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Roommate With Benefits

Aric Lanewood


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Roommate With Benefits

Summoned From the Lower Realms, Volume 2

Aric Lanewood

Published by Lane’s Forest, 2024.

As Leo finished his afternoon breakfast he was able to pull his thoughts together properly. He decided that while Rien seemed to be an okay guy and the night before had been out of this world, He was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to get along with a demon on a day to day basis. He would have to let Rien down easy and hope that things worked out well.

“So,” Leo began after he ate the last bite of his muffin, “last night was really amazing...”

“But you don’t think having a literal demon around is a good fit for your life?” Rien interjected accurately.

Leo was shocked by the precision of Rien’s words. He didn’t think he was an open book, he had even been told in the past by people around him that he was hard to read. He was too stunned to continue his speech and just closed his mouth as Rien continued.

“I’m not going to beg or anything, but just hear my proposal and if you don’t like it, I’ll take off.” Leo nodded and Rien resumed his pitch. “I don’t know exactly how much you’re paying in rent and utilities for this place, but I can pay half the rent. As far as utilities go, I can instead do all of the chores.”

Leo's mind lit up at this possibility. He had needed a roommate for a while, but his personality never seemed to mesh right with anyone that he had cohabited with before. It made him leery to try again, but a trial period with Rien couldn’t be any worse than the time he jumped into a year long contract with what proved to be his polar opposite.

“Okay, we can try it for a couple months.” Leo said, then he remembered what Rien had said the night before about needing human energy. “I do have some questions though,” he added slowly.

“Ask away.” Rien said brightly with a smile.

“Okay, so what about ‘human energy’?” Leo asked with air quotes.

“Oh, that’s... hmm, what’s the human word? A person who you just have sex with because you both want to feel good and nothing more committal?”

“Do you mean friends with benefits?” Leo offered.

“Yes! Those’re the words.” Rien said while excitedly pointing. “It would be like a friends with benefits arrangement on the side.”

Leo wasn’t well versed in these kinds of relationships. If Rien was prepared to not commit fully to a relationship, then it should be easier if Leo felt like they needed to split up later. Leo hoped that this would work out though. It was the best arrangement he had ever been offered to be part of in his adult life. Ignoring the sex, someone paying half the rent and doing the cleaning was more than he had ever received in his previous roommate situations.

“We can try it.” Leo said, not wanting to sound too eager. After another pause to finish his coffee Leo opened his mouth to ask if Rien would like them to do something together, but he only got the first sound out as Rien started speaking.

“I’m going to take an incredibly long bath. I’m too dirty and not hungry enough to entertain, so it’s going to be a private affair.” He announced, not even acknowledging Leo starting to speak. All Leo felt he could do was nod in reply.

Rien hadn’t left much room for any other kind of response. There was the toilet and sink downstairs so Leo wasn’t really concerned with needing access to the upstairs bathroom. With his new roommate locked away, he went about his day off like he was alone. His mind kept drifting back to the way Rien had made him feel the night before. Every time he thought about it, it would send him down a mental spiral. How was it even possible for him to experience that kind of pleasure with a complete stranger? Was it only because his partner had been infernal? These questions weren’t really going to go anywhere, so he would shake himself a little and dial back into a screen, and tried his best to distract himself with the mundane.

After a few hours of tv and scrolling on his phone, Leo was starting to get hungry. He peeled himself off the couch to go check the fridge and opened the door to look around. He knew what he had stocked the fridge with and settled on making rice. As he grabbed some vegetables and closed the door Rien suddenly appeared within his field of vision, and startled Leo enough to make him jump and almost drop a carrot. His fumbling catch put everything else in his arms in an awkward position, making it easier for Rien to take the ingredients from him.


That was a preview of Roommate With Benefits. To read the rest purchase the book.

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