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Caitlyn & the Photographer



Caitlyn & the Photographer

By Mandurah

Description: Caitlyn tries her hand at modeling with a professional photographer. Romance? Check. Consensual? Check. Erotic, Exhibitionism, BDSM, Incest, Group Sex? Check Check Check Check and Check! A wild, lusty adventure that *checks* all the boxes, mixing teens with non-teens in every conceivable sexual tryst you could imagine!

Tags: Consensual, Teen, Romance, Erotic, Incest, Exhibitionism, Older, BDSM, Sex Toys, Group Sex

Published: 2023-02-27

Size: ≈ 37,584 Words

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Caitlyn and the Photographer

by Mandurah

©Copyright 2023 Mandurah

Part One

After returning from my stay with Erin on her parent’s farm, there were still two weeks of the school holidays left, and I spent most of that time with Ruth, who had become one of my closest friends. We would go to the beach or meet up with friends for coffee, go shopping, or spend time at our houses having a great time around the pool.

My phone rang. I looked at the display and saw it was Ruth.

“Hi, Ruth. What’s happening?”

“Hi, Caitlyn, nothing much but would you like to go to the beach tomorrow? There’s a group of us going. Me and Caleb, a couple of his mates and their girlfriends, and I thought you might like to come along as well.”

“Oh, yeah, right? I’ll be the single girl amongst three couples. With you lot having a wow of a time while I play with myself.”

“No, you won’t. Jacob is coming too. He’s single, so if you want to play. I’m sure Jacob won’t mind.”

“Stop it, Ruth. I didn’t mean it like that. You’re trying to set me up again, aren’t you?”

“No, I just don’t want you left out, you know. Jacob’s a good guy, and I’m sure he isn’t expecting it to be like a date. So are you cool and coming or not?”

“Okay, but don’t get your hopes up that Jacob and I will become an item. I want to play the field, you know, date different guys, and have lots of fun.”

“Oooooh, are you going to become the year eleven school slut?” Ruth said teasingly.

“No, I don’t want to be known as a slut. I want to date guys and maybe have sex if I like them. I’m sure you and Caleb are already having lots of sex.”

“Of course we do. We fuck like rabbits.” Ruth said innocently, then cracked up laughing.

“Oh, you shit.” Then, I agreed to go down to the beach with them.

Jacob came to pick me up around ten thirty the next day, and it was already hot. Then, it was down to the tourist beach in Bunbury.

Each couple was coming separately, so we waited for everyone to arrive at the parking lot before wandering to the beach. Four sixteen-year-old, sexy-looking girls wearing short shorts and tank tops. With four hot eighteen-year-old guys wearing boardies and t-shirts. You could say we looked like four hot couples.

We found a spot and set up camp by dropping our towels on the sand, and we girls removed our shorts and tops. The poor guys just had to stop and stare at us as we disrobed. Me, Ruth, and Mia. Wore tiny G-string bikinis. You know, the ones with a bit of fabric that hides your pubic hair and two small triangular patches to cover your nipples. Amelia wore hi-cut bikini bottoms with a matching string top. I heard the four guys groan as we dropped our shorts and peeled off our tank tops, revealing our great-looking asses and slim bodies to them. Of course, we bent over when we kicked our shorts off, followed by lots of stretching after discarding our tops.

No sooner were we down to our swimwear than we had got the sunscreen out and waved it at our guys, the invitation clear. Come on guys rub it on us.

I dropped onto my towel and lay on my tummy looking at Jacob. He was unsure if he should do the same as the other guys. We weren’t a couple, after all. So I said, “Jacob will you please rub this on my back?”

“Sure,” he eagerly replied.

He took the tube, running a generous amount of cream down my spine, his firm hands gently rubbing the lotion into my skin. I put my hands behind my back, unfastened my bikini top, and let the strap fall to my sides. Jacob pushed his luck by rubbing his hands up and down the sides of my body several times, his fingers gently caressing the side of my boobs. It felt nice, and if he had continued doing it, I wouldn’t have complained, but he didn’t go any further.

The other three couples soon began kissing. Gabriel pulled Amelia on top of him, and she quickly ground her hips into his groin. Mia sat astride Henry, rubbing her hands up and down his hairy chest, and bent down to kiss him. I only had a side view of those two, but Mia’s arse looked great, and her g-string was invisible, as it fit snugly between her butt cheeks. Ruth and Caleb faced each other as they lay on their sides, kissing. Caleb ran his hand up and down the side of Ruth’s body, occasionally stopping to feel her breast. It seemed like Ruth had her hand inside Caleb’s boardies, judging by the angle of her arm. Jacob and I had the pleasure of watching what was going on between the three couples.

After all the smooching was over, we went for a quick dip to cool down or for the guys to lose their hard-ons. The passion soon increased again as the girls jumped up and wrapped their legs around their boyfriend’s waists while placing their hands behind their necks, leaning in, and began hotter kissing while their boyfriends groped their sexy arses. Even though Jacob was around, I felt like a third wheel.

Back on the beach, I noticed a guy in the distance walking in our direction. He wore long pants, a short-sleeved shirt, a classic Panama hat, a large bag over his shoulder, and what looked like four cameras hanging around his neck. He would randomly stop, select a camera, and take pictures, towards the ocean or the crowded beach.

I noticed he spoke with several couples and took pictures of them, obviously after they gave their consent. Or maybe he was touting for business. I’ll take your photo for a price, I thought.

Eventually, he made it up to our group, a smile on his face as he approached. “Good afternoon, guys. Are you having a great time at the beach? Huh, nice hot day for it. Maybe I should be in boardies too instead of looking for new business.

“By the way, my name is Arthur Boner. I’m a freelance photographer and always on the lookout to find the next supermodel. Maybe one of you girls? Hey, have you thought about that before?”

The guys laughed at his surname, and we girls giggled. “Fuck off, you pervert,” Gabriel said.

The photographer looked at Gabriel and let out a little laugh. “Wow, dude, nice welcome. It’s okay, I’m used to it and not offended, but please, I like to meet young people and let them know what I do. Would you allow me to show you some of my work?” He said as he looked towards me.

I noticed he was easygoing and laid back and didn’t get offended when told to “Fuck off.” He seemed very approachable and had a charming disposition, despite teasing us four girls about becoming a model.

Arthur took the large bag off his shoulder, put it on the sand, and pulled out some albums. “Here, girls, have a look at a few of the portraits I have created for some of my models.”

Arthur handed the albums to me, and the other three girls quickly came around to have a look. The shots looked super impressive.

As we looked through the albums, Arther put his hands together, imitating a camera lens, and he moved around as though he was taking pictures of the girls. Making us laugh and giggle. “Oh, yes girls, you are very photogenic.” How bloody corny, I thought to myself as I glanced over at Ruth, who had her fingers down her throat, making choking noises.

Although Arthur said we all looked photogenic, he singled me out by looking at me longer than the other girls and said, “You look to be very interested in the photos, young lady. May I ask you your name?”

“Don’t trust him.” Jacob said before continuing, “He’s trying to get into your panties. It’s how these sleazebags work.”

I ignored Jacob before replying, “My name is Caitlyn,” I said nervously.

“Thank you, Caitlyn. I’m pleased to meet you. Have you ever thought of becoming a model? Your face and figure tell me you would look great in front of the camera.”

Not only was I flattered and embarrassed at what Arthur said. I had been told countless times that "I looked like a model.” Now, an actual professional photographer was telling me the same. Maybe I could become a model. Who knows, even a supermodel? I had stars in my eyes, dreaming about what I could become.

“How about you, mate? Can you tell me your name? And are you Caitlyn’s boyfriend?” Arthur asked, turning to Jacob.

“I’m not your mate, and I’m not Caitlyn’s boyfriend. And my name is none of your business. Caitlyn, please don’t trust this guy. He’s after something, and we all know what that is.”

“Caitlyn, can you please tell me how old you are?”

“Sure, Arthur, I’m sixteen, and the guy giving you a hard time is called Jacob.”

“Caitlyn, you shouldn’t have told him my name,” Jacob shouted angrily.

“Chill, Jacob, come and look at the profile of this model. She looks stunning. Maybe that could be me one day.” But Jacob refused to come over and look at the album.

“Girls, I can see you are very interested in the photos. How would you like to come down to my studio so I can show you around? Your boyfriends are welcome too. It’s only a short drive down the road, and I won’t take much of your time.”

Oh my gosh. Now Arthur wants to show us his studio, like wow. “Ruth, what do you think? Mia, Amelia, do you believe Arthur? I mean, these portfolios look shit-hot.”

“Go for it, Caitlyn. I’ll come with you. What about you two?” Ruth said excitedly.

“Yeah, we girls should all go. One of you guys could drive us. Any volunteers, guys?” Amelia asked.

“Guys, would you like to come too?” I asked.

“Nah, we’re good. Why don’t you girls have a look at Arthur’s place,” Henry replied.

Gabriel spoke up. “Hey, Arthur, my mates and I don’t trust you, but you’ve convinced the girls to go to your studio. Let me tell you this. If they come back upset or tell us you’ve touched them in any way whatsoever, you will get the kickin of your life, and your fingers will be so busted. You will never take another photo again. Do you fucking understand? Sleazebag?’

“Sorry, I don’t know your name, but I’ve been a professional photographer for over twenty-five years. Do you think I would have survived and created a studio if I was some sort of sleazebag? No, my intentions are honourable, and that is why I invited you and your mates.”

“Okay, but remember, you have been warned.”

Once everyone had settled down, Caleb said, “Guy’s. I’ll take the girls and go in with them, so I can make sure nothing happens?” Even though Caleb said he would stay, I could still sense hostility from the other guys.

“Okay, Arthur, you’ve got a deal.”

Caleb drove us to the studio, and Arthur gave us the tour as promised. The set-up was amazing. Pictures of various age models adorned every wall. Swimwear, lingerie, clothing, portraits of families, and wedding photos were examples of what was on display. It was impressive. It seemed to cover everything you could want from a professional photographer and set my mind at rest. I noticed several small booths, and when I went into them. I saw they were mini studio sets.

I wandered around the corner into a more secluded area, and my eyes shot wide in amazement as I entered the “Erotic photo area.” There were several black-and-white photos on display.

Naked couples were kissing. Single girls were in rope bondage, fellatio, cunnilingus, caught on camera and open display. One scene blew me away. A girl was lying on the bed, and her guy was next to her head, on his knees. She had her hand wrapped around his erection. Well, not really. His girth was so large she couldn’t wrap her hand all the way around as she sucked on his balls; his hand was reaching towards her pussy. It was so erotic; I began to drool and get turned on just by looking at it, and I thought if he put his cock in you, he would split you in half. I was mesmerised, and so were my three friends. After looking around the studio and through the galleries, I could see Arthur was very professional and aboveboard, and strangely, I felt comfortable around him.

I felt an arm go around my shoulder. “I see you have found the most exciting and complex part of photography. Erotica?”

“Sure have Arthur and that couple where the girl is sucking the guy’s balls. Well, that’s getting me worked up. But why is it complex?”

“You need to get the mood and setting right. Otherwise, it just comes out like porn. That’s the difference to get it looking exciting without being degrading. That’s the hard part. You need skill as a photographer, but, the model needs to be at ease with what she is doing. It's what turns it into art and not smut. It’s the same with writing. There’s erotica, and then there’s just porn. If you’ll pardon my phrase, 'just stroke stories.'

“I’m thrilled that these excite you. Would you like to give it a go? Posing, not like these, of course. Come over to one booth, and let me take a few photos of you in your bikini. So you can get the feel. All at no charge.”

Arthur still had his arm around my shoulders as he guided me into a booth. My three friends and Caleb watched but kept out of the way. Arthur went and got one of his cameras and called out, “Okay, Caitlyn, just do what I say, and it will be a piece of cake.”

My mouth was dry, and my tummy was doing cartwheels. I felt so nervous. I looked at my three friends, who smiled and waved at me. Ruth called out, “You’ve got this, Babe. You’re the next supermodel.”

I dropped my shorts, peeled off my top, and waited for Arthur to tell me what to do.

“Easy one first, Caitlyn. Smile, look towards the camera, and bend your right knee towards your left. That’s it, good girl.’

“Turn your upper body to the left and run your hands through your hair, and do the same, turning to the right. You’re a natural kid. You’re making this look easy.”

I was so relieved to hear Arthur say that. I had been, shitting myself, thinking, am I about to blow my audition. If that what this is?

“Bend over from the waist, looking towards the camera, and give me a pouty look, gradually working into a smile. That’s it. You’re doing great. You’d think you had done this before. The camera loves you, girl.”

The motor drive in the camera was constantly whirring away as Arthur took shot after shot. He would move around, lay on the floor, and come in close, all the time leaving me in one pose. He made it look effortlessly easy.

Arthur grabbed a sheepskin rug, put it on the floor, and asked me to lie on my tummy. “One last scene now, Caitlyn. Put your elbows on the ground, your chin in your hands, and smile. Fantastic, super. Oh, you look great.”

Arthur went behind me and said, “I’m going to position your legs on how I want you for these last few shots.” Arthur bent my legs before opening them a touch, slightly exposing my crotch, but it felt like he held them a little longer than he should, and I’m sure I heard him let out a soft groan. He slapped my exposed arse cheeks when he got up. “Perfect, perfect, so sexy. You look absolutely stunning, so adorable.”

After a few more shots, “Okay, Caitlyn, all finished. What do you think?”

“What do I think? I loved it. When can I do more?”

“Well, if you want to become a model, you need a portfolio that is to be shown to any prospective client. A shoot for a professional-level portfolio would cost you around a thousand dollars. Do you have that sort of money available? And besides that, you need to sign a contract and have your parents sign it too, as you are only sixteen. And to show you, I’m not trying to hide anything. There is a clause in the contract about nudity.”

“No, I don’t have the money. I know I can get it from Mum, but I didn’t want to tell her about this...” I hesitated a bit before continuing, “Can I work it off, you know, by you keeping some of the money I would make until I have paid the thousand dollars back?”

Arthur hesitated before he replied with a smile. "For you, Caitlyn, no problem. Be back here tomorrow at nine with plenty of bikinis and underwear. I’ll have a hairdresser and makeup artist here so they can do your hair and makeup before we start the shoot, and by the way, if you’re going to be one of my models, you can call me Arty.’

“Shall we fill out the contract now? Then you can take it home with you. Have your mum or dad sign it and return it to me tomorrow?”

“Sure, Arty.” Arty completed the form and gave it to me so I could take it home for Mum to sign.

Wow, I never thought things would move so fast. I’m about to sign up to become a model. Talk about exciting. Fuck. Things like this rarely happen to me.

Returning to the beach, Mia said, “I’m so envious. I wish I could be a model like you. You looked so good when Arthur was snapping all those pics. Yeah, I bet it will be so glamorous.”

“Hey, Mia, I’m not a model, not yet anyway, but maybe I will someday.”

“With your body and looks, you’ll have no trouble. You’ll make a fortune one day.”

We were no sooner back at the beach than it was time to go home. I hitched a ride with Ruth and Caleb. I didn’t want to be grilled by Jacob on the photo shoot and him not trusting Arty.

“Hi, Mum,” I called out when I arrived home, but got no answer. I went out the back and found Mum sunbathing naked, working on her all-over tan, with earbuds sticking out of her ears, listening to music, I guessed.

I splashed Mum with some water from the pool. Mum’s eyes shot wide open. “Caitlyn, you little bugger, you scared me.”

“Sorry, Mum, but I have this form I need you to sign.”

We returned to the house, and I gave Mum the form.

“Arthur Boner Photography,” Mum said aloud as she read the header. She kept repeating it over and over. Then the look on her face changed to one of dismay before screaming. Then she said excitedly, “Arthur Boner Photography, wow Caitlyn, do you know who this guy is?”

“A photographer?” I replied questionably.

“Only the best around this area. I have booked flights for Arthur and his models to go to Sydney, London, and Paris,” Mum said rapidly, as her exuberance overflowed, then continued, “Where do I sign? You couldn’t be in better hands, and he may turn you into a top model.’

“Do you fully understand that by signing this form, both you and I agree to let Arthur take topless, and even nude shots of you, don’t you?”

“Yes, Mum. I know nudity comes with modelling. But can we keep this to ourselves? I’m not sure Dad would be happy if he knew I was likely to be topless or naked while being photographed. He’d probably want to punch Arthur’s lights out.”


That was a preview of Caitlyn & the Photographer. To read the rest purchase the book.

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