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Nude Beach Island Mystery and Triangle: Book 1 © 2023-24 by Rowan Betencourt
This is a work of fiction. All characters contained herein are presumed to be 18 years of age or older, without exception. All acts described herein are between characters 18 years of age or older, without exception. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
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trees. It whispered across the sand. The endless surf rolled and sighed and forgot about the wind.
Robin opened her eyes.
The first thing she noticed was the sky, as clear a blue as she could remember seeing in her life. The sun was pale and bright but hidden behind thick clouds that left the world in a warm, pleasant haze. It was the sort of day only some were ever lucky enough to experience, and it made her heart ache.
The second thing Robin noticed was that she had no idea where she was or how she’d gotten there. She was lying naked on a beach of soft, white sand under the spread fronds of a tall green tree. She knew her name, was fairly sure of her age—nineteen years, which sounded as good a number as any—and knew that she didn’t belong in that place…but where was she?
Robin was sore as she sat up, and for a moment she checked herself over for injuries, finding nothing. She wasn’t even sure why she was checking, but found all her limbs whole, and she was free from cuts, scars or blemishes of any kind. Her blonde hair was loose over her shoulders, and her toes dug into the warm sand; her pale skin was dry but smooth, and as she stood up, she brushed her bottom clean of any clinging sand.
For a moment, Robin stopped and looked out at the sea. The water was almost as clear and blue as the sky over it, and they stretched out into an infinite line that melted and mixed together until it was impossible to tell where the sky ended and the ocean began. It was beautiful, a rare beauty she felt privileged to see.
Then she looked around, turned back towards the trees. She saw tall trees, palm fronds and thin branches covered in bright floral colors, bright primaries and pale pastels, all of it making for a beautiful sight. It looked like something out of a picture, a stunning view that took her breath away. The line of trees behind her was thick and green, intimidating by its sheer size. And above the tops of the trees, far in the distance, there stood a mountain whose slopes were covered in a green coat of trees and growing things so thick it looked soft enough to curl up on and fall asleep. That mountain held her eye for a long moment—for some reason, Robin couldn’t look away from it. It drew her, called to her, was small impossible to ignore…but she had to turn to other matters, for the moment.
She had no clothes, no garments of any kind, nothing to cover herself with. Perhaps she was on a trip, had gotten lost and fallen asleep; maybe her garments had gotten wet and she’d hung them out to dry somewhere. The warm day and pleasant ocean breeze soothed her, whispering between her legs and cooling the back of her neck, and soon she stopped worrying about such things.
What did worry her was realizing that she was completely alone. “Hello?” she called. Looking up and down the beach, she saw no one, nothing but sand, palm trees and endless sea. “Anybody here? Helloooooo?” She cupped a hand to her mouth, calling both ways along the shoreline.
No one answered.
Robin took quick stock of her situation. She could stay where she was—a far-off memory told her that staying put after getting lost was sometimes the best choice—but where had she gotten lost from? Who would be out there finding her? Where was she?
The choice seemed obvious after a moment to consider it. Staying in place seemed foolish if she didn’t know where she was or how she’d gotten there. Perhaps she might find someone if she went looking. Or discover why she had no clothes, or where she was at all.
So Robin started off, walking at a slow pace through the soft, sun warmed sand. It sank and crunched under her toes. The ocean looked deep and wild, but the bright beach was so inviting. Her worrying lessened as the uncounted minutes ticked by. If she found someone, perhaps they could explain what was going on.
As she walked, Robin wondered why she wasn’t more afraid. Not only did she not know where she was, she didn’t know how she’s even gotten there. She couldn’t remember ever going to a beach before, and the memories she did have were hazy, undefined: something about the sky, of endless clouds stretching into the horizon, about preparing to travel a great distance. Other than that, her head was a grey fog, impenetrable and unknowable.
Maybe she’d just fallen and hit her head. That might explain it.
The sun was still behind a cloud bank but the air felt so relaxing. The surf felt warm as it slid over her feet and between her toes. Robin crouched down, cupping a handful of the water, pouring it over her arms and neck, letting it trickle down across her breasts; they were small, with tight, rose-colored nipples. Being free of clothes, of any lingerie or covering of all, made Robin reach up and cup her chest in her hands, eyeing her bosom with a critical eye. Something was off…but what?
Robin shook her head, sank to her knees for a moment. She scooped up as much water as her hands could hold, throwing it into the air, letting the spray fall over her with a gasp and a small laugh. Then the surf rolled in and crashed against her waist and bare bottom, pouring with full strength between her legs, making her cry out.
The sea was seductive and warm, but it had a jealous strength to it—it wanted to pull Robin into its depths, to close over her and claim her as its own. She could feel that as surely as she felt her heart begin to race as she moved away from the water, back to dry land. She was moist and dripping, nipples sore, thighs aching like a lover had dug his fingers in and left her with bruises.
Robin turned towards the safety of the trees, and that was when she saw him: a man lying on his back, eyes closed, breathing slow and deep. At first she thought he might just be resting, then noticed he was completely asleep.
The sight of another human got Robin’s heart racing again. She thought about calling to him, then was compelled to move closer, walking up the beach before sinking to her knees in the sand beside him. She opened her mouth to speak, reached out to touch him…but again, she stopped. A force inside her made her look at him, to observe him, take in every detail.
He was nude, like her. His hair was a darker shade of auburn-brown rather than her bright locks, and it matched the curls between his legs. His cock was soft, draped across one thigh, as though a mere afterthought to the rest of his body. He also looked fit, with thick arms and legs that were stretched out over his sandy bed. His chest rose and fell with the slow pace of his breathing.
“Who are you?” she asked softly, not wanting to disturb him, to rouse him from his slumber. Something about his face was familiar—the set of his mouth and a strong chin covered in the faintest hint of growth, little more than a shadow under the warm sunshine.
A weird, wonderful tremor started in Robin’s chest, traveling down to tighten in her tummy as she looked down at the man. He drew her to him, called to her; a silent scream in her mind was shouting his name as though she already knew it, but Robin couldn’t understand it. She touched his shoulder, gave him a gentle shake, but all it changed was the timbre of his snore.
“Wake up,” she said, but didn’t dare to speak above a murmur no matter how many times she said it. That, of course, also failed to rouse him.
Then, once again compelled without knowing why, she stretched down over him, sliding her hands across his stomach, listening to the sand shift under her knees. It was impossible to watch his face at that angle, so she stared at the focus of her attention instead: his cock, his soft flesh waiting to be tended to.
It tasted warm with a hint of salt as she swiped her tongue across it. Robin curled a thumb and forefinger about the base, feeling his sac shift around her fingers, and lifted it up to twist her tongue around the tip of it. She felt it twitch in her hand, skin beginning to tighten, to wake up.
The softened shaft slipped into her mouth, pulled in by her soft suckling; it made a loud, wet slurp of a sound and his breathing changed again, but even that failed to wake him. Robin took that as a challenge as she sucked more eagerly, insistently, refusing to be beaten by a nap. And she was rewarded as the soft muscle thickened, swelling and growing, filling out in both her hand and her mouth.
Her sleeping lover shifted his hips, groaned, grumbled. At his full length, he more than filled her one hand, and she was tempted to use two. But then he moved again, his breathing changed; the sound of the wind and the surf shifted in Robin’s ears. Looking up, she saw the man’s head was raised as he propped himself on both elbows—he was looking at her with focused, bright eyes of green, a green Robin thought she recognized.
“Who…are you?” he asked, sounding surprised to find himself in such a state and place as that.
Robin pushed up higher on both knees, letting his cock go with a loud, slippery pop. “Robin.” She stayed focused on her task, starting to stroke him with her hand, gently twisting her fingers, listening to the slippery swik-swik-swik sound of his shaft in her slippery grip.
The man gasped, eyelids fluttering, body shaking. “I… I’m Blake,” he said next, either unable or unwilling to stop her. “Where are we?”
“Here.” Robin shrugged, not caring about such things. “Does it matter where?”
“Don’t you think it matters?”
“Mm-mm.” Robin shook her head and pushed up, straddling his legs, showing off her bare, pink pussy for him to see and stare at as much as he liked. The sight of his curls reminded Robin that she didn’t have any, then she was too busy stroking him again to care.
“Wha…!” Blake grit his teeth. “What are you doing?!”
Robin opened her mouth, paused, set a finger to her lip and gave him a coy smile, as though she’d always wanted to look at him that way. “This.” She pushed her hips forward and slid the dark head of his swollen dick against her pussy lips, sliding it through her sugary sweetness before pushing down with a soft, tight, squeaking gasp. The surf roared and the trees trembled; the sand slid away on either side as she sank onto his cock, going right to the hilt.
“Fuck!” Blake gasped and let his head fall back to its sandy bed while his hands grabbed her hips, fingers squeezing tight. His heels pushed down and his hips bucked under her, clenched tight, shuddering. “Ah…! B-but why??”
“Because I have to,” Robin answered. She didn’t bother explaining—he’d never understand, and she wasn’t sure she did, either. Instead, she set her hands to his chest and began to ride his dick, eyes closed halfway as she rose up then slammed her little pussy back down again, and again, and again. There was nothing in it beyond the pure, raw need for pleasure, either the giving or the taking of it.
Blake looked around the beach, his eyes frantic and wide, strong muscles tense as he held her tight while also withstanding her bucking hips. “Won’t somebody come? Won’t someone find us?”
“No, we’re all alone.” Robin lifted her hands high, sliding them over her chest and breasts, picking up her bright hair and letting it fall down over her shoulders. “Don’t you want to fuck me, Blake? Pin me down and fuck me hard?” Robin didn’t care who Blake was—what mattered was his body, his pleasure, the craving need to have him inside of her for as long as possible. She grinned, her eyes glittering at him through thick lashes as her belly muscles tightened, her thighs pushed her up and let her fall, her cunny wriggling and pulling against his luscious length. “There’s no one to hear us… You could fuck my little cunt, make me scream just for you!” Her moan really was just for him, the same way her body was just for him—if he was willing to claim it.
He looked indecisive for just a split second, then his dick made up Blake’s mind for him: he growled, pulled her off him and was immediately after her, pushing her to her back on the soft sand, fastening his hands tight about her thighs. “I’ll make you scream,” he promised, thrusting back inside of her, driving in deep.
Robin gasped and bit back another laugh, rewarding him with a moan instead. “Yes, please! Ohhhhhh fuck! Pound my pussy, harder! Harder!” The sand might make her sore later, slipping into places she’d need to wash out thoroughly, but right then she felt no pain at all, only pleasure and a sense of heat welling up inside her.
Her mystery lover gave Robin the pounding she begged for, grunting with every thrust, driving hard each time, never slowing down for even a moment. The ocean roared louder in answer and the trees trembled while the two lovers cried out together, pleasing each other, craving each other.
Blake’s green eyes burned through Robin, leaving her hollow, needing him to fill her up again. Tightening her jaw, as her hair blew and her pale skin stretched tight, she grabbed his arms and looked up at him. “Yeah. Fuck me! Fuck my little pussy! You gonna cum? Please? Please cum inside me! I need it so bad!” There was never any question of that—when he came, it would be inside her. It had to be that way. She clung tight to him, breathing hard, deep, straining with every moment.
His breathing became heavier and tighter, straining through his clenched teeth as he bent his head and pushed his cock in so, so deep inside her little honey hole, so deep he didn’t seem to want to pull out again. “Mm! Mm! I’m cumming!” He rolled his hips hard against hers, pubic bone grinding, coarse curls scrubbing her swollen clit and leaving shining sparks into her eyes.
“Ah! Oh yes! Yes!” Robin threw her head back into the sand and cried out in delight, sticking her legs out, pointing her toes to the sky above as he bottomed out in her clenching cunny. He was cumming at last—she knew he was, knew it as surely as his choked breathing and shuddering told her it was happening. At that very moment, the same second, the whole seemed to stop: the ocean went silent; the roaring wind died away; the cloud bank swelled and the world darkened. Robin looked up at her lover’s face—studded with sweat, soaked temples, eyes closed—and her eyes went wide.
She knew him, knew exactly who Blake was.
He was her father.
in Robin’s mind, however scattered and fractured it was, that Blake had a prominent place in it. She had bits and pieces of old memories, flashes of a past together: him, an absent father; her, growing up with a single mother whose name she couldn’t remember, wishing he cared about a relationship that Robin desperately wanted to have. Those memories were few in number, but there were still too many for her to doubt herself. A sweaty tryst on a beach certainly wasn’t the reunion with him that she might’ve had in mind…but it was a reunion. In her selfish, innermost heart of hearts, Robin still wanted that.
When he opened his eyes again, Robin could see right away that Blake—that her Daddy—still didn’t recognize her. Immediately, Robin also knew she couldn’t tell him the truth, not yet. The thought of making him angry, of him feeling tricked or betrayed left Robin’s stomach in knots. Her heart was pounding for all of the right and the wrong reasons, including the sinful pleasure of it all that was both bubbling inside her filthy pussy at that moment while also oozing out of it, staining her ass and dribbling into the sand.
She took a breath, her panic subdued for the moment. If her secret was safe, maybe she could find out why he didn’t know who she was. Robin intended to see this through, to find out what was happening.
“That was…” He paused, taking a breath.
“Good?” she said, leaning up closer. “Amazing? Fantastic? Fucking hot?”
“…intense,” he finally answered, blowing out a breath with a smirk. “You really know how to say hello to a stranger.”
Robin laughed. Impulsively, when he pushed up to his knees, she followed him and sat up as well. Looking down between her legs, she motioned to the oozing mess he’d left behind. “You too,” she said with a smirk.
“Well…you did ask for it, remember?”
“Mm-hm. Give me a second.” Robin pushed to her feet, walking into the surf and kneeling down again. The warm water felt good between her legs as she washed his cum and sweat and the clinging sand away, sighing with some tiny hint of regret that she had to clean up at all. That reaction made her pause, wondering where such desires had come from in the first place, especially for him. Something told her this wasn’t the behavior she normally exhibited around him, but it still felt right. If it felt right, why fight it?
Robin heard him walk up behind her. She looked up, saw him staring out at the ocean. “What is it?”
“This place—it’s beautiful,” he answered, crossing his arms. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Now he sighed. “Where are we? And how did we get here?”
Standing up, Robin turned to face him—her Daddy, a man she’d longed for, who she’d now done unspeakable things with. “Dunno. Maybe there are more survivors somewhere.” As soon as the word came out of her mouth, Robin hesitated. What survivors? Survivors of what, exactly?
Daddy didn’t notice her confusion. “Like where?”
“Ah, m-maybe up the beach. We should go see if we can find anyone…assuming there even is anyone, of course.”
He considered it. “Not a bad idea. Will you walk with me?”
“Of course!” Robin took his hand, unprompted, and pulled him with her as she began to walk. Holding her Daddy’s hand felt good. It felt solid, safe. In a mysterious, untamed place like that one, she needed something to hold onto. They walked together, picking the same direction Robin used when she started walking by herself. Daddy was tall, fit, strong; his hand was large, tough, callused—the hand of a man’s man, she thought it. It made her feel a little smaller than she already was.
“Do you remember anything?” she asked, shielding her eyes as she looked up at him. “From before? Before we got here?”
“A little,” he said with a nod. “I remember being outdoors a lot—hunting, fishing, foraging. I never went to a tropical island, but I bet it’s not so different from…from wherever I went before.” Daddy forced a little smile.
Robin squeezed his hand. “You don’t remember where that was, do you?”
“Where what was?”
“Where you went hunting.” Robin’s memories were jostled again, coming back in rough fits and spurts, but all she remembered about his hunting was feeling frustrated that he spent more time on his outdoor hobbies than with her. It was a sad memory fragment, one she tried not to dwell on.
His mouth twisted up and he narrowed his eyes; his hand clenched tighter around hers. “No. It’s so strange. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It’s just a memory. It’ll come back eventually.” She pushed up on her toes and murmured into his ear: “You can enjoy other memories instead—like a certain greeting on the beach a little while ago.”
Daddy chuckled, giving her a wide, satisfied grin. “Yep… So what about you? What do you remember about getting here?”
Robin quickly sorted through her available thoughts. “I remember waking up, walking on the beach, finding you…getting fucked by you.” She smirked. “I don’t remember how I got here, though.” She concentrated, focused, staring up into the afternoon sky. “I…remember school, or learning things, being taught by someone—maybe I was a student.” Robin wasn’t sure she’d been a very good student, but she also didn’t want to tell him that. Not yet,
“Is that all? Any idea where you went to school?“
“No.” Robin shrugged with a sigh. “Guess it doesn’t matter right now.”
They walked for a time, leaving a line of footprints behind in the sand that the sea rushed in and washed away. Even though her father’s presence made her chest a little tighter and her pussy a little warmer, she also kept an eye out for anyone else, or for signs of how they’d arrived. Then she realized she had no idea of what or who to look for, and felt frustrated all over again.
“Why’d you do it?” he asked, still holding your hand. “Waking me up like that.”
Robin felt herself smiling. “Just wanted to, I guess. It almost feels like it wasn’t my idea, but I also know that sounds crazy. I just think I wanted to take you in my mouth and suck you awake for the fun of it.” She looked up at him, licking her lips in a tease. “I’m glad it worked.”
“Mmm, it sure did.” He stopped, turned Robin around and kissed her on the mouth, tongue sliding between her lips, hands pushing over her shoulders and neck. It was so sudden, so unexpected and yet something she wanted so badly that her stomach did a flip and she nearly fell over before he caught her in his arms.
Robin moaned into his mouth and when the kiss broke she moaned again and fought to stay upright, to not stumble in the sand. “I’m glad you liked it,” she said with another smile. “But why did you do that?”
“We might be all alone in this place, wherever we are. We don’t know how long it’ll be until we’re located or rescued. So until then…” Daddy leaned in closer, rubbing his nose to hers. “I think we should try to get as close as possible, that’s all.” Boldly, without a hint of hesitation, he slid his hand up between her legs, fingers sliding over her smooth cunt. “May as well enjoy this before it all grows back, too.”
Now Robin clung to him, her hands clutching his forearms tight as her knees trembled. “I…I don’t remember ever doing that sort of thing…before.” She bit her lip, breathed hard through her nose.
“What’s that?”
“Shaving my pussy.” Robin could breathe easier when her Daddy wasn’t stroking her bare puss, even though she also wished he’d keep going. “I’m glad you like it, though.”
Daddy grinned and took her hand once more, continuing down the beach. It was so hard for Robin to just walk in a straight line, to follow along without her excitement getting in the way. She wasn’t sure how to explain her irrational desires, to understand where her lust came from. The nudity, the forgetfulness, the beach with roaring waves and warm breezes, it all made for a potent cocktail and she wanted to gorge herself on it.
Maybe they would figure out where they were soon. Maybe they would be found and rescued. Maybe Daddy would finally remember her face and realize the lines they’d crossed together. Maybe he might get so angry he’d never speak to her again. At that moment, Robin didn’t care. She’d thrown caution to the wind and intended to ride it until she was blown away to nothing.
They didn’t spot anyone else on the beach or in the trees. They must’ve walked for awhile, because the shadows got longer and the ocean’s waters grew darker, but it was hard to tell without seeing the sun. Daddy made the decision for them as he scanned the sky. “We should work on building a shelter.”
“Where? Here?”
He shook his head. “Beyond the tree line seems best.” Daddy scanned the sand and picked up some old shells that had washed up with the surf, then led her towards the trees.
Robin squeezed his hand for the pleasure of it. “How do we build a shelter?”
“Easy.” Daddy proceeded to show Robin the process: he took the sharpest of the shells and used its edge to cut down some of the thicker leaves growing from squat plants out of the ground; some of the leaves were as long as Robin was tall. Then he found a fallen branch long enough to suspend between two smaller, slender-trunked trees and leaned the huge tree leaves against it as an impromptu shelter. Finally, some long, thin strips of bark were used to tie the leaves to the tree branch, securing them and keeping them from falling over, while more leaves were laid down to give them some protection from the jungle floor.
“Wow, nice.”
Daddy shrugged. “It’s crude, but it’ll keep the rain and some wind off while we sleep. Next, let’s get a fire going.” Daddy collected some do the drier bits of dead leaves and old twigs and, after digging out some of the soft earth with his hands and clearing other growth away, he piled the dirt up in a circle and went to work trying to light the kindling inside it, rubbing two sticks together for friction. It took several minutes, but eventually a small fire was burning, which he added more fuel to.
“We don’t have anything to cook, though.” Robin couldn’t repress her disappointment, however happy she was for warmth.
“I’ll go see what I can find. There’s a lot of coconut trees—that’ll at least keep us hydrated in the short term.”
When he stood up, Robin started to do the same. “I’ll go with you.”
“No—stay here and feed the fire. Don’t let it go out, understand?” It was a simple command, but the look on his face and the firm tone he chose had Robin’s belly tightening up again.
“Yes, D—… Ah yes, I understand.”
“Good. I’ll be back soon.” Then Daddy turned and walked back towards the beach, leaving her behind.
Robin sat near the cover of their shelter, keeping a close eye on the fire, feeding it bits and pieces of what she had to keep it lit. The thought of his eyes and firm tone left her tingling all over, and she hoped he’d return soon.
But what would happen when he did? What if they were stuck in this place? Would he want her again? Would he keep wanting her? Did she want to open that door and see where it led them?
Yes. Robin was sure of that. Intuition told her this was no ordinary beach, that no ordinary event or had stranded them there. It was no accident he was the one she’d found, that they’d come from some place they couldn’t remember and ended up here. Her conscience was clear: the past was the past, and she was going to enjoy the present, whatever happened.
Daddy returned a short time later with a pair of green coconuts and a rock heavy enough he carried it in one hand by itself. After cracking the nuts open with it, the liquid they contained wasn’t so unpleasant, and while he slaked his thirst with one, Robin drank her fill from the other. The sticky liquid dripped off her chin, slashing across her small breasts, making her gasp and wipe her mouth dry. “Sorry.”
Daddy chuckled. “Plenty more where that came from—there’s enough trees we won’t run out for a long time.”
“Good.” She wiped up the best she could, feeling warm from the weight of his eyes. By that time, the fire was their primary source of light, and the hidden sun was almost set. The sky was awash in pale moonlight and more thick clouds. “Now what shall we talk about?”
Robin was startled. “Me?”
“Mm-hmm.” Daddy nodded, throwing the spent coconuts away from their humble campsite. Then he turned back to her, leaning in closer, sliding his tongue up across her one breast, cleaning the nipple with it, making her gasp. “Did you want me to do that, Robin?”
She shuddered. “Yes, Daddy.” As soon as she said it, her eyes went big and she bit her lip, cursing herself in silence over and over. Less than half a day of having a secret to keep and she’d already fucked it up.
But to her surprise, he gave a hard shudder and bent in closer, pressing kisses to her pale neck. “Oh, that’s nice… Say it again.”
If anything, Robin’s eyes went a little wider. He seemed to misunderstand her intentions, the meaning of the word, reacting as if she were just playing pretend. It again confirmed he still didn’t recognize her…but it also gave her another opportunity, another way to hold onto him tighter, to make him hers. The energy of that place, it rushed into and through her, giving her the voice to answer him. “Oh, Daddy!” She wrapped her arms around him, drawing him even closer as she stretched out across the soft, humble bed below their shelter of leaves. “Fuck me again, Daddy, please. I can’t get your cock out of my head, I need you inside me again. My smooth pussy wants it so bad!”
His eyes seemed to shine with the force of his hunger as he stretched out over her. His shaft twitched in her fingers. “Fuck, that’s hot,” he said, his voice a growl, hands squeezing her thighs, peeling them open again. “You wanna be my hot little beach baby and squirt all over your Daddy’s thick cock tonight?”
“Yes!” Robin cried, opening herself even wider, hands curled around her knees, her cunt wet and ready for him. “I need my Daddy’s dick inside me until he gives me every drop of his thick, hot cream!” Robin hardly recognized herself, both the sound of her voice and her highly-aroused body, so tight and tender and even shaved, tailor-made for his desires.
Daddy narrowed his eyes and sank down on top of her, pressing his mouth hard to hers, kissing her. Their tongues twisted together, moans and whining cries mingling in their mouths. His cock struck home and Robin squealed with glee, finally given the one thing she wanted more than anything on that island or in the whole world: her father’s thick, straining cock.
“Yes, Daddy, yes! Fuck me! Fuck your baby’s pussy! Holy fuck, I love it!” She let her head fall back and she screamed her pleasure into the night, savoring every second of their illicit tryst. Only in that place, it wasn’t illicit in the slightest—he didn’t know who she was, and she didn’t care who he was. The more he fucked her, the happier she was, and Robin didn’t have a single reason to stop him.
The sloppy wet sounds of his cock in her cunny, of flesh meeting flesh, of grunts and whimpered cries, it filled the jungle clearing and drowned out the nocturnal birds and ocean’s waves. Daddy picked her legs up, his hands wrapped around her ankles as he lifted Robin’s feet up high and pushed them backwards, bending her nearly in half as he thrust his hips and kept fucking her, driving his cock in deeper; his face was a snarling mask of struggling pleasure.
Robin moaned and cried, whimpered and screamed. “Daddy! Oh Daddy! Fuck my cunt, don’t stop! Fuck me, fuck your baby! Fuck…my…FUCK!” Her orgasm earned the loudest scream out of all of them, a violent sound of euphoria and need, of craving him. “CUM! CUM DADDY! CUM INSIDE ME! CUM INSIDE ME DADDY, PLEEEEEEASE!”
Daddy gave a loud, angry sound through clenched teeth as he pushed her back so hard the tips of her toes touched the ground. Her body was strained, tight, about to break. Robin shuddered and came again when she knew his orgasm had arrived at last, so strong was her craving for it. She had nothing more to say, just a long, loud moan that echoed through the trees and flowed into the empty night sky.
It was hard to tell how long Daddy held her in that position, waiting for his cock to spill all of his hot, thick jism into her waiting cunt, but he finally let her go with what seemed like a gentle effort before he turned and slumped to the ground beside her, heaving for each breath, eyes closed, trembling.
“Daddy! Daddy!” Robin was almost too weak to move herself, but found the strength to turn and cling to him, fingernails pressed into his sweaty flesh. A new, warm breeze blew over both of them, as though the night itself was trying to comfort them. Robin opened her eyes, saw him looking at her. She was still on a emotional high, still glowing from the feeling of his hot spunk leaking out of her tender quim again, but if he was angry or upset somehow, that might break her. “Is something wrong?” she asked, speaking softly.
Daddy tried to smirk, seemed to lack even the energy to do that. “You…” He took a breath. “You keep…right on calling me that. Okay?”
Her heart filled and she wanted to laugh. Instead, she settled for a smile and a happy sigh. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Good.” He nodded, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.
She watched him sleep for a moment. What he didn’t know didn’t matter—Robin would tell him when the time felt right. Until then, he’d enjoy the fantasy, and she would enjoy the truth.
That night was the first time Robin hoped they’d never be rescued.
of girl to dream often—usually she slept too heavy for dreams, or if she had them, they were difficult to recall upon waking. But the dream she experienced that night was so clear, so strong and visceral that Robin wondered if she wasn’t actually awake.
She saw herself and her father—fucking, rutting, going wild with one another. His grunts and snarls sounded angry and focused; her cries were so raw and real it almost took the real Robin’s breath away. The trees around the two lovers loomed over them, like onlookers watching their private moments of pleasure. In the distance stood the mountain, tall and green and distant, and it glowed, framed by a halo of yellow sunshine.
The mountain was watching.
The mountain approved of the lovers, of what they were doing, and it wanted even more of the same.
The mountain needed them to fuck, to want one another, to crave each another in that carnal way. The more they gave into their lust, the happier the mountain would be.
All of this Robin saw, standing distant from herself while watching herself cry out for her father’s touch, shrieked on his hard cock, wailed at being filled with his hot cum, over and over again. None of what the mountain wanted made any sense…but Robin was sure it was true.
The golden light swallowed the mountain whole, filling the sky and rushing towards where she stood over the writhing lovers as the light grew to a blinding glory. Robin was left floating in an empty haze…and then she woke up.
The ground was uncomfortably hard under Robin’s hip and bottom, and she shifted, grunting in discomfort. Her father was sleeping soundly, hardly having moved at all. The sky overhead was a pale purple with the promise of a new day coming soon; clouds were thick and white, spread from horizon to horizon. The dream was a vivid thing, fresh in her memory as though she’d watched it happen in real life. But something about it felt—
“Daddy!” There was a faraway, female voice on the morning breeze.
Robin was instantly awake. So there were others out there after all. She started, sitting straight up, giving her partner a shake. “Daddy! Wake up!”
He sniffed and snorted. “Mm? Wha—?”
“Daddy!” cried the voice again.
That time he heard it as well: his eyes popped open and he pushed up to hands and knees to look at Robin. “Someone’s out there.”
Robin nodded quickly.
“Come on.” He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to both feet. After quickly kicking sand and dirt over the remnants of the small fire, Daddy led her through the trees in the direction of the voice.
The voice didn’t call again, but they knew where it came from, walking quick and quiet, unsure of who it was or who might be with her. “She might be in danger,” Robin said, speaking softly; her heart was pounding at the back of her throat.
“Or she might be a danger,” he answered in the same voice. “Let’s stay out of sight until we spot her and whoever she’s with.” His hand tightened about her wrist, squeezing gently, as though to reassure her.
Robin kept quiet, but thought it fairly obvious who—or what—the other girl was calling for. The familiarity of that word stuck out hard to Robin like a blemish, or…well, some other part of her Daddy’s anatomy. She pushed up close next to him as he knelt down behind a hanging row of draping fronds, and together they peeked through the dark of the early morning. A light fog crept across the jungle floor, like wisps of frozen steam, but otherwise, all was silent and still.
Then Robin spotted them: a still figure lying on his back, and a girl curled up next to him, shaking as she cried—hard, bitter sobs that made Robin’s heart ache to hear them. The girl was turned away from them, which gave a view of her dark hair and even darker skin, a luscious chocolate hue that turned to softer mocha at the soles of her feet.
Robin and her father were silent as they watched the girl cry. When Robin shifted slightly on her knees, the other girl turned her head, looking in their direction—she had a pretty face with full lips, but the girl didn’t speak or cal out. Instead, she pushed back up to her knees and wiped her eyes, brushing the tears away.
“Wake up!” the girl said, giving the figure next to her a hard shake. Robin couldn’t see much of him yet, just that he had a similar complexion to the girl—dark hair, dark skin; it was too far away to catch a good glimpse of his face.
“Dad…” The girl swallowed, took a deep breath. “Wake up, Daddy!” She smacked his arm, shaking him hard until giving up to sit back on her heels.
“Should we tell her we’re here?” Daddy said, breathing the question softly into Robin’s ear. It was surprising to hear him asking her, seeking her approval, or even her permission.
“Let’s wait,” she answered, speaking in his ear just as softly.
Daddy nodded and carefully, quietly lowered himself from his crouch to a seat on the ground. Robin did the same, moving slowly to her knees, setting her bottom on her heels. The morning air was already warm, making their state of undress nothing but the slightest inconvenience.
The ebony girl rubbed her thighs with both hands, breathing in and out with quick, steady breaths as though psyching herself up for something. Robin watched from the shadows with interest, recognizing what the other girl was doing, what she was preparing herself for…which was confirmed when she bent down low, took the sleeping man’s cock in her hand and then slid it into her mouth.
It was a beautiful, seductive, wonderfully lewd thing, watching another girl suck another man’s dick. Robin fought to not go through with her usual habits: a deep breath, a sigh, shifting in her seat. She watched as if in a trance, staring at the black girl’s bottom and smooth thighs, snd the dark cleft between her cheeks. When the girl shifted her stance and opened her legs wider, Robin caught a glimpse of the girl’s pussy between her legs, a hint of bright pink amongst so much luscious brown.
The girl’s head bobbed up and down while the sound of soft slurping filled the clearing, able to be heard even above the warm breeze and rushing water in the distance. Robin couldn’t see her face, but she didn’t have to—the girl’s body was far more interesting, from the way she rolled and gyrated her ass, or how her toes pointed behind her. Robin knew that feeling well, of getting lost in the lust of the moment. It didn’t matter if there were better ways of waking a man up—what mattered was giving into the desires of the moment and savoring the feel of his cock as it swelled and filled up her mouth to overflowing.
Robin looked over at her Daddy, who once had been so quiet and cautious, but now was breathing softer and faster, his eyes locked on the girl pleasuring her man. His cock was hard, jutting up between his crossed legs.
“Damn,” he whispered, unable to look away.
The one word, the way he said it, it made Robin smile. It seemed safe to take a chance, to move while the other girl was completely focused on her task, so Robin carefully turned in her place, bending down to open her mouth. “Here, Daddy,” she whispered, before taking his cock into her mouth again, pushing down deep, her red head bobbing slowly up and down.
Daddy’s breath caught and he tensed up, stiffening in his seat; he grabbed a handful of Robin’s hair as though to pull her away, but as her head rose and fell with a quick, eager rhythm and she suckled and slurped like a happy little thing, his resistance and fear faded.
“I don’t want us to be seen!” he whispered.
Robin picked her head up and slowly stroked his wonderful cock, smiling up at him. “We won’t, Daddy.”
The black girl had finished her sucking and she was also stroking her partner, the man she called her Daddy, before crawling up across his legs—his cock was wonderfully thick and long, and Robin was slightly jealous of her, wishing her father was as big as that. It looked like the black girl was going to mount him without waiting, but then the sleeping man gave a ragged gasp and jerked awake—his face twisted up in what seemed like confusion, shock and disgust, but greater than all of those was desire.
“T-Tasha! Wha…! Oh fuck! Oh, Tasha!”
“Sorry, Daddy!” Tasha said; her face was turned away, but the sound of anguish in her voice was plain to hear. She wrapped both hands around her Daddy’s cock and slid down onto it before he could raise a hand to stop her; the sight of her dark asscheeks clenching, the tight curl of her toes, and the arching of her back burned into Robin’s brain. “Ohhhhhhhhh!” Tasha said, letting out all of her earlier fear, frustration and longing in a single moan.
“Mm! B-but—!” The black man stumbled over his words, sounding uncertain of what he wanted, of the sweet pleasure being forced upon him. His hands grabbed Tasha’s thighs and held on tight as she began to ride him, no longer having to worry about waking him up. Now, she wanted something even better: his pleasure.
Robin’s father could hardly seem to hold still, and his dick jumped and twitched in her hand. “Lie down, Daddy,” she said softly, less worried about remaining hidden and now more focused on the heat of the moment, on feeding the wild hunger waking up inside of them. He didn’t hesitate or argue, but was careful to be quiet as he leaned back on his elbows and watched Robin straddle his lap. She faced away from him, wanting to watch Tasha, to see if she could pleasure her man to completion.
Daddy’s cock was as thick and hard as before, and Robin bit her lip when her wet cunt took him inside at last, pushing down until her thighs were tight to his. She set her hands on his legs and rocked her hips, grinding his shaft deep inside her. It didn’t matter if she couldn’t remember having any other lovers, she knew that her Daddy was the best of them all.
“Do you like it, Daddy?” Tasha said, reaching back to grab her lover’s thighs, showing off her pierced pussy—Robin could see his eyes locked between Tasha’s legs. “Is my pussy good? Am I good enough to be your lover now, Daddy?”
“Tasha, this… We…!” The black man moaned and lost his voice again, his resolve weakening, breaking to pieces. “You can’t—!”
“Yes I can, Daddy, see? See?!” Tasha slammed her hips down hard atop his cock several times, making her whimper with each of the loud, brutal slaps of naked flesh. “This is your pussy now! Your pussy! You made it! Now you can fuck it as much you want!” The black girl grabbed her breasts, pushing them towards him. “These titties are yours. And this ass?” She smacked her own bottom, loud enough to make Robin wince in sympathy. “That’s my Daddy’s now, too! Can’t nobody stop me from being my Daddy’s bitch now! Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me!”
Tasha’s Daddy gasped and arched his own back, barely able to speak at all. “Tasha… Tee! Oh god!” He stopped fighting, stopped resisting, and dug his hands in tighter as her riding became more like bucking, bouncing on his lap so hard one of them was going to bruise.
Robin was caught up in the emotions of that place, feeling heat and sweat tingling all over her. She wanted to say the same thing to her Daddy, to tell him the truth, to watch him go crazy when he realized the truth. Instead, all she could do was bounce on his cock with an eager, barely-contained vigor. She bit her lip harder, wanting to moan, knowing she shouldn’t.
Now Robin was certain that this was no accident—that two daughters and their fathers just happened to wash up on the same beach. And it sounded like Tasha had memories too, at least enough to make her talk that way.
Robin couldn’t hold back anymore and started riding her Daddy’s cock with gusto, wanting to please him, to pleasure him, to make him cum again. Then she looked up, and saw Tasha looking right at her over one shoulder. For a split second, both girls locked eyes. Robin hoped Tasha wouldn’t be afraid of her, wouldn’t stop her riding, wouldn’t stop pleasuring her man.
Tasha didn’t. Robin didn’t either.
“Tasha!” The black girl’s Daddy raised his voice. All the fight had gone out of him—he was hers. “You feel so good, baby! Fuck it, give Daddy some more sugar, sweet girl. I want more of that hot little pussy! Don’t stop!”
“Yes, Daddy!” Tasha said, but she still had eyes for Robin—the black girl pushed up, turned around and buried his glistening shaft in her wet cunny without hardly even slowing down. The girls couldn’t speak to one another, so they made love to their men while watching each other. Tasha’s breasts were small like Robin’s, but not so small she couldn’t push a nipple up and swipe her tongue across it while holding Robin’s stare.
Robin leaned back, two fingers spreading her split pussy lips, baring her clit for Tasha to see. The feeling of Daddy’s cock sliding in and out was a wonderful thing, and she shuddered at the tightening of his hands.
“Gonna cum soon!” Daddy hissed, his hushed voice tight, hips trembling under Robin’s bottom.
It was impossible to know if Tasha heard him, but the dark girl raised her head and appeared to cry out for both men’s benefit, for the pleasure of them both. “Mmmm! Daddy’s cock is so big! Love feeling it stretch my little pussy! You’re so tight inside me, Daddy!”
“Tasha! Fuck!” The unnamed man dug his heels into the dirt and his fingers into his girl’s flesh, straining for every word. “Fuck it, gonna cum! Gonna fill you up good!”
“Me too!” Daddy groaned, still trying to stay quiet, even if the need for secrecy was long gone. His body twitched and shook, so close to his climax that one little push would do it.
Even Robin wasn’t immune to Tasha’s honeyed tongue: her nipples were tight and her clit was burning hot to the touch as she stroked herself openly then, wanting Tasha to see, wanting her to do the same. It took every bit of her self control not to cry out when the black girl began to flick her little bean, stroking it, working at it with a hard, vicious speed. That moment felt to Robin like both girls were pleasuring each other, trying to satisfy each other, break each other—their men were afterthoughts, there to enjoy the moment.
“Ahhh! I’m cumming Tasha! Daddy’s cumming! Daddy’s cumming!” The black man called out and breathed through clenched teeth as his climax came at last, ending his torment for the moment. At the same time, Robin’s father tightened his fingers and bucked up beneath her as he came a moment later, filling her up again, leaving his hot load buried where it belonged: deep in her cunt where not a drop would be wasted. His climax was a whisper compared to the shout of Tasha’s Daddy.
That just left the girls. Close but not finished, Tasha bit her lip, rubbed her clit and ground her bottom hard into her Daddy’s lap. “Wanna cum for you now, Daddy,” she said, moaning hard and loud. “Gonna rub my clitty before I let my Daddy feel me squirt all over his hot dick. I’m gonna… Gonna…!”
“Gonna cum!” Robin said aloud, giving up any pretense at hiding anymore. She stared Tasha down through her wet lashes and begged her to do the same with her body, her face, her shining eyes.
“Yes! Yes, I’m cumming!” Tasha called back.
As one, both girls leaned back, legs spread open, showing off their messy cunnies and swollen clits, cumming together almost like they’d planned it for that very second. The sound of both girl’s voices seemed to startle both men but they just pushed up to watch, surprised but not alarmed enough to pull away.
Robin’s climax was the hardest, hottest thing she’d ever experienced—at least, ever since the last time she’d fucked Daddy—but now she also had an audience. Straining for breath, chest heaving, lungs burning, she groaned and closed her eyes tight, watching flashes of bright color appear in her eyes while her cunt squeezed tight around his cock, still swollen and thick inside of her. Robin fell to Daddy’s chest on her back, legs pressing tight to his, bottom clenching and trembling. “Daddy! Daddy! Ohhhhhh, I’m still cumming, Daddy! Hold me, hold me tight, please! Please!”
Daddy’s arms were strong and secure about Robin’s belly as her orgasm continued, a prolonged stream of pleasure that had her shivering and moaning by the end of it. She could feel his seed trickling out of her, staining them, sealing their fate together. It marked her as his, and she sighed when she felt it again.
Those arms tightened a bit more as his voice spoke softly into her ear. “You’re not calling me that just to make sex better…are you, Robin?” His tone was soft, careful, as if asking a question he wasn’t sure how to handle.
Robin took a breath, managed not to shudder. She shook her head, afraid of what he might say, secretly thrilled at telling the truth at last. “No, Daddy,” she answered, her voice quiet in that intimate moment. “I can’t remember everything, but…I know you’re my Daddy. I knew it ever since we met on the beach yesterday.” She turned her head, looking up at him, touching his face. “Don’t be angry.”
Daddy eyes lost focus for a split second; he seems to think about it a moment, then shook his head. “I…I’m not angry, I guess. Just surprised, I think—but maybe I knew it, too.” It was hard to see his face, but Robin was sure she caught him smiling. “Guess that makes you my ‘sweet girl,’ doesn’t it?”
Robin turned around in his lap, careless of the mess, and threw her arms around him. She nodded, pressing her face tight to his neck. He didn’t seem angry, but she couldn’t stop thinking that he would be. His warm skin and tight arms felt so good at that moment.
“Well…unless either of us remember more that proves you wrong, that’s settled.” Daddy pushed up to a seated spot, pulling Robin up with him. “Now, let’s go have talk to those two and see if they know more about this place than we do.”
Robin swiped a few tears from the corner of her eyes and nodded, smiling at him. “Yes, Daddy. And thank you.”
He smirked. “Thank you. At least now we’ve got better ways to pass the time in this place than to just watch the ocean roll by. Come on.”
ecstatic, like she wanted to start bouncing up and down in place with her barely-contained excitement. Not having to keep her secret anymore was both a relief and a blessing, because now Daddy knew the real truth. When he took her hand to lead Robin across the clearing, she squeezed it tight, following behind with quick steps.
Tasha and her father were sitting up by then, and were talking softly to themselves as the other pair approached. They both looked up as Daddy smiled, gave a little wave. “Morning. My name is Blake, and this is my daughter Robin. We wanted to finally say hello.”
The black man pushed to his feet first. He was tall and somewhat lean like Daddy was, black and grey hair closely shorn to his scalp and a short, salt and pepper beard on his face and chin. His eyes were brown, and his smile looked friendly. “I’m Harold, and this is my girl, Tasha.” He gestured to the dark-skinned girl, who pushed to her feet.
“Hi,” Tasha said. She looked embarrassed, slightly sheepish, clutching her hands tight together near her waist.
“Hi!” Robin smiled at her next, wanting to ask so many questions.
Daddy interrupted: “We woke up yesterday morning on the beach, couldn’t find anyone. Then we heard you this morning.” He didn’t have to describe what they’d heard, given that all of them knew already. “How did you get here, Harold, any idea?”
Tasha and Harold looked at one another,. Harold had a slight frown on his face. “I really don’t know—latest thing I remember is Tasha waking me up just now. Before that, it’s all a blur.” He didn’t appear to have any shame about what had happened, to point it out or even make a joke about it. “Same for you?”
Daddy shook his head. “Yeah. Maybe we all hit our heads somewhere.” He gave a faint snort, as though he’d made a bad joke. “What about you, Tasha? Do you remember anything?”
Tasha pushed some hair behind her ear, looking suddenly uncomfortable. “I… No, nothing.”
“Damn.” Daddy slapped a bare leg in frustration. “Just as well, I guess.”
“So, where did you two come from?” Harold asked, before clarifying: “On this island, I mean.”
“We set up camp not too far away,” Daddy said. “C’mon, we can get another fire going.” He nodded into the trees and started in that direction.
Harold hurried to catch up. “Any food? Water?”
“We drank from coconuts yesterday,” Daddy said, “but with a little bit of work maybe we can find some other ways to forage up more food. What do you think about…” His voice got fainter as the men walked on through the trees, focused on their conversation and the issue of survival.
That left Robin alone with Tasha. The girls looked at one another for a moment, sizing each other up. Tasha was very pretty, Robin thought her, with skin the color of dark, polished wood, thick lips and heavy-lidded eyes. They were the same height and looked to be around the same age, although Tasha might’ve been a little older. Her breasts were small, like Robin’s, but with bigger nipples; like Robin, her pussy was also shaved, with a mound so smooth and lips so perfectly plump that Robin’s fingers ached with a sudden urge to touch it. The sight of the girl’s body left Robin with something warm and tense in her belly, and she forced her eyes back up, meeting Tasha’s gaze. “You remember something,” she said.
Tasha’s eyes widened slightly before she shook her head, raising a hand to object. “No, I don’t—”
“It’s okay.” Robin stopped her, taking that hand in one of hers. “I remember some things too. I knew Blake was my dad before he remembered… You knew about Harold too, didn’t you?”
Something like relief showed on Tasha’s face and she sighed, nodding softly. “Yeah… You don’t have a problem with that, do you?”
Robin fought the urge to smirk, but though that might not be the best reaction in front of a stranger. Instead, she shook her head. “You saw what happened—do you think I’ve got a problem with it?”
From the look of it, it seemed Tasha was blushing, or she would have if she’d had the complexion for it. “Nah, not after all that.”
“Exactly… How old are you, Tasha?”
“Nineteen…I think.” Tasha shrugged. “I’m pretty sure, anyway.”
“Me too.” Robin gently pulled the other girl’s hand. “Come on, we don’t want to lose them.”
They started through the trees, keeping their fathers in view through the trees. The sensation of thick leaves and soft fronds passing across Robin’s bare skin felt like smooth fingers sliding over her arms, belly and thighs. The forest was quiet around them, save for the wind and the water on the beach. “This whole place is…odd.”
“You think?” Tasha’s sarcasm was obvious.
“Sure, but… Like, how did we all get here? Why can’t they remember anything, but we can?” She turned to look at the other girl. “What do you remember?” When Tasha hesitated again, she reached out to squeeze her hand a second time. “You can tell me.”
Tasha looked out at the ocean as she answered. “I didn’t wake up on the beach. I woke up in the water.”
Tasha nodded, pushing a long frond out of the way. “I swear I thought I was dead for a second. I opened my eyes, couldn’t breathe, realized I was underwater and swam my way to the surface. When I made it to shore, I was terrified—eyes-bugged-out, panting, ready-to-piss-myself terrified. I was completely alone.” Her voice sounded panicked, enough that Robin squeezed her hand again in sympathy. When that didn’t seem to help, she impulsively turned and embraced the other girl, squeezing her tight for a long moment.
It did seem to help: Tasha’s frantic breathing slowed, and she hugged Robin tight in return before pulling away. With a silent look of thanks, the girls started walking again. “I cried myself to sleep,” Tasha continued, “but when I woke up, I saw my Dad lying there. That’s when I knew I had to…to wake him up.”
“He seemed to enjoy it,” Robin said with a smile.
Tasha didn’t look up, but she smiled too. “I remember…that we were kept apart for a long time. Something took him away from me. I don’t remember what, or who, but when I saw him lying there, I finally had a chance to make him mine again. I just had to, y’know?”
“Mm-hm. I did the same thing.” Robin took a slow breath. “I saw him sleeping in the sand, and I just had to have his cock in my mouth. I’d have died if I didn’t suck him off right there, like I couldn’t resist the urge… Did you feel that way?”
“Yeah.” Tasha sighed. “It was like someone was telling me to do it, making me need it, whispering in my ear how bad I wanted it.” She had a look like she was blushing again. “When I was bouncing on my Daddy’s cock, then watching you ride yours, that was just…amazing.” Her voice softened, as though there was any risk of being overheard. “I didn’t expect to get so carried away.”
“It’s this place, this island. That’s what I think, anyway.” Robin looked up through the jungle canopy, feeling her eyes drawn towards the mountain in the distance. She didn’t know what else to say, how to explain, but that fact that Tasha didn’t disagree told Robin she was onto something. She wasn’t ready to talk about her dream, though—that sounded too crazy.
The growing daylight made Tasha’s dark eyes shimmer in the shadows of the trees. “So… He really is your Daddy, too?” she asked, voice curious but quiet, as though speaking the truth too loudly might break the spell of that place.
Robin nodded. “Yes.” The girls stopped for a moment, turning to look out at the shining water. The beach was as pretty as a picture, stretching on into forever, a massive field of blue light. “I don’t remember spending a lot of time together with him before we got here, but I remember wanting to. I remember needing to make him happy so much, how I’d have given anything for him.” She smirked. “I guess I proved that now, but he seems happy, so I can’t complain.”
They started walking again. Robin decided she liked Tasha being there, liked holding her hand, liked staring at her body. It was as natural as if they’d always been friends. She liked the way Tasha rolled her hips when she walked, liked the bounce in her step, liked the soft surface of her tummy. Robin didn’t know if she’d liked other girls before, but Tasha was certainly first on her list that day.
“What else do you remember?” Tasha asked.
“I remember a little about myself—being a student, being taught things, but I’m pretty sure I was bad at it. I remember being unhappy, always failing or just…fucking things up.” It felt odd to be sharing memories with a stranger, but also liberating in its own way. Robin didn’t know if Daddy believed she’d been a good student, a good daughter, even a good person. Robin didn’t even know those things about herself.
Besides, Tasha felt safe. Walking with her felt good. Watching her felt good. Robin looked down and saw they’d laced their fingers together, something she couldn’t even remember doing. The visual mix of pale cream and dark chocolate digits was visually appealing, and she stared at their hands for a moment, distracted. “How did we get here?” Robin said, as much to herself as to the other girl.
Tasha shook her head. “I’ve tried and tried, and it…it’s like hitting a wall somewhere in my brain. I remember someone taking Daddy away from me—I was so angry. I cried and cried and cried.” She showed a smug little grin. “But I got him back in the end. Otherwise, I can’t remember a thing before I woke up in the ocean.”
“Yeah.” Robin sighed, pushed her hair back. “It’s all so beautiful here…but it’s hard to enjoy it with so many unanswered questions.”
The air beneath the trees, the whole world around them felt alive, like they were in the presence of some enormous, invisible thing that was watching their every move. Up ahead, the men were seated in the soft sandy earth beside the makeshift shelter she and her father had shared the night before.
“There you are,” Daddy said. “Harold and I were discussing some things we might try to make this place a little more livable.”
“Like what?”
“Like more than just having coconuts to eat.” Daddy smiled. “I think we can harvest some skewers out of some fallen branches and try to catch some fish in the shallows. You girls should gather some more fuel for another fire and find some more coconuts for drinking, until we figure out a way to harvest rainwater whenever it ever starts to rain.”
“You sound like you know something about surviving out in the wild,” Tasha said.
Daddy blinked in surprise. “I guess I do. Maybe I know a few things. In the meantime, let’s go catch some fish, Harold.”
Harold clapped his hands together. “You know that’s right.”
The men were off again, leaving Robin and Tasha to watch them go. “They’re like big kids,” Tasha said, shaking her head.
“Maybe all men are like that.” Robin grinned. “Let’s get to work. Maybe we’ll get a reward when they get back.”
“I was just thinking the same thing.”
The rest of the morning was spent gathering up the items that Daddy requested, piling up what the girls hoped was a decent collection of dried kindling, and gathering enough coconuts so that each of them could stay refreshed for another day or two. Tasha proved to be an excellent climber of palm trees, and she shimmied up one, hugging the smooth trunk as she went. Robin got an unobstructed view of the black girl’s ass and pussy as she went up and down, too, which was a nice bonus.
The sun was hidden behind clouds again, but the day’s heat was more oppressive than yesterday, falling over them like a moist, weighted blanket. Daddy’s makeshift shelter provided a decent amount of shade even with the tall trees around them, so the girls laid out together on their backs, listening to the ocean, enjoying what breezes they could feel. Their fathers were still gone, off catching fish, and they were all alone.
“I don’t know if I’m ready for this,” Tasha said in a low, tired voice.
Robin turned her head, saw the black girl’s face and body in profile. She was studded with sweat, glistening in the warm light. “For what?”
Tasha clenched both hands in her scalp in frustration. “For this, for being here, living like this! It’s so…so quiet! So slow!”
“What’s wrong with it? Do you remember anything about how you used to live?” Robin rolled to one side, resting her head on one hand while the other slid unseen lines across her own upraised hip.
Tasha opened her mouth to argue, then closed it. She looked over at Robin with a hint of frustration. “No, but I don’t think it was like this: no shelter, no food, nothing to even lie down on.”
“There’s the ground, for now. Or…” Listening to those urges again that both were and weren’t her own, Robin turned and slid on top of Tasha, straddling her hips, grabbing hold of her shoulders. Their sweaty flesh slithered together; their breasts pressed tight to one another. The feeling of the black girl’s sweet mound on hers was enough to make Robin bite her lip and give a little moan of pleasure.
Tasha gasped, looking up at Robin, eyes a little wide but more in surprise, not anger. “…or what?”
“Or on top of someone else,” Robin answered with a teasing smile. She rocked her hips, the same way she did with Daddy, rubbing their soft, sweaty pussies together. She took a soft breath and turned her head to one side, letting her hair fall down. “Assuming that someone doesn’t mind, of course.”
Those words made Tasha pause, having to consider them for a moment. “I don’t,” she finally said, swallowing. “I just don’t know…if I ever had another girl on top of me before.” Her brown eyes shone in the daylight, so bright and alluring.
Robin leaned down, rolled her hips again. She pressed several kisses to Tasha’s breasts, suckling gently on each nipple. “Me neither,” she answered, her voice soft and warm. “But you can be the first.” Robin could feel the mountain’s presence in that moment, reminding her of the dream, of knowing it wanted her to feed her lust as much as she could.
The sound of Tasha’s heavy breathing made Robin smile. Before the girl could answer, she reached down between those lovely brown legs and slid a pair of fingers over that smooth mound, rolled her clit about with a slow, teasing caress.
“Robin!” Tasha gasped and pushed up her hips; her legs opened as if she’d been commanded to do it. “Oh god!” The other girl’s voice was so, so sweet. “B-but what if our Daddies find out?” she asked, her voice tense and afraid.
“They won’t—not unless we want them to,” Robin said. She felt powerful, totally in control of Tasha at that moment. After being her Daddy’s willing lover, it was nice to be the one in charge, for a change. She liked it. “Still want more?”
“Yes! Yes, more!” Tasha whimpered and clung to Robin’s shoulders tight, even digging her fingernails in. “Please!”
Robin smirked to herself, sliding over to straddle Tasha’s thigh, grinding herself against it with a slow, heavy pressure that left her with a slippery heat between her legs. Her slender fingers slid inside of Tasha’s waiting pussy, moving in and up, searching for the sweet spot that she knew was there.
“Ah! Oh fuck! Yes, right there!” Tasha threw her head back and groaned, rocking her hips and bottom on the ground. The warm wind picked up, sliding over their bodies, wicking some of the sweat away but leaving even more of it behind. The ocean roared in answer to Tasha’s pleasure.
“You like that, Tasha?” Robin asked, speaking low, a lustful hum in her voice. “Like when I stick my fingers inside you?”
“Y-yes! Yes! Please don’t stop!” Tasha sounded close to tears as sweat beaded and slid down her cheeks and temples. Her eyes were closed but her thick lips were wide open, panting quick and fast—it was such a raw, honest, beautiful display of desire that Robin couldn’t look away. She kissed the other girl, something she’d never considered trying before that moment.
Tasha gasped in surprise, then moaned into Robin’s mouth, throwing her arms about the girl’s neck and holding on tight. The kiss went on and on, even as Robin’s fingers slid out of Tasha’s cunt and began to swirl her pink nubbin with a fast, circular motion that got a very vocal response. “Mm! Mm! Feels so good, Robin, so fucking good! Play with my clitty, you’re making me so wet! Mmmmmm!”
They felt so good together. It wasn’t like sex with Daddy—that felt amazing, even wonderful, but so far he’d shown himself to be a forceful lover that needed to overpower her, to pin Robin down and take his pleasure from her. Sex with Tasha was like being offered pleasure instead, putting Robin in control. It was an addictive feeling, one she intended to take advantage of.
“Yeah, you do like that,” Robin said, lowering her voice, clenching her teeth. “I knew you would. Not even your Daddy has made you this wet, has he?” She smacked Tasha’s clit, a moist slap to the girl’s tender cunny; Tasha squealed and opened her legs even wider, heaving for breath, unable to speak at that moment. Robin smacked it again, quick repetitive little slaps of pain and pleasure, making Tasha’s dark chocolate hips jump each time. Her pussy was visibly soaked by that time, gaping wide open, craving the cock that Robin couldn’t give her.
But Robin still had her fingers. She pushed two inside again, began pumping her lover’s soaked quim hard and fast, pushing her own pleasure aside for a moment as she forced Tasha to accept more and more of it. “Listen to that!” Robin said. “Listen to how wet you are! You gonna cum, Tasha?”
“Yessssssss!” Tasha’s hiss was followed by an orgasm so strong Robin could feel the girl’s pussy clench around her fingers, wrenching down tight as though not wanting Robin to pull out. Tasha moaned through her open mouth, her body gone taut, tiny breasts pushed up high. She came so hard, so strongly that it poured over Robin’s fingers and palm as the girl squirted, unable to control her own body for that one, glorious moment.
Robin had never seen such a thing happen. She couldn’t remember if she’d ever fucked another girl before, or watched one squirt, or felt another girl cum on her fingers. She ached for relief, to be satisfied herself, but Tasha’s orgasm was a pleasure all it’s own to watch up close. Robin wondered if she looked as beautiful as that when she was riding Daddy’s cock or writhing under him, clinging tight to him, pleading for his seed.
After a long moment pierced by the prolonged sound of Tasha’s moaning, the black girl ran out of breath and collapsed to the ground. She was trembling in fits and jerks, eyes still closed with mouth wide open; her breathing was hard and deep, heaving, desperate for each new breath. “Holy fuck,” she finally said, pausing to swallow. “I…” Her dark eyes opened, looking up at Robin with some mixture of lust, surprise and fear. “Why did you do that?”
Robin slid her fingers free of Tasha’s pussy, shaking some of the clinging moisture away. She sniffed them, curious, and slid the pair into her mouth: the taste had a hint of bitterness, but she suckled them clean. “I just wanted to, I guess. Or—”
“Or you had to,” Tasha answered, her breathing more under control. “The feeling was too strong not to do it.”
Robin paused, finally nodding. “Yes.” They met each other’s eyes. “I told you, it’s this place—it’s…changing us.”
“Into what, though?” Tasha pushed up to a seated position. She looked up through the trees to the mountain in the distance, green and dark, filling up the sky.
Robin followed the other girl’s line of sight, recalling her dream once again. “Last night, before Daddy and I found you two…I dreamt about it.” She didn’t define what she was referring to, but Tasha didn’t seem to need her to. “I saw Daddy and me having sex, the hardest and wildest sex I could ever imagine. And then I saw it…it felt almost like it was watching us. It wants us to have sex, to have pleasure, as much of it as possible. It wants us to be here—that’s what it felt like.”
“You mean the mountain.”
Robin nodded. “Mm-hm. Or, maybe I’m wrong—it was only a dream.”
“But why? Why would…something…manipulate us that way? It’s wrong.” Tasha hugged her arms around herself, as though she were suddenly cold.
“I don’t know. Maybe we’ll never know.” Robin stood up, reaching down for Tasha’s hand. “They’ve been gone a long time. Let’s go wash off and see if they’ve caught any fish yet.”
shelter of the trees and walked down the sandy bank towards the ocean. Sweat and moisture clung to Robin’s skin, slick between her thighs and down her legs. The warm air felt different again, even as a cooler breeze blew in from the water, giving her a chill l as it came.
“Robin.” Tasha spoke as they walked, but kept her eyes on the water ahead.
“Do youthink that something in this place brought us here? I mean—maybe not the mountain you said you dreamt about, but… Something, somewhere, that’s watching us right now.” The girl spun her arms in a big circle, encompassing the entire island in one motion. “Is that even possible?”
Robin chose her words very carefully as they reached the edge of the surf, letting it rush over their toes. “I think that something brought us here, did something to our brains, and is pushing us to do things we might not have ever thought to try before now. I mean…” She laughed, but it was a dry kind. “We just had sex! I don’t know if I’ve ever slept with other girls before! I don’t know if I would’ve ever had sex with my Dad, either, and now I’ve done both of those things. And I liked it.”
“Would you ever want to do it again?” Tasha asked.
Robin smiled. “I would. Maybe this place is making me want that, maybe it isn’t. I don’t think any of that matters anymore—we’re here, so we may as well make the best of it.”
Tasha took Robin’s hand, held it tight as they walked into the warm water and crouched down together. After dipping her head in and swiping her hair back, Robin scrubbed the sweat away from her skin, her underarms, rubbed down between her legs to clean the remnants of her desire—her pussy was tingling from just the slightest caress and Robin repressed an urge to moan in frustration.
“I don’t know what to think,” Tasha said. “There has got to be some logical explanation for all of this…right?” She looked at Robin, doubt plain on her pretty face.
Robin shrugged one shoulder above the water’s rippling surface. “Maybe, but I’m not counting on it.”