smile. I looked down, shyly realizing he’d caught me admiring his cock. He handed me the bottle of water and slipped back into the bed beside me.

We began talking again as we sipped our water. We talked about our love of Southern California and the rich history of Los Angeles. I wondered why I felt so comfortable around him. Post-coitus conversations should be awkward and uncomfortable, but this wasn’t. I had only known him for six hours, but it felt like six years.

After about an hour of easy conversation, I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted me again. As we moved closer to each other and joined our bodies together, everything felt perfect. This time, it wasn’t animalistic fucking like before. His motions were slow and easy, and we took our time. We enjoyed each other’s bodies and reveled in the pleasure we were giving each other. We both reached orgasm easily, and as the sun started to come up, I fell into a deep sleep in his arms.

The last thing I remember thinking was, did we just make love?

The next morning I awoke, and as the fog lifted, it took me a few seconds to realize where I was. I wasn’t in the tiny bedroom inside my small apartment. Looking around, I realized I was in a large soft bed in some huge hotel bedroom. I became scared until it all started to come back to me. The charity fundraiser, the orchestra, the dancing, the drinks, the… Oh, shit… sex.

As I moved in the bed, I felt James’s body pressing against mine. I looked over at the bedside clock. God, it was almost two in the afternoon.

My mind started whirling. It was Saturday afternoon, and I thought of everything that I needed to get done before Monday. Damn, I had already wasted half the day sleeping.

I quickly formulated a plan. I could attempt to make a stealthy getaway by slipping out of the bed, silently getting dressed, and slipping out of the room before I was discovered. Unfortunately, it was all for naught when I discovered that my stirring had woken James.

“Good morning,” he said, smiling at me.

“Good morning,” I said shyly, pulling the sheet up to my neck, making sure my naked body was covered.

“Listen, I had a great time last night, but I need to figure out where my clothes are so I can get home,” I said in a low, mortified tone. My whole body was sticky from sweat, and I didn’t want to think about what else it was probably sticky from. I knew I was a mess, and I probably smelled like I had been having sex all night.

“What’s your hurry? I don’t want you to think I’m running you off,” he said in a jovial tone.

I looked down shyly. “No, it’s not that. I have a million things I need to get done before class on Monday, and I’m sure you have things you need to do as well. I don’t want to get in your way.”

Why couldn’t I have just gotten up a half-hour ago and snuck out while he was still asleep? Now he’s awake, and I have to pay the piper.

God, how mortifying.

“Nonsense. Why don’t you get a shower, and then we’ll get breakfast, err, um, lunch,” he said after looking at his watch and realizing the time. “We have things we need to discuss.”

“First, the only thing I have to wear is that wadded-up cocktail dress in the corner. Second, I don’t think we have much to talk about.”

He smiled confidently. “First, we have a lot to talk about. Second, by the time you’ve showered, I will have solved the clothes problem.”

I thought about my options. I could either do the walk of shame wearing a dirty thong and wrinkled cocktail dress all the way to the cab stand outside of the hotel, with everyone I came in contact with in the Paris knowing I had just woken from a night of what had turned out to be really great sex. Or I could take a shower, possibly put on some clean clothes, get something to eat (my grumbling stomach reminded me that I hadn’t eaten in the last fourteen hours), and salvage a little dignity from the previous evening’s activities.

I finally relented and agreed to eat lunch with him, provided I didn’t have to wear the same clothes I wore the night before.

A half-hour later, I felt human again. I was scrubbed clean and, at the very least, looked presentable. I wrapped myself in a towel, stepped outside the bathroom, and saw a large shopping bag from Victoria’s Secret on the bed.

“I’ve never been that great at picking out women’s clothes, so I hope you like them,” I heard James say from the bathroom that must have been located in the other bedroom of the suite.

I walked over to the bed and began to remove my new outfit from the bag. I found pink gym pants with matching pink socks, a white cotton thong and matching sports bra, a white athletic t-shirt, a gray hoodie, and short brown Ugg boots. My jaw dropped; how did he get all of this in the time it took me to shower, I wondered.

I stepped out into the great room wearing my new clothes, and James met me with a smile. He cleans up nicely, I thought to myself, admiring his tight blue jeans and pressed white collared shirt.

“How did you manage to get all of this, in my size no less, in a half hour?”

“I’ve learned that when you tip the concierge really well, he can perform miracles,” he said, laughing. “Now let’s get going. You look beautiful and you must be starving.”

I listened to James talk between bites as I silently ate my chicken Caesar salad. He had picked a small and relatively secluded Parisian-themed café for us to dine. He told me that he normally stayed at the Bellagio. However, one of his close business associates helped to organize the charity fundraiser the previous night, and his friend expected him to attend and make a sizable donation, so it was easier to stay at the Paris for this trip.

He asked detailed questions about my classes, and he marveled at how the undergraduate business program had changed since he attended USC. He was at ease making small talk, but although I got the sense that he was genuinely interested in my college courses and my life in general, it felt like he was holding something back, an important subject that he had yet to broach with me.

As the waiter cleared the dishes from our table and refilled our wine glasses, James’s face turned serious as he looked into my eyes.

“Melanie, I want to see you again when I’m in Las Vegas next month.”

I looked down, flustered at his statement, and it took me several moments to collect my thoughts.

“James, I can’t imagine what you must think of me. We meet, and a couple of hours later I’m in your bed. You might not believe me, but last night was something I’ve never done before with a man. I had an amazing evening, probably the best of my entire life, but what we did last night isn’t going to happen again. It was a one-time thing.”

It broke me up inside to see the hurt look in his eyes. He looked like a little boy who had just lost his puppy. He looked down, and I realized that my statement had clearly shaken his confidence.

“I shouldn’t have expected a pretty young college girl like you to want to spend time with me. Hell, I’m old enough to be your father and then some.”

My eyes widened as I processed his words.

“James, my decision not to see you again has nothing to do with your age or how you look. My life is a mess, and even though I’ve built a nice facade for you over the past eighteen hours, there is a lot about me you don’t know.”

His expression lightened once he learned that my not wanting to see him again had nothing to do with his age or appearance.

“Has anything you’ve told me been a lie up to this point?” he said, looking seriously into my eyes.

I gasped. “Of course not.”

“Then fill me in on the details of your messed-up life,” he said, a smile returning to his face.

I let out a low sigh. I didn’t even like to think about my problems, much less admit them to myself, and now I was about to air my dirty laundry to someone I hardly knew.

I looked down, trying to collect my thoughts, thinking of the best way to proceed.

“James, I’ve only been in college for a year and a half, and I already have a mountain of student loan debt. The lease is up on my apartment, and my roommate is moving in with her boyfriend, so in another month, I’ll probably have to move back into the dorm because I can’t afford to pay the rent by myself.”

I paused again to collect my thoughts.

“I drive a beat-up Honda Civic that my parents bought me when I turned sixteen, and it’s on its last legs. The dress and shoes I wore last night maxed out my credit cards, but I didn’t have the heart to tell my friend I couldn’t go with her because I didn’t have anything nice enough to wear. I am probably the proudest person you will ever meet, and a couple of times a month, I have to call my parents and beg them for money.”

At this point, I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes, and I felt like a foolish child for unburdening my soul to someone I barely knew.

“And don’t think I told you this to get your sympathy, because I’m not asking for it and I don’t want it,” I abruptly added.

He tried to force back a smile, but then his expression quickly changed to concern when he saw that I was about to cry from my revelation.

“The biggest reason I can’t see you again, James, is because my friend Sue is going to help me get a job where she works, and as much as I’d really like to, between my studies and working, I simply won’t have the time to spend with you when you are here.”

He looked into my eyes with concern. “What type of job is she going to help you get?”

“Sue is a cocktail server at the Rio, and she arranged an interview next week for me with her boss.”

He thought for several moments before he spoke. “I don’t want to further upset you, but can I suggest an alternate plan?”

“All right,” I said without really thinking.

“I come into town once, sometimes twice, each month. If you’ll agree to see me, more specifically, agree to stay at my hotel with me, I’ll take care of whatever you need, and I can solve some of these financial problems that seem to have you so upset.”

My jaw dropped while my mind started to comprehend the type of arrangement he was suggesting. He broke the silence with another question.

“Melanie, you told me last night you had a 3.8 GPA and that your advisor has already suggested that you consider an MBA program or law school once you’ve completed your degree, right?”

“That’s correct,” I said, my mind still racing.

“Do you honestly think you’ll be able to keep your high GPA once you are working a part-time job? I know you have big aspirations, and I’d like to help you achieve them.”

Silently, I considered his last statement. I was pretty sure I could keep my GPA even with a part-time job, but all of my spare time would be devoted to academics. I had come to the realization that my life of clubbing and partying would come to a quick end once I started working or my grades would suffer.

“I don’t want to sound condescending or self-serving, but you have the rest of your life to work, Melanie. I’m offering you an opportunity that few college girls your age will ever have. You’ll have time to do the things you want, to study and maintain your grades while still enjoying the club life you told me you love. And if we do this right, every time I’m in town can be like last night for both of us, only better.”

I looked into his eyes, and I could feel his words winning me over. I had always been a good judge of character. When something wasn’t right, I felt it. With James, I felt at ease. That was worth everything to me, and I knew his idea was worth considering.

“I need you to listen to me, Melanie,” his words snapping me back into reality. “I want to be upfront with you, even if what I’m about to tell you queers this deal.”

I smiled at him. Queers this deal? That was the first time I had ever heard the word queer used in that context. It’s going to be different being with an older man, I thought.

“Yes, James Dear, I’m listening,” I said sweetly.

He gave me a mock-stern look. He could tell I was joking, but I made a mental note not to tease him that way until he got to know my sense of humor better.

“I’m married, and I have two young children,” he said softly.

My heart sank. I had sensed that there was a woman in his life. I had been hoping that when he was ready he’d tell me that he was divorced. The last thing I wanted to hear was that he had a wife and children.

“I understand.”

I knew he could see the look of disappointment on my face.

“After our second child was born, my wife lost interest in having sexual relations with me. Now we only have sex a couple of times a year, and even when we do it’s not that good. I’ve tried everything to change the way she feels, but nothing has worked.”

He looked down, unable to look into my eyes as he continued.

“My children mean the world to me, and I love them dearly, and I’d never put them through a divorce. So whatever happens between us, I want you to know that I’ll never leave my wife.”

We sat silently for a few minutes, each contemplating what the other had said. I didn’t expect any of this when I agreed to go to lunch with him. Maybe I should have put on that crumpled dress and left when I woke up. Maybe I needed to get up from the table, leave now, and never see him again.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized how complicated this situation was. Our lives were messy and neither of us was perfect. That much was obvious. The more I thought, the more I kept asking myself one simple question. Did it feel right being with him? That question was very easy to answer. It did.

I looked him in the eyes and smiled.

“I’m in, James.”

Chapter 2

"We have a lot we need to do before this evening, and we need to get started," James said in a commanding tone.

He paid the check, and we walked out of the café, his arm securely around me. It was the first time he had touched me since we woke up naked together that afternoon.

We walked outside to the valet station, and he handed his ticket to the attendant. It was a beautiful sunny day, maybe mid-80s, I guessed, typical spring weather for Las Vegas.

There were several couples ahead of us, so I knew it would be a few minutes before they'd get James's car and bring it around. One of the couples, who I guessed were in their mid-30s, had a baby stroller. I watched as the mother doted on the baby while the father talked on his cell phone.

I then looked over and saw two college-aged guys not-so-subtly checking me out. I looked away, ignoring them, while I simultaneously felt James possessively pull me closer to him. The two gawkers, taking the hint, looked away, and inwardly I smiled to myself. In the year and a half that I’d been in Las Vegas, I hadn’t really dated, and it struck me that I had forgotten what it was like to be part of a couple.

The valets delivered the cars to the young family and my admirers, and they drove away, which left James and me waiting along with two middle-aged women. They were standing far enough away from us that I couldn’t make out everything they were saying. However, both of them were giving me the ‘stink eye’ in a big way and whispering what I was sure were snide comments to each other. I’m sure James could feel me tense up as they continued to look at us and rudely sneer.

Just as I was about to verbally engage the spiteful old bitches, a blue convertible Mustang pulled up in front of us.

“This is our ride,” James said as he pulled me towards the car. He tipped the valet, and we sped off quickly down the Las Vegas strip.

I was looking forward, gritting my teeth. The more I thought about them and the horrible things I was sure they were saying, the more I seethed in anger. James's voice snapped me out of it.

“What’s wrong?” he asked with a look of concern in his eyes.

“Nothing!” I snapped before looking forward again.

“If I were to venture a guess, I’d say your sudden foul mood would be the result of what those two women were saying at the valet stand.”

“I didn’t hear them,” I said curtly, which was a partial truth because I couldn’t clearly make out their words.

“How can I put this kindly?” He paused. “They appeared to think that I was renting you for the evening,” he said, looking soothingly into my eyes.

My blood was now boiling as James confirmed my suspicion.

“Nasty old bitches,” I said, under my breath but loud enough that James heard me. He suddenly slammed on the brakes and pulled the car over to the side of the road.

“Look at me, Melanie,” he said sternly.

I defiantly looked down and ignored him. A few seconds passed.

“Now!” he said, in a voice so cold it chilled me to the bone.

I sheepishly looked over at him. The icy tone in his voice brought me back to a time in my childhood when I was a few seconds from being put over my father’s knee.

He took a deep breath, and I could see he was trying to calm himself before he spoke.

“I turned forty-eight last month and you are nineteen. How do you think people are going to react when they see us together in public? The naïve ones are going to think you are my daughter. But given the nature and reputation of this town, most of them are going to assume the exact same thing as those women at the valet stand.”

I looked into his eyes as his words began to sink in.

“I refuse to stay in my hotel room the entire time I’m here. I want to experience this city. I want to take you to nice restaurants and see shows and concerts with you.” He paused for a moment, and then continued, “If I can summon the courage, I might even be brave enough to venture inside these clubs that you’ve told me so much about.”

A slight smile was beginning to return to his face.

“My point is, I can’t constantly be worried that you will get into a fight, verbal or otherwise, with every idiot who says something to you, or looks at you, in a way you don’t like.”

I took a few seconds and contemplated what he had said. I was mature enough to know he was right but young enough that I didn’t like being called out, even when I was wrong.

“I apologize for my inappropriate behavior,” I said meekly, “and it won’t happen again.”

“Thank you,” he said, and he pulled back out onto the road.

After a couple of minutes, I broke the silence.

“Did I tell you yet that this is a nice car?” I said, smiling at him in an attempt to lighten the mood.

“It’s a rental,” he said, his eyes not leaving the road.

“Where are we going?” I asked as the wind picked up and started blowing my long blonde hair around.


“What’s in Henderson?”

I tried to keep him talking because I noticed that his mood was improving the more we spoke.

“The Valley Auto Mall,” he said as we approached the entrance to the freeway.

The Valley Auto Mall was a group of independent car dealerships. One of my friends lived about a mile from it or I probably wouldn’t have known what it was.

“Why are we going there?”

“Because my girlfriend isn’t going to drive around in a beat-up Honda that’s older than she is.”

His face finally broke a smile, and his mood was returning to normal.

I smiled at him radiantly as I realized the reason for our trip, and I reached over and squeezed his thigh as he quickly accelerated the Mustang to freeway speed.

I quickly discovered that car shopping wasn’t as much fun as the commercials made it appear on TV. We looked at almost every car on the lot, and nothing caught my eye. Just as we were about to try another dealership across the street, a large SUV came into sight. I put my arm around James and squeezed as I walked towards the car.

The salesman, who had been trailing us around the lot, smiled and said, “You have good taste, young lady.”

“I pictured you in a little sports car; is this really what you want?” James said in apparent disbelief.

“It’s the only Land Rover on the lot,” the salesman said while looking at James. “We got this Discovery in yesterday. It’s a two-year-old lease return with very low miles, and I can already see your daughter loves it.”

James and I both broke into wide smiles as the confused salesman looked on.

“Wait in the car, and I’ll take care of this,” James said, looking at me, a big smile still etched on his face.

“What were you saying earlier about naïve people, Daddy?” I said as I saucily patted James's backside. I barely caught a glimpse of the stunned salesman’s face as I turned and walked towards the Mustang.

About fifteen minutes later, James joined me in the car.

“You can pick it up on Monday; just show them your driver’s license. They assured me they’d have the title ready, and I don’t want you driving that Honda again; is that understood?”

“Yes, James,” I said, barely able to contain my excitement.

"Good. I'll feel better knowing you're driving something safe," he said as he pulled the car onto the freeway on-ramp.

Still exhilarated from the realization that I now had a nice car to drive, I reached out and touched James's thigh, and in my exuberance, I accidentally brushed his penis and was surprised to find it was semi-erect.

I looked into James's eyes with a knowing smile.

He tried to look gruff but broke into a big, answering smile.

"I can't help it. You have this effect on me, and I feel like I'm in high school again when we are together."


My face split into a little grin as a wicked thought entered my mind.

"Then let me show you what I liked to do in high school."

I leaned over and rubbed his cock harder, feeling it expand and become instantly erect. Trying to keep his eyes on the road, he looked down long enough to see me unbuttoning the front of his jeans, freeing his member from its restraint.

Without warning, I leaned down and took James's erection into my mouth. I felt the Mustang swerve, and a gasp escaped his lips as I worked the fat member further into my mouth until it touched the back of my throat. I started to move my head slowly up and down, enjoying his taste. I felt the car move back and forth in the lane in unison with my mouth as I slowly bobbed up and down. I heard his breathing become strained, and I ran the tip of my tongue over the head of his cock and through the slit, which caused his pre-cum to leak out at an increased rate.

I was pumping my mouth up and down faster, really getting into it, when a loud, deep honk sounded just above me. His cock popped out of my mouth, and I looked up over my shoulder to see a driver in a large semi-truck smile at me while he enthusiastically pulled a cord, sounding his horn over and over.

I laughed out loud at the driver as James smiled at me and stomped on the accelerator, speeding past the truck.

I looked down and saw his throbbing cock standing at attention with a heavy coat of my saliva all over it.

"James, if you can avoid the truckers, I have a job I'd like to finish down here."

He chuckled. "Trust me, the last thing I want is for you to be interrupted again."

I lowered my mouth back onto his cock. Again, the car swerved, but thankfully, not as bad this time.

I'm glad he's a quick learner.

I love giving head, but not at the expense of getting into a wreck on the freeway.

I slowly worked him in and out of my mouth. I took my time, and I wanted to enjoy it. I loved running the tip of my tongue along the underside of his member so I could feel the bulging veins.

My God, he has such a beautiful cock.

He had really good control, but after I picked up the pace, I could feel his ass start to lift up off the seat of the car, and I knew he was getting close. I put my hands on his thighs, tightened my lips around the head, and remained motionless, letting him control the pace. His breathing began to change, and his body stiffened. His thrusts became short and quick. A loud gasp escaped his lips as I felt hot splashes of cum on the back of my throat. His cock pulsed and squirted several more times before I started to swallow. His hips continued to buck, and I continued to swallow until the hot blasts subsided.

I felt his penis started to lose its rigidity in my mouth, and I gently grabbed the base and licked his shaft up and down, cleaning the remaining cum that I hadn't been able to swallow. I then ran my tongue through the slit, cleaning the last bead off the head. Satisfied, I carefully slid his cock back into his jeans and re-buttoned the fly.

I sat back upright and looked over at James, and I smiled at the sight. He was looking straight ahead in a daze, gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white. I stared at him for a few more seconds.

"Umm, are you okay?" I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Jesus, Melanie, yes, I'm fine."

His face broke into a wide smile. "I think you broke something loose."

We arrived back at the Paris and checked the Mustang in at the valet station. We walked through the casino with James's arm around me, holding me tight. I made a promise to myself that from then on, I was going to ignore the looks and gawking of the people around me. I wasn't going to let the judgmental attitude of others spoil my mood. He made me happy, and I knew I was making him happy. That was all I cared about.

I froze in mid-step and stopped walking.

"What's wrong, Melanie?" James asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"I need to go to the front desk. My roommate dropped off some things that I'm going to need if I'm going to stay with you until Monday morning."

"Let's go up to the room; I'll take care of that."

As the elevator whisked us up to the upper floors, James pulled out his cell phone, and I listened to him speak.

"It was already delivered to my room? Thank you."

No matter what the situation was, he seemed to be in control of it. I had spent the last year and a half trying to figure out how to take care of myself while being away from my parents. I had to admit, it was a strange feeling having someone look after me again.

He used his keycard to open the door to the suite, and we stepped into the great room. The shades on the panoramic windows were open, and I looked out; seeing the view of the Las Vegas strip at dusk was truly magical.

James's voice broke me out of my trance. "So this is the mysterious package that your roommate delivered to the front desk."

I gave him a playful look. "Yes, those are the bomb-making materials she brought me."

He laughed and walked into the master bedroom. "Smart-ass," I heard him say as he entered the bathroom.

I looked in his direction and smiled as I unzipped my backpack and saw my books and laptop.

I owe Rachel big time for this.

I heard the toilet flush, and moments later, James walked back into the great room.

"I have some reports I need to go over before we go out this evening. That should give you plenty of time to get your schoolwork done."

"That would be great. I have to finish a paper for my finance class that meets on Monday," I said while pulling out my laptop and powering it on.

"Well, before you get started on your paper, Hemingway, you might want to take a look at what's on the bed."

Perplexed, I walked into the master bedroom, and my jaw dropped. On the bed were ten Victoria's Secret bags lined up in a row. I looked inside the first bag and started pulling out clothes.

The first few bags were filled with dresses, skirts, and tops. Some of the clothing was very formal, things I could wear on nice evenings out. I counted five very short, sexy cocktail dresses that I couldn't wait to try on. Other articles of clothing were more casual: jean skirts, T-shirts, and hoodies, perfect for wearing to class.

The next two bags were filled with various articles of lingerie. I marveled at the assortment of bras, panties, and thongs, ranging from plain cotton to very racy lace and silk, in a multitude of colors. While looking through the next bag, I pulled out more lingerie: teddies, slips, corsets, and baby-doll nighties, all in different colors.

Someone was thinking of himself when he bought this.

The next bag was filled with workout clothes: various types of shorts, several different colors of yoga pants, tank tops, and three packages of gym socks. The next bag was filled with various types of shoes: three pairs of tennis shoes, several pairs of casual sandals, and four pairs of heels I could wear in the evening. The last bag held three pairs of short Ugg boots in different colors.

While I continued to look through the clothes, I noticed James behind me at the door with a big smile on his face. I must have looked like a child at Christmas.

"Thank you so much, James."

"You're welcome. Now get your homework done, young lady," he said in a mock-gruff tone that made me laugh.

As much as it pained me, I tore myself away from my new wardrobe, sat at the table in the great room, and began the arduous task of completing my finance paper. Several times, I looked over at James as he sat on the couch, pouring through his stacks of papers. On a couple of occasions, our eyes met, and we'd take a few seconds to smile at each other before returning to our work. I marveled at how easily he put me at ease.

After completing my paper, I stood up, walked over to the couch, and sat down beside him. He was so engrossed in his work that I almost regretted sitting next to him because I thought my presence on the couch might disturb him.

"Whatcha doing?" I said in a sheepish tone.

"I'm preparing for dinner tonight," he said while continuing to read the paper in his hand without looking at me.

"That must be one complicated menu."

He laughed and looked into my eyes, and his expression and the tone of his voice changed.

"I have a restaurant in Summerlin that's barely above break-even. We're eating dinner there tonight, and I'm going to talk to the manager and find out what the problem is."

His ominous tone sent a chill through my body. I marveled at how he could be so jovial one moment and so menacing the next when the subject of his business came up. But then he gave me a warm smile, which immediately put me at ease.

"We'll be leaving in about an hour if you want to start getting ready," he said as his eyes returned to the papers in his hand.

I stood up, walked around the couch, bent over, and kissed him on the cheek. I then leaned back, and my mouth made contact with his ear. I gently bit and then sucked on his earlobe for a brief moment.

"I'll try to look presentable for you tonight," I whispered sexily into his ear.

I straightened up and walked into the master bedroom. I could sense his eyes on my ass as I disappeared from his sight.

I walked over to the bed and picked out a matching red lace bra and thong-panty set. I looked again through the dresses and chose a short, black, sequined, v-neck dress that would go perfectly with my black Prada pumps I wore last night.

I had plenty of time, so I thought a quick shower would be refreshing. I went into the bathroom, undressed, and stepped into the large shower. I turned on the warm water and closed my eyes, feeling instantly refreshed. While I applied body wash to the loofah, I heard the door open, and James stepped into the shower with me. I smiled, stepped aside, and watched the warm water cascade over his body. His big cock was semi-erect, and I felt it press into my thigh as he turned underneath the stream of warm water. He opened his eyes, and I leaned in and kissed him while taking his cock in my hand and gently stroking it. I felt it pulse and grow as it seemingly came alive with my gentle coaxing.

While we kissed, he reached down between my legs, and I wantonly opened them, giving him easier access to my pussy. I felt his fingers part the lips of my vagina as he separated them. I let out a little moan when he gently ran them over my clit.

Breaking our kiss, he barely spoke above a whisper.

"God, Melanie, you're already wet," he said as his fingers continued to explore my vagina.

I looked up into his eyes while continuing to stroke his cock, which brought it to full hardness.

"Sometime, if you remind me, I'll tell you what giving blow jobs does to me," I said sexily, trying to remain steady on my feet as he continued to rub between my legs.

He gently pulled away, breaking our contact.

"Turn around," he said huskily.

I could hear the need in his voice as I complied with his command.

I faced the wall and stood directly beneath the shower head while feeling the warm water cascade over me. I put my hands above my head, placed them on the wall of the shower, and bent slightly forward, spreading my legs wide. I felt him move behind me, and then two of his fingers rubbed up and down my slit, causing me to gasp as he made contact with my clit again.

After a few seconds, he withdrew his fingers and replaced them with the head of his cock. I felt the bulbous head separate my lips as he rubbed up and down, which caused me to let out a low moan. I reached behind me and placed my hand on his thigh, feeling the hard muscles in his leg.

"Keep both your hands on the wall," he ordered in a low growl.

I instantly complied. I have to admit, the intimidating tone of his voice shocked me a bit.

I felt the head of his cock rest at the entrance of my vagina. He then pushed forward slowly. I gasped as his shaft opened my nether lips and then began to fill me. He continued to push forward until his body pressed against mine. He remained motionless for a few seconds, letting me adjust to the feeling of having him inside me. Slowly, he started to move back and forth. My knees went weak, and I leaned harder against the shower wall for support. His hands rested on my large breasts, and I felt my hard nipples slip between his fingers, aided by the warm water that was streaming down on us.

He remained at a slow and steady pace, rocking in and out of me. I felt that familiar feeling starting to build. My breathing increased, and I knew my orgasm was fast approaching. He then took my erect nipples between his fingertips and roughly pinched them. The semi-intense pain immediately sent me over the edge as I felt the waves of my orgasm wash over me. Involuntarily, my hands left the wall, and I felt his hands on my hips steadying me, which prevented me from falling. All the while, he continued to slowly fuck me through my orgasm.

Once he could see that I had control of my body again, he spoke in a low growl.

"Put your hands back on the wall, Melanie."

While complying with his order, I felt him increase the pace. The water continued to cascade over us, which made a slapping sound as our bodies made contact with each hard, powerful thrust.

He was aggressively pounding me now, which felt incredible. My knees started to go weak, and I found it difficult to remain in a standing position against the wall with my hands above my head. The slapping sounds grew louder, and I could hear his breathing change and become shallower. I knew he had to be close, and I could feel myself begin to climb again as those familiar shock waves started to travel through me. His hands were on my hips, and he used my body to give him increased leverage to thrust into me harder and deeper. I started to shake in orgasm as his hard thrusting abated, and he grunted loudly as he came inside of me.

After his orgasm subsided, he fell forward onto my back, which in turn pressed me forward into the shower wall. For several minutes, we remained motionless as the water continued to wash over us. As our breathing returned to normal, I felt his cock lose its rigidity and slip out of me.

He kissed my neck and then whispered into my ear, "I think I need another shower."

I felt amazing as we walked through the casino side by side with James's arm wrapped securely around me. I loved wearing black as it was a great contrast to my blonde hair, and the short dress really showed off my long, tanned legs. I was in such a great mood from the amazing sex that I barely noticed the nasty looks we got from some of the people in the casino.

Before I knew it, we were on the freeway heading west to Summerlin. Being from Southern California, I always thought that Summerlin is to Las Vegas what Beverly Hills is to Los Angeles. It's a small, affluent community with nice homes and restaurants, and apparently, James owned one of those restaurants. If his restaurant in Summerlin wasn't making money, there was definitely a problem he needed to fix.

I had pinned my hair up because I didn't want the wind tussling it, and I knew James would have the top down again on the Mustang. It was a beautiful spring Saturday night, and I loved the romantic vibe I felt while with him. James had his hand on my thigh as we drove, which sent chills down my spine. I loved how he liked to have his hands on me. It was nothing overt or necessarily sexual, just a constant reminder from him that "I'm here." Maybe it was something more, and I couldn't put my finger on it; I just knew I liked it.

I was really hungry, and I thought about teasing James that the food at his restaurant had better be good. However, I reconsidered my jest. If his restaurant wasn't making money, teasing him about the quality of the food might not be a good idea.

Outwardly, he was in a good mood, smiling and talking to me like everything was fine. Inwardly, I was beginning to know him well enough to sense some underlying tension. This wasn't a fun night out for him. This restaurant was costing him money, and I could tell he was serious about getting to the bottom of it.

A short time later, we pulled off the freeway on Town Center Drive and drove about a mile to what looked to be an exclusive part of Summerlin. We had driven through an area with multi-million-dollar homes and very expensive-looking shops and boutiques to arrive at a large Italian restaurant. I remembered reading about it in the 'best of' section of several Las Vegas magazines, and for whatever reason, it surprised me that he owned it.

We pulled up in front of the restaurant. A young valet took the keys, and another young man opened the door for us as we walked inside. Upon entering, we were almost immediately met by a middle-aged man.

"It's good to see you again, Mr. Moretti," the man said as he shook James's hand.

I could see the tension in the man's eyes and feel the strain between them during their brief interaction.

So much for a fun night out.

"David, this is Melanie," James said, looking towards me.

David quickly shook my hand without even really looking at me. His hand was clammy, and I realized just how nervous he was.

"I reserved a table in the back, Mr. Moretti. Please follow me," David said.

As we walked through the restaurant, I looked around and appreciated the elegantly decorated walls, appointed in a somewhat modern way that also hinted at a classic Italian theme. As David led us to the table, I noticed immediately that the restaurant was full, nearly to capacity. It was an older crowd; most of the men were in suits, and many of them wore ties. Most of the ladies were wearing long, formal dresses, while a handful of the more daring ones had on shorter, sexy dresses like mine. Many of the women wore very nice jewelry. I saw what looked to be very expensive watches, bracelets, and necklaces. It was definitely an upper-class crowd.

David sat us at a table in the middle of the room and then took a chair close to James. They began talking quietly; I could make out a few words, but, for the most part, I tried to ignore them. There seemed to be enough tension between them, and I didn't want to make a bad situation worse by eavesdropping on their conversation. A pretty waitress approached the table and handed James and me menus. I quickly scanned the offerings and their corresponding prices and noticed how expensive everything was.

"Do you have any questions for me?" the waitress asked while smiling sweetly and looking directly at me.

She had an olive complexion with dark skin and eyes. Her beautiful brunette hair was in a ponytail that reached the middle of her back. She looked to be in her early twenties, and she was truly striking.

I looked at her name tag. "Which salad would you recommend, Gianna?" I said while looking into her beautiful dark eyes.

"We have a great antipasto salad that comes with your choice of either shrimp or chicken," she said as she lightly touched my arm.

Okay, I'm not crazy; she's flirting with me.

The way she touched my arm definitely confirmed my suspicion.

"I'll take the antipasto salad with chicken and a glass of white wine."

By now, the conversation was growing heated between the men. James didn't even acknowledge Gianna at the side of our table as she attempted to take his order. Trying to assist her, I leaned in and whispered to him.

"Did you find what you wanted to order, James?"

I looked over and saw that my question had momentarily put the increasingly tense conversation between the men on hold.

"Just pick out something for me," James said, snapping at me before returning to his conversation with David.

I was shocked and hurt at the rude and hurtful tone in his voice. Trying to compose myself, I turned to Gianna.

"He'll have whatever is on special tonight."

She nodded, giving me a quick look of understanding, realizing something wasn't right at our table between the man I was accompanying and her manager. She turned quickly and left.

I nonchalantly scooted my chair away from the men, trying to give them as much privacy as I could without making it look too obvious to the other guests.

There was a festive atmosphere in the restaurant. The couples at the other tables were laughing, smiling, and talking while they enjoyed their meals. This was a stark juxtaposition to what was transpiring at our table. I was sitting with two men who were heatedly talking under their breaths and, at times, looking like they were seconds from coming to blows.

A few minutes later, James stood up and looked at me.

"We are going to the office to talk," he growled.

Without further explanation, both men abruptly left.

Once they were gone, I was the only one sitting alone in the dining room. To make matters worse, it felt like every eye in the room was on me. It wasn't enough that I was the youngest one in the restaurant, eating with a man who was more than twice my age, but now he'd left me by myself. My mood was turning fouler by the second, and I found it much more difficult to ignore the judgmental stares of some of the older people sitting around me.

A few minutes later, Gianna brought our plates of food. She set them down and gave me a caring, sympathetic smile.

"Can I bring you anything else?" she said softly.

"I'll take a better boyfriend," I said while forcing a smile.

She tenderly looked at me and squeezed my hand.

"I'll be back to check on you soon," she said compassionately before turning and walking away.

I looked down at my dinner, and the salad looked delicious. The aroma from my plate was causing my stomach to grumble, so I decided to eat.

Who knows how long James will be, anyway.

I had taken several bites of the salad when James returned to the table without David. He sat down and looked at his plate.

"Who ordered this shit?" he said with a deep scowl on his face.

I was shocked at his statement and looked down at his plate. I'd been so upset I hadn't even noticed what Gianna had brought. I turned and looked at him with daggers in my eyes.

"I guess the special tonight is escargot. You could complain to the owner, but I doubt it would do much good because he's acting like a real asshole this evening."

His jaw dropped, and I stood up.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to use the restroom," I said without looking at him.

Almost in tears, I turned and walked towards the front door. I was tempted to walk out but thought better of it.

I need to calm down, I thought.

I saw the sign for the restroom, walked toward it, opened the door, and walked in. I scanned the row of stalls and headed towards the last one, noticing it was larger to accommodate women in wheelchairs. I opened the stall door, quickly locked it behind me, and sat down on the toilet. It took everything in my power not to cry.

I took stock of my situation.

What the hell am I doing here? I wondered.

It was a Saturday night, and I should be in a club drinking, dancing, and having fun. Instead, I was in a stuffy Italian restaurant in Summerlin, surrounded by two hundred old people and getting yelled at by a man I barely knew. I unzipped my purse and began digging around in the clutter, looking for my cell phone to call a cab. Just as I found it and pulled it out of my purse, I heard a knock on the stall door.

"Are you okay?"

I recognized the voice; it was Gianna. I stood and opened the door, and she stepped inside with me and closed it behind her.

"I heard everything, and I just wanted to check and make sure that you were all right," she said softly in a tone barely above a whisper, even though we were the only ones in the restroom.

"I'm fine."

I looked down and was deeply embarrassed that she had overheard my argument with James.

I looked up, our eyes met, and she smiled at me.

"Older men can be just as big a pain in the ass as the younger ones."

We both burst into laughter, and she gently touched my arm.

I looked into her eyes and felt the sexual tension between us. She leaned in, and our lips met. We kissed passionately. I heard her heavy breathing as I pressed my body into hers while our tongues delicately explored each other's mouths. We slowly broke the kiss and leaned back away from each other. Our eyes were still closed while both of us enjoyed the erotic moment.

We opened our eyes and simultaneously smiled at each other, neither of us wanting to break the sensual mood by talking. After a few seconds, she spoke.

"I need to get back to the floor before they send a search party out after me. As much as I'd like to stay here and make out with you all night, I can't afford to lose this job."

God, she has the most beautiful, big brown eyes I've ever seen.

I was instantly smitten with her.

"Don't worry. You won't lose your job. I'm fucking your boss's boss."

We both burst into laughter again like school girls.

She reached down and gently took my cell phone out of my hand, pressed a few keys, and then handed it back to me.

"Now you have my number, and you had damn well better use it," she said, smiling brightly before giving me one last hot kiss.

She took my hand and led me out of the stall. I couldn't help but look down and notice her tight black slacks and the amazing ass that filled them.

My God, is there any part of this girl that isn't perfect?

She let go of my hand as I stopped at the sink while she kept walking towards the bathroom door. When she reached it, she stopped and turned to face me.

"It's none of my business, but for what it's worth, Dave makes everyone around here crazy." She looked down, then those beautiful brown eyes looked back up into mine, and she continued, "You're right, he was an asshole, but I saw the way he was looking at you when you both came through the front door this evening. Give him another chance."

She smiled and walked out of the bathroom. I put my phone back in my purse and contemplated her statement. I took a moment to check my hair and makeup in the mirror, and then I walked out of the bathroom.

When James saw me walking up to the table, he stood up and pulled my chair out. After I sat down, he pushed my chair in and then took his seat next to me.

I looked at his plate. The snails were gone, and a big steak was in its place.

"I wasn't sure if you were coming back," he said softly.

Oh, hell no, you're not getting off the hook that easily.

"I almost didn't," I said, looking icily at him.

He looked down. I could see the embarrassment and regret in his eyes. Slowly, he looked up at me.

"I handled that situation poorly. It wasn't right to leave you at the table by yourself or snap at you when I got upset, and I apologize," he said sincerely.

"It's okay."

He reached down and gently rubbed my thigh. My world felt right again.

We both ate in silence for a few minutes. I could tell by the change in his demeanor that there had been a resolution to the situation between him and David. My better judgment told me to stay out of it. Then I thought, if I'm his girlfriend, why can't I be nosy?

"May I ask what happened between you and David?"

He looked at me for a moment, contemplating my question.

"An assistant manager has been stealing money for the last three months, and I fired him. David wasn't in on it, but I still held him responsible. Because he's the manager, it shouldn't have taken him three months to discover that someone was stealing from me. David is going to pay back the stolen money, and everything is fine now."

James paused for a moment, looked around the dining room, and then continued.

"He's a good manager. Just look at this place; the customers are happy, and this restaurant is very profitable. Firing him would only create more problems that I'd have to fix later. He just can't be that complacent. He has to watch this business closer, and from now on, he will," he said before taking another bite of steak.

I smiled sweetly at him. No matter what was going on around us, I liked the fact that he had it under control. My mind wandered, thinking about his love of control when a voice broke the silence.

"May I get you another glass of wine?"

I looked up and saw those big, beautiful brown eyes.

"I think my boyfriend would just like the check, Gianna."

She gave me a knowing look that said she realized James and I had put things back together.

"That's not possible, Ma'am," she said sweetly. "My manager told me that your meals are on the house."

"In that case, I'll take another glass of wine, Gianna."

"I'll be right back with your wine, Ma'am," she said, our eyes meeting as she touched my arm again and turned to head towards the bar.

James gave me a puzzled look. "How do you know her name?"

"First, her name is on her name tag. Second, I made out with her in the bathroom while I was gone."

He laughed. "Yeah, right."

I raised my eyebrow and looked seriously into his eyes until that boyishly handsome smile on his face was replaced by a look of awe.

It was almost midnight when we got back to the room. I suggested that we have a drink at an after-hours bar that wasn't far from the UNLV campus, but James said that it had been a long day, and he was tired and wanted to get back to the room. From the way he was looking at me in the elevator, though, I had a feeling that it would be a while before either of us got any sleep.

He opened the door with the keycard, and we walked in. Once we stepped into the room, he turned to me and gave me a soft kiss.

"I'm going to get ready for bed. I'll join you in a few minutes," he said.

He turned and walked into the second bedroom of the suite.

He is so perplexing. Why can't he get ready for bed in the same room I'm in? Forget it. I'm not having another fight tonight. I'll let this one go.

I walked into the master bedroom and looked at the bed, wondering where my bags of clothes had disappeared. I checked the large walk-in closet and saw that all my new clothes were hung up perfectly. I then looked in the dresser drawers and saw that all my lingerie had been neatly put away.

I could get used to this.

I rummaged through the drawers and found just what I was looking for. I pulled out a light purple, see-through, halter baby doll with matching thong panties.

This should get someone's engine revved up.

I walked into the bathroom, washed the makeup off my face, and brushed my teeth. I took off my clothes and put on the baby doll and the thong panties. I then let my hair down and brushed it over my shoulders.

I hesitantly stepped out into the master bedroom and saw that James was already in bed with the covers pulled up to his waist.

"Got room for one more?" I said, smiling shyly.

I watched his jaw drop as he studied me from head to toe.

"God, Melanie, you're beautiful."

"I've been told once or twice that I clean up okay."

I walked over and slid into bed beside him. He pulled me to him, and his mouth melted with mine. We kissed passionately for several minutes, his hands exploring up and down my body.

My God, his hands are driving me crazy.

The material of the baby doll was so thin and sheer that it felt as if there was no barrier between his fingers and my skin. He kneaded my breasts with his hands, and then he rubbed my nipples through the thin material until they were hard nubs. His other hand moved over my stomach and down to my pussy. I felt his fingers slip over the lips of my vagina as he rubbed my increasingly wet slit through the sheer thong. I leaned in and kissed him harder, then gasped as I felt him push the thin material of the thong into my pussy.

He ran his hands over me until I felt him start to tug at the material of the baby doll as he tried to remove it. It was such a beautiful piece of lingerie. I didn't want him to ruin it by tugging it so hard, so I helped him slide it over my head. We then removed it together and tossed it on the floor at the side of the bed. I kissed his mouth harder, trying to preoccupy him as I slid my fingers under the flimsy material of the thong and slid it down my thighs and then off onto the floor.

I remembered how he had taken control of things earlier in the shower. I thought it might be fun to turn the table on him a bit. His hands were still all over me while we kissed, but then, to get his attention, I leaned back and pulled away from him.

"James," I whispered softly in his ear, finally getting his attention and causing his hands to momentarily stop roaming over my body.

"Put your hands under the pillow behind your head," I whispered in a sexy, husky voice, "and don't move them, no matter what I do, until I tell you that you can."

He pondered my request for a moment and then smiled and reluctantly agreed by nodding his head up and down.

Damn, it's a struggle to get this man to give up control of anything.

I watched while he moved his hands under the pillow that his head was resting on.

This is going to be fun.

I moved my thigh over him and straddled his body by placing each knee on either side of his stomach. I leaned forward and kissed him gently. Each time he started kissing me too aggressively, I pulled back and broke the kiss, driving him crazy. I teased him this way for several minutes until I could tell he was getting frustrated, so I decided it was time to try something different.

I leaned forward, lowering my breast until my hard nipple made contact with his mouth. The moment it touched his lips, he started sucking the hard nub and rolling his tongue over it. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the pleasurable sensation. I pulled back, popping my nipple out of his mouth, and then moved my other breast to his mouth, giving him access to my other nipple. As soon as it made contact with his mouth, lightning bolts shot through my body as he sucked on it. I loved teasing him like this, but unfortunately, I was also teasing myself, and I wasn't sure how much longer either of us was going to be able to take this torment.

I slid my body down his and surprised myself when my pussy left a wet trail of liquid down his stomach. I made sure my large breasts were in constant contact with his chest, which felt amazing as my hard nipples brushed against his light chest hair. All the while, I was looking into his eyes and saw he was intensely watching my every movement. As I kept sliding down his body, my pussy came into contact with his large cock, and I felt it split my lips and slide over my vagina. I was tempted to slip it inside me, but I wanted to extend this tease a bit longer.

I nestled myself between his legs, inhaling deeply, smelling that manly, musky scent emanating from his fat cock. James was rock hard, and his cock seemed to twitch in time with his heartbeat. A big bead of pre-cum was oozing from the slit, and I realized just how successful I had been at getting him worked up with this foreplay tease.

I took the base of his cock in my hand and gently stroked his shaft upwards until I saw a large dollop of pre-cum ooze out the head. I looked up and smiled at him as I ran my tongue over the head, tasting it. I heard him gasp and felt his body twitch as my mouth made contact with his penis. I began sucking him slowly and gently, watching his facial expressions until he closed his eyes. It got me so excited to see the pleasure my mouth was giving him.

I continued to slowly fellate him up and down, taking my time. I knew he was worked up, and I didn't want to risk going too fast and having him come before I wanted him to. I continued to work him slowly in and out of my mouth, taking him deeper and deeper until the head reached the back of my throat and then out again. While giving him a long and sensuous blowjob, I couldn't help but marvel at his control.

After several minutes, I opened my mouth, and his cock plopped out. It was wet, shiny, and dripping. I looked up into his eyes and saw that he was watching me silently and intensely as if hanging on my every motion.

I slid up his body and straddled him again. My pussy was soaked, and I could feel the wetness run down the inside of my thighs. I got up to my feet and looked down and saw James look up at me. I positioned my pussy over his face and started to lower it. He had extended his tongue, and I could feel it slide into my vagina as I descended myself onto his waiting mouth. I used the headboard of the bed to steady myself as I ground my pussy into his mouth. I shuddered as his mouth made contact with my lips and clit.

There was no teasing now as I moved my pelvis up and down, grinding myself into his face, moaning and gasping as he moved his tongue around and then inside me. My orgasm was rapidly approaching as he moved his mouth to my wet sex. I felt his tongue make contact with my clit again, and I exploded, shuddering and gasping as waves of pleasure washed over my body. I collapsed on top of him, and he watched while my breathing slowly returned to normal as I regained control of my body.

I looked over at him and smiled, seeing that his face was soaked. Miraculously, his hands were still behind the pillow. I leaned in and took his face in both my hands, kissing him softly and tenderly.

"You can move your hands now," I whispered softly in his ear.

He pulled me to him, and we kissed passionately as I once again straddled him, sitting on his stomach. I reached behind me, taking his cock in my hands, and slid down his body. I grabbed him softly at the base and slid further until I felt the head of his cock make contact with my pussy. He moaned as I rubbed the head of his cock over the lips of my vagina, splitting them until I felt the head at the entrance of my pussy. I held it there momentarily, then heard him gasp as I moved back, sinking his cock inside me.

I moaned as I felt him open and then fill me. I leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"God, I love your cock, James."

He looked up at me, smiling. I slowly began to move his cock in and out of me. It was nothing like this afternoon in the shower because I controlled the pace. I moved and positioned my body the way I wanted, adjusting the angle, feeling his cock rub against the walls of my vagina, then slowly in and out of me. I closed my eyes as I felt him take both of my breasts in his hands. We moved together slowly, and I felt every inch of him inside me.

He gasped as I squeezed my muscles and began a more rapid pace. I moved quicker and quicker until it felt like I was bouncing up and down on him. I felt my orgasm start to build deep within my body. I felt him tense up as my body started to spasm. He let out a low groan as I began to shudder and shake uncontrollably. As my orgasm washed over me, I felt him grunt, and his semen poured into me. I collapsed on top of him, feeling his heart thump against me. We stayed in that position for a few minutes until our breathing returned to normal. I felt his cock shrink inside me, and then I moved off of him and felt it slip out.

He pulled me into him, our bodies molded together, spooning in the large bed. I felt his cock rest on my bottom as his breathing changed, and I realized he had fallen asleep holding me tight in his arms.

I remembered that the first night I met James, there had been a little voice inside my head telling me I needed to be careful. For good or bad, I disregarded her. Tomorrow would be my last day with him before he flew back to Los Angeles, and I knew I wouldn't see him again for a month. I hated that; even though I was still with him, I was missing him already.

Chapter 3

It was six a.m., and I was wide awake. I heard James softly breathing and realized he was still asleep. I tried to close my eyes, but it was no use. I might as well get up.

Very carefully, I slid out from under James's arm. I picked up the baby doll and thong that we had thrown on the floor the night before and walked into the bathroom. After using the toilet, I put on a bathrobe and snuck back out into the bedroom. He was still fast asleep, and I really didn't want to wake him because I knew he had to be tired.

I walked into the great room, and as I looked around, I saw a coffee pot in the kitchen area. I thought that some coffee might help wake me up. I began to brew a small pot and then began looking for creamer. I found a few packets of powdered creamer, which I always thought was disgusting, so I looked in the mini-bar and found a small container of half-and-half. I was shocked at the price: $18 for the small bottle. Oh, well … when in Rome …

I read my economics textbook and reviewed my notes for about an hour and a half while drinking my expensive coffee. I had a midterm exam in my economics class on Tuesday, and I wanted to start preparing for it since I had procrastinated for so long.

Once I was done reviewing the material, I began getting bored. I've always been the type of person who has to constantly be doing something. I peeked back into the bedroom, and James was still asleep. I was surprised he hadn't moved an inch.

Yesterday, as we were walking through the casino, I remembered seeing a sign for the gym. I hadn't worked out since Friday morning, and I thought hitting the gym would be a great way to pass the time until James woke up.

I snuck into the walk-in closet and picked out a cotton thong, a sports bra, yoga pants, a tank top, socks, and a pair of running shoes. I dressed and headed for the gym.

I used the keycard to open the door, hoping the gym wouldn't be too crowded. I scanned the large workout room, which was filled with different types of exercise machines and various weights for lifting. There was only one other person there, a guy using a rowing machine. He was really into his workout, and I didn't think he'd bother me. My regular gym has a ladies-only section that keeps the male gawkers away so women can work out in peace. They didn't have a women's area here, but thankfully, on an early Sunday morning, and with only one other guy in the gym, it didn't seem to matter.

I sat down on a mat and began to stretch and do a couple of yoga positions to warm up. As I stretched my legs, I felt some soreness emanating from my vagina. It had been a long time since I'd had this much sex with a guy, and even though we hadn't been together long, I was feeling the effects as I stretched.

Once my muscles felt warm, I got on the treadmill and started running. I began to think about the crazy day and a half since I met James. The car, the clothes, the fights, and the sex all felt very surreal as I played the events of the past thirty-six hours back in my mind. I kept telling myself that emotionally, I needed to keep my distance, but as I admitted the truth to myself, I was getting caught up in him. I kept thinking, over and over, why couldn't he be single? Of course, he has some issues, but I could fix him. I came to the conclusion that I just had to keep going with it and see what was going to happen.

Before I knew it, I had run eight miles and was covered in sweat. I pressed the stop button on the treadmill, sat back down on the mat, and started to stretch again, catching my breath from the run. This time, no soreness anywhere, good! No matter what I did, I couldn't get James off my mind, and I didn't need my body reminding me of him, too.

I used the keycard to get back into the room; James had to be awake by now. I looked down at my watch and was surprised to see it was 9:30. I walked to the bedroom and peeked through the doorway. Oh my God, he still hadn't moved an inch since I left for the gym. Obviously, all of this sex was affecting both of us, but in different ways. Regardless, it was time for grumpy-bear to wake up.

I removed my running shoes and slid into bed beside him. In his sleep, he pulled me closer and then started to wake up.

"Good morning," I said, smiling.

"Good morning," he said groggily, "what time is it?"

"Time for someone to get his ass out of bed," I said, laughing.

He managed a slight smile, then closed his eyes again.

"It's 9:30, James."

"Okay, give me a minute."

He rubbed his eyes, finally starting to wake up in earnest.

I lay beside him, studying his facial features. My eyes traveled over the tousled salt-and-pepper hair, those clear blue eyes, and that sexy five-o'clock shadow; at that moment, he was perfect to me, and I couldn't imagine being with anyone else.

He looked at me. "Whew, what have you been doing, stinky?" he said, breaking out into laughter.

I gave him a dirty look and then playfully punched him on the shoulder, laughing with him.

"I was at the gym, running eight miles, while someone I know was still in bed sleeping, "I said in mock disgust, smiling brightly at him. "Some of us have to work out so we can fit into those tiny dresses another person in this bed buys."

He leaned over and kissed me, and started to pull me towards him.

Oh, hell no, I thought as I playfully pushed him away. He needed to pay a little bit for that comment.

"I'm way too stinky to do anything in this bed with you; I'm going to go take a shower," I said, teasing him.

I moved to get up off the bed, but as I looked into those sparkling blue eyes, I knew I wasn't going anywhere.

I slid closer to him, and we kissed softly. I slowly slid my hand under the covers and felt the hard muscles of his stomach. I felt his tongue play with mine as I slid my hand further south, finding what I was looking for. I grasped his fat cock, and it immediately sprang to life. I gently stroked his shaft up and down while we continued kissing.

I felt him slide the covers off the bed, exposing his naked body to me. We continued to kiss, and I felt his hand wander over my damp sports bra. Simultaneously, my hand rubbed the light mat of hair across his chest as my other hand was slowly stroking the cock that had been giving me so much pleasure. At that moment, I don't think I'd ever wanted anyone in my entire life more than I wanted him.

I gently pushed him away and stood next to the bed, looking deep into his eyes as I pulled my sports bra over my head, exposing my 36D breasts. I watched James take his cock in his hand and start to slowly stroke himself while he watched me continue to undress for him. My eyes never left his as I slowly peeled off the damp yoga pants and thong and then finally pulled off my socks. I stood there naked in front of him, watching his hand move up and down that long shaft.

I had never watched a man masturbate in front of me before, and I found it to be one of the most erotic things I had ever witnessed. It especially turned me on knowing my naked body was the inspiration he was using to pleasure himself. Almost without thinking, my hand moved down to my pussy, and I ran a single digit through my slit in an up-and-down motion. The lips of my vagina were becoming engorged as my finger rubbed my clit and then back down, spreading the wetness over my sex. I heard him moan, and he started to pull himself a bit faster as he watched me pleasure myself.

I couldn't take any more. I had to have him inside me. So I got into the bed and straddled him. I scooted back on his stomach and felt the head of his cock find the opening of my vagina. His hips pushed forward, and he slid himself into me.

I gasped as he filled me in one slow push. I put my hands on his chest as we moved slowly together. We took our time, slow and easy. We moaned together as his cock pressed into me and then back out, over and over, in a slow, steady rhythm. I was content to let his hips do the work for both of us, all the while feeling his cock move slowly in and out of me.

So much of the sex that we'd had since we met was rough and aggressive. It reminded me of two beasts beating their bodies together in an attempt to achieve release, and I admit I loved that type of sex. Feeling him pound my body until I felt I couldn't move was intensely erotic. However, I needed this type of sex, too: soft, gentle, romantic, passionate, and tender. I needed to feel him making love to me, even though I knew he didn't love me.

I felt him tense up below me, and I knew he was almost there. Having been holding off my orgasm because I wanted us to come together, I reached down and gently rubbed my clit. We came in unison, and I gently ground myself into him as I felt those hot splashes squirt inside me. I collapsed on him, and we kissed tenderly. It was so romantic and passionate. It was perfect and exactly what I needed from him that morning.

A little later, we were walking in the casino towards the café where we had eaten the day before. James had his arm around me, holding me tight against his side. We both had showered because he'd proclaimed that I wasn't allowed to be stinky around him or when I was in public. He could be such a smart-ass, but I loved his sense of humor. He could be so funny when he wanted to be and without even trying.

As we walked, I watched him beside me and thought that most guys my age just tried too hard. They either tried to be funny when they weren't, or they told me whatever they thought I wanted to hear in a desperate attempt to get me out of my panties. A guy my age would have told me that I smelled like a rose, even if it wasn't true. Especially if it wasn't true, like after my long run this morning.

James was just himself, and he didn't try to hide his emotions. Whether he was happy or mad, I knew it, and even though that irritated me sometimes, deep down, I appreciated that honesty.

I had chosen a simple outfit for the day: a matching white lace bra and thong-panty set; a short, faded blue denim skirt; a baby blue lace top; and white sandals. I'd gone through James's closet and picked out khaki shorts and a dark blue polo for him to wear. Even though he had impeccable taste in clothing, he didn't always pair them well, and of course, I was more than happy to stick my nose in and help him with that. He always looked so handsome, and I kept thinking over and over how much I loved being with him.

We were eating our meals, and I watched people walk through the casino outside the café when James started to speak.

"Melanie, we need to talk about a few things."

Oh, no. When a guy starts out with that sentence, it's usually not good.

"Yes, dear," I said, smiling at him.

"Tomorrow, after your classes, I need you to do a couple of things for me."

I gave him a puzzled look. "All right, what do you need me to do?"

"Here is my business card," he said, handing it to me. "It has the address and phone number of my LA office. When you get out of class, I need you to fax me statements for all of your credit cards and the balances on your student loans."

My jaw dropped in stunned silence when I realized the reason behind this request.

"I also need you to go to the main office at UNLV and have the clerk put my business address on your account. Once your grants and scholarships have been applied, I want you to have them bill me for the remaining balance each semester."

"James, I don't know how to react to all this," I said quietly as I tucked the card into the front pocket of my skirt.

"There are some conditions, Melanie."

I looked into his eyes, hanging on his every word.

"The first condition is that your GPA does not drop. I'm investing in your future. You have so much talent and potential, but everything hinges on your grades, and you can't let your social life interfere with that."

That really wasn't an issue. I breezed through high school and a year and a half of college without really being challenged, and keeping my GPA up, especially if I didn't have to work a part-time job, would be easy.

"The second condition is that when I'm in Las Vegas, I'll be your priority. I'll always give you time to make sure your classwork is complete, just as I've done this weekend. But, when I'm here, I take precedence over your friends. Usually, I'll only be in town one weekend a month, so you'll have the rest of the time to spend with them."

This would be easy, too. I love being with you, James, don't you see that? You could spend two or three weekends a month with me, and I'd gladly choose you over my friends.

"Are we okay so far?" he said hesitantly.

"We are," I said, smiling at him. "What other conditions do you have?" I asked, thinking that this had been pretty easy so far.

"When I'm not in Las Vegas, I don't want you having sex with other men," he said slowly, gauging my reaction.

My jaw dropped, and a million things started swirling through my mind at the speed of light. James started speaking again and broke me out of my trance.

"Any time you'd like to speak would be fine with me, Melanie," he said, smiling.

"This brings up a lot of personal issues for me, James. You said we could always say anything to each other, right?"

"Of course," he said, reassuring me.

"I got into bed with you only hours after we met, so I'm sure you must think I'm some sort of slut. Trust me, James, with men, I'm not. You're only the sixth man I've had intercourse with."

I watched as his mouth dropped open, a refreshing change.

"My best friends and I tease each other about our numbers, the number of men we've had sex with. Six may seem like a lot to you, or maybe it doesn't, I don't know. My best friend Sue, the girl who was with me the night we met, her number is in the 30s. My roommate Rachel, her number is in the 40s. And my other friend, Samantha, is in the 60s. Keep in mind, they are all about my age, so in my book, that makes six look pretty respectable."

"Yes, it does, Melanie," he said quietly, contemplating what I revealed to him.

I also felt a tinge of regret because I hated revealing such personal information about my best friends to him just to make a point, but in this case, I felt I had to.

"In the interest of full disclosure, if you counted oral sex as sex, and I know some people do, my number would be pretty similar to those of my friends."

James smiled, and I felt my face grow red in embarrassment.

"I've just always enjoyed giving blow jobs, and, as I think you can attest, I'm pretty good at it," I said, smiling, looking down, and knowing my face had to be as red as an ember.

"Melanie, please don't take this the wrong way, but I think you could give a pro a run for her money."


That was a preview of Meeting James. To read the rest purchase the book.

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